EO 2014-15 Sponsored by:

EO 2014-15
An Executive Order for: Appointment of Barry Schintler to the Supreme Court
Sponsored by:
President Gartman
First Reading:
October 22, 2014
Presidential Action:______________________________________________________
Kevin Gartman- President
RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government is committed to serving
the needs of the student body at the University of Northern Iowa; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That the Northern Iowa Student Government Supreme
Court settles disputes with regards to the Northern Iowa Student Government
Constitution, By-laws, and Election Rules, and the Constitutions of other recognized
student organizations; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: That Barry Schintler has multiple years of experience in
multiple endeavors within the Northern Iowa Student Government and has pledged to
serve the students of the University as an impartial judge of integrity and honor; and
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED: that Barry Schintler is appointed to the Northern
Iowa Student Government Supreme Court.