DIFFUSION AND MASS TRANSFER IN SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS by PABLO G. DEBENEDETTI Ingeniero Quimico Universidad de Buenos Aires (1978) S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December 1984 O MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part.. Signature of author ................... i..... ...... En i eering Department of Chemic eeebr 1984 NJ ............. Professor Robert C. Reid Thesis Supervisor Certified by ..................................--- Professor Ulrich W. Suter Thesis Supervisor _. -· %.- .- ............... Accepted by ............................... 1.ASSAiHUSETcThLN-i? Chairman, Departmental Committee OFTECHNOLOGYraduate Studies on Graduate Studies FEB 1 3 1985 LIBRARIES' ARCHIVES DIFFUSION AND MASS TRANSFER IN SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS by Pablo Gaston Debenedetti Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on December 18 th, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT The different pressure dependence of fluid density and viscosity in going from the dilute gas to the dense fluid state gives rise to kinematic viscosities which, in the near supercritical region (1<Pr<4 ; 1<TrY1.1) are exceptionally low. The density gradients which exist in any mass transfer situation will, in the presence of a gravitational field, cause buoyancy-driven currents which, for a given geometry and Reynolds number, are two orders of magnitude higher than in ordinary liquids (the comparison being based upon the ratio of characteristic buoyant and inertial forces). The diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid and naphthalene in supercritical SF6 , and of benzoic acid and 2-naphthol in supercritical CO2 were measured with a hydrodynamic technique. Analysis of the data suggests that hydrodynamic behaviour at the molecular level is approached as a high viscosity limit. When experiments were conducted in the presence of bouyant currents, significant mass transfer enhancements were observed. The solution to the problem of diffusion in a finite rectangular duct is presented in analytical and graphical form. An analysis of diffusion in the light of irreversible thermodynamics leads to the new concept of infinite dilution fugacity coefficient, and to an accurate and simple expression for the composition dependence of the fugacity coefficient. The form and asymptotic behaviour of this expression have interesting thermodynamic implications. The behaviour of the system CO,-benzoic acid at solute infinite dilution was studied by molecular dynamics simulation of the motion of 107 CO,2 and 1 benzene molecules, respectively, modelled as rigid polyatomics. The different symmetry of CO2 and benzene required the implementation of two different algorithms within the same computer program. The binary diffusion coefficient and its temperature and density dependence, as well as solvent velocity and C-C radial distribution functions were calculated. Numerical problems were encountered when electrostatic forces were superimposed upon the site-site Lennard-Jones potential due to the orientation-sensitivity of the coulombic interactions. Thesis Supervisors : Dr. Robert C. Reid; Dr. Ulrich W. Suter Title : Professor of Chemical Engineering; Professor of Chemical Engineering 1 To Silvia To my Father and Brother To the memory of my Mother To my family in Rome To Professor Reid 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It and to express my sincere is a pleasure who organizations I am indebted helped me thanks to the many people throughout this work. Specifically, to: Professor Robert Reid, who taught me the rigorous beauty of Thermodynamics, and without whose help and encouragement I would not be venturing into the academic world. can be summed My respect for him as a human being and scientist up in one word: Master, is what he has been to me which Professor Ulrich Suter, whose enthusiasm and insight were a constant source of inspiration Professor Howard Brenner, for many a delightful discussion on matters technical and not so technical, and for his help and advice concerning my future career Professors Brady, Robert John Brown and William Deen, members of my Thesis Committee, for their valuable help throughout this work Professor Jack Longwell, who suggested the experimental technique in the course of a Friday afternoon seminar Mario Da Silva and Dick Jankins of the Chemical Engineering Machine Shop, for their patience and skill in transforming clumsy drawings into working equipment William Schmitt, for his inexhaustible good will and spirit of collaboration Sanat Kumar and Thanassis Panagiotopoulos, for their uncommon insight and willingness to share thoughts, ideas and speculations Glorianne Collver-Jacobson, for her help in typing part of the thesis The National Science Foundation and the Nestle Products Technical Assistance Co. for their financial support Howard Bernstein, for his friendship, which I truly value Bach and Mozart, for their musical company My family, for their constant love, support and understanding My Father, who taught me the meaning and importance of goals and guidelines in life Silvia, who gave so much and asked for so little years. during three long Her love was my constant source of strength and joy. 2.a TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 LIST OF FIGURES 6 LIST OF TABLES 13 1. 15 SUMMARY 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Physical Properties and Mass Transfer Mechanism Hydrodynamic Experiments Experimental Results and Data Analysis Diffusion and Irreversible Termodymamics Molecular Dynamics Simulations 15 27 33 45 51 73 2.INTRODUCTION 3. 2.1 Perspective 73 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Diffusion in Dense Fluids: Theoretical Difficulties Theoretical Approaches Diffusion in Dense Fluids: Computer Simulations Diffusion Coefficients: Experimental Approaches Mass Transfer 76 76 86 89 92 2.7 Objectives 92 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND NATURAL CONVECTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 5. Mass Transfer and Natural Convection; Hydrodynamics Physical Properties in the Supercritical Region Flow Regimes APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 94 94 96 103 108 4.1 4.2 Introduction Apparatus 108 108 4.3 Experimental Procedure 112 DIFFUSION IN RECTANGULAR DUCTS 115 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Velocity Profile; Fully Developed Flow Diffusion; Conservation Equation Solution Cross-Section Averages 3 115 118 120 130 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 6. HYDRODYNAMIC EXPERIMENTS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7. DIFFUSION AND IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS 7.1 Forces 7.2 Relationship Between Thermodynamic and Phenomenological Approaches The Kinetic Conversion Factor 7.3 8. and Fluxes DYNAMICS OF INTERACTING BODIES: 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9. Diffusion Coefficients; Results Discussion Effect of Natural Convection Sensitivity Analysis THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS Kinematics of the Rigid Body Dynamics of the Rigid Body Integration of the Equations of Motion Statistical Treatment of Diffusion Velocity Distributions Equipartition and Virial Theorem Sample Size; Boundary Conditions; Cutoff Radius Time Considerations Start-up; Rescaling; Relaxation Runs Interatomic Potentials 10. MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Velocity Distributions Radial Distribution Functions Diffusion Coefficients Simulations with Coulombic Interactions Compressibility Factors 10.6 Summary 11. CONCLUSION 140 156 186 189 198 198 COMPUTER SIMULATIONS; TECHNICAL ASPECTS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 140 200 204 212 212 216 217 221 226 228 234 234 240 244 246 276 276 284 291 303 309 311 313 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page APPENDIX 1 CUBIC EQUATIONS OF STATE 315 APPENDIX 2 EQUIPMENT DESIGN: EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS 320 .Flat Plate Design Sample Equilibrium and Diffusion Calculations Experimental Errors Density Profiles ChemicaJs Used in the Experiments A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 320 322 324 326 328 APPENDIX 3 C ij APPENDIX 4 COMPUTER PROGRAMS 349 Computer: Technical Details Computer Program EQUIL 349 350 370 372 375 378 380 382 403 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.4 A4.5 Subroutine Q Subroutine PUT Subroutine START Subroutine TURN Subroutine BOLTZ Computer Program LINALB Computer Program NEUTRAL-2 A4.6 A4.7 A4.8 A4.9 APPENDIX COEFFICIENTS FOR EQUATION (5.27) 5 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5. 4 THE INTEGRAL ENTROPY BALANCE IN IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS Mass Balance: Conservation Equations Thermodynamic Definitions Energy and Entropy Relationships Integral Entropy Balance 330 406 406 407 407 409 NOTATION 411 REFERENCES 420 5 LIST OF FIGURES Page 1.1 Schematic pressure-density diagram for a pure substance showing the region of interest in supercritical extraction 17 1.2 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of CO, 2 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state 18 1.3 Dimensionless by 19 1.4 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state 20 1.5 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state 21 1.6 Density, isothermal compressibility of CO 2, as modelled the van der Waals equation of state viscosity and kinematic viscosity of CO 2 at 310 K, as 1.7 22 , a function of pressure Comparison of physical properties of air, water, mercury (at 298 K and 1 bar), and CO 2 (at 150 bar and 310 K). 25 Relative importance of natural convection of constant Reynolds numbers 1.8 Cylindrical duct geometries for which forced vertical laminar flow is impossible under supercritical conditions due to natural convection 26 1.9 Schematic diagram of flat plate for hydrodynamic experiments 28 1.10 Effect of natural convection on the apparent diffusion coefficient and mass transfer rate; CO2-benzoic acid; 318 K, 30 160 bar 1.11 Geometry for the rectangular duct problem 32 1.12 Relative saturation versus inverse Graetz number; solution valid for a 1/3 and high axial Peclet numbers 34 1.13 z-averaged local Sherwood number versus inverse Graetz number; solution valid for a < 1/3 and high axial Peclet numbers 35 1.14 Experimental binary diffusion coefficients as a function of solvent molar density 36 1.15 Diffusion coefficients for te 1.16 Diffusion coefficients for the naphthalene-SF6 system 39 1.17 Diffusion coefficients for the 2-naphthol-CO2 system 40 6 benzoic acid-SF6 system 38 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 1.18 Diffusion coefficients for the benzoic acid-CO2 system 41 1.19 Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid versus SF6 fluidity 43 1.20 Hydrodynamic and power law isothermal behaviour of the diffusion coefficient as a function of fluidity 44 1.21 Universal part of the composition dependence of the thermodynamic transport coefficient () that will give rise to a 48 composition-independent D 2 1.22 Linearity of the kinetic conversion factor versus solute mole fraction relationship. Benzoic acid-CO2 , 280 bar, 308 K. Peng-Robinson equation of state 50 1.23 Pressure and temperature dependence of the exponential correction factor for the fugacity coefficient of a solute in a supercritical fluid (benzoic acid-CO2 ) 52 1.24 Geometry of the benzene and CO2 molecules used in molecular dynamics simulations. 53 1.25 Euler angles 55 1.26 Two-dimensional periodic boundary conditions 57 1.27 Kinematic description of two linear molecules 58 1.28 van der Waals, coulombic and total intermolecular interaction energy for two CO2 molecules resulting from the sum of nine elementary atomic interactions 59 1.29 Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; # of 60 samplings = 64; <T> = 310.3 K 1.30 Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; # of samplings = 67; <T> = 318.6 K 61 1.31 Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; # of 62 samplings 1.32 <T> = 337.4 K Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; # of samplings 1.33 = 67; = 64; <T> = 342.3 63 K Effect of temperature upon the carbon-carbon radial distribution function; p = 13.87 mol/lt 7 65 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 1.34 Effect of density upon the carbon-carbon radial distribution function; 66 <T> = 315 K 1.35 Ensemble generating technique 67 1.36 Effect of temperature upon the mean squared displacement versus time relationship 68 1.37 Arrhenius plot for the computed diffusion coefficients of 69 benzene in CO2 1.38 Effect of density upon relaxation (short time) and diffusive long time) behaviour; benzene-CO2; <T> = 310K 70 2.1 The Slattery-Bird correlation: a two-parameter corresponding states approach 80 3.1 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of C02 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equations of state 98 3.2 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of C02, as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state 99 3.3 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled 100 by the Peng-Robinson 3.4 3.5 equation of state Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state 101 Density, viscosity and kinematic viscosity of CO2 as a function 102 of pressure, at 310 K 3.6 Comparison of physical properties of air, water and mercury at ambient conditions with those of CO2 at 150 bar and 310 K. Relative importance of natural convection at constant Reynolds numbers 104 3.7 Hydrodynamic regimes for vertical cylindrical duct flow 105 3.8 Cylindrical duct geometries for which vertical forced laminar flow is impossible under supercritical conditions 107 4.1 Equipment flow sheet 109 4.2 Flat plate assembly for hydrodynamic experiments 111 8 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 5.1 Rectangular duct geometry 5.2 Velocity 5.3 Relative saturation as a function of modified inverse Graetz number, for various aspect ratios 138 5.4 Local Sherwood number (z-averaged) as a function of the modified inverse Graetz number, for various aspect ratios 139 6.1 Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in SF6 149 6.2 Diffusion coefficients of naphthalene in SF6 150 6.3 Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in CO2 151 6.4 Diffusion coefficients of 2-naphthol in CO2 152 6.5 Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of solvent density 153 6.6 Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of solvent reduced pressure 154 6.7 Experimental Enskog-Thorne factors 165 6.8 Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for benzoic acid in SF 6 166 6.9 Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor 167 profile for naphthalene 6.10 as per Equations (5.1) and (5.2); a = 1/3 benzoic acid 168 in CO 2 Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for 2-naphthol 117 in SF 6 Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for 6.11 116 169 in CO 2 6.12 Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of reciprocal 178 viscosity at constant temperature (hydrodynamic test) 6.13 Linear (hydrodynamic), power law and transition regimes for the 181 dependence of the diffusion coefficient upon fluid viscosity at constant temperature 6.14 Schematic density profiles for a dilute binary mixture in which 190 solute dissolves into the solvent from a plane (=O) of constant (equilibrium) composition 9 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 6.15 Effect of natural convection on the apparent diffusion coef318 K and ficient and mass transfer rate: benzoic acid-CO2 191 160 bar 7.1 Universal part of the composition dependence of *pfor various weight ratios 203 7.2 Composition dependence of the kinetic conversion factor from infinite dilution to saturation, as modelled by the Peng- 207 Robinson equation for C0 2 -benzoic of state, acid, at 308 K and 280 bar 7.3 Fugacity coefficient of benzoic in C02 , at 380 K and 280 bar, 210 as a function of solute mole fraction, calculated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS), and with the exponential decay expression (K) 7.4 K values for the CO2 benzoic acid system, as a function of 211 temperature and pressure 8.1 Euler angles 213 8.2 Kinematic and dynamic characteristics of a linear rigid body 220 8.3 Maxwell-Boltzmann 9.1 Two-dimensional periodic boundary conditions 237 9.2 Nearest image location in a three dimensional cubic cell 239 9.3 Elementary generator of face centered cubic lattice 241 9.4 Cube-sphere site-site distance test 243 9.5 The shifted force potential 251 9.6 True and shifted Lennard-Jones potentials; rc/o = 2.4 253 9.7 Normalized error for the shifted force potential 254 9.8 Normalized force error; shifted force potential 255 9.9 Kinematic description of two linear molecules 263 9.10 van der Waals, coulombic and total energy for a binary CO, 2 interaction 264 velocity distribution; 10 N = 107 229 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 9.11 van der Waals, coulombic and total energy for a binary CO2 265 9.12 van der-Waals, coulombic and total energy for a binary CO, 2 266 interaction interaction 9.13 Absolute value of van der Waals, coulombic and total force a binary 9.14 for 267 for 268 for 269 CO2 interaction Absolute value of van der Waals, coulombic and total force a binary CO2 interaction 9.15 Absolute value of van der Waals, coulombic and total force a binary CO2 interaction 9.16 Coulombic force components for a binary CO2 interaction 270 9.17 Coulombic force components for a binary CO2 interaction 271 9.18 Coulombic force components for a binary CO2 interaction 272 9.19 Lennard-Jones force components for a binary CO 2 interaction 273 9.20 Lennard-Jones force components for a binary CO 2 interaction 2714 9.21 Lennard-Jones force components for a binary CO2 interaction 2'15 10.1 Geometry of benzene and C02 used in the simulations 277 10.2 Theoretical sample 10.3 10.6 velocity distributions; <T(tr)>=318.6K; 280 size = 67 Theoretical and cdmputed velocity distributions; sample size = 70 <T(tr)=321.4K; 281 Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)>=337.4K; sample 10.7 279 size = 64 Theoretical and cmputed sample 10.5 278 i Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)>=310.3K; sample 10.4 and cmputed velocity distributions;<T(tr)>=309.3K; size = 64 282 size = 67 Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)>=342.3K; sample size = 64 283 11 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page 10.8 Qualitative features of the radial distribution function 286 10.9 Effect of density upon g(r). Density = 10.53 mol/lt, <T> = 3 1 4.9K, sample size = 58; Density = 7.42 mol/lt, <T> = 316.5K, sample size = 53 289 10.10 Effect of temperature upon g(r); density = 13.87 mol/lt. 290 <T> = 304.2K, sample size = 53; <T> = 329.8, sample size = 56 10.11 Ensemble generation for test-particle "experiments" 292 10.12 Temperature dependence of the mean squared displacement versus time relationship. Density = 10.53 mol/lt 295 10.13 Arrhenius 296 plot for four different simulations at a density of 10.53mol/lt 10.14 Density dependence of the mean squared displacement versus time 299 relationship. <T(tr)>=309.3K, p=10.53 mol/lt; <T(tr)>=310.3K, p=7.42 mol/lt 12 LIST OF TABLES Page 2.1 Comparison of physical properties of air, water and super critical CO2 75 2.2 References and experimental conditions for Figure 2.1 79 2.3 Experimental studies of diffusion of organics in supercritical fluids 90 5.1 Coefficients of the eigenvalue equation 124 5.2 Eigenvalues of equation (5.26) 125 5.3 Expansion coefficients for cross-section averages 137 6.1 Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in supercritical sulfur hexafluoride 141 6.2 Diffusion coefficients of naphthalene in supercritical sulfur hexafluoride 142 6.3 Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide 143 6.4 Diffusion coefficients of 2-naphthol in supercritical carbon dioxide 144 6.5 Equilibrium solubility of benzoic acid in SF6 145 6.6 Equilibrium solubility of naphthalene 1 46 6.7 Equilibrium solubility of benzoic 6.8 Equilibrium solubility of 2-naphthol 6.9 Lennard-Jones and critical parameters for solutes and solvents 1 60 6.10 Enskog-Thorne analysis for the SF6 -benzoic acid system 1.61 6.11 Enskog-Thorne analysis for the SF 6 -naphthalene system 162 6.12 Enskog-Thorne analyses for the C0 2 -benzoic acid system 163 6.13 Enskog-Thorne analysis for the C0 2 -2 naphthol system 1 64 6.14 Stokes-Einstein analysis for the SF 6 -benzoic acid system 174 6.15 Stokes-Einstein analysis for the SF6 -naphthalene system 175 13 in SF 6 acid in CO2 in CO 2 147 1148 LIST OF TABLES (continued) Page 6.16 Stokes-Einstein analysis for the C02 -2 naphthol system 176 6.17 Stokes-Einstein analysis for the CO 2 -benzoic acid system 177 6.18 Proportionality constants for infinite dilution diffusion coefficient correlations 183 6.19 Average values of the ratios between predicted and experimental diffusion coefficients for different hydrodynamic correlations 184 6.20 192 Effect of natural convection upon mass transfer rate and apparent diffusion coefficient; C0 2 -benzoic acid; 160 bar, 318 K 9.1 Site-site potentials in molecular dynamics; previous work 248 9.2 Site parameters for Slater-Kirkwood equation 258 9.3 Calculated site Lennard-Jones parameters; Slater-Kirkwood equation 259 10.1 Diffusion coefficients corresponding to Figure 10.13 298 10.2 Diffusion coefficients corresponding to Figure 10.14 298 10.3 van der Waals and coulombic interactions for Figure 10.15 306 10.4 Empirical site-site parameters for CO2 simulation 308 10.5 P-V-T performance of Slater-Kirkwood parameters 310 Al-1 Parameters of cubic equations of state 319 A2-2 Buoyant stability calculations 329 14 SUMMARY 1: The two technical types of feasibility constraints: of a chemical process is determined by thermodynamic (equilibrium) limitations and kinetic (rate) limitations. In supercritical fluid extraction, the thermodynamic constraint defines the maximum achievable solute concentration in the supercritical fluid, for any given temperature, pressure, and condensed phase composition. From a kinetic point of view, on the other hand, the objective is to understand and, eventually, predict, the rate at which mass is transferred from the condensed to the supercritical phase. The present work addresses several problems related to kinetic (or rate) aspects of supercritical fluid extraction, specifically: the · influence of physical properties and their different behaviour at slightly supercritical conditions in determining the rate and mechanism of mass transfer in supercritical fluids the development of a hydrodynamic technique to measure true and apparent binary diffusion coefficients in supercritical fluids, where "apparent" denotes diffusion coefficients measured in the presence of buoyant forces the interpretation of experimental data, and the use of hydrodynamic * theory to analyze diffusion in supercritical fluids an analysis of diffusion in the light of non-equilibrium thermodynamics · the use of molecular dynamics to study the equilibrium structure and binary diffusion in mixtures under supercritical conditions and infinite dilution (i.e., conditions whereby solute-solute interactions are negligible). 1.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND MASS TRANSFER MECHANISM A supercritical fluid is rigorously defined as one whose temperature and pressure are both above their critical values. though, we restrict our attention In the present context, to the region bounded by 1<Tr<1.1, and 1<Pr<4 (these are, of course, approximate numbers), where the rate of change of fluid properties such as the density, specific heat at constant 15 pressure, viscosity, etc. with respect to temperature and pressure is high and gives rise to behaviour which is unique to this relgion. The Figure above 1.1, defined supercritical region is shown shematically in reduced-density reduced pressure coordinates. in Some of its peculiarities and their relevance to mass transfer wi 1 be discussed below. The dimensionless isothermal compressibility, KI T is defined change, at = aln P) temperature. and is shown pressure, Robinson (1.1) T as the relative density change per unit relative pressure constant of state, and =ia~ne) for (1976) CO2 It in Figures and equations SF6 , of can be calculated f om an 1.2 to 1.5 as a functio~ for state the van (see der Appendix Waals of temperature (1873) 1). equation and iK'T tends Pengto 1 at low pressure (ideal gas region), 0 at high pressure (den e fluid region), and diverges at the critical point, where matter is infinitly compressible. The fact that K'T is finite at low pressure and infiniteIat the critical point gives rise to states of matter whose density is co nparable to that of an ordinary liquid, and which, simultaneously, are m re compressible than a dilute gas. region. CO2 As an Such properties are characteristic of the supercritical example, at 318 K and 100 bar (Tr = 1.05; Pr = 1.36), is - 280 times denser but almost three times more compressible than at 318K and 1 bar. From the point of view of mass transfer, it is the different rates of change of density and viscosity in going from the deal gas to the dense fluid region that give rise to unique behaviour un er supercritical conditions. of C02 (T Figure 1.6 shows the density, viscosity and ki ematic viscosity = 304.2 of pressure. its K; Pc = 73.8 bar) at 310 K (Tr = 1. 2) as a function Although the density of supercritical CO, is liquid-like, viscosity, being virtually pressure independent a low pressures, is less than an order of magnitude higher than the cor esponding dilute gas value. by roughly This is due to the fact that, although both qulntities increase an order of magnitude near Pc, the finitf compressibility of the dilute gas gives rise to an increase of approxirlately two orders 16 2.0 u, 0c I U V 1. O. 0 1.0 0.1 10.0 Reduced Pressure FIGURE 1.1: Schematic pressure-density diagram for a pure substance showing the region of interest in supercritical extraction. 17 m -; 4 0. 0 LU I. W ( - 2 c 0 we 0 100 200 PRESSURE ( Bar) 300 FIGURE 1.2: Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of C02 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state. 18 I- - J 4 130 m 3 C.: I- 2 L _J I 0 Cr mo Cow 0 100 200 300 PRESSURE (Bar) FIGURE 1.3: Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of C0 2 , as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state. 19 _ _I -i l I I I Tr -1.02 C) 4 w 1.04 0O0 2 1.08 SF6 (P-R) 1.10 Y) 0 w L) 0 wI nv ! 0 _ I I I _ · 50 100 -- 150 PRESSURE ( Bar) FIGURE 1.4: Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state. 20 -Iye I %. I I I CD C- n 3 2 .L- 0 iI I D W Cr . -L 0 50 I -1 100 150 PRESSURE ( Boar) FIGURE 1.5: Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF6 , as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state. 21 r t ulrl FIGURE.6.i.:Densait, viscosity and kinematic viscosity a function of pressuref o CO C2 22 at 3, of magnitude in density when the pressure is raised up to values slightly No such behaviour is displayed by the viscosity. lower than Pc. Consequently, the kinematic viscosity under supercritical conditions This is clearly shown in Figure 1.6. is very low. Liquid metals, which combine moderate viscosities with high densities, are normally associated with kinematic viscosities. low extremely This property, as will be shown below, attains even lower values in the case of supercritical fluids. The relevance of these facts to mass transfer is best illustrated in the case of duct flow under the combined influence of a pressure gradient We consider the situation whereby an incompressible, Newtonian and gravity. fluid, developed laminar flow conditions, flows inside a fully under duct whose walls are coated with a solute that dissolves into the fluid, under the action of a concentration gradient (thermodynamic phase equilibrium at exists the aforementioned concentration gradient The interface). will give rise to a density gradient which will, in turn, alter the velocity profile. When concentration the (and density) changes are small, it is an admissible approximation to expand the density about the pure fluid value in terms of solute concentration, consider linear terms exclusively, and neglect the composition dependence of other properties (i.e., viscosity). This approximation) gives rise (Boussinesq's simplification to the following dimensionless momentum balance, (see Section 3.1). 2 (V+) v Re where Gr and Re If V+n ( = [(2R)3g ( = 2R <v>/v), we now r _ g, Gr Ap/p]/v2) is the Grashof number for mass transfer, the Reynolds introduce (1.2) O number. the natural scales for viscous, inertial and buoyant forces, Viscous forces - n <v>/2R Buoyant forces (1.3) (1.4) - 2R g Ap 2 Inertial forces - <v> po (1.5) the physical significance of the parameter GrRe Gr Re2 (2R g Ap) (<v> 2 po) (n<v>/2R)2 (n<v>/2R) 2 2 (<v> 2 po) 23 - follows immediately, Buoyant forces Inertial forces (1.6) Consequently, if different fluids flow inside identical ducts under mass diffusive the conditions at any convection kinematic given Reynolds number, and (Ap/p), the relative comparable density changes assuming natural transfer importance of (buoyant forces) scales inversely as the square of Thus, fluids with of the fluid in question. viscosity low kinematic viscosities (i.e., supercritical fluids) can develop appreciable buoyancy driven flows even with small density gradients. If we now compare (Figure 1.7) the properties of air, water, and (298K, 1 bar) with those of supercritical mercury at ambient conditions CO 2 at 310K and 150 bar (Tr = 1.02; Pr = 2.03) in the light of the previous We note the fact that, some important consequences arise. discussion, for v, CO2 has the lowest value. The fourth column is the ratio of buoyant to inertial forces at constant Reynolds number and duct geometry, scaled with the corresponding value for water. convection, therefore, is more The relative importance of natural than two orders of magnitude higher in a supercritical fluid than in ordinary liquids. When mass transfer in the fluid phase is the controlling step, therefore, the usual design relationships' for mass transfer in packed beds (Gupta and Thodos, 1962; Wilson and Geankoplis, 1966; Williamson et al., 1963) are either unsuitable on account of the absence of a Grashof number, or do not cover (Karabelas et- al., 1971) the low Schmidt numbers (- 10) which characterize diffusion of light organic solutes in supercritical fluids. Figure 1.8 shows the importance of natural convection laminar duct flow under supercritical conditions. itself is not limited to supercritical conditions, in vertical Although the figure the values of the physical properties used to construct the actual curves are typical of supercritical fluids (molecular weight - (v) and of diffusion of small organic molecules 100) in supercritical fluids (Sc = v/ ). In Figure 1.8, D is the duct diameter, and L, the coated length along which diffusion takes place. For any value of p/p (interface-bulk density difference divided by mean density), the region lying above and to the right of the given curve represents tube geometries for which vertical forced laminar flow is impossible due to the presence of natural convection. 24 For example, lo0- 4 - Pr tLI 4 Hg I ,H2 0 Hg 10-4 104 I 1 Hg IO3 ^ 0oz I H2 0 1(-34 I 10 Air IH2 0 SCF I 10 10-6t iH2 0 104 I0 I I SCF 10 I PAir Hg 0-5 ? i7 ISCF i -2 IAir I IAir p(Kg/m 3 ) 10 - 3 o-0. · r(Nsm -2 ) V(m2 /s) (YH2 0/z)2 of physical properties of air, water, mercury FIGURE 1.7: Comparison (at 298K and 1 bar), and C0 2 (at 150 bar and 310 K). Relative importance of natural convection at constant Reynolds numbers. 25 -I 10 (D ) -2 I0 -3 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 D (mm) FIGURE 1.8: Cylindrical duct geometries for which forced vertical laminar flow is impossible under supercritical conditions due to natural convection. 26 given a relative density change as small as 10 3, any aspect ratio greater than 10- 3 makes it impossible to attain forced laminar flow in an 8mm vertical duct. Figure 1.8 is valid for If the parameter Gr.Sc(2R/L) 10 - 2 < Sc (2R/L) < 1 and vertical flow. (a scaled mass transfer Rayleigh number) exceeds 104, forced laminar flow is impossible (Metais and Eckert, 1964); this criterion has been Gr- Sc- 2R/L < 104 used to obtain Figure 1.8. The condition is a necessary but not sufficient criterion for forced laminar flow, so that the region lying below and to the left of each curve does not, by itself, guarantee laminar flow. 1.2: HYDRODYNAMIC EXPERIMENTS The experimental technique involved fully developed laminar flow of a supercritical fluid in a horizontal rectangular duct (Figure 1.9), the bottom surface of which was coated with the solute of interest. The amount of solute that, at steady state, precipitates, upon decompression, from a measured amount of solvent during the course of a carefully timed experiment is, for a given temperature, pressure (and hence equilibrium solubility of the solute in the supercritical solvent), flow rate, and duct geometry, a function of the binary diffusion coefficient. The determination of a diffusion coefficient thus involves (at least) one equilibrium experiment, where the solubility of the solute in the supercritical fluid is measured, and a diffusion experiment. In a diffusion experiment (Figure 1.9) a brass plate (4) is tightly fitted into an enclosure made up of two aluminium hemi-cylinders (1,2); fluid flows inside the resulting channel (3). The test section (6) is made by casting molten solute and carefully machining and polishing after solidification. a section section The plate also contains (5) where laminar flow is allowed to develop, and an outlet (7). Fluid by-pass of the test section is prevented by a Viton gasket (8) which forces the plate against the upper surface (9'), and by the labyrinth seal (9) which results when the hemi-cylinders are forced together (10,11) and Teflon tape is placed between 27 the upper and lower mating - i 5 , I · 6 . . . !f//J / . . .. 7 .. _ 7 //////JJ, P-j- I 8 8 i I - I _ II _ I I0 10 - -- _ J 0if _J-- r _ I . 2 1i e. 1 0i 1I _ r-- m , I I J-L.. 12 FIGURE 1.9: Schemactic diagram of flat plate for hydrodynamic experiments. 28 surfaces (9). The whole assembly inches) stainless steel pipe. 12 is 1 and notched: the pressure is tightly fitted inside a 5 cm (2 0-ring 13 provides sealing, while 0-ring in 3 is thus equal to the pressure outside 2. For dilute solutions, the density decreases monotonically away from the surface if M,/M 2 > V/V and viceversa. molecular In (1.7) 2 Equation weights, V (1.7), M, and M 2 are is the solute the solute and solvent partial molar volume, and V2 the solvent molar volume. The above inequality (see Section 6.3 for derivation) was satisfied under all of the experimental conditions addition, of the tested (see Appendix 2). In the equilibrium solubility increased with temperature for all systems investigated at every experiments were conducted. This value of the pressure for which implies that the solubilization was endothermic under all experimental conditions. Consequently, when channel 3 was horizontal and constituted the duct's bottom surface, the flow was unaffected by gravity, and true binary diffusion coefficients were measured, as explained above, by weighing the amount of solute that precipitates, upon decompression, from a measured quantity of solvent, at steady state. 1 and 2 Buoyant effects were introduced by rotating (Figure 1.9) inside the steel pipe. gave rise to different results, which The same experiment then provided qualitative information on the importance of natural convection in mass transfer with supercritical fluids. The CO2 at results of such an experiment, 160 bar and 318K, are shown for benzoic acid diffusing in Figure The dotted line (mass transfer rate) 1.10 (see also Table in 6.20). in Figure 1.10 does not extend to 00 since the diffusion (00) experiment was done at a different flow rate, and mass transfer rates are a function of fluid velocity. of natural convection, as well as when using The importance the potential for experimental error hydrodynamic techniques, can be seen from the fact that a 650% increase in the apparent diffusion rotation of the flat plate. 29 coefficient results from a 900 40 10 9 8 30 7 E 0 E E 20 5 N Cx 10 3 :) ! n "0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 .90 a (degrees) FIGURE1.10: Effect of natural convection on the coefficient and mass transfer rate; 318 K, 160 bar. 30 II lapparent diffusion C0 2 -benzoic acid; The actual calculation of a diffusion coefficient from experimental measurements implies knowledge of the solution to the problem of diffusion from a constant composition source plane into a rectangular duct where axial fully developed laminar flow of an incompressible fluid takes place. For the geometry shown in Figure 1.11, the problem to be solved can be written in dimensionless form, + + v , 2c = (-2) Pe + rC 2C) X +2 + + x ax + 2 + ay a2c+ ] (1.8) az where a = b/a B = L/2a x+ = x/b y+ = y/b z+ (1.9) = z/b c + = 1 - c/ci v + = v/<v> Pe = <v> L/ with ci, <v>, the interface solute concentration, L, the coated length, and the cross section average velocity. Equation (1.8) can be simplified by performing an order of magnitude analysis, defining - b - y and using (1.10) the following empirical expression for the velocity profile (Shah and London, 1978) v v =[1- ] max (l [ b [ I a (1.11) m = 1.7 + 0.5 a 14 n = 2 a < 1/3 n = 2 + 0.3 (a - where 1/3) a (1.12) 1/3 Equations (1.12) were obtained by fitting Equation finite difference solution of the momentum balance equation. 31 (1.11) to the ., i Y~ 2b [ K _mZ _ FIGURE 1.11: -- Geometry for the rectangular duct problem. 32 From order of magnitude considerations, diffusion in the axial (x) and transverse (z) directions can be considered negligible with respect to axial convection and diffusion away from the source plane (i.e., in the y direction), once the actual values of the shape factors and physical properties are taking into account (a, , Pe; see Chapter 5). The problem then becomes, for a < 1/3, + + - (25 Equation and + +2 _c m +2ac ) ax+ m + 1 - 4B 1 3a Pe [1 - (al+l 1)m] 2c (1-13 (1.13) + (1.13) can be solved by variable separation, series expansion, integration of the resulting two dimensional solution across + transverse (z ) direction. 1.12 and 1.13. the The solutions are shown graphically in Figures The full expressions are given in Chapter 5. The quantities plotted in these figures are defined as <r> = <c>/ci Sh- (1.14) 4b (1 + a) 1 k d(z/a) (1.15) <v> b 2 Xo = x9/ (1.16) i.e., the relative saturation, the z-averaged local Sherwood number based on the hydraulic diameter and a modified inverse Graetz number. The important point is that <r>, the experimentally measured quantity, is a function of a( = b/a) and X. Thus, for a given aspect ratio, flow rate, coated length and channel height, <r> is a function of the diffusion coefficient. In an experiment, then, the ratio <r> is determined by measuring c and ci in a diffusion and an equilibrium experiment, respectively, and calculating 1.12, to obtain 1 .3: X from finally,@, the mathematical expression plotted from X, in Figure x (= L), <v> and b 2 . EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS The experimentally measured diffusion coefficients are shown in Figure 1.14 as a function of solvent molar density; the same data are plotted 33 z 0 0.4 I-- ASPECT RATIO cf) .I 0.2 .125 .2 I w .25 cr .33 I I 0.0 0.5 _ _ II 1.0 XD <v>b 2 FIGURE 1.12: Relative saturation versus inverse Graetz number; solution valid for a 1/3 and high axial Peclet numbers. 34 Sh xD <VPb2 FIGURE 1.13: inverse Graetz axial Peclet high and c 1/3 z-averaged local Sherwood number versus number; solution valid for a numbers. 35 I I I I I I C I I I I I I I i . I . Temperature (K) - · Solvent SF6 Solute Benzoic Acid o 0 SF6 SF6 Benzoic Acid Naphthalene a SF6 Naphtholene 328.2 338.2 318.2 328.2 + CO2 Benzoic Acid 318.2 v CO2 Benzoic Acid o CO2 2-Nophthol K CO2 2- Naphthol 328.2 308.2 318.2 I I 1 ..- 1" , " -.. 0 hbhb m B <i io-5 I - 5I I I I I I ....... I I I 10 I 15 , I I 20 I I 25 p (mol/4t) FIGURE 1.14: binary diffusion coefficients as a function Experimental of solvent molar density. 36 separately for each system in Figures 1.15 - 1.18. The use of density instead of pressure as an independent variable is a consequence of the molecular approach to diffusion, whereby this phenomenon is seen as the macroscopic consequence of collisions (interactions), whose frequency (for a given binary system) is a function of the molecules' average velocity (temperature) and number density (i.e., number of molecules per unit volume). The density range over which experiments were made for any given system was too small to allow generalizations as to the observed linearity of the data when plotted in log D vs. p fashion. The measured diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid were always lower, at any given density, than the corresponding values for naphthalene SF6 ) and benzoic 2-naphthol (in C02), both of which are larger molecules acid. This (in than suggests a possible dimerization of benzoic acid in the fluid phase, a behaviour experimentally observed in CC1, and CC1 3H (I'Haya and Shibuya, 1965), and in its vapour, C 6 H2,,,CCl et al., 1966). and C 6H 6 (Allen This hypothesis is also consistent with the exceptionally high temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient of benzoic acid at constant density (see Figure 1.18), which shows an activation energy (6.9 Kcal/mol) in good agreement with the experimentally measured values for the dimerization of benzoic acid in cyclohexane (6.4 Kcal/mol), CCl4 (5.5 Kcal'/mol), 1966). and its own vapour phase (8.1 Kcal/mol) (Allen et al., These considerations can only be taken qualitatively, since the overall diffusion coefficient is related in a non-linear way to the dimerization constant. Although benzoic acid association in the fluid phase has not been measured in either SF6 or C02, the published equilibrium constants (Allen et al.) give rise to high associated fractions (69% at 303K in CC1, for example; see Chapter 6 for detailed calculations), making the dimerization hypothesis at least plausible. At any given density, the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients is higher than the T 1/2 observed hard sphere prediction. However, for three of the four systems investigated, the quantity rnDT 1 was found suggesting acid-CO2 to be fairly a constant over hydrodynamic the range of conditions tested, (Stokes-Einstein) description. data, on the other hand, 37 The benzoic exhibit peculiarities which seem to m *. . . . I . I . - * I : I CM I I 0 I I') to 0 / u . 0 a) 4i iZ I co 4l 0o LU m n) N N 0 a) C 4-4 U, I - ED Lid O) 4J .- In 0o eo U, 4H I f, -A f-I ;L I (D i I - CM I I I IO m ( LO) W3) I S01 N1 38 [ [[[ -~~~~[ [ I . w I I ^ . . I I I . . cN 0 O a0 c) CI 4.J Nb - I O E o Q 0co 4I 0 a) --o -r-I U% ,-I - (0 ,-4 l I *I I nl[ I I. -- - I I-- I tI .0-1 ( S/ZW) 0 39 L) _~~~.. iiii _ II _ I I I C% NM - 00 0o cO o 0 N 0 e .0I -C aJ -I )O Z IC z0 a) I - 0E A 40 r. C: (1 4r cx .] 4- I m 0 c- u (S I I I· I· I I' U) W3) (rG01l 40 LO Ij 11 N 0CJ 4 an 4.J ci 0) 0o I N 04- a) O t-i 0O E a, o 4.4 co .rq (o a, 0: Ln I- 0 (s/Z==) Lo O cO I 41 arise from a highly temperature-sensitive cannot, therefore, be expected to show effective molecular size, and constant nDT l values, as will be explained below. From Tables 6.1l4,6.15 and 6.16, it can be seen that nDT ' is constant to within standard deviations (expressed as percent of the mean), of 4.2% (benzoic acid - SF6 ), 9.2% (naphthalene - SF6 ), and 6.5% (2-NaphtholC02 ), respectively. The Stokes-Einstein equation (Einstein, 1905) D kT kT = relates (1.17) the diffusion coefficient of a spherical Brownian particle of radius a to the temperature and viscosity of the surrounding fluid, when no slip exists at the interface. = f nDT Equation (1.17) implies the basic concept (1.18) [size] -1 or, in other words, for hydrodynamic behaviour, a plot of D vs. n should yield a straight line through the origin with a slope proportional to T. Figure 1.19 shows the benzoic acid - SF 6 results plotted in this manner. As can be seen, the lines have deviation from strictly small but finite intercepts, indicating hydrodynamic behaviour, a fact already noted by Feist and Schneider (1982) in connection with their studies of diffusion in supercritical CO,. The general picture that emerges is sketched in Figure 1.20. Hydrodynamic behaviour is approached at high viscosities; deviations from this limiting behaviour can be correlated (but not understood) by means of empirical power law relationships of the type D a n 1971). (a < 1) (Hayduck and Cheng, Supercritical viscosities fall roughly in the range 0.04.n50.1 cp for 1.1Pr4 and 1Tr-1.06, which corresponds to 110 -3 n- 1 -2.5 in the units of Figure 1.20 (a typical liquid viscosity is also shown for comparison). The exact point at which hydrodynamic behaviour breaks down (point c) cannot, at present, be predicted from first principles for any given system. However, from Figure 1.20 it can be concluded that predictive correlations based on the Stokes-Einstein equation (Wilke and Chang, 1955; Scheibel, 1954; Reddy-Doraiswamy, 1967; Lusis-Ratcliff, 1968) will 42 _ _ _ I I I 15 E U 10 60) K In, 5 0 I __ _ I O 2 I 103 X ( p-I) FIGURE 1.19: Diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid versus SF6 fluidity. 43 / /% D ICp io3 ?- (/ P 1) FIGURE 1.20: and power law isothermal behaviour of the Hydrodynamic diffusion coefficient as a function of fluidity. 44 overestimate diffusion coefficients in supercritical fluids. This was indeed found to be the case (see Chapter 6) when each of the above correlations was applied to diffusion of naphthalene in supercritical CO2 and ethylene (Iomtev and Tsekhanskaya, 1964), benzene in supercritical CO2 (Swaid and Schneider, 1979), as well as 2-naphthol in supercritical CO2 , and naphthalene and benzoic acid in supercritical SF6 (this work), with the single exception of the Wilke-Chang expression for the naphthaleneethylene system. In addition, at high enough viscosities (or, equivalently, at high enough pressures for any given temperature), the quantity nDT- 1 approaches a constant value; geometrically, this is equivalent to saying that, at small -1 n values, the curve Ocb is well approximated by the line Ob. As an example, the measured diffusion coefficients of benzene in supercritical CO 2 (Swaid and Schneider, 1979) give rise to an nDT- 1 value that is constant to within a 4.6% standard deviation (expressed in percentage of the mean) when n 0.04 cp, irrespective of the temperature and pressure. Thus, at high enough viscosities, hydrodynamic behaviour is approached, and this fact can be used to extrapolate experimental data by assuming constancy of 1.4: DT1 . DIFFUSION AND IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS Kinetic approaches view gradients in concentration. diffusion as a phenomenon resulting from From the point of view of irreversible thermo- dynamics, on the other hand, chemical potential gradients, and not concentration gradients, constitute the appropriate driving force for diffusion. The rationale behind this approach is that the uniformity of chemical potential (for any given species) throughout a system in which no impermeable boundaries exist is a condition for thermodynamic equilibrium. if the deviations from this Consequently, condition are small enough to justify the assumption of local equilibrium, it is plausible to assume a restoring (driving) force proportional to chemical potential gradients. This relation- ship between fluxes and thermodynamic driving forces can indeed be proved (see Appendix 5) without any additional assumption other than the local validity of thermodynamics within an overall non-equilibrium situation. the From standpoint irreversible thermodynamics, then, we of can write, for isothermal binary diffusion with no viscous dissipation (see Chapter 7), 11 = where j, a V , - (1.19) a mixture chemical potential per unit is a solute mass flux, mass, MlM1 M1 a, and the (1.20) M2. transport coefficient. corresponding be rewritten using the definition of , the Equation (1.19) can Gibbs-Dubem equation, and the definition of 01, the fugacity coefficient, 1 = 0 = xl Vl1 + (1 - f = xl P obtain to 1 V Vp1 - M (1.21) VU2 xl) V (1.22) 2 (1.23) 1 solute flux and solute relationship between a mathematical mole fraction, [1 + -a Al MIn this Equation of x T,P into Equation [ 1 + (aln 0l/ ][1x + 1 ]. 1 M 2 (1 - X (1.24) approach, however, the transformation of thermodynamic (1.19) a term, n 1+(aln (1.24) has resulted in the introduction aln xl)T ], which phenomenological descriptions of diffusion. is absent in the usual Of the many equivalent phenom- enological expressions, we choose (Bird et al., 1960) C2 M M P 12 y where c is the total molar and$ therefore, reads, t 1 2, a RT 1 - x Ic x1 x (1.25) The relationship between a concentration. 112/ M+ M2 1 46 12 2 X, (1.26) It (D1 2) is customary to define a "thermodynamic" diffusion coefficient with the same units ofC@1 2, and such that it will equal9 1 2 in ideal mixtures, in which case an x+l )T,P [1 1 (1.27) or, in other words, when ~ is composition-independent. =DD12 2 [1 Consequently, + (lnalnx x 1iT, )TP ] (1.28) or 2 D12 ( = D1 2 is normally than 2. xl MM assumed 2 (1.29) (Reid et al., 1977) Thus, at any independent D 1 to be less composition-dependent given temperature and pressure, a composition- imposes upon a the requirement that it depend on x as the dimensionless function (x =c() 1+ c(o) ( V ) dx 1/2 (130) x1 1/2 M2 .30) 1 -x1 where V is a molar volume, and Vi, a partial molar volume. Whereas the numerator is very specifically dependent upon the binary system under consideration, solute mole fraction and the denominator is a universal function of solute/solvent weight ratio. The numerator being a finite number. we notice that 4p(xl) (and hence a) vanishes at x - 0 and x *+ 1, in agreement with the fact that p an undefined quantity at x + 0 and x (and hence V) is + 1. Figure 1.21 is a plot of the reciprocal of the denominator of Equation (1.30) (i.e., that D 2 the universal part of the is composition-independent). i exhibits a maximum value M2 /4 M. 47 composition-dependence of At a mole fraction of M/(M, a such + M2 ), 2.5 A U I I I I_ Im 2.0 M 1.5 M 1.0 0.5 0.0 ! i ,I -1 0.0 0.5 -_I 1.0 Xl FIGURE 1.21: Universal part of composition dependence of the thermodynamic transport coefficient (a) that will give rise to a compositionindependent D 2. The left hand side of Equation (1.27) represents a conversion factor between "kinetic" and "thermodynamic" diffusion coefficients, whose theoretical implications are discussed in Chapter 7. esting consequences of Here, some of the inter- the calculated composition dependence of this function will be outlined. The explicit form of [1 + (aln cl/ any given equation of state. xl)Tp] xln can be obtained from For two-parameter cubic equations of state with composition-independent combining rules (see Chapter 7 and Appendix 1), a highly non-linear and complicated expression results (see Equation (7.27)). However, when plotted as a function x (from infinite dilution to saturation) Equation (7.27) is a straight line of negative slope and unit y - intercept, 1 + an X TP = 1 - K x (1.31) or, in other words, ,(x=,T,P) = (O,T,P) exp [-K(T,P)x,] (1.32) where ~l 4,(x) = lim X1 (1.33) + O This functionality is shown graphically in Figure 1.22 for the benzoic acid-CO 2 system at 280 bar and 308 K between infinite dilution and saturation, and is representative of what appears to be a general feature of the thermodynamic behaviour of binary systems consisting of a non-volatile solute and a supercritical fluid (see Chapter 7). Quite apart from the simplicity of Equation (1.31) relative to Equation (7.27), the parameter K has a physical meaning and an apparent asymptotic behaviour that the linearity could have interesting thermodynamic implications. implied by equation where the factor [ 1 + (ln ,/Dln (1.31) is extrapolated xl)Tp] K = 1/ x(l.s.) 0 where x = jlexp[ If to the point equals zero, we obtain (1.34) - x,/ x(l.s.)] (1.35) (l.s.) is the composition (mole fraction) of the mixture when 49 .I 1.00 I I I I I·I I UI U I I U I X xIL1-: C 0.95 m 0.90 m <-EeC + Ira- I 0.000 I · 0.001 - 0.002 I I 0.003 - II 0.004 x FIGURE 1.22: Linearity of the kinetic conversion factor versus solute mole fraction relationship. Benzoic acid-C0 2, 280 bar, 308 K. Peng-Robinson equation of state. 50 it reaches its limit of stability at the given T and P (Modell and Reid, 1983). Equation (1.35), although obtained from a linear extrapolation that may not be valid up to the limit of stability, suggests a "natural" scaling for the concentration, in analogy with the idea of corresponding states. Furthermore, when the K values for a given system are plotted as a function of temperature and pressure K approaches a high (Figure 1.23), it appears that pressure limit which is independent of temperature (at 280 bar, the K-values in Figure 1.23 are within 6.5% of the mean). We may summarize by saying that, according to Equation (1.32), the fugacity (¢1, coefficient the is the product of a composition-independent term infinite dilution fugacity coefficient), and an exponential and explicit composition correction which is not only small, due to the small values of x , but appears to approach a high pressure limit which is independent of temperature. 1.5: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS Molecular dynamics is the numerical solution of the many body problem and the use of statistical mechanics to interpret the results (i.e., evolution in time of the velocities and coordinates of the bodies (molecules) whose motion is being studied). In this work, 107 CO2 and 1 benzene molecules were considered (Figure 1.24) and treated as rigid polyatomics (i.e. point centers of force with no internal degrees of freedom), with pairwise additive atom-atom interactions: U1 where = iI jJ i and j denote U.. sites (1.36) (atoms) belonging to bodies (molecules) I and J, respectively. The dynamic simulation of this system of interacting molecules required the solution of equations for the translational and rotational degrees of freedom. For the former, Newton's 51 second law of motion was written 600 400 K 200 0 0 50 100. 150 200 250 P (Bar) FIGURE 1.23: dependence of the exponential Pressure and temperature correction factor for the fugacity coefficient of a solute in a supercritical fluid (benzoic acid-C02 ). 52 0 0 C 0 H H H 12( H H H FIGURE1.24: Geometry of the benzene and CO2 molecules used in molecular dynamics simulations. 53 as two coupled first order equations, = m- 1 (1.37) f ({x}, {e}) (1.38) v - where m, x and v denote the molecule's mass, center of mass coordinates and velocity, respectively, the molecules' and sites, and is the function a f, force, of is the sum forces translational the e} instantaneous configuration of the system. rotational of x} on and The rotational equations for the solute, a non-linear molecule, are 1 e = where I-1 1 K 1 ({x}, e}) (i = 1,2,3) (1.39) ew (1.40) 2 = i denotes one of the body's principal directions, and Ii and Ki are therefore the it h principal moments of inertia and the torque component along a principal direction the i of function the (which, as was the case with system's instantaneous configuration). f, is In Equation (1.40), e and e denote, respectively a vector and a matrix whose elements are the time derivative and the instantaneous value of the four CayleyKlein parameters (Goldstein, 1981) (with appropriate signs and ordering in the latter case), and w contains the principal angular velocity components. The Cayley-Klein parameters represent a non-singular kinematic description of the rotational degrees of freedom of the rigid body, and replace the Euler angles (Figure 1.25), which give rise to singular equations (Murad and Gubbins, 1978), unsuitable for numerical applications. For the linear solvent, on the other hand, where w I-1 K (x}, i w x 1 (1.41) e}) (1.42) I is the line's moment of inertia, K is the torque, and 1 is a unit vector parallel to the line. Equations (1.37), whereas Equations (1.38), (1.41) and (1.42) are frame-invariant, (1.39) and (1.40) refer to the body's principal axes of inertia, and imply a linear coordinate transformation at each integration 54 z y FIGURE 1.25: Euler angles. 55 step. to The resulting system of 1297 of the configuration dependence of quations is highly coupled due forces and torques, and was solved numerically via an Euler predictor, trapezoid corrector algorithm. The 108 molecules were placed in a unit cell of space-filling geometry and cubic shape, and periodic boundary conditions were used throughout (Figure 1.26). Although C02 has an appreciable quadrupole moment, the introduction of electrostatic forces into the model was abandoned after simulations with van der Waals forces and point monopoles exhibited large temperature and pressure fluctuations. This behaviour was ascribed to the stiffness caused by the highly orientation-dependent effective electrostatic interactions, and is illustrated in Figures 1.27 and 1.28 where the relative orientation of two CO2 molecules is defined and the effective dimensionless (i.e., U/kT, T = 300 K) intermolecular Lennard-Jones, electrostatic and total energies (which result from the corresponding interatomic pairwise additive energies), are plotted against carbon-carbon separation. The salient features of Figure 1.28 are the orientation-sensitivity of the electrostatic potential, and the effective short range electrostatic interaction arising from elementary long-ranged Coulombic interactions. Velocity distributions for the solvent molecules corresponding to four different run average translational temperatures, <T(tr)> = 2<KE(tr)> 3Nk (1.43) with tr denoting translation, KE, kinetic energy, and N = 107, are shown in Figures 1.29-1.32. Maxwell-Boltzmann) where The continuous line is the theoretical (i.e., prediction, and the points correspond to <AN(v)>/Av, <AN> is the average number of molecules having velocities within + Av/2 of v, with Av equal to 5% of the total velocity range considered, namely, 0 < v* < 3, with v v v (1.44) 1/2 Vrm vmss (3k<T>) m i.e., three times the root mean square velocity. The number of times the ensemble's velocities were analyzed to arrive at <AN> is indicated 56 bI b |1 I I I I ia02 &Of3 b I I I FIGURE 1.26: ,5 b4 b |b6o buI bb I I Two-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. 57 l 0 z 0 J C 0 FIGURE 1.27: Kinematic description of two linear molecules. 58 a I- I I I 4 2 0 I II i I [ 5 5 15 10 15 10 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) · · - 0 10 F a- 900 a - 450 -2 5 ' 450 *y450 6 450 - 450 0 -4 I I 6 I I I 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) FIGURE 1.28: 6 450 I 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) van der Waals, coulombic and total intermolecular interaction energy for two CO2 molecules resulting from the sum of nine elementary atomic interactions. 59 0.3 0. I -I I I o0 a 310.3K 0. a CE Z0> 'h ' 0.1 O 0.0 I I I 0 500see 1000 v (m/s) FIGURE 1.29: Maxwell-Boitzmann and computed velocity distribution; # of samplings = 64; <T> - 310.3 K. 60 I 0.as . 20 0. 15 - -I I I II I I - <T > 318.6K - - 0 10 Z "I' e .0s 0.00 I e - -- I see I L 1 leee v (m/s) FIGURE1.30: Maxwell-Boltzmann of samplings and computed velocity = 67; <T> - 318.6 K. 61 distribution; # U I I~ I I as15 <T > - 337.4K 0.15 10 O. 10 - 0.05 - 0.00 - I __·, - 0 I __ 6 ( I ie00 v (rams) FIGURE 1.31: Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; of samplings = 67; <T> - 62 3 37.4 K. # .e S I 1 I I I I I 0. 2e E ' 342.3K .15 %-f 0.10 0.05 0.00 I _I 0 ,, I see - -n a' le00 la v (m/s) FIGURE 1.32: Maxwell-Boltzmann and computed velocity distribution; of samplings 64; <T> - 342.3 K. 63 in each case. Simulations were either started from a unimodal velocity distribution (i.e., all molecules assigned their equipartition velocities with random orientations), or from the end of a previous simulation. The radial distribution function for the central carbon atom of the CO2 molecule is shown in Figures 1.33 and 1.34 as a function of density At the moderate densities considered, fluid structure and temperature. is almost exclusively limited to a nearest neighbour shell whose radius The mild secondary peak disappears at higher temper- is approximately 4A. atures and lower densities. Diffusion coefficients were calculated by creating an ensemble of solute "experiments" shifted in time and computing squared displacements at corresponding instants with respect to the respective origins (Figure 1.35). This test-particle approach (Alder et. al., 1974) allows the computation of ensemble averages from the simulation of the motion of a single solute molecule. displacement The long time behaviour of the mean squared versus time relationship yields the diffusion coefficient which is simply 1/6 of the slope of the resulting straight line (Einstein, 1905) (or, more precisely, the slope is 2dD, where d is the dimensionality of the displacements). The temperature dependence of the squared displacement history is shown in Figure 1.36, and the results of four different simulations are plotted in Figure 1.37 in Arrhenius fashion. energy should be compared to the 10.9 KJ mole Schneider's at two data The regressed activation -1 obtained from Swaid and (1979) for diffusion of benzene different temperatures. in supercritical CO2 There being only one solute molecule, the temperature dependence of properties can, at best, yield semiquantitative numbers since the very concept of temperature implies a statistical distribution of velocities. The isothermal density dependence of the squared displacement vs. time relationship, shown in Figure 1.38, displays interesting trends. The zero-displacement limit of the linear relationship defines a relaxation time, which, for a Brownian sphere, is given by (Chandrasekhar, 1943) T m (1.45) where n and a are the viscosity of the medium and the radius of the sphere, 64 1.5 1.0 g(r) 0.5 0.0 0. 5. 10. C - C Distance ( Angstrom ) FIGURE 1.33: Effect of temperature upon the carbon-carbon radial distribution function; p 13.87 mol/lt. 65 I N I.D 1.0 g(r) 0.5 0.0 0. 10. 5. C-C Distance( Angstrom) FIGURE 1.34: Effect of density upon the carbon-carbon radial distribution function; <T> 315 K. 66 i Time n "4 L'In I.- OD m 0 I si) r : M- In x\ r II LS., -- i: i,jt (rjjj -) t FIGURE 1.35: Ensemble generating technique. 67 ) 10.0 o< A N 5.0 V 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time (I 0 -1 2 Sec) FIGURE 1.36: Effect of temperature upon versus time relationship. 68 the mean squared displacement __ __ __ I I I 4 E- 14.8 KJ/mol Cn p -IO0.53mol/It 3 E 0 1E 2 - I - I I I 2.5 3 3.5 ( K-I) IO3 T- FIGURE 1.37: Arrhenius plot for the of benzene in CO2 69 computed diffusion coefficients 10.0 C<Z N A 5.0 V 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time ( 10- 12 Sec) FIGURE 1.38: Effect of density upon relaxation (short time) and diffusive (long time) behaviour; benzene-C02 ; <T> - 310 K. 70 respectively. Furthermore, the short-time ) (i.e., t << behaviour of <r2> can be obtained from a truncated time expansion which, when squared and ensemble-averaged, yields <r2> = (3kT) t 2 (1.46) At a given temperature, (i.e. same initial slope), then, decreasing the density (i.e., the viscosity) causes an increase in , which dominates the short-time behaviour, only to give rise to a higher diffusion coefficient, (the computed diffusion coefficients are 1.396x10l4 as expected, for t > cm 2 /s at 10.53 mol/lt 4 and 1.649x10 cm2/s at 7.42 mol/lt). Relaxation times calculated from Equation (1.45) with experimental C02 viscosities o (.05cp to at H 310 K, atom 90 bar, distance) 12.2 for a, mol/lt) yield and 2.49 values (5.5 A x (i.e., center 10 13sec) of mass in excellent qualitative agreement with T values obtained from the simulations. A very interesting theoretical question is raised by the fact that, although linear only in the behaviour an simulations the mean squared displacement exhibits a at long times, the relationship asymptotic law approached DT 1 = f at high viscosities. [size] is This apparent paradox can be explained by noting that the long time relationship between <r2 > and time can be derived without postulating any explicit form for the hydrodynamic drag. Alternatively (Chandrasekhar, 1943), 2 from the Langevin equation, the limits <r > (t - 2 t (t - starting 0) and <r2> - t ) can again be obtained without postulating any form for the drag coefficient, , although the drag term itself is, in this approach, pro- portional to the particle's velocity tionality constant, We conclude, (with an as yet undefined propor- ). therefore, that, if is non-linear in n (i.e., B - n 6, for example), the Stokes-Einstein equation (or, more precisely, its form, i.e., nDT = f [size]) would not describe physical reality; in spite 2 of this, though, the short and long time limits of <r > would, of course, still be parabolic and linear, respectively, and the fundamental relationship between <r2 > and D at long times would still be valid. 71 The breakdown of hydrodynamic behaviour in supercritical fluids, then, is associated with a "hydrodynamic" drag that can best be explained in terms of a power law relationship between the drag coefficient and viscosity. Using the activation energy calculated from the log D vs. T 1 plot (Figure 1.37), we 10.53 mol/lt from can estimate a diffusion coefficient at 313.2 K and the value obtained at 309.3K and the same density. This number (1.5 x 10- 4 cm2/s) is to be compared with the value obtained by graphical interpolation of Swaid and Schneider's data at the same temperature (2.05 x 10 4cm2/s). The molecular dynamics prediction is 36.7% lower than the experimental value. This is an encouraging result, given the facts that no adjustable parameters were used in this work, and that the ensemble-generating technique involved just one solute particle. 72 2: INTRODUCTION 2.1: PERSPECTIVE Research in the general area of supercritical fluids has grown considerably over the past few years (Ely and Baker, 1983). of this technology have, by aspects far, received The thermodynamic much more attention than the transport aspects. From the point of view of transport, the goal is to understand and, eventually, predict, the rates at which mass and/or heat are transferred This requires knowledge of the transport within the dense fluid phase. properties of the mixtures involved, as well as of the particular flow situation being considered. The present work addresses several aspects of mass transfer in supercritical fluids. The first question that must be answered, therefore, is the relevance of the problem itself, i.e., why (if at all) is mass transfer in a supercritical fluid any different from, say, liquid phase mass transfer? Part of this answer is, of course, obvious: the physical properties of supercritical mixtures are different from liquid properties (see below). by This, itself, would justify interest in the problem, at least from the point of view of property measurement, estimation and correlation. In region addition, give rise the unique properties of in the supercritical fluids to mass transfer mechanisms which are different from the corresponding liquid phase case. qualitatively Thus, what is required in order to understand and predict mass transfer rates in supercritical fluids is a study of the physical properties and of the peculiar convective mechanisms Such an that arise as a analysis has been consequence of those physical done for heat transfer properties. (Nishikawa and Ito, 1969; Harrison and Watson, 1976; Hauptman and Malhotra, 1980; Shitsman, 1974; Nishikawa, et al., 1973; Kakarala and Thomas, 1980; Hall, 1975), but not for mass transfer. In this work, physical property measurement and computer simulation have been done for binary diffusion of aromatic compounds in supercritical fluids. In addition, the importance of natural convection in mass transfer 73 with supercritical fluids has been analyzed in the light of fluid properties, and observed experimentally. In Table 2.1, the physical properties of a supercritical fluid (CO2 at 150 bar and 310 K) are compared with those of air and water at ambient conditions. We notice, in the first place, the very low kinematic viscosity As outlined of the supercritical fluid. in Section 1.1 and explained in Chapter 3, this is the reason why, at any given Reynolds number, natural convection plays a much more important part within a supercritical fluid mechanism in the overall transport than it does in the case of a liquid or a gas. In the second place, the Schmidt numbers corresponding to diffusion of typical organic solutes (molecular weight - 102) are roughly two orders of magnitude lower in a supercritical fluid than in a typical liquid, whereas Prandtl numbers are comparable. We can therefore complete the answer to the question posed at the beginning of this section by noting that a supercritical fluid is simultaneously as dense as a liquid, more compressible than a dilute gas, possesses a kinematic viscosity that can be lower than liquid metal kinematic viscosities, Prandtl numbers similar to those of liquids, and Schmidt numbers two orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding liquid values. This is certainly more than enough to justify the study of transport in supercritical fluids. Although of the the existence present work, properties of supercritical fluids are a consequence of the critical point, the analysis, is entirely classical. throughout the Critical phenomena (Stanley, 1971) such as the divergence of the specific heat at constant pressure or the isothermal compressibility of a pure substance at its critical point, or the vanishing of diffusive fluxes at mixture critical points (Tsekhanskaya, 1968) require entirely different theoretical approaches (Pfeuty and Toulouse, 1978; Ma, 1976). Non-classical behaviour, however, whereby fluctuations of some characteristic quantity (the order parameter) grow without limit, is restricted to very narrow regions were not explored in the present work. 74 close to criticality, and these 0 o r rlN V CO V CO , -.02 C) .. I, * C) C) E/ 0" I 1)~m N 0 0 L, r1 Ct, OO C -4 I C\] X o* .c 4-' - C, L S m oI m .- m 0CVII I Uae) r.J) C oI 0 Cl bO -, E m .. .. , - .o) c) 4-') bO 0. 10 CL :C I I ., N - U1) o -- V 0 Q) 0. 4' b o 4-' or, 3: , 00 0 o ao o X U) I: U) - 4') L. -* c X O 4C .,-I* 4O -H z ' 0 0 V 4' (- o Ln CO -- 4 co 0 0. 0 o :c4 r_ a 0 0 ox N 4'; ox u/ Lr 2 CC) - a0 C , S a' oo0 X L CO 0 o c o ^ a)02 0- * N .-I vH L CO * ateCO C Lrn L' '2Y O L0 a)._ I .I O O 0a -4 -Ua) CO - O g CO _ . N ^0 bn 0 * . -- 02 I _O C. LO A)C 0 Co b N- 02 H ( U r-4 a Irz bD ICc *. r CO Uco co LA - IC b 0 n L CNI qc) (-U) S Co o I a'o a\ E. bo C) CO V C . e ac ) cl 4.0 CI oLA ON " ON c 0. r- :5 -i^n^O 0 0 u ^ ' x x ·O -- * t-- Iy) CY ot0_ ~In~in~ In t .- -I N 0 Co - : . oo 4I COCr-) C CO o0 o o I in a. 0)t- l-L-.N~cCO.JO - L-) bO *. -I z I , D a' - C- CO _ 4) _I cO x Co O v_~ Q- I x ~ Iq CO E- ~ CT$ _ -H --: r a)) 4' CO B i CO . f a_ . - CZ 0L - C/) 75 (d *- LA .O * C) .1 - .- .*..m N . E4 -4 _ .. -4 _ U V C C) g C ItO X C-a - , . * . CY - a - _ N _ 4- rb -HI - b 2.2: DIFFUSION IN DENSE FLUIDS: THEORETICAL DIFFICULTIES Mutual and self diffusion coefficients for low pressure gaseous systems can be estimated to within - 7.5% accuracy (Reid et al., 1977) from purely The starting point in this case is the Boltzmann theoretical expressions. transport equation (Hirschfelder et al., 1964; Chapman and Cowling, 1970; Huang, 1963; Pauli, 1981). equation derived for the rate by Boltzmann The latter is a non-linear integro-differential of change of the distribution in its original function and was form by considering only binary interactions of point particles and introducing the molecular chaos hypothesis, whereby the position and velocity of a particle are uncorrelated. The Boltzmann transport equation admits a stationary solution, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (see Chapter 8). The Chapman-Enskog method is a successive approximation approach to the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation, and yields expressions for the transport coefficients after considerable effort. As soon as fluid density becomes such that the mean free path is comparable to molecular dimensions, higher order interactions and the finite molecular size must be taken into account. In addition, collisional transfer (i.e., the energy and momentum transfer that a takes place progressively instantaneously in a hard sphere collision) becomes important transport mechanism which is not considered in the Boltzmann equation. As a result, there exists no accurate kinetic theory of dense fluids that will allow, as with the dilute case, an accurate prediction of the transport coefficients. Some of the theoretical and experimental approaches to the problem will be briefly reviewed. 2.3: THEORETICAL APPROACHES Corresponding states arguments have been applied to the correlation and extrapolation of self-diffusion data. dimensional analysis arguments In this case, one can use (Hirschfelder et al., 1964) to show that the reduced self-diffusion coefficient of a spherical non-polar molecule, 76 D+ = D m 1 (//2 £) -1 (2.1) must be a function of the reduced temperature and volume, D+ = D+ (v+,T+ ) (2.2) where v+ - 3 (2.3) T + = kT/e (2.4) v and In Equations to (2.1) a (2.4), e are and a characteristic length and a characteristic energy, m is the molecular mass, and v, the molecular volume (i.e., total volume divided by number of molecules). though Even not may the detailed functionality known, this approach be provides, implied by Equation (2.2) in principle, an extremely powerful technique for data correlation and extrapolation. Equation (2.1) can be transformed, again through dimensional arguments, by writing a - (kTc/Pc)1 /3 (2.5) - k Tc (2.6) m = ML k = RL (2.7) 1 (2.8) where L is Avogadro's number, D M1 / 2 Pc1 /3 (RTc) 5 D+ which to arrive = D at D + (Tr, Pr) is the usual starting point (2.9) for corresponding states approaches to diffusion. The extension of these ideas to binary diffusion outset, a degree of arbitrariness parameters. implies, at the in the definition of mixture critical Thus, Slattery and Bird (1958), define geometric mean critical temperatures and pressures, (2.10) ?C12- (PC - 1 PC2 ) 1 / 2 TC1 2 (Tc1 TC2 ) 1 / 2 (2.11) 77 whereas a more common approach is to define TC12 3 + PC12= [1/2 (TC/P) 1 TC12 with as per Equation 1/2 (T 2 /P (2.11). 2) 1 3 ]3 (2.12) The denominator of Equation (2.12) is equivalent to a Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rule for a, 1 -+- 2 (al = 012 (2.13) + 02) The mixture molecular weight is usually defined as a modified harmonic mean, +1(2.14) Ml2 From Ml M2 this short it should be apparent discussion, ideas can be extremely useful corresponding-states that, although in correlating self- diffusion data, the extension to binary diffusion can, at best, be considered as a convenient empiricism, since the definitions of mixture parameters are somewhat arbitrary. a of two-parameter approach Furthermore, for highly non-spherical molecules, (a, , or Tc, the system's behaviour. describing is not, Pc) As an example, we (1958) correlation, obtained Slattery-Bird in general, by statistical capable consider the analysis of experimental data in the light of a corresponding states approach, (2.15) = 3.882 x 10 4 T 1.823 PD r with 1/2 5/6 T 5/6 c (2.16) P 2/3 c and mixture parameters as per Equations (2.10), (2.11), (2.14). (2.15) and (2.16) 2 are dimensional, with the pressures Equations in atmospheres Equation (2.15) was originally derived for self-diffusion and D in cm /sec. in dilute systems, and extended to dilute binary systems by the authors. When several dense fluid data (Table 2.2) are plotted according to Equations (2.15), it can be seen (2.16), (2.10), (2.11) and (2.14) (see Figure 2.1) that deviations are not associated with high pressures 78 O ' O C, ~N A A A I' aI %. .0 -- I O N --- ID A I O ,0 A A LCI O 0 0OCY) CN - O 0 c, O m 0 A A I I I I C 0o o o .0 I I I co C O 'O LA O0 O3 nU,O OnUYi I) a, L, M C `4 0r co 0 ~M v v mr .1- 0 CO O0 M CY) O v_- C0 v, O co O CY) o M M o0 M m 0o Ln 0O cO N cv, a,a, * a) 0 %.O O 08 la V ,-I 0 O O O C O C O OC L L L L E Cu O a I II [z.3 r4 rI a a a x a, , O' O O C a, O Oa, V -H a, a, V *- V a, a, s s CY N NI Lf) 0 0, C o Cu r - - a) .- Ut LO L. O C C C Cu 0E a) o a) r. (1) 0 C m E o H L. I a, C) -4 C , 'I N .. N tC N .3 4 >, u r ) 3N I U , 0O U L. ' I I N O ) O o) 0 L a, 0 S O 2 Cp 79 co o OI ) C. c O C) w; 0 C 0N ,l OC O a, a V Cu L a a L L)o _ I C.) >s s C c E N 0 X: ,_I I IU-l I 10-2 10-3 10o-4 x O H2 H2 CH 4 - N w * -'4 -' '"b 4 N2 - C2H 6 0 C0 2 - C 6 H6 o C0 2 - n-propylbenzene ' C02- 1.2,3trimethylbenzene 10-5 v C2 H 4 - nophthalene v C02 - nophthalene * N2 - naphthalene I I 10 I 10- 6 _ 10 1' T/Tc FIGURE 2.1: The Slattery-Bird correlation: a two-parameter corresponding states approach. 80 In particular, diffusion but with the nature of the solutes and solvents. of aromatics is poorly represented N2 -naphthalene H2 - system. 690 CH bar), - C 2H 6 (69 to 690 bar) and CH4 - N2 (7 to 172 bar) are well correlated in terms of this two parameter the to (1960) for of (69 hand, Berry and Koeller's the other data equation. N2 On correlation, except for the by the The C02 -naphthalene data include Tsekhanskaya's (1971) studies at mixture vanishing of diffusion coefficients critical points which are, a priori, beyond the scope of Equation (2.15) (see Chapter 7). corresponding states arguments, therefore, Two-parameter should be used with extreme care in dense binary systems, and must be considered, Mixture composition is not at best, as helpful correlating guidelines. taken such as Equations into account by relationships (2.10), (2.11), (2.12) or (2.14), which can only be applied at infinite dilution. The extension of corresponding states ideas to substances that depart from strictly conformal behaviour has received considerable attention recently. In one approach, a reference substance of well-known properties is and used, to the reference conformality with respect substance is forced through the introduction of state-dependent shape factors (Murad and Gubbins, 1977), which are either calculated iteratively or obtained from empirical fits. For mixtures, pseudo-critical properties are introduced; this leads to the appearance of cross interaction parameters, which must be regressed from experimental transport data (Murad and Gubbins, 1981). Although interesting in principle, this approach is far from standardized and requires extensive iterative calculations or empirical values for the shape factors and interaction coefficients. Alternatively, (2.9) are expanded the reduced coefficients transport in Taylor series about a known using a third parameter as an expansion variable. (i.e., Equation (reference) value, This idea is derived from Pitzer's (1955) original work, so that the acentric factor is the most commonly used third parameter. a modified version of this approach Teja (1982) has recently proposed for binary diffusion in liquids by Two diffusion coefficients are needed considering two reference fluids. (of different solutes in a given solvent), and the resulting expression still contains an adjustable parameter. 81 The in problem of calculating density-dependent diffusion dense fluids is still unsolved. The Enskog (1921) coefficients theory is still widely used in spite of the fact that, in most cases, it does not predict the observed trends. smooth spheres, In this approach, molecules are considered as hard whereupon the problem again becomes tractable, since The main result only binary collisions can exist in a hard sphere fluid. of this theory, in its unmodified form, and for self-diffusion, can be written as (PD) X_1~~~ ~(2.17) (P~~~D)°~~~ - X indicates the dilute limit, and X is the factor by where superscript which collision frequency in a hard responding number sphere fluid differs from the cor- in a fluid composed of point particles and is given, for a hard sphere fluid, by X = 1 + 0.625 bo-V 1 + 0.115 (boV-1 )3 + 0.2869 (boV-1 ) + . (2.18) where bo is the molar second virial coefficient, = bo ( 3 )L (2.19) and V, the molar volume. in Chapman and Cowling A derivation of Equation (2.18) can be found (1970) and follows from geometric arguments by taking into account the increase in collision frequency due to the finite molecular size as well as the decrease in collision frequency due to the "shielding" effect that close-packed molecules exert on each other by blocking incoming molecules. Enskog's ideas were extended to binary (1-2) diffusion by Thorne, to arrive at pD12 1 (2.20) with X12 1 + where n 2 no3 (8 - 3a/o12) 1n2 + a3 (8-3 a2 /o1 2 ) + ... (2.21) and n2 are number densities, and the hard sphere diameters are combined according to Equation (2.13). 82 As can be seen from Equation (2.18) or its binary equivalent (2.21), Enskog's theory predicts diffusivities which decrease with density more rapidly than -1 p . In addition, since X and X12 are both greater than unity, we must have, according to this theory, (pD) < (pD) ° (2.22) for diffusion of aromatics (Swaid and Schneider, 1979), as well as in supercritical CO, 2 aliphatic always. halogenated and experimental measurements However, in He aliphatic hydrocarbons (Balenovic et al., 1970) are not only consistently above the Enskog prediction, i.e., pD (pD)O but, > exp pD > (2.23) (pD)O Enskog in addition, result in ratios greater than unity for several data points, a fact that cannot be explained by the Enskog theory. The modified Enskog theory is an attempt to preserve the simplicity of the basic relationship (i.e., Equation the idealizations implicit in Equation (2.17)), while correcting for (2.18). This is done, following Enskog, by postulating that, in the hard sphere equation, -1 - 1 bo V where (2.24) z is the compressibility factor, the pressure be replaced by the "thermal pressure", to arrive at X bo V -1 V P RT - T(Tf) (2.25) In this approach, bo is now obtained from T () RT (1 + X bo v-1) (2.26) V and the limit of X bo as V tends to infinity. When P-V-T data, are expressed as P = VRT [1 + pB(T) + p2 C(T) + 83 ... ] (2.27) we obtain, M (aBT) bo (2.28) V The modified Enskog theory (Hanley et al., 1972; Hanley and Cohen, 1975) has been used successfully for simple pure dense fluids. In essence, it is an ad-hoc correction of the original theory that takes into account the actual properties of a fluid by replacing the hard sphere expression for X (Equation (2.18)) by Equation (2.25), where X is calculated P-V-T data. is an from Tne extension of the modified Enskog theory to binary diffusion interesting possibility, although, from the previous discussion, it should be evident that such an approach would constitute a semiempirical modification of an existing theory, rather than a predictive method based on first principles. The so called van der Waals picture of transport (Dymond and Alder, 1966), whereby via a a spherically in dense fluids molecules are considered to interact symmetric potential consisting of a hard core plus long-range attractive tail, has served as a basis for a significant amount of recent work. empirical correction factors have sphericity. "composed In order to preserve this intuitive general picture, been introduced to account for non- Thus, the idea of a rough hard sphere fluid (Chandler, 1975) of spherical instantaneous particles which collide collisions are capable of impulsively, and these changing the angular momentum of a particle as well as the linear momentum" leads to a correction factor A, (the "roughness factor"), such that DRHS A DSHS (A < 1) (2.29) where RHS and SHS denote, respectively, rough and soft hard spheres (i.e., spheres with and without rotational-translational coupling, respectively). The roughness factor is used as an adjustable parameter. arguments it follows that A should be a given system. From equipartition independent of temperature for In spite of the obvious empiricism of Equation (2.29), the rough hard sphere approach has received considerable attention (Bertucci and Flygare, 1975; De Zwaan and Jonas, 1975; Fury et al., 1979; Chen, 1983) and has been widely used for correlating purposes. Hydrodynamic of a Brownian theory sphere (Einstein, of radius 1905) predicts, for the diffusion a in a fluid of viscosity n, at a temperature T, a diffusion coefficient given by D where kT 6Tran (2.30) the coefficient 6 to a no-slip boundary condition, in the opposite case whereby the sliding friction coefficient and becomes 4 vanishes. corresponds It has long been known that an equation of the form of (2.30), ice., nDT can be fluids. used = f [size] (2.31) to correlate and understand molecular diffusion in dense This implies the very remarkable concept of hydrodynamic behaviour at the molecular level, and is the basis of numerous empirical correlations which have been used with varied success in the study of diffusion in liquids (Wilke and Chang, 1955; Scheibel, 1954; Reddy and Doraiswamy, 1967; Lusis and Ratcliff, 1968). For non-spherical molecules of realistic shape, hydrodynamic theory cannot, in general, provide a predictive equation due to the difficulty in evaluating the drag. However, Equation (2.31) is extremely useful for correlating purposes. The hydrodynamic limit can also be analyzed in the context of hard sphere theory (Dymond, 1974), according to which D - T1/2 (V - 1.384 V) 1/2 n T2 (V - 1.384 V) a -1 (2.32) (2.33) a a (2.33) where V is the hard sphere close-packed molar volume, and V is the molar volume. It follows that -1 Dn T in - (2.34) The hard sphere fluid, then, with hydrodynamic theory. hydrodynamic behaviour at the molecular agreement shows -11 dependence level. of fluid viscosity predicted by Equation The temperature (2.33), though, is obviously inconsistent with experimental evidence, whereby liquid viscosities 85 are To strongly remedy regressed (i.e., this, from activated) decreasing functions of temperature. temperature-dependent hard sphere diameters have experimental data (Fury et al., 1979; Chen, 1983), been but this is obviously in contradiction with the concept of a hard sphere. From this brief survey, it can be concluded that the prediction of transport coefficients in dense fluids is, at present, an unsolved theoretical problem. Existing theories can, at best, serve as useful guidelines for data analysis and correlation. 2.4: DIFFUSION IN DENSE FLUIDS: COMPUTER SIMULATIONS The calculation of transport coefficients via computer simulations can be done using molecular dynamics, a technique first introduced almost thirty years ago (Alder and Wainwright, 1959; Wainwright and Alder, 1958). In this approach, the dynamics of a finite number of molecules is simulated by integrating the classical equations of motion, and the resulting evolution in time of the positions (and orientations for non-spherical molecules) and velocities (including angular velocities in the case of non-spherical molecules) of the molecules is interpreted statistically. The method, as described above, is deterministic. for the calculation of is necessary properties can, in addition to The dynamic aspect transport properties; equilibrium the dynamic approach, be obtained from statistically generated configurations from which averages can be calculated. The efficient generation of configurations with their appropriate weighing factors is accomplished by using the so-called Monte Carlo method, first introduced over thirty years ago (Metropolis et al., 1953). This represents the other important technique in the area of computer simulation of fluids, and will not be considered here since, by its very nature, it cannot be used to calculate transport properties. Two theoretically equivalent methods can be used to compute diffusion coefficients. d dt relates The Einstein expression <[r(t) the - r(O)]2> (2.35) = 2 d D diffusion coefficient of an ensemble of molecules to the slope of the ensemble-averaged, squared displacement versus time relationship 86 long at discussion), be can In Equation times. (2.35) corresponding d is the dimensionality along calculated a within line, for derivation (see Chapter 8 a plane, the latter to r, i.e., or, as in and the present work, in three dimensional space. The calculation of a diffusion coefficient, then, involves following an ensemble of molecules during a time long enough the motion of for the ensemble-averaged squared displacement to grow linearly with time. can calculate diffusion coefficients using the one Alternatively, time-correlation formalism (McQuarrie, 1976), whereby D = - <v(t) v(O)> (2.36) dt 0 In Equation (2.36), v is, again, a d-dimensional vector. Equation (2.36) can be derived from Equation (2.35) (McQuarrie, 1976); both methods are therefore theoretically (though not computationally) equivalent. In this approach, then, one computes the time integral of the ensembleaveraged velocity starting from a given autocorrelation, (arbitrary) initial instant, and continuing until the autocorrelation decays to zero, whereupon the integral is invariant. The method therefore falls into the category of computer "experiments" (Gubbins et al., 1983). This apparently contradictory classification follows from the fact that, given some initial conditions, the temporal evolution of the system is determined but cannot be known a-priori; the computer then performs the simulation (the "experiment"), whose results are finally analyzed and interpreted. The main problems associated with the molecular fall into two very different categories. additive potentials, the duration dynamics approach In the first place, for pairwise of a simulation (given an event of fixed duration to be studied) is a quadratic function of the sample size. With current computers, representing - 10 - 10 3 problems are limited to simulations seconds of real time, and sample sizes smaller than molecules (or, more generally, 103sites fluids). The tractable in the case of molecular This first type of limitation is technical rather than fundamental. relative performance of several computers applications is discussed by Ceperley (1981). 87 for molecular dynamics A much more fundamental limitation stems from the lack of basic knowledge in the field of intermolecular (or interatomic) potentials. et al. (1981) summarize functions which considered He-He and Ar-Kr are and our present state of knowledge about potential by considering four categories. are Maitland quantitatively Class I includes "functions accurate". Ar-Ar, Kr-Kr, Ne-Ne, the only members of this group, with He-Ar, He-Kr He-Xe described as "probably of this quality". Class II includes potential functions obtained by means of reliable methods; in this category, however, the potentials "have not been extensively tested on a wide range of properties". Members of this group include Hg-alkali metal, inert gas-alkali metal and some inert gas-inert gas (He-Ar, He-Ne, for example) potentials. Class III includes potentials ..." which result from serious attempts to describe the interactions of non-spherical polyatomic molecules". The authors recommend procedures to tackle the problem (inclusion of point monopoles, for example) but conclude that "... the most convenient representation of this anisotropy has not yet been established". in Class IV, the authors Finally, include "... the determinations not of full potential energy functions but merely the parameters that enable a model potential function to best fit selected data", and conclude that, at best "... this procedure offers a way of smoothing or of modestly extrapolating the data at hand. To invest such potentials with more value than this can lead to confusion". The fact that the technique (i.e., molecular dynamics) is well developed, whereas the fundamental input to the simulation (i.e., the potential functions) cannot, at present, be determined with anything even approaching the same degree of confidence, makes limited at best. the predictive use of the method In the present context, the word predictive should be considered incompatible with the very concept of an adjustable parameter. It is not surprising, contribution of molecular therefore, that by far the most significant dynamics to date has been the study of model fluids rather than the predictive calculation of properties for specific substances. Thus, important phenomena such as the long-time tails in the velocity autocorrelation function (Alder and Wainwright, 1967; Alder and Wainwright, 1970) the existence of a phase transition in a hard sphere system (Alder and Wainwright, 1962), or the equation of state for a hard 88 sphere or hard disk solid (Alder et al., 1968) have been successfully studied with this technique. In fact, in some cases (long-time tails), the simulated behaviour displayed hitherto unknown features which were thus first "observed" in a computer simulation and only later predicted as a general feature of dense fluid behaviour. The generality and usefulness of such model fluid simulations are in sharp contrast with the necessarily empirical and restricted information gathered from specific fluid simulations with ad-hoc potential parameters (Stillinger of and interatomic Rahman, 1974). and Progress intermolecular in the fundamental knowledge forces should lead, eventually, to a completely predictive approach. 2.5: DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS; EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES In the light of the previous discussion, it follows that experiments must necessarily dense fluids. play a fundamental role In the particular case of supercritical fluids, the critical pressures of the solvents of C 2 H,; 37.5 bar for SF6, which in the study of diffusion in interest (73.8 bar for C02 ; 50.2 bar for for example) result in high pressure operation, makes the study of diffusion under supercritical conditions more difficult, experimentally, than the study of diffusion in liquids. Previous studies of diffusion in supercritical fluids are summarized in Table 2.3. The weight loss method is a static technique whereby the instantaneous mass of a suspended pellet of diffusing solute is related to the cell geometry, equilibrium solubility of the solute in the solvent, diffusion time and binary diffusion coefficient through an analytical expression resulting from the solution of the appropriate diffusion problem. In view of the importance of natural convection in supercritical fluids (see Chapter 3), the assumption of a stagnant solvent may lead to errors. The use of supercritical chromatography to study diffusion coefficients represents an Taylor, 1954). application of Taylor dispersion theory (Taylor, 1953; The diffusion coefficient of a solute injected as a pulse in trace amounts into a capillary where a solvent circulates in laminar flow can be calculated from capillary's exit. the solute's concentration profile at the The diffusion coefficient is then a function of fluid 89 =r %.O _ kD /_ - co o Y :Y a I., ) a) L. '4 0·I (1) E E '0 C '0 C 0 0 a a) C- E C C C) U U C) C C C I (4 CO _s 0 co O 0 0 9, 0 0 0 '0 la a a) c _ 0 .1-4 .- 4 ·(·( aC Co U 9-4 (U r-4 .- 4 s 4O a 3 3 C,) c CO > > > Ca Ca 0 o 0 0 L .C 0 L. .5 0 S.c CO , C (U O3 0co _ 4) 0 0 0 0 C (U (U cm CO C C/ Co bo C ca *1 U _r _ C 4O EE O a" 1C.. co ON L o v a) E O co t OI L. a) - E- C) 0 co cd c 0) aCl) a s: 0 . _ co M 1-4 C. c) 0 rT4 C. 0. 0) 0 0 C) co . 0 C 0co 0 o 0 O o 4) 0-C4 oa : '4 0o S '4 ' .,- .4 .1 a a a C) C a C) O O 0 4 4) 4 .C CZ ba 3 S o~ S 0 ( 0 cvI C: (o cVI C: (U vI .: (o 00 0 0 '0 O 4 U C) 0 C . CL CL. CL. 0 0 %O C) C) C) C' O O O 0 o O (D cl c. Yo 9-4 ac40 co cx o co 0 w co 09 '. F 0 N 0M VI E VI co VI EI VI Ln o 0 o O0 )O 0 C ao Co bo t0o (U C) C) 4 -- .,4 c (U 0 a, a, co a a . o O t0 a VI VI VI VI 0 VI t- co a, (n 5N) r v.94 .0 C (1) I_ l-, E- X4 E 0r9 N N VI EVI o 0O 0 M, VI EVI co0 0 0 CY ) oN VI E VI co a VI - VI VI VI VI VI VI F E- Cv E- CM 0_ W C N 0 C 4 0 0 0N co O 0m (o *-4 4) 4) c0 4 4) o 0 4 CO ,Y O (U) CL C SC 0 0(U .- 4 cr 4) 13 0 a C C a) .0 N 0I 0 4) a F-I D >9 u) f. 0 C 0 C C I C O C) ci C) 0 0 a4 t0 (UL0 C3 co & C 4 f- .C c) 0. I N C (0 0 s a O CC CQ .0 I I e Ci C) - Wr 0 L) a0 C D oCII I C) I J.) (L) O a M C) C 0 0 C) C8 90 I oC a. B ou velocity, duct radius, concentration profile peak width and solute retention time. This technique can be classified as hydrodynamic, since a well characterized flow situation must exist for the theory to be applicable. effect of density non-uniformities across the duct's The cross section can always be minimized by modifying the duct's aspect ratio (i.e., increasing its length to diameter ratio), making this technique preferable to diffusion cell approaches. The use of chromatographic techniques to study binary diffusion has been applied to gaseous (Balenovic et al., 1970) as well as liquid systems (Ouano, 1972). A comprehensive review can be found in an article by Maynard and Grushka (1975). Hydrodynamic techniques can be broadly classified as Fickian or phenomenological. This means that diffusion coefficients are obtained from the solution of a differential equation relating diffusive and convective transport in a well-characterized flow situation. Not only is concentration considered as the driving force for diffusion (see Chapter 7), but the resulting transport coefficient is an average value, resulting from the assumption of composition-independence. always be used at infinite dilution. Thus, hydrodynamic methods should This condition can always be approached with chromatographic techniques (detector sensitivity being the limiting factor) but needs to be carefully checked when diffusion occurs from a source of given composition. In light scattering techniques, (Burstyn and Sengers, 1982; Saad and Gulari, 1984), on the other hand, the decay rate of the autocorrelation of scattered light intensity is measured at various by means of a suitable signal detection scheme. scattering angles The scattering angle is related to the wave number of concentration fluctuations through Bragg's equation, whereupon the diffusion coefficient is obtained from the relationship. r where D 2 2q (2.37) r is the autocorrelation decay rate and q, the wave number. technique has been used to study binary diffusion 91 The in liquid mixtures both away from (Czworniak et al., 1975) and in (Burstyn and Sengers, 1982) the critical regime. The technique is accurate and does not give rise to the experimental problems associated with hydrodynamic methods. In particular, natural convection phenomena are entirely absent due to the time scales involved. In addition, the concentration dependence of D,2 can be measured unambiguously by performing experiments at various different concentrations. Finally, the technique has important theoretical implications, especially in the critical region, which make its use mandatory in the study of non-classical dynamic critical phenomena (Enz, 1979). 2.6: MASS TRANSFER Little systematic work (Brunner, 1984) has been done on mass transfer into a supercritical fluid in practical situations (packed beds, liquid columns, stirred tanks, etc.). As explained in Chapter 3, significant enhancements in mass transfer rates are to be expected whenever transport in the supercritical phase is rate-limiting. This is an important and interesting problem, and should receive increasing attention in the future. 2.7: OBJECTIVES In the previous sections, a brief review was presented on the current status of theoretical and experimental approaches to the study of transport phenomena in dense fluids. Within this general picture, the main objectives of this work can be summarized as follows: * to understand the role of physical properties in determining both the rate and mechanism of mass transfer in supercritical fluids * to measure binary diffusion coefficients of different organic solutes on supercritical fluids and interpret the results * to study binary diffusion using molecular dynamics computer simulations The experimental technique work (also is hydrodynamic. (see Chapter 4) selected in the present Although a hydrodynamic method) and both cromatographic peak broadening light scattering yield more accurate 92 results, the flat plate method, by allowing for the introduction of buoyant effects, made it possible to verify experimentally some of the qualitative predictions made in Chapter 3 in connection with the analysis of physical properties and natural convection. important insights were gained in this way, future studies Although separate the mass transfer and property measurement aspects of should the problem with carefully designed hydrodynamic techniques, and, ideally, light scattering used to study the former and latter problems, respectively. more As data In hydrodynamic inevitably, benefit fluids will, supercritical approach. available, the understanding of diffusion become in from a more fundamental the interesting theoretical implications of particular, ideas in the supercritical regime should prove to be more fruitful than the current emphasis on rough hard sphere theory. The prediction of simulations transport properties through the use cf computer is presently limited by the lack of fundamental knowledge in the area of interatomic and intermolecular potentials. In the present work, the approach chosen was somewhat different from the usual procedure: the simulations referred to specific molecules, yet no adjustable parameters were used. The results are encouraging, though accurate prediction (with no adjustable parameters) is still more case of molecular fluids. a goal than a reality in the In addition, the study of infinite dilution binary interactions poses severe problems related to computer speed and memory (see Chapters 9 and 1O); the results obtained with a test-particle approach (Alder et al., 1974), again, are encouraging, but they should be considered only as a step in the right direction, which enables the study of a difficult problem without the need for a supercomputer. is not t This say, however, that the statistical significance of the answers would not improve from either a large solute ensemble or longer simulations with completely independent "experiments" (see Chapter 10). lations, however, require, far more were available for this work 93 Such calcu- powerful computer resources than 3. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND NATURAL CONVECTION 3.1 MASS TRANSFER AND NATURAL CONVECTION;HYDRODYNAMICS Mass ties. transfer in a fluid is inseparable from Under the influence of gravity , density non-uniformi- density gradients give rise to natural convection currents , the relative importance of which is determined by fluid properties. For steady laminar flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid under the influence of gravity and an imposed pressure gradient, n V2 v + p g - VP = 0 (3.1) A second component (solute) will diffuse into the fluid if, for example, the latter is in contact with a surface from which the solute dissolves. The resulting concentration gradient will give rise gradients which will, in turn, alter the velocity profile. to density This coupling between mass and momentum transfer can be analyzed in those cases where concentration (and density) gradients are small. about the pure fluid value Expanding the density in terms of solute concentration, and trun- cating after the linear term, p = p ) + (C - c) P - m( - co)] (3.2) c T,P Substituting into Equation (3.1), n V2 v + g po [1 - Bm c] - VP = 0 where co=O has been used. the density and Equation (3.3) neglecting changes (3.3) has been obtained by linearizing in viscosity. This decoupling..of the mass and momentum balance equations is known as Boussinesq's approxi94 mation and is obviously restricted to small density gradients. (3.3), let us apply it to flow in a duct of To illustrate Equation radius R and non-dimensionalize it by defining 1 = P + Po g h (3.4) 2 n+ = fl/p o <v> (3.5) v+ r <v> where is the (3.6) - v/<v> (3.7) = c/c i average velocity fluid in the duct, ci is the solute concentration at the duct boundary, where phase equilibrium is assumed, and h is the height of a plane of constant hydrostatic pressure measured along the direction of gravity (g' is a unit vector collinear with the direction of gravity) (3.8). Vh = -g into Equation Substituting as length (3.3) and non-dimensionalizing, with R scale, 2 (V+)2 v+ - V+n+ g'(Gr ) Re Re (3.9) 2 We now define Ap as the difference in fluid density at the interface and in the bulk (pure solvent), and introduce the natural scales for buoyant, viscous and inertial forces, (3.10) Bouyant forces - 2R g Ap n <v>/2R (3.11) Inertial forces - <v>2 Po (3.12) Viscous forces The physical significance of the parameter Gr Re-2 tely, 95 follows immedia- Gr (2R g Ap)(<v>2 p) 22 (n <v>/2R)2 2 Re 2 (n <v>/2R) (<v> pO) 2 Buoyant forces (3 Inertial forces 13) This ratio, then, can be used to investigate the scaling behaviour of bouyant relative forces. In the present context, this means comparing the importance of natural convection in different fluids. It is obvious that such comparisons should be made at equal Reynolds numbers. If different fluids flow inside identical ducts under diffusive mass transfer conditions at any given Reynolds number, and assuming comparable density changes (Ap/p), the relative importance of natural convection scales inversely as the square of the kinematic viscosity of the fluid in question. Thus, fluids with low kinematic viscosities can develop appreciable buoyancy-driven flows even with small density gradients. 3.2 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN THE SUPERCRITICAL REGION The role of the kinematic viscosity in determing the relative importance of natural convection has already been shown. Supercritical fluids have exceptionally small kinematic viscosities as a consequence of the very different behaviour of density and viscosity in going from the dilute gas to the dense fluid region. In what follows, attention will be focused on the region 1 < Tr <1.1 1 < Pr < 4 , where most of the changes associated with the passage from the dilute gas to the dense state occur. The dimensionless isothermal compressibility is the relative change in density per unit relative change in pressure, at constant temperature, K' T gln p i = al gin V ) = p KT -Tdln PT (3.14) For a fluid whose volumetric properties can be adequately described by a cubic equation of state, for which is (Schmidt and Wenzel,1980) 96 the most general formulation RT RT V-b K a 2 (3.15) + uVb + wb V can be written as T K' T z(-K) (2 + u)[1 1 1 - (3.16) - z(1 - K)] 1 + UK + WK K where u,w are numerical constants which depend on the particular equation of state being used (Appendix 1) and K=bV- 1. compressibility is unity for an ideal The dimensionless isothermal gas, zero for an incompressible fluid, and infinite at the critical point. Figures SF6 , to in the region equations is at 3.1 3.4 show the behaviour 1.01 < Tr < 1.1, of state. At of this quantity for CO0 2 .1 < Pr < 4, for two different 318 K and 100 bar (Tr = 1.05 and cubic ; Pr = 1.36 ), C02 280 times as dense but almost three times more compressible 318 K and 1 bar. compressibility This unique combination of high density is one of the distinguishing features than and high of supercritical extraction (Paulaitis et al.,1983). Of limit more immediate concern here is the fact of the dimensionless isothermal that the low pressure compressibility gives rise to roughly two of the three orders of magnitude by which the density changes in going from atmospheric to supercritical conditions. This is shown in Figure 3.5, where the density, viscosity and kinematic viscosity of CO 2 at 310K (Tr = 1.02) are plotted as a function of pressure from 1 to 200 bars. The viscosity, on the other hand, shows a very mild pressure dependence at low and increases density by (ideal gas viscosities are a factor of roughly supercritical viscosities are less pressure-independent) 6 in the range .8 < Pr < 1.6. than an order of magnitude Thus, higher than ideal gas viscosities. The leads combined effect of liquid-like to an exceptionally density and moderate low kinematic viscosity. The viscosity supercritical region, then, can be viewed as an interesting transitional domain, where some fluid properties attain unique values, not necessarily intermediate 97 -''urn _ I I __ I I I ITr. 1.02 u) 4 1.04 C. 0J C02 (P-R) 1.06 Cr w 2 1.08 m 0I- 1.10 Q0 w U) MI 0 I _J II I ,,· 0 100 200 I 300 PRESSURE ( Bar) FIGURE 3.1 Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of CO2 , as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state. 98 - I- IC -i 4 LU 3 0 2 UL 3: 0 0 1' LU C, 0 LU 0: 0 0 200 100 300 / PRESSURE (Bar) II/ FIGURE 3.2 : Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of C0 2, as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state. 99 / / /" /'I / I/ / FIGURE 3.3 : Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF., as modelled by the Peng-Robinson equation of state. 100 ot -I ' Il 'I I Y ye 4 -1 3 ~J - 0 0 IM a- 2 '-j 0 w 0 C) Cr) 0 w or I %v . I __ 0 I L 50 _ I 100 _ I150 PRESSURE ( Bar) FIGURE 3.4 : Dimensionless isothermal compressibility of SF., as modelled by the van der Waals equation of state. 101 I0 uro Cn -E 'I x ,I'. 3 on . ua C) , 0xo 0- .- 0. P (bor) FIGURE 3.5 : Density, viscosity and kinematic viscosity of CO2 as a function of pressure, at 310 K. 10n between the ideal gas and the liquid extremes. If we now compare (Figure 3.6) the properties of air, water and mercury at 298 K and 1 bar with those of supercritical C0 2 at 310 K and 150 bar in the light of the previous discussion, some interesting consequences arise. We note the fact that, for v, CO0 2 has the lowest value than for mercury, a liquid metal). The (lower fourth column is the ratio of buoyant to inertial forces at constant Reynolds number and duct geometry, scaled with the corresponding value for water. The relative importance of natural convection, therefore, is more than two orders of magnitude higher in a supercritical fluid than in ordinary liquids. It is important to note that this phenomenon is independent of the free convective currents that originate very close to the critical point as a consequence of the diverging fluid compressibility. 3.3 FLOW REGIMES The extent to which natural convection controls the overall transport mechanism in a supercritical fluid is well illustrated in the case of vertical flow inside ducts. Figure 3.7, adapted for mass transfer from heat transfer theory (Metais and Eckert,1964) shows the possible regimes that can exist for vertical flow inside a cylinder under the combined influence of buoyant forces and pressure gradients. This figure summarizes available experimental and theoretical knowledge, covers the cases of forced and free convection both aiding and opposing each other, and is valid for 10-2 < Sc D/L <1. As can be seen from Figure 3.7, the hydrodynamic regime can be characterized with two parameters: the Reynolds number and the product of the aspect ratio times the Rayleigh number (which, for mass transfer, is equivalent to the product of the Schmidt and Grashof numbers). The lami- nar-turbulent shown a dashed transition in the forced and mixed area of finite thickness.In regimes is as the free regime, the transition occurs at an abscissa value of - 109. For Ra(2R/L) < 109, then, increasing the Reynolds number (at constant abscissa value), leads to a laminar-turbulent transition. Increasing the abscissa at constant Reynolds number, on the other hand, give3 rise 103 P,%-l lU' I.. ^. -I_ - _ 10 Z -P, LILt Hg PHg 4 10-4 lo IHg 103, H20 lr3 SCF 102 . H2 0 10 Air 10-5i O-4 I H2 0 -o6 SCF I H2 0 4 Air I0-I Air Hg 10 - 10-5 io 4 I0I I Air p(Kg/m 3 ) FIGURE 3.6 Io-6 0-2 SCF 10-8. (Nsm2) v(m 2/s) (vH20/V)? : Comparison of physical properties of air, water and mercury at ambient conditions with those of C02 at 150 bar and 310K. Relative importance of natural convection at constant Reynolds numbers. 104 6 10 10' 4 3 10 2 10 100 Ra (-R) L FIGURE3.7 : Hydrodynamic regimes for vertical 105 cylindrical duct flow. to a forced-free transition. It is very important to forced laminar region is bounded on all sides. things, in This means, among other to attain forced laminar flow beyond an that it is impossible abscissa value of notice that the 104, no matter how low the Reynolds number is, or, other words, that Ra(2R/L) < 104 is a necessary but not sufficient condition for forced laminar flow. This above and to of each curve represents the right the area lying in Figure 3.8, where criterion has been used geometries for which laminar flow is impossible in supercritical operation (notice the v and Sc values). The parameter in Figure 3.8 is the relative density change. Thus, even with negligibly small density changes (10-3) and aspect ratios (10-3), forced laminar flow cannot be attained for D are shown dotted for D/L > 10-1 > 8 mm. Curves since, for Sc = 10, this is the upper limit for the validity of Figure 3.7. For packed bed flow, the large contribution of buoyant forces suggests that the usual mass transfer correlations are unsuitable for design purposes when supercritical fluids are involved if the controlling resistance lies in the supercritical phase. Correlations which take into account buoyant forces have been published (Karabelas et al., 1971), but do not cover the low Schmidt number range characteristic of diffusion of small (MW - 100) organic solutes in supercritical fluids. 106 -I 10 (%) -2 I0 -3 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 D (mm) FIGURE 3.8 : Cylindrical duct geometries for which vertical forced laminar flow is impossible under supercritical conditions. 107 4. APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 4.1 INTRODUCTION The experimental aspects of the hydrodynamic technique used in the present work will be discussed in this Chapter. The theoretical basis will be presented in Chapter 5. In essence, the technique involves laminar flow of a supercritical fluid within a duct of well-characterized geometry. A solid solute dis- solves into the fluid from a surface at the duct boundary. Diffusion coefficients and mass transfer rates can then be calculated from a knowledge of the flow'rate, duct geometry and equilibrium solubility of the solute in the supercritical fluid at the same temperature and pressure, and from the measurement of the amount of solute that, at steady state, precipitates upon decompression from a known amount of fluid. 4.2 APPARATUS A schematic flow sheet of the experimental appartus is shown in Figure 4.1. The solvent gas is compressed by diaphragm compressor K J46-13411) and pumped from a gas cylinder (Aminco (TK2) to a 2-liter autoclave (TK1) whose pressure is maintained by an on-off controller (indicator-controller PIC) acting on pressure regulator, V1 the (Matheson Model Matheson Model 3064 High sations. electric 4 High Pressure Regulator) drive Pressure (M). A manual Regulator or eliminates downstream pul- This is essential for hydrodynamic experiments. The pressurized solvent coil CL, compressor's which is immersed is preheated to the desired temperature in in a 24 in.x 18 in.x 18 in. water bath, B1, whose temperature is maintained by heater-circulators A1 and A2 (Thermomix 1460, accurate to within 0.010 C). The pressure is displayed on a panel- mounted guage, PI (Heise guage, 0 - 400 bar, accurate to 0.5 bar). the diffusion tube, is a 12 1/2 in. long 2in. Sch 160 316 C2, stainless steel pipe with threaded ends, inside of which is located a flat plate where the diffusional process occurs. 108 All tubing up to C2's inlet connec- A 41 ) U, *I 3 r-4 as H0 4-4 4.J V' 0) rz -H '-4 iL u 109 tion is 1/8 in. 316 stainless steel. The outlet section is 1/4 in. 316 stainless steel. A hydraulic jack, J (American Scissor Lift), raises B1 so that, during an experiment, C2 is immersed in water; B1 is then lowered to allow easy to C2, access be opened between experiments to replace the which must flat plate. The partially saturated fluid emerges from C2 to valve V2. (JL) up jacketed line and flows through a Bath water is circulated through the jacket by pump P to maintain the outlet line isothermal and prevent solute precipitation. V2 (30VM 4882, GA, Autoclave Engineers) is a 1/4in. manual regulating valve which controls the flow and reduces the pressure down to atmospheric. In operation, it is maintained at least 200 C above the solute's melting oint in order to avoid clogging due to solid accumu- lation. The precipitaed solute is collected in two glass wool packed U-tubes immersed in an ice bath (B2, a 1500ml beaker); the solvent flows through rotameters R (Matheson R 7640, Series 603 and 604), and the total amount in a dry test meter (DTM, Singer 802). is integrated The temperature at C2's inlet/outlet, and at the DTM's outlet can be read in a panel-mounted digital indicator (TI). A U-tube manometer (U) provides an accurate reading of the solvent's pressure at DTM outlet conditions. A secondary allows separate (purge) line is also shown in Figure 4.1; its design purging of the upstream, downstream and inlet sections of the equipment. Also shown in Figure 4.1 is C1, a lin.OD x 316 stainless steel nipple which increases the holding cpacity by TK1. The 17in.1 provided C1 and TK1 are both protected by separate rupture discs (X1,X2). actual supercritical experiment fluid inside involves fully developed laminar a horizontal rectangular duct flow of a (Figure 4.2), the bottom surface of which is coated with the solute of interest. The brass plate (4) is tightly fitted into an enclosure made up of two aluminum hemi-cylinders (1,2); flow occurs inside the resulting 1in. x 1/8in. rectangular channel (3). (5) where laminar flow section The plate contains three sections: is allowed to develop, a (6), and an outlet section (7). a section 1in. w x 3in. 1 test The test section is made by casting the molten solute and carefully machining the surface after sol110 In . .I 6 5 8 FIGURE 4.2 : Flat plate assembly 7 8 for 111 hydrodynamic experiments idification. Fluid by-pass of the test section is prevented by a Viton by (8), which forces the plate against the upper surface, and gasket the labyrinth seal (9) which results when the hemi-cylinders are tightened (10,11) and Teflon tape surfaces is placed between the upper and lower mating (9). The whole assembly is tightly fitted inside C2. 13, by O-ring while O-ring 12 is notched: the Sealing is provided pressure in 3 is thus equal to the pressure outside 1 and 2. When channel 3 is horizontal, there are no buoyant effects and true binary diffusion coefficients can then be determined (this is not true in general; for the this work, systems and experimental conditions considered however, this statement is valid in all cases; see Chapter 6 and Appendix 2 for theoretical development and variable buoyant forces can The same experiment C2. in proof). be introduced by rotating Arbritrarily 1 and 2 should then give rise to different and information can be gathered on the relative inside results, importance of natural convection in supercritical fluids. As already mentioned above, the calculation of binary diffusion coefficients requires knowledge of the eqvuilibrium solubility of the solute in the supercritical fluid under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. Equilbrium solubilities are measured in separate experiments. The configuration of equipment is the same as that shown in Figure 4.1, except for the fact taht C2 steel vertical is replaced by a column packed with in. OD x 12in. 1 316 stainless the solute under is also replaced by a smaller, cylindrical water bath. investigation. B1 The supercritical fluid thus flows upward through the bed and, at low enough soovent flow rates The (see below), emerges from the column saturated with experimental procedures for equilibrium and diffusion the solute. experiments will now be discussed. 4.3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE C2 is partially pressurized and B1 raised to its working position. Partial pressurization is attained by opening V1 112 (with V2 closed) and closing the on-off valve immediately following V1 once the desired pressure has been attained. period of 2-3 hours, during which tained. rium The experiment is only started after a minimum thermal uniformity inside C2 is at- It is important to select the pressure for this thermal equilib- period in such a way that only a negligible amount of solute is dissolved, otherwise, the test section's geometry will be altered even before the experiment begins. TK1 is always kept at pressure at least 20 bars higher than the desired value, since V1 can only control if there is a pressure drop across its body. C2 pressurized, and the heated regulating valve V2 is then opened and manually operated to attain a constant flow rate. The precipi- tating solute is collected in a pair of U-tubes, the contents of which are unimportant, since at least 15 minutes to attain are allowed a steady state while fluid is flowing at temperature and pressure. continuously throughout for the system the desired rate, The recirculating pump is started and operates the duration of both this start-up stage and the actual experiment. The' back-up U-tubes are removed, and the DTM initial reading is then recorded. The actual U-tubes are the connected and an accurate timing of the experiment is started simultaneously. It is imperative that, throughout the experiment, the flow rate be kept as constant as possible. In general, flow characteristics are good when the equilibrium solubility of the system under study is less than -10 - 4 mole fraction. Above this value, the flow is more uniform the lower the melting point of the solid. Temperature and pressure readings are taken every 5 minutes. The duration of the run is determined by the need to collect at least 10mg of solute (see Appendix 2 and Chapter 6 for a more detailed discussion). Weighing is done on a Mettler H51-AR balance, accurate to 100 g. Detailed calculations on the flat plat design, and on the duration, accuracy and limitations of the experiment are given in Appendix 2. Equilibrium experiments are conducted in an entirely similar way, but neither accurate timing nor constancy of flow rate is important in this case. The thermal equilibrium stage is also much shorter on account of the abscence, in this case, of stagnant layers of fluid 113 inside the extraction column. In equilibrium experiments, on the other hand, solute precipitation inside the outlet lines is of more concern than in diffusion experiments, since the fluid is now saturated with the solute (as opposed to - 15-20% saturated in a typical diffusion experiment). Flow rates for equilibrium experiments must be low to guarantee solvent saturation at the column's outlet. DTM conditions (Kurnik, 1981). 114 Typical values are 0.8 lt/min at 5. DIFFUSION IN RECTANGULAR DUCTS 5.1 VELOCITY PROFILE; FULLY DEVELOPED FLOW The basic geometry of the problem is shown in Figure 5.1. We consider fully developed laminar flow in the axial (x) direction inside a rectangular duct of height 2b (-b y b) and width 2a (-a z a). The velocity profile can be expressed empirically as (Shah and London, 1978): yl yjn V _ = II m ) I [1 ] [C1- v b I (5.1) a max -1.4 m = 1.7 + 0.5a n = 2 ca < 1/3 n = 2 + .3(a - 1/3) a > (5.2) 1/3 where a = b/a Figure 5.2 (5.3) is a plot of Equation (5.1). The expressions (5.2) were obtained by matching the finite difference solution of the momentum balance equation to the empirical form (5.1) . -= -. From Equation (5.1) we obtain, upon integration over the duct cross section, v m+1 C <v> n+1 ) m ( - n l ) [1 - Y ( b 115 Izl n ) ] [ - (-) m (5.4) a 2b 2a FIGURE5.1 : Rectangular duct geometry 116 0. Y Q -0. -2.0 -3.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 -3.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 FIGURE 5.2 : Velocity profile as per Equations (5.1) and (5.2); a - 1/3 117 where b a ab<v> = [1 . I ] I1 ( - ( ) ] dy dz (5.5) a b 00 5.2 DIFFUSION; CONSERVATION EQUATION The steady state conservation equation for a diffusing solute 2 ac vax 2 2 ac ac = D ( -+ 2 ac + - - ax ay 2 az 2 ) where c is the solute molar concentration and D, the binary coefficient. is (5.6) diffusion If we now non-dimensionalize by defining, B = L/2a = L/2b + x = x/b y = y/b (5.7) z = z/b c = (c - ci)/(co - ci) v = v/<V> Equation (5.6) becomes Pe ( a + ac + ), v ax a 2+ = + 2+ ac 2+ ac (5.8) ax + 2 ay+ 118 2 az + 2 Pe = <v>L / D (5.9) In the above expressions, L is the relevant axial dimension, which will later be identified with the coated (or heated, in the equivalent heat transfer problem) length; c i is the solute interface, where (still undefined) solvent-solute assumed, and c is the solute concentration at x concentration at the phase equilibrium is 0- (which will even- tually be equated to zero). Dividing through by ( aPe/2B ), and taking into account that, with the definitions (5.7), Y ~ 0(1) y+ O-1 z x (a - (5.10) ) 0(25/a) we have the following scales, -2 x - convection (a/26) ~ (2a/aPe) - 5 x 10 y - diffusion x - diffusion 2 x 10 - ~ (a/2aPe) - -6 2 x 10 - 8 (5.11) -5 z - diffusion where presently = 1/8, (2ca/Pe) = 3, Pe - 104 have been used, corresponding to the case considered Appendix 2 ). x 10 ( D - 10- 8 m 2 /s; <v> 10-3 m/s; L ~ 10-1 m; see So, from order of magnitude considerations, we can neglect axial and transverse diffusion. This conclusion is by no means general. The problem now becomes, using Equation (5.4), 119 2 ac2 +2) ac+ (2E+ - ax+ ( . ) - aE+2 m-1 [1 - (calz+) m 4a A(z+ ) = (5.12) = A(z+ ) m+1 3aPe (5.13) i+ - 1 - y+ with boundary conditions c+(x+,2) = 0 ac+ (x+,o) c+(O,E corresponding to a plane (5.14) = 0 --v a + ) = 1 = 2b; y = -b) from ( which the solute dissolves into a Newtonian fluid moving inside the duct under steady laminar conditions. ( The fluid contains no solute at the entrance, and the upper plane = 0; y = b) is impermeable to mass transfer. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed at the source plane. 5.3 SOLUTION Equation (5.12) can be viewed as a two- dimensional (x+ , with a coefficient, A(z+), that depends on a third dimension. +) problem Solutions to the two- dimensional problem must therefore be integrated across the third dimension's domain (-1 < az+ < 1). We now separate the two- dimen- sional problem into an axial and a "radial" part, c+ = H(W+ ) . X(x+ ) 120 (5.15) and rewrite Equation (5.12) 2 1 1 dX d H 1 (5.16) + A(z ) X dx + 2 - H( 2+ dE + + 2 The full "radial" problem then becomes 2 dH __- + y2 H ( 2 + - ;+ 2 ) = (5.17) 2 dE+ H(2) = 0 (5.18) dH (- ) + = O o o6 i.e., we have a homogeneous problem in +. We postulate for H a series expansion, H = a + (5.19) i=O i whose coefficients a i will obey some recurrence relationship to be found from Equation (5.17), while the first boundary condition will give rise to an eigenvalue problem. Also, from the second boundary condition, we immediately obtain, upon differentiating Equation (5.19), a1 = 0 Equation (5.17), in terms of the postulated expansion, becomes 121 (5.20) 2 )E + [12a4 + (2al- a)Y2] +2 + 2a2 +(6a3 + 2aoY + [20a5 + (2a2 -al)Y2 ]E+ 3 + ... (5.21) n-2 + [n(n-1)an + (2an-3 - an-4)y2]+ from which we obtain a 2 /a = 0 a3/ao a4/a O y 2 /3 = = y 2 /12 a5 /a o = (5.22) a6/ao = y4/45 a7 /a o = - Y4/84 a8/a o = Y4/672 6 ag/a o = - /1620 As can be seen from the generic term in Equation (5.21), an/ao becomes a polynomial in even powers of Y for n a > 12. Thus, we can write I i --ai (5.23) ao ai = C 2j Y (5.24) j=l 1ij where, for example, C 6 ,2 = 1/45; C6,j = 0 (j 2 ). The first boundary condition in Equation (5.18) gives rise to the eigenvalue equation which, 122 in the light of Equation (5.24), becomes 1 + co i i=1 or, in a more convenient CO 2 2j C j=1 Y (5.25) =0 ilj form, 2j 1 + i Y 2 C j=1 = 0 (5.26) i , i=1 Eigenvalues up to 10 in magnitude require an equation of degree 40 or higher in Y. cient is a'80 The last a'i containing a non- vanishing Ci,20 coeffiterms in Y4 0 through y 5 0 ). (which contains for i up to 80 and j up to 20 are shown in Appendix 3. been said, (5.24), we conclude for eigenvalues that Equation 10, is = i coefficients From what has the computational equivalent of a The Ci,j values of 2j 26 C Y j=1 Equation (5.27) i,j (5.26) are listed the first five eigenvalues, in Table 5.2. in Table 5.1, and The axial problem has the formal solution, X = (const.) The two- dimensional exp [-A(z + ) y2 x + ] (5.28) solution, therefore, can be written, in its most general form, as + C (x+, + ) W = C exp[- A(z + ) Y n 2 2 x+][1 n + a 5+ + a 1,n n=1 123 i+ 2,n + ...] (5.29) Table 5.1 : Coefficients of the Eigenvalue Equation (*) n Tn 1 -1 .333333333333 2 .2793650793651 3 -. 2319063652397 4 .1027637853035 5 -.2828429817471 7 -.7204830258760 8 .7420607052348 9 -.5992478391541 10 .3895904572009 x 10 - 2 x 10 - 4 x 10-8 x 10-10 x 10-12 x 10- 14 -.2082920733589 x 10-1 6 11 12 .9319185747388 13 -.3540455208018 x 10 - 19 x 10 -21 .1156354935000 x 10- 23 14 15 -.3281648836384 x 10 -26 16 .8167183808737 x 10 -29 17 -.1797000439336 18 .3520715535377 19 -.6181214828232 = x 10-31 x 10-34 x 10-37 .9781035465679 x 10- 40 20 2n Y2 4n -1 .5302430465802 x 10-6 6 (*) 1 + x 10 0 n=1 124 Table 5.2 : Eigenvalues of EqLLation(5.26) .9546676 2.9743079 4.9810344 6.9845839 8.9876252 125 where n is an eigenvalue index, and a indicates the result of Equation i,n (5.24), with Y - n (i.e., for the nth eigenvalue). From the x+ - related boundary condition, we obtain 1 -I [ 1 + C a' a' n-1 n a' 1,n + 2+ ... 2,n ] C H' (5.30) n-1 n n Since the form of Equation (5.17) implies that the eigenfunctions, H' ,are orthogonal with respect to the weighting function (2& - &+Z), n we can write (Arpaci,1966) 2 (2+- 2 ) H' d + n 0 C - where (5.31) Hn is I H simply Equation (5.19) divided by a, I 1 - 1 + a n i 1,n 2 a + a. (5.32) 2,n The numerator and denominator of Equation (5.31) will now be transformed. For the numerator, we write 2 2 d Hn + 2 Yn Hn (2X+ - + ) (5.33) O d2 f and integrate, 126 2 2 +"| Hn +-5+ ) d+ -Yn + ( ) d (25 od d+ J -2 2 (5.3 4) to obtain, finally, 2 -2 dHn -Yn = - d+ Hn (2&+ _- +2) d (5.35) + +2 0 where dHn (5.36) 0 dE + o has been used. For the denominator, we multiply Equation (5.33) by dHn/dYn, dHn . dYn d Hn + 2 n dHn Hn 2 (25+ - ) O (5.37) dYn de and integrate, to obtain I dHn dHn dYn d&+ 12 dHn 10 dE+ O d d + -( dE+ cdHn ) d + + dYn (5.38) 2 2 Yn (H) 2 (25+ - +2 ) d + dYn 0 127 - 0 -- where use has been made of the following fact ' 2 2 ' dHn Yn Hn Yn - ' 2 d(Hn) (5.39) dYn 2 dYn Multiplying Equation (5.33) by Hn and integrating, 2 dHn I 2 dHn 2 + dI 2 ( Hn o ) de d+ + n)2 ' (2&+ (H n ) 2 n 2 - ) d+ (5.40) = O + 0 0 now differentiate both sides of Equation (5.40) with respect to We Yn and divide by 2, 2 1 dHn dHn 2 1* Hn 2 dYn dE+ o 2 * ' 1 d dH dYn de + 1 o 2 dY 2 dH d 2 d n + 0O (5.41) 2 2 f'2 2 2 d nfi(Hn) d (H dYn + Yn i (Hn) (2&+ - + ) d + +n 2 2 (2+ - +2 ) d + O O . Using the two "radial" boundary conditions to eliminate the second term, plus the fact that d t ( dYn dS + 1* 2 dHn ) dHn . - 2 d& + d - 1. dHn dHn dHn d . - 2 . - dYn d + d we can rewrite Equation (5.41) 128 + d . + (5.42) dY n 2 1 dHn dH n 2 dY n d I I dH n S + J d& + 0 d dHn -. - dS+ dYn d&+ + 0 (5.43) 2 2 (Hn) ( 2 + Yn + - +2) d+ + (Hn) (2+ - - ) d+ 0 dY n 2 O O Subtracting Equation (5.43) from Equation (5.38), I , 1 dH n dHn 2 2 .... _ + 2 dYn d n 8 2 (Hn) (2E+ - + ) d (5.44) + o 0 Equations (5.35) and (5.44) constitute the desired expressions, which, when substituted into Equation (5.31), yield 1 dHn 2 d O 2 Yn Cn - t 1 -2 (5.45) I dHn | dHn 2Yn dYn 2 d | + dHn (2) dYn dn 2 where (dHn/dE+ ) o - O has been used. Although the transformations are non-trivial, Equation (5.45) is much easier to use than Equation (5.31). Substituting Equation (5.45) into Equation (5.29), I c+ (x+.E+,z +) -2 H 1 -- n-1 where (dHn/dYn) x+ exp[ - A(z + ) Y2 ~nX] [¥n (dHn/dYn) ] (5.46) 2 means that the derivative expression should be calcula2 129 ted formally and evaluated at + 2. Equation (5.46), together with the definition of Hn (Equation (5.32)) and the numerical values of the coefficients Ci,j (Equation (5.24), Table 5.1) to and the of the eigenvalues, Yn + two- dimensional (x , (Table 5.2), +) problem. constitute the solution The siplification whereby, following order of magnitude arguments, lateral diffusion was neglected, has resulted in a two-dimensional solution that must be integrated across z+ , instead of a full three-dimensional problem. 5.4 CROSS-SECTION AVERAGES We define a cup-average concentration, -1 C 4ab<v> <c(x)> - ] 2a 2b J J c v dy -2b dz (5.47) -2a or, equivalently, using the definition of c+ (Equations (5.7)), <c+(x+)> with S - [ 4ab<v> (5.48) c+ v dS -] denoting the duct's cross section. Using Equation (5.4) plus the fact that, for a < 1/3, n - 2, 1/a 2 m+l <c> .. m 3 1 . 2 . l - (1- +) 2][l - (alz+l) ] ab I 4ab -1/a 0 d dz + ~~~~~~~~~~ k3 .49) which can be rewritten, taking into account the symmetry of the z+ problem, as 130 -1/a 2 3(m+1) .+ ) 2[ [1 - (1- a . <0> - (z + ) M] d + (5.50) dz + 4m 0 0 Using Equation (5.46), this becomes <c+(x+)> (5.51) 1/m 2 [1-(1I -3a(m+) 2m [ - (z +) + 2 ' ) ]Hn exp[- A(z+) Yn x+] dz+ ] d~+ n-1 Yn (dHn/dYn),2 0 0 The form of the z+ integral can be made more explicit by using Equation (5.13), to obtain 2 2 A(z+) Y + x 1 mYnXo VA~~ ~ 3(m+1) ~ ~ 1 - ~ + (z - (5.52) ) where X, is a modified inverse Graetz number, x D Xo (5.53) b 2 <v> b and z+l has been replaced by z + since integration is over positive values of the variable only. Defining 2 , XO (m,n) 2 m Yn Xo - the z+ integral becomes 131 --3 (m + 1) (5.54) 1/a a M [ - (az+) ] exp [-A(z+ ) Yn x3+ dz+ = O 1/a Xo(m,n) i a - (z+) ] ex [- -X mn) ] dz+ (5.55) = [1 - (az+ ) ] 0 1 Xo(m,n) m ) exp [ - (1 - - J m (1 - n ) + We now consider the ] dn n(Xo,m) integral in Equation (5.51), 2 2 (25+ - t+ )Hn dE + I ( Yn dHn/dYn + -2 E+ (5.56) Yn dHn/dYnj2 0 0 which, taking into account the definition of Hn, can be expressed, after integration, as a series 2 - f(2 1+ rn 2' 1 - + )HndE+ = - rn ; 4 , , 2a_2,,-aJ-3, [ - + X (2/J)( n)] 3 (5.57) j =4 0 where a1 ,n = has been used, and rn is defined below, r n ' Yn dHn/dYn2 1 32 (5.58) Taking into account the expansion, Equation (5.24), c -1 j 2 - aj-2,n) j-4 and the - (5.59) j=l c I 2J (2 a 2j J Ck,j Yn 2 k-1 i c k+l rn -= ; -1 XJ j-14 2k 1 (2 Cj-2,k - Cj-3,k) Yn 2 (5.60) k=1 + integral becomes, finally, 82 4/3 + 26 (2&+ - &+2)HI J -1 j 2 j-4 X (2 Cj-2,k - 2k Cj-3,k) k-1 dS+ - 2 Gn 80 k1 26 X 2 0 Yn k-1 2j J Ck,j Yn j-1 (5.61) where the summations contain in Section 5.3. <c N I = 2m as discussed Equation (5.51) now reads -3(m+1) + (x + )> their computational limits, n(Xo,m) Gn (5.62) n-l where N is the number of eigenvalues used. For a pure solvent at the inlet, such as we are presently considering, the cup- average relative saturation and <c+> are related by <c+> + r = 1 (5.63) r = <c>/c i (5.64) 133 so we can write 3(m+1) N I n(Xo,m) Gn n=1 r - 1 + 2m This n-1 is the expression used cients. For is a only (5.65) to calculate binary diffusion coeffi- a given aspect ratio function of X. (i.e., m), Given <v> the relative (solvent flow saturation rate), x (coated length) and b (duct width), then, the measured r is only a function of D. Finally, an expression for the local Sherwood number will be derived. We define a mass transfer coefficient, k, ac(x,z) D = a (- 2 - <c(x)>] k [ci (5.66) b) or, after nondimensionalization and rearrangement, kb 1 ac+ (5.67) D <c+> +a ( ' 2) The relevant length parameter is 4 times the hydraulic radius 4(Cross Section) 4b 4 (4ab) I rh (5.68) A: Wetted Perimeter 4 1 + a 2(2a + 2b) Bc + 1 Sh(x+,z+) - - 4b k 1 +a <c+> (5.69) + 2 1 + a D The z+ - averaged Sherwood number, therefore, is 134 1 aCZ+,X+) 4 Sh(x+) - d(z/a) 1 + a <C+> + (5.70) 2 0 From Equation (5.46) we obtain ac + m - a+ 2 2 X (1 / -2 rn) . exp [-A(z+) Yn x + ] . c j-l n- j-1 j 2 1 2k Cj,k Yn (5.71) k=1 We now define 1 1 An - = nr (5.72) 80 k+l k-l Bn' 80 k-1 26 I k 2 X Ck,j k-1 J-i 26 2j jCk, j Yn j-1 2j (5.73) Yn where, again, the computational limits have been used in the summations. The final expression is, therefore, 16m N I An Bn **n(Xom) n=l (5.74) Sh - N 3(m+1)(1+a) I Gn · n(Xom) n-l with 1 35 2 exp[-A(z+)Yn x+] d(z/a) = exp [- X0 (m,n) ] d -* n(X,m) (5.75) (1 - rm) 0 0 The numerical values of An, Bn, Gn can be found in Table 5.3. Figures 5.3 and 5.4 are plots of Equations (5.65) and (5.74), which constitute the solution to the problem of diffusion in rectangular ducts at high Peclet numbers and low aspect ratios. On and n, though well behaved, are non- analytic and must be evaluated numerically. 136 Tab'e 5.3 : n Expansion Coefficients for Cross- Section Averages 1 -.6242144449211 2 .1916121727370 -.1136094212907 3 4 5 B A -. 8717135423055 1. 62136522176 -2.606320953153 -5 .4394766591177x10 196572.6180829 o3212078027422xl 0-10 26634903493.79 137 G -. 5970396020662 -. 4033326872425x1 -1 -. 1209851681885x1 o .5196364776233x1 .4744797120123x 10 1 -2 -2 z 0 0.4 I- I(/) F 0.2 aJ tr I . I 0.0 0.5 , I 1.0 XD cv> b2 FIGURE5.3 : Relative Saturation as a function of modified inverse Graetz number, for various aspect ratios. 138 Sh x D cV,b2 FIGURE 5.4 : Local Sherwood number (z- averaged) as a function of the modified inverse Graetz number, for various aspect ratios. 139 HYDRODYNAMIC EXPERIMENTS; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6. 6.1 DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS; RESULTS Diffusion coefficients for four were measured hydrodynamic technique explained in Chapter using the coefficients are shown of solvent density. in Figures were 6.3, and 6.4 as a function equation of densities were obtained via 4); solvent on cubic 1976; (Peng and Robinson, state for SF 6 1 for a discussion see Appendix 6.2, The experimentally controlled variables were tempera- ture and pressure (see Chapter the Peng-Robinson 6.1, The results 4. The measured diffusion are summarized in Tables 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. ties different systems, equations of state); CO 2 obtained from the International Thermodynamic Tables densi- of the Fluid State (Angus et al., 1976). The approximation whereby fluid density is calculated without taking into account solute concentration is only justified for dilute systems. Equilibrium solubilities for the four systems investigated were measured with the flow technique described in detail in Chapter 4. librium solubilities maximum at 338 are listed solute weight fractions K and 120 bar for in Tables 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. under experimental benzoic acid in Measured equi- SF 6 ; conditions 0.34% at The % (0.02 328 K and 120 bar for naphthalene in SF6 ; 1.06% at 328 K and 200 bar for benzoic acid in C02 ; 0.28% at 318 K and 250 bar for 2-naphthol in CO2 ) are extremely low. Under these conditions, the infinite dilution assumption introduces no analytically detectable error. Example calculations of a diffusion coefficient and an equilibrium solubility can be found in Appendix 2. Diffusion is the macroscopic manifestation of collisions at the molecular level. The time dependence of the mean displacement of a given ensemble of particles with respect to some arbitrary initial configuration is a function of molecular velocity (temperature) and packing (density). Diffusion coefficients (see Chapter 8) can be obtained from the time evolution of the mean squared displacement of an ensemble of molecules, and should therefore be interpreted in terms of the relevant variables, i.e., temperature and density. 140 I a I f a, II I Lr% M I I '.o %O - - W C a) O C. C4 C. H 0 .: L, 0 L a H -Cl E-4 o X-,.C zH 0 H 03 0) a a, t. 0. L C0. 0zc.3 a) g Z z H C) rC C .0 * **u _ 0 ED O Z~ 0t~ QOO : CD kCO az z s -4 ) * C: C o (s Ct A , .54 L 40" c 1o o Cu 02 C 4 : : E- ca 141 _ 11 11 11 0 C: 0 z E4 ,- ::I 00 0 .4sI -I 0. - 0 U) o a) Cu oo E. CO -I 00 0 0 C) H -: C ct '- U) CL ') - o C 142. 0 C L- . O L oa C a _ 'a I I I I I I Illl I Ilil IliI II I - cL a E u O r OY C C · ciM 0 CL,~%0 0 .0 ax C ci, 0O 0 L O- mO C CC a) . H 0. L) ifI o 0_ c) Ez 04 0 = '0zra a0 _ D 2'- 4 co r= -_- O Fe O a a _ 0 -I 0H ) C) U) 0z 0 0- ·0 0 ,- E 0 C a a -M ci cci _ E ~- am 9-' D0. cr, CZ. 0 cO I () ·c 3L: _ L- I- Of 4 C bO = 14 L) v t_cci C.. C) bo 9- -- O0 EL. b a) - 0 U0 -C.- O H C L = 0 C. * E 0 0 x Q-4 0\ 0 o a a) L. CY) lll Ez 0 0) J~ a) 4-' a) c £.. nc) 0., 000 cci ci C) C .- 9- 4- HO. * 9-8 HC) 143 0 0- . C H O I m.c C) . t t t1 Q 0. 0Is E.- C) C) E-C C') C- C-) .0 .-I L E4 L 1fi .. QL I I I m o 0X - L- F- I co %o o U; UE 1 U- 0 e~ V .,-4 L U) a a) O z0 o e0- 0- C) '.0 '.0 Ln O O M -IT '.0 .. 0 O t a) om 3: C0 co L) o -. c. LA M m m E0C. a, c CL I 1- 4.) a) x co .0 U) H cl a. o CYM a) C-. co O t o CM LA) \ O 'O cO o 0N E CO C E cc - 0-I -) CON co ,-1 0.0 (a. .S 0 I V0 mO 0 LA CN '.- 0LA m - E cn C-. o o U) C, c co CY - E COCY) '- m O E 0 CN to LA 'I0 C9 00 t- o N 4-) - i_ co 0 O *-c r 3 a, 3 ZZ C: z,-1 0 a H .0 O t- a' C* C* ( M - C..- _ M r H I E 3 * 1 0 . e m U) O ¢ :D 0 E O O 0 8U, D - O o 0LO Lr 0LAC 0 V 0 0 U) _ C 3 to CE CM . 0 CM . CM Cj . . 0C)m 0C) -m CM m 144 V (' C. C-. O ' Q 0CC ^ .HO _ - CO i COa 02 NC)0N, '.0 _- r 0_ , U bO *.CO 0 o U) s' - a o 0-) o 4-) 4. * O a:- C-. 0LA C V. -. U) a) I -C I ct 03 CO 0 U) X C V E C) CL I il C 02 o C* CM .0 ECL) 02 O HC) s ,n C) C.. E EvX a _ N 0 C) TABLE T (K) 6.5 : EQUILIBRIUM SOLUBILITY OF BENZOIC ACID IN SF6 104x P (bar) (mole fraction) 328.2 65 1.194 328.2 80 1.491 328.2 338.2 338.2 338.2 120 65 80 120 1.825 1.646 2.076 2.803 145 TABLE 6.6 : EQUILIBRIUM SOLUBILITY OF NAPHTHALENE IN SF6 10 3 x T P (K) (bar) (mole fraction) 318.2 65 1.978 318.2 80 2.152 318.2 120 2.445 328.2 65 3.184 328.2 80 3.513 328.2 120 3.91 4 146 TABLE 6.7 : EQUILIBRIUM T (K) SOLUBILITY P OF BENZOIC ACID IN CO 2 103x (bar) (mole fraction) 318.2 160 2.341 318.2 200 3.580 328.2 160 2.495 328.2 200 3.864 147 TABLE 6.8 : EQUILIBRIUM SOLUBILITY TABLE6.8 EQUILIBRIUM SOLUBILITY OF NAPHTHOL OF 22 NAPHTHOL IN CO, IN CO^, 1 4x T P (K) (bar) (mole fraction) 308.2 150 4.460 308.2 200 5.408 308.2 318.2 318.2 250 165 250 5.910 5.662 8.655 148 , N 'o o 'a .H O N 0 0 Ef O ~Q.O ( +1 0 LA UD-H 0· ( S/W3) 149 sr1 I 0o CJ o 0 a O~4- a F4 c C\j L _N - (Sz 150 w ) 0 vb L _ - - 0 oC Q0) , co N _C. Q .7'O If) _ W~~.. Q ., O .H ;D 0 ( S/ LO W3) C01 ,~ ~~ r 151 I II I I I I I IIII A . I V I I - C N 0o 0o O N 0 r4 rl Ut C), I 0 an _ Sc a 0ca 4H r1 z O 0) E %ooQ0 0c _2ca I 0)Q I I (S/ZU3) I .rl Co I PC4 If 152 0 I - I 0 01 Ir 114, _ I I I I 1 I I I I I Solvent SF6 SF6 SF6 SF6 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 I I I Solute Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid Naphtholene Naphthalene Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid 2-Naphthol 2-Nophthol - | I · Temperature (K) - 328.2 338.2 318.2 328.2 318.2 328.2 308.2 318.2 10-4 U 10 I I n _ m I 5 I W I0 I n I n B I m I I B 15 I m I I I B I I B 20 I I I I II I I 25 p (mol/4t) FIGURE 6.5 : Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of solvent density 153 __ I I Solvent o SF6 Solute Benzoic Acid SF6 Benzoic Acid O SF 6 a SF6 + C02 Nophthoa lene Naphthalene Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid 0 C02 x C02 * 0) E U O _h R1 I =O + + _ _ 2-Naphthol 2- Nophthol T(K) 328.2 338.2 318.2 328.2 318.2 328.2 308.2 Tr(-) 318.2 1.05 1.03 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.08 1.01 x I I l 2 3 4 FIGURE 6.6 : Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of solvent reduced pressure 154 5 Pressure, on the other hand, is only relevant for any particular system insofar as density is a function of pressure at any given temperature. This can be clearly seen from the fact that the measured diffusion coefficients are only slightly higher than typical binary diffusion coefficients in liquids at comparable temperatures and densities, but at ambient pressure. For dilute systems, such as the ones presently considered, corresponding states arguments can be invoked in support of the use of solvent pressure as an reduced The independent variable (Paulaitis et al., data are therefore summarized both as a function of fluid 1983). density (Figure 6.5) and solvent reduced pressure (Figure 6.6). At constant temperature, low density diffusion coefficients are inversely proportional to fluid density. (Chapman and Cowling, ically 1970). This result can be derived theoretFurthermore, since the pressure and density of an ideal gas are directly proportional at constant temperature, a logarithmic plot of diffusion coefficients versus pressure approaches a limiting slope of -1 at low densities (Paulaitis et al., 1983). No equivalent simple relationship exists at high pressure, and the use of a semilog scale in Figure 6.6 is simply a matter of convenience. Similarly, there exists no accurate theory that will predict the isothermal dependence of density below in be discussed log D vs. p diffusion coefficients in dense fluids, as will connection with the Enskog relationship suggested by Figures 6.1, theory. 6.2 and The 6.4 linear (i.e., systems for which more than two points per isotherm at least at one temperature were measured) has been reported by other researchers who studied diffusion in supercritical fluids (Swaid and Schneider, 1979; Feist Schneider, case as well studies, any 1982). In the present though, the ratio given isotherm was, of the maximum at most, and as in the above mentioned to the minimum density for three; the smallness of this number suggests that the observed linearity should be interpreted with caution. Even though benzoic acid is a smaller molecule than either naphthalene or 2-naphthol, the measured diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in SF6 were smaller than those of naphthalene in SF6 , and the measured diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in CO, were smaller than those of 2naphthol in C02 , at the same density (and slightly higher temperature). 155 These observations suggest fluid phase association of benzoic acid, a possibility that will be discussed below in detail. 6.2 DISCUSSION No rigorous kinetic theory for dense fluids exists that will an a priori calculation of transport properties. of Boltzmann's allow A perturbation solution transport equation constitutes the basis of the Chapman Enskog expressions for the transport coefficients in dilute fluids (Chapman and Cowling, 1970; Hirschfelder et al., 1964). equation Boltzmann's transport (Huang, 1963; Pauli, 1981) contains three fundamental assump- tions: - molecules are points and hence have only translational degrees of freedom - position and velocity of the a molecule are uncorrelated (molecular chaos assumption) - only binary collisions are considered At high densities, each of occuring (i.e., transfer in addition, collisional transfer plausible, and, less these assumptions becomes progressively during an encounter) must be taken into account (Chapman and Cowling, 1970). In spite of the fact that it cannot reproduce important experimental trends, Enskog's dense gas theory (Enskog, 1921) is widely used for correlating purposes, although never in a predictive way. fairly common to report experimental data in terms of deviations from (Enskog) behaviour theoretical It is, in fact, (Balenovic et al., 1970, for example). The simplicity and plausibility of Enskog's assumptions and of the predicbehaviour ted (i.e., a density correction factor whose reciprocal is linear in density) are chiefly responsible for this rather unusual situation. In this approach, a dense atomic fluid composed of smooth hard spheres is considered. since hard The assuption of molecular chaos is maintained, and, sphere collisions are instantaneous, only binary collisions are taken into account. 156 As generalized by Thorne to binary diffusion, the main result of Enskog's theory for dense fluid diffusion is (Chapman and Cowling, 1970) o pD 1 - (pD ) X12 12 12 (6.1) where superscript o denotes the low density limit, and 3 nloa 1 X12 = + n, n2, ro2 n2 ( 6 with 3 01+4a2 ) 01+02 a01 and 401+02 ( . ) + ... 6 2 (6.2) 01+a2 denoting, respectively, solute (1) and solvent (2) number density and hard sphere diameter. When experimental values of (6.1) can still be used, with (pD1 2 )o are not available, Equation (pD12 )o calculated from Chapman - Enskog dilute gas expressions (see below). For infinite dilution of n (solute) in n2 (solvent), Equation (6.2) can be rewritten as 3 Irno2 X12 = 4s+1 1 + ( ) 6 s+1 (6.3) s where a1/02 0 n is now the solvent number density. Equation (6.3) provides a rational basis for correlating purposes, with 02 as an adjustable parameter, and Lp n - (6.4) M with L, Avogadro's number and M, solvent molecular weight. 157 Since the (4s+1)/(s+1) varies only from 1 to 4 when s factor (Brownian solute), solute) to o2 varies from 0 (point is a better choice for a regression In addition, for non-spherical solutes, s retains more phys- parameter. ical significance than a 2 . The low density limit of pD was calculated from the Chapman- Enskog expression (Bird et al., 1960) 1/2 O ) 1 ·22.2646x +1 M 0 1 2 a1 2 M2 ) ] (6.5) d D is in cm2 /s, p in g/cm 3, a in A, and T in K. where An average deviation of 7.5 % was found when 114 experimental low pressure diffusion coefficients were compared (Reid et al., 1977). the corresponding Chapman-Enskog with The collision integral, prediction d, was found from Table 5-2 of Bird et al.(1960), where the 12-6 Lennard-Jones potential function has been assumed. The following combining rules were used for the inter- molecular potential parameters 1/2 E12 = (1 2) (6.6) °1 2 The i and ai = (a1 + 02)/2 values are listed in Table 6.9 and were calculated from the following expressions (Tee et al., 1966) Tc 1/3 = 2.3551 - 0.087w a (-) (6.7) Pc = 0.7915 + 0.1693w (6.8) kT c where P The is in atmospheres, T in K, and a in A. experimental, calculated and regressed values of X12 are shown 158 of squared with 02 as deviations between X12 adjustable parameter. (experimental) and Equation (6.3), In the present context, experimental (Chapman-Enskog) low divided by theoretical observed pD means The regression was done by minimizing the sum 6.10 to 6.13. in Tables pressure The s values used in the regression were calculated as the ratio pD. of the respective (Tc/Pc)1 /3 quantities. The experimental X12 values are plotted in Figure 6.7 as a function of fluid density, and the calculated, regressed and experimental values for each system are shown in Figures 6.8, 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11. As mentioned above, the Enskog-Thorne expression (Equation (6.3)) predicts a linear increase of X12 with fluid density, which, physically, means that, at constant temperature, the diffusion coefficient decreases with density more rapidly than p-1 . Deviations from this predicted behaviour have frequently been reported in the literature O'Hern and Martin, (Swaid and Schneider, 1955, for 1979; Balenovic et al., 1970; example) and interpreted in terms of the positive correlation of molecular velocities found by Alder and Wainwright in their molecular dynamics work (Alder and Wainwright, 1967). it is very qualitative in nature, the currently accepted Although interpretation of Alder and Wainwright's results and of observed experimental behaviour is that a large solute particle will " gather a 'cloud' of carrier molecules which move with it; since collisions by carrier molecules originate within this 'cloud', there is reduced net momentum transfer and therefore a reduced retardation of the particle..." (Balenovic et al., 1970). This deviation from the Enskog prediction can, in some cases, lead to X12 values which are less than 1 (Swaid and Schneider, 1979; Balenovic et al., 1970), a fact which cannot be predicted by Equation(6.3). The experimental X12 values shown in Figure 6.7 reveal some interesting trends. In the first > 1 and increasing with p the solvent, whereas creasing X vs. p trend. same carrier place, theoretically predicted behaviour (X ) is displayed by both systems where SF6 is the C0 2 -2-naphthol data do show a slightly de- Balenovic et al.(1970) note that, whenever the gas exhibited both types of behaviour, X decreased with p for large solute/solvent ratios ( He - C3 H8 ; He - C4H1O ) and increased with p for small solute/solvent size ratios ( He - Ar ), in qualitative 159 '0 00 Ci' N- -' CO O4 Co I' kD Co a) 0CU =) 0 0C') a) C' C '0 --- ' O U) r- _ .... C LA t- tLA 00 LJ 0 0 U' CN L' 0 co 0 '0 0 P~ a): C/) Oa .0 - 0 0 LU' '0 u % CU O CO 'O OJ _co%0 N On CO * 0 '. oo -OL, . 'O O 0 0OO p L '.0 " t- LA m 0 , a) y O ; o: CY) HI L N O . . tD \0 H DO 0o H 5:: N I H0 4, l 0) 4 ( q ,o a 4.C a) C 4S . 4 .-a)0 :C. C C) II s- 0a Cl )* 2* 3. H Nd Z3 0 .C ^ .)V= *H a ) a O az CZ 0. ND - Co a. C) E-rO CO E0 0% O I CO z\ \D aI ~ I 5LaCo C1 Y 'r N Lr) .1 t D _ co -- - -o O. en . N 0 c) r) C/) c N 0) CO C \ I _ r 160 + 3 (- YL 0 n 4-) Q a)D0i O co ZS o C - .: Cu 4, 0) 0 0) 02 ~E O c) _I C-IO 0. 0) 0) o C) Cu 0 2 __ * ba0. tk) , Q f - z **hs VIn N a, n -.a) m N 'D L.L(U Ln _-r X cn- C) %0 M N O I %0 o, o I u m0 4T _ N O N H C/2 0 '-4 C 0Z N o U ON 0 _- c- - ,- i- c- _ ~N N NJ '. '0 '0 C) H 0 C FN~ w,1 * . * Z Z 0 H E-, -- C N C: Ln 4- u MI 0-. Co %C O rm t- C -co 0O 0: Ox 0 Z EL. C:l) 0 NJ t- C E) t- 0 NI m rr CM Q- t- 00 aN U- O O N CO 0'. 3 M 5 _ \'0 t- O Ln O O J Ln C O' Hr W -3 C.. ·c c, L JOa ' CaO OJ 0 CO NJ CII 0 II 5 tJ (C\ E-b N N CO CO M N N~ N N N C0 CO CO C N 7 M NY 161 m c aCu M *m * * J *% ca _ _ L t- * Ln e- _ _- _ 0 _ _I , N oN I e4 C, U)I N rII._ 0 0 m 0- 'IO - _1 _ _ C) Z z *- - CO *0 * . -) %10 O m O ~r n Uo om 0 o. zr 00 E; LC n o O O C) % O O 0O O M 0 om 0m E-4 O 0 0s H l*·~ \. · _ · 1· a, .0 a) D Ln E _ C) SZ. -r nn E4 C'S CY) m 0O O co ' m 0o ECO 0 t- _} zC'-0 O '. CO 43 UE _-Eo o CO O 0 O NC tj- Ln c0 N- m o ll OS Cv w vD '0 Co O C\J NJ _ en CY) U) o O co '. CO N N N Ce C Co ('' (V' rf'S %D I* V 4.) 8 cia t. - -4 :3 D c) 5-, 0) NJ 0 * * t. 162 '.0 * r < I' N No t_ ~n Z nu N C..)e *l * '~. rC E u) 0o N 0zE4 "0 M 0 EV) .1 a, .0 z Cu (1) ra E= LA ! '0 0 as 0 Cu 0* .4 Np lj Ez3 V .1-) co( :3 Cu W t- LA Ct m . C, cu 1-4 1Zs -1 ma 0 alb v _* *s * rst _ 163 * r- c tl- CM It II Cu * * %n _ C'J 0 I I I * 1- o- ***x ,- >-d U o (In - Od 'D Od- CV m O0 - v .- :O M t I X 4)h >C OJ zr J J,J 0N ,0t- co 9- aO 1 t0-o N0) * Z o. 0 0Q,006 0X _ O _s _ 0 C -2\ O cI- o 'oa 0* LA J LJ* L N 0 0 0 e O _- C I 1- * * 0o o ~a -- '- '.0 F- Erz 0 C m E O fe ) .D LA Mo 3 O J O C0r L. D 0. rte O .-0 E o co co co c Cn eO 0 C a O O LA O O -\D CO m cc E- 0- CI LA O O LA '. LA 0 t ao cO 0 0 mr M ro ro LA II co II 0I aO cX c f 0 0 oo N 0 * - I _5 * * 5- 164 * * * _ N I - I~~ I I* I I I SF6 - Benzoic Acid * I I I ~ I I ~~~~~ I I o SF 6 - Naphthalene 2- Naphthol o C02A C0 3 - 2 Benzoic Acid IC / / / X12 2 / / a t / / / 0 I 0 I _ E5 I I I I0 . III I_ 15 p(mol/. t) FIGURE 6.7 : Experimental Enskog-Thorne factors 165 I I I __ I - I-- 20 0,% I o I _· _ I Aft 4. L 1 _ __ I I experimental z& calculated s = 1. 233; 2 =- 4.752 0 regressed s = 1.248; 2 = 4.20A SF 6 1.8 _ _ 3ic Acid - _I 1.7 X n 1.6 0 0 1.5 0 1.4 0 I 5 FIGURE 6 I I 7 8 P ( mo4/tt) LI 9 I0 6.8 : Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for benzoic acid in SF6 166 I _ I I I 1.9 I.E 1.7 I- calculated A 1.6 s = 1.295; 2 =4.752A * regressed s = .296; o'2 =3. 15A 1.5 SF6 - m Naphthalene 0 CX X 1.4 =,,m=m 0 1.3 0 1.2 1.1 0 0 I I 7 8 ,, I 9 p(mot/It) I I0 10 II FIGURE 6.9 : Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for naphthalene in SF6 167 _ __ __ · I __ I I 0 2.3 0 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 N I 8 X 1.7 m 0 1.6 o experimental & calculated s 1.5 1.4 * 0 regressed s = 1.587; o-2 =3.95 CO 2 -Benzoic 1.3 L _ 15 3.762 A 1.557; 2- A Acid l I· I JI 16 17 18 19 p( mo /Tt) FIGURE 6.10 : Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne factor for benzoic acid in CO 2 168 1.9 1.8 1.7 I cm I 0 1. 0 - - 1. I.' ~ :50 * regressed CO2 -2 I 17 17 FIGURE 6.11 0 0 experimental a calculated I I s -1.648; Cr2 3. 762 s 1.671; 2 2.45 A I_ _ a.. N apntnol is 'p toa p (mot/at) Experimental, theoretical and regressed Enskog-Thorne 2 -naphthol factor in for CO 2 169 agreement with Figure 6.7 and the interpretation of Alder and Wainwright's The very high X12 values for benzoic acid dynamics results. molecular in CO2 , on the other hand, can be explained if high pressure associatphase occurs, a possibility discussed ion of benzoic acid in the fluid It should also be noted that X12 values for benzoic acid in SF6 below. are also significantly high, again suggesting association. Furthermore, X is an explicit function of density (and not of temperature); the fact that the intermediate density data for benzoic acid show a marked temperature dependence at constant density (see Figures 6.7 and corresponding data points, with p = 17.16 mol/lt 318.2 to cases) in both K, 160 when bar, plotted and .10;intermediate 328.2 K, as experimental 200 bar, X vs. p again suggests a temperature- dependent dimerization equilibrium of benzoic acid in the fluid phase. This possibility is further substantiated below in connection with the temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients. From the it can be concluded that previous discussion the Enskog theory overpredicts the X12 correction factor, a fact already observed researchers by other 1979). (Feist and Schneider, 1982; Swaid and Schneider, More significantly, though, this theory predicts a linear increase of X with density, and X values which are always greater than one. Cor- rection factors which decrease with density (Figure 6.7; 2-naphthol-CO2 system) or are less the theory. accounted for by the Enskog approach (Swaid and Schneider, than unity 1979) cannot be This is an unfortunate situation, since is the only rigorously derived predictive theory for transport in dense fluids. Modified versions of the Enskog theory, on the other hand, are really ad-hoc modifications of a hard sphere theory, and have no rigorous theoretical basis. A reliable molecular theory of transport in dense fluids is lacking, as discussed in connection with the computer simulations. From Figure 6.5 and Tables 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, an interesting feature regarding the diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid in SF6 and CO 2 arises. The measured diffusion coefficients of benzoic acid are lower, at any given density, than those of naphthalene (in SF 6 ) and 2naphthol (in C02 ), both of which are larger molecules than benzoic acid. In each case, moreover, the temperature was 170 slightly higher in the benzoic This suggests association of benzoic acid in the fluid acid experiments. phase, a behaviour and Shibuya, experimentally observed in CC14 and CHC1 3 1965) and in its own vapour, C 6 H 12 , CC14 and C6 H 6 (I'Haya (Allen et al., 1966). The dimerization of benzoic acid can only be invoked as an explanation of observed behaviour if it is quntitatively significant. For the dimeri- zation equilibrium, we write 2A = A 2 (6.9) I_ or, in terms of the non-associated fraction (1-x) and the total concentration of benzoic acid, [AC], (x/2) [A° (x/2) K _ {(l-x) [A]} 2 [A] (1-x) (6.10) 2 which can be rewritten as a quadratic equation 2 x 1 - x ( 2 + ) + 1 = 0 (6.11) 2K [A ° ] Using K = 3660 l/mol (Allen et al., 1966), which corresponds to benzoic acid CC1, of 7x10 tration in at -~ 303 K , and considering a total benzoic acid concenmol/l as representative of the actual conditions, we obtain a 31% unassociated fraction increases to 61.9% at 333 K (K = 710). (i.e., experimental 1-x), which The dimerization constants of benzoic acid in carbon tetrachloride (Allen et al., 1966) are intermediate between the corresponding cyclohexane (5830 1/mol at 308.2 K; 1210 l/mol at 333.2 K) and benzene (462 1/mol at 303.2 values. at 333.2 K) Even for the lowest K (i.e., in benzene, at 333.2 K), association is still significant (1-x Under ficient K; 150 l/mol these 0.849). circumstances, the very concept of a diffusion coef- as a molecular property is questionable, since results 171 simply refer to a "molecule" that does not exist in reality and, moreover, the "effective size" of this molecule could be extremely temperature dependent. The temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients is interesting, since it provides useful insights into dense fluid behaviour, as well as a further confirmation of fluid phase association of benzoic acid. Hard sphere theory (Dymond, 1974) or its ad-hoc modification, rough hard sphere theory (Chandler, 1975) predict a T 1/ 2 of diffusion coefficients modified rough hard sphere at constant density, theory by allowing a mild the sphere's diameter). (slightly dependence in temperature dependence of In the hydrodynamic approach, on the other hand, the Stokes - Einstein expression is used as a starting point, kT D (6.12) -- 6nan where D is the diffusion coefficient of a Brownian sphere of radius a n and temperature T, when no in a continuum of viscosity between the particle and the continuum. slip exists Since the viscosity of liquids is a very strongly decreasing function of temperature, often correlated in the Andrade form (Andrade, 1930), n - A exp(B/T) (6.13) it follows that diffusion coefficients in dense fluids should, according to this approach, exhibit a stronger tempreature dependence than predicted by hard sphere theories. Equation (6.12) can be rewritten as nD 1 - kT (6.14) - 6rwa 172 The quantities on the left hand side are all experimentally measuraThe right hand side, however, depends on the validity of the no-slip ble. and on assumption particle spherical a, which is unambiguously defined only for (6.14) will Consequently, Equation (molecule). be used here to predict diffusion coefficients. a truly not The constancy of nDT- 1 for any given system, however, has important consequences that will be discussed below. The quantity nDT-1 is shown in Tables 6.14, 6.15, 6.16 and 6.17 for of each the systems For SF 6 as a solvent(1.24 investigated. -1 both systems exhibit fairly constant nDT dynamic arguments may be relevant. < Pr < 2.1), values, suggesting that hydro- As discussed above, the nDT- 1 value for benzoic acid is slightly lower than for naphthalene, again suggesting association. The CO 2 - 2-naphthol system (Table 6.16) also exhibits a fairly constant nDT- 1 value. The CO2 - benzoic acid data (Table 6.17) show a pro- nounced temperature dependence, as can be seen from Figures 6.3 and 6.6. the postulated fluid Although phase dimerization has not effective activation in CO 2 , an energy for diffusion can been measured be obtained from the two coefficients measured at the same density and two different This value (6.9 Kcal/mol) is in (318K, 328K, Pr = 1.61). temperatures good qualitative agreement with the experimental values for the dimerization of benzoic acid in cyclohexane (6.4 Kcal/mol), CC noted, however, that the overall (5.5 Kcal/mol), (Allen et al., 1966). and its own vapour phase (8.1 Kcal/mol) be 4 It must diffusion coefficient is related in a non-linear way to the dimerization constant, so the above considerations should only be taken qualitatively. Figure 6.12 is a plot of the measured diffusion coefficients versus reciprocal solvent viscosity. Only those isotherms for which three points were measured are included in the figure, since two points always define a line. A plot such as Figure 6.12 is a stringent test on whether diffu- sion in any given system can be described by an nDT- 1 equation of the form f(size), which implies, for any given system, a zero intercept and slopes proportional to T (for a temperature-independent molecular size). For the benzoic acid-SF 6 system (see Table 6.14), the isotherm has 173 - - S V CO a L O a' I a' p a' a' LA 3 L- oo N I - m U Co co S _o -- M LA v O0 m Ln 3 3 Co 0 C) I.-·. co _ 0m rO C Co a) 0 0 t ,4 C : C. x a * E~ =0. 0 0 N 3· ** oV N N! 0 * LA vU %C _@ 0 0 N ko- 'C co t XI N LC) a.c 0 C. 0 . a r. z W I C c 0 CO ~ O O C. . z E -e 0H N 3= 0 f_ 0* U- C.O E- o o C- ro 3) aP a) C. E ^ C; 0 0 l 0 .- G 0 0 0C) * C- o ,-i o -, 1 O0 I.0 0 o J-) : (] a)V a ..V I-I o0 I L 0 0 CwH o OV .-I r.) oa _ o ' Ia) 4-) . 0: no , .4-o 0 a) r.o oC VU O 0 0. ft d a Ur O - cO c _I dJ 0 C 0 V JC E-. Xf_ CM M co Co MN 0* Co N 0c M C 0 m C ca MC M C r-i 0 - 0 - I % C - _ .0 ) 0. o v OC) -' Vz :Y C 174 4. O 0) U J O0 C- 0) ) U) 0 O C) __ C 0 .U 3-) C W 0H l ! N L a, .Y 4) L, ao a 0rE 0 3 L 0 '03 - -4 Cb l> ..4 CY Co aoo 3 tZ C cn ) o - CN . V: CY) C a a C 4) * 0 O N 0L ')L * . e. a) a rzQ I H m C ·CU ,C) V CU Ci a) zl.I '-l .0 oOa' a VV tr. Co '-4 u, 0 v cq r _- cl _ I a, 0 a HJ oo O oa V H in 30 \oq Co EZ U- CU Qa) O L: £ CUV 0 c * .CX a *'C - N C) N l .-2 SU E- at E 0 4 rV LO oq -I o ) V C 4) a) H 4 O L. II C 4) -L) aC a, a ma -40 EZ d .H U3 CU O _S ca, -PI C: 0 l Cv QQ 8 ao ca +F0 vD L ' UI I0 aa C CU III -VC) h. r~ 0 a, _s (L D0 175 _ Y _ az0 I t- tcO o .o * ".. E : CY) cO _ oN 0 C - a I- _ c c'J un o I¶- 10 C) 9.*, -1 E a C: Ev E- '.0 . 0 cc r 0. 0 Od C.- .- t C- LA) cc T'- 0o tt- ..* .. It '03 V) 0 o0 - 0 I. z C:C N I 0 - a N I_:- _ ) 0o m LA co 0! a' I 0o E-4 0 '- I o o '.0 C- '.0 L N CNI C) o N aLA LA m IC; C- £ 0 '0 C) a .*- ' a) C. * M 00 3 C) ~o U. ~. t.- LAn CO CM a, ,0 c'l .. 9 a) e o 0 LA '0 o CY- cc9 m r a_ ') _ C:c z clc C O _ E3 0) a co - a' 0 0 0 0 CIt - 0 .-. I 0 0 0 a 9s I. 1.0 LA LAN U L L Ln 'IO - 'O iI Ez3 cu :a) 0 0 a) O oO O. .D-u Ln N _ 0L0 0 LA 0 AJ N O L N '. L) N e 30 oC) a) 0 .,O· Ln N + E- C 0. Cu N .-- ('- tO o C Ha) a O o I - d co Ev 0 C J 0 co 0 I J E- Ca a t 4 Lr LAr % % N, %O C) E-- m C.. co 4i \N - _.. 0. CY a III C) '0 C : 0 CIS x3 a) 1- 176 ,(3 '0 - - -~~ L 10- 0O in _ 0) .o Lm E-~ 0l 0o Co I q.- _- co _ L. ! _1 NCY0 0 Cl 0O 0o Ln L Y - cv o I .03 E LA t- C/) N %0 t- O rz2 '- O OJN - LA 0 o ID o Ln a: m %D 0C r, rv Y /aV t(D C a0 O NJ 0 _ cN NJ - _ _ ® cn N . 0 i D.. N ro CI) 0 m co oNE O - * -- m * ·^ a: V 0 co - E c V C L o 2 00 I .0 - · o 0coa 'c o* 0: * 0 0 C, L.- C'· m '0- - O 0cD -.40 0. '-c CV c C4 o.3 0.4-) 0 m 0'-40a i-4 = O C1 a., 0 * 0 3 0 0 CZY V \0 0 a 0) .- m0 o o o I,, 08 ,.H a0 C4 o 0 3o 0. -c -1 0 .0 O .O 0O O0O J -- - 0.C O 0NO 32I F- cs n * I' a + Li) O cr Ev co co N. - C' mv rv 0N mv 0 x C ' O 0 cr Sw r '- n6 III 111 0 III V 02 G( cv rcv _)a i, , LO a) .0 177 NC) uC7 o 15 338 K 0 x E U 328 K 10 ( In o 308 K , N 21 n o Nophthalene -SF 6 5 x Benzoic Acid-SF 6 * 2 Naphthol-CO 2 I JI , 0 II I ·, ·, ·, ·. JI 2 I 103 71-1 ( ·, ·, ·, _. ·, I 3 14 P-1) FIGURE 6.12 : Experimental diffusion coefficients as a function of reciprocal viscosity at constant temperature (hydrodynamic test) 178 a 1.07 intercept and a 5.57 slope (in the figure's units) when the 65 bar data point (which is two standard deviations away from the mean nDT- 1 value) is not considered; a 2.34 intercept and a 4.46 slope are obtained from a least squares regression including all 338 K, the intercept is .43, and the slope, 6.38. is 1.03, whereas at 328 K). the slope ratio is 1.145 three data points. At The temperature ratio (disregarding the 65 bar point The higher intercept represents less than 15% of the lowest diffusion coefficient measured for this particular system. For benzoic acid in SF 6 , then, Figure 6.12 suggests that hydrodynamic behaviour is a reasonable, if not entirely accurate, description of reality. The fact that the slope ratio is higher than the temperature ratio can be explained by postulating a temperature dependent association of benzoic The acid in the fluid phase. postulated association, though, cannot be high, since the temperature dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients for this particular system is not as pronounced as in the benzoic acid-CO2 case. The other systems shown in Figure 6.12 exhibit a behaviour that cannot be described mathematically by a relationship of the form nDT - 1 = f(size), since the intercepts are clearly comparable to the actual measured diffusion coefficients. Feist and Schneider (1982) analyzed diffusion coefficients of benzene, phenol, naphthalene and caffeine in supercritical CO 2 at 400 C and, from a D vs. n- 1 plot concluded that the Stokes-Einstein relation did not apply, since the intercepts were non-zero. Feist and Schneider correlated their data with a power law relationship D - n- a ( a<1 ), as proposed by Hayduck and Cheng (1971). However, when experimental data for six binary systems consisting of an aromatic solute and a supercritical fluid were analyzed, the quantity nDT-1 was found to be remarkably constant (these systems will be discussed below; the average nDT- 1 values and the corresponding standard deviations expressed as percentiles of the mean Furthermore, and Schneider's Feist are shown in Table 6.19). data, as read from their published plot (no tables are provided in the paper) show nDT- 1 values with maximum and standard deviations (in percent of the mean) of 31% and 12.4% for benzene, and 24.6% and 9.2% for naphthalene. 179 The above discussion and the small observed deviations in nDT- 1 values suggest a general picture, shown in Figure 6.13. Hydrodynamic behaviour is approached at high viscosities; deviations from this limiting behaviour can be correlated relationships Supercritical 1 . 1 of (but not understood) the D type n-a by (a < viscosities fall roughly means 1) of empirical (Hayduck and power Cheng,1971). in the range 0.045nS0.1 PrS4 and 1TrS1.0 6 , which correponds to 110-3 law cp for n-152.5 in the fluidity units of Figure 6.13 (a typical liquid viscosity is also shown for comparison). The exact point at which hydrodynamic behaviour breaks down (point c) cannot, at present, be predicted from first principles for any given system. However, from Figure 6.13 it can be concluded that predictive correlations based on the Stokes-Einstein equation (Wilke and Chang,1955; Scheibel,1954; Reddy-Doraiswamy,1967; Lusis-Ratcliff,1968) will overestimate diffusion coefficients in supercritical fluids. In addition, at high enough viscosities (or, equivalently, at high enough pressures for any given temperature), the quantity nDT-1 approaches a constant value; geometrically, this is equivalent to saying that, at small n- 1 values, the curve Ocb is well approximated by the line Ob. As an example, the measured diffusion coefficients of benzene in supercritical CO2 (Swaid and Schneider, 1979) give rise to an DT- 1 value that is constant to within a 4.6% standard deviation (expressed in percentage of the mean) when nO.04 At cp, irrespective of the temperature and pressure. high enough viscosities, hydrodynamic behaviour is approached, and this fact can be used to extrapolate experimental data by assuming constancy of nDT 1. the systems and equations tested (see detailed discus- sion below). The possibility of having non-hydrodynamic behaviour and, simultaneously, a linear mean squared displacement versus time relationship is discussed in Chapters 1 and 10. In the present context, it should be pointed out that this simply means that the "drag" has a power law dependence on the viscosity. From Figure 6.13 it can values should increase tha curve Ocb ith also be seen that the experimental viscosity at any lies above the straight lines 180 given temperature, corresponding to nDT- 1 since constant / I' D 103 -7 FIGURE (F P') 6.13 : Linear (hydrodynamic), power law and transition regimes for the dependence of the diffusion coefficient upon fluid viscosity at constant temperature 181 This behaviour was observed in all of the systems shown in nrD values. Table 6.19. The general picture that emerges from the above discussion will now be tested by discussing the application of predictive correlations based Hydrodynamic on the Stokes-Einstein relation to the supercritical regime. expressions should, according to Figure 6.13, overestimate coefficients by some factor which is not, at present, diffusion predictable a-prio- ri. ad-hoc Several the Stokes-Einstein relationship of modifications have been introduced for engineering use with the purpose of extending its use to molecules of arbitrary shape, while preserving its basic form (nDT - 1 f[size]). = All of these correlations have the form = DI2 where D1 2 the is 1 in fluid (6.15) dilution diffusion coefficient of molecule infinite 2 (of viscosity K (T/n 2) n2 at a temperature T). Values of K are listed in Table 6.18 for four different correlations. The Wilke-Chang, Scheibel, Reddy-Doraiswamy and Lusis-Ratcliff correlations were tested for three of the four systems investigated (CO2 -benzoic acid was not included since this system, as explained above, cannot be studied quantitatively without knowledge of the dimerization constant), as well as for the C0 2 -benzene (308 and Schneider, 1979); C0 2 -naphthalene bar), and Tsekhanskaya, (Iomtev 5 308 K; 66 P 328 K; 80 T (308 T P 160 bar), 328 K; 83 1964) and C2 H4 - naphthalene P (Swaid 304 (285 5 T 304 bar), (Iomtev and Tsekhanskaya, 1964) systems. The mean values of 105 nDT- 1 (cm2UP/sK) and the corresponding standard deviations (in percentages of the mean) are shown in Table 6.19. for the systems In the benzene-C02 experiments, chromatographic peak broadening was used, whereas weight loss cell of investigated within a stagnant diffusion well characterized geometry was used in the naphthalene studies of Iomtev and Tsekhanskaya. te and reliable, but there is analysis. The chromatographic technique is more accurano way of introducing this into the present It must also be pointed out that, although the standard devia182 _ m m L L) · e VI AI V A > I I I- *Ut 0 I-q EZ E- 0= O CE rc C) m **( O ko IC: 0 z0 rz 0 m m 3 I C\j co~ a -m co 0 o _ - C :4 O m 1 o _ X U 0 3 II 0 I_ a) O 0 o CU E ) (%.1 N S C) 0 u p00 I o X E L co I 94i O x 0 - _c E 3a) .-C) 04 C O C Lad C) rur CL H s-: 1: CX - 0. 00 Mh a OO m _ I *0 Cl) ' X X~ '-4 0. O :w W I-4 La 4 CL C) L) m I .4 : z H 9-4 E EE 0 0C) li -Cc W E sE m r-1 O H 0 O Lc) _o - - * _ L C I-q Q a L U E C, .- 4 CL _ U "- E 0 U) E C) 0) 4' U II fI) CU 0) 0DI 0 LLU Ln .- 4 o0 N Co cU ,1 I La (.) - O I ) s C) l I I r- m _ _ N 0N m 0) 1 Mo ,_q 183 w 0 U) U) _ 0@ _ l00 L. 'a Id ' .- O O O 4 0 0% N 4 4i 4. C 4) ,-I A I C I- o 0 .-3\ 0 r a . 0> o~ u- IDC . C O c 0 . N r 4) 43 0 C) c0 n ct . 3 C c II- I'. a 0. -a ga3 MC W CI ,.4 o a 0 0 N '.0 DO UI t' 1,- tj CA 032 3aC W a C - Sr0 32 cc O m M N N M I ' tN N M _ N 0 ! J '.0 .0 z: 0 0'-IaU 0 z U) 0% 3 t* 0 aa _ (? 0'. _ _ · · -3 0:r 'D I? _ _ c z m02 IU I · * * 0 0 0 *04) ca0 0 a: c0: I NC .-I -mo O In a c0 t- * cn N ' IP I1 .Y4 ,· ,3co "4" (n n a X 0o cJ N U N oU 0 0 o t f0C 3 a14 00 W*0. 41 O.O . 0 U* P U* cr@o@@ U a2 ^ 0* N · Ir U@ 0 ^I o - 0 W Co 0 0 a 0 0 o U 0C I O tur H gad le -4 id a0 04 C U-I 4O) -i co C cIf: 0H N "4 C0 SI 06 0C6 Jid 0 B 0 0 . I 'II 'N I 'S * I '4 .0 _ I VJ 0 * to Ce * ,N " U" U ~ OC, 0C" C SI 184 0 C S a _ 0 " _ "4 " . _ ' O .4) 00C) :1 C: 0 0 0MtdO 0U W % 0 ua W "4(6 . 0 " ga 1-4 , 4 *E 4 '- ga W W 4 _ al: 14 0 &) e _ in 0 L D0 w cI.jz W I0 4 C '.4 O W L _) . 0 __0)· '0 tions (Table 6.19) are quite small, the constancy improved away from the solvent's critical point of DT- 1 invariably (for example, at 308.2 K, deviations of up to 32% with respect to the overall mean nDT-1 value occur in the C0 2 -naphthalene experiments; the maximum deviatio at 328.2 K is In addition, nDT- 1 19%). increased with fluid viscosity in all cases. as anticipated above. The molar volumes at the normal boiling point can be estimated by other means than through the use of an equation of state. If the Le Bas additive volume method is used (Le Bas, 1915), the resulting K values (Table 6.18) were, in all cases, within 3% of the K values used here. The Le Bas method, though, cannot be used for SF6 systems, since it is inaccurate for the estimation of molar volumes of simple molecules; for C0 2 , the recommended value of 34 cm 3 /mol was used when Le Bas-based K values were calculated (Reid et al.,1977). Several conclusions can be drawn from Table 6.19. In the first place, all correlations overpredict observed diffusion coefficients by a considerable amount, as anticipated in connection with Figure 6.13, with the single exception of the Wilke-Chang expression for the ethylene-naphthalene case. For diffusion in C0 2, the Wilke-Chang expression is consistently less in error. The ratio of observed to predicted diffusion coefficient cannot be excpected to remain constant over a wide range of conditions (see Figure 6.13 and the corresponding discussion). with an association factor of 0.565 Thus, the Wilke-Chang expression (obtained by averaging the three C0 2 entries in Table 6.19 under the Wilke-Chang column) gives a diffusion coefficient which is only 5.9% higher than the experimental value for benzene in C02 at 313 K and 80 bar (Swaid and Schneider,1979), but, at 160 bar, it overcompensates and the estimate is 14% lower than the experimental value. the Wilke-Chang reasonable Once these limitations equation are understood, though, use of with an association factor engineering estimates of 0.565 leads to of diffusion coefficients of aromatic hydrocarbons in CO2 . For SF6 as a solvent, both the Scheibel and Lusis-Ratcliff expressions give similar predictions, and the correction factors are smaller, under the experimental conditions, than either the Wilke-Chang or the Reddy- 185 correction factors. Doraiswamy Overpredictions in the benzoic acid case are exceptionally high; this is consistent with the previous discussion and the added effect of the postulated fluid phase association of benzoic acid: the effective molecular size would then be larger than indicated by the value of the size parameter used to calculate the K value in each case (Table 6.18). The situation can be summarized by saying that, at present, no reliable predictive method exists for the calculation of diffusion coefficients If one experimental value of D in supercritical fluids. 12 (and therefore - 1 ) is available, it can be used to estimate diffusion coefficients DT of in the same system - 1 value. nDT 400 P; This under different conditions by assuming a recommended for n < extrapolation technique is not its accuracy increases with fluid constant viscosity, that is to say, the experimental diffusion coefficient should be measured at the highest possible viscosity, and the constant nDT- 1 assumption should not be used below the recommended minimum n. The use of predictive correlations based on the Stokes-Einstein equation is The correction factors are not recommended. always significant, and can only be generalized after analyzing large amounts of data. emerging trends, moreover, are extremely system specific The (at any rate solvent specific, since all of the solutes considered were aromatic compounds). When such data exist, useful rules can be formulated; they should never be used over a wide range of conditions, as discussed above. One such recommendation an association factor in supercritical C02 . is the use of the Wilke-Chang -= 0.565 for diffusion of expression with aromatic hydrocarbons It is obvious, however, that the way in which this number was arrived at cannot be called predictive. 6.3 EFFECT OF NATURAL CONVECTION The importance of natural convection in mass transfer with supercritical fluids has already been covered in Chapter 3. As discussed in Chapter 4, buoyant effects can be introduced by performing the hydrodynamic experiments with the two hemicylinders (Figure 4.2) rotated at an angle with respect to the horizontal inside the high pressure steel enclosure. 186 a Before analyzing the results of such experiments, the criteria for the development of stable and unstable density profiles will be analyzed. In the present context, stable signifies that density increases uniformly in the direction of gravity, and vice-versa. Thus, a stable profile will not, by itself, lead to natural convection. We imagine a plane interface where fluid is saturated with solute, which diffuses into the bulk solvent under the influence of a concentration gradient. Let us denote the solute mole fraction by x, and distan- ces from the interface, measured along a line perpendicular to the interface, by E. The molar volume, molecular weight and density at = 0 are then V(O) M(O) = xl(O) V + [1-xl(O)] V 2 = V 2 [1+x 1 (o) (VI/V2 -1)] (6.16) x(O) + [1-xl(O)] M 2 (6.17) M2 M M2 [1+x(O) (M1 /M2 -1)] 1) ] [1 + x1 (O) (Mi/M2 - P(O) = (6.18) V 2 E 1 + X1 (0) (V 1 /V Away from 2 the interface 1) (E ] - a), on the other hand, we have pure solvent V(W) V2 (6.19) M(X) M2 (6.20) () - M2/V2 (6.21) For dilute solutions, such as we are presently considering (see Tables 6.5-6.8), we may assume Va - V 2 (6.22) f(x) 187 whereupon the density ratio between interface simply, and bulk fluid becomes, 1 + x(O)(M 1/M2 - 1) p(O)/p(-) = (6.23) 1 + 1 ()(V 1 /V 2 - 1) from which we conclude p(O) > p(-) (M 1/M 2 ) > V/V <=> Furthermore, x(O) (6.24) 2 in Equation (6.23) is just Equation (6.24) is a general criterion, i.e., a parameter, so that whenever the solute to solvent molecular weight ratio is higher than the corresponding partial molar ratio, the local density is higher than the pure solvent density, regardless volume. of the composition dependence of the solute This criterion is valid for partial molar dilute solutions, where Equation (6.22) is an accurate description of reality. Although Equations (6.23) and (6.24) are useful, the analysis be pursued further to investigate the full density profile. In must general, we can write 1 dp dp . -=( p(-) dE dx 1 . dx, 1 ) . (6.25) p(*) dE where (dxl/dE) is a monotonically decreasing function of If state. A M/M B V/V2 - 2 we now define - 1 (6.26) - 1 (6.27) and neglect the composition dependence of B for at steady dilute solutions (which is a valid assumption but, together with Equation 188 (6.22), needs to be modified otherwise), we obtain 1 A - B dp M'/M" - V/V2 (6.28) p(a) 2 dx I (1+Bxl) [ 1 + (V,/V2 - 1) ]2 Thus, we conclude that, for dilute solutions, M1 /M2 > V/V 2 > density decreases monotonically away from the interface M1 /M2 < V/V 2 => density increases monotonically away from the interface Schematic profiles are shown in Figure 6.14. For stable profiles, then, the interface should constitute the bottom of the rectangular duct if the solute to solvent molecular weight ratio exceeds the partial molar volume ratio, and the top in the opposite presently considered, stable profiles were case. In all of the cases developed with the interface at the bottom, and, consequently, the source plane constituted the bottom of the rectangular duct; natural convection was introduced by rotating the hemicylinders away from this equilibrium configuration (see Appendix 2 for detailed calculations). The results of such experiments are shown, for benzoic acid diffusing into CO0 2 at 160 bar and 318 K, in Figure 6.15 and Table 6.20. The dotted line in Figure 6.15 does not extend to 0 ° since the diffusion experiment was done at a different flow rate. The importance of natural convection, as well as the potential for experimental error when using hydrodynamic techniques, can be seen from the fact that a 650% increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient results from a 900 rotation of the flat plate. 6.4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Detailed examples of an equilibrium and a diffusion calculation are given in Appendix 2. The accuracy of the measured diffusion coefficients and the sensitivity to the various sources of experimental error will be discussed in this section. A diffusion experiment involves the measurement of r, the fractional saturation at the exit of the test section (this, in turn, implies the determination,-in a separate experiment, of the equilibrium solubility 189 p/p(O) B<O A>B; B>O I I FIGURE 6.14 : Schematic density profiles for a dilute binary mixture in which a solute dissolves into the solvent from a plane (E = O) of constant (equilibrium) composition 190 A J% f% 4U I 30 E U (/ 0 E 20 cx 0 U O 10 n '0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 .90 a (degrees) FIGURE 6.15 : Effect of natural convection on the apparent diffusion coefficient and mass transfer rate : benzoic acid-CO2 @ 318 K and 160 bar 191 - W EI(I a a: U < H O 0 cro t=; Z H 0) 0 Z N e z i- t- I zo e u o C[- z [.-, C'2 O 03 U"N H O1 C HI :d § cr ul rCt z X 0 03 n CC 0 ZI 0 o a 0 I.0 Ct Z 0 o 1-I o: z-· aH rX E (a *J cu D_ D~I N: ET -cc 0 0 1-. or~~o a)~~~~~ CM ,MG) X ..IL co E o0 . - ~ 4 (1) ~~~~~~ CN a ~~N 0- 0-4 C) E 192 of the solute in the supercritical fluid at pressure). For a given aspect ratio, the same r is a function temperature and of the parameter X,, defined in Chapter 5 as a modified inverse Graetz number, X0 = L D / <v> b2 The relationship between r and X shown graphically length, <v>, in Figure is given by Equation In (4.65), and is Equation (6.29), L is the coated the mean fluid velocity, and 2b, D is calculated from X, tion 4.3. (6.29) the duct height. Since the sensitivity of D to errors in the determina- of r is given by dD dD dXo dr dXo dr <v>b 2 dXo (6.30) L dr from which we obtain, din D dln X 1 dln r dln r dln r (6.31) dln X0 The qualitative form of without recourse dimensionless to algebra, once it length, so unity asymptotically as X0 in Figure 5.3. measured the dependence of r upon X that r must + . can be deduced is realized that X grow monotonically is simply a and approach The initial part of this curve is shown The important conclusion is that the sensitivity of the coefficients to experimental errors in the determination of r grows without limits as r approaches unity, or, in other words, experiments should be conducted at the lowest possible value of X (and hence at low relative saturations). From Equation (6.29) it can be seen that X can be reduced by conduct- ing the experiments in a short duct at high fluid velocities (the duct 193 height is fixed by practical design considerations and will not be considered a variable). It will now be shown that there are physical constraints which dictate the optimum operating conditions. The optimum fluid flow rate is determined by the ability of the flow regulating valve to maintain a constant flow under operating conditions, i.e., under conditions where solute deposits are melted by contact with the heated valve and pass through a tapered orfice, designed exclusively In the present case, a maximum flow rate of for fluid flow. per minute at ambient conditions could be attained with 2 liters satisfactory controllability. The coated length, on the other hand, cannot be reduced indefinitely without altering the physics of the problem, i.e., without making axial diffusion significant with respect to axial convection and vertical diffusion from the order of magnitude (this follows (Section 5.3) analysis where it was shown that axial convection scales as L- , axial diffusion as L- , and vertical diffusion as L ). constraint; rather, a However, limited This, in itself, is not a physical different analytical solution would be required. the possibility of shortening the coated section is in fact by a very different constraint: the duration of a run becomes impractically long at very low values of r, given the limitation on <v>. As an example, consider an equilibrium solubility of 10- 3 mole fraction. Then, at 15% saturation, the mole fraction at the test section's outlet is 1.5x10 , which amounts to for a 2 standard liters solute molecular weight 1.34x10-5 solute moles per minute solvent flow rate. 3 of 130, this means 1.74x10- per minute For a typical g/min, or roughly half an hour to collect 0.05 g of solute, an amount of solute that would give rise to less than 2% error in weighing, (this follows from the reproducibility of the empty U-tube weighings, which was found to be approximately 0.001g). Under typical conditions, r is roughly 18%, so the poten- tial for accuracy improvement by shortening the coated length cannot be materialized without on-line analysis (which would eliminate weighing), since weighing requires runs that soon become impractical due to their duration, when due account is taken of the absolute necessity of maintaining as constant a flow rate as possible throughout the run (it would take 1.5 hours to collect 0.05 g at 5% saturation, for example). 194 With the equipment described in Chapter 4, then, the minimum amount of solid that must be collected for accurate weighing, and the maximum flow rate that can be maintained with adequate controllability are the two factors which determine the accuracy of the measured 7x10-5 If we now substitute typical values ( D cm; <v> 0.1 cm/s; L = 7.62 cm) we obtain X Furthermore, the local slope is given by Ar/AX0 dln D/dln r (r.AX 0 )/(X O .Ar) diffusion cm2 /sec; b = 0.15785 = 0.21, - coefficients. and r = 0.19247. 0.58, so that, finally, = 1.56 (6.32) or, in other words, AD Ar 1.56 1--1 --I i D (6.33) r In Equation (6.33), Ar/r includes all possible sources of experimental error affecting the measured value of r, in both the equilibrium and the diffusion experiments, such as weighing errors, gas measuring errors, etc. The actual in Appendix 2. value of IAr/ri for a typical experiment is derived In the present context, the objectives are the derivation of Equation (6.31) and the calculation of the numerical coefficient in Equation (6.32). From Appendix 2, therefore, we obtain 10% as a conservative estimate for Ar/r, which means that errors in the determination of r uncertainties of Equation and X0 lead to + 16% in D. (6.31) states the fact that, since D is obtained from X 0, is linear in D, the relative errors in D caused by inaccuracies in the measurement of r are simply the relative errors in X same cause. Equation The final step (6.29) for D. due to the in the determination of D involves solving The determination of <v> introduces a new source of error. The fluid velocity is obtained as follows (see Appendix 2 for an example) 195 Moles of solvent <v> = Solvent molar volume x Run duration In Equation (6.34) Duct cross section (6.34), the inaccuracies in the determination of the amount of solvent gas have already been included in Ar/r, so we can write A <v> AT <V> T T <v> where AV =+ T V (6.35) V is the run duration, and V, the solvent molar volume under experi- mental (i.e., high pressure) conditions. A typical run lasts ~ 15 seconds, 30 minutes; the timing has an uncertainty of since (see Chapter which steady flow is maintained 4) a run is started after a period during for at least 15 minutes, whereupon the actual U tubes are connected and tightened, an operation that lasts approximately 15 seconds. The solvent molar volume was determined from the International Thermodynamic Tables of the Fluid State (Angus et al., 1976) for C02 , and for the Peng-Robinson equation of state (Peng and Robinson, 1976) for SF6 . The error in this case is less than 5% (this figure would be much higher if runs had been done close to the critical point of the solvent; see Tables 6.1-6.4 for actual run conditions). From the previous discussion, therefore, IA<v>/<v>I - 0.0083 + 0.05 = 0.0583 - 0.06 (6.36) so that, finally, AD - 1.56x0.1 + 0.06 = 0.216 - 0.22 (6.37) D There are, in addition to the above, two sources of error that are, however, very difficult to quantify. 196 In the first place; erroneous num- bers result if the angle a (Figure 6.15) is not zero. of the flat plate after a run was Visual inspection always conducted, and any diffusion runs where the solute was etched at any detectable angle were rejected. Although great care was taken to guarantee a O0 under operating condi- tions, experimental errors are inevitable and, though small, are difficult to quantify. In the second place, experiments were conducted inside a closed tube, with no possibility for visual observation. two series rotameters (see Figure The flow was monitored in 4.1) at atmospheric pressure, but, except for the constancy of pressure and the fact that, at steady state, the flow through the rotameters reflects the molar there was no way high pressure flow, of quantifying the instantaneous constancy flow. 197 of fluid DIFFUSION AND IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS 7. In the previous chapters, diffusion has been treated in a phenomenoThis characterization refers to these approaches logical, or kinetic, way. which view diffusion as a phenomenon resulting from gradients in concenFrom the point of view of irreversible thermodynamics, however, tration. chemical potential gradients, and not concentration gradients, constitute the appropriate driving force for diffusion. This represents an entirely different interpretation of physical reality; moreover, as will be discussed below, kinetics and thermodynamics predict opposite behaviour at mixture critical points. The fundamentals and some of the consequences of the thermodynamic approach will be discussed in this chapter. FORCES AND FLUXES 7.1 The integral rate of entropy creation in a closed, isolated binary system can be written as d dt P sdV = J 1 i r v k dV ( TdV k -jl ·-dV (7. This relationship is derived in Appendix 5. responds to viscous dissipation, and The first integral cor- ik is therefore a stress tensor. The second integral corresponds to internal heat fluxes, with heat flux vector, j, a species 1 mass flux, and p a local a mixture chemical potential per unit mixture mass, -- uM M, M2 (7.2) M2 The third integral corresponds to diffusion. is simply a statement of the fact that closed, Equation (7.1), then, isolated, macroscopic systems approach stable equilibrium through irreversible processes involving viscous dissipation, internal heat fluxes and diffusive currents. 198 Although viscous dissipation can be incorporated into what follows, restrict our attention to the other two dissipative we shall henceforth processes. dt psdV = as (7.3) I [Z Ji Xi]dV - each conjugate J-X pair can be seen to represent the product of where a written (7.1) can be formally Equation flux (J) (7.1) and and a force driving convenient (X). Thus, from Equations (7.3), we can write J X VP +- Mass flux (jl) -- ("force") VT Energy flux (q In this context, way) or iJl) +-+- therefore, diffusion ("force") is linked potential gradients, whereas to chemical (in an as yet unspecified in kinetic, mechanistic phenomenological approaches, this thermodynamic quantity is replaced by concentration gradients. We next address the question of the relationship between forces and fluxes. If the gradients are small enough, the problem can be treated in the linear approximation, which, in its most general form, reads J i.e., each flux = LX (7.4) is a linear combination of all forces. This implies, in addition to the diagonal contributions, energy fluxes driven by chemical potential gradients, and mass fluxes driven by temperature gradients. These phenomena have been experimentally verified (Dufour and Soret effects, Onsager's respectively). reciprocity theorem (Onsager, 1931) proved the symmetry of the matrix L (the "conductance", or transport coefficient matrix), aJ. (i J. = (7.5) 199 Considering mass and energy VFP VT fluxes in the - VT light of Equation (7.4), we write J1 = - A' T - VP q - j 6 = ST C = T a V B' (7.6) VT - D' = - VP - Y VT (7.7) with where (7.8) the last relationship follows from the symmetry of the transport coefficients. The - (7.8). one present analysis can carry us no further than Equations (7.6) As is always the case with arguments based on thermodynamics, obtains useful relations between quantities of interest, but not actual values for the properties under study. Before turning our attention to the behaviour of the actual coefficients (a in particular), the profound significance of Equations (7.6) - (7.8) should be appreciated. We may summarize this by stating that, when viewed as a particular case of dissipative processes, - diffusion appears to be driven by chemical potential (as opposed to concentration) gradients. - diffusion can occur as a consequence of temperature gradients and energy fluxes as a consequence of chemical potential gradients - the cross proportionality constants (off-diagonal terms in the conductance matrix) are equal. 7.2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMODYNAMIC AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACHES If we consider, for simplicity, isothermal diffusion with no viscous dissipation, we can write Jl = -a (7.9) V 200 We next use the definition of , the Gibbs-Duhem equation, and the definition of fugacity coefficient, 1 VP 1= 0 fl 1 Ml VP2 Vp VP, = x V = x1 P (7.10) + (-x 1 ) V 2 (7.11) 1 (7.12) to obtain aRT I[I+ On alnx, the reported other as gradients. i (ln)l M1 hand, T,P [ x' diffusion proportionality ] 1 M2 (1-x) Vx - coefficients constants (7.13) are phenomenologically between flux and concentration Of the many equivalent expressions, we choose (Bird et al., 1960) J =- c 2 p~~~~ M1 M 2 VX (7.14) Equating the last two expressions, we obtain, after some rearrangement, 2 1/2] +M 1-x1/2 M2 '1I RT [ '(J' M~C Sinceg 2 has units [Length2/time] ( ln 1i) (7.15) and a, [Mass x Time/Length3 ] it is customary to define a "thermodynamic" diffusion coefficient that will equal9)w2 in ideal mixtures, in which case (Modell and Reid, 1983) A1 aln x1 T,P = RT (7.16) or, in other words, when is composition-independent. Consequently, CD 1 + (aln am = 12 an 12 )T,P 2 _ D1 RT ( ln 3=lx )T,P (7.17) or 1/2 D1 2 = M c I·. (1-x 12 X, ' M M 2 ( 1l-x, x 201 ) 1/2 (7.18) Little assumed D that 1977). sition be said can Taking about is 2 the actual less of D 2 composition-dependent of a, that or a. than It 12 is normally (Reid to the limit, we can now explore this assumption dependence values et al. the compo- to satisfy is, we force 2 1/212 1/2 aC(X1 ) [ (1-X) c(x 1 ) + XI MS ( M ) > f (xI) (7 19) 1-x1 or -2 a Ix1/2 x)[ [ a = c(x1 ) In other I + XI l-xM M2 words, 1/2 )1 /2 f(T,P, solute, a concentration-independent D 1 2 solvent)(720) (7.20) imposes upon the requirement that if depend in x, as the dimensionless function 1 (x) + 1 - (V- )dx o = (l-xi) (7.21) 2 1/21 1/2 X M2 1-XI where V is now a molar volume. vanishes at x Since the numerator is finite, we note that and x + 1, in agreement with the fact that - 0 and x quantity at x + 1. (and hence V) - 0 is an undefined The numerator in Equation (7.21) is very specifically dependent upon the solute and solvent under consideration. Moreover, it will yield different numerical values depending on the equation of state used Since, however, in its evaluation. the numerator is a finite number, we can focus our attention on the denominator, a universal function is shown of in the Figure weight 7.1, ratio and mixture where of x for various values of M/M the 2 . function composition. is plotted At a mole fraction x Its as behaviour a function = M 2 /(M1 + M), W has a maximum value of M2 /4 M. Thermodynamic and phenomenological approaches to diffusion differ in one fundamental aspect, which goes well beyond unit conversion. 202 For = - -L I I 2.5 I 2.0 M2 1.5 A' 1.0 0.5 0.5 m 0.0 u - e-- L r i I -I II -- I 0.5 0.0 , II 1.0 X1 FIGURE 7.1: Universal part of the composition dependence of weight ratios 203 for various a mixture, binary one of the many equivalent ways stability in which criteria can be expressed is (Modell and Reid, 1983) (N/N)RT [1 >o )( +· (7.22) aln xl T,P N aN, T,P,N 2 When the term in brackets becomes zero, the mixture reaches its limit of stability and a new phase is formed. of stability. Critical points are stable limits According to Equation (7.13), then, diffusive fluxes vanish at mixture critical points even when finite concentration gradients exist. same (the would be true for limit any stability, of but critical only points, being stable, make experimental verification simple). The vanishing fluxes at mixture critical diffusive of points has been experimentally observed, (Tsekhanskaya (1968), Tsekhanskaya (1971)), and the results have often been reported in the light of Equation (7.14), that is, as vanishing phenomenological diffusion coefficients. From the previous discussion, it is obvious that phenomenological formulations of diffusion this coefficients experimentally (i.e., Equation observed behaviour. (7.14)) cannot account for At least in the limit where vanishing thermodynamic driving forces coexist with finite kinetic driving, forces, therefore, it appears that diffusion can be explained as an entropy generating relaxation process rather than as a kinetic phenomenon. 7.3 THE KINETIC CONVERSION FACTOR The behaviour of the conversion factor [1+(aln;l/alnxl)Tp], henceforth called kinetic conversion factor, will now be analyzed. It will be assumed that the mixture under consideration can be described, in its equilibrium properties, through a cubic equation of state, for which the most general formulation is (Schmidt and Wenzel, 1980)(see Appendix 1). PRT V-b a V 2 + uVb + wb2 (7.23) 204 In Equation (7.23), quantity, V is a molar u and w are numerical constants, and they vary with the particular equation of state being used. Mixture parameters a and b are obtained from pure component parameters by means of suitable mixing and combining rules, of which the most popular are (with i and j denoting a = x.x. 1 it and jth components, respectively, a.. 1j b = x.b.i (7.24) (a.a.)1 /2 a. [1-k . (1-6.)] where ij ij (aia 1 ij kij, the binary interaction coefficient, is the single adjustable parameter once an equation of state is selected, and 6ij is Kronecker's delta. The methods pure component parameters are summarized for obtaining in Appendix 1, where tabulated values of v and w can also be found. From the general thermodynamic relationship (where V is now extensive) V RTln i = R^ln f -[ -P ~ )T,V,N[i] N~il VRT] dV - (7.25) RTln Z where N[i] means constancy of all mole numbers except for Ni, we obtain, with A = a P/(RT)2; 1 In q i = (Z-1) Aik aik P/(RT) 2 ; Bi = biP/RT, - In (Z-B) + A B/u 2 - 4w 2 k xkAik A and B = bP/RT, B (7.26) Z In + B (u-/u2 -4w) Z+B ( 22 ) which is valid for any cubic equation of state with mixing rules as per Equation (7.24) (provided both u and w are non-zero) and any composition and density-independent in Equation (7.26)). combining rule (note that Aik is not defined From this we obtain, after considerable rearrangement 205 L1+(nx, ) Te Z + B (-/U2-4w) 2 =2 +I-Z) B4Vu2-B TP |nx, l [ + B (u + / u 22- 4w ) 2 2 (Bn+-ZJ +(B,-B2) - + xA k k ( j k ABI B B2 (nB - Z) - w) +U4( 2-J4w][Z+U [Z+B U-][Z+ 2 ][Z 2 (7.27) where c = (Al-A,2)B3 + A(B,-B2 )B {A1x1 (2B,-B2 ) - A 2B(1l-x,) + A 12 [B1 (2-3x,) - B 2 (1-Xl)]}B2 - (7.28) B A+(uZ+2wB)[1-(Z-B)]2 -2[1-(Z-B)] b-b2 A B --BB) (7.29) A - (2Z + uB)[1-(Z-B)]2 (7.27)-(7.29) Equations are only applicable to binary mixtures. It is hardly worth emphasizing that these expressions are, in principle, highly nonlinear in composition; in fact, x, appears not only in a nontrivial explicit form, but also, implicitly, through Z, A and B. However, for all of the dilute mixtures considered, the calculated kinetic conversion factor is a linear function of x, from infinite dilution to saturation, and for all of the equations of state tested (see below). Figure 7.2, for C02 -Benzoic Acid at 308K and 280 bar (Peng-Robinson equation of state, The significance of k.. = .0183) is typical. 13follows at once from integration follows at once from integration (alnx,)T,P l(Xl) = , = 1 - K x, this observed behaviour (7.30) (7.31) exp (-Kx,) where K is composition-independent, and 1 - limrn X1+ (7.32) l (x) 206 I- I~~ 1.00 I I U' 'I I I I 0. x a 0.95 0- . 0.90 I I 0.000 0.001 r- I - --- L 0.002 L C ~I LI 0.003 I I --· I I 0.004 x FIGURE 7.2: Composition dependence of the kinetic conversion factor from infinite dilution to saturation, as modelled by the PengRobinson equation of state, for C0 2 -benzoic acid, at 308 K and 280 bar 207 In Equation been substituted for the least-squares- (7.30), 1 has Also, regressed y-intercept, which in all cases, was greater than .999. 0 at low values of x has been verified the composition-independence of an example, for C02 -Benzoic Acid, As in all cases. -6 is 7.527 x 10 calculated when x = 10 -10 and the Peng-Robinson 10 -6 when x 7.525 x Since the left hand at 280 bar and 308K. = 10, an K has physical significance. interesting side of Equation (7.30) vanishes at limits of stability, we write - where x(i.s.) at unstable k x (s.) = (7.33) 0 is the solute mole fraction at which the mixture becomes the given T and P. In writing Equation (7.33) the assumption of a linear behaviour up to the limit of stability has been made; this is an obvious idealization, but a useful one in the present context. Equation (7.31) now becomes l (xl,T,P) = l (7.34) (T,P) exp [ - xl/x,(k.s.)] Within the limits of the idealization implicit in Equation (7.33), therefore, Equation (7.34) suggests a "natural" scaling of concentration, in analogy with the idea of corresponding states. Figure 7.3 is a plot of the fugacity coefficient of benzoic acid in supercritical C02 (308K; 280 bar; kij =.0183), infinite dilution from to saturation, calculated with Equation (7.26) and with the simplified exponential relationship (Equation (7.31)). This remarkable agreement was observed (CO2 -benzoic acid; C0 2 -2-naphthol; SF6 Pr 3.4, 1.01 Tr - in all of the cases tested napthalene; SF 6 -benzoic acid; 1.1; Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich Kwong equations of state). K-values for the C02 -Benzoic Acid system are shown The regressed The binary in Figure 7.4 as a function of temperature and pressure. used in Figure 7.4 were obtained by minimizing interaction coefficients the sum of the absolute values of log[x(kij)] - log[x(experimental)] were taken from The experimental solubilities for each temperature. Kurnik (1981). The resulting values (used in Figure 7.4) are: 0.013856 (@308.2 K), 0.010308 (@318.2 K), -0.003336 208 (@ 328.2 K), -0.01272 (338.2 K). Figure 7.4 suggests that the fugacity coefficient becomes composition independent at low pressure. This is in agreement with the concept of infinite dilution fugacity coefficient, introduced above. More interestingly, though, K values approach a high pressure limit (at 280 bar, all K values are within 6.5% of the mean). If this behaviour is general, and K values can be predicted or correlated, this could simplify high pressure phase equilibrium calculations, apart from the intrinsic theoretical interest that such a trend would have. K was found to be relatively insensitive to k.. in all cases. For example, at 308 K and 120 bar, for the benzoic acid-C02 system, K=66.81477 for k.. = .013856 and K = 68.13017 (obtained by regressing experimental solubilities), for k.. = 00. 1j The fugacity coefficient, then, is the product of a composition-independent term (l, the infinite dilution fugacity coefficient), and an exponential composition correction which is not only small, due to the small values of x, but appears to approach a high pressure limit which is independent of temperature. 209 I I I ~~I I I I I I I 7.4 7.2 <('0 o 7.0 6.8 - I 0.000 I I 0.001 0.002 I 0.003 I 0.004 X1 FIGURE 7.3: Fugacity coefficient of benzoic acid in C02 , at 308 K and 280 bar, as a function of solute mole fraction, calculated with the Peng-Robinson equation of State (EOS), and with the exponential decay expression (K). 210 600 _ L I L --1I - I I I I I I I I JI 50 100. 150 200 II 400 K 200 0 I 0 I IE I__ - -i -l 250 P (Bar) FIGURE 7.4: K values for the CO2 benzoic acid system, as a function temperature and pressure. 211 DIFFUSION AND MASS TRANSFER IN SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS by PABLO G. DEBENEDETTI Ingeniero Quimico Universidad de Buenos Aires (1978) S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December 1984 Q MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of author .................... ... Department of Chemica lngineering bember 1984 Certified by................... ·· .......... Professor Robert C. Reid Thesis Supervisor /f&4 4. 41 Professor Ulrich W. Suter Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ............................. ... ............. .......... *... _ Chairman, Departmental Committee NlvaO6FAaUUR I iNSTITUTE on Graduate Studies OFTECHNOLOGY FEB 1 3 1985 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES 8 DYNAMICS OF INTERACTING BODIES : THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS The dynamic simulation knowledge of the laws of a system of interacting bodies requires of classical mechanics for its implementation, and of statistical mechanics for its interpretation. These will be discussed in this Chapter. The following sections constitute a convenient summary, where the theoretical basis of the work is presented in a concise and coherent form. outset, however, that the discussion, although It must be said at the self-contained, is by no means exhaustive, and references are given throughout to texts and articles dealing with each of the topics in detail. 8.1 KINEMATICS OF THE RIGID BODY A rigid body is an idealization. as a set of particles such is constant. mics, It can be defined,when discrete, that the distance between any two of them In what follows, molecules will be idealized as rigid polyato- that is, as point centers of force with no internal degrees of freedom. In general, a rigid body has six degrees of freedom, this being the minimum number of independent quantities that must be specified in order to define uniquely the position of the system under investigation (Landau and Lifshitz,1982). Three degrees of freedom pertain to the body's transla- tional motion,and can be chosen as the coordinates of its center of mass as measured from an origin (x,y,z) fixed in space (the laboratory or inertial reference frame). The other three degrees of freedom pertain to the body's rotational motion, and describe the instantaneous angular orientation o a set of axes rigidly fixed to the body (x',y',z') with respect to the set of axes fixed in space. A possible choice of angular coordinates, known as Euler angles(8,p,4), is illustrated in Figure (8.1). A vector X is transformed from the fixed to the moving frame (the latter being rigidly fixed to the body) by the linear relation A X = X 212 (8.1) z y FIGURE 8.1 : Euler angles 213 where A is an orthogonal transformation matrix, which , in terms of Euler angles, becomes A = [ cosncoso-cososinesin'- cosnsin+icosicosqcose -sin'csos-cospcossin -sinsino+coscoscos cosnsin -sine cos~ cose sine sino sinosinO (8.2) The explicit form of A can be easily obtained as the product of the ,~ and A. three elementary transformations defined by The angular velocities can be expressed, in the x ,y ,z system, in terms of 4,$,O, as follows (Goldstein,1981) w + e cosi = $ sine sin x w W = sine cosp - e sins = cose + (8.3) z where,again,Equations (8.3) can be considerations.Solving for 4,,$, derived from elementary we obtain a = w , cos w t sing - x = w geometric y ,- (1/tge)[w , cosi + w z y , sina] (8.4) x 4 = (1/sine)[w , cos$ + w , sinO] y The expressions for the rate of change of x and diverge for small 0, making Euler angles unsuitable for numerical integration of the equations of motion. To overcome this problem,we introduce the so-called quaternions or Cayley-Klein parameters (Goldstein, 1981;Murad and Gubbins,1978) 21"4 e = o l -coscos 2 ] 2 = sin -cos [ el (8.5) e2 sine sin[ e3 = cos "] sin [j] which satisfy 3 2 E ei = 1 (8.6) i-o Differentiating Equations (8.5), and after considerable rearrangement, we obtain (Murad and Gubbins, 1978) 1 e = (8.7) ew where T = [eo;e1 ;-e2 ;e 3] (8.8) ; o] (8.9) wT= w ,;w;w x -el e = eo -e3 L-e 2 y z -e2 -e3 eo -e3 e2 el -eO el -e2 e1 eo e3 1 (8.10) From the definitions (Equations (8.5)) of the Cayley-Klein parameters, we obtain - (el+e-2e -e 2 3 ) A = -2(eoe 3-e le 2) 2(e1e3+eoe 2) 2(eoe 2(e1 e3 -eoe2) 3 +el e2) (e2+e2-e -e 1 3 ) 2(eoe1 +e2 e 3) (e 3 +e-e -2(eoe1 -e2 e3 ) 2 -el2) 2(3-e2))] 215 (8.11) Equation (8.7) is the quaternion equivalent of the Euler-based Equations (8.4), but is singularity-free, and thus provides a convenient and consistent kinematic of the rigid body, which description can be easily adapted to numerical integration of the equations of motion. If a rigid body has a shape that justifies idealizing it as a line, the Euler angle or quaternion representation cannot be has only two rotational degrees of freedom. line used, since a The implications of this fact will be discussed below. 8.2 DYNAMICS OF THE RIGID BODY The equations that describe the rotational motion of the rigid body assume a particularly concise form when the set of moving axes (x ,y ,z ) in direction with the body's principal axes of coincide ' inertia, which will now be defined (Landau and Lifshitz, 1982). Assuming the rigid body to be a discrete assembly of masses, the j,kth component of the inertia tensor can be written as ',2 m[(xi) 6jk - xjxkJ Ijk = where m denotes the generic discrete masses, is the jth over all such masses, and x (8.12) the summation (j=1,2,3) coordinate extending of the local j mass with respect to a set of axes fixed to the body but otherwise undefined. The tensor defined by Equation (8.12) is symmetric and can always be diagonalized. The particular choice of (x',y',z') that diagonalizes the inertia tensor defines the principal directions; the diagonal elements are the principal moments of inertia. The kinetic energy then becomes, KE= (m)v -- 2 2 + 1 - 2 [ 1(w 216 1) 2 + ' 2 (w 2 2 ) + ' 3 (w 3 ) 2 ] (813) (8.13) where v is the translational velocity of the center of mass, total mass of the body,and are 1,2,3 the prin'cipal directions. m is the As can be seen from Equation (8.13), the rotational contribution is now formally similar to the translational term. The equations of motion can now be written , as follows. For translation, in the inertial reference frame, = (m)-lf (8.14) and for rotation, in the principal reference frame, .9 Wi where r I = (Ii ) - 1l Ki (8.15) is the position vector of the center of mass with respect to the inertial reference frame,f is the external force,i denotes the ith (i=1,2,3) principal direction,and w',K' and Ii are therefore the ith i principal angular velocity, torque and moment of inertia, respectively. Equations (8.14) and (8.15) are general, and are obviously independent of the kinematic description of the rigid body. 8.3 INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION The force f in Equation (8.14), and the principal torque component K' in Equation (8.15) are functions of the instantaneous position and i orientation of all bodies in the system. Integration of these equations, therefore, requires expressions for the rate of change of the rotational coordinates, which will necessarily be explicit in the coordinates themselThus, the expressions that will be introduced (the kinematic equations) ves. are necessarily less general than the dynamic equations ((8.14) and (8.15)). For a non-linear body, with quaternion kinematics, we have 217 v = (~m)- l f({r},{e}) (8.16) x=v i = (Ii)-1 Ki({r},{e}) (i=1,2,3) (8.17) e = 1 e w The translational equations have been written as two coupled first order equations, rather than as a single second order expression (Equation (8.14)). Also, in Equations (8.16), f({r},{e}) denotes the dependence on all position vectors and quaternions of the force (the same is true for the torque in Equations (8.17)). It is important to notice that Equations (8.16) are calculated in the inertial frame, whereas, in Equations (8.17), i denotes a principal direction. The torques are calculated in the inertial frame converted to principal torques using the quaternion-explicit A (Equation and then form of 8.11)) AK K Linear bodies have two rotational (8.17) must therefore be modified. (8.18) degrees of freedom; Equations In this.case, the rotational equations become w (I)-1 K = (8.19) i-=w xl where I is now the non-vanishing principal moment of inertia and 1 is a unit vector, co-axial with the linear body, which specifies the instantaneous configuration of the line. 218 Equations (8.19) are hence conveniently do not require a coordinate transformation, and integrated in the inertial frame throughout. The structure of the rotational Equations for a linear body follows from the fact that, for such a geometry, I1 = 12 (8.20) I3 = 0 w3 = 0 i.e., two principal moments of inertia are equal and the third one vanishes; also, a line cannot rotate about its axis, and w must always lie on a plane perpendicular to the line's axis(Figure 8.2). The actual integration of Equations (8.16) and (8.17) (or (8.19)) can be implemented in many different ways, according to the particular numerical order the translational equations, a second algorithm selected.For chosen, with predictor-corrector method was an Euler predictor and explicit trapezoid correctors, x (n+l) = x(n) + t v(n) v(n+1) = v(n) + (m)-1 (8.21) (6t/2)[f(n+l) + f(n)] (8.22) x(n+1) = x(n) + (6t/2)[v(n+l) + v(n)] where - denotes predicted values, and translational and rotational f (8.23) is calculated from the predicted coordinates. In Equations (8.21)-(8.23), the superscripts identify the integration step. For non-linear molecules,an explicit second order predictor-corrector method was also chosen, 219 S V1 V at ,'1CW 2 V V V J WIV V, V,1 ) A %-i} FIGURE8.2 : Kinematic and dynamic body characteristics of a linear rigid 220 e(n+ l ) = e(n) + (6t/2) wi e(n)(w')(n) (8.2 4 ) 1 (8.25) (n) + (n) (6t/2)[(Ki)(n+l) + (Ki)(n)] (i=1,2,3) e(n+l) = e(n) + (6t/4)[e(n+1)(w')(n + 1) + e(n)(w')( n)] (8.26) where torques are first calculated in the inertial frame and then converted to principal torques using the quaternion-explicit form of the transformation matrix. Predicted torques are calculated from predicted coordinates and then converted from the inertial to the moving frame with the predicted transformation matrix. For linear molecules, an implicit predictor-corrector scheme was chosen, l(n+ l ) = (n) + 6t[w(n) x (n) ] .(8.27) w(n+l) = w(n) + (I)-1 (6t/2)[K (n+l) + K(n)] l(n+i) = l(n) + (6t/2)[w ( n+ l) x 1 (n+ l ) + w(n) x (8.28) 1 (n)] (8.29) where, as in Equation (8.25), predicted torques are calculated from predicted positions and orientations. Equation (8.29) is implicit as a consequence of the vector product in the right hand side; 3 simultaneous equations in 1 (n+1) result. 8.4 STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DIFFUSION The stochastic approach to diffusion originated with Einstein's work 221 on the theory of Brownian motion (Einstein, 1905). Many alternative derivations of the basic relationships have since appeared, but Einstein's approach is still the simplest and most general. An illuminating and comprehensive treatment of the general area of stochastic processes can be found in Chandrasekhar's review article (Chandrasekhar, 1943). We 2, and focus our attention on a mixture of particles of species consider the limiting 1 and case where the concentration of species 1 is so small that we can neglect 1-1 interactions. We consider a time interval, AT, with the following characteristics: AT is small with respect to observed, macroscopic time, but large enough so that the velocity of independent velocity at a time any particle at a time t is from its t-AT, <v(t+dA).v(t)> = <v(AT).v(O)> = O (8.30) If we now identify particles with molecules, and AT with a characteristic time for a molecular interaction, then, upon observation at time intervals ALIT, the system must be described statistically rather than in a deterministic way. At thermal during an equilibrium, the displacement, 6, of type interval AT, projected upon any subject to a probability distribution, arbitrary direction, x, is 1, which must satisfy 01( 6 x) = 1(-6x) _1(6x) 1 molecules d(6x) (8.31) = 1 where symmetry follows from a zero net flux condition, and normalization implies that molecules must be found somewhere in space. The function 01 itself is defined in such a way that the number of molecules of species 1 that, and 6 during an interval AT, experience x-displacements between x + d(6x), is given by dN1 (6x) = N1 222 1( 6 x) d(6x) (8.32) 6 x where N1 is the total number of type 1 molecules under consideration. Let f l ( x,t) be the z,y-averaged number of particles per unit volume at a time t and location x. of species 1 Then, we write +00 I fl(x,t+A-) fl(X+6xt) 41( 6 x) d(6x) (8.33) -0o Equation (8.33) assumes that the kinematic description of the system at a time t + AT is independent of the system's history prior to time t. This is the single major assumption in Einstein's derivation, and, in the language of stochastic processes, is equivalent to saying that the evolution in time of fl(x,t) is a Markow chain (van Kampen, 1981). Expanding both sides of Equation (8.33) in Taylor series, f l (x,t) + fl AT + +x rfl(x,t) + fl 6 (6X)2+ + 1 a ax 2 ...] 1(6x) d(6x) (8.34) x2 and taking into account that +WD +O Jfl(x,t) 1(6x)d(6x) = fl(x,t) + ) 6 ( 6 ) d(6x) x ((x 14(6x) d(6x) 6 ( 6 ) d( 6 x) = f l (xt) (8.35) 0 (8+36)o x) we obtain +X at1 at AT (6x)2 1(6x) d6x) a2 a-x2 L2At -m 223 (8.37) Since 1 is a probability distribution, Equation (8.37) can be rewritten as a2 fl <62 > f at 2MA ax (8.38) 2 Equation (8.38), on the other hand, is a species-1 conservation equation, so we may at once write, D12 <62> x (8.39) 28AT or, taking into account that, since x is arbitrary and 2 2 <6x> = <6y > 2 1 symmetric, <6 > <6z> 3 (8.40) = <62> D12 Equation (8.41) 6-T (8.41) is the fundamental relationship to be used in the calculation of diffusion coefficients via molecular dynamics. It is important to realize that at no point in the present derivation was the assumption of Brownian particles (i.e., particles so large that species 2 becomes a continuum relative to species 1) introduced. Although Einstein himself derived Equation (8.39) while considering Brownian motion, the major advantage of this approach is precisely the generality and plausibility of the assumptions on which it rests. The short-time (t < with this treatment. AT) An behaviour of the system cannot be described analytical equation covering the whole time range can be obtained for the special case of Brownian particles. By splitting the force on a Brownian particle into a deterministic frictional force, proportional and opposed to the particle's velocity, and a stochastic component representative of random collisions with the 224 molecules that make up the continuum, (species 2) we can write a stochastic differential equation (Langevin's equation) v = -v (8.42) + A(t) from which we obtain (Chandrasekhar,1943) <6> a [t - 1 - exp(-at)] For t (8.43) A, 4 < (8.44) t > a O, expanding the exponential up to second order and simplifying, and for t d~> a t2 (8.45) It is obvious that, in writing Langevin's equation, we are introducing restrictions which are not present important in the original Einstein The long and short-time limits, however, have a fundamental treatment. significance that is independent of the assumptions built into their derivation. For a generic particle (molecule), we write a2 6 as 6(t t -) + (-) - + (8.46) at2 o 2 at For t t2 O , we can drop quadratic terms. Squaring, ensemble averaging, and using equipartition, <62> = 3kT t2 m (8.47) where m is the mass of the particles over which the averaging is done. 225 Without making any assumptions on the relative size and mass of the particles under consideration, we can say that, for times which are short with. espect to the characteristic inter-particle interaction time, the dynamics is deterministic, since it can be described by Equation (8.46), and then <62>at2. Since (8.46) is time-reversal-invariant, we Equation a reversible or deterministic regime. can call this Irreversibilities associated with molecular motion, on the other hand, are characterized by <62> a t, and we conclude that the onset of irreversible, stochastic behaviour, requires amount a finite 1 time, characteristic of interparticle interaction If species 2 can be regarded as a continuum, we can readily identify times. B- of with At (Chandrasekhar, 1943). Each degree of freedom, then, contributes to the entropy over a time greater than a characteristic relaxation time. Entropy is meaningless for t << A. In Equation (8.42), and assuming the Brownian particles to be spherical', then is given by Stokes' law, B6nna m (8.48) where n is the viscosity of the medium, a is the radius and m, the mass of the particles. 8.5 VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS We define a distribution function by saying that the number of molecules of species i which, at time t, have velocities within an interval dv of v and positions within an interval dr of r, is given by dNi(r,v,t) fi(r,v,t) dr dv (8.49) where Ni is the total number of species i molecules in the system under investigation. At equilibrium, fi is independent of position and 226 time-invariant, so we write fi(v)dv ni (8.50) where ni is now referred to unit volume and the integral is three-dimensional and extends over all possible velocities,i.e. from - to + for each component. The particular functional dependence that corresponds to equilibrium is the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, fi(v) = ni [2T For a fixed volume, V, ex - 2kT (8.51) containing Ni molecules of species i, the number of molecules having velocities within a range dv of v is given by dNi dv V fi 4 V v2 fi dv (8.52) or [mi dNi dv 4 Ni F2kT 2 3/2 3 m iv 2 v (8.53) exp[2kT- which is maximized for 1/2 has aroot mean square velocty, (8.54) The distribution fi has a root mean square velocity, 1/2 Vrms [ = 227 3i 1/2 1kT /2 = <v2 > 1/2 (8.55) a mean velocity, <v = fNi j4fv fi dv =[ (8.56) m-] 01O and a standard deviation, < 2 1/2 > -1 = [N As will iJ 0 2 4Nrv[v 1/2 = 2 - [( )3-8 1/2 f dv ] <v> i (8.57) ,r mi be explained later, setting the root mean square velocity to unity is a convenint way of defining a simulation time scale (having previously defined a simulation length scale; see Chapter 9). Then, Equation (8.53) becomes dNi dv 1.5 4(3/2) 2 1/2 Ni v exp(-1.5 2 v ) - w (8.58) 2 = 4.146 Ni v exp(-1.5 2 v ) Equation (8.58) is plotted in Figure 8.3, with Ni 107, which is the number of solvent molecules used in the simulations. 8.6 EQUIPARTITION AND VIRIAL THEOREM For a system of N bodies with degrees of freedom per body, the equipartition theorem (Huang, 1963) can be written as 228 100 50 zs 0 O. 1. 2. V/Vrms FIGURE 8.3 : Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution; N-107 229 3. H Pi > = kT api (8.59) <q-P H > = kT aqi1 where Pi and qi (i = 1,...,EN) are generalized momenta and coordinates, and H is the system's Hamiltonian (i.e., its energy expressed as a function For smooth spherical or point bodies with of coordinates and momenta). = 3 and q and p are simply the position no rotational degrees of freedom, For rigid bodies, and linear momentum vectors, respectively. = 6 and q is a vector whose six components are the three cartesian coordinates of the center of mass with respect to an inertial reference frame and the three components of the rotation vector (Landau and Lifshitz, 1982) along the body's principal directions, while components is a the cartesian components are, respectively, vector whose six of the body's linear momentum in the inertial frame, and the principal angular momentum components. Conjugate momenta and coordinates satisfy Hamilton's equations, aH aqi i ( = 1....N) (8.60) 8p i api Restricting ' qi qi (i = 1, ..... EN) to the translational degrees our attention of freedom, we consider the sum 3N I i1 qi Pi = r (8.61) 3N 3N + = I qi Pi I Pi qi i=1 Time-averaging, 230 i=1 (8.62) r dt <r>lim T' = lim 1 ~ T T T r(T)-r(o)] (8.63) 0 but, since r is not unbounded, we must have < = O (8.64) => which simply states the fact that thtetime average of a derivative of a finite quantity vanishes. Making into account Equations (8.64), (8.60), and (8.59), 3N 3N Pi qi < i1 > = - < 3N 1 H > qip Pi i-1 -3NkT (8.65) - 2<KE(t)> where KE(t) is the translational kinetic energy. The left hand side of Equation (8.65) is the time average of the sum, over all bodies, of the scalar product of external force and position. This can be written as the sum of two terms, 3N 3N Pi < I i > = -P r.n dF + < i=1 The first term is the contribution of bounding surface, I i=1 qi fi > the collisions (8.66) against the not the coordinates of a molecule, with r denoting but a location on the bounding surface, n is a unit normal vector, and F denotes the bounding surface. The second summation, then, is the contribution of intermolecular forces, f. We can transform the surface integral, -231 -P r.n dF -P = (V.r) dV I -3PV = (8.67) and rewrite Equation (8.65), 3N + < C qi fi > 2 <KE(t)> 3PV = (8.68) 1=1 Dividing by 2<KE(t)>, 3N < 3PV qi fi> 1 + 2<KE(t)> (8.69) 2<KE(t)> or, equivalently, 3N < Z= N qifi> < > =+ 1 1 + 2<KE(t)> _-q j=1 (8.70) 2<KE(t)> If the interparticle forces are pairwise additive, the summation can be expressed in a computationally convenient way, 3N I qi N i N f - i=1 j=1 N-1 - f ji j. j=1 i*j N X = i i ij.(ai -s (8.71) j-i+1 i.e., as the sum of the products of interparticle forces and interparticle separations. Equation (8.70) then becomes, N-1 < Z = N I Lj. (qi 1 + - j)> (8.72) 2<KE(t)> 232 where fij is the net force on particle is a vector directed from j to i. i exerted by particle j, and (qi- j) The double sum is therefore positive when interactions are, on the average, repulsive, and negative when they are attractive. 233 9. 9.1 COMPUTER SIMULATIONS; TECHNICAL ASPECTS SAMPLE SIZE; BOUNDARY CONDITIONS; CUTOFF RADIUS The goal of molecular dynamics of matter. is the study of the bulk properties This is done by following the motion of an ensemble of molecules and interpreting the "results" (i.e., the evolution in time of velocities, forces, positions, orientations and torques) statistically (see Chapters 8 and 10 for fundamentals and results, respectively). The first question that must be addressed, therefore, is the number of molecules that will studying bulk matter, as possible. be considered in the simulation. Since we are it is obvious that this number should be as high For pairwise additive, continuously differentiable potentials, the simulation is simply a repetitive procedure whereby, at each step, every molecule "scans" all other molecules in the system, and, due to pairwise additivity, F. -1 where F f.. = ji (9.1) J is the net force on the ith molecule, and f.. -1J is the force exerted by the jth molecule on the ith molecule. In the presently considered case, however, molecules are really rigidity constraints, and the forces are interatomic, so that Equation (9.1) is really computed as Fi = I j~i where n and molecule, I nEi fn E= now denote atoms. each f integration (9.2) jfi - tcj Thus, for N molecules with n atoms per step involves, in principle, S elementary evaluations 234 N(N - 1 )n 2 21 - S (9.3) As will be explained below, the density of the simulated fluid has a strong present influence on the average duration of a purposes, or, at any rate, at a given "scan", but, density, the for the duration of a simulation is a quadratic function of the sample size and of molecular complexity, as measured by the number of sites per molecule. The other factor influencing the duration of a simulation is the integration step, which is determined by numerical accuracy considerations. The run duration is only a linear function of the number of integration steps. Consequently, it is the number and complexity of the molecules that determines the size of the problem (given an event of fixed duration to be simulated). Even to N - with 0(103), supercomputers, with n between -11 events that last - 10 currently solvable problems 1 and 5, and simulations are limited are used to study seconds, at typical liquid densities (Ceperley, 1981). In the present case, N = 108, with one solute and 107 solvent molecules. For C02 as a solvent and C6 H 6 as, a solute, S = 54891 elementary evaluations per integration step, or a total of - 1.7 x 108 evaluations per simulation (for a 3000 step simulation). The choice of appropriate boundary conditions is the next important question that must be addressed. A possible choice would be to enclose the N molecules inside a perfectly reflecting rigid surface of arbitrary shape. This approach, however, spherical the boundary of radius R and an effective fraction of molecules general, the with boundary the suffers from a major fraction of surface interacting with drawback. interaction range the surface is 3Ar/R. molecules that, at any given time, is directly For a Ar, In interact proportional to the product of the effective interaction range and the surface-to-volume ratio, which, in turn, a typical is inversely proportional to some characteristic length. molecular dynamics simulation at characteristic length can be estimated as 235 liquid-like densities, For the 1/3 1000 molecules x 5x10 -5 3 40 A 100 m /mol 6.02xl0 2 3molecules/mol which means is - boundaries molecules interacting with the rigid that the fraction of 3x10 6 times than higher in a 1 cm 3 macroscopic system, for any given effective interaction range. This problem can be overcome by using periodic boundary conditions, which have been used in molecular dynamics since the method was originally 1958; Alder and Wainwright, 1959). (Wainwright and Alder, proposed In this approach, computations take place in a unit cell which repeats itself which enters "image" it is replaced by an eaves the cell, Whenever a molecule in space. This is shown opposite boundary. through the in Figure 9.1 for a two dimensional system with a quadrangular unit cell. Thus, periodic conditions not only boundary influence of the boundary surface, but, infinite, presently considered case, the unit is three-dimensional. conditions, a assumption. cell is a cube, In the since the problem Because of the periodicity imposed by the boundary molecule and its images are never moved in considering the interaction between any Instead, the artificial in effect, treat the system as an arbitrary periodicity with although eliminate independently. two molecules (see Figure 9.1), only the closest of all possible a-b pairs must taken into account (a-b4 or b-a5 a-b be in Figure 9.1; the choice between these two is arbitrary and one may conveniently assign a number to each molecule and, by convention, look at interactions between i and the possible images of j, including Periodicity j itself, thus if i < j, and viceversa). introduces an important limitation: because, as explained above, a molecule and its images are not independent, the range of the intermolecular (or, in the present case, cannot be infinite. interatomic) potential This follows from simple geometric reasoning. particle a (Figure 9.1) and let the cell side have unit size. Consider Coordinates can be measured from any arbitrary origin: let us place the origin at the cell's corner nearest and horizontal to a, and denote vertical coordinates by x. 236 coordinates by y, Then, it is obvious that, whenever I I I I I a lot b b Ib &,02 Vfr V-r- I I 10_ 4A4 b b5 Il lI I I 0I I --- FIGURE9.1 : Two dimensional periodic 237 boundary conditions 1Xb - Xal > 1/2, and only when this condition is met, an image b i of b exists such that IXb - x a l > IXbi - Xal (9.4) Similar considerations apply to the y (and z, in three dimensions) coordinates, so we conclude that, to avoid double counting between a molecule and its images, the range of the interparticle potential cannot exceed half the cell side's length. In the presently considered case, a and b would represent molecules, (or, more specifically, their centers of mass). Having interactions located the closest pair, and only then, are atomic into account. taken Since, for N = 108, there are 5778 pairs, and, in three dimensions, 27 possible images per pair, it follows that an efficient algorithm for locating closest pairs without calculating all possible distances is mandatory. actually Such an algorithm is shown in Figure 9.2, for a cubic cell. The actual cutoff radius is determined more conservatively than the above considerations would suggest. When simulating the dynamics of rigid polyatomics, the cutoff distance must obey c - ( a (9.5) b) where the a's denote the maximum possible distance between a molecule's center of mass and any one of its sites. Thus, this conservative criterion guarantees that the closest possible distance between atoms of molecule a and atoms of molecule b, when of its images, will b has been discarded in favor of one never equal the cutoff radius. Since any finite cutoff distance represents a distortion of physical reality, the extreme form of Equation the expense of (9.5) may have to be relaxed whenever a is large, at introducing slight inaccuracies in the program. In the present work, a cutoff radius of 7.4 Angstrom was used throughout (see Figure 10.1 for molecular geometry). fundamental about There is, of course, nothing the unit cell. the cubic shape of It merely provides a simple geometric description, and 238 X1 FIGURE 9.2 : Nearest image location in a three dimensional cubic cell 239 a convenient start-up are arranged in a lattice "backbone": the molecular centers of mass face-centered cubic lattice. This structure can be generated by spatial repetition of a unit cube containing occupied sites in four different positions (Figure 9.3). in a cube of unit size which contains 13 one depicted 32, 108, in Figure 9.3. 256,..., The simulation takes place elementary units such as the Thus, molecular dynamics 413, ... etc. molecules are common. simulations with The details of the start-up procedure are discussed in Section 9.3. Periodic and bulk matter are obviously not equivalent concepts, although this assumption is built into the choice of periodic boundary conditions. At present, however, there is no better approach to the problem of simulating bulk matter using a small number of particles. An interesting question arises when we consider the possible influence of the unit cell's geometry upon the results. Although systematic studies have not been made, this problem should be of particular concern when molecular dynamics is used to study fluid-solid phase transitions, for example, where symmetry considerations play an important role. Thus, one can imagine simulations taking place in polyhedric space-filling unit cells, or, even more simply, in deformed cubic cells (parallelepiped cells, for example; Theodorou and Suter,1984). In principle, one would hope the computed relaxation, transport and equilibrium properties of fluids to be independent of these considerations. This is strongly suggested by the good agreement with experiment obtained so far with molecular dynamics, unless we assume that cubic symmetry is more than an accidental choice, and disordered, isotropic matter can only be described but fascinating with particular choices of symmetries, an unlikely possibility. TIME CONSIDERATIONS 9.2 In the area of molecular modelling of matter, computer time considerations are of fundamental importance. Without an efficient code, the simulations quickly become prohibitively expensive, and, in extreme cases, too long even in the absence of computer time cost constraints. The core of a molecular dynamics simulation, as explained in section 240 X1 Xl X2 X3 1 2 3 4 FIGURE 9.3 : Elementary generator of face centered cubic lattice 241 9.1, is the "scanning" procedure, which is repeated N(N-1)n 2 /2 times (Nn)2 /2 times. Hence, all efforts to improve per step, or for large N, - code efficiency should be focused on this part of the program. The of the N(N-1)/2 optimization nearest image scans was already Having located the nearest image, discussed and is shown in Figure 9.2. n2 site-site interactions must now be computed. The first step, therefore, is to check whether the particular site-site distance considered falls Important time savings follow within the cutoff radius. sphere scan (Figure 9.4) is implemented. if the cube- In this approach, the site- site distance is only calculated if each of the components of the sitesite separation is less than rc in absolute value. This is equivalent to constructing a cube of side 2 rc whose center of symmetry coincides with one of the sites (one eighth of which is shown in Figure 9.4), such that all sites falling outside its boundaries are rejected. This cube, then, is the geometric equivalent of a necessary but not sufficient condition for a site-site separation to be rc. The sufficient condition, a concentric sphere of radius rc, is then introduced, but only after having rejected all sites which do not obey the necessary condition. In addition, since a distance is the square root of the sum of three squares, the sufficiency condition is tested with respect to the square of the cutoff distance, so that a rejected site does not cause the unnecessary computation of a square root. The last part of each elementary "scan" involves the actual calculation of a force and, if needed, an energy. (see Section 9.4) would make expressions the program prohibitively slow To overcome this problem, the force and potential are and inefficient. tabulated Explicit calculation of the resulting at the beginning of the program. There are as many tables as there are different types of site pairs (i.e., 0-0, C-C, 0-C for pure CO02 simulations for a sufficiently per table). fine example). The range 0 < r rc is divided into "grid" (typical simulations employ - 104 elements The site separation is then assigned an integer value, I, according to (9.6) I = INT (M*R/RC) 242 z O,0, rc Y x FIGURE 9.4 : Cube-sphere site-site distance test 243 where M is the number of elements into divided, 6000 in the present work. interpolation is not necessary which the range 0 r rc is Since M is such a high number, linear and the force and potential calculation are therefore simply table look-ups. To summarize, the N(N-1)n 2 /2 "scans" per integration step constitute the rate-limiting step of the simulation, and have been optimized by * logical nearest image search (i.e., with no algebraic operations) (Figure 9.2) * cube-sphere site-site test (Figure 9.4) · potential and force tabulation The influence of density upon the duration of a run follows directly from the above considerations, once cutoff radius, it is realized that, for a given the number of sites within a sphere of radius rc scales as the fluid density. The higher the density, then, the higher the propo- rtion of sites for which computations have to be made, or, in other words, the lower the proportion of cube-sphere time saving rejections. 9.3 START-UP; RESCALING; RELAXATION RUNS There are two different start-up modes: ation. placed In strict start-up, the in a velocity face-centered components cubic are assigned START, in Appendix 4). centers of strict start-up and continumass of lattice, and random to them the molecules are orientations and (see subroutines PUT, TURN, The magnitude of both angular and linear velocities are the equipartition values, i.e., v w start-up start-up = (3kT/m) 1 / 2 (9.7) = (2kT/I)1/2 (9.8) where Equation (9.8) corresponds to the case of a linear molecule. For the general case, [w start-up i = kT/I.) 1 1/2 C i = 1,2,3 ) (9.9) where i denotes one of the principal directions. is used most of the time (i.e., for all of the actual simulations and most of the "relaxation" runs). and angular The continuation mode Here, the initial configuration (cartesian coordinates) and velocities (translational and rotational) are read from a file, generated at the end of the previous run, where this information is stored. "Relaxation" runs are shorter (typically 500 to 800 steps) than the actual to simulations. reach an During a "relaxation" equilibrium state either run, the system is allowed from a highly ordered condition (strict start-up), or from the final state of a previous run at different conditions (continuation). Whereas the density in any given simulation a length scale (/simulation is fixed by defining length units) and the number of molecules in the cube, the temperature fluctuates, since it is given by the kinetic energy <KE(t)> = 3NkT (9.10) 2 = [2(N-1) <KE(r)> (9.11) 2 2 < KE(r) + KE(t) > <kT> where + 3] kT - (9.12) (5N+1) (N-1) linear solvent molecules and 1 non-linear solute molecule have been assumed, and KE(r) and KE(t) denote, respectively, rotational and translational kinetic energy. coincide with Since there is no reason why T will the desired value, velocities (both linear and angular) are repeatedly rescaled during a relaxation run, so as to force the system's configuration to equilibrate at the desired temperature. The rescaling frequency is set at the beginning of the run with ten steps between rescalings a typical value. as follows: Rescaling factors are calculated let T* be the desired temperature; then, the instantaneous total kinetic energies will, in general, be different from their equipartition 245 values 2(KE(t)) 3NkT = 1 (9.13 = 1 (913) 2(KE(r)) 3NkT + 3 (9.14) 3N Since kinetic energies are quadratic in velocites, each linear velocity -1/2 , and each angular velocity component component is rescaled by a factor a is rescaled by a factor 1/2 1/2 vi(n+l) = vi(n) (a) wj(n+l) = wj(n) (1) i =1, ..., (9.15) 1/2 9.4 j = [1, ..., 2(N-1) (9.16) + 3] INTERATOMIC POTENTIALS The assumed form of the interatomic (or intermolecular) potential is an input to any molecular dynamics simulation. Most point of the centers symmetric early of force potentials, work involved the idealization of molecules as interacting via pairwise additive, such as the square-well spherically (Alder and Wainwright, 1959), hard sphere (Wainwright and Alder, 1958), or Lennard-Jones (Rahman, 1964) models. Three-body interactions were first taken into account (Haile, 1978) via a triple dipole Axilrod-Teller potential. Two different approaches regarding intermolecular potential parameters were followed in these studies. In the first approach, no attempt was made to simulate the behavior of any particular fluid; rather, the abstract Lennard-Jones models, and or hard their sphere fluids, for properties example, were considered as investigated (Verlet, 1968; Alder and Wainwright, 1962; Alder et al.,1974). These early idealizations, however, were also applied to the study of specific atomic fluids (Rahman, 1964) due to the inherent plausibility of the spherically symmetric, one-center 246 assumption for this particular case. The simulation of rigid polyatomic molecules (i.e., point centers of force with no internal degrees of freedom), requires the specification of appropriate interatomic potentials. of the In addition, choosing the shape polyatomic implies abandoning the abstract approach whereby an idealized fluid (i.e., Lennard-Jones, for example), is simulated in favor of a more concrete and realistic description of a given particular fluid. What is gained in detail and predictive power is lost in generality. Although the specificity of the problem imposes severe restrictions upon the choice of interatomic is, in this case, even more parameter estimation. potential parameters, limited than for fundamental knowledge intermolecular potential Table 9.1 lists some of the approaches that have been used to select appropriate potential parameters. We may summarize the situation by saying that molecules without significant electrostatic effects are usually modelled as multi-centered polyatomics with sites interacting via pairwise additive Lennard-Jones-type potentials; parameter selection is far from standardized, with still widely used. The lack of fundamental significance for the site- site parameter values et fitting techniques al., 1977) and C-C is clearly shown from the fact that F-F (Singer, (Murad and Gubbins, 1978) parameters had to be significantly altered (Nose and Klein, 1983) to fit the volumetric properties of CF,. Electrostatic effects are even more problematic. Here, the choice is between a more fundamental description involving localized point monopoles, or the use of multipole expansions. The first of these approaches (Rossky and Karplus, 1979) will be discussed below; apart from stability considerations, long-range Coulombic forces are not,'inherentlyappropriate for use with periodic boundary conditions. The use of multipoles, on the other hand (Murthy, et al., 1981) is a contradiction in terms, since it assigns certain features to the potential on an a-priori basis, the simulation of which is the very essence of the molecular dynamics approach. In this work, site-site Lennard-Jones potentials were used, although the introduction of coulombic interactions, as will be discussed below, 247 0. LA 00 b.- 0o Co C4 0 U) 0 o - 0) U) C) 0 a, C) a.,U) .0 b- a) bO r- (L) C bO U1) 4) o 0 oO 0 ., 0 0 CX Cr) i-I o H :3 C-, 0 a) 0: 0ou~ 0 C-) 4) ,4 a) 0. :5 0.i-I H 03 .- H C) o C.- C) 0 a0 0 0 ) >0 0 o 4o C', 'o C 0 C) 4) a 4-4 )l V o ) 0 OC EH 40 C: C= 2 4H U) . affi 0 co E--, -o i- v) 0 0a U)o U) 4) EC/) 0 a )C co Ua)U o0 - E c' c) C H a) -H ) 0 o O *H L U) U) 4) ) I H , .4O a I c: a) U V U) C' C oo a) 10 L C 4 )U) )4 , PL V E L0 . 0 o .H C a 4U) U) C- *H C0 c0 , C,L 0-i C\M-4 0 H 248 CL. U) 0 .s -r0 a )· 4) ., O , 0 (L) c a' 0 -HS CO I a) 3 , q- 0 0 3 " 00 U) LO oH )L I L -. 0 4) 0 4 U) U) Cl · C, I CM CL X C -C C 4 C0 C', aCLd' 0 U) U) : Ua))CL 4) 4) 4) a -4 · -· - o ) . CM Y) *· t C1 OL. -:. C', -i N C\Jm O.. C, , LN C' < > bO -H ~ ) C was also studied. patible Since the use of periodic boundary conditions is incom- infinite with range potentials,. truncation is necessary. In a simulation where all forces are conservative i.e., where au f = with (9.17) U an appropriate potential, energy f any force and conserved except for numerical inaccuracies. is inherently Therefore, truncation must always be done with this constraint in mind (unless the cutoff radius is increased to a point where this effect is negligible, with the consequent sharp increase in computation time). The shifted force potential (Street et al., 1978), shown schematically in Figure 9.5 and used in this work, is defined as follows F m =_dU dr + dU dr r r (9.18) c F =0 m r > rc r (9.19) c Um - -JFm(r) dr (9.20) where, for the Lennard-Jones case, = 4[ F =24 )12 2 6 - ] (2 (9.21) (9.22) and therefore, 249 rc m rc r [r r r ] o rc c (9.23) F=m21 a Fm 2((r) and Um, (C) c 1 r both through r rc r 3] the definition (9.24) I (Equations (9.18) and (9.20)) and through the explicit expressions (Equations (9.22) and (9.24)) satisfy the energy conservation condition, i.e. Equation (9.17). The Lennard-Jones force has a minimum of 1 /6 a (9.25) = 1.244455 7 whence I Fmi n = I 2.396429 (9.26) /a so that a percent normalized force error can be defined F1 iF 100 IFinI 1 = 1001.49 ((a ) Fmini - rc - 2 ( rc )13 (9.27) Similarly, we define a percent normalized potential error, 100 = 400 (a ) c The error ith Equation _ (a ) + 6(r _ ) c c in the shifted force (9.18), )c ) (9.28) c is independent of r, and is only a function of a/rc. 250 2 in ageement The error in the SHIFTED U POTENTIAL POTENTIAL FORCE FORCE SHIFTED (Streett 1978) et al., al., 1978) (Streett et IUm I I r U ] .) I I Fm 246 FrLJ Fm - Ur + Ur Fm O rar c 0or r >rc r > rc r Um m -fFm(r)dr co FIGURE 9.5 : The shifted force potential 251 (2 )13 (u)7) potential, on the other hand, depends on r/rc as well as on a/rc. The 9.6, a = r/a for of function in Figure and shifted Lennard-Jones potentials are shown true and 2.4, r/a, for Equation 2.3 < r/a is plotted (9.28) < 3.05, covering in the Figure 9.7 as range used in Equation (9.27) is shown in Figure 9.8. the simulations. As can be seen, very small errors result from using shifted potentials 2.4, and no discontinuities are introduced that would violate for roia Truncation does, however, give rise to computed compressi- Equation (9.17). bilities which are slightly higher than would result from an infinite potential, since a weak attractive background has been artificially removed. distribution the radial If molecules, spherical for function taken can be as 1 for r > rc, then, the attractive tail can be easily introduced by adding analytical correction to Equation (8.72), namely long-range where n is 4 compressibility correction molecules or spherical . N r n ( a) dr (9.29) ar 2(1<KE(t)>) r c number a density, and U is the intermolecular potential. An angular-average potential should be used in the above expression for non-spherical molecules. - U/kTd fe d4 Given the largely empirical way in which interatomic potential parameters have been selected in the past (see Table 9.1), it was one of the objectives of the present parameters 1959; work to use a theoretical approach rather to fluid properties. Equation The Slater-Kirkwood (9.32)) allows the 252 calculation of than to fit equation (Pitzer, site-site parameters 0.20 0.00 .. -0.20 D~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r/o FIGURE9.6 : True and shifted Lennard-Jones potentials; 253 rc/o = 2.4 MW O 0o erroror poteial e e FSUs-,tro de er .Ifted force ot II I I I I I 3.0 3.5 40 00 20 A v -.0 1.5 I , I 2.5 2.0 . rc / o FIGURE 9.8 : Normalized force error; shifted force potential 255 for the general additional condition (Equation at a distance a ij r Lennard-Jones interaction between sites i and ; an (9.33')) imposes the minimization of equal to the sum of the van der Waals Uij radii C 12 r ~~~~U 6 iS 1_3.i~~~~~~~~~~~(9.31) (a) as follows, 365 ij a. a. 1/2 (9.32) 2 1J (rio io + rj3,0) (9.33) 1/2 + () C.. aij ij is the polarizability where a in ]P, ro is the van der Waals radius, in , and N is the outer shell effective number of electrons. From Equations (9.21) and (9.31) we obtain a.. 1/6 (9.34) id)(C C2. (9.35) Eit 44ai ij a..ij The Slater-Kirkwood approach has been widely used in the molecular modeling of polymeric materials (Suter, 1979). From Equation (9.31) it is obvious that the method assumes, at the outset, a form for U... This represents a problem for molecules where 13electrostatic effects are important since there is no theoretical way electrostatic effects are important, since there is no theoretical way 256 of these effects decoupling and van der Waals-type to yield rigorous, a-priori electrostatic site-site parameters. For example, knowing the experimental quadrupole moment of CO 2 does not mean that one can model this by superimposing molecule to a the corresponding point monopoles type potential with Slater-Kirkwood parameters, since the Lennard-Jones latter already incorporate electrostatic effects through the polarizability, albeit in an oversimplified way. This, of course, means that the explicit inclusion of electrostatic forces with experimentally measured parameters cannot, at present, be done without simultaneously fitting the Lennard- Jones parameters so that the overall fluid behavior reproduces some arbitrarily selected property (generally pressure). For C02 -benzene simulations, the site in parameters for use Table (9.33) are listed calculated Lennard-Jones parameters are listed the The length parameters a were reduced by .15 in Table 9.3. lations. and 9.2, in Equations (9.32) and in the simu- this change are treated in Chapter 10, where The effects of the actual results are presented and discussed. Apart from its linearity, The simulation of CO2 is not a simple problem. which requires implementation of the a different kinematic description than for the generic rigid polyatomic, this molecule has a moment quadrupole (Murthy et al. 1981). significant In the present work, it was attempted to take this into account by introducing appropriate point located monopoles, at the Lennard-Jones sites. Severe numerical problems originated as a consequence of this, and they are discussed in Chapter 10. Here, the general aspects of long-range interactions and their molecular dynamics implementation will be treated, with CO2 as the specific example. The measured quadrupole movment of CO2 (Buckingham and Disch, 1963) is -1.43448 effect that corresponding x 10- 3 9 Cm 2 ; this represents a considerable electrostatic should be taken into consideration value -4.67 for a C-O site separation N2 is x 10 (as a comparison, the Cm 2 , or 307% smaller). For = 1.23 A, the quadrupole moment corresponds to partial charges (in electronic charge units) Z C = + .5912 (9.36) Z = - .2956 257 L) o co %O 4r m Ln t- Ln 0 Z E-. 00' 0 C Ct: ! t: fcc E _ O a - D. e 0 .- 4 E O O L) 0 O O L _ U 258 - - - * CCj N 0co a 0r m I Cj 0 0 0C)_ ·- E 0 I-cc M E 0 0 L. z m rvr M 0 C u 0 a. E- InIu Ln r.O El U) 0 Oql lid ,.-I C-, : 0 - D C-# 0 o m -L 0 _ 0 CC 0 ' W aI, E,- 0 E 0' -4 t- '0 oo '.0 Ln 0) N' Ln a) C O .- 11 O _I 0U co o1) r.3 z O LA C 0 CL ko 0 Y O CCU Y Uo O * Mf) * 0' '.o 0 m 0 co 0s 0A N '. L C\ t'- a ,-I .0 L) N pc L^) _v * 0 * l% - .0* * m ID :D - - I a) L . 0 o .- 4 to E E o 0 0 : o - I- 0 1-1 1-I L) C) u) o 0 L0 I 0 I W ' * 259 It is not a-priori necessary to locate these charges exactly at the However, not doing so requires the sites. Lennard-Jones introduction "switching function" (Stillinger an Rahman, 1974) that of an arbitrary in such a way that opposite charges modulates the electrostatic forces do not collapse on each other. The electrostatic contribution to the intermolecular potential energy 2 such as C0 2 , is given molecule for a three-site 3 3 · ,,,1- Z by Z E' 0 i=1 j=1 (9.37) ij where e is the electronic charge, and Co, the permittivity of free space. e = 1.603592 C = 8.854 x 10 - (9.38) x 10 19 Coul 12 J-1 Coul 2 m-1 (9.39) To study the relative importance of Coulombic interactions, we concentrate on two CO2 molecules, whose relative positions are defined in Figure 9.9. Figures 9.10 to 9.12 show the total, Coulombic and Lennard-Jones energy, as a function of the carbon-carbon separation for different relative orientations. The energy has been normalized with kT, with T = 300 K. The absolute value of the total, Coulombic and Lennard-Jones forces are shown in figures 9.13 to 9.15, as a function of carbon-carbon separation, Force has been normalized with kT/1, for the same relative orientations. with = 1.23 , and T = 300 K. The normalized Coulombic and Lennard- Jones components are shown in Figures 9.16 to 9.21, for the same relative orientations. The force components represent forces exerted I, and are referred to the (x,y,z) coordinate set (Figure 9.9). parameters used correspond to Equation (9.36) and Table 9.3. 260 by J on Potential As explained above, van der Waals and electrostatic potentials cannot be superimposed without altering the parameters; however, the conclusions that follow from Figures 9.10 to 9.21 will be used in a qualitative sense and are valid for any realistic set of parameters. The most important conclusion to be drawn from Figures 9.10 to 9.21 is the virtual a conservative vanishing of pairwise figure; as can be are very weak already at r - 7.5 tion. ). interactions seen from for r > 9 the Figures, (this is interactions This fact is independent of orienta- Effective fields and forces around any given molecule would vanish even more rapidly in the presence of more than one molecule, but it s remarkable that this feature is already clearly displayed for the elementary binary interaction. It follows immediately that, because of this cancellation, the effective electrostatic potential between two multi-site polyatomics is short-ranged and can be modelled with periodic boundary conditions. This is done by defining a shifted site-site coulombic potential, e U Z.Z. 1 j( = 1 1) r r (9.40) U m =0 r > r c and the corresponding force, e2Z.Z. F m = 1 4we0 r 1_ 2 c (9.41) F -0 m r> r c this potential gives the correct force for r (9.17). < rc, and satisfies Equation An unshifted Coulombic potential truncated at rc, on the other hand, gives rise to an infinite (impulsive) force which is totally unphysical and which, if overlooked, can lead to severe errors in energy conservation. A shifted force potential can also be defined; as with van der Waals 261 forces, such a potential would satisfy Equation (9.17) and hence energy conservation. used. (9.40) and (9.41) were 10. Another the the present work, Equations The results of the inclusion of electrostatic forces are discussed in Chapter is In interesting feature that emerges from Figures 9.10 to 9.21 qualitatively different behavior of electrostatic and van der Waals interactions with respect to molecular orientation. value of Y and 6, changes in a and/or For any given give rise to important changes in the electrostatic part of the interaction, whereas the van der Waals contribution is much less sensitive to orientation. This can be seen for the energy (Figures 9.10 to 9.12) and for the cartesian components of the force (Figures 9.16 of the difficulties to 9.18). This is a possible explanation encountered in simulations where were included. 262 coulombic forces O z 0 J C 0 FIGURE 9.9 Kinematic description of two linear molecules 263 I I I I 1.0 10 0.5 5 0.0 w MJ -0.5 z 0 -1.0 -5 I i I _ 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) r I I I 6 2 4 O 0 0 0u 2 0 -1 I 5 10 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 9.10 : I 5 15 I . I 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) van der Waals, coulombic and total CO2 interaction 264 energy for a binary ! 5 10 5 15 I ' I 0 10 -2 5 0 I -4 i lI 'I 5 10 5 15 9.11 : 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) I 10 van der Waals, coulombic and total energy for a binary CO2 interaction 265 Ir I I I I 10 l I Im 10 5 0 U, 0 i -5 i * 5 I 10 5 0 -5 II 15 I I 5 I 10 - l 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) 10 15 C, w z iU 0 10 0 10 5 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 9.12 : van der Waals, C02 interaction coulombic and total 266 energy for a binary I 4 I I a 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 5 10 -! 5 15 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Agstroms) C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) 10 1.5 w U 5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 9.13 : Absolute 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) value of van der Waals, coulombic and total force for a binary CO2 interaction 267 1.0 1.0 u. 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 10 5 10 5 15 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) 20 6 15 4 10 0U. 2 5 0 0 6 10 5 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) FIGURE 9.14 : Absolute 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) value of van der Waals, force for a binary C02 interaction 268 coulombic and total uJ 100 100 50 50 0 0 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) I II . 15 10 I II 60 3 40 I 20 2 1 0 0 _ 5 15 5 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 9.15 : . , 10 Absolute . J 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) value of van der Waals, coulombic force for a binary CO2 interaction 269 and total 0.0 I ' I' 10 -0.5 Il 0cc 0IL 5 -1.0 -1.5 0 I 5 10 I 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) I II 10 15 I 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angst oms) P . . ! 0 0 ! -1 -1 wu w 0 -2 a .45 - 450 -2 -3 6 - O0 -4 l. 5 10 15 I 5 ! ! . 10 C-C DISTANCE(Angtrons) C-C DISTANCE (Agstrons) FIGURE 9.16 : Coulombic force components for a binary C02 interaction 270 . 15 I I l I 0 0 -1 -1 w 0 isw 0 -2 -3 -2 -3 1 .. I I 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) 4 I 1 I 10 2 5 0 -2 I 5 10 15 I , 5 10 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) FIGURE 9.17 : Coulombic force components for a binary CO2 interaction 271 .1 I I 15 10 10 &U U g 5 0 5 0 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angstoms) 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) I 0 I 1 10 -2 g w ) C) 5 -4 -6 0 IX 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE9.18 : Coulombic force 10 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) components for a binary 272 I | CO2 interaction 15 1 0 0 -1 -2 -2 -4 5 10 15 5 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstrom) I IV 1.0 0 YZ 0.5 at. gO If Iaa . ore 7 .*o0 -5 _ 5 di " I 0.0 e' 10 5 15 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE(krgrom) FIGURE9.19 : Lennard-Jones force components for a binary C02 interaction 273 I i I · - 0.5 0.0 ~~~- · l 0.5 0.0 - is a .900 0 Lu 0.00 . 450 ' -0.5 6 450 5 10 15 5 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) I ~ ~ 450 6 450 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) . 200 L I I Ij 0 0 ul -1 0 -2 6* 450 -200 · 45 a - 45e -3 I 5 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstromsa) I I_ I 5 10 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) FIGURE 9.20 : Lennard-Jones force components for a binary CO2 interaction 274 1 0 I 0 I -50 w. z _1 -1 - a~·90° - 6 89'54' -2 -100 5 15 10 5 I I . I I I I I-Tl 0 a 90 -20 15 C-C DISTANCE (Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) 0 10 uJ , -40 6 -8954' -50 -0 - 5 10 l00L - J 5 15 10 15 C-C DISTANCE(Angstroms) C-C DISTANCE (Angstrom) FIGURE 9.21 : Lennard-Jones force components for a binary C02 interaction 275 10: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS: Unless specified otherwise, correspond to simulations. of 107 C02 and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the results reported in this Chapter the motion of 108 molecules, representing 1 benzene molecules, respectively Interatomic potential parameters are listed in Table 9.3, and the molecular geometry is shown in Figure 10.1: 10.1. VELOCITY DISTRIBUTIONS Velocity distributions for the 107 solvent molecules were calculated by counting the number of molecules within a certain velocity interval at different "snapshots". instants ("snapshots"), and averaging over the number of The velocity range considered was O(<v*<3,where v* is expressed in units of root mean square velocity (v rms ) 1/2 v = v ") (10.1) 3kT and T* is the run's nominal temperature, i.e., that temperature towards which velocities were rescaled during the relaxation run. The velocity range was divided into 20 intervals. Molecules with a velocity falling anywhere within a given interval were assigned a nominal velocity equal to the mid-point velocity. of 7.5% in v This implies an uncertainty units. In this way, the incremental number of molecules per unit velocity interval (AN/Av) can be plotted against molecular velocity, and this can be compared to the Maxwell-Boltzmann expression (Equation (8.58)). The results are shown in Figures 10.2 to 10.7. In each case, the actual number of solvent molecules (107) was used in the Maxwell-Boltzmann expression (Equation (8.58)); this normalizes all curves that the total area equals 107. in such a way The number of "snapshots" is indicated in each case, as well as the run's average translational temperature, i.e., < T(tr) > = 2 < KE(tr) >/3Nk 276 (10.2) C O H H H 12 H H H FIGURE10.1: Geometry of benzene and C02 used in the simulations 277 I -I I I I- I e. 25 <T > - 309.3K 0. Be 0.15 E Z '0 0.10 't3 0.00 I I 0 0-C L - I see I- I 1000 v (m/s) FIGURE 10.2: L Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)> - 309.3K; sample size = 64 278 I 0.3 U. 0. 1 I I - 310.3K Ca E Z >crI+0.1 0.0 I I I 0 I ___·_ I -- I I eee0 se500 v (m/s) FIGURE 10.3: Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)> = 310.3K; sample size 279 - 64 U I- II I I 0.as <T > - 318.6K 09.20 0.1 E aI 0.10 1 0> e.es 0.e0 - I I_ 0 _ _ I · S0 _ , ,, I lee. 1000 v (m/s) FIGURE 10.4: Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)> - 318.6K; sample size 280 - 67 0.2 E 7, 0 '0 > Z 0.1 0.0 50ee e eee I v (m/s) FIGURE 10.5: Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)> - 321.4 K; sample size - 70 281 I I e as 0. 20 Mlmlm- I I A - 337.4K 0.15 E V co O. 10 Z > go '0 0.05 0.00 I 0 I _ -I I JI - I leeO v (m/s) FIGURE 10.6: Theoretical and computedvelocity distributions; <T(tr)> - 337.4 K; sample size - 67 282 , I ·--·· I I E. 25 e.ie 0.115 I <T > - 342.3K - g}_ qP6 .10 !D '~V 0. 00 w I-- 0 -I-- -b-L I see I · I --- I- 0lee v (m/s) FIGURE 10.7: Theoretical and computed velocity distributions; <T(tr)> - 342.3 K; sample size = 64 283 where N = 107, tr denotes translation, and KE, kinetic energy. The abscissae corresponding to interval midpoints were dimensionalized with the nominal root mean square (i.e., velocity velocity corresponding to the run's nominal temperature), since this was the actual velocity scale used during simulation. the the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve, on For the other hand, the run average translational root mean square velocity was used. The curves represent, then, the theoretical and "experimental" velocity frequency distributions corresponding to a temperature <T(tr)>. The agreement with theory is very good in all cases. As an example, 10.2, the run's nominal temperature was 328.2 K, which, for in Figure CO2, corresponds to a root mean square velocity of 431.34 ms intervals for this figure, 64.70 ms . The maximum therefore, have difference between to molecules 1.5 (3/20) vrms, or the Maxwell-Boltzmann and (in dN/dv units) is - the computed frequency distribution corresponds a width of ; the velocity (i.e., (AN/Av) Av), or 1.4% 0.024, which the of total number of molecules. Non-zero computed dN/dv values span a velocity range which can vary from 32.5 < v < 1068 In 10.6). ms - 1 (Figure 10.2) to 32.5 any given simulation, therefore, < v < 1262 ms - 1 (Figure molecular velocities vary by factors of up to 30 or 40. In the present case, with an integration step of 10 of 32.5 ms -1 corresponds to 3.25 x -4 5 sec, a velocity 0 10 A/step, which represents correspo5 s to 3.25 x 10 4.4 x 10-5 of the cutoff radius (7.4 A), or 26.8% of a potential tabulation length unit. -1 For a velocity of 1262 ms -2 responding values potential tabulation length units, can be seen are that 1.26 x 10 , on the other hand, the cor- o -3 A/step, 1.7 x 10 repectively. integration accuracy , and 1040%, or 10.4 Numerically, then, it (i.e., energy conservation) is favoured by the statistical irrelevance of high energy molecules. 10.2: RADIAL DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS Given a particle i (molecule) located at a certain point in space, the number of particles located within a spherical shell of mean radius r and width 6r about i is given by 284 47rr2 6r V g(r) 6N N-1 where N is the total number (10.3) of molecules in a volume V, and g(r) is the radial distribution function (McQuarrie, 1976), the most important features of which will now be summarized. In a structureless fluid, such as an ideal gas, g(r) is unity since the particles exert no throughout influence upon each other, and hence the number of particles within any given volume about particle i is independent of i's presence, and is simply proportional to the volume considered. Molecules interacting via van der Waals forces, on the other hand, repel each other strongly at short distances and attract each other at long distances. fluids (Widom, 1967; Chandler et al., 1983), whereby each molecule is, statistically g(r) > r This leads to the establishment of local order in dense speaking, surrounded by a 1, mathematically). "nearest neighbour shell" Moreover, g(r) (or decays abruptly to zero as 0 due to the steeply repulsive part of the intermolecular potential, and becomes unity at large distances, since the influence of the central molecule greater (i) than is then negligible. Secondary peaks where 1, is smaller than at the nearest neighbour peak, at high densities as a consequence of close packing. features are shown schematically function like g(r) is two fold. g(r), though in Figure 10.8. arise These qualitative The usefulness of a In the first place, for a given temperature and intermolecular potential, knowledge of g(r) the compressibility (Hirschfelder et al., implies knowledge of 1964), since this quantity, as discussed in Chapter 8 in connection with the virial theorem (Equation 8.72), is a function of the average relative positions and forces between all possible molecular pairs, and of the temperature; g(r), on the other hand, is simply the mathematical expression of the distribution of intermolecular will separations. not be used here) In addition to this quantitative aspect (which g(r) provides a very graphical description of structure and local order in the fluid. Finally, Order it must be emphasized that g(r) is a statistical concept. in a fluid cannot be directly by statistical arguments. 285 observed: it is always inferred I g(r) Ideal gas I r ._ C 0 I C' I g(r) Dense fluid r I g(r) Denser fluid r FIGURE 10.8: Qualitative features of the radial distribution function 286 In the simulations, the radial distribution function of the C02 carbon centers was distance place) were computed (i.e., half by dividing and intermolecular the side of the cube where the simulation takes into twenty equal intervals. taken, the maximum possible the Several "snapshots" of the system positions of all the C02 centers were recorded. For every "snapshot", all possible pairs were scanned, and the respective separations classified into one of the twenty distance intervals. Averaging over all molecules and all "snapshots", the radial distribution was obtained, where <g (r)> = <AN(r)> V 4irr 2 Ar N-i < > denotes averaging (10.4) over all molecules and "snapshots", r is the mid-point of the distance interval, and Ar is (1/40)th of the cube's side. Roughly 55 "snapshots" per simulation were taken, which, coupled with the number of solvent molecules considered (107), implies that each calculated <g(r)> curve is the average of nearly 6000 "measurements". The details of the computational procedure used to calculate radial distribution functions with periodic boundary conditions can be found in Appendix 5 (computer program NEUTRAL-2). The nature of the solute-solvent interaction and its temperature and density approach. dependence are ideally suited to a distribution function In this case, one would compute the radial and angular distribution of C02 centers about the solute molecule's center. However, a smooth curve cannot be generated from a single solute particle, since the averaging can only be done over the "snapshots". These can only be increased by a limited amount (certainly not 100-fold) without making either the duration of a simulation or the computer memory requirements unacceptable. Increasing the number of solute molecules, on the other hand, is an even more impractical approach, since the number of solvent molecules must then be dramatically increased if the simulation is to be done at infinite dilution conditions. The important conclusion, therefore, is that the study of the equilibrium aspects of solute-solvent interactions at infinite dilution requires computer speed and memory well beyond those used in the present work. 287 The effect of density upon the radial distribution function is shown The higher density in Figure 10.9. (10.53 mol/lt) curve was obtained " "snapshots', whereas the lower from 58 (7.42 mol/lt) density curve is the average of 53 "snapshots". The run average temperatures were, respec- tively, 314.9 K and 316.5 K. Although the densities are moderate, and the fluid structure is limited almost exclusively to the nearest neighbour in both cases, peak it can be seen that a mild secondary peak exists at 10.53 mol/lt, whereas no structure beyond the nearest neighbour peak exists at 7.42 mol/lt. As above, explained corresponds to (1/40)th of the interval width the cell size; since separations are assigned a nominal value equal to the mid-point, interval's For the cell size. uncertainty of this implies an the densities considered (1/80)th of in Figure 10.9, the cell size and the corresponding uncertainties are 25.73 A and 0.32 A (10.53 -3 4.4xl10 molec/A effect The 10 x 6.34 mol/lt; 3 - 3 0 -3 molec/A 3 ), 0 and 28.91 A and 0 0.36 A (7.42 mol/lt; ). in Figure of temperature at constant density is shown 10.10, corresponding to simulations at 13.87 mol/lt (8.35 x 10- 3 molec/A3), average with The high run temperatures temperature of 304.2 K and 329.8 K, respectively. curve was obtained from 56 "snapshots"; the low temperature curve, from 53. The cell size corresponding to this density 0 0 is 23.47 A, and the length uncertainty is therefore 0.29 A. As was the case with Figure 10.9, we see a mild secondary peak gradually disappearing, this time due to temperature. The densities considered in these simulations are moderate. As will be explained below in connection with the calculation of diffusion coefficients, statistical problems arise at high densities, and this constitutes one of the most severe limitations of the one-molecule approach to the calculation of transport properties. For the densities in the considered, therefore, we conclude that structure fluid phase is primarily limited to a nearest neighbour shell whose density is between 35% and 45% higher than the bulk density. average radius of this nearest neighbour shell is roughly 4 A . outer shell The A mild (density between 3% and 7% higher than the bulk density) can be detected, under appropriate conditions; the radius of this outer shell is roughly 7.5 A. 288 a 1.0 I__Y -I Ji 1.0 - 0.5 - I 00 - g(r) 0.0 I I 0. _ _ _ 5. I _~~~~~~ 10. C-C Distance( Angstrom) FIGURE 10.9: Effect of density upon g(r). <T> = 314.9 K sample size = Density = 10.53 mol/lt, 58; Density = 7.42 mol/lt, <T> = 316.5 K, sample size = 53 289 r 1.5 1.0 g(r) 0.5 n 10. 5. 0. C - C Distance ( Angstrom) FIGURE10.10: Effect of temperature upon g(r); Density = 13.87 mol/lt. <T> - 304.2 K, sample size = 56 290 size = 53; T> = 329.8 K, sample 10.3: DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS Diffusion coefficients were calculated by a method based on Einstein's statistical treatment of diffusion (Section 8.4). Specifically (see Equation (8.41)) the theory predicts that, for times greater than a characteristic relaxation time, the mean squared displacement of an ensemble of particles with respect to an arbitrary initial configuration increases linearly with time, the proportionality constant being 6D (or, more generally, 2dD, where d is the dimensionality of space where the diffusion under study takes place, and D is the particles' diffusion coefficient). In the present case, with only one solute particle as the sample, the equivalence between time and ensemble averaging was invoked to generate an ensemble as explained in Figure 10.11 where is a generic property. In a simulation, M diffusion "experiments" with n time steps each were conducted. The position of the single solute particle at the beginning of each experiment was recorded, and squared displacements at corresponding time intervals were averaged over the M "experiments", to yield the generic expression for the i (i = 0, 1, ..., n) mean squared displacement, shown in Figure 10.11. The equivalence between time and ensemble averaging is strictly applicable only if each of the M experiments is statistically independent from the rest, which, physically, requires that the experiments be non-overlapping. This was not possible in the present case since the simulations would have become too long. The reason behind this limitation lies in the duration of a single experiment, which, as will be seen from the results below, must be of the order of 1.5 x 10 3 step of 10 integration steps (with a time 5sec) in order to guarantee that the computed mean squared displacement versus time relationship covers a time span at least three times greater than the relaxation time. Given the way in which the ensemble was generated, whenever the solute particle underwent an interaction which caused an unusual change in its configuration (position, velocity) or, in other words, a "violent collision", this event was "felt" throughout the M experiments, and deviations from linearity in the <r 2 > vs. time curve occured. 291 This, of course, would I <4> = ir' Time" dt 0 T -- aD I /t -r ro 0, , N --- -- - n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a I ! n I' X>. -- n .is -I L· - __ FO~M. I I I t Ensemble generation for test-particle "experiments" 292 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ <r2 > FIGURE 10.11: - not have happened with an ensemble consisting of truly independent experiments. Since such events become more frequent the higher the density, deviations of high from linearity occured in a considerable proportion density simulations. -This (- 50%) is the reason behind the relatively moderate densities that were used in the present work. We conclude that the generation of a time ensemble composed of strictly independent "experiments" from the dynamic simulation of the motion of one rigid polyatomic solute molecule and as few as 107 rigid polyatomic solvent molecules is already a problem which requires at least an order of magnitude increase in computer speed with respect to the machine used in the present of simulations. This can be seen by comparing the length a simulation with 21 overlapping experiments of 1600 steps each 28 CPU hours for 3200 (- integration steps, at 31 seconds per step) with the corresponding requirements for 21 successive experiments of the same length (- 289 CPU hours for 33600 integration steps, at the same speed). The above as computer explained in speed figure Chapter 9, this (31 seconds per step) is indicative; number is a function of the simulated density. As discussed above in connection with the calculation of radial distribution by functions, considering the alternative approach more is to generate an than one solute molecule, with increase in solvent molecules. ensemble the corresponding Hoheisel (1983) studied binary diffusion of benzene in dense CO2 using this approach, by considering 62 benzene and 1310 CO2 molecules, modelled, respectively, as a one center LennardJones and a one-center Lennard-Jones plus point dipole. Even with these highly simplified potentials, the simulations required the use of a Cyber 205 computer. In the present work, 21 "experiments" were conducted in each simulation, with eighty time steps between successive "experiments", each of which -12 lasted roughly 1600 time steps (i.e., 1.6 x 10 step of in 10- 15 different and a minimum Squared seconds). simulations of 1440 The duration between (1.44 x 10 displacements a of the maximum of sec, with an integration "experiments" was varied -12 1920 (1.92 x 10 sec) -12 sec) steps. with respect to recorded every fourty time steps. the initial positions were Although the use of periodic boundary 293 conditions (see Chapter 9) implies a sudden shift in the coordinates of a particle whenever it leaves the cube where the simulations occurs, this was done, for the solute particle, only for force and torque calculations. For the calculation of diffusion coefficients, on the other hand, the true coordinates were recorded (i.e., the solute molecule was allowed to have coordinates greater than one and/or smaller than zero). This implies two separate book-keeping procedures for the single solute molecule (see Appendix 5, computer program LINALB). The temperature dependence of binary diffusion coefficients in supercritical fluids, as was discussed in Chapter 6 in connection with the experimental results, cannot be described by a simple power law relationship, such as the T dependence at constant density predicted by hard sphere theory. Diffusion has observed been coefficients exhibit an activated behaviour, which both experimentally (Feist and Schneider, 1982) and through computer simulations (Hoheisel, 1983). Figure 10.12 is a plot of the mean squared displacement versus time for two different -3 x 10 simulations at the same density 3 molecules/A ) but different temperatures. (10.53 mol/lt, 6.34 The temperatures shown in the figure are run average translational temperatures. Four diffusion coefficients corresponding to simulations at the same density (10.53 mol/lt) are shown in Table 10.1, and are plotted in Figure 10.13 in Arrhenius fashion; the least-squares regressed activation energy is 14.8 KJ mole . This number is to be compared with the 5.1 KJ mole figure obtained by Hoheisel (1983) at 13.64 mol/lt in his molecular dynamics calculations, and with the 10.9 KJ mole -1 - and 10 KJ mole -1 (at 9.55 mol/lt and 14.45 mol/lt, respectively) calculated from the experimental measurements of Swaid and Schneider (1979), in all cases for the CO2 - benzene system. The calculated activation energy is therefore 35.7% higher than the experimental value at a similar density. The activation energy obtained from the Arrhenius plot should be interpreted with caution, since temperature is not a variable that can be directly controlled in a simulation. Instead, while volume and (ideally) energy are held constant, pressure and temperature fluctuate during the course of a simulation. In addition, the very concept of temperature is a statistical one, implying a distribution of velocities (see Section 294 10.0 b- 5.0 V 0.0 FIGURE 10.12: 0.0 0.5 Time (10 - 1.0 12 Sec) 1.5 Temperature dependence of the mean squared displacement versus time relationship. 295 Density = 10.53 moi/lt 4 3 oEU 2 0 I 3 2.5 3.5 103 T-I ( K'I) FIGURE 10.13: Arrhenius plot for four different simulations at a density of 10.53 mol/it. 296 10.1), whereas there is but one solute molecule in the presently considered simulations. If, however, we accept the activation energies calculated from Swaid and (although more experiments Schneider's than two temperatures were considered in that work, constant density data were taken at two different densities and just two temperatures in each case), we must then conclude that the presently chosen method of ensemble generation not only predicts the right trends, but also gives reasonable estimates of actual physical properties. The calculated standard deviations in the run average translational temperature and in the run average translational (plus rotational) temperature given are than compressibility, etc.) performed by the program energy, Even though the relative standard deviations are small, every ten steps. represent non-negligible numbers when they obtained from more corresponding to an update of key run indicators three hundred values, (temperature, These numbers were 10.1. in Table This converted to degrees. aspect of the simulations is independent of energy conservation, accuracy stability considerations, and is due to the fact that fluctuations and of macroscopic properties scale inversely as the square root of the ensemble Lifshitz, (Landau and size Since the duration of a simulation 1980). is a quadratic function of sample size, we must have |= >/L<> <A L /<O>J2 is a generic where = (~ N) N - 2 property, from statistical mechanics, (10.5) we conclude Equation by a of factor of two (10.5) -1/4 in the simulation, of molecules N, the number (in CPU units). t, the run's duration and t The first equality follows the second, from pairwise additivity. From that reducing a given relative fluctuation requires increasing the ensemble size by a factor sixteen-fold increase in computer time (given four, and leads to a an event of fixed duration to be simulated). The isothermal density dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients 7 .42 is shown in Figure 10.14, for simulations at 310.3K, -3 x 10 molec/3) corresponding and 309.3K, 10.53 mol/lt diffusion coefficients are 297 -3 (6.34 x 10 shown in Table (4.47 mol/lt 3 molec/A ). 10.2. The If the Table 10.1: <T>(*) (K) DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS CORRESPONDING TO FIGURE 10-13 <AT>/<T>(**) <AT>/<T> (***) D (-) (cm 2 /s) (-) 309.3 .0554 .0257 1.396 x 10 318.6 .0368 .0171 1.608 x 104 321.4 .0476 .01 72 1.850 x 10 342.3 .0372 .0227 2.430 x 10-4 (*) run average translational temperature (**) relative standard deviation (translational temperature) 4 (***) relative standard deviation (translational & rotational temperature) Table 10.2: DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS CORRESPONDING TO FIGURE 10.14 D P (mol/lt) (cm 2 /s) 7.42 1.649 x 10-4 1.396 x 10 10.53 298 10.0 NM: 5.0 V 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time ( 10- 12 Sec) FIGURE 10.14: Density dependence of the mean squared displacement versus time relationship. <T(tr)> <T(tr)> - 309.3 K, p - 10.53 mol/lt; 310.3K, p - 7.42 mol/lt 299 linear part of the mean squared displacement versus time relationship is projected to zero displacement, we obtain an abscissa intercept which can be used as an estimate of the relaxation time. Although hydrodynamic arguments qualitative to the (see Chapter moderate 6) can densities useful in the present context. be used only in a way, due (viscosities) involved, they are extremely The relaxation time for a Brownian particle (Equation (8.48)) is given by A where = 6wn m and a (10.6) are, respectively, the mass and radius of the Brownian particle, and n is the viscosity of the continuum fluid. Since the viscosity of a dense fluid increases with density at constant temperature, the trends shown in Figure 10.14 are consistent with Equation (10.6). The relaxation times are, respectively, respectively, - 4.51 x 103 10.53 mol/lt, and 8.78 x 10 13 mol/lt at 7.42 mol/lt. sponding CO2 pressures, calculated from state, are 85.6 3.5, (10.53 mol/lt) sec at At 310K, the corre- the Peng-Robinson equation of and 80 bar (7.42 mol/lt). From Figure it can be seen that large changes in viscosity occur precisely in this region. The detailed discussion of Chapter 6 shows that these arguments cannot be pursued further in a quantitative way, i.e., since the behaviour is not truly hydrodynamic, changes in relaxation times cannot be calculated, but only explained in terms of viscosity changes. case with the interpretation of arguments provide an the experimental However, as was the results, hydrodynamic extremely useful framework for data analysis and interpretation even when Stokes-Einstein-basedexpressions constitute a high viscosity limit rather than a quantitative description of molecular behaviour. The sharp increase in relaxation times at lower densities introduces another practical limitation. As explained above, the interval between successive experiments is 8 x 10 - 18% of 14 sec (80 time steps), which represents the relaxation time at a density of 10.53 mol/lt, and - 10% at the lower density. Thus, although each individual integration step is faster at low densities (see Chapter 9), the statistical independence of the individual "experiments" becomes 300 progressively worse, and calls for a greater in computer inter-experiment interval, with time for the same number In addition, statistical the consequent increase of "experiments". it can be seen from Figure 10.14 that, regardless of independence considerations, the long relaxation times at low densities will give rise to results which can appear unphysical if not adequately illustrated interpreted. in Figure discussed in Chapter 8. displacement shows is a the very direct interesting behaviour consequence of the principles At short times (Equation (8.47)), the mean squared is quadratic and temperature. simply 10.14 In fact, in time, and depends only on molecular mass Thus, for a given solute and temperature, Figure 10.14 how the longer relaxation time dominates the short time behaviour of the low density experiment. In spite of the limitations explained in detail in Chapter 6 regarding the predictive use of hydrodynamic expressions in the supercritical region, it is interesting to compare Equation (10.6) with the relaxation times obtained in the present simulations by extrapolating the linear part of the mean squared displacement versus time relationship down to zero displacement. For these purposes, we use the following property values: m = 1.295 x 10 25 kg (mass of benzene molecule) o a - 2.5 A (center of mass-to-hydrogen distance) n - .05 cp (Figure 3.5, 310 K, 90 bar) to obtain AT - 5.5 x 10- 13 sec in excellent qualitative agreement with the results obtained in the simulations. A very interesting theoretical question is raised by the fact that, although in the simulations the mean squared displacement exhibits a linear behaviour at long times, the relationship nDT1 Chapter 6) = f [size] (see is only an asymptotic law approached at high viscosities. This apparent paradox can be explained by noting that the long time relationship between <r2 > and time can be derived (see Chapter 8) without postulating any explicit form for the hydrodynamic drag. Alternatively (Chandrasekhaar, 1943, see also Chapter 8), starting from the Langevin equation, the limits <r2 > - t2 (t 0) and <r2 > - t (t + ) can again be obtained without postulating any form for the drag coefficient, 301 , although the drag term itself is, in this approach, proportional to the particle's velocity (with an as yet undefined proportionality constant, 8). We conclude, therefore, that, if is non-linear 8 - in n (i.e., n6 for example), the Stokes-Einstein equation (or, more precisely, its form, i.e., DT = f [size]) would not describe physical reality; in spite of this, though, the short and long time limits of <r2> would, of course, still be parabolic and linear, respectively, and the fundamental relationship r 2 > and D at long times would still be valid. between The breakdown of hydrodynamic behaviour in supercritical fluids, then, is associated with a "hydrodynamic" drag that can best be explained in terms of a power law relationship between the drag coefficient and viscosity. Using the activation energy calculated from the log D vs. T (Figure 10.13), we 10.53 This by mol/lt number temperature plot can estimate a diffusion coefficient at 313.2 K and from the value obtained (1.5 x 10 graphical 1 2 cmn /s) is to interpolation of at 309.3K be compared and the same density. with the value obtained Swaid and Schneider's data at the same (2.05 cm 2 /s). The molecular dynamics prediction is 36.7% lower than the experimental value. This is a remarkable result, given the facts that no adjustable parameters were used in this work, and that the ensemble-generating technique involved just one solute particle. Linearity in the mean squared displacement versus time relationship is, by itself, an indication of the correctness of the ensemble generating procedure. However, since this is, essentially, a test-particle method (Herman and Alder, 1972; Alder et al., 1974) the accuracy of the calculated diffusion coefficients should be considered semiquantitative; ensemble averaging over different runs would obviously make the predictions quantitative; this, however, contradicts the spirit of test-particle studies. Although, even as shown above, the method reproduces the basic trends and gives good estimates for the actual properties, the test-particle approach is not to be interpreted as a predictive substitute of large ensemble methods, but as a convenient way of studying the basic physical phenomena within the limits imposed by time sharing and an average mainframe computer. 302 10.4: SIMULATIONS WITH COULOMBIC INTERACTIONS As mentioned - 39 in Chapter 9, the large quadrupole moment of CO2 (-1.43 2 x 10 Cm ) implies that electrostatic forces should be taken into account in any realistic simulation of this molecule. In this work, the approach was to superimpose localized partial charges (point monopoles) upon the van der Waals interactions, with the resulting potential centered upon the same site (i.e., the van der Waals and electrostatic sites coincide). Truncation was approach done being as explained in based upon the Chapter 9, the plausibility of the effective short range behaviour of the intermolecular interactions resulting from pairwise additive long-range interatomic interactions. This approach introduces, at the outset, problems in the determination of site-site interaction parameters, due to the fact that the van der Walls part of the elementary parameters 1979) (a, binary ) calculated (Equation 9.32). This interaction contained length and from the Slater-Kirkwood formula (Suter, equation represents, essentially, a self- consistent method of describing site-site Lennard-Jones type potential. The interactions in energy terms of a fundamental fact about the Slater- Kirkwood equation, however, is, that the electrostatic properties of the site are already taken into account through the polarizability and the effective number of outer shell electrons, which are used to calculate a and . The redundancy of adding point monopoles is thus evident, at least in principle. In the case of CO2, however, the Lennard-Jones parameters calculated from the Slater-Kirkwood behaviour, at least below in detail). inability of a behaviour of a van in One formula do not reproduce the supercritical region experimental (this will be P-V-T discussed is then forced to try to correct this apparent der substance Waals potential to (C02 ) for which reproduce the thermodynamic important coulombic effects have been experimentally measured by introducing electrostatic contributions, at the expense of internal consistency. Two for the characteristics forces failure of into the of electrostatic the attempt simulations. In interactions were responsible to successfully incorporate the 303 first place, as was coulombic discussed at length in Chapter 9, (see Figures 9.10 - 9.21) the effective coulombic intermolecular force and potential obtained from the elementary pairwise site additive potentials and forces are both strongly dependent upon the relative orientation of the molecules, a feature which is, generally second place, speaking, absent in van der Waals interactions. In the at distances which correspond, approximately, to the nearest neighbour o (i.e., - peak 4 A), although the effective van der Waals potential and force components are roughly an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding Coulombic interactions, this happens as a result of the cancellation of elementary electrostatic site-site forces and energies which are considerably greater, in absolute value, than the corresponding van der Waals elementary interactions. This is illustrated in Figure 10.15 and Table 10.3 for a specific case. geometry, charge distribution Figure 10.15 shows the particular and Lennard-Jones parameters considered; the resulting elementary energies and forces (the latter exerted on the 1-2-3 molecule along the x-y directions) are shown in Table 10.3. We therefore, conclude that electrostatic forces introduce stiffness into the problem. measured quadruple Starting from the charge distribution implied by the moment - 39 Cm 2 (Murthy of CO, 2 (-1.43 x 10 et al., 1981)) and the inter-site separations shown in Figure 10.1, we obtain partial charges of -0.2956 and + 0.5912 on the oxygen and carbon sites, respectively (in electronic charge units). This was superimposed originally upon the Slater-Kirkwood Lennard-Jones potential (see Table 9.3). Although automatic rescaling during relaxation runs was not implemented until later into the project, these trial runs already showed the essential "pathology" of electrostatic simulations: large fluctuations in temperature and compressibility (the latter often preventing the time long ranged limit). The temperature excursions were, (timewise), whereas the compressibility comparable to the simulation time. attainment of a in general, short fluctuated over times After relaxation runs totalling 5000 integration steps at a density of 16.15 mol/lt, the compressibility factor, which, at the nominal temperature (310K) should have been .295, was apparently stabilized An at a value of approximately 1.2 for extensive the last series of ad-hoc modifications of the van 1000 steps. der Waals and electrostatic parameters was then tested, with the purpose of reproducing 304 I I 4A 2 ( X X .23A 4 3 %F 6 a/k O' (K) (a) C-C 50.48 3.21 0-0 85.47 2.80 C-O 61.64 3.03 Z (e) C 0 FIGURE 10.15: Geometry, charges and site parameters for solvent interaction case study 305 Table 10 3: Pair VAN DER WAALS AND COULOMBIC INTERACTIONS FOR FIGURE 10.15 U(LJ) U(coul) fx(LJ) fx(coul) fy(LJ) fy(coul) (1020) (10-20) (10 (10 (10 (10-12N) 2N) 2N) N) 1-4 -4.90x10 2 +5.05 +6.369 -126.3 1-5 - 2 -4.38x10 -9.735 +5.009 +226.1 -1.54 -69.53 1-6 -2.03x10 2 +4.302 +2.101 -78.02 -1.292 +47.98 2-4 2-5 -4.38x10 -5.46x10 - -9.735 +20.2 +5.009 +5.203 +226.1 -505.0 +1.54 0 +69.53 0 2-6 -4.38x10 -9.735 +5.009 +226.1 -1.54 -69.53 3-4 -2.03x10 2 +4.302 +2.101 -78.02 +1.292 -47.98 -4.38x10 -4.90x10 -2 -9.735 +5.05 +5.009 +6.369 +226.1 -126.3 +1.54 0 +69.53 0 -9.24 0 0 3-5 3-6 2 - 2 0 0 - -3.68x10 - 1 -3,6x10 +42.179 306 These modifications included the true compressibility factor. · increasing the energy parameters (c) by 20% to reduce the compressibility factor C reducing the length parameters (a) by - 5% to reduce the compressibility factor · modifying the quadrupole moment by changing both the charge distribution and the site separation * modifying all of plus the above parameters to reproduce the empirical point quadrupole potential parameters proposed by three site Murthy et al. (1981), where the point quadrupole is different from the experimental one The essentially empirical nature of this procedure makes a detailed account of the effect of each of the above changes irrelevant for the present purposes. The essential points, however, can be summarized as follows: · large gave electrostatic rise to charges increased temperature fluctuations and pressure fluctuations over time scales comparable to the duration of a relaxation run (- 10 3 time steps) · no single combination of the compressibility. parameters was found that could reproduce The best fit (and dynamic behaviour) were obtained with an ad-hoc modification of the Murthy et. al. (1981) parameters; the actual values are listed in Table 10.4. Since the compressibility factor fit (see Section 10.5), though improved with respect to the unmodified Slater-Kirkwood prediction, was still not satisfactory, this empirical approach was abandoned. The forces interesting feature of C02 simulations with electrostatic most was the observation that, with the potential parameters listed in Table 10.4, temperature excursions were not coupled with poor energy conservation. In fact, the simulations which were carried out with the potential parameters as per Table 10.4 exhibited good energy conservation coupled with large temperature excursions 307 (.928% standard deviation for Table 10.4: EMPIRICAL SITE PARAMETERS FOR CO 2 SIMULATION C-C energy parameter (K) 34.8 C-C length parameter (A) 2.646 0-0 energy parameter (K) 99.72 0-0 length parameter (A) 2.863 C-O energy parameter (K) 58.92 C-O length parameter (A) 2.755 C-O separation (A) 1.16 O charge (e) -.214 C charge (e) +.428 308 the former, 470C for (maximum) the latter, and, in a second run, .91% This seems to suggest that, although the algorithm and 42°C, respectively). is robust enough to handle a potential with moderate Coulombic components, the dynamics are sufficiently different as to require a much larger sample size. The interesting and important problem of simulating the dynamics taking into account the significant electrostatic forces without of CO2, resorting to empirical purely and time consuming fitting techniques, therefore, remains unsolved. 10.5: COMPRESSIBILITY FACTORS Compressibility the virial theorem. factors are calculated through As discussed The expression was developed in Chapter 8 (Equation 8.72). in chapter 9, the most common approach in molecular dynamics is to obtain site or molecular parameters by fitting P-V-T behaviour. was not followed here, This approach the purpose being to perform a simulation with no adjustable parameters. is especially justified This the determination of diffusion coefficients, for which in the case of (see Chapter 6) the fundamental variables are density (and not pressure) and temperature. Because of the significant coulombic contribution to the effective intermolecular potential of C02 , the use of the Slater-Kirkwood parameters gives rise to compressibility factors which are considerably higher than the true values. Table is the 10.5 lists results average translational corresponding to sixteen simulations; and rotational temperature; P is the <T> CO 2 pressure corresponding to <T> and V, as read from a P-V-T diagram derived from the International Thermodynamic Tables of the Fluid State (Angus et al., 1976) (Schmitt, private communication); Z(MD) is the compressibility factor as calculated from the simulation by averaging the instantaneous values printed every ten iterations (this value coincides, to within a fraction of one percent, with the long-time limit of the time average value calculated by the program as the simulation proceeds); P(MD) therefore, the pressure as calculated by the simulation; value of the percent error (i.e., p 309 - 1 x1OO). is, is the absolute Values in parenthesis x E - m LnU N CO N N1 ( J n CO Ln O M. OM J M m cO L * W n U a' - ** 0' .O D 0 N 1 l'D ON J %P * 1 C O 3 x CO M m ' C0 tI N t- M M 0 Cj m CZ ao '.I N * m m J N * N N13 t - C' s- o · _'.'F- J' a'* NOO x O n I '0 C _ _ L 2: 0 N - 'N 1 J C\J _ 3 3 N U) .0) CD u1D J.0 'D ' _ 0 0 0 a 00 W ON CO M - Nm M COO M*0 -N· oJ- o~ o~ cO 3 - LJ : .cOV* o~ oJ cO t 0CY N CM * 0. * cO oJ ma _ t- t- - * r 0*.. m C N* Oa o~ \O ~-- c- ~-- o1 o I-' CZ 0cO. m: ! 0! L O Ln0N- Ln kL L0 Lo I o 0- o CD N- LI O O- mCO a' aCmO 0 '-- N - W 14 - .I tN a. W J =- LUn LC N N N a' C~ pc 1N Ca J CO m Ym 0= N Cm m N N N1CO N 1: CNCO 0 L 0 0 xD N CO A ' N CO CO a- a' N 3 3 0 % 0 m m m_- 0m m M m m mt CO t- Ln I x r33 E N N 3 CJ -I _: M J N mU CY) 0 a '0\ .N p~0 Z Q)OC .0 x N_Y') 0\8~ t:r CZ 0 M 1- - o. I 0 xX '· CO OO It' m v-J _ W. 0 LN 1- 0 - f t- 00 a' (V M 0 M = UN C G) 0 G) Wz W~ 11 310 1 in the temperature column indicate standard deviations expressed as percent of <T>. Elec #1 and Elec #2 denote two simulations performed with the parameters listed in Table 10.4. The last column, ATmax, is the maximum temperature difference that occured during the simulation. It should be noted behaviour attained that the last two runs correspond to the best in the simulations with electrostatic charges. The average ATmax for non-electrostatic simulations was 32.6 K, the corresponding value for the best electrostatic simulations was 44.3 K. This confirms the previous discussion on the temperature behaviour of simulations with Coulombic forces. In addition, it must be noted that high values for non-electrostatic runs coincide with low temperature simulations (Tc=304.2K), whereas the electrostatic simulations were done at temperature levels where ATmax is substantially lower for the purely van der Waals simulations. From Table 10.5 it must be concluded that the use of Slater-Kirkwood parameters is not properties of CO2 . satisfactory for the modelling of the thermodynamic The improvement obtained by introducing localized electrostatic charges indicates that potential improvement efforts should be oriented along these lines, but the problem of temperature (and pressure) fluctuations remains a significant challenge. 10.6: SUMMARY The test particle approach predicts diffusion coefficients to within - 35% of experimental values, and, more importantly, reproduces the main trends, without adjustable parameters. This allows the semiquantitative study of infinite dilution diffusion processes without recourse to supercomputers. Results can be obtained, in the test particle method, within a narrow density range. At high densities, frequent deviations from linearity in the mean squared displacement versus time relationship occur, probably as a result of the insufficient statistical independence of the diffusion "experiments" in the light of the increased frequency of strong interactions. At low densities, the limitations result from the large relaxation times. In the present work, diffusion exhibited Arrhenius behaviour; the resulting activation energy is within - 35% of the value calculated from 311 experiments at two different temperatures. Velocity distributions are in excellent agreement with the theoretical (Maxwell-Boltzmann) prediction. Radial distribution functions have been The trends exhibited generated for the carbon centers of the CO2 molecules. provide qualitative temperature information on variation. fluid structure and Quantitative its density and information can only be obtained from radial distributions by generating an ensemble of curves with an extremely narrow distance grid, and averaging over these histograms to eliminate the resulting noise. The for must the use of unmodified modelling Slater-Kirkwood parameters of P-V-T properties of C0 2 ; is inappropriate coulombic interactions be taken into account, but this introduces stiffness which, even in cases where energy conservation is acceptable (which could only be attained by reducing the electrostatic forces), gives rise to large temperature excursions. 312 11 CONCLUSION Supercritical fluids have As a consequence, mass transfer exceptionally low the inevitable density kinematic viscosities. gradients which characterize give rise, in the presence of a gravitational field, to buoyancy-driven flows which, for a given Reynolds number, are more than two orders of magnitude higher than in ordinary liquids (as measured by the ratio of characteristic buoyant to inertial forces). Whenever the controlling resistance to mass transfer lies in the supercritical phase, significant buoyancy-driven mass transfer enhancements result. This Future work has been verified should address this experimentally in the present work. interesting aspect in a quantitative way. Hydrodynamic high viscosity behaviour at the molecular (low fluidity) limit. level is approached as a Although constancy of nDT- 1 within a given system can be assumed for data extrapolation provided n O.004cp, the real need is for a fundamental theoretical understanding of the way in which the hydrodynamic limit is approached. The concept of an infinite dilution fugacity coefficient, as well as a simple and accurate expression for the composition dependence of the solute fugacity coefficient in a binary mixture, from infinite dilution to saturation, have resulted from an analysis of diffusion in the light of irrreversible thermodynamics. These preliminary ideas merit more detailed consideration, and may have interesting thermodynamic implications. A test-particle molecular dynamics study of binary diffusion in a rigid polyatomic ensemble with solute and solvent having different symmetry properties has been done. The results are encouraging, contain all the basic physics, and yield semiquantitative predictions for binary diffusion coefficients. The Einstein plots of mean squared displacement versus time constitute a very convenient representation of the relaxation behaviour and of the transition from a deterministic to a stochastic regime. The basic kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of an equilibrium system (Maxwellian velocity distribution, pair obtained with distribution functions) can be as little as 108 molecules, due to boundary conditions. 313 the use of periodic The ensemble generating technique allows the study of infinite dilution interactions without recourse to supercomputers. The rigorous (i.e., using a-priori site site potential parameters) dynamic simulation of CO2 , taking into account the electrostatic properties of this particular molecule represents a challenging problem. The orien- tation-sensitivity of the coulombic interactions make the problem stiff, and multiple time steps methods must be implemented. 314 APPENDIX 1 CUBIC EQUATIONS OF STATE In the present context, an equation of state is a mathematical relationship between T,P,V, and N, that is, the absolute temperature, pressure, volume and number of moles of a single phase system, which can have one or more components (throughout this Appendix, V denotes total (extensive) whereas V denotes molar volume). As an volume, example, the equation of state of an ideal gas is PV Equation = (Al-1) NRT (Al-1) is an example of an analytic equation of state. Its use, however, is limited to the low pressure, high temperature region where the system behaves effectively as an ideal gas. A variety of equa- tions of state are commonly used;to describe the behaviour of real gases, dense fluids and liquids. Cubic equations of state originate from the work of van der Waals, proposed the equation that' bears his name who in his doctoral thesis (van der Waals, 1873) a ( P + ,- ).( V - b ) = RT (A1-2) ).( V - Nb ) = NRT (A1-3) 2 V or, in extensive form, 2 aN ( P + --2 V where a and b are parameters whose determination is discussed below. All existing cubic equations of state are modifications of the van der Waals equation. nomial Their usefulness stems from the fact that a cubic poly- in V is the simplest analytic relation describe vapour-liquid equilibrium. 315 that can qualitatively For a single component, this means aP two criticality conditions av (A1-4) = 0 ) ( T=Tc 2 a P - ( ) (A1-5) =0 2 av T=Tc plus the existence of three distinct real roots in some range of temperaand ture pressure, (critical) temperature and an bounded by an upper upper (critical) pressure. Although a cubic equation of state can behaviour of real be taken become important limitations should gases and liquids, two into consideration. In the first place, density fluctuations the critical point unbounded close to describe qualitatively the ( Stanley, 1971 )9 and, as a consequence, no analytic equation of state is accurate in this re(A1-5) are still gion, even though Equations (A1-4) and true. In the second place, an Equation such as (A1-2) cannot possibly describe phase equilibrium below the triple point of a pure substance, where the solid phase must be taken An additional parameter and into consideration. an equation of higher order in V are needed. A cubic equation is characterized by its form and its parameters. The former can be written, in a general way (Schmidt and Wenzel, 1980) RT a P = (A1-6) 2 V V-b where u and w are integers. 2 + uVb + wb Values of u and w for several cubic equations of state are shown in Table Al-1. Parameters a and b are determined by means of methods which, in general, are modifications of the original van der Waals approach. the criticality (A1-2), we obtain, conditions (Equations (A1-4) and with T=T c and P=Pc, 316 Applying (A1-5)) to Equation 2 27 a = (RTC ) - -- 64 (A1-7) Pc RTc b -8 (A1-8) Pc or, in other words, temperature-independent parameters. Equations (A1-7) and (A1-8) can be considered particular cases of a more general type of functionality, 2 (RTc) a = a a (A1-9) PC RTc b nb = (A1-10) Pc where , B, a and b vary according to the particular equation of state selected, and are introduced to improve agreement with experimental data. In Equations (Al-9) and dependent whereas a and (A1-10), a and B are, in general, temperature b are constants. Values of a, B, a and b are shown in Table Al-1 for several different equations of state. Mixture parameters a and b are obtained from pure component parameters by means of suitable mixing and combining rules, of which the most commonly used are a = xi xj aij b = xi bi aij = (ai aj) [12- kij( (Al-11) - ij)] where kij, the binary interaction coefficient, is the single adjustable parameter once an equation of state is selected, and 317 6 ij is Kronecker's delta. 318 CC -I i .4. . '. ELz cs r. 0 m m I I Z 0 cO cO - ~C. _N CQ u- 0 cc _ llN t "I LN1i N Lle 0 0,3 ~ ~3 0n I _INC: _ 4 co o C 0 oc0 C,b+ - .:c.0 N O ¢ c-. ,N 319 3 '0 APPENDIX 2 A2.1 EQUIPMENT DESIGN; EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS FLAT PLATE DESIGN The flat section's plate width the high schematically (2.54 cm) was determined pressure steel tube assembly shown inches) is shown in Figure 4.2 in nominal external in Figure 4.2. by practical considerations: (C2 in Figure 4.1) is introduced The coated had to diameter; otherwise, into which the whole be less than 5 cm (2 the high pressure end connections would have become prohibitively expensive and much more complex than the threaded connections used in this work. The entrance section (Figure 4.1) was designed the development of a steady velocity profile. in order to allow The hydrodynamic entrance length (Lhy) is defined (Shah and London, 1978) as "the duct length required to achieve a maximum duct section velocity of 99% of that for developed flow when the entering fluid velocity profile is uniform", and is given, in dimensionless + form, by Lhy hy hy DhRe where In Dh is the duct hydraulic diameter, and Re, the Reynolds number. the than (A.2-1) present the case, since the aluminium hemi-cylinders were steel tube, the approximately 5 cm shorter long empty inlet section was packed with glass wool to guarantee the flatness of the profile at the duct's entrance. For a rectangular duct of height 2b, width 2a, and aspect ratio a = 2b/2a (see Chapter 5), the hydraulic radius is given by rh Dh 4 Cross section Perimeter b 1 + a (A.2-2) Furthermore, the Reynolds number can be written as Re = 4b 1+a G (A.2-3) n 320 where G is the mass flow rate per unit area, which, in terms of the solvent flow rate at ambient conditions becomes it 1 = 4.16666 where V0 which, (vFMab) Mmin] 1 L 'see' 7; V ( tx G(~-ln) = F in) 60 xse 1 3__) 1 2) mol) x 4ab(m x 10-6 (A.2-4) is the molar volume of the solvent gas at ambient conditions, for the present purposes, can be taken as 22.4 lt/mol, and M is the solvent's molecular weight. The hydrodynamic entry length becomes, therefore, Equation F, M, V, (A.2-5) x 4.1666 x 10- 6 (1) n Lhy = Lhy(l4b )2 ( FM + a V o ab hy Lhy is dimensional, and will yield Lhy (A.2-5) in meters if a and b have the units indicated in Equation (A.2-4), and n is expressed in kg/ms. monograph, Values of Ly are tabulated in Shah and London's as a function of a; widely differing values are given, the table in question being a compilation of results from different investigators. In the present case, the most conservative (i.e., highest) value was selected, Li hy = 0.08 (A.2-6) -2 For a typical flow rate of 2 liters per minute, a = 1.27 x 10 m, b = 1.587 x 10- 3 m, a = 0.125, V - 22.4 It , n - 5 x 10 - 5 kg/ms, (a mol conservatively low value), Lhy is then given by -4 Lhy = 9.4 x 10 M (m) (A.2-7) or, in other words, a minimum required hydrodynamic entry length of 41 mm for CO2 , and 137 mm for SF6 . for CO2 experiments, Two different flat plates were used: the entry length was 12.70 cm, and 15.24 cm for the SF 6 experiments. 321 The coated length was determined by the requirement that the relative saturation at sensitivity the flat plate's outlet should be neither too high analysis, section 6.4) nor too low (see (see minimum weighing requirements in section 6.4). For an aspect ratio of 1/8, a 20% relative saturation implies LD/<v> b2 - - cm/s, D - 7 x 10 0.2 <v> - 0.1 obtain L = 7.2 cm. (see Figure 5.3). 2 cm /s, and b = 0.15875 cm, we With The actual value used was 7.62 cm. Typical section, <v> values are obtained from the flow rate, F, duct cross 4ab, and solvent molar density under experimental conditions. 2 For F - 0.09 mol/min, and 4ab = 0.80645 cm , and a molar density of 15 mol/lt, we obtain <v> = 0.12 cm/s, or a mean residence time of - 1 minute. Before every run, a period of at least 15 minutes was allowed for after opening the flow control valve, during which solvent gas was vented (see Figure 4.1) while steady conditions were gradually attained. A2.2 SAMPLE EQUILIBRIUM AND DIFFUSION CALCULATIONS As an example of typical equilibrium and diffusion calculations, the determination of the solubility and diffusion coefficient of benzoic acid in SF 6 at 65 bar (Pr = 1.73) and 328.2 K (Tr = 1.03) will be explained in detail. Two duration equilibrium experiments were was 40 minutes. conducted simultaneously. The following numbers were obtained The run (values in parenthesis refer to the second experiment) (a) Mass of benzoic acid collected (g) = .03781 (.03042) (b) Moles of benzoic acid collected = 3.0992 x 10 4 (2.4934 x 10 (c) DTM final minus initial reading (t) = 62.703 (52.013) (d) Atmospheric = 759.8 (e) Ambient (f) Temperature-corrected ambient pressure (mm Hg) = 756.88 pressure temperature (mm Hg) = 23.6 (C) (value read from tables supplied by barometer manufacturer) (g) Average temperature of DTM outlet (C) = 24.2 (24 .7) (obtained by averaging initial and final readings) (h) Average overpressure at DTM outlet (in) = 0.4 322 (0.4) ) (i) DTM outlet conditions (mm Hg) = Ambient pressure 2.54 x (h) X 826 x 760 x 9 101325 .88 756.88) x 100 (where 826 Kg/m3 is the density of the outlet U-manometer fluid) (j) Solvent moles through DTM = (1) 1 273.2 7 (ig 22.4179 273.2 + (1) 760 [ (c) (c) 273.2 X 2.558 (2.119) (where 22.4179 is the ideal gas molar volume, in moles/it, at 1 atmosphere and 0 ° C) (k) Solute mole fraction = C(b ) = x 10 1.211 (1.1766 x 10 These two results differ by 2.91%, and the average value can be taken, (1) Average mole fraction - 1.194 x 10-4 For the diffusion run, we write (m) Mass of benzoic acid collected (g) = 0.00853 (n) DTM final minus initial reading (t) = 77.670 (o) Atmospheric pressure (mm Hg) = 774.60 (p) Ambient (q) Temperature-corrected ambient pressure (mm Hg) = 772.206 (r) Average temperature at DTM outlet (°C) = 21.6 (s) Average (t) Ambient pressure _[(q) temperature overpressure +2.54 = 19 (C) at DTM outlet (in) = 0.6 DTM outlet conditions (mm Hg) - x (s) x 826 x 760 x 9.8] 101325 x 100 323 =773.131 (u) Solvent moles through DTM (n) = 1 Ct) 273.2 [ 22.4179 x 273.2 + (r) x760 = 3.26626 x 105- (v) Solute (w) Relative (x) Xo (from mathematical solution; Chapter 5) = .188615 (y) Run duration (s) - 3600.82 mole fraction (u) + (m)/122 saturation > b2 (z) = [(v)/(Q)] 9.26 = x 10 - 5 2.14057 = .17928 cm2 /s (where <v> has been calculated as follows, (O) () mol s 0.80645 0.80645 cm em2 mol = 0.1484 cm/s; fluid density from the Peng-Robinson equation of state) A2.3 EXPERIMENTAL ERRORS The sensitivity of the calculated diffusion experiments with respect to experimental errors in the determination of r, the relative saturation, was analyzed in Section 6.4. for Ar/rl will In the present section, a numerical value be estimated. In the first place, since r is a ratio of two mole fractions (i.e., the solute mole fraction at the exit of the test section in equilibrium and diffusion experiments), we can write, for error estimation, jAr= r- where that x x Ax, I Xlldiff Ax. I is the solute mole is determined (A2-8) I Xi equil fraction. by weighing 324 From Section A2.2, it follows the solid that precipitates in the U-tubes upon decompression and measuring the corresponding amount of gas that flows through the system. Weighings were found to be reproducible to within 0.001 g, and the amount of solute collected varied from a minimum of 0.0085 g (low pressure benzoic acid - SF6 experiments) to values above 0.2g (high pressure benzoic acid - CO 2 experiments) for the diffusion experiments (i.e., weighing errors ranged from 0.5 to 11.8%). Weighing errors in equilibrium experiments were always lower (for a given system, temperature and pressure) than in the corresponding diffusion experiment, since the mss the former case. of of solute collected was always greater in This fact will be used below in the actual evaluation tAr/ri. The determination of the amount of gas flowing through the dry test meter involved reading the instrument (accurate to + .005 lt), and calculating the number of moles as per Section A2.2. the temperature at This, in turn required reading the test meter's outlet (thermocouple accurate to + 0.2 OC), the pressure differential across the outlet line (U-tube manometer accurate to 0.1 inch), atmospheric pressure the atmospheric (± 0.1 mm Hg). temperature (± 0.5 OC) and the From Section A2.2 (item (u)), it follows that, for error analysis, we can write nI jn IDTMI DTM = I+ AP Po I T0 T, (A2-9) where n is the number of solvent moles, DTM is the dry test meter reading, and P and T,, the respectively. nation of temperature and pressure at DTM outlet conditions, The ambient temperature contributed to errors in the determi- the ambient pressure since the latter was always corrected by means of a manufacturer-supplied double-entry table, the independent variables of which were temperature and pressure. Pressure errors, therefore, can be estimated as follows, AAP. 0.1 (temperature) + 0.1 (manometer) + 0.1 (U-tube) - - PI o - 3.95 x 10 (21760 (A2-10) 325 For temperature and instrument reading errors, on the other hand, ATo TO 0.5 -3 298 = 1.678 x 103 ADTM ~ 0'005 I AD where a -005 = 3.125 conservatively x 10 (A2-11) -4 (A2-1 2) low value of solvent throughput (i.e., 16 lt) has been used (see Section A2.2 for typical values). From Equations (A2-9) to (A2-12), we obtain, finally, |8n| - 0.00241 The important (A2-13) conclusion here is that weighing errors are by far the most important in terms of their contribution to Ar/rl, for which we can now write r 2 [0.0024 + o.04 ] = 8.48 x 10 (A2-14) where a typical diffusion weighing error of 4% was used (corresponding to a collected solute amount of 0.025 g), and diffusion errors were conservatively equated to equilibrium errors. We can therefore summarize by saying can be determined to within except for low pressure that the relative saturation + 8.5%, this being a conservative estimate benzoic acid-SF6 experiments, where weighing errors of up to 11% can exist in diffusion experiments due to the small amount of solute collected. A2.4: DENSITY PROFILES In Chapter 6, it was shown that, for dilute solutions, density decreases monotomically away from the solute-fluid interface if M > LV M2 V2 Where M while (A2-15) and M2 denote solute and solvent molecular weight, respectively, V and V 2 denote solute partial molar 326 volume and solvent molar volume, respectively. In this section, it will be shown that inequality (A2-15) was indeed satisfied for all of the conditions and systems tested, a necessary condition for the elimination of buoyant effects in the hydrodynamic experiemtns (Chapter 6). A simple, sufficient condition will first be developed that enables to test (A2-15) is satisfied with minimum whether computations. isothermal pressure dependence of the equilibrium solubility The of solute 1 in fluid 2 is given by = (V,. (alnx) ) / 1+ lnx) TP] (A2-16) which simply states the fact that, if the solubility increases with pressure, the molar volume of the solid solute is larger than its partial molar volume in the fluid phase (V1 s > V,). This provides a quick, conservative test of (A2-15) (i.e., a sufficient but not necessary condition for (A2-15) to be true), M2 M, > V2 M2 V, M2 > (A2-17) V, but M2 > V- i> MM> 2 L> V2 (A2-18) In other words, in cases where the solubility increases with pressure, consideration of the pure solute and solvent densities provides a sufficient condition for monotomically decreasing densities away from the interface which can be easily checked. In the general case, we write V = x, V + (1-x,) V 2 or, equivalently, _ V.L V2 where V -- (1 - V? 1 --V- ) - Xl V2 = V2 has been used (1 V2 (A2-19) x1 ) (A2-20) X2 (this is only valid in dilute solutions). 327 Using the Peng-Robinson equation of state (see Appendix 1) with binary interaction coefficients (kij) regressed by minimizing the sum of absolute values of log [x1 (eq)/x,(eos)], where eos denotes the equation of state prediction and x(eq), with the the measured solubility, Table A2-1 was generated, second form of the right hand side of Equation (A2-20) used in the computations. From for all Table A2-1 we of conclude that the conditions and inequality (A2-15) was satisfied systems tested; the flow was therefore stabilized by gravity, in all cases. A2.5 CHEMICALS USED The purity and suppliers of the chemicals used in this work are listed below: Benzoic acid Baker 99.9+ % Naphthalene Baker 99.9+ % 2- Naphthol Aldrich 99% C02 Matheson 99.8% SF 6 Matheson 99.8% 328 TABLE A2.1: BUOYANT STABILITY CALCULATIONS System SF 6 -benzoic acid SF 6-naphtha lene CO2 -benzoic acid CO2 -2 Naphthol T P x, (eq) kij (K) (bar) 328 65 1 .194x10 328 80 1 .491x10 328 120 1 .825 x10 338 65 338 80 1 .646x10- 0 2.076xl 338 120 2.803xl0- 318 65 1 .978x10- 318 80 2.152x10- 3 318 120 2.445x10- 328 65 3.184x10- 3 328 80 3.513x10 3 328 120 3.914x10 318 160 2.34x10- 3 318 200 3.580xl 0 -3 328 1 60 2.495x10 328 200 3.864x1 0- 3 308 150 4.460x10 308 200 5.408x10 1 4 308 250 5.910xl 0 318 1 65 5.662x10- 4 318 250 8.655x10 1 41 .128 V1/V 2 .8356 -2.651 4 -0.790 -7.448 .116 329 -4.789 -14 -3.901 -1 .237 3 .184 .8767 -0.325 3 0.515 -2.663 1 72 -1.157 3 0.159 .004 3 4 -1 .084 2.7727 -14.774 -2.330 -6.916 -.004 -3.472 .076 3.2727 -2.557 -0.468 0.538 .078 -3. 425 -0.109 APPENDIX 3 The Ci,j COEFFICIENTS FOR EQUATION (5.27) following Appendix contains the Cit.j coefficients defined in Equation (5.27), for i up to 80, and j up to 26. Coefficients corresponding to each i value are printed under the hesding "Coefficient a i ", j should be read by lines. 330 and 00000 00000 00000 .4- .4-4- 4- 00000 OOO 00000 00000 00000 00000 o0 $O 00000 00000 00000 C 0 WWWiW w w www O 0 o000 0 000o W :l & W 00000 0000 0000 + .. 00000 . . OO- O 000 O 00000 00000 OOO M M0000000 0 M 0 0 0 00000 00000 00000 00 ooo 00000 00000 00000 00000 coo 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 M 0 0 MO O000 MO 0 00000 OO OOO 00000 O O O O OOcoo O O O O O O O O OO 000000 _O. . . .O 00000 00000 0000 00000 O O O O O O O O O O COOOO 00 000 -4-4'4000 00 0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 OOO 00 o00000 00000 00000 00000 O O. 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 co . 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Z 1X. - * N 0 _*0 : OCX 0 ri ~4-W . oP ErZ=3 Ca:Z OG0CUC OCO 00030, 4- WZX 0 -40 U Mrr Ir r 0- -4 WI 0 w OW i-l a. Xo. ", _! ID X W - *e W XC~ ::1 ( oa . - CO MA =, _. . =, X* CC' rC x W X -, -X - W Wa c xX- 0 0 oo NC - : AW. - r C -i * C -X 0n *I C'""'4X G J+ ^00 J+ _ ^- _ ZVJ WLNWXf 4 i-i3L=tX aGaN'aCf It 1-I _ O-O - : ° _ F y - 0 _ --o'' _ z C C °' "4 - x z - * - ~ @ f 00 a W W r o xh t 0 Z O O - O E O _2 _ -O d: u . C 0e r Ic 0 x a: O 12 .-)O 0 C 39gU 399 0 O~_ w . ' 00202 Zs - ^ 00.W . - u4 uMirx .. * NC J C 0 m o 0 CC W 02 C'-0 CO~LONO C 0m t O ^xe 0 I - 4 -. ° ^ 0 : ^ o^ a - ox~'- x ix _ I_ O = 0 =. : . ,, 0 mm x c 0* i W o 1t: . i 0 O <C0 c xx 0IxP2 CG, '0 C C C ~ N a== 0-' t 0*C 0. zOa . *oOK , Ii £&JW--IaJC 0= * XcW * X I~ o ),'0. -n ru~ X I C,-. _.o 0i W 'xCZ XC >;ii CN Iia: C~m CQQ - 0 a C * . - O * 0~w ^x3 0 0 C Y. = =' C AN C - I. i. : k~ MI.-- * ,'I,--X^ C_I- X x ". ~ W 0 CD P1 0 to C Irl 4 001M M li IM t~l - x OX X . -r rX o W o W X W 01 NL a .C W t's ^ - o O- VIWC IC - I-'M 3L .. x C, N* W cc 0 ,-Ci N t. £Y-n 8:0N I 40 r 01 XC C Ct C-Z 1rWZ C Ic.14 0)W1-)W0)C CO WW= - Z*X: cs cs=WZa-Z=O=r- J_ Q 4 W 0 3 1WZ Z NW Cz Zwt 0 0 CD K Z P GZ Ee We W w wZ W -. C- 0 0 I_ C- _ 0 _ Z C W # C. 1 1 j i- i 0q_c : i:.ll I.- 00Htfl Z _ _CC I Z 1.o .-tF Iao -Oca 0C0 Z -W -4 I Z W -0 14J yb P1#1 k - ~ Ic 4.O . C iCiC. C C- x _c w MI N'0O Z. .4 I-' i Z W .4 X *<1: ' Z- LO _ L C., , 4.4 Q A '0 X 0 _* : IINP OA"X -0- CCCL - ~ C o C. C * _. 01 1 0o cr-eCZ)JZ WCIO C 0 .t4 1#0-- IWWW4 0;IJ "J C V.*0: I.In - 3 -,W' 4eW-W Ua t N x F -*: I.W :: CJ *"d -y W . c:zor4 * 5 * " C _ c * -,4O - -.01 N N 0 0 1 01CD 0 N NN * *V 6. 400 V) Inn 4 O v) O Vn N la ra C a- r W r, 0 1o N . 0I - ,. o r1 0 0 o0 P1 c O< -1r'W C.0z G0< * = 0 J GJ ~ I'SXX 01* NW aOZ WW J-0NI'0O * 4 _ -= + -. 01 G-- :1W K -4 0 ^ C M 0-0 + 05 k 0~1 0 WV100 2 Z Iq 2- Z G * o - 0. W " I-- X. X0 - r .. .I O " C-* x 94...J2LaJWWWWWW4W - X N - G NN- YW --vv] XO -4 ,- o U.s 00 ^ Oc Z O I e J lA- . Z 1 _ N I 0 -40 U, UOWa oC00 .ji94 Li c _ = aW -_ W Y 0b.Z XC X CCs" NW N z O kl- - z 3 O030 nZ1_ W U L0.1 ?%N N W Zt c - b N N W .J- W U. - cc - ] rW .. X J G C= CXC r N C 1V U C . I.W -r K _C 4 - . y0 . -4. in GF1 0 -- .C XwT I _IC 3 W 0 X2o" 3 O0 0l _ * .X-I-NW9494NI-94W1 000.2 aV N W 'l CP 0 iN 0 -t = P 0 X J. 1 ,J X C0 PC r 4. 0 8- ) _ W IN z. '"5 N I0 __ tNNNNiN01 s z - wmw UWkm N - N = ZflW1 C 0. c I.0 .0.09 .0 N .0 .0 NI P1 .0 la N' In - 0 P .0 l1P1 401 in C. P4 It4 0 c.LI o ': I _- o cm O k. XI&I · ", : - 0- 0 ,,.,. e,. A. oC bs O ',=' In t i- w M = -a -:oD in W2 l D- O ' ~)- n 02 zz-.ea.o'.-zzWc.z.wci ~OI nL R402 2I en 4 I in In Z )C rr zq v.-PIP2P P2 -d P O. -- _ ^ J N In M i 2 r On Z O ;0 M I- M c' - I U t C.o M M P P CDa CD - _ ( X ^ ' : -- I I,' o* zr'ri-2-2 - i ILZ: )'" O Z N -- N n _ 4 I iA4 . Z 'M - I- r-a 0 b Ol Y. A4.9 COMPUTER PROGRAM NEUTRAL-2 403 I- U 0~I I-~ am oo~~ 6-- M 0 0 o- o- o: 3c)x 4 W Z I._r_ _0 C UI-o .-I _N O W* wO,,M I: N6-Cija 1 cQ ZWX 0 zz 0 6N) _ 600Cl ,.C 0ID C kn J. .J _4~4 k. W " 0 U 2 _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a IUI I, _. 0 Z -: ** i W1JO n U 6.LLL rs W Q* uu&. O.' o J0U e.a: C C ,]- - O l O. 6 W 0.C Jc-, ," W cow ^D _ -C0 0. 4 0 CI z I u c I ~I'PI I 0I_ tWW t'J _ ' LIUW 6F~~--4i-J - C 0 C ' -. I-0C:C0L 41 .JI: ,. . - I .N 6- 0C~b o w-U zo-wo,^ * -Wvr _Z^0xN .J..-ZJW-...I...l - ' 0U Z- x. - * Z . 0-I1 Z -*_--'0 X-x-4 U O. OO-_ C' O Z0 o 0 Z0' °° -- F - . C04 0 -- ' - C- . J O VC.CJ -LO - -- . 0I-16. uuu 404 0 . o C- 0', 0 rz-4 U . C x -X-X00 W .i' : P10 a 0ft W C4ZX 0 04 --' - -g+ e - I W-J I.- -Z OCG_ .- -0 -- z I-J b I IWWW - _ -I- CC C - cc 0 I-I -. ie o .JO 0 W kO r^O C- IC w .- 0Z j C 0 -- r44 4 - 03 O k 00 ca - i 4O , ,c 0- 0 IQ 0 f W % W O:OOZ 405 APPENDIX 5: THE INTEGRAL ENTROPY BALANCE IN IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS The following derivations follow closely the treatment of the subject by Landau and Lifshitz (1982). MASS BALANCE; CONSERVATION EQUATIONS A5.1: For an arbitrary volume V, fixed in space, conservation of species 1 can be written as I at Pw, dV (pwl v = n) df - * first term on the right hand The j1 * n df (A.5-1) side is the convective transport of species 1; the second term corresponds to diffusive transport. The of a differential equation for the conservation of species derivation first 1 is the a relationship in our step we analysis: between the diffusive are ultimately interested in flux and the appropriate driving force(s). Using Green's theorem, we rewrite Equation (A.5-1), f at paw dV V - = * + J (pv dV (A.5-2) Therefore, J (Pl + [al v + jL)] dV = O (A.5-3) this is independent of our choice of V; we must therefore have But am + at V (P v + J,) = o (A.5-4) Invoking continuity for the fluid as a whole, P + V at pv = (A5-5) The required equation follows from combining the last two expressions P (a at vv VW) V * = 0 406 (A.5-6) or, in a more concise form, PDw + V Dt - · Jl = (A.5-7) -(A 5-7) where D/Dt is the material derivative operator. A5.2: THERMODYNAMIC DEFINITIONS When diffusion is analyzed from the perspective of irreversible thermodynamics, it is convenient to introduce a mixture chemical potential. We start from the fundamental equation for a binary system, dU = TdS - PdV + p, dN 1 + p2 dN2 (A.5-8) If we impose the constraint of constant mass, we have dN2 = (M) dN (A.5-9) M2 and Equation (A.5-8) referred to unit mass of fluid, now reads du = Tds - Pdv + pdw, (A.5-10) with Ml M 1 M2 M2 (A.5-11) A5.3: ENERGY AND ENTROPY RELATIONSHIPS Diffusion is one of the dissipative entropy generation in a fluid. We must therefore obtain an expression for the rate of entropy generation. balance, motion we will to obtain use processes that contribute to Starting from a differential energy continuity, thermodynamics and the equations a differential entropy balance. The of integrated form of this equation gives the rate of entropy generation as a result of dissipative processes. We first derive the differential balances. Consider a volume element fixed in space. t [ ( 2 + u)] = - V [pv - ( 407 Energy conservation yields + h) - v * + ] (A.5-12) The right hand side is the sum of reversible convective transport, irreversible rewrite viscous dissipation, the left hand and irreversible heat transfer. We now side, The 1st~e~pv and + a-t [p=2p-t (p 4t + u)] =a 2 2 + aP3at+ (Aat5-13) au(A5-13) av at and use continuity to transform the 1st and 4th terms in the right hand side, thermodynamics for the 3rd term, and the equations of motion for the 2nd term. Starting with the latter, av pv · The av i -t -x vi 1st and aa x ppv i [(v.V)vi] (A.5-14) 4th terms in Equation (A.5-13) can be rewritten, using continuity, as follows, 2- t+ 2 u at ax + at Vi 2 pv V) (A.5-15) Because of Equation (A.5-10) we can put (3rd term of Equation (A.5-13)), as au a= P P at t (A.5-1 a, at and substit ite Equations (A.5-14), (A.5-15) and (A.5-16), and the thermodynamic relation = +-+ -- ax. 1 .- T x. ax. 1 i (A.5-17) 1 into Equation (A.5-13), to obtain - [ ( at 2 u)] ( p v + pT as + V) aw- p at + I ax. + t 2 as ax at aw ax. ] a CT ik i ax k Pv i [(v.V_) vi] (5-18 whic] can be simplified with:-thehelp of Equation (A.5-6) and the identity p v [(v v vi = v V ( 408 V2) (A 5-19) to obtain at p(u + [ pv (h + V2 = - 2V pT [as Vs] + pT [a +v * at - Adding and subtracting V_ i Vs]+ vi °vDik (A.5-20) D_ q, and noting that aak v + V · J - avi ik = V -ik ) (v ax ax k ikaX (A.5-21) we obtain the important relationship at [P (u + )] = - V * [pv (h + V )] - v * a + q] + av. + pT (as + v at Vs) - p V - · J V + * q- aik ik axk (A.5-22) Comparing Equations (A.5-12) and (A.5-22), av. pT Ds =ik Dt x - (q k ik axk (A.5-23) Vp This is the required differential entropy balance. A5.4: THE INTEGRAL ENTROPY BLAANCE The rate of change of entropy in a volume fixed in space is given by dt The ps dV integrand, using Equation s a [ (P at+ at (ps)dV dV (A.5-23) and continuity, can be written as follows, as at av. p at = [1 [k [ V axk.. q- 409 p,)-j - I V]- V psv (A.5-24) Therefore, d Iv. dt psdV = - (V psv) dV + aX [a - V (A.5-25) hand side of The left (A.5-25) (and hence the right hand Equation side) is positive or zero for any isolated system. Restricting our attention to this case, IV * ps v dV = (ps v (A.5-26) n)df - 0 since there can be no flow across the boundaries of an isolated system. Similarly, V * (q- pj ) dV= [( T ) * n] df + V. (T J( T2 dV + ) f (T · · VT dV I ) VTdV (T2 ) * VT dV (A.5-27) where isolation has again been invoked to eliminate the surface integral. The integral entropy balance for an isolated binary system then becomes Is. p dV dV dt - Closed, isolated, dV T22 T · macroscopic ) V TdV ITdO ~ dV dV (A-5-28) (-A.5-28) systems approach stable equilibrium in an irreversible way, the mechanisms involved being viscous dissipation, heat flow and diffusion (first, second and third integral, respectively, in the right hand side of Equation (A.5-28)). 410 NOTATION A = roughness factor (Chapter 2), dimensionless A = z-dependent coefficient (Chapter 5), dimensionless A = defined A = reduced attractive parameter in a cubic equation of state (Chapter 7) dimensionless A = inertial-principal transformation matrix (Chapter 8), dimensionless An = expansion coefficient defined in Equation (5.72), dimensionless a = rectangular a = radius of a Brownian sphere (Equation Chapter 6; Chapter 8), L a = attractive parameter for cubic equations of state (Chapter 3; Chapter 7; Appendix 1), ML 5 /t2 mol 2 ai = ith coefficient of series expansion (Equation (5.19)), dimensionless a' i = scaled a'. = scaled ith coefficient evaluated with the nth eigenvalue (Equation (5.24)), dimensionless a.. lJ = parameter ML 14/t 2 B = empirical linear coefficient in a density-explicit virial expansion (Chapter 2), L 3 /M B = defined B = reduced repulsive parameter in cubic equation of state (Chapter 7), dimensionless Bn = expansion coefficient (Equation (5.73)), dimensionless b = rectangular b = bo - molar second virial coefficient, L 3 /mole in Equation (6.26), dimensionless L duct half-width, ith coefficient for a 12-6 in Equation (ai/a o) type 1.17; Section (Chapter interaction (6.27), duct half-height, 1.5; Chapter 5), dimensionless energy (Equation (9.31)), dimensionless L repulsive parameter for cubic equations of state Chapter 7; Appendix 1), L 3 /mole 411 2; (Chapter 3; C = empirical quadratic coefficient expansion (Chapter 2), L 6 /M2 Cn = expansion coefficient (Equation (5.29)), dimensionless Ci j = expalisioncoefficient (Equation (5.24)), dimensionless C.. = parameter for a 12-6 type interaction energy (Equation (9.31)), ML8 /t 2 c = solute molar concentration, moles/L3 c = total molar concentration (Section 1.4; Chapter 7), moles/L3 Ci = c+ = 1 - c/c Co = inlet solute molar concentration, moles/L3 D = duct diameter D = diffusion 1J in a density-explicit virial interface solute molar concentration, moles/L3 i [ or (c-ci)/(co-ci); (Section but c = 0 throughout], 1.1; Chapter dimensionless 3), L L 2 /t coefficient, = diffusion coefficient, L 2 /t Dh = hydraulic diameter, L d = dimensionality of space, dimensionless ei = ith (i = 0,1,2,3) F = force (Section 9.1; Section 9.4), ML/t2 Fm = f = force, f = f = distribution f = area element (Appendix 5), L2 Gn = expansion coefficient, defined in Equation (5.61), dimensionless Gr - Grashof number [(2R) 3 g g - radial distribution function, dimensionless g - acceleration due to gravity (Section 1.1; Chapter 3), L/t2 Cayley-Klein parameter, dimensionless modified force for shifted force potential (Chapter 9), ML/t2 ML/t 2 fugacity (Section 1.4; Chapter 7), M/Lt2 function (Section (Ap/p)/V2], 412 8.5), t 3/L 6 dimensionless F' = unit vector, parallel to gravity, dimensionless H = H = Hamiltonian (Chapter 8), ML 2 /t2 Hn = scaled "radial" expansion, defined in Equation (5.32), dimensionless h = relative height of constant hydrostatic head plane, L h = enthalpy per unit mass (Appendix 5), L 2 /t2 I = moment of inertia, ML 2 J = j = mass flux, M/L2 t K = torque, ML 2 /t2 K = proportionality constant for semi-empirical hydrodynamic expressions for the diffusion coefficient (Table 6.18), variously defined K = exponential decay factor for solute fugacity coefficient (Section 1.4; Chapter 7), dimensionless KT = isothermal compressibility, Lt2 /M KT = reduced isothermal compressibility, dimensionless k = Boltzmann's constant, ML 2 /t2 K k = mass transfer coefficient (Section 1.2; Chapter 5), L/t k = thermal conductivity (Table 2.1), ML/t 3 K kij = binary interaction coefficient, dimensionless L = coated length in duct flow, L L = L = generalized transport coefficient (Chapter 7), variously defined 1 - unit vector, parallel to linear molecule, dimensionless M - molecular weight, M/mole m = "radial" part of two-dimensional diffusion problem, dimensionless generalized flux variously defined solution to rectangular duct in irreversible thermodynamics (Chapter 7), Avogadro's number (Chapter 2; Section 6.2), mole -1 mass, M 413 m = velocity profile exponent (Section 1.2; Chapter 5), dimensionless N - # of molecules in a simulation N - # of moles (Chapter 7; Appendix 1; Appendix 5) N' = molar flux, moles/L2 t n = velocity profile exponent, dimensionless n = number density (Chapter 2; Chapter 6), 1/L 3 n = unit normal vector (Appendix 5), dimensionless P = pressure, p = linear momentum, ML/t Pe = Peclet q = heat flux, M/t q = generalized coordinate (Chapter 8), L q = wave number (Chapter 2), 1/L R = gas constant, ML 2 /t2 mole K R = duct radius (Section 1.1; Section 3.1; Section 3.3), L Re = Reynolds number (2R <v>/v), dimensionless Ra = Raleigh number ((2R)3 g Ap/p /v D), dimensionless r = position, displacement, relative position (variously defined), L r = relative saturation (c/ci) (Section 1.1; Section 1.2; Chapter 3; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Appendix 2), dimensionless rc = cutoff radius, L rh = hydraulic radius, L Sc = Schmidt number (v/D), dimensionless Sh - Sherwood number (4 rh k/D), dimensionless s - entropy per unit mass, L2 /t 2K s = hard sphere solute/solvent ratio (Chapter 6), dimensionless T = absolute temeprature M/Lt 2 number (<v. L/D), dimensionless 3 41 4 T+ = reduced temperature (kT/c), dimensionless t = time, t U = interaction energyv ML 2 /t2 U = internal energy (Appendix 5), ML 2 /t 2 U = numerical constant for cubic equation of state, dimensionless u = internal energy per unit mass, (Appendix 5), L 2 /t2 V = molar volume, L 3 /mole V = total volume (Equation (7.1); Equation (7.25); Chapter 8; Appendix 5), L 3 V, = close-packed molar volume for a hard-sphere fluid, L 3 /mole v = velocity, L/t <v> = cross section-average velocity, L/t v+ = reduced velocity (v/<v>), dimensionless v = molecular v+ = reduced molecular volume (v/a3 ) (Section 2.3), dimensionless v = w = angular velocity, 1/t w = numerical constant for a cubic equation Chapter 7; Appendix 1), dimensionless X = X = generalized force (Chapter 7), variously defined Xo - modified inverse Graetz number (xD/<v>b2 ), dimensionless x - duct axial coordinate, L x+ = dimensionless axial coordinate (x/b) xi = species x - inertial coordinate (Section 1.5; Chapter 8), L volume (Section 2.3), L3 molar volume (Appendix 5), L 3/mole of state (Chapter 3; axial part of two-dimensional solution to rectangular duct diffusion problem, dimensionless i mole dimensionless fraction (Chapter 6; Section 1.4, Chapter 7), 415 x' = principal y = duct "radial" coordinate, L y+ = dimensionless "radial" coordinate (y/b) y = inertial coordinate (Chapter 8), L y' =- principal z = + coordinate, L coordinate, L duct transverse coordinate, L =-dimensionless duct transverse coordinate (z/b) z = inertial ' coordinate (Chapter 8), L =- principal coordinate, L z - compressibility factor (RV/RT) (Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 7; Section 8.6), dimensionless Greek Symbols a = aspect ratio for rectangular duct (b/a), dimensionless = transport coefficient, (Section 1.4; Chapter 7), Mt/L3 a = flat plate inclination with respect to horizontal position (Figure 1.10; Figure 6.15), degrees ai - polarizability of site i (Equation 9.32), L 3 aO - angle used in specifying the relative orientation of two linear molecules (Figures 9.9 to 9.21), degrees aX = coefficient of the attractive parameter of state (Appendix 1), dimensionless B = aspect ratio for rectangular duct (L/2a), dimensionless Bm = mass coefficient of volume expansion (Section 3.2), L 3 /mole 0 - transport coefficient (Chapter 7), M/Lt K B - frictional time constant (Chapter 8), t B -angle = B = coefficient of the size parameter in a cubic equation used in specifying the relative orientation of two linear molecules (Figures 9.9 to 9.21), degrees (Appendix 1), dimensionless 416 in a cubic equation of state r = scattered light autocorrelation decay rate, t1 rn = defined _Yn = Y = transport coefficient (Chapter 7), ML/t3 K Y = angle used in specifying the relative orientation of two linear molecules (Figures 9.9 to 9.21), degrees 6 = transport coefficient (Chapter 7), M/Lt 6 = displacement 6 = angle used in specifying the relative orientation of two linear molecules (Figures 9.9 to 9.21), degrees in Equation nth eigenvalue (8.61), ML 2 /t (Chapter 5), dimensionless (Chapter 8), L = energy parameter for interaction potential, ML 2 /t2 in e = viscosity, M/Lt = Euler angle, dimensionless = chemical potential per unit mass, L2 /t2 species i chemical potential, ML 2 /t2 mole v - kinematic viscosity, L 2 /t = transformed 5+ = coordinate for duct flow (b-y), L dimensionless transformed coordinate (1-y+) - defined in text (Chapter 2) = distance measured away from a constant composition solute source plance (Chapter 6), L + pgh), M/Lt2 In - modified pressure (P n+ = dimensionless modified pressure [n/po <v>2] p = Ap - interface-bulk density difference, M/L3 a - size parameter for a binary interaction, L a.. - ijth component of stress tensor (Chapter 7; Appendix 5), M/Lt2 Xr - relaxation density, M/L 3 time, t 417 fugacity coefficient, dimensionless * = On = cross section-average integral (Equation (5.55)), dimensionless 4) = association factor dimensionless 4) = Euler angle (Chapter 8), dimensionless Oi = species i probability distribution function for one-dimensional displacements X in the Wilke-Chang (Chapter expression (Chapter 6), 8), L = Enskog frequency factor, dimensionless = composition-dependence function for the thermodynamic transport coefficient, a, such that D 2 is composition-independent (Chapters 1 and 7), dimensionless 'Pn = cross section-average integral defined in Equation (5.75), dimensionless = Euler angle (Chapter 8), dimensionless d = collision integral for diffusion, dimensionless X = acentric factor, dimensionless Xi = species i weight fraction (Appendix 5), dimensionless Subscripts 1 = solute 2 = solvent A = B = solvent (Tables 6.18 and 6.19) c = critical property I - i - interface (Section 1.2; Chapter 3) i = i - ith principal direction (Equation 1.39; 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