Genetics Jeopardy 2008

Genetics Jeopardy 2008
Intro to Genetics I
100 the father of Modern Genetics
200 a characteristic that a parent can pass to offspring
300 phenotype
400 genotype
500 an alternate form of a gene
Intro to Genetics II
100 which chr. pairs are autosomes
200 which chr. pairs are sex chromosomes
300 how many total chrs. in a normal human body cell
400 how many total chrs. in a normal human sex cell
Gregor Mendel
the physical appearance of an organism
the genetic make-up of an organism
the non-sex chrs. (pairs 1-22)
pair # 23 (X & Y)
Probability & Punnett Squares
100 Probability
what is most likely to happen
200 If a family has five sons and three daughters.
What is the probability that the next child will be a female?
1 in 2 or 50:50 or 50%
300 what # of trials will be closest to the expected probability:
10,100,1,000, 10,000
400 what effect previous events have on future outcomes
Genetics Concepts
100 definition of a polygenic trait
200 definition of a codominant trait
300 an example of a multiple allele trait
400 an example of incomplete dominance
500 an example of a sex-linked trait
influenced by genes on more than one chromosome
has two alleles that are both dominant & will both show if
ABO blood groups
snapdragon flower color
hemophilia, red/green color blindness
Sex determination & Meiosis Part I
100 definition of Meiosis
200 when crossing-over takes place
300 diploid number of chrs. for humans
400 haploid number of chrs. for humans
500 definition of homologous chrs.
making of sex cells
meiosis I
pair of chrs. containing genes for the same traits
Sex determination & Meiosis Part I
100 which parent determines the sex of the child
200 definition of gamete
300 Chr. # in a human gamete
400 Chr. # in a human germ cell
500 where a sex-linked gene is found
sex cell
on the X chr.
Human Genetic Disorders
100 red blood cells are abnormal in shape
200 patients die before age 5
300 breathing problems & salty skin
400 requires special diet to avoid mental retardation
500 symptoms appear at 35-40 years of age
Sickle-cell Anemia
Cystic Fibrosis
Huntington’s Disease