Vocabulary Quiz Earth`s Layers & Continental Drift

Vocabulary Quiz
Matching: For each section, place the letter on the line which best matches each term with its’ description.
Do Not draw lines! If I get confused, then it must be wrong!
Part I Continental Drift
_______1. Continental Drift
A. the supercontinent hypothesized by Alfred Wegener
_______2. Pangaea
B. Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis that the continents were once joined
together and have broken and drifted apart
_______3. Mid-Ocean Ridges
C. result of Wegener’s hypothesis that the lithosphere is made up of huge
tectonic plates that move over Earth’s surface
_______4. Convection Current
D. huge underwater mountain ranges
_______5. Plate Tectonics
E. when the hot, soft rock on the asthenosphere rises, cools and then
sinks in a continuous motion
_______6. Plate Boundary
F. formed when two plates move apart at a divergent boundary and
molten rock rises to the Earth’s surface creating new crust
_______7. Divergent Boundary
G. where two plates scrape together
_______8. Convergent Boundary
H. place where the edges of two plates meet
_______9. Transform Boundary
I. boundary where two plates push together
_______10. Rift Valley
K. boundary where two plates move apart
Part I Continental Drift Score
Part II Earth’s Layers
_______11. Lithosphere
L. hot softer part of the mantle that the lithosphere sits on top of
_______12. Asthenosphere
_______13. Crust
_______14. Mantle
_______15. Core
P. made of the crust and top part of the mantle
Part II Earth’s Layers Score _____________