Stat 101 – Exam 1 February 8, 2008 Name: ________________________ Section: L INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully and completely. Answer each question and show work in the space provided. Partial credit will not be given if work is not shown. When asked to explain, describe, or comment, do so within the context of the problem. Be sure to include units when dealing with quantitative variables. 1. [18 pts] Short answer. a) [2] Statistics is about … _______________. (Fill in the blank with one word.) b) [5] A study is conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation. Every twentieth vehicle passing mile marker 160 on Interstate 80 in Iowa has its speed measured with a radar gun. In addition the type of vehicle: car, light truck, or heavy truck is noted. Answer the questions Who? and What? for this study. When answering the questions What? be sure to indicate the type of variable, Categorical or Numerical. c) [4] A small bed and breakfast has 5 rooms to rent by the night. The least expensive room is $100. The median price of rooms at the bed and breakfast is $100. The IQR of rooms at the bed and breakfast is $35 and the Range of room prices is $70. What is the average (mean) price of rooms at the bed and breakfast? In order to get credit you must show your work. d) [3] For a sample of 100 values, the distance from the minimum to the lower quartile is 1.8, the distance from the lower quartile to the median is 0.9, the distance from the median to the upper quartile is 0.4 and the distance from the upper quartile to the median is 0.1. Will the sample mean of the 100 values be smaller than, about equal to, or greater than the sample median of the 100 values? Explain briefly. 1 e) [4] Ty Cobb’s batting average in 1911 was 0.420 while Ted Williams’ batting average in 1941 was 0.406. For the decade 1911 to 1920, the mean batting average was 0.266 and the standard deviation was 0.0371. For the decade 1941 to 1950, the mean batting average was .267 and the standard deviation was 0.0326. Who had the higher standardized batting average, Ty Cobb or Ted Williams? Support your answer statistically. 2. [15 pts] The table below indicates the rank attained by males and females in the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Gender Female Male Total Officer 4281 21900 26181 Rank in NYPD Detective Sergeant 806 415 4058 3898 4864 4313 Higher Rank 111 1910 2021 Total 5613 31766 37379 a) [5] Answer the questions, Who? and What?. In answering the question What? be sure to indicate the type of variable, Categorical or Numerical. b) [2] What percentage of the NYPD is female? c) [3] Considering only females, what percentage of females in the NYPD are Sergeants? d) [5] On the next page is a Mosaic plot. Based on this plot, is there a difference between males and females in terms of the rank they attain in the NYPD? Explain your answer briefly. 2 1.00 4-Higher Ranks 3-Sergeant 2-Detective Rank 0.75 0.50 1-Officer 0.25 0.00 Female Male Gender 3. [12 pts] Environmental Protection Agency estimates of automobile fuel economy for highway driving appear to follow a Normal model with population mean μ=24.8 mpg and population standard deviation σ=6.2 mpg. a) [4] Draw the model for automobile fuel economy. Clearly label it showing what the 68-95-99.7 rule indicates about fuel economy mpg. b) [3] What percentage of automobiles will have fuel economy for highway driving less than 20.0 mpg? 3 c) [5] The EPA wants to designate the top 2% of automobiles as “highly fuel efficient” for highway driving. What fuel economy will an automobile have to get in order to earn the “highly fuel efficient” for highway driving designation? 3 .99 2 .95 .90 .75 .50 1 0 .25 .10 .05 .01 Normal Quantile Plot 4. [20 pts] A random sample of 35 Division 1 Women’s Basketball Teams was taken. The number of points the team scored in its last game was recorded. Refer to JMP output below. -1 -2 -3 10 6 4 Count 8 Stem 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 Leaf 0 6 11 688 112334 77889 03344 5568899 023 9 Count 1 1 2 3 6 5 5 7 3 1 8 1 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Score 2|8 represents 28 Quantiles 100.0% 75.0% 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% maximum quartile median quartile minimum Moments 90.0 73.0 67.0 58.0 28.0 Mean Std Dev N 65.4 12.2 35 4 a) [3] Describe the shape of the histogram. b) [2] What are the sample median score and sample mean score? c) [4] Are the values of the sample mean and sample median consistent with your description of the shape of the histogram in a)? Explain briefly. d) [2] How many sample values are within 1 standard deviation of the mean? e) [1] According to the box plot there is one potential outlier. What is the value of this potential outlier? f) [4] If the potential outlier is deleted (leaving a sample of 34 scores) what are the new sample median and sample mean? g) [4] If the potential outlier is deleted, could the remaining 34 scores have come from a population described by a Normal model? Support your answer by making reference to the Normal Quantile Plot. 5 5. [10 pts] An experiment is conducted to see if a high dose of a cholesterol-lowering drug (ZocorTM) is more effective than a low dose. The response variable is the change in cholesterol level. A negative value indicates that their cholesterol went down by that much. A positive value indicates that their cholesterol actually went up while taking the drug. Below are box plots for the two groups of 18 men that participated in the experiment. Change in Total Cholesterol Zocor Dose Low High -150 -100 -50 0 50 Change in Total Cholesterol a) [1] Describe the shape of the distribution of change in total cholesterol for the group that received the high dose. b) [3] Would you use the sample range to numerically summarize the spread of the low dose group? Explain briefly. c) [3] Give the approximate values for the sample medians for the high and low dose groups. According to this measure of center, which dose is more effective in lowering total cholesterol. Explain briefly. d) [3] Which group, high or low dose, exhibits more variation? Support your answer statistically. 6 Stat 101 – Exam 1 Name: ________________________ Things you should know for the first exam. Types of variables: Categorical and Numerical(Quantitative) Five number summary: Minimum, Lower Quartile, Median, Upper Quartile, Maximum. Range = Maximum – Minimum IQR = Upper Quartile – Lower Quartile Sample mean: y= (∑y) n (∑ ( y − y ) ) 2 Sample standard deviation: s = Standardized score: z= n −1 y−y s Normal model: 68% between μ − 1σ and μ + 1σ 95% between μ − 2σ and μ + 2σ 99.7% between μ − 3σ and μ + 3σ Use Table Z: z= y −μ σ y = μ + zσ I think I scored _________ out of 75 points on this exam. 7