High Resolution Optical Coherence Microscopy by Aaron Dominic Aguirre B.S.E., Electrical Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2000 Submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2003 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003 All rights reserved Signature of Author Department of Electr aI Engineering and Computer Science February 2003 Certified by Professor James G. Fujimoto Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Departient committee on Graduate Students MASSA CHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 12 2003 High-Resolution Optical Coherence Microscopy by Aaron Dominic Aguirre ABSTRACT Optical coherence microscopy (OCM) is a technique that combines the high transverse resolution of confocal microscopy with the coherence gated, heterodyne detection of optical coherence tomography. By combining confocal spatial rejection and coherence gating to remove unwanted scattered light from images, OCM can yield improved contrast and greater imaging depths than standard confocal microscopy. Real-time, in vivo OCM has been demonstrated for cellular imaging. To take full advantage of the improved axial sectioning provided by coherence gating, OCM systems must be designed to support large optical bandwidths available with femtosecond laser sources. Construction of real-time, broadband OCM imaging systems has previously been limited by the availability of high-speed, broadband phase modulators. Earlier work has used either a fiber-stretching piezoelectric modulator, which limits speed, or a waveguide electrooptic phase modulator, which limits the optical bandwidth of the system. Furthermore, waveguide devices are commercially available only at select wavelengths. This thesis discusses the demonstration of a novel, broadband OCM system that enables real time imaging of cellular structure in highly scattering tissue. The system integrates a high-resolution OCT system with a reflective grating phase delay modulator and a fast scanning confocal microscope. Grating phase delay scanners have been developed and demonstrated previously for high-speed OCT imaging and for phase modulation. The novel reflective geometry demonstrated here enables OCM imaging with large bandwidth, providing coherence gates of only a few micrometers. Moreover, the flexible OCM system design can readily be implemented at wavelengths that were previously inaccessible for OCM imaging. The broadband system is used to demonstrate a new operating regime for real-time, in vivo OCM imaging of cellular structure in human tissues. Combined coherence and confocal gating is shown to relax microscope design constraints imposed by confocal microscopy. In particular, a short coherence gate is used to enhance weak confocal sectioning, thereby enabling cellular imaging in situations when confocal microscopy alone would be inadequate. The results demonstrated offer promise for cellular imaging in clinical applications that require probe technology unsuitable for confocal imaging. As a first step toward such clinical applications of OCM, a compact handheld imaging probe is developed and demonstrated. Thesis Supervisor: James G. Fujimoto Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 3 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Professor James Fujimoto, for providing the guidance and the resources necessary to complete this work. His keen scientific insight, tireless attention to detail, and careful mentoring inspire me personally and professionally and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with him. I would also like to thank my colleagues in the Ultrafast Optics Group at MIT. Together they create an exciting and supportive environment for scientific research. This work could not have been completed without the technical support and friendship of several people. Pei-Lin Hsiung helped me to get started in the lab and worked closely with me on much of the system development. Her technical expertise made the work much easier and her optimism and sense of humor made it much more enjoyable. Tony Ko provided continued technical advice and support with software and system details and has become a trusted friend. His work ethic and selflessness are admirable. Stephane Bourquin provided much technical advice and will remain a close friend after our work together ends. Ingmar Hartl designed the electronic receiver and was a pleasure to work with during my first year in the group. Drew Kowalevicz and Rohit Prasankumar unselfishly provided help with laser alignment and have become good friends as well. The technical contributions and support of Paul Herz, Aurea Tucay, and Alphan Sennaroglu are also very much appreciated. I gratefully thank my friends from MIT and Harvard for providing the necessary diversions to keep me sane during the past two years. In particular, I acknowledge Joaquin Blaya, Jenny Mu, Kevin King, Roxanna Webber, and Todd Coleman for their support. I also thank all of my friends from Michigan, especially Axel Berny, Chethan Gangireddy, Gar Dewey, Nita Parekh, Sarah Dehaan, Seth Myers, and Vaishalee Padgaonkar. I endlessly thank my parents for all of their love and support. They have sacrificed so much for my brothers and me and I will always define myself by the things I learned from them. Finally, I thank my brothers Andy and Derek. They are my best friends and deserve special recognition for putting up with me while I wrote this thesis. To those who know... STBDFTBH 4 Contents Abstract.......................................................................................................................................3 A cknow ledgem ents .................................................................................................................... 4 Table of C ontents ....................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1: Introduction 9 1.1 M otivation ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 H igh R esolution Im aging in Tissue ........................................................................ 9 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 U ltrasound ...................................................................................................... Optical Coherence Tom ography ...................................................................... Confocal M icroscopy ...................................................................................... Tw o-Photon M icroscopy .................................................................................. 10 11 13 15 1.3 O ptical C oherence M icroscopy ............................................................................... 16 1.4 Previous W ork on O CM ........................................................................................... 19 1.5 Scope of Thesis .............................................................................................................. 21 R eferences .................................................................................................................................. 23 Chapter 2: Optical Coherence Microscopy 29 2.1 O verview ........................................................................................................................ 29 2.2 Scattering in Biological Tissues ............................................................................... 30 2.3 C onfocal M icroscopy ............................................................................................... 32 2.3.1 Im age Form ation in Confocal M icroscopes ................................................... 32 2.3.2 Lateral Response ............................................................................................. 37 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 A xial Response and Sectioning ..................................................................... Effect of Aberrations ...................................................................................... Effect of Finite Detector Size ........................................ 38 40 40 5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.5 44 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 Interferom eter Analysis ................................................................................... Coherence Gating ............................................................................................. Effect of Group Velocity Dispersion ............................................................. Detection Electronics ................... ......................................... Noise Sources............. ................ ......... ................ System Sensitivity . .... .... ......... ......... ...... Dual Balanced Detection ................. ...... ... ............. Combined Confocal and Coherence Gating ................. ........... R eferences 63 ................................... 64 Grating Conventions and Notation Phase and Group Delay Equations ............................... 65 Dispersion Compensation ....... ....................................................... 69 ............................. ........................ ..... 3.1 Overview .................................... 3.2 Requirements for In Vivo Cellular Imaging 3.3 Broadband Light Sources ..................... 73 ... ............................ 73 .......................... ................... 74 Semiconductor Superluminescent Diode Laser Source at 1300 nm. .......... 74 Modelocked Ti:A120 3 Femtosecond Laser Source at 800 nm .................. 75 Fiber Broadened Femtosecond Laser Sources at 1064 nm and 1250 nm ..... 77 Interferometer ............................................ 3.4.1 70............... 70 73 Chapter 3: OCM System Development and Characterization 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 53 Heterodyne Signal for Combined Gating......................... o ............... 53 54 Depth of Field and Transverse Resolution ............................................... Optical Coherence Microscopy for High Resolution Imaging ...... ........ 55 Path Length Scaling with Focal Position in Tissue .................... 57 Enhanced Gating Effects in Scattering Media ...... ............ ...... 58 Operating Regimes for OCM ........... . .................................... 60 Phase Delay Line Modulator ............................................ 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 3.4 41 41 Low Coherence Interferometry .............................................................................. 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.6 Fiber Optic Confocal M icroscopes ................................................................ Scanning Confocal Microscope Designs ....................................................... Spectral Transmission Measurements .................... 6 .................. . 78 ............. 78 Polarization Control ........................................................................................ 80 Reflective Grating Phase Modulator ...................................................................... 80 M odulator D esign .......................................................................................... M odulator Characterization ............................................................................ 81 83 Sample A rm O ptics ....................................................................................................... 85 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 M icroscope Objectives .................................................................................... Reflective Microscope Design for Finite Tube Length Objective .................. Close-Coupled Scan Design for Infinity Corrected Objective ........................ .......................... Performance Under Broadband Illumination .... Combined Gating Effects .......................................... Compact Handheld Imaging Probe ................................................................. 3.7 Receiver Specifications ...................................... 3.8 Image Acquisition and Processing 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 .... ........................................... 95 96 ................................... Timing and Synchronization ....................................... Softw are Interface .......................................................................................... Zipper Effects ............................ ... ............................................................... Sam pling Criterion ........................................................................................... 3.9 System Sensitivity M easurement ............................................................................... 3.10 Axial Resolution Measurement.............................................102 ...................... References ............................................... 85 86 88 92 93 94 97 98 99 99 100 ................ 105 107 Chapter 4: In Vivo Imaging Results .... ................. ............. ............. ......... ......................... 107 4.1 O verview .................... 4.2 Imaging of an Animal Model: Xenopus laevis Tadpole ........................ 107 4.3 In Vivo Imaging of Human Skin ............................................................................. 110 Exposure Limits for Microscopy .................................... Tissue Stabilization .............................................. Imaging with Short Coherence Gate .................................. Im aging Depth M easurem ent .............................................................................. 111 112 112 114 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 Preliminary Imaging Results with a Handheld Probe at 1300 nm .......................... 116 7 References .................................................................................................................................. Chapter 5: Summary and Future Work 8 118 121 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Advances in genetics and cell and molecular biology have both enabled and necessitated an understanding of human disease at the cellular and molecular levels. This has driven a corresponding desire to develop high-resolution medical imaging techniques that provide diagnostically useful information about the microscopic state of tissues. Excisional biopsy and subsequent histologic examination is the current standard for assessment and definitive diagnosis of disease at the cellular level [1]. Biopsy and histology, however, are invasive and sometimes high risk and therefore not conducive for widespread screening for early stage pathologies. Furthermore, histologic sectioning is time consuming and cannot provide real time analysis of tissue state. A need exists for minimally invasive, high-resolution imaging techniques that can provide real time information about tissue microstructure. A technique known as optical coherence microscopy (OCM) has potential to help address this problem. This thesis will discuss development of enabling technology for OCM and will assess the potential of this modality for in vivo imaging of human tissues. 1.2 High Resolution Imaging in Tissue Visualization of tissue microstructure requires imaging resolution that corresponds to the size scale of the structures themselves. Such whole body clinical imaging techniques as x-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide essential tools in assessing features as small as 500 um to 1 mm, but this resolution is not sufficient to image important cellular structure in tissue. The entire thickness of epithelial cell layers which coat the body's internal and external surfaces and cavities is not usually greater than a few hundred microns and can be as thin as a single cell layer. Individual healthy epithelial cells can vary in diameter from about 2 - 25 um with their nuclei typically only 50% or less of this dimension. Capillary blood vessels range in diameter from 3 um to about 30-40 um while small lymphatic vessels and glandular structures are not typically larger than a few hundred microns in dimension [2]. Research on high resolution CT and MRI techniques have improved resolution to a desirable scale in the lab, but these techniques are physically impractical for human tissue imaging. Research MRI machines capable of resolving structures smaller than 50 um require 414 Tesla magnets with prohibitively small bore sizes and are limited to long acquisition times to improve intrinsically poor signal-to-noise ratio [3-5]. Soft x-ray microscopy research has reached resolutions down to tens of nanometers, but this technique also suffers from restricted field of view and long image integration times [6]. Furthermore, x-ray techniques have the additional disadvantage of using ionizing radiation, making prolonged imaging of living biological specimens difficult [7]. Hence, development of modalities for fast imaging of tissue microstructural features has shifted to acoustic and optical techniques where resolution on the 9 order of the wavelength of emitted waves can be achieved with non-ionizing radiation. Progress in ultrasound imaging and in optical imaging has generated hope for a clinically useful, highresolution technique. 1.2.1 Ultrasound Ultrasound imaging is a direct, non-reconstructive form of imaging. A high-frequency acoustic wave is launched into tissue from a piezoelectric transducer and echo time delays of reflections from tissue scatterers are measured electronically. Lateral spatial resolution is determined by transducer focusing characteristics and is approximately equal to the acoustic beam width at the location of the scattering object. Beam width is determined by diffraction from the transducer geometry and scales with wavelength of the radiation. Hence, the lateral resolution improves with higher frequency sound. Axial gating in the direction of wave propagation is achieved by pulsing the source wave, and axial resolution is thereby determined by pulse width. Higher frequency sources allow for improved axial resolution as well, since shorter pulse durations are possible. A fundamental tradeoff exists between resolution and penetration depth, however, because tissue absorption increases with increased acoustic frequency [8]. Contrast in ultrasound images is a function of mechanical properties of tissue and the technique therefore offers a complementary set of information to optical imaging modalities. Ultrasound imaging generally requires contact of tissue through a mechanical index matching medium. Most clinical diagnostic ultrasound systems operate in the range of 2 to 10 MHz, with the lower portion of the range used when increased depth penetration is necessary. In most large patients, a frequency of 3.5 MHz is satisfactory while 5 or 7.5 MHz can often be used in thin patients or children. These frequencies typically provide depth penetration on the order of 10-20 cm with axial resolutions of 200 - 400 um. Lateral resolutions for clinical systems are around 2 - 4 mm [8]. These parameters are not sufficient for imaging cellular features, but they provide sufficient resolution and depth penetration for essential diagnostic applications in several disciplines. Real-time cardiac ultrasound is a standard technique for assessing indicators of contractile and valve function such as myocardial wall thickness and ejection fraction [9]. Ultrasound has also been applied extensively for monitoring fetal development in utero and for guidance of minimally invasive surgical procedures. Furthermore, endoscopic ultrasound is recognized as a potentially important tool for the diagnosis and staging of esophageal, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, and biliary tumors [10]. High-frequency ultrasound between 20 and 100 MHz has offered improved imaging of tissue and cellular microstructure. At 30 MHz, axial and lateral resolutions of about 60 um and 250 um respectively can be achieved, while extension to 100 MHz provides resolutions down to 19 um axial and 60 um lateral. Penetration depths for these systems are limited to 4-6 mm depending on the tissue type [11]. Clinical applications to date have included ocular, skin, intravascular, gastrointestinal, and cartilage imaging. In addition, high-frequency ultrasound has been suggested as a tool for experimental work in developmental biology and in tumor biology [12]. Systems for imaging the anterior segment of the eye and for intravascular imaging (IVUS) have shown particular promise and commercially available models are gaining acceptance in clinical practice [13, 14]. Despite some successes of high-frequency ultrasound, resolution and contrast are to date insufficient for imaging of cellular structure in dense tissues. As such, the goal of 10 creating a real-time ultrasound biopsy tool to supplement optical histology for early disease diagnosis remains largely unfulfilled. 1.2.2 Optical Coherence Tomography Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a recently developed imaging modality that uses broadband light sources and low-coherence interferometry to generate high-resolution cross sectional images of tissue microstructure [15]. OCT generates images by mapping optical backscatter as a function of depth and transverse position. Because the propagation speed of light is much faster than photodetector response times, pulse echo time delays cannot be measured electronically as in ultrasound. To measure backscatter, OCT systems instead use a fundamentally different technique based on a device called a Michelson interferometer to extract time delays. Figure 1.2 illustrates the principle of low-coherence interferometry with a Michelson interferometer. Light from a source is divided into a scanning reference path and a sample path. The backscattered light probing the sample is recombined with the reference path light at a photodetector to produce interference fringes. If the light source is monochromatic, interference is seen over a wide range of reference arm path lengths. If a broadband light source is used, however, interference will only be seen when the reference arm path matches the sample path to within the coherence length of the light source. This coherence length determines the size of the sample volume probed and hence the axial resolution of the OCT system. The coherence length of the light source varies inversely with the bandwidth of the source. Increasing the wavelength range of the source therefore reduces the duration of the coherence gate and provides increased axial sectioning capability [16]. Am Reference BS Sample Source Long Coherence Length Alc AM Detector Short Coherence Length Alc < Am Figure 1.1. Schematic illustrating the principle of coherence gating. A Michelson interferometer is used to combine light from the sample with light passing through a scanning reference path. For broadband light sources, interference is seen only when the reference path length matches the sample path length to within the coherence length of the light source. 11 Scanning the reference arm path length and plotting the envelope of the interference as a function of this path length generates a map of the backscattered light intensity from the sample. To generate two-dimensional images, the sample is translated with respect to the incident beam or the incident beam is scanned across the sample. Typical transverse image dimensions are 3-4 mm. A schematic describing the generation of an OCT image is provided in Figure 1.2. Standard clinical OCT uses a superluminescent diode laser source and provides cross-sectional imaging with 10-15 um axial and transverse resolution [17]. High-resolution OCT using modelocked lasers can achieve 1-2 um axial resolution and 5-10 um transverse resolution [18-21]. Transverse Scanning Backscattered Intensity Axial Position (Depth) 2D Grey Scale or False Color Image of Optical Backscattering Figure 1.2. Description of the formation of an OCT image. The backscattered intensity is mapped as a function of depth. A two-dimensional image is formed by translating the incident beam with respect to the sample or vice versa. Contrast in OCT is generated by inhomogeneities in tissue scattering properties and changes in refractive index. As in ultrasound, there exists a tradeoff between resolution and penetration depth in OCT images. Higher frequency (shorter wavelength) optical radiation enables improved resolution at the cost of lower penetration. Use of near-infrared wavelengths between 800nm and 1300nm has enabled OCT image penetration depths of 2-3 mm [17]. In addition to source wavelength, the penetration depth in OCT images depends on system sensitivity and incident power. Interferometric detection is an implementation of optical heterodyne detection, whereby the electric field of a very weak reflection from the sample is measured through comparison with a strong reference field. Typical system sensitivities to reflected signals of -90 to -100 dB can be achieved. With incident power for in vivo imaging in highly-scattering tissues restricted by laser safety exposure limits to between 5 -20 mW, signals around 101 W are respresented in OCT images [22]. Commercially available fiber optic components from the telecommunications industry have provided a strong base of technology for OCT systems. Development of specific OCT technology has focused on broadband light sources, high speed scanners, and novel delivery devices [18-21, 23-29]. The creation of real-time imaging systems and non-contact, minimally 12 invasive imaging probes has enabled investigation of a number of clinical applications in ophthalmology [30-35], cardiology [36-40], gastroenterology [41-47], urology [48, 49], and dermatology [48-51]. As in high-frequency ultrasound, the greatest successes to date have been in ophthalmology and cardiology. Commercialized OCT systems have been tested at several sites and there appears to be well-defined diagnostic indications for the technology. In other highly scattering tissues, however, the task of identifying and grading early stage disease has been more difficult. Assessment of early dysplastic changes with OCT remains an important and open challenge. While there is some indication that this can be achieved at the level of tissue morphology, in many cases it appears that cellular-level diagnostics are required. Cellular imaging with ultrahigh-resolution OCT has been demonstrated in the semi-transparent tissues of the Xenopus laevis tadpole [52], but clinical imaging of cellular structure in highly scattering human tissues with OCT has not yet been achieved. 1.2.3 Confocal Microscopy Confocal microscopy was first proposed by Marvin Minsky in the late 1950s and patented by him in 1961 [53]. Inspired by a frustrating experience imaging densely packed neurons during his doctoral thesis work, Minsky sought a technique that could collect light from each individual point of the specimen, ignoring unwanted scattered light [54]. His elegant solution was a microscope that uses pinhole apertures to block unwanted light from the detector. Figure 1.3 illustrates the basic principle of confocal microscopy in reflection geometry [55-57]. A point source illuminates a sample plane through a focusing objective lens. The in-plane backscattered light is recollected by the objective lens and focused through the point detector. Unwanted scattered light from outside the focal plane is also recollected by the objective, but this light is defocused at the detector and is therefore minimally detected. The spatial discrimination against out of focus scattered light is known as confocal gating. Focal Plane Object out of focus Scattering Object i L - - - L2 --- P Figure 1.3. Illustration of the principle of confocal microscopy. Confocal detection allows rejection of scattered light from out of the focal plane because this light is defocused at the point detector. 13 The combination of focused illumination and spatially filtered detection reduces blurring, increases effective resolution, and improves contrast through improved signal to noise ratio [58]. The transverse resolution varies inversely with the numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens, and the axial sectioning capability of the confocal microscope varies inversely with the square of the NA. Hence, image quality in scattering objects depends strongly on the use of high magnification, high-numerical aperture objectives. With such lenses, confocal systems can achieve 1-3 urn axial sectioning capability and better than 1 um transverse resolution. To generate an image in two dimensions, several scanning approaches have been demonstrated, including sample scanning, objective scanning, and beam scanning [56]. The use of laser sources marked a major development in confocal microscopy [59, 60] and enabled high speed, high resolution point scanning systems at multiple wavelengths. In contrast to OCT, the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) samples an en face scan plane. Figure 1.4 compares cross-sectional and enface imaging planes. Transverse X Transverse X DEPTH PRIORITY EN FACE Incident Incident Beam Beam -~-- ~~~~~ - z Axial ~~ (Range Depth) y z Axia l ~~ (Range Depth) , y Figure 1.4. Schematic comparing scanning modalities for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). OCT uses depth scanning to form cross-sectional images. CLSM uses transverse scanning to form enface images. A second classification of scanning confocal microsopes is known as the Tandem Scanning Microscope (TSM) [61] and its development has proceeded in parallel with laser point scanning systems. TSM systems typically use arc lamp light sources and provide real-time, direct view imaging by scanning the object and image planes in tandem through a perforated rotating disk known as a Nipkow disk. They offer high-speed scan rates but generally suffer from poor light efficiency as well as mechanical and optical complexity. In vivo imaging of unstained tissues using confocal microscopy was first demonstrated using tandem scanning systems in the cornea of a frog [62]. Extension of TSM systems to human skin provided exciting, high-resolution images of cellular features at varying depths through the epidermis [63, 64]. Shortly after, the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) was demonstrated for in vivo cellular imaging of human tissues [65]. Advances in instrumentation and design led to the development of video-rate CLSM systems capable of reliable imaging in clinical applications [65-67]. These systems offer high power illumination and extension to deeper penetrating wavelengths in the near infrared. Operating at wavelengths of 800 nm and 1064 nm, the systems provide lateral resolution of 0.5 - 1 um and axial sectioning capacity of 3 5 um. Results of CSLM imaging of human skin [67-71] and oral mucosa [72] have demonstrated capability to explore normal and pathologic cellular features in vivo with 14 impressive correlation of confocal images with histology. Commercial versions of the CSLM imaging system now offer new tools for clinical diagnostic applications in dermatology and other specialties where open access to tissue specimens is possible. In principle, confocal microscopy uses focused illumination and spatially filtered detection to isolate the single-backscattered component of reflected light from tissue. The image penetration depth is limited by the ratio of signal to background. Background is determined by the amount of light entering the finite-sized pinhole from outside the focal volume and the amount of multiply scattered light that is channeled into the collection volume. In practice, this background level presents severe limits on the achievable imaging depth and contrast in highly scattering tissue [73]. Confocal sectioning is weaker than the exponential scattering character observed in tissue, and the isolation of the single-backscattered component is therefore quickly outstripped by extinction of the incident light. Moreover, unlike OCT which isolates reflected light according to path length, confocal microscopy has no intrinsic way to remove multiple-scattered light from the detected signal. As a result, the most optimized CSLM systems operating at maximum safe exposure levels have been limited to imaging depths below 300 - 500 um in human skin and oral mucosa [66]. This penetration depth is sufficient only for imaging of epithelial layers in certain areas of the skin and gastrointestinal tract, and limits the applicability of CSLM systems for widespread in vivo clinical application. The utility of CSLM systems for clinical application is also currently limited by a lack of miniaturized probe technology. The requirement of high quality, high numerical aperture objectives makes miniaturization difficult. Typical CSLM systems use bulky, multi-element lenses and 2-3 times overfilling of the lenses to achieve adequate sectioning. Design of equivalent optical systems smaller than the 3-5 mm diameter endoscope ports is a daunting task that limits CSLM imaging to primarily surface tissues. Development of fiber optic CSLM systems, miniaturized lenses, and micromechanical scanning technology has progressed in recent years and promises to make CSLM a more complete tool for clinical applications in the future [74-78]. To improve upon the imaging depth and contrast of confocal microscopy in highly scattering tissue and to relax design criteria for miniaturized probes, the investigation of alternate, enhanced sectioning techniques is of prime importance in optical diagnostics research. Two photon microscopy and optical coherence microscopy are two such techniques that offer unique improvements over confocal microscopy for optical biopsy. 1.2.4 Two-Photon Microscopy The physical principal behind two-photon excitation microscopy is the simultaneous absorption of two infrared photons by a chromophore that induces an electronic transition normally requiring an ultraviolet photon. The energy transition is bridged by two photons of half the gap energy rather than a single photon of adequate energy. The theoretical foundation for the effect was described by Maria Goppert-Mayer in 1931 and was applied for high-resolution microscopy by Denk and Webb in 1990 [79]. As in confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy illuminates tissue with infrared light focused through high-numerical aperture microscope objectives to micron spots in tissue. The infrared light is absorbed through a twophoton process by endogenous fluorophores in the tissue, which then reemit the energy as incoherent fluorescence light. The fluorescence is collected by the illuminating objective and 15 spectrally separated from the longer wavelength excitation light before being detected with a photomultiplier tube. An image is formed by raster scanning either the sample or the beam as is done in confocal microscopes. Typical two photon systems for tissue imaging use Titanium Sapphire mode-locked lasers to produce excitation wavelengths between 700 - 900 nm and collect fluorescence emission in the range of 400 - 600 nm contributed by abundant biomolecules such as NADH, NADPH, and flavoproteins. Video rate two-photon microscopes similar to CSLM systems have been realized [80]. The two-photon excitation probability is significantly less than the one-photon probability and appreciable two-photon absorption occurs only at the focal point, a region of high temporal and spatial concentration of photons. High spatial concentration results from high numerical aperture focusing into the tissue. High temporal concentration of photons is achieved using high peak power mode-locked lasers. Due to the precisely localized two-photon effect in the tissue, pinholes are not required for spatially filtered detection as in confocal microscopy. Substantial fluorescence occurs only from the focal volume and can be detected uniquely at the fluorescence emission wavelength. Two-photon fluorescence intensity depends quadratically upon the excitation photon flux, which decreases rapidly away from the focal plane. The precise depth discrimination provided by two-photon microscopy enables powerful 3D cellular imaging capability to depths not possible with standard confocal microscopy [81]. Preliminary imaging of mouse skin ex vivo and human skin in vivo provides some of the highest quality cellular images of unstained skin to date [82, 83]. Additionally, the two-photon technique is intrinsically sensitive to biochemical information since the fluorescence emission bandwidth can be resolved into contributions from various fluorophores. This opens up possibility for functional as well as structural imaging at the cellular level. Unfortunately, two-photon microscopy has limitations that make it practically difficult to implement for clinical applications. First, as with confocal microscopy, the optical design requirements are severe. High numerical aperture objectives are needed to produce tiny focal volumes. Additionally, the need for delivering femtosecond laser pulses to the tissue prevents use of fiber optics, which will disperse the pulse and reduce peak power. These constraints make development of miniaturized probes difficult. Second, the high peak-power of femtosecond laser pulses, while enhancing the two-photon effect, also presents a potential for photo-induced tissue damage from one photon absorption in the tissue volume. Even the levels used for deep tissue imaging in previously published in vivo human skin studies are possibly beyond maximum permissible exposure limits. 1.3 Optical Coherence Microscopy Optical coherence microscopy (OCM) is a technique which combines the coherence-gated, heterodyne detection of optical coherence tomography (OCT) with the high transverse-resolution of confocal microscopy. Figure 1.5 compares the focusing regimes of optical coherence tomography and optical coherence microscopy. Optical coherence tomography systems typically use relatively low numerical aperture focusing optics in order to preserve depth of field over the length of the image depth scan. Optical coherence microscopy by contrast uses high numerical aperture optics to provide small focal spots. Because the depth of field is severely restricted when focusing tightly, OCM generally scans an en face imaging plane similar to confocal microscopy. 16 Low NA High NA z b + 4--dx b - dx Figure 1.5. Illustration of focusing characteristics used for OCT and OCM. OCT systems operate with a relatively low numerical aperture to preserve depth of field over the range of the image depth. OCM systems use high numerical aperture optics to provide small focal spot sizes. Note that the axial coherence gating is set by the characteristics of the light source and is independent of the focusing optics. OCM systems are typically modified OCT systems. They consist of a Michelson interferometer with a confocal microscope in the sample arm. Rather than scanning path length in the reference arm, the path length is set to match the distance to the focus of the sample arm and the reference light is phase modulated to provide an oscillating interference signal at the detector. The systems offer the advantage of highly specific and sensitive optical heterodyne detection together with nearly an order of magnitude improvement in lateral resolution over conventional OCT systems. The heterodyne detection process alone, regardless of the low coherence gating effect, provides enhanced detection of small signals and improved rejection of out of plane scattered light as compared to confocal microscopy [84]. Heterodyne detection is sensitive to the amplitude rather than the intensity of the reflected light, and it provides optical amplification via a reference arm signal to effectively increase the detectable level of small reflections. Furthermore, heterodyne detection is phase sensitive detection. Since unwanted scattered light within the confocal window loses coherence, there is some degree of rejection of this light from the detection process itself. Incorporation of broadband light sources in a heterodyne microscope provides path length gating. The combination of spatial discrimination from the confocal gate with path length discrimination from the coherence gate provides improved axial sectioning against unwanted scattered light from outside of the focal plane [85]. The effective axial point spread function from coherence gating depends on the source spectral shape. For a typical Gaussian spectrum used in OCT, the axial PSF will also approach a Gaussian function of distance from the object plane. This sectioning character is stronger than the exponential extinction of incident light and is stronger than the spatial discrimination provided by the confocal gate alone. Additionally, coherence gating provides path length selectivity against image-degrading multiply scattered 17 light that is not provided by confocal gating [73]. Figure 1.6 demonstrates the improved axial sectioning of a coherence gated microscope. These enhanced sectioning qualities can yield improved contrast and greater imaging depths than standard confocal microscopy [85]. Unlike confocal microscopy, in optical coherence microscopy the axial sectioning can be separated from the transverse resolution. Using broadband laser sources, the coherence gate can be set independently of the focusing optics. This principal may be used to relax design constraints on probe technology for clinical applications. In confocal microscopy, the axial sectioning is critically dependent on high quality, high numerical aperture focusing optics. 0~ -10-000.-40CD Confocal -0 -50- Confocal + FDnc -70- Coherence Gate '-80- -90- ,,, -100 -ii -200 -100 100 0 Distance (pmn) 200 Figure 1.6. Demonstration of improvement in axial sectioning with combined confocal and coherence gating compared with confocal gating alone. Enhanced rejection of out of plane scattered light can improve image contrast and imaging depth achievable with confocal microscopy alone. Plots reproduced with permission from reference [85]. The axial sectioning ability degrades as the inverse of the square of the numerical aperture. The transverse resolution, however, degrades only as the inverse of the numerical aperture, not its square [55]. Because of the weaker loss of transverse resolution with reduced numerical aperture, there may exist a region of numerical aperture where the transverse resolution is sufficient for cellular imaging but the axial resolution is not. Combining coherence gated sectioning from ultra-broadband light sources can provide the necessary axial resolution independent of the probe optics and may therefore enable cellular imaging with fiber optic probe designs that would be insufficient for confocal microscopy alone. Figure 1.7 illustrates the anticipated niche for optical coherence microscopy among other clinically available imaging modalities. All techniques displayed suffer from generally poor intrinsic signal contrast in tissue when compared to histologic analysis of stained tissues. With no other currently available methods, however, these techniques offer the best short term hope for in vivo, real time assessment of tissue microstructure. OCM has potential to extend and improve the high-resolution capability of confocal microscopy to depths approaching 1 mm or more. A reliable tool for visualizing cellular structure at such depths could find applications in cancer diagnostics and surgical pathology as well as in basic in vivo investigations of such processes as inflammation and wound healing. In cancer progression, for example, the invasion of malignant epithelial cells through the basement membrane separating the epithelium from the 18 underlying stroma and connective tissue is an important prognostic finding. The ability to assess the presence and extent of invasion in vivo and in real time would be an important advance in early disease detection and staging. Furthermore, in organs such as kidney and spleen, a tough fibrous capsule surrounds the parenchyma. Imaging through this capsule is difficult with confocal techniques and may be extended with coherence imaging modalities. 1 mm Standard Clinical 0 ULTRASOUN Z 0 High Frequency 0 OPTICAL COHERENCE 1 ptm 'OPTICAL TOMOGRAPHY A COHERENCE MICROSCOPY CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY 100 pm 1 mm 1 cm 10 cm IMAGE PENETRATION (log) Figure 1.7. Schematic comparison of high resolution techniques for imaging tissue microstructure. Optical coherence microscopy has potential for extending the high transverse resolution of confocal microscopy to depths approaching that of optical coherence tomography. 1.4 Previous Work on OCM The concept of optical heterodyne imaging was proposed by Korpel and Whitman in 1963 [86] and the optical heterodyne scanning microscope was then demonstrated in 1973 by Sawatari [87]. Sawatari's bulk optical system used a continuous wave Helium-Neon laser source for illumination of the sample and an acoustic beam deflector operating at 70 MHz to produce a beat frequency in the interference. Optical heterodyne imaging requires phase coherent wavefront alignment between reference and sample arm beams at the detector, which translates into directional selectivity similar to confocal imaging. The heterodyned confocal microscope provides near shot noise limited detection, rejection of incoherent background light, and access to phase information about the sample. Optical heterodyne reflectometry with low coherence light was first demonstrated for fault measurement in fiber optics [88, 89] and applied shortly after for measurement and imaging in the eye [15, 90, 91]. Izatt et. al introduced the combination of low coherence interferometry with the optical heterodyne scanning microscope as optical coherence microscopy in 1994 [85]. Izatt's system used a 20x, 0.4 NA objective lens, a fiber optic Michelson interferometer and a 19 superluminescent diode with 30 nm bandwidth centered at 830 nm. This setup provided a coherence gate of 18um and a confocal gate of 22 um. Phase modulation in the reference arm was performed with a fiber stretching piezo-electric device, which produced less than 1 um of path length variation. Images were generated by raster scanning a sample under the microscope with slow scanning stages. Imaging results of a polymer microsphere suspension were used to verify a single scattering model and to demonstrate potential for imaging up to several hundred micrometers deep or between 2-3 times the depth of standard confocal microscopy. Kempe and Rudolph demonstrated similar enhancement of axial sectioning and image contrast in a microsphere scattering model using a bulk interferometer system and Ti:Sapphire solid state laser source [84, 92]. Izatt applied his system design for OCM imaging in human gastrointestinal tissue at 1300 nm [93]. A superluminescent diode with 47 nm bandwidth centered at 1299 nm provided a coherence gate of 15.9 um. The confocal gate and transverse resolution using a 40X, 0.65 NA objective were 5 um and 1.9 um respectively. Phase modulation was performed with a piezoelectric stack at 1.64 kHz. Better than 95 dB sensitivity was achieved with 140 uW on the sample. The system allowed visualization of epithelial cells at depths greater than 500 um in the colonic mucosa, clearly demonstrating range of penetration in tissue superior to confocal microscopy alone. Schmitt demonstrated a novel technique for generating high-resolution OCT cross-sectional images in human skin by scanning the reference arm together with the sample arm on a slow scanning stage [94]. The technique helped to compensate the relative slip of the confocal and coherence gates that occurs when focusing deep into tissue and removed the depth of field limitation encountered in standard OCT scanning modes. Lexer et al. extended this concept of focus-tracking to higher speeds with demonstration of a dynamic coherent focus method whereby a galvanometer mirror in the sample illumination path was used to scan the focus depth in the sample [95]. This technique was demonstrated for moderate speed of 1 image per second with a transverse resolution of 5 um. The setup uses a bulk interferometer and three scanning mirrors in the sample path, making design of fiber optic miniaturized probes with this technique unlikely. Broadband operation of this system has also not been demonstrated. Several approaches have been pursued for the development of fast-scanning en face OCM systems. Podoleanu et al. used a Newton rings sampling function to acquire en face images of the human retina [96-98]. Spatial resolution of 6 um and image acquisition rates up to several frames per second. Performance equivalent to confocal microscopes has not been demonstrated with this system design. Furthermore, the technique decodes images based on quasimonochromatic light source assumptions, making its utility for broadband coherence imaging uncertain. Beaurepaire et al. demonstrated the principal of full-field optical coherence microscopy using a parallel detection technique [99]. With a spatially incoherent source, speckle-free images with diffraction limited resolution were acquired without scanning. A special Michelson objective lens illuminated the sample and a photoelastic modulator provided path difference modulation. The system suffers from complex optical design requirements and has not been demonstrated for use in fiber optic delivery devices. Westphal et al. demonstrated a fast point-scanning OCM system similar to commercial confocal microscope designs for cellular imaging in human skin [100]. En face images were demonstrated with 5 um axial sectioning and better than 2 um lateral resolution to depths of 600 um. The setup used a high power broadband superluminescent diode laser source centered at 20 1310 nm with 67 nm bandwidth, providing a coherence gate of about 12 um. A commercial electro-optic phase modulator provided the heterodyne beat signal for detection and fast resonant galvanometer scanners were used to achieve up to 8 frames per second imaging capability. The system suffered from relatively low system sensitivity of 76 dB and bandwidth limitations imposed by the phase modulator. 1.5 Scope of Thesis Development of high-resolution, high-speed OCM imaging systems is an important area of research toward the creation of an optical biopsy tool for in vivo clinical applications. To take full advantage of the improved axial sectioning provided by coherence gating, OCM systems should be designed to support large optical bandwidths available with femtosecond laser sources. Construction of real-time, broadband OCM imaging systems has previously been limited by the availability of high-speed, broadband phase modulators. Earlier work has used either a fiberstretching piezoelectric modulator, which limits speed, or a waveguide electro-optic phase modulator, which limits the optical bandwidth of the system. Furthermore, waveguide devices are commercially available only at select wavelengths. This thesis discusses the demonstration of a novel, broadband OCM system that enables real time imaging of cellular structure in highly scattering tissue. The system integrates a high-resolution OCT system with a reflective grating phase delay modulator and a fast scanning confocal microscope. Grating phase delay scanners have been developed and demonstrated previously for high speed OCT imaging and for phase modulation [101, 102]. The novel reflective geometry demonstrated here enables OCM imaging with large bandwidth, providing coherence gates of only a few micrometers. Moreover, the flexible OCM system design can readily be implemented at wavelengths that were previously inaccessible for OCM imaging. The broadband OCM system is used to demonstrate a new operating regime for real-time, in vivo imaging of cellular structure in human tissues. Combined coherence and confocal gating is shown to relax microscope design constraints imposed by confocal microscopy. In particular, a short coherence gate is used to enhance weak confocal sectioning, thereby enabling cellular imaging in situations when confocal microscopy alone would be inadequate. The results demonstrated offer promise for cellular imaging in clinical applications that require probe technology unsuitable for confocal imaging. The remainder of this thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter 2 describes the underlying principles of optical coherence microscopy. Analyses of confocal microscopy and low coherence interferometry are individually presented and then combined to describe OCM image formation. The effects of combined confocal and coherence gating are discussed to develop an understanding of OCM operating regimes for in vivo imaging. In addition, the theory of operation of the grating phase modulator is provided. Chapter 3 discusses development and characterization of the broadband OCM system. Design constraints for in vivo imaging are described followed by individual discussions and measurements of the system components. 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Backreflected light from the two arms is recombined at dual balanced photodetectors to produce a heterodyne interference signal, which is then amplified, filtered, and demodulated. The demodulated signal is digitized and displayed on a computer screen. Dual balanced detection is employed to eliminate excess common mode laser noise on the reference and sample arms. Polarization controllers in both sample and reference arms ensure electric field alignment for maximum interference. Broadband Light Source Grating Phase Delay Modulator Polarization Control 50/50 D1 Detection 50/50 Electronics Polarization Control I D2 Computer -S-VHS Moitor Recorder IScanning Function Generator Galvo F n Controllers Figure 2.1. imaging. Confocal *Microscope X d -00'modulator Schematic of broadband optical coherence microscopy system for in vivo This chapter provides background theory of operation of the OCM system and discusses important design criteria and principles of OCM image formation in biological tissues. Section 2.2 relates the parameters used to describe the optical properties of tissue and provides a simple 29 picture of the scattering processes that generate the image signal. Sections 2.3 and 2.4 discuss important principles of confocal microscopy and low coherence interferometry and section 2.5 combines these principles to describe image formation and operating regimes for OCM. Finally, section 2.6 discusses operation of the grating phase delay line used in the OCM system to generate the heterodyne signal. 2.2 Scattering in Biological Tissues Biological tissues consist of a network of cells, vessels, and other structures suspended in a mesh of collagen and elastin fibers. For optical imaging, this translates to a sample with turbulent refractive index variations that distort the spatial and temporal coherence of the sample beam [1]. A number of different scattering processes are at work in dense biological tissues. These are illustrated schematically in figure 2.2, excerpted from published work by Schmitt [2]. Source Reference Detector E,' (gt) Er (PLt) f(Fr *(Pt+,I) E,' pt) d2p ( Single backscatter Wide-angle scatter 00 Phase-front distortion by 0 large-scale index variations Low-angle multiple scatter 0 00 0 00 Illustration of important scattering processes in dense biological tissues. Figure 2.2. Excerpted from reference [2] For imaging microstructure, it is desirable to isolate the single backscattered component of light returning from tissue. This component, however, is obscured by multiply scattered light arising from above and below the focal plane. Axial sectioning techniques provided by confocal microscopy and by low-coherence interferometry offer ways of reducing the amount of multiply scattered light that contributes to the image signal. Because of the complex heterogeneity in tissue, full application of electromagnetic theory to analytically describe propagation and scattering is impractical. Simple models of biological tissues treat them as suspensions of discrete objects for which the analytical scattering solution is available. Typically, spherical scatterers are assumed so that Mie theory can be applied [3-5]. Numerical simulations based on Monte Carlo and finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods have also been used to analyze scattering from more complex models of cells and their environment [6, 7]. The preferred description of light propagation in biological tissue, however, 30 abandons analytic approaches in favor of radiative transport theory [8, 9]. Transport theory allows a simple description of propagation based on absorption and scattering coefficients that define energy loss through the medium. The absorption and scattering coefficients, p, and p, respectively, are grouped into a total total attenuation coefficient given by P, = Pa + Ps (2.1) The transmittance T of tissue can then be described as an exponentially decaying function of depth into the medium, where the rate of decay is set by the total attenuation coefficient. This is typically known as Beer's law. T = e-"a (2.2) The absorption and scattering coefficients are in units of inverse meters m-1 . They can be used to define a normalized unit of depth called the transport mean free path 1, given by it = 1 (2.3) Pt The near infrared (NIR) wavelength range of 600 nm to 1300 nm is known as the "therapeutic window" because absorption is relatively smaller than in the ultraviolet or the far infrared. Weak absorption allows deeper penetration into tissue, leading to greater imaging depths. For this reason in vivo imaging techniques are designed for operation with NIR wavelengths. Furthermore, scattering itself varies inversely with wavelength meaning that the far edge of the therapeutic window provides optimum penetration depth. The penetration at 1300 nm is more than two times greater than the penetration at 800 nm. Most optical coherence tomography systems for deep tissue imaging therefore use wavelengths around 1300 nm [10]. 31 2.3 Confocal Microscopy Confocal microscopes provide sectioning ability in scattering media. A point source illuminates a sample plane through a focusing objective lens. The in-plane backscattered light is recollected by the lens and focused through the point detector. Unwanted scattered light from outside the focal plane is also recollected by the objective, but this light is defocused at the detector and is therefore minimally detected. The spatial discrimination against out-of-plane scattered light is known as confocal gating. Figure 2.2 illustrates this principle as it is typically implemented in a reflection mode confocal laser scanning confocal microscope. Lens -- ' '-.. Beam Splitter... Source -. -. i ---. '-.Plane r.-- Focal Detector Figure 2.2. Typical setup for confocal laser scanning microscopes in reflection mode. A beam splitter divides the optical setup into illumination and detection paths. This section discusses important background analysis and principles of confocal microscopy helpful for understanding the role that the sample arm confocal microscope plays in OCM image formation. 2.3.1 Image Formation in Confocal Microscopes Application of vector diffraction theory based on Huygen's principle can be applied to obtain the full electromagnetic field solution at the detector. This approach is tedious and has been approached elsewhere [11, 12]. Simpler descriptions of the response of the confocal microscope follow a Fourier optics approach deriving from scalar diffraction theory. We assume a linearly polarized electric field written as A E(r,t) = n V/ (r)ejcot A A (2.4) A where ig(r) is a complex number and r = x x + y y + z z is the position vector in three-dimesional space. As Haus notes, this is not strictly legitimate due to the requirement for the divergence of the electric field to equal zero in free space [13]. Often this point is ignored for simplicity and will be done here. The scalar field y(r) satisfies the scalar wave equation 32 (V 2 + k 2 )V/(r) = 0 (2.5) where the wave propagation vector k satisfies the dispersion relation given as k 2 =k p2 2+kk2 (2.6) In the paraxial limit, k is inclined by a small angle with respect to the axis of propagation, assumed to be the z axis here. Following Haus, the paraxial restriction is written [13] k 2 -k,-k'Y =k- k= k+k x 2k (2.7) ' Under this approximation, the scalar field qj(r) can be written as f(x, y, z)= U(x, y, z)e-kz (2.8) with the u(x,y,z) defined by a superposition of plane waves with amplitude distribution u(x,y,z) = jdkjdkUo(k, ~j kY) i(k+k)1/2k]z (2.9) Setting z = 0, it becomes clear that the function Uo(ks,k,)is the Fourier transform of the amplitude distribution of the field Vg(x, y, z) at z = 0. Taking the inverse Fourier transform of (2.9) with respect to x and y at z = 0 one obtains U0 (k,,)= dxo 2 f dy0u0 (x0 , y0 )e"(kxxo+kYO) (2.10) where (x 0 , yo) are the coordinates in the x-y plane at z = 0. Introduction of (2.10) into (2.9) and simplification of the integrals yields the Fresnel diffraction integral in the paraxial approximation .00 C0 f dxO dyOU 0(x0 , y 0 )e u(xyZ) Az 00 = 0 +(YYo )2 /k2z)[(x-xo )2 (2.11) h(x, y, z)0uO (x, y) The field at an arbitrary location (x,y,z) can therefore be expressed as a convolution of the field at location z = 0 with the Fresnel kernel, defined as 33 h(x,y,z)= J e -jk[(X2.,+>Y2 AZ (2.12) 1z By the convolution theorem of Fourier transforms, the distribution can likewise be expressed in the frequency domain as a product of the transform of the Fresnel kernel with the transform of the field amplitude distribution at z = 0. (2.13) U(k,, k,, z) = (2Zf) 2 H(kx,k,, z)U 0 (k,,k,) with (2.14) 12 ej[(k 2+k>/2k]z H(kx,k,,z)= (2z)2 The Fresnel kernel defines the action of propagation through a region of free space. A similar transformation can be defined for other optical elements, such as slabs of material and lenses. Propagation through a thin lens can be described as multiplication by a complex factor defined as j l(x, y) = P(x, y)e 2 2 k (X +Y 2 (2.15) where P(x, y) is the pupil function of the lens and the complex exponential represents a parabolic (x,y) - dependent phase delay [14]. The pupil function P(x, y) is in general a complex function describing the physical extent of the lens, the transmissivity, and any aberrations introduced. The focal distance f characterizes the lens and is familiar from the lens law of elementary optics, which relates the object distance do to the image distance d,. 1 = 1+f do (2.16) d, These results can be applied for analysis of the response of a confocal microscope. Figure 2.3 illustrates the optical geometry for analyzing image formation of u,(x,y) from object field u (x, y). u0 (x,y) u(x,y) 14-- UL(X,Y) di -1 d10- Figure 2.3. Schematic geometry for image formation by a lens. 34 u(X,y) Expressed in convolution form, the image field u, (x, y) can be written u, (x, y) = h(x, y, d1 ) 0 {l(x, y) [h(x, y, do) 0 u (x, y)]} (2.17) where h(x, y, do) and h(x, y, d1 ) represent propagation through distances do and d1 , respectively, and l(x, y) represents the effect of the lens. To find the impulse response of the imaging system, let the object be an impulse 5 function at coordinates (xo, yo). Making use of (2.12) and (2.15), the field after the lens can now be written as hL (X (x2 2 (2.18) 2 jek[(x-x ) +(y-yO) ]12d 0 Ady Application again of the Fresnel integral (2.11) and simplification using the lens law (2.16) yields an expression for the impulse response of the imaging configuration expressed in the coordinates of the image plane (x, y'). k k (X2 +2 -i___(X ___X1+~ h,(x,,y1)=- Here M -e Add,-0 o ' e 2 1 -- 2c Y1 ) c j-0 1 RX dx fdyP(x,y)e d +Mx,,)x+(Y, +Mv 0 )v] (2.19) - is defined as the magnification of the imaging system. The field at the image do plane for an arbitrary object field can now be given as a convolution of the object field u (x, y) with the above impulse response. = u, (x, y) = u0 (x, y)0 h, (x, y) (2.20) Note that the intensity in the image of a single point object u0 (x, y) by the square of the magnitude of the impulse response. I(x, y)= h,(x, y)12 = 3(x)S(y) is given simply (2.21) The premultiplying constants and phase variations in the impulse response are important in certain circumstances but are usually ignored to simplify analysis [14]. In addition, a quadratic, z-dependent phase factor is added to account for effects of defocus along the axial dimension. Considering a circularly symmetric pupil of radius a, the impulse response can then be written in polar coordinates as [15] , v 2 h 1 (u,v) = 2JfpdpP(p)J0 (vp)e2' 0 35 2 (2.22) where J, is a zero order Bessel function of the first kind, p = r / a is the normalized radial coordinate in the plane of the lens, and (u, v) are normalized optical coordinates related to the real axial and radial coordinate (z, r, ) around the image plane. The coordinates are defined as (2.23) U = - z sin2 (a/2) and v= 2z n r, sin (a) (2.24) where sin(a) is the aperture of the lens. The results for point illumination through a single lens configuration are readily applied to the microscope [15]. Figure 2.4 illustrates the unfolded optical geometry for a microscope. Objective h. Collector h 2 Detector D Unfolded optical geometry for a scanning microscope. For a confocal Figure 2.4. microscope the detector D becomes very small. In reflection mode, the objective and collector are identical such that h, = h2. In scanning optical microscopy, the intensity is typically detected and mapped as a function of position to create an image. For incoherent imaging with a conventional microscope, the collector pupil and effective detector are very large, and the image intensity for object reflectance r is written as (2.25) I= hI 2 @ r21 The coherent imaging case is defined by a small collector pupil with a large area detector, and the image intensity is written (2.26) I= h, 9 r12 In the confocal microscope, the detector is replaced with a point detector D(x, y) =(x),(y), such that the image intensity is always coherent regardless of pupil size. The confocal system is essentially a coherent imaging system where the point spread function is given by the product of the point spread functions of the two lenses. Iof = (hh2)0r 2 (2.27) For reflection geometry, the objective and collector are one and h =hk =h 2 . The three dimensional image intensity function for coherent imaging of a impulse point object can then be written (2.28) IC,u, v)= h(u, v) 2 36 for the conventional microscope and (2.29) Iconoal(UV)= h,(u, v)14 for the confocal microscope. The field response to an impulse point scatterer in a confocal system is the square of the impulse response given by (2.22). hc,,focal(u,v) =[h,(u,v)] 2 (2.30) The image field for impulse point illumination of a general object is the convolution of the sample reflectance rs (x, y, z) with the confocal response. Uconcai (x, y, z)= rs (x, y, z) 0 [h, (x5 y, z)] 2 (2.31) For confocal microscopy in scattering media, the responses due to the distribution of scatterers are integrated at the detector. Ignoring the transverse dependence for simplicity, an axially distributed collection of scatterers imaged with a confocal microscope produces a DC detector level described by ICc Jdz rs(z)9[h,(z)] (2.32) where z = 0 corresponds to the position of the focus and rs (z) characterizes the axial reflectance. Scanning the sample or the beam introduces an (x,y,t) dependence that represents the en face image intensity. 2.3.2 Lateral Response Substituting (2.22) into (2.28) and (2.29) and evaluating at the focal plane u = 0 one obtains the lateral response of the conventional and confocal microscopes for a point object uniformly illuminated through an ideal pupil defined to be zero for p >1 [15]. j Icon (0, v) = Iconfocal (0,v)= V (2.33) (2.34) The confocal point response offers a sharpened central peak and dramatically reduced sidelobes, thereby providing enhanced imaging capability. The single point transverse resolution is defined as the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the lateral point spread function. Solution for the half power points of (2.34) above gives the transverse spot size for the confocal microscope with uniform illumination 0.37Z dxcofolf,(3dB) NA (2.35) NA 37 where NA = n sin(a) is the numerical aperture of the objective lens [11]. For a Gaussian beam spot, the transverse spot is more often characterized by the e-2 radius of the lateral response, which is given as (2.36) dxconfoca (e-')=0.6 NA Gaussian In practice, measurement of the transverse resolution is often performed by recording the edge response of the microscope. Assuming point illumination, the 10-90% edge response is given as (2.37) -90%)= 0.44 NA It can be shown that for a Gaussian beam spot, the e-2 radius is 78% of the 10-90% edge width and the FWHM is 92.5% of the edge width [16, 17]. The resolution can also be described by the ability to resolve two nearby points, the so called two-point resolution. The Rayleigh criterion states that two points can be distinguished when there is a 26.5% drop in intensity between them. The two-point resolution for the confocal microscope is given as [11] dxconfcal (10 edge dofolO,(Rayleigh) = 0.56A (2.38) NA The transverse resolution decreases linearly with increasing wavelength and goes as the inverse of the numerical aperture of the objective. High numerical aperture and shorter wavelengths therefore provide increased resolving power in confocal systems. 2.3.3 Axial Response and Sectioning Substition of (2.22) again into (2.28) and (2.29) and evaluation at v = 0 provides the axial response of the conventional and confocal microscopes to a point object in the focal plane [15]. ifcolv (U point 0)- sin(u 4/ 4) sin(u / 4) Iconfoa,(u,0)= point 2(2.4) u1 4 .(2.40) Iu14 Again, the confocal case has lower sidelobe levels and a sharpened central lobe as compared to the conventional case. The full width at half maximum of the confocal axial point spread function assuming a uniform point source can be shown to be dz (3dB)= ~ 1.24nA 0.62 NA2 n(1-cosa) where the approximation leads to 2-6 % error for large numerical aperture [18]. 38 (2.41) The optical sectioning ability of a confocal microscope is generally described by its response to a planar object. For a perfectly reflecting plane at the focus, the response becomes [15] [sin(u /2)2 confocal (U) plane _ u/ 2 (2.42) _ The full width half maximum span of the response can be shown for uniform point illumination to be [19] 0.45A 0.90nA n(1-cosa) NA2 where again the approximation suffers at large NA. FWHM of the axial irradiance goes as [16] (2.43) For Gaussian beam assumptions, the dzie (3dB) = 1.2 4 (2.44) NA Gauss Axial sectioning capability decreases linearly with increasing wavelength and goes as the inverse of the square of the numerical aperture. The square dependence on NA makes axial resolution critically dependent on the use of high numerical aperture lenses. Figure 2.5 illustrates the dependence of axial and transverse resolutions on numerical aperture for near-infrared wavelengths of interest for biomedical imaging. Note the rapid decrease in axial sectioning capability with lower NA compared to transverse resolution. 20 --- Axial 800nm - Transverse 800nm ..... Axial1300nm Transverse 1300nm 15 E 0 10 5 0 .. 0.2 0.4 0.6 -**.. 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 NA Figure 2.5. Comparison of axial and transverse resolution for confocal microscopes using NIR wavelengths. 39 2.3.4 Effect of Aberrations Deviations from the idealized conditions of paraxial or Gaussian optics are known as There are two major types of aberrations, chromatic and monochromatic. aberrations. relate to the variation in optical properties of the lenses at different aberrations Chromatic frequencies. Broadband illumination leads to focusing of different wavelengths at different depths, which broadens the effective axial and lateral responses. The monochromatic aberrations are also known as Seidel aberrations. They include spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism, which degrade the clarity of the image, and Petzval field curvature and distortion, which deform the image [20]. Spherical aberration is known to be particularly troublesome when imaging through layered media of varying refractive index at high numerical aperture [21]. An aberrating layer degrades the axial response, leading to a decrease in peak intensity, a broadening of the central lobe, and an increase in strength of the sidelobes. Some compensation for spherical aberration is possible by adjustment of the objective tube length or adjustment of the optical character of the immersion medium [22, 23]. The effects of aberrations can be incorporated into previous analysis through the objective pupil function. The aberrations are introduced as phase factors depending on the Seidel coefficients of spherical aberration A, primary coma B, and primary astigmatism C. In polar coordinates, the pupil function becomes .12 P(p,0) = e ej 2)r(AP 4 +BP3 cOs 0+CP 2 cOs2 o) (2.45) where a term dependent on the axial coordinate u has also been included to account for the effects of defocus [15]. 2.3.5 Effect of Finite Detector Size The analysis thus far has assumed an ideal impulse point detector. A realistic finite-sized circular detector can be included in the confocal response as |h,(2u,v)|2 D(v)vdv I(u) = (2.46) where we take h, (u, v) given by (2.22). Choice of pinhole size is a compromise between maximizing the detected signal and preserving resolution. As the pinhole gets larger, the microscope loses its confocality and its response approaches that of the conventional microscope. The depth resolution is less sensitive than axial resolution to pinhole size. Axial resolution is preserved for a normalized pinhole radius v : 2.5 while lateral resolution is maintained only to a radius v !0.5. A pinhole size of v, ~1.4 has been determined optimum for in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy in scattering tissues [16]. The normalized pinhole size is defined at the object plane as v, = NAr, where r, is the actual pinhole radius at the A 40 object. The physical pinhole size at the detector is obtained by scaling of r, by the optical system magnification. 2.3.6 Fiber Optic Confocal Microscopes The core of a single mode fiber can be used as both the point source and point detector in a confocal microscope. These systems differ fundamentally from bulk optical confocal microscopes [24]. Bulk confocal microscopes behave as partially coherent imaging systems due to the finite extent of the detector. Fiber confocal systems, however, are intrinsically coherent imaging systems even for finite values of fiber core size. Reflected light from the sample must match the fundamental field mode of the fiber in order to couple into it. Compared to (2.46) where the intensity of light from the sample is integrated over the detector, fiber-optical confocal systems integrate the field amplitude over the fiber profile and are therefore linear in amplitude. Ifibe(U) optic = lh,(u,v)f* (v) vdv (2.47) The effective axial point spread function of a planar sample in a fiber optic confocal microscope is given as [24] Iplanar fiber-optic Here A= " (u)- (1-e _ -)(Aiu) (2.48) describes the normalized fiber spot size with ao the pupil radius of the objective, ro the radius of the core of the single mode fiber, and d the distance from the fiber tip to the collimating lens. True confocal detection is preserved when A 1. For typical fiber system parameters in the near-infrared wavelengths A 1 is typically maintained [25]. 2.3.7 Scanning Confocal Microscope Designs Images in confocal microscopy are generated by either scanning the sample with respect to the microscope or by raster scanning the beam on the sample at a fixed depth. In either case, images are created from two-dimensional en face maps of backreflected intensity. For in vivo applications, the desire for high-speed imaging and access to a range of imaging sites favors beam scanning techniques over sample scanning. Scanning devices are typically either small galvanometer-controlled mirrors or rotating scanners. Linear, waveform controlled galvanometers offer the most precision and flexibility in scan control, but they are generally limited in speed to below 1 kHz. Resonant galvanometer scanners offer increased speed to 2 kHz and higher but are not waveform controlled and are limited to sinusoidal scan responses. Rotating polygonal scanners offer the highest speeds but are bulky and difficult to design into 41 flexible scan probes. Using combinations of these scanners, video rate confocal systems have been demonstrated [16]. Figures 2.6 and 2.7 illustrate four possible reflection mode scanning confocal microscope designs based on single mode fiber delivery and detection. Fiber optic implementations offer the most flexibility for in vivo applications and are considered here. The desired microscope geometry depends on the type of objective lens used. Finite tube-length objectives create an intermediate real image of the focal plane at a specified location behind the objective, typically about 160 mm. Figure 2.6a and 2.6b are suitable designs for finite tube-length objectives. Infinity corrected objectives create an image of the focal plane at infinity behind the objective, thereby providing a collimated beam to the intermediate optics. The lens just behind the infinity corrected objective is often called the tube lens or scan lens. It creates a real image of the focal plane from the collimated output of the objective and is often precisely designed for compensation of aberrations produced by the objective. Figure 2.7a and 2.7b illustrate suitable designs for infinity corrected objective lenses. The role of the intermediate optics is delivery of a magnified, angle scanning beam to the objective lens, which then creates a raster scanned image of the fiber core on the sample. Microscope objectives are designed to be telecentric, meaning that the magnification is independent of the focus position [11]. As such, light from any point on the sample will pass through the telecentric plane as a rectilinear beam and a raster scanning beam will appear to rotate around a point in the telecentric pupil plane. A scanning geometry should be designed to image the scanning mirrors to this pupil plane. For finite tube length objectives, imaging of the scanners to the intermediate image plane set by the tube length meets this condition. For infinity objectives, however, the tube lens must be carefully set to image to the telecentric pupil plane. In either case, a raster plane in the optical layout can be defined. The field of view (FOV) of the microscope is then given by the size of the scan in the raster field reduced by the magnification MO of the objective lens and its tube lens (if needed). FOV = dX XR (2.49) MO Here dXR is defined as the dimension of the scan in the raster plane. The spot size of the microscope is simply the image of the fiber core at the focal plane of the objective lens. For an overall system magnification factor M including the objective, the spot size can be written as .fiber spot size = core M (2.50) The chosen geometry of the microscope depends on desired scanner configuration. Closecoupled scanners place X and Y scan mirrors centered about a single plane in the optical layout. They allow in general for more compact designs with fewer optical elements, which in turn provides lower loss and higher system throughput. Close-coupled scanners, however, deviate from ideal imaging geometry since both scanners cannot be simultaneously imaged to the telecentric pupil plane due to the required physical separation of the mirrors. Separation of the scanners into distinct image planes allows for an ideal scan configuration at the cost of more 42 optical elements and increased size. Figure 2.6a and 2.7a illustrate separation of the scanners while 2.6b and 2.7b demonstrate close-coupled scanner configurations. 4 OBJ. 12 3 f rfiber * Lt = Tube Length (4 So 3 1/Si + 1/So = (3 d f2 (2 A1 1/ 14 Si = Lt + 14 1(2 ( OBJ. Raster Plane fiber X (1 f2 Lt = Tube Length d So 1 Si =Lt + 2 Figure 2.6. Fiber optic scanning confocal microscope designs for finite tube length objective lenses. I 5 OBJ 13 4 f2 n1 Raster fiber Telecentric Pupil Plane,., 5 (5 B4 (4 3 I f3 OBJ. (2 (2 3 fiber Raster I 1 i 03 f( Plane ln M (l f2 x T lecentri Pupil Plane d f2 (2 d n Figure 2.7. Fiber optic scanning confocal microscope designs for infinity corrected objective lenses. 43 2.4 Low Coherence Interferometry Low coherence interferometry (LCI) using a broadband light source provides path length gating of light from a sample. LCI provides sensitivity to the field amplitude through optical heterodyne detection. Interferometric heterodyne detection requires detected light to be phase coherent with a reference beam over the extent of the detector, and offers amplification of weak sample arm signals through correlation with the strong reference arm signal. This section discusses the principles of low coherence interferometry as they apply to optical coherence microscopy. 2.4.1 Interferometer Analysis The theory behind low coherence interferometry was presented eloquently by Hee in his doctoral thesis [26] and will be adapted here. Figure 2.8 shows the basic configuration of a fiber optic Michelson interferometer with the coupler ports labeled 1-4. The reference and sample arm field reflectivities are described by complex functions RRej#(iOt) and RS, respectively, where e-j(o') is a wavelength dependent phase shift introduced by the scanning reference arm. In general, the fields at the detector are given by the fiber single mode profile. Interference occurs between fields sharing the same mode profile such that the phase of the reference and sample arm wavefronts match. The detected signal is determined by integration of the mode profile of the interfering fields together with the transverse dependence of the detector response. For simplicity, plane waves of a single linear polarization are considered here and the fields from the reference and sample arms at the detector are described as ER (co, t) and Es (co, t) . 1 3 Reference R,.eMd*At Source Eoei'01 E+ ES Detector D, ER XS Sample Arm Rs 4 2 Figure 2.8. Fiber optic Michelson interferometer. The beam splitter with power split ratio e can be described by a two port scattering matrix with the input-output relation written as [13] (2.51) By linearity, the response to an arbitrary input field can be assembled from the sum of the responses to its Fourier components. Applying the scattering matrix to an input field E,(wo)ejt 44 and accounting for the reference and sample arm reflectivities RR ej(wOt) and Rs and propagation lengths IR and is, one obtains the fields at the detector ER and Es as ER(w,t) = j e( e )E,(co)RR-j(2 iR'lRr)e-jO(w t) AR ( )e-j(2 R-'R -0e 1O)'t)( -j(2,81S-(ot )( ois)- 22fl(2.52)t (l- c)E,(o)Rse 2fs's-") - As(Wle( Es (c, t) = j where the front terms involving the coupler split ratio and input source power are grouped into amplitude parameters AR and As. The time averaged photocurrent at the detector can be written as [27] 'D = hv (2.53) ER+Es 2) 217f where q is the detector quantum efficiency, e is the electronic charge, hv is the photon energy and 77 is the intrinsic impedance of the fiber core material. The detector response time is taken to be much longer than the coherence time for a low-coherence source but much shorter than the heterodyne signal oscillations. For a monochromatic source, the photocurrent evaluates to iD monochromatic hv [ 71f 2 22AR 2 + Re {EsE }] (2.54) where Re{E s E4 = ARAS cos(2GRlR ~28s s +#0(t)) (2.55) The oscillating component of the interferences is seen to depend on the difference in phase between the reference and sample arm light. In particular, for #(t) = 0 and equal propagation constants in the reference and sample arm paths (p8R = s ), the beat term depends solely on the path length difference between reference and sample arms. The product term ARAS in the oscillating term provides the enhanced sensitivity of the heterodyne detection scheme. A very small sample arm reflection As is amplified by the strength of the reference arm field AR . For this reason, the power in the reference arm is often referred to as the heterodyne gain. For a polychromatic, low-coherence light source, the oscillating component of the heterodyne signal depends on the sum of the interference due to each monochromatic plane wave and can be determined by integration of the cross-spectral term over the bandwidth of the light source [27]. iD o Re {ER(co, t)Es (o, t)* ) = Re where 45 fS(co)e'd(o} (2.56) S(co) = As(co)AR (co)* (2.57) and qp(co, t) = 28s (co)ls - 2,8R (c R + #(w, t) (2.58) For the case where the coupler split ratio and the reference and sample reflectivities do not vary across frequency, the term S(co) essentially represents the power spectrum of the source. 2.4.2 Coherence Gating Consider the case when 8s =,8R = 8 and no additional phase shift #(co, t) is generated in the reference arm. For a linear, non-dispersive medium the propagation constant /3 can be represented by a first order Taylor series approximation about the center frequency co, pi(co) = p8R (CO) = 3(C)= s I(Co ) + )'(Co)(0) - 0o) (2.59) The phase difference yp(co, t) from (2.58) is determined by the path length mismatch Al = Is- iR between reference and sample arms and can be written [27] yp(co)= /p(co)(2A1)+p'(co,)(co - co )(2Al) (2.60) The expression (2.56) becomes iD o Re edj'"Ar f S(co - co0 )e j(o-c")At" d(co- coo) (2.61) 2;T where the A r is the phase delay mismatch and A r is the group delay mismatch defined as .2A1 = 2A A r, = O (2.62) VP and Arg =P'(CoO) -(2Al) = 2A1 (2.63) V9 The terms v, and vg are termed the phase and group velocities, respectively. They depend upon the center frequency of the source spectrum and also the material properties of the medium, in particular the index of refraction n . From (2.61) it becomes evident that phase delay term 46 creates a carrier frequency dependent on the center frequency of the source. As optical path length varies, oscillations in the interference signal are generated. The heterodyne signal envelope is the inverse Fourier transform of the function S(co) with respect to the group delay parameter A z- * The group delay in turn is generated by path length variation between reference and sample arms at a rate determined by the group velocity v,. Considering S(co) to be the power spectrum, the heterodyne current then takes the form of an autocorrelation function in accordance with the Wiener-Khintchin theorem. Combining (2.52) and (2.57) with (2.61) and considering real sample and reference arm field reflectivities constant in time and frequency, the heterodyne current can be written as iD(Al) oc RRRs jF-' [S,(co)]l cos(coAr,)= RRRsG, cos (2.64) where the source power spectrum S. (co) is related to the autocorrelation G, (A rg) by the Fourier transform with respect to the group delay. The autocorrelation is a measure of the degree of temporal coherence of the source. From the time-bandwidth principal familiar of Fourier transform theory, it is clear that the width of the envelope of the interference signal decreases for larger bandwidth, shorter coherence length light sources. The envelope or axial point spread function of the interference signal is known as the coherence gate. In optical coherence tomography (OCT), the width of this envelope sets the axial resolution of the imaging system. To generate an image, the sample arm focus is scanned laterally at a fixed depth in the tissue and the reference arm path length is varied at high speed. The position of the reference arm effectively gates out light scattering from planes in the sample to within the coherence length of the light source. Many broadband sources of interest for low coherence interferometry can be approximated by a Gaussian source spectrum. A normalized Gaussian power spectral density can be written as [26] S(co - 2 2 _)_= (2.65) where o is the standard deviation. When evaluated in (2.61) the Gaussian density generates a Gaussian interference signal decribed as iD c Re e 2r e } e2 , cos(cwAr,) (2.66) where the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the interference signal in a free space interferometer can be shown to be related to the center wavelength and spectral FWHM as 47 AlFWHM- 21n2 2 L 2 (2.67) A2 This result is typically used for specification of the coherence gate or axial resolution of a low coherence interferometry system. Note that the width of the coherence gate scales as the square of the center wavelength, meaning longer wavelength sources require higher bandwidth to achieve the same axial resolution. Figure 2.9 demonstrates the dependence of the coherence gate on bandwidth and center wavelength for common near-infrared wavelengths used for imaging in biological samples. Achieving a coherence gate of 5 um requires nearly 150 nm of bandwidth at center wavelength 1300 nm but less than 60 nm bandwidth at a wavelength of 800nm. 25 --- ---- 800nm 1300nm 20- - ?=15- U- 10- 5- 0 0 100 50 150 200 Bandwidth (nm) Figure 2.9. Coherence length versus bandwidth for NIR imaging wavelengths. For a general non-Gaussian spectrum, the coherence gate can be evaluated by determining the FWHM of its autocorrelation function. The time-bandwidth product of the Gaussian is optimal, meaning for a given spectral width, non-Gaussian spectra will produce broader pointspread functions. Generation of sidelobes by non-Gaussian sources can also be a problem for low coherence interferometry applications. 2.4.3 Effect of Group Velocity Dispersion Group velocity dispersion (GVD) describes the phenomenon where different wavelengths of light propagate through a material at different group velocities. For positive (normal) dispersion, the index of refraction increases with decreasing wavelength, and for negative (anomalous) dispersion, the opposite occurs. Most materials introduce positive dispersion. In low coherence interferometry systems, the presence of a mismatch in the dispersive properties of the reference and sample arm propagation paths leads to a reduction in the heterodyne signal amplitude, a 48 broadening of the axial point spread function, and a chirping of the carrier frequency. GVD is incorporated into the above analysis by expanding the propagation constant /s and R to second order around the center frequency co. Including the reference arm phase term #(co,t) the phase term y(co) from (2.58) then becomes 1 p(c)= #(co, t)+ pJ(co,)(2A)+ ,'(co)(co - wO)(2A) + -/p"(o)(o - co')2 (2AL) (2.68) 2 where A/p"(co0 )= p, (co,,)- ,6(cqo) is the mismatch in the dispersion terms and AL is the length of mismatch. The interferometric signal can now be written iD c Re e- AP L JS(Ct-cv)ed " e-) e ~ -00 d(w w (2.69) Note that correct choice of the reference arm phase shift can be used to compensate the quadratic dispersion term P". In practice, the material dispersion in the reference arm and sample arm must be carefully matched to ensure optimum resolution and sensitivity. For a Gaussian spectrum, the interferometric signal becomes [27] Arg2 iD oc Re IF(2L) U e 2F(2L)2 e -joAr (2.70) where o7 is the width of the Gaussian in a non-dispersive medium and F(2L)2 is a complex function whose magnitude increases with increasing GVD mismatch. The presence of F(2L)2 in the exponential leads to frequency chirp and envelope broadening of the interference signal. A reduction in amplitude of the signal results from the inverse dependence of the scale factor in front. 2.4.4 Detection Electronics The detection electronics used for low coherence interferometry systems typically consist of four principal stages: photodiodes, transimpedance amplifier, bandpass filter, demodulator. Figure 2.10 shows a schematic. Dual balanced photodiodes convert the optical signals to electronic currents and add them. The out of phase DC currents cancel each other and the in phase oscillating components add. The transimpedance amplifier then serves as a current to voltage converter. Because of their low-input current, field effect transistor (FET) input op amps are typically used for monitoring photodiodes. After the transimpedance stage, the bandpass filter isolates the frequency content of the signal from excess wideband noise and thus provides a crucial component in improving the sensitivity of the system. After the bandpass filter, several options are available for demodulation. The oscillating interferometric output can be sampled directly with a high-speed data acquisition card and processed by a DSP processor or by computer. A Hilbert transform technique is typically used for envelope detection from a sampled signal. When the heterodyne frequency cannot be 49 sampled, however, analog demodulation must be used. Typically, an RMS converter rectifies the signal and a low-pass filter removes the carrier. For high dynamic range signals, logarithmic amplification is generally used as well. Analog demodulation can also be done with a quadrature demodulator. A quadrature demodulator removes the carrier from the heterodyne signal by mixing the signal with two sinusoids in quadrature. The baseband components for each mixed signal are then low pass filtered and combined to provide amplitude and phase information about the heterodyne signal. Demodulator Output Interferometric Output RMS Converter Bandpass Filter Transimpedance Amplifier Lowpass Filter Figure 2.10. Typical detection electronics used in low coherence imaging systems. 2.4.5 Noise Sources The electronic noise spectrum after the transimpedance amplifier typically has three dominant components: shot noise, thermal noise from the transimpedance resistance, and excess intensity noise from the laser source. The double-sided noise power spectral density can be written as [28] Si (Co) = S (C),,,oS + S (C) e + S ( ),,, = e (i) + ey (i) 2 + 2kT(2.71) where e is the electronic charge, k is Boltzmann's constant, R is the transimpedance resistance, and y is a noise parameter which must be empirically determined. The square term (i) 2 represents the photocurrent power. Shot noise arises from current fluctuations due to the quantization of light and charge and can generally be considered a white noise process with mean (i). Thermal noise is generated by random motion of particles due to thermal energy in a system and is associated with transfer of energy and temperature equilibrium between a resistor and its surroundings. Excess intensity noise is a combination of all noise sources whose power spectral density scales linearly with the mean photocurrent power. Examples include excess photon noise and local oscillator noise [28, 29]. Use of dual balanced detectors can largely eliminate the excess intensity noise by subtraction. Shot noise, however, cannot be eliminated because the noise processes from the detectors are statistically uncorrelated and the variances add when the photocurrents subtract. The power in the noise process n(t) is given by the noise variance. For transimpedance resistance R and noise equivalent bandwidth NEB the variance is written [26] 50 var {n(t)} = 2R 2 [Sin (co)]- NEB (2.72) The noise equivalent bandwidth is defined as the product of the low-pass and band-pass filters if the bandpass filter was translated to the origin. 2.4.6 System Sensitivity Low coherence interferometry systems are made to operate near the quantum sensitivity limit by choosing system parameters so that the shot noise overwhelms all other noise sources. Practically, this means combination of a very low noise analog receiver with sufficient reference arm power to set the shot noise level above the receiver noise. The signal to noise ratio for the system is defined as the ratio of the signal power Pn,,,,, to the power in the noise process n (t) [28]. P. SNR n1ise S[R= 'ial = P signal 00 P. signal var tn(t) }.3 dc 2.73) The shot noise from the reference and sample arm powers is determined from the DC components IAR 2 and IAs 2 in (2.54). When near the sensitivity limit, power from the sample is negligible compared to reference arm power. Using the definition for DC photodetector current from the reference arm becomes R AR provided in (2.52), the (2.74) 1 6(1 - 8)E R 2 hv 2qf R where E is the input field amplitude, c is the coupler split ratio, and RR is the reference arm reflectivity. Combining this with (2.72), the noise variance in the shot noise limit is written nie noise The heterodyne signal power hv pignaI 1 277f ( R c(I-c) E 2-EB (2.75) ReR2 .NB is determined from the time average of the oscillating interference term of (2.54), labeled ibea, here for bookkeeping. -2 'signal (eat)b R = 7 1 2 hv 2qf 51 E2 RsRR R R 2 2 (2.76) Dividing (2.76) by (2.75) now provides the shot-noise limited signal to noise ratio for a single detector configuration. SNRS SNRsi detector PS 1 e(1-e)E R~ =__ 16lcE2 - 17 hv 2- NEB 2 -NEB hv 277f i =--- (2.77) The signal to noise ratio depends only on the noise equivalent bandwidth and on the optical power returning from the sample arm Ps. From the expression, it is clear that choice of a coupler with even split ration e = 0.5 is optimal because it maximizes the amount of power returning from the sample to the detector. 2.4.7 Dual Balanced Detection Dual balanced detection improves system sensitivity by eliminating excess intensity noise from the photodetector signal. It can also be shown that the use of dual balanced detection can enhance the sensitivity in the shot noise limit. Consider the schematic in figure 2.11. The input power is now normalized to provide the same sample power as the single coupler, single detector configuration. Source EO/Va Reference G D1 Sample D2 Figure 2.11. Dual-balanced interferometer configuration. By extending the scattering matrix analysis from previous sections, it can be shown that the oscillating components of the heterodyne interference signals at DI and D2 are in phase while the DC components are out of phase. Addition of the two photocurrents at the transimpedance amplifier results in cancellation of the DC currents carrying excess intensity noise and addition of the oscillating heterodyne components. Attenuation is necessary at the high detector to ensure that the DC powers match. It can be shown that the attenuation factor necessary is given by (1- a)(1-) Using this factor, the signal to noise ratio becomes 52 (2.78) - SNR dual balanced 7 hv 2 1 7f - E2R 2 s 4. NEB (2.79) Comparing (2.79) with (2.77) and taking c = 0.5 for optimal performance, the enhancement of the dual balanced configuration can be quantified. SNRdual balanced = 2(1-a) (2.80) SNRsingle detector Compared to the single detector configuration, use of two even splitters e = a = 0.5 provides equivalent performance and using a <0.5 offers enhanced performance in the shot noise limit for fixed sample power. Note that for a <0.5, however, increased source power must be supplied to obtain fixed sample power. The best case scenario is use of an optical circulator instead of the first coupler. It provides complete transmission in both forward and reverse directions and offers an SNR enhancement of a factor of 2 (3 dB). 2.5 Combined Confocal and Coherence Gating The previous analysis for a low coherence interferometer included no provision for sample arm focusing effects. From the derivations of section 2.3, it is clear that the presence of a confocal microscope in the sample arm can have an important effect on the heterodyne signal at high numerical aperture. Kempe and Rudolph have provided detailed analysis of confocal microscopy and heterodyne microscopy for broadband laser sources [30, 31]. This section considers a simpler approach that ties together previous analysis of confocal microscopy and low-coherence interferometry from sections 2.3 and 2.4 followed by discussion of the implications of combined confocal and coherence gating. 2.5.1 Heterodyne Signal for Combined Gating Recall from (2.31) that the field at the detector in a confocal microscope uconfocal (x, y, z) is given by the convolution of the field reflectivity function rs (x, y, z) with the confocal impulse response [h, (x, y, z)] 2 . The confocal field response then interferes with the reference arm field to give the heterodyne current. For an axially distributed reflectivity as would be found in scattering media, the heterodyne signal can be written as an integral over the sample arm path length ls in a similar manner to (2.32). Replacing Rs in (2.64) with the confocal response modified reflectivity from (2.31) and integrating over the sample path the heterodyne current becomes 53 iD R) G dls RR C Lo -0 Cos - I)G V Aconfocal/)} V9 (2.81) 2cooAl 2A1 (,)(92h lS)0[h,(ls)]2Go---jcos2W l) =JdlsRRrSR~r where Al =Is - 'R is the difference in path between reference and sample arms and the (x,y) dependence of u,onjoca, rs, and h, have been ignored for simplicity. The heterodyne component is the convolution of the sample arm confocal response with the carrier dependent source autocorrelation function. For a single scatter at location Is, with reflectivity Rs(lso), the heterodyne current can be written as iD (R) oc RRRs(lso) Ic(s 0 )G0 2(I -1R ) 2coo(IS -l I) j COS))j so (2.82) where, Rs is the sample reflectivity, and Ic(u) has been chosen to represent the confocal intensity response for consistency with the results of section 2.2. By definition, IS= 0 For a point scatterer described by corresponds to the position of the focus. rs(Iso) = Rs(1,s)Sls -Is,) the confocal response simply reduces to the field impulse response of the confocal system at position iso, [h, (ls)]2, which is given by the square root of (2.40). The heterodyne current is now written as in"t RR R D R s sin(uO / 4) G uo / 4 _ SO(1Rj 0) Kc 2(lso~IR) V9 oR 2oso UR 2RiRs((Is CS V where uO =8A IsOsin 2 (a/2) and sin(a) is the objective lens numerical aperture. (2.83) The response for the fiber confocal microscope is given by (2.48). 2.5.2 Depth of Field and Transverse Resolution From (2.82) it is evident that control of the position of the confocal and coherence gates is decoupled. The confocal gate is set by the focus position, in this case iso. For fixed focus position, however, the coherence gate is set by the reference arm path length 1R. Maximum heterodyne signal current occurs when the reference and sample arm path lengths match 'SO = R such that the coherence and confocal gates precisely overlap. When a mismatch between the gate positions exists, the action of the confocal gate on the coherence gate can dramatically reduce the heterodyne signal current. The sensitivity of heterodyne signal to the relative position of the gates scales with the numerical aperture of the objective lens. Figure 2.12a demonstrates this principle. For high numerical aperture, the confocal parameter b is quite small and results in a small depth of field for imaging. When the difference between the reference and sample arm 54 path lengths increases beyond the confocal parameter, the confocal and coherence gates no longer overlap and the heterodyne signal amplitude is diminished significantly. Low-NA High-NA 'Alc b l b A=Is-IR Figure 2.12. Effects of focusing on depth of field. Because of this limitation, optical coherence tomograpy (OCT) systems operate with relatively relaxed numerical aperture focusing, shown for comparison in figure 2.12b. In OCT, the focus position is set to a fixed depth in the sample and the reference path length is scanned. When the confocal parameter is sufficiently large, the backcoupled intensity from the confocal microscope is nearly constant over the range of the depth scan and an adequate depth of field is preserved in the images. The cost of the relaxed confocal gate, however, is larger focal spot size. Hence there exists a fundamental tradeoff in OCT between depth of field and transverse resolution. 2.5.3 Optical Coherence Microscopy for High Resolution Imaging Optical coherence microscopy can overcome the tradeoff between depth of field and transverse resolution by using an alternate scanning method to conventional OCT. OCM techniques fix the reference path to match the sample path, allowing use of high numerical aperture objective lenses to provide high transverse resolution. An enface image is then mapped out by raster scanning the beam on the sample as is done in confocal microscopy. OCM systems do not require group delay scanning as in OCT. In order to generate a heterodyne interference signal, however, reference arm phase delay scanning is still necessary. Without it, it is clear from (2.64) that when the reference and sample paths match the oscillating heterodyne signal current disappears. Phase delay scanning in the reference arm can be accounted for by considering again the wavelength dependent phase shift term #(co,t) in (2.52). Expanding #(co, t) about the source center frequency in a first order Taylor series approximation gives 55 #(Co, (2.84) ( t) = 0(o, t) + 0'(Co, t)(o - co) Incorporating (2.84) with (2.60) the heterodyne signal current is now evaluated via (2.56) to be 'D where OeRe #(coo , t) - e-A""')'e-i,(">2A G o,,xo,-(O)e-jpgox(-m)A' represents a phase delay term and #'(coo, dW(2o (2.85) t) represents a group delay term. For pure phase modulation, the group velocity term #'(wo, t) should be zero. Considering again real sample and reference arm reflectivities constant in time and frequency, the heterodyne current from (2.64) becomes iDSo RsRRGo cos(2p(wo)Al+#(oot)) (2.86) In OCM, the reference arm path length is set to match the focus position defined as Is = 0. For an axially distributed sample reflectivity characteristic of a scattering medium, the OCM heterodyne signal is given by the integration of (2.86) over all sample paths with 1R = 0. Incorporating the confocal response, the signal takes the form iD (t) OC dlsrs (s ) [h,(lS )]2]GO 2ls cos [2/3(coo)ls + (co ,t)] (2.87) With reference arm fixed, the integral is no longer a convolution of the confocal response with the autocorrelation function. Note from the term 2pl(cqo)ls represents the pathlength dependent phase shift in the interference component of each scatterer. The summation over the distributed scatterers results in a reduction of the heterodyne amplitude because the interferences do not add coherently. For a single scatterer located at position ISO the heterodyne signal simplifies to 'D (t) oc RRRs (ls) so cos[23(wo 0 )lsO+$(o 0,t)] Ic(ls)G (2.88) When the sample is in focus, the coherence and confocal gates overlap and the amplitude of the oscillating interference signal is maximum. Note that as the position of the sample iso changes with respect to the focus ls =0, the amplitude is subject to the multiplication of the coherence and confocal gate point spread functions. The heterodyne signal varies in time with the reference arm phase delay scan #(co, t). Raster scanning the beam in an en face pattern modulates this heterodyne signal by the 56 reflectivity profile of the sample. A plot of this signal amplitude versus beam position makes up an OCM image. To obtain a pure sinusoidal oscillation, a phase ramp linear in time must be imparted to the reference arm field. Section 2.6 will discuss the use of a grating phase delay line for this purpose. 2.5.4 Path Length Scaling with Focal Position in Tissue From (2.58) it is clear that the phase difference between reference and sample fields that determines the heterodyne signal depends on the optical path length (OPL), which is defined as OPL = n(w) -l (2.89) where 1 is the physical (free space) path length and n (co) is the refractive index of the medium of interest given by the relation 8 (co) =n (co) -. . For simplicity, the frequency dependence of C n is ignored here. Results derived thus far have assumed that propagation constants in the reference and sample arms match, 8 = /s =6R, meaning the optical path length is equivalent to the free space path length. When the reference and sample refractive indices match, ns = nR , the reference arm OPL remains equal to the sample arm OPL as the focus is translated deeper into the sample. This does not hold true when the refractive index of the sample is different from that of the reference arm. In this case, a physical thickness of amount S over which ns # nR produces an OPL mismatch of ALOPL (nsnR (2.90) )-An5 Accounting for the mismatch and ignoring the frequency dependence of the index of refraction, the phase difference between reference and sample arms is CO C C C yp(w,t)=2 -nAl+2 (2.91) (An)Sl+#(w,t) where the first term represents a physical mismatch between reference and sample arm paths of common index no without the index effects of the sample and the second term accounts for the effects of a change in index over S. With this phase function, the heterodyne signal for OCM from (2.88) becomes iD(t) oc RRRs (iso ) Ic(s)G 2nils +2Anti c C cos[2(cq)sO + 2 cooAns +#(coo,t)] (2.92) c OCM is critically sensitive to overlapping the confocal and coherence gates by matching of the reference and sample arm optical path lengths. Any OPL change due to focusing into a sample with a mismatched index leads to a reduction in heterodyne amplitude. To optimize 57 heterodyne signal, the reference arm path must therefore be coordinated to the focus for each focal depth into tissue. 2.5.5 Enhanced Gating Effects in Scattering Media The relative merits of combined coherence and confocal gating with heterodyne detection were mentioned with respect to previously published work in chapter 1. Key points are reiterated and developed here for clarity. The heterodyne detection process provides nearly shotnoise limited detection using optical amplification via a reference arm field [32]. This feature makes heterodyned detection more sensitive to weakly scattering objects than direct detection alone. Moreover, correlation with a reference arm signal allows a mechanism for correcting chromatic and spherical aberration. Phase modification of the reference field can be used to cancel aberration produced in the sample arm optics or in the sample itself. Use of identical sample and reference arm optics, for example, eliminates aberrations from the optical system [33]. The combined effect of the coherence gate and confocal gate on axial dependence of the heterodyne signal amplitude provides enhanced rejection of unwanted scattered light in an OCM system compared to a confocal system alone. Together, combination coherence and confocal gating can provide improved depth discrimination and image contrast [31, 34, 35]. The improvement is evident first in the functional form of the axial point spread functions. The coherence gate for a typical low coherence source approaches a Gaussian in form, which falls off with axial position much faster than the typical sinc 2 decay of the confocal response. In highly scattering media, the Gaussian function provides better rejection of out of focus scattered light to overcome the exponential decay of incident light. Axial sectioning is also enhanced by distinct mechanisms of rejection for coherence versus confocal gating. Confocal gating depends on the position of the scatterer relative to the focus and is therefore purely a spatial gating technique. The coherence gate, however, selects for path length of returning photons. The value of using both rejection mechanisms can be understood by returning to the schematic representation of heterogeneously scattering medium shown in figure 2.2. The single backscattered light contains the image information. Multiply scattered light from planes outside of the focus degrades image contrast and ability for depth discrimination. Confocal microscopy provides no intrinsic mechanism for removal of multiply scattered light. Light that scatterers into the focal volume and then into the collection angle of the objective can fall within the confocal gate and obscure the single scattered component. Coherence gating, however, provides path length discrimination against the multiple scattered component and thereby enhances confocal gating. Similarly, the presence of the confocal gate helps improve coherence gated sectioning. The multiply scattered light that happens to traverse the correct path length and fall under the coherence gate will be rejected by the confocal sectioning. Izatt et. al. placed some quantitative limits on the enhancement provided by combined coherence and confocal gating in scattering media using single-backscatter theory [34]. The confocal signal is considered to be the integral of the mean heterodyne signal, or equivalently, the sample arm DC photodetector current as expressed in (2.32). Confocal microscopy fails when the sum of light intensity from all planes other than the focus dominates the level at the focus. In terms of scattering mean free paths (MFP) this depth limit zconjocaI is 58 2 2 z confocal :<,2- n [r D (NA)2 _ 4n2A2 L0 (2.93) 1 where NA is the numerical aperture of the objective, no is the index of the scattering medium, D is the sample arm beam diameter on the objective, and M is the magnification due to the lens. The limit for heterodyne detection is the quantum shot noise sensitivity limit, expressed as z Zcoherence ! 1 InE 2 [2hv rpbLc NA2 2L (NA) no I (.4 (2.94) where pb is the backscattering coefficient and Lc is the coherence length. OCM improves upon confocal microscopy between these depth limits Zconfocal - z : Zcoherence (2.95) Based upon these calculations, confocal microscopy provides imaging to depths of 5-9 MFP while OCM extends the range to between 15-20 MFP. Combined coherence and confocal gating can thus improve image depth by 2-3 times over standard confocal microscopy. The results from the single scattering analysis point out that the confocal signal can be largely dominated by high scattering at or near the surface. In this case, use of even a moderate coherence gate for imaging deeply in a scattering medium can eliminate this surface component and improve imaging depth range. The single scattering model has been shown to agree with experimental results for a homogeneous scattering phantom [34]. When imaging deeply in heterogeneously scattering media such as biological tissue, multiple scattering effects become important. Multiple scattering causes the beam to spread in scattering media and can significantly degrade the transverse coherence of the beam. Resolution and maximum probing depth are thereby decreased. Consideration of multiple scattering in OCT has been achieved using the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle and mutual coherence functions [36-38]. Schmitt considers a maximum probing depth zmax in OCT in the presence of multiple scattering as the depth at which the strength of the multiple scattered component of collected light equals the strength of the single scattered component [36]. Zrax In K1+ 2R2 ~ p2 2p, (2.96) In this expression, R represents the beam radius on the sample and p is a measure of the transverse spatial coherence of the beam. 59 2.5.6 Operating Regimes for OCM As with the position of the gates, the width of the confocal and coherence gates can be independently controlled. The duration of the confocal gate is set by the focusing characteristics of the sample arm optics, described by the numerical aperture (NA). Higher numerical aperture leads to a shorter confocal gate and vice versa. The width of the coherence gate on the other hand is set by the bandwidth of the light source, independent of the sample arm optics. Larger bandwidth produces a smaller coherence gate. Considering this independent control, four distinct operating regimes for high resolution optical coherence microscopy can be defined based on the relative sizes of the confocal and coherence gates. V - X-ct: Short Confocal Long Confocal Short Coherence Short Coherence Short Confocal Long Confocal Long Coherence Long Coherence aac Figure 2.13. Operating regimes for optical coherence microscopy. Short and long are defined here relative to accepted axial sectioning requirements for imaging in turbid biological tissues with confocal microscopy. Deep imaging of singly backscattered light in highly scattering tissues requires an axial section thickness significantly smaller than the mean free path of scattered photons in the specimen, which is typically 20 - 100 um in tissues of interest. Empirical results with in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy have defined a suitable section thickness for achieving high-contrast confocal images of cellular structure to be less than 5 um [16]. This is less than the typical thickness of a single layer of cells and consistent with standard section thickness used in histologic analysis. For deep tissue imaging with OCM, the section thickness can be set with the coherence gate, the confocal gate, or a combination of both. Plotting equation (2.42) for the confocal gate against the coherence gate defined in equation (2.66) illustrates the interaction of the gates. The extreme limits for OCM are compared in Figure 2.14. In 2.14a, a 3um coherence gate is plotted with a 3um confocal gate. This configuration represents the high-resolution limit of OCM. It clearly provides adequate axial and transverse resolution for cellular imaging, and should in theory provide very high contrast. This configuration, however, is practically very difficult to 60 implement due to the considerations discussed in sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.4. Even a very small displacement of the coherence gate with respect to the confocal gate generates a dramatic reduction in heterodyne signal. In light of the turbid refractive index in biological tissue, overlap of the gates will be difficult to maintain. Figure 2.14b demonstrates the opposite limit where the confocal and coherence gates are relatively long, in this case 30 um each. This operating regime clearly does not provide adequate sectioning ability for high-contrast imaging in highly scattering media. On the positive side, it does not suffer from the extreme sensitivity to displacement of the confocal and coherence gates. Path length changes of tens of microns are needed before the heterodyne signal is lost. Nonetheless, the lack of adequate sectioning prevents practical implementation of this configuration for cellular imaging applications. Short Confocal / Short Coherence Long Confocal 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 -50 0 50 / -50 -50 0 0 50 Axial Position (urn) Axial Position (urn) -50 50 0 0 50 0- -20 -0 / Long Coherence 1.2 -20 -40 IM 0o .2 -60 -80 -40-60r -80F 0%^^ -100' B A Figure 2.14. Extreme operating regimes for optical coherence microscopy. The coherence gate is represented by the dashed line and the confocal gate by the solid line. The compromise regimes for OCM imaging are shown in Figure 2.15a and 2.15b. The short confocal gate / long coherence gate regime displayed in 2.15a can essentially be thought of as coherence-gated confocal microscopy. The confocal gate dominates in setting the section thickness while the coherence gate serves to enhance the rejection of out of plane scattered light. Previous work on optical coherence microscopy has been performed in this regime. Recall from the discussion of section 2.5.5 that even a moderate coherence gate can knock out the surface scattering that degrades images of confocal microscopy. Coherence-gated confocal microscopy has been demonstrated for deep tissue imaging to depths of 600 um, well beyond that of standard 61 laser scanning confocal microscopy [39]. The sensitivity of the heterodyne signal to path length mismatch is reduced in this configuration. The small confocal gate can essentially shift around under the larger coherence gate without losing significant heterodyne amplitude. Note that as in confocal microscopy the dominant sectioning power is determined in this case by use of high numerical aperture objective lenses. Such lenses are generally bulky and contain multiple elements, making development of miniaturized probes for confocal microscopy and coherence gated confocal microscopy difficult. Long Confocal / Short Coherence Short Confocal / Long Coherence 1.2 1. 2 I 0. 8- 0. 8- E' 0. 6- \ 0. 6 -/ 0. 4 -/ 0. 4 - 0. 2 - 0.2 - 0 ----- L -50 0 0 50 -50 Axial Position (um) -50 0 0 50 Axial Position (urn) -50 50 0 0 -20- -20 -40 -40 2 0 -60 0 50 -o -60 -80 -80F -inn[ A B Compromise operating regimes for optical coherence microscopy. The Figure 2.15. coherence gate is represented by the dashed line and the confocal gate by the solid line. The final operating regime shown in Figure 2.15b uses a short coherence gate in conjunction with a relatively long confocal gate. This configuration uses the coherence gate to set the axial section thickness and might suitably be called high-resolution optical coherence microscopy to distinguish it from confocal microscopy. The sample arm optics in this configuration provide a high transverse resolution but only a relatively weak sectioning power. Again, the relatively longer confocal gate reduces the sensitivity of the heterodyne signal to pathlength mismatch. The coherence gate can now effectively shift within the window provided by the confocal gate by tens of microns before the heterodyne signal is lost. Importantly, this configuration reduces the numerical aperture requirement for achieving cellular imaging. Recall the comparison of axial and transverse resolution in figure 2.5. Note that the transverse resolution of the confocal microscope remains a few microns even for relatively small NA values. It is the rapid loss of axial resolution with lower NA that destroys confocal images. High-resolution OCM can take 62 advantage of this result to achieve cellular resolution at relaxed NA, thereby reducing the design constraints for miniaturized probes needed in clinical applications. In addition to providing the enhanced gating effects discussed in section 2.4.5, this operating regime can enable cellular imaging in situations when confocal microscopy cannot. This short coherence gate / long confocal gate regime has not yet been demonstrated in published literature for in vivo imaging of human tissues. Implementation requires broadband light sources and a broadband OCM system. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss the development and demonstration of a broadband OCM system design suitable for cellular level imaging in the short coherence gate / long confocal gate regime. The plots in figures 2.14 and 2.15 are shown in both log and linear form. The log plots point out particularly well the enhanced sectioning effects provided by the functional form of the coherence gate compared to the confocal gate. For intuition, the signal in confocal microscopy and in coherence-gated imaging can be considered to be the area under the gate in the plot. The Gaussian envelope falls off dramatically faster than the sinc 2 dependence of the confocal gate, thereby improving rejection of out of plane scattered light. 2.6 Phase Delay Line Modulator The heterodyne signal in OCM depends on the introduction of a phase delay term #S(co,t) to the reference arm field. A phase delay line similar to those used in optical coherence tomography systems is used in this thesis to provide phase modulation. Figure 2.16 illustrates the geometry for analysis. incident galvo f\lens mirror grating xo -.. I I x(A) '.. y(t) m =u specular I 0. 1 L Figure 2.16. OCM. I 4f Schematic of grating phase delay line used to provide phase modulation for 63 Tearney et. al. initially demonstrated the delay line for high speed group and phase delay scanning [40]. The grating and lens combination effectively act as a Fourier transformer. A scanning galvanometer mirror then imparts a wavelength dependent phase shift to the dispersed spectrum. This phase shift is mapped to a group and phase delay when the beam is retroreflected and transformed back by the grating and lens. By choosing appropriate parameters for the grating, lens, and position offset of the spectrum on the scanning mirror, it was subsequently shown by Zvyagin and Sampson that the group delay could be set to zero and pure phase modulation achieved [41]. This section explains the phase and group delay characteristics of the modulator. 2.6.1 Grating Conventions and Notation The equation that determines the diffraction characteristics of a grating is given as m(A)) d sin(0,)+sin( (2.97) where 0, is the incident angle, O(A) is the diffracted angle, m is the diffraction order, and d is the ruling spacing of the grating. By convention, angles measured counterclockwise from the grating normal are positive and clockwise angles are negative. Order numbers m that are measured counterclockwise from the m = 0 specular reflection are considered positive. Gratings are typically blazed to operate with maximum efficiency in the first order in the autocollimating or Littrow configuration, shown in figure 2.17a. The delay line configuration, however, requires that the grating be used with a reversed blaze direction in order to pass through the lens to the scanning mirror. This is shown in figure 2.17b. The grating blaze determines only the efficiency of the light throughput in a particular diffraction order, not the dispersion characteristics or the spacing of the orders. The Littrow angle is given by Oi = 0 B where OB is the blaze angle of the grating. From the grating equation above, the Littrow incident angle can be written as 0B = sin-1 2d 2d) (2.98) With the reversed grating, equivalent efficiency is achieved when the first order diffracts orthogonal to the blaze face. This incident angle is given by the grating equation to be Oi = sin- (3, 2d (2.99) The group and phase delay characteristics for the device are identical whether autocollimating or reversed configuration is used. To allow for positive angle notations that simplify equations, operation near Littrow angle will be subsequently assumed. 64 A) Autocollimating B) Phase Delay Line Figure 2.17. Autocollimating and reversed grating configurations. 2.6.2 Phase and Group Delay Equations Assuming L = f , separation between collimated wavelength components A and A, after the lens can be written x(L)= f tan(0(A.)-0 0 ) (2.100) where 00 is the diffracted angle of the source center wavelength 2k. phase shift produced by the tilted mirror is (1, t)= -2,8z(A) The wavelength dependent (2.101) With the spectrum offset from the center of the scanning galvanometer mirror by x0 the wavelength dependent pathlength is written as z(A) = [x +f tan(0(A)-0 0 ) ]tan(y(t)) (2.102) where xO > 0 corresponds to the mirror side where z (A) increases as A increases. wavelength dependent phase shift is now described as # (A, t) = -28f tan (y(t)) tan (O() Recasting as a function of frequency, it becomes 65 -00) The (2.103) 2cof tan ( (O))tan (- + (2.104) Using the grating equation (2.97) and evaluating the derivative for arbitrary incident angle, the phase and group delay equations can be shown for free space to be O _q(cw,t) 2x, tan(y(t)) ' --- C C~OO ao(co, t) 2x0 tan(y(t)) 1Ooocd 2fA, tan(y(t)) I- (2.105) AO-sinO, d These expressions are typically reduced further using small angle approximations tan(x)~ x, sin (x) x, and cos(x) ~1 together with the assumption of Littrow angle given by (2.98). In addition, the delay lines are generally used in double-pass configuration both to double the delay characteristics and to reduce backcoupling modulation resulting from beam walkoff that occurs when the mirror scans. The reduced equations for double-pass configuration then become 4y (t) xO C Tg 4y (t )xO (2.106) 4y (t) f , cd 4y(t) c (216 From the equations, it is seen that the scanning mirror generates phase and group delay. For a linear velocity scan, a linear phase delay results. For position xO =0, however, there is no offset of the beam on the galvo mirror and the phase delay is zero. Furthermore, for correct choice of grating and lens parameters d and f , there exists a position x0 where the group delay is zero. This is the operating point used in OCM for phase modulation. Figure 2.18 illustrates the delay parameters (2.106) as a function of mirror offset. For a center wavelength of 800 nm, grating groove density 1 / d of 80 lines/mm, mirror focal length f of 5 cm, and scan angle of 3.6 degrees, the zero group delay offset is located at 3.2 mm. Note that relatively low dispersion gratings must be chosen to achieve an offset that is small enough to fit on available galvanometer mirrors, which typically have mirror width of around 1 cm for high-speed versions. 66 Group Delay vs. Mirror Offset Phase Delay vs. Mirror Offset 1.4 1.2 2 E E E 1.5 C 0.8 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 .5 U. .5 0 mirror offset (mm) 5 0 mirror offset (mm) Phase/Group Delay Ratio vs. Mirror Offset Electronic Center Frequency and Bandwidth 1snn 15 -fo ---BW 1400 10 - 1200 . 5- -fB- 1000 - 0 800Cr 4) 600 4h 400 0 -5-10 200- -1-5 -5 ___ .5 5 0 mirror offset (mm) 0 5 mirror offset (mm) Figure 2.18. Phase delay line characteristics for X = 800 nm, f = 5 cm, l/d = 80 lpmam, y = 3.6 degrees. and x.= 3.2 mm. Also plotted in figure 2.18 are the electronic frequency and bandwidth that result from delay line operation with the given parameters. At the zero group delay offset position, the center frequency is 1 MHz but the bandwidth reduces to zero indicating a pure sinusoidal heterodyne signal. The analytical expression for electronic Doppler frequency fD comes from the equality in (2.62) which can be written as fD = v~/3(>o 0) 2;r - (2.107) 1" where v, is the time derivative of the free space phase delay path difference Al, = cr aAl(t) at (2.108) Using expression (2.106) for r, , the Doppler frequency is given as 4x, ay(t) A, 67 at (2.109) The bandwidth in turn relates to the free space group path difference Alg = crg by the relation Af = (2.110) 0 where the group velocity is defined as V = OAlg (t) (2.111) at Using expression (2.106) for rg , the bandwidth becomes Af=A2 z2x f d ( 1 (2.112) a7(t) at From figure 2.18 it is also clear that an asymmetry exists in the group delay characteristics. The asymmetry results from the fact that the wavelength dependent phase shift increases with increasing wavelength on one side of mirror and decreases on the other. The phase delay, by contrast, is symmetric with respect to the zero offset position. Figure 2.19 illustrates the simulated heterodyne signal at symmetric mirror offset operating points for the above delay line parameters. A bandwidth of 200 nm is assumed with a linear mirror scan. Xo = Xo = -3.2 mm 1. -0.5 Xo =3.2 mm - -0.5- -1 0.085 0 mm 0- 1 -0.5 -11 1' 0.09 0.095 0.1 0.105 time (mS) 0.11 0.115 0.085 -0.09 0.095 0.1 0.105 time (mS) -1 0.11 0.115 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1 0.105 time (mS) 0.11 Figure 2.19. Distinct operating points for grating phase delay line. Simulation parameters are k = 800 nm, f= 5 cm, l/d = 80 lpmm, y = 3.6 degrees. 68 0.115 2.6.3 Dispersion Compensation By varying the spacing L between the grating and lens, the delay line can be used for dispersion compensation. 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This chapter describes the design and development of broadband OCM systems for real-time, in vivo imaging at wavelengths of 800 nm and 1300 nm. Figure 2.1 shows the schematic system diagram for reference. Section 3.2 discusses important design goals for in vivo OCM imaging systems. Broadband light sources used for generation of short coherence gates are described in section 3.3 and discussions of the backbone interferometer, reference arm phase modulator, and sample arm optics follow in sections 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, respectively. The receiver specifications and data acquisition scheme used for highspeed imaging are described in sections 3.7 and 3.8. Finally, characterization of system sensitivity and axial resolution are described in sections 3.9 and 3.10. 3.2 Requirements for In Vivo Cellular Imaging OCM systems for real time, in vivo cellular imaging in human tissues face several challenges. Some of these considerations are the same as those constraining design of in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopes [1, 2]. Axial section thickness must be sufficiently small to resolve single scattered light deep in tissue. Adequate lateral resolution to visualize cells and their nuclei must be achieved. Furthermore, a sufficient field of view should be maintained so that aspects of cellular arrangement and tissue architecture can be surveyed as well as individual cells. Other requirements include high frame rate to visualize physiologic motion such as blood flow and to combat against unwanted motion artifact from movement of the sample. For stability on the micron size scale of cells, mechanical stabilization schemes are generally required. Finally, deep tissue imaging requires use of near infrared (NIR) wavelengths for increased penetration and long working distance objective lenses to accommodate the imaging depth. Several unique constraints also apply to OCM systems for short coherence length imaging. First, the systems require use of broadband, high-power laser sources. Use of broadband NIR laser sources in turn requires a high-speed, achromatic phase modulator and sample arm optics optimized for the NIR. In addition, high speed OCM requires a low noise radio frequency analog receiver for detection and demodulation of the heterodyne signal and a path length control mechanism to combat against sample induced delay mismatch. Finally, for transition of imaging technology to clinical applications, design of compact probe technology is required. Handheld and endoscopic devices enable access to tissues unavailable for imaging with bulky microscope systems. The following list summarizes initial performance goals for a high resolution OCM imaging system. 73 " " " * * " " " " " Broadband sources and system components for use in NIR wavelength range 800 nm - 1300 nm Lateral resolution of at least 3 - 4 um Axial section thickness smaller than 5 um Minimum field of view of 100 um x 100 um Imaging depth approaching 1 mm or more Working distance at least 1 mm Safe irradiance levels Stable imaging in the presence of live tissue motion Sample & reference arm path length coordination Compact and miniaturized devices for clinical application Subsequent sections will discuss implementation of technology for achievement of several of these goals. 3.3 Broadband Light Sources Broad bandwidth light sources in the near infrared wavelength regime have been under development for telecommunications systems for many years. More recently, design of new sources has been a major focus for research on optical coherence tomography [3]. Source design criteria include wavelength, bandwidth, single transverse mode power, and stability. The bandwidth directly determines the size of the axial coherence gate. To image with maximum sensitivity, sources should provide enough power to operate near the exposure limit for tissue. Exposure depends on the wavelength, imaging speed and the focusing conditions and is typically in the range of 10-20 mW for in vivo systems. Dual-balanced low coherence imaging systems have low throughput due to the fiber couplers and the loss in the sample arm optics. Given these constraints, fiber coupled input power in the range of 20-50 mW or higher are necessary for OCM systems depending on the precise interferometer and sample arm configuration. Semiconductor superluminescent laser diode (SLD) sources have largely been the standard for low coherence medical imaging applications to date. Early sources for OCT had center wavelengths around 850nm with near 20 nm bandwidth, providing axial resolution of approximately 15 um. These sources, however, were limited to below 1 mW output power, and were not sufficient for real time imaging. A high-power superluminescent diode laser (SLD) source at 1300 nm was developed by AFC Inc. in 1997 to produce over 60 nm bandwidth and 20 mW output power. This source has become the standard for clinical OCT systems. The need for higher power, broader bandwidth sources has necessitated the use of femtosecond laser technology. Short pulse lasers provide bandwidth inversely proportional to the pulse duration. In the femtosecond regime, bandwidths of hundreds of nanometers can be achieved with 50 - 100 mW or more of output power. The remainder of this section discusses the laser sources used for OCM imaging in this thesis as well as sources available for future OCM imaging. 3.3.1 Semiconductor Superluminescent Diode Laser Source at 1300 nm Initial OCM imaging results were obtained with a SLD source providing ~ 65 nm bandwidth at 1330 nm with 20 mW output power. Figure 3.1 demonstrates the source spectrum used for imaging. The nearly Gaussian form of the spectrum provides a low-noise, echo free coherence 74 gate and the long 1330 nn wavelength allows for increased image penetration. The coherence gate for 65 nm is approximately 12 um in free space, which is sufficient for coherence gated confocal microscopy. In operating conditions where the coherence gate dominates axial sectioning, however, a 12 um resolution is insufficient for cellular imaging deep in tissue. 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 F- o0.4 I- E 0.21- 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 wavelength (nm) 1400 1450 1500 Figure 3.1. Spectrum produced by amplified SLD source used for OCM imaging. Center wavelength is 1330 nm with bandwidth 65 nm. The SLD source provides reliable turnkey operation in a variety of environments, easing its integration into a clinically useful system. Nonetheless, short coherence gate OCM imaging requires femtosecond laser sources until further improvements in SLD technology emerge. 3.3.2 Modelocked Ti:A13 0 2 Femtosecond Laser Source at 800 nm Investigation of short coherence length OCM imaging was performed with a modelocked Ti:A130 2 solid state laser producing femtosecond pulses at 800 nm. The laser was originally designed and demonstrated by Morgner et. al. for generation of sub-two-cycle optical pulses with bandwidth in excess of 400 nm [4]. Pulses of ~ 5.4 fs duration were produced at 90 MHz with an average power of 200 mW. Figure 3.2 illustrates the laser cavity design. The Ti:A130 2 crystal is pumped by a continuous wave (CW) argon-ion laser producing 5 W ouput power. The resonator is a standard Z-fold design with the crystal oriented at Brewster's angle. Low dispersion prisms and novel double chirped mirrors are used for broadband dispersion control. CaF 2 prisms intracavity provide positive dispersion to reduce the amount of negative third-order dispersion that must be balanced by the DCM's. Fused-quartz prisms extracavity provide further dispersion compensation to reduce pulse width. This laser source has been used extensively for ultrahigh resolution OCT studies [5-7]. The spectral bandwidth for imaging can be controlled by adjusting intracavity prism insertion. The adjustment maintains average output power. To further shape the spectrum to obtain the highest axial resolution, an extracavity spectral shaping apparatus is included between the quartz prism pair. Three individually controlled fibers provide spatial line filters for narrow bandwidth fine tuning of the spectrum while a slit aperture can be used to shape the high and low ends of the spectrum and to set the center wavelength. Extracavity shaping reduces the average power of the 75 output beam to the interferometer and must therefore be done considering the power requirements of the particular imaging application. Interferometer OC Mo ,I M4 M, 3 MP X M2 PI L P2 RB FS P4 M6 Figure 3.2. Cavity setup for modelocked Ti:A120 3 femtosecond laser. Pump lens L, crystal X, curved mirrors M2 and M3, flat mirrors MO, MI, and M4-M7, output-coupling mirror OC, intracavity prisms P1 and P2, and extracavity prisms P3 and P4, extracavity spectral shaping fibers FS and razor blade RB. 1.2. 1."S 10 . 0 .8.6 E 2 0.4 0 .E 0.2 S00 0.8 0.8 .6 0.6 E ' 0.4 E .4 0 S 0.2 1000 800 wavelength (nm) 00o .S 0.2 00 . 1 8 00 .8 00 .8- 0. 6 E 2 0 .4 &0.6 E .4 oE 0 .2 0.6 E m .4 (U 0 C. 0 .2 800 1000 800 wavelength (nm) 00 1000 800 wavelength (nm) -I,"S 1 .2 1. 10 1000 800 wavelength (nm) 0.2 1000 800 wavelength (nm) R0- 1000 800 wavelength (nm) Possible fiber coupled spectra after spectral shaping of the Ti:A120 Figure 3.3. femtosecond laser. 76 3 After passing through the extracavity prism pair, the laser is coupled into a fiber leading to the imaging system. Poor coupling of short wavelengths cuts some of the spectral bandwidth. Nonetheless, quite large bandwidth can be coupled into the fiber to provide coherence gates of less than 3 um. Possible spectra achievable using the discussed spectral shaping are displayed in Figure 3.3. Note that the plots are individually normalized to best show spectral features. The laser power represented by each spectrum is not the same since the spectral shaping setup causes loss of power. For the very small bandwidth spectra shown, the power drops below 10 mW into the fiber, which is prohibitively low for in vivo OCM imaging. 3.3.3 Fiber Broadened Femtosecond Laser Sources at 1064 nm and 1250 nrn Methods of generating broadband light using nonlinear effects in fibers have also been demonstrated [8, 9] and used for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography [10]. These sources take advantage of self-phase modulation resulting from confinement of an intense electric field from a short laser pulse to generate new frequency components. In addition, fiber broadened sources can be made compact and reliable. The femtosecond Ti:A120 3 laser discussed above is a large tabletop laser which requires a sizeable second laser as the pump. Fiber broadened sources require a moderate bandwidth laser to pump the fiber, which can be made quite compact and is commercially available at some wavelengths. Figures 3.4a and 3.4b show spectra generated from two fiber broadened femtosecond laser sources. A spectrum generated in a germanium doped fiber pumped by a compact Cr 4*:forsterite femtosecond laser source is shown in 3.4a. The source was developed for in vivo OCT imaging studies by Karl Schneider, a visiting researcher at MIT. It will provide long wavelength, short coherence length capability for OCM imaging. With over 200 nm of bandwidth and 40 mW of fiber coupled power, the source can provide coherence lengths smaller than 5 um and may enable cellular imaging at depths approaching 1 mm. The spectrum from this laser is used in this thesis for broadband characterization of some components of the 1300 nm OCM imaging system but has not yet been implemented for in vivo imaging. Cr:Forsterite Nd:Glass 1.2 1.2 1 - <0.8 <0.8 0.6 - 0.6 2 E 00.4 00.4- S S 0.2 0.2 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 900 wavelength (nm) 1000 1100 1200 wavelength (nm) A B Figure 3.4. Spectra from fiber broadened femtosecond laser sources at 1260 nm and 1060 nm. 77 1300 Figure 3.4b shows a spectrum generated using a compact femtosecond Nd:glass laser to pump a high numerical aperture fiber. Both the fiber and the laser source are commercially available. The source provides over 100 nm of bandwidth centered at 1064 nm, which corresponds to a coherence gate of around 5 um. This source will provide a future option for high resolution OCM imaging in the 1 um wavelength range. Interferometer 3.4 As was demonstrated in chapter 2, for fixed sample power, use of dual-balanced detection provides enhanced sensitivity over single detector configurations. Two different dual-balanced Michelson interferometer configurations were implemented for imaging at 1300 nm and at 800 nm. These are shown in figure 3.5a and 3.5b. At 1300 nm, an optical circulator was used to improve the light throughput in the illumination and detection paths. Circulators are commercially available at 1300 nm. With only 20 mW of power from the superluminescent diode source, this component enables dual-balanced detection to be performed with the 1300 system. At 800nm, optical circulators are not available commercially. Instead two 50/50 fiber optic couplers were used for dual-balanced detection. The Ti:A12 0 3 laser provides sufficient power at the input that the forward loss at the first coupler can be overcome. Attenuation at the high detector is now necessary for dual balancing as is discussed in chapter 2. Source Source 1 3 2 50/50 3 5051 3 Reference 2] Reference 4 D1to Di Polarization Control 50i50 2 4 Polarization Control 50/50 2 Sample 4 Sml D2 D2 B A Figure 3.5. Fiber optic Michelson Interferometer configurations used for OCM imaging. A) 1300 nm setup using optical circulator. B) 800 nm setup using paired 50/50 couplers. The interferometers require single-mode fiber. The 1300 nm system fibers have 9 urn core diameter and 125 um cladding diameter with a numerical aperture of 0.11. The cutoff wavelength is around 1260 nm. The 800 nm system fibers have 5.5 um core diameter and 125 urn cladding diameter and a numerical aperture of 0.14. The cutoff wavelength is approximately 730 nm. 3.4.1 Spectral Transmission Measurements Flat spectral transmission curves in the circulator and the couplers are optimal for the interferometer to avoid distortion of the spectra interfering at the detector. At 1300nm, 78 broadband fiber optics are readily available due to the demand for them from the telecommunications market. At 800 nm, however, broadband circulators are not available and broadband couplers are only made to custom order. Measurement of components used in the OCM systems are provided in figures 3.6 and 3.7. Coupler Optical Circulator 1.2 r -_ 1:3 ----- 1:4 - 4:2 3:2 1:2 2:3 I .2 0.8 0.8- 0 0.6 I,- 0.6- 0.4 0 (0.4 0.2 0.2 1200 1300 wavelength (nm) 1100 1400 0 1000 1500 1100 1500 1400 1200 1300 wavelength (nm) Figure 3.6. Spectral transmission measurements for optical circulator and coupler from 1300 nm system. Measurements made with Cr:Forsterite laser. Coupler I Coupler 2 I -_ -1:3 - - 1:4 1:4 0. 0.8 F 4: 0.6 6 -CM CL 0 0. 4 0 U 0. 0.4 0.2 1 0. n 650 700 750 800 850 wavelength (nm) 900 950 650 1000 700 750 800 850 wavelength (nm) 900 950 1000 Figure 3.7. Spectral transmission measurements for couplers from 800 nm system. Measurements made with Ti:Sapphire laser. Transmission measurements were made using the Cr 4+:Forsterite laser at 1300 nm and the Ti:A12 0 3 laser at 800nm. The plots display the output spectrum normalized by the input spectrum. The large fluctuation at the edges of the spectral range is just noise in regions beyond the source spectral bandwidth. At 1300 nm spectral transmission is relatively flat across the source wavelength range for the coupler. The 1300 nm circulator, however, cuts off at the low wavelengths quite sharply on the reverse path to the detector. This will limit broadband performance with the Cr:Forsterite laser. The 800 nm couplers have overall worse transmission 79 characteristics than the couplers at 1300 nm. Nonetheless, the slope of the transmission curves is relatively gradual and does not prohibit broadband imaging. 3.4.2 Polarization Control Interference only results between two fields of parallel polarization. Polarization changes that misalign the reference and sample arm electric fields can be induced by the sample or by uncontrolled birefringence in the reference or sample arm optics or in the fibers themselves. To optimize the interference signal against these changes, polarization paddle controllers are used in both reference and sample paths. The paddles introduce controlled, stress-induced birefringence to alter polarization state. Using three paddles in a A /4: 1 /2: A /4 configuration, coverage of the entire Poincare sphere can be achieved for a monochromatic source. With broadband light, of course, it is not possible to achieve perfect polarization control across the spectrum since a A /4: A /2: A /4 configuration cannot be achieved at every wavelength. Nonetheless, setting the paddles for the center wavelength provides reasonably good polarization control and optimization of the heterodyne signal. One paddle is used in each arm to allow for calibration of the baseline system. Looking at a sample which is not birefringent, the paddles can be set to optimize the heterodyne signal and essentially calibrate out the reference arm and coupler birefringence. When imaging a sample with birefringence, adjustment of the sample arm paddle then provides compensation for induced polarization changes. If significant birefringence in the sample arm optics exists, separation of it from sample-induced changes is difficult. Several groups have looked with some success at polarization sensitive OCT as a mode of contrast enhancement for standard reflectance imaging [11-13]. The diameter and number of fiber loops wound on each paddle determines its birefringence character. The following equation determines the number of loops necessary for each paddle to achieve A /4: /2: A/4 performance N= 1 DL(3.1) 7rw B d2 where A0 is the center wavelength, DL is the fiber loop diameter, d, is the fiber cladding diameter, e = 0.133, and B = 4 for A/4 operation or B =2 for A/2 operation. 3.5 Reflective Grating Phase Modulator The heterodyne signal in OCM depends on the introduction of a phase modulation term #(co, t). At low speed, fiber stretching phase modulators can be used to impart tiny path length changes ( < 1 um ) to the reference arm signal, which results in a phase delay that generates the beat signal. To provide high-speed phase modulation, electro-optic waveguide phase modulators are available at select wavelengths common in telecommunications. These modulators, however, do not support large bandwidth and are not available at arbitrary wavelengths. To provide for broadband and high-speed phase modulation, a reflective grating phase delay modulator was constructed. The grating phase modulator is similar to grating-based pulse amplitude and phase 80 shaping techniques in femtosecond optics [14-16]. The theory of operation of the grating phase modulator is covered in section 2.6. This section emphasizes the reflective design and characterization of its performance for broadband phase modulation. 3.5.1 Modulator Design The reflective phase modulator design is shown schematically in top and side views in figures 3.8. A super-achromat lens specially designed for broadband use serves as the collimating lens. The input beam passes through dispersion compensating prisms and is dispersed by a grating onto a curved mirror, which then focuses the diffraction orders onto the scanning galvanometer mirror. The beam path passing through the entire system is the m = 1 order of the diffracted light. A slit filter removes higher diffraction orders which would otherwise pass through the modulator and produce interference with the m = 1 order at the detector. The galvanometer mirror is on a high resolution positioning stage to allow for precise control of the offset of the beam with respect to the mirror center axis. The beam from the galvanometer mirror reflects back to the curved mirror where the spectral components are defocused and then recombined at the grating. A small vertical tilt of the grating introduces a vertical displacement of the return beam from the input beam. The displaced beam is picked off by a flat mirror and retro-reflected through the system for a second pass. Top View Side View Dispersion Prisms compensating Fiber prisms collimator Double pass mirror Fiber collimator on translation stage for delay adjustment . Slit filter Minor Input beam passing mirror over Grating Double pass mirror Curved mirror Scanning Slit filter for higher orders Cuirdrmrro Grating mirror GangCurved Mro Figure 3.8. Reflective grating phase delay line in top and side views. The double-pass mirror serves two important purposes. First, it doubles the delay characteristics of the device, allowing the modulator to deliver twice as high of a modulation frequency for the same galvanometer scan rate. Second, the mirror helps in recoupling the beam back to the collimator. The scanning mirror imparts an angle displacement to the return beam, causing the beam to raster scan a line on the curved mirror and grating. The spectrally recombined beam returning to the collimator is then displaced laterally from the input beam. This beam walk-off effect due to scanning can create severe scan modulation on the backcoupled reference arm power level. Modulation on the reference arm backcoupled power level shows up directly as modulation of the heterodyne amplitude. The presence of the double-pass mirror combats the beam walkoff effect by forcing the beam to retrace its path back to the collimator. The input angle should be chosen to correspond to maximum grating efficiency as described in chapter 2. To minimize astigmatism introduced by off-axis focusing at the curved mirror, the 81 grating should be as close vertically as possible to the scanning mirror. In addition, the input and reflected beams on the curved mirror should straddle the center axis of the mirror. To conserve reference arm power, the input lens can be set to focus at a distance much larger than the delay line path, effectively collimating the beam through the system. Due to residual beam walkoff, this configuration typically results in significant modulation of the backcoupled reference arm power when the galvanometer mirror is scanning. To minimize this modulation, the input collimating lens is typically set to focus at a distance corresponding to the path length to the retroreflecting mirror. This position ensures that the beam is slightly defocused when leaving and returning to the collimator, which helps with reducing scan modulation. The reduction in modulation comes at the cost of lower backcoupled power, however. The input collimating fiber and lens combination is mounted on a translation stage with the axis of translation parallel to the beam. Variation of the position of the collimator changes the reference arm path length, which adjusts the position of the coherence gate relative to the confocal gate. Careful control of reference arm path length is required for precise alignment of the confocal and coherence gates. The curved mirror and galvanometer scanning mirror are mounted together on a translation stage with the axis of translation parallel to the mirror center axis. Adjustment of the stage position changes the distance between the grating and the curved mirror, which introduces a second order dispersion term as described in chapter 2. Use of the phase delay line for compensation of dispersion mismatch is common practice in OCT imaging. To achieve pure phase modulation, the grating and mirror parameters must be chosen to place the zero group delay offset point at a physically realizable distance on the galvanometer mirror. Furthermore, high-speed operation requires as small of a mirror as possible to minimize inertial load on the galvanometer. The largest mirror dimensions for galvanometers scanning at 500 Hz or faster are typically in the range of 10 - 15 mm. The grating and lens choice must therefore be chosen to restrict the offset to below 5 - 7 mm. From expression 2.106 it is clear that this entails relatively small focal length f and relatively low dispersion grating density 1/d. For the 1300 nm system, pure phase modulation was achieved at an offset of 2.35 mm using a grating density of 36.152 lines per mm and focal length of 5 cm. The 800 nm modulator achieved zero group delay at offset 3.2 mm with grating density 80 lines per mm and focal length 5 cm. A continuous phase delay scan is generated by driving the galvanometer with a triangle wave linear in the up and down slopes. For a given modulator configuration, the frequency and amplitude of the drive waveform set the heterodyne frequency. Attention must be given to choice of a heterodyne frequency that is high enough to support the expected resolution of the system. For accurate representation of the resolution element, there must be a sufficient fringe density under the envelope representing the structure. A demodulation frequency of 1 MHz was achieved in the OCM delay lines using a triangle drive waveform at 500 MHz frequency with a drive angle of about 3.6 degrees at 800 nm and 7.8 degrees at 1300 nm. Note that the heterodyne frequency shifts with the center wavelength of the light source and must be adjusted when the spectrum is varied. The frequency of 500 Hz is near the upper limit of the galvanometer, but the angle drive is well below the maximum drive angle of ±20 degrees. Since imaging can be performed on both the up and down slopes of the modulator triangle wave, a line scan rate of 1000 Hz is possible with this modulator configuration. For imaging, the modulator drive waveform is synchronized with the fast axis of the XY raster scan of the sample arm microscope. This provides a continuous phase modulation across 82 the image field of view. The fringe density per resolution element then depends upon the size of the scan field. Figure 3.9 provides the fringe density for the delay line parameters used in this thesis. For scan ranges below 250 um, the modulator still produces about 4 fringes per micron of scan, which should be sufficient for demodulation of structures on the size scale of the focal spot. Note, however, that for looking at submicron structure over a large field of view, the fringe count may not be sufficient and a modulator with higher phase delay characteristics should be designed. Fringe Count per micron vs. scan range inY 8 0 E 4 2 100 150 200 250 300 350 Scan Range (um) 400 450 500 Figure 3.9. Fringe count per micron for OCM phase modulators. Operation at 1 MHz heterodyne electronic frequency is assumed. 3.5.2 Modulator Characterization The reflective delay lines are capable of modulating the large bandwidth from the femtosecond laser sources. Figure 3.10 shows the spectral throughput of the phase modulators. The 800 nm and 1300 nm measurements were made with the Ti:Sapphire and Cr:Forsterite lasers, respectively, by recording the backcoupled spectrum at the high detector of the interferometer using an optical spectrum analyzer. Spectra were recorded with and without the galvanometer scanning to demonstrate that the entire bandwidth is modulated. 800nm 1300nm 1.4 1.4 Input Backcoupled ....---- Backcoupled Scanning-' 1.2 ---- 1 E *- 0.8- 0.8 w- U) 0.6 0.6 - . 0 Backcoupled Scanning W E U) Input -------- Backcoupled 1.2- 0.4- o.4 0 0 Z0.2 0.2 600 700 800 900 0 1000 wavelength (nm) 1100 1300 1200 wavelength (nm) 1400 1500 Figure 3.10. Modulator spectral throughput for 800 nm and 1300 nm systems. Backcoupled spectra are shown with and without the modulator scanning to demonstrate that the entire bandwidth is modulated. 83 The spectra in figure 3.10 are individually normalized to best show the spectral features. The actual power throughput from the modulator is quite low, typically on the order of 5 %. This is more than enough reference arm power for OCM imaging applications, though. In practice, the reference arm return power is usually attenuated even further with neutral density filters to prevent from saturating the photodetectors. With dual-balanced systems, the referenece arm heterodyne gain should be set to the maximum level that does not cause voltage clipping at the output of the transimpedance amplifier. The order blocking slit filter is an important component of the grating phase modulator. Because low dispersion gratings are needed to achieve zero group delay with a reasonable mirror offset, multiple diffraction orders strike the curved mirror. If not removed from the beam path, these orders will couple back through the system and will interfere with the m = 1 order. Figure 3.11 shows the measured reference arm backcoupled power with and without the order blocking filter. Note that the filter together with precise alignment of the grating, curved mirror and galvanometer mirror allow the modulation of the backcoupled power from the modulator to be reduced to a very small level. Without Order Block With Order Block 33 _-- 2.5 Backcoupled Power Scan Mirror Position2P -Backcoupled 2 2 1.5 1.5 E 0.5 - E 0.5 -1.5 - < -0.5 -2 Powe ----- -1 -0.5 0.5 0 time (ms) 1 1.5 - -0.5 -- 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 0 time (ms) 1 1.5 2 Figure 3.11. Backcoupled reference arm photodetector level with and without order blocking filter. Sample arm is blocked during measurement. The offset of the beam on the mirror must be precisely controlled to achieve zero group delay. Particularly with broadband, short coherence gate systems, a group delay scan of even several micrometers can displace the coherence gate significantly across the line scan. The resulting heterodyne signal is then modulated with the shape of the coherence gate. A highresolution micrometer is used here to achieve zero group delay in the OCM modulators. Figure 3.12 illustrates the heterodyne interference signals for various operating points of the grating phase modulator. The signals were acquired using the 800 nm system after carefully matching the reference and sample arm path lengths. These results correspond well to the Figure 3.12a is the group delay scanning point located simulations from chapter 2. symmetrically to the zero group delay point. The heterodyne frequency is 1 MHz at this offset. Figure 3.12b is the zero phase delay operating point. No heterodyne frequency results. Figure 3.12c is the zero group delay operating point. Note the continuous sinusoidal interference fringes that result from careful adjustment of the offset position. 84 Group Delay Scanning 3.5 __3.5 A 3 Zero Group Delay Zero Phase Delay ._._._ 3 3.5 B 2.5 2.5 2- 2 2 1.5 - 1.5 1.M 1.5 0.5 -. -0.03 0.5 5 -0.02 -0.01 0 time (ins) 0.01 0.02 C 3 2.5- -0.02 -0.01 0 time (inS) 0.01 0.02 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.02 0.01 timf* (ins) Figure 3.12. Operating points for grating phase modulator. Measured traces are heterodyne interference signals recorded after the transimpedance amplifier. 3.6 Sample Arm Optics The sample arm in an OCM system consists of a scanning confocal microscope. Confocal images can be obtained directly by blocking the reference arm phase modulator and recording the DC output of the transimpedance amplifier. Several confocal microscope designs were implemented for the work in this thesis. Benchtop microscopes were used for imaging at 800 nm and a compact handheld probe was designed and demonstrated at 1300 nm. This section discusses the design and characterization of these microscopes. 3.6.1 Microscope Objectives Microscope objective lenses for investigation of in vivo OCM imaging were chosen to correspond to the requirements of confocal microscopy. For in vivo confocal imaging, image quality is critically dependent upon correct choice of objective lens [2]. The objective determines the axial section thickness and lateral resolution, and is typically an important source of loss in the optical transmission path. Table 3.1 compares the specifications of the lenses used for work in this thesis. Tube Length / Focal Working Lens Mag NA Tube Lens Length Distance Immersion Coverslip Correction LOMO 30x 0.9 160 mm / NA 5.3 mm 1.3 mm Water Yes Zeiss 40x 0.8 Inf/ 164.5 mm 4.11 mm 3.6 mm Water No Throughput @ 800 nm Price Planachromat -70 % $200 Planachromat >85% $2,800 Table 3.1. Microscope objectives used for OCM imaging. The lenses have medium magnification that provides a nice compromise between transverse resolution and field of view. Both objective lenses have high numerical aperture and relatively long working distance and require water immersion. For in vivo imaging, water immersion microscope objectives are desirable because many tissues have an index of refraction near water. Viable epidermis and dermis, for example, have indices of refraction of 1.34 and 1.40, respectively. Index matching minimizes the reflection loss at the surface as well as the amount of spherical aberration incurred upon refraction into tissue. Both lenses were initially designed 85 for use in the visible wavelength region around 500 nm. The much higher price of the Zeiss lens is partly due to a specialized NIR anti-reflection coating which extends the 85% transmission out past 1200 nm. The LOMO objective has no anti-reflection coating. The LOMO objective has a finite tube length while the Zeiss lens is infinity corrected. To account for the difference in tube length correction, the lenses should be used in slightly different microscope configurations as discussed in chapter 2. 3.6.2 Reflective Microscope Design for Finite Tube Length Objective A benchtop microscope based on a reflective design patented by BioRad Inc. was constructed for use at 800 nm with the finite tube length LOMO 30X objective lens. Figure 3.13 provides an illustration of the approximate beam path through the reflective microscope. Curved Mirror f3 X galvo scanning beam out of plane of page Raster Lens f 4 I Plane Objective Mo Collimator ff1 fiberbeam Cfibmer Y galvo scanning in plane of page Curved Mirror f2 Figure 3.13. Reflective confocal microscope design used for OCM imaging with finite tube length objective lens. The corresponding unfolded design and relevant notation is shown in figure 2.6a. The spot size for the microscope is given as the fiber core size scaled by the magnifications of the two relay pairs and the objective lens. spot size = (fiber core)- 2 (3.2) 4 f )A, Mo The field of view can be determined in terms of the angles swept by the galvanometers scaled by the magnification factors of the optics that relay the scan to the objective. The X and Y scan durations at the sample become = M LI dX = - -tan(O 4 t + 0(_ dY dY = 0 =_M_ L, 0 L A(3.3) +fo ).tan (0 ,+f 86 0 where L is the tube length of the objective lens and S, is the distance between the second curved mirror f3 and the lens f4 . The actual magnification of the objective is lower than the nominal magnification if the full aperture of the lens is not filled with a uniform intensity. Achieving diffraction-limited performance typically involves overfilling of the objective by 2-3 times, which wastes light in the illumination path. In OCM, the axial sectioning requirement is not as stringent due to the sectioning provided by the coherence gate. Hence, diffraction-limited performance from the objective lens is not as critical as in confocal microscopy. The component design parameters used for imaging with this microscope are f = 10 mm (f / 2), f 2 = f3= 50.8 mm (f / 1), and f 4 = 75 mm (f / 3). The collimator is a superachromat lens specially designed for broadband operation at 800 nm. Spherical, gold-coated curved mirrors provide high reflectivity at near infrared (NIR) wavelengths. The lens f 4 is a commercially available achromat doublet designed and coated for NIR wavelengths. The illumination path throughput was approximately 50% and the backcoupling was 45%. Throughput is measured as the ratio of the power after the objective to the power out of the collimator. Power After Objective Forward Throughput = Power After Collit Power After Collimator (3.4) The backcoupling is a measure of how much of the light that returns to the fiber actually couples into it. The formula to measure backcoupling is . =2 x Power at Detector Power at Sample x System Throughput where the factor of 2 must be added to account for the 50% power loss due to the coupler. To characterize the microscope further, the axial point spread function was measured using the standard technique of recording the DC photodetector level while translating a mirror through the focus [17]. Figure 3.14 demonstrates the results. The measured full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the confocal gate is about 12 um. The transverse resolution was characterized by imaging a United States Air Force (USAF) resolution target. The smallest pattern has a period of 4.4 um and is easily resolved with the microscope. The 10 - 90 % edge width of a scan across a resolution element is smaller than 2 um, which corresponds to a FWHM Gaussian beam spot size of better than 2 um as well. The reflective nature of the design aids in eliminating some of the chromatic aberration imparted by the lenses when used under broadband illumination. There is some astigmatism that results from use of the mirrors off axis, however. To minimize the astigmatism, the galvanometers should be brought as close to each other as possible, which reduces the angles at which the beam strikes the mirror. This configuration also has the advantage of imaging both scanners precisely to the telecentric plane in the objective. As the scanners rotate, the beam will pivot about a single point in the telecentric plane and the focal spot will in turn raster scan a precisely defined plane in the sample. 87 12 . Axial Point Spread 1 > 0.80 0.64"80 2 .4 0.2- -40 -60 -20 0 20 Axial Displacement (um) 40 60 Figure 3.14. Reflective confocal microscope characterization at 800 nm. A) OCM image of USAF test target. The scan range in the image is 100 um x 100 um. The confocal gate is 12 um and spot size is better than 2 um. B) Measurement of confocal axial point spread function of microscope. 3.6.3 Close-Coupled Scan Design for Infinity Corrected Objective The infinity corrected Zeiss 40X objective lens was used at 800 nm in a benchtop microscope design with close-coupled scanners. The optical geometry is given in figure 2.7b and redrawn here as figure 3.15 for clarity. Close coupled scanners f2 f3 Objective Mo Xfiber Raster Plane V Telecentric Pupil Plane f3 f3 f2 f, y f2 d fl Figure 3.15. Close-coupled scan design for infinity corrected objective lens The equations for spot size and field of view with the microscope are derived similarly to those for the reflective microsope. The expression for spot size is spot size = (fiber core). --2. 88 (3.6) where f4 3 is the nominal focal length of the objective lens. Again, the actual spot size M0 depends upon the degree to which the objective aperture is filled to achieve diffraction-limited performance. The field of view is given by the expression dX = dY = IWO (3.7) A where ?,, represents the scan angle swept by the X or Y scanner. The scanners are closely situated with the center point between them located a distance f 2 away from the second lens. The closer the scanners are to each other, the better is equation (3.7) at describing the scan field of view. Note that the spot size and field of view depend on the same factor which implies f4 A3 a tradeoff between achieving small spot size and large field of view. The implementations of the close-coupled scan design demonstrated in this thesis used a broadband superachromat collimating lens identical to that used in the reflective microscope design (f; = 10 mm, f / 2). The relay configuration f 2 x f3 was varied to achieve different size confocal gates. Figure 3.16 shows the measured variation of the confocal gate with relay lens magnification. Measurements were made by recording the DC transimpedance voltage output as a function of position when translating a mirror through the focus. A 1 um resolution piezoelectric stage was used. All lenses used in the relay configurations were NIR achromat doublets of 1 inch diameter except the 164.5 mm focal length tube lens, which had a diameter of 35 mm. For all relay configurations, the illumination path throughput and detection path backcoupling was high for a typical confocal microscope operating at near infrared wavelengths. The measured values for all relay configurations are listed in table 3.2. All measurements were made at 800 nm using the modelocked Ti:Sapphire laser with greater than 100 nm bandwidth. The throughput values decrease with increasing magnification of the relay lens pair because the overfilling of the objective increases with larger beam diameter. The loss at the objective can be compensated by increasing source power to provide fixed sample power. The backcoupling values are normalized to the throughput and therefore essentially provide a measure of the aberration in the system. Backcoupling is extremely sensitive to alignment of the mirror in the sample, however. Care was taken to optimize alignment before recording each measurement. 89 Confo cal Gate 1.2 1 0) -J 0.8 A 0 U 0) a, 0.6 0 U) a) B 0.4 C 0.2 - D E n -40 -30 -20 20 10 -10 0 Axial Displacement (um) 30 40 Figure 3.16. Confocal axial point spread function for various relay configurations f2 x f3 . A) 100 x 75 mm, FWHM ~ 66 urn B) 100 x 100 mm, FWHM ~ 30 um C) 100 x 164.5 mm,FWHM - 12 um D) 75 x 164.5 mm, FWHM - 7 um E) 50 x 164.5 mm, FWHM ~ 3um Relay 50 x 164 mm 75 x 164 mm 100 x 164 mm 100 x 100 mm 100 x 75 mm Throughput 56.50% 66.90% 67.20% 72.20% 74.50% Backcoupling 72.60% 69.80% 74.90% 68.80% 72.70% Configuration Forward Table 3.2. Illumination path throughput and detection path backcoupling for various relay configurations. The various microscope configurations allow high lateral resolution with transverse focal spot sizes measuring below 2 um. The 50 x 164 configuration provided a Gaussian spot size of better than 1 um, as measured with the 10 - 90 % edge width technique. Even the 100 x 100 relay setup still provided spot size below 2 um with 30 um confocal gate. These results empirically confirm that the transverse resolution can be maintained without extremely high NA, potentially allowing for OCM imaging at the cellular level with relaxed confocal gate. Figure 3.17 illustrates the resolving power of the microscope for both very high NA and relaxed NA. The smallest element of the USAF test target is clearly visible in both confocal images. 90 F7 -w B A ga igauees3.17. n nuerial apere.A ui manflimes of USAF teestcatwihdfeentri aTsnge physticalhspangenteae, the bgamvanoete s ab0u irroscin btoubloe priularlynth Y direction about another point. Using the lens equation, an expression can be derived for the spacing between the X and Y pivot points. Pivot Error = - r[f+ )f(f± M )/M (3.8) where dM is the actual mirror spacing. The physical spacing between the scanners was slightly less than 6 mm. When the relay pair is set with a short lens f2 = 50.8 mm followed by the tube lens fL = 164.5 mm, this spacing dM is magnified to over 30 mm spacing around the telecentric plane. With such significant pivot error, the beam clips on the limiting aperture of the objective at the extreme angles of the X and Y scans. Loss of signal at the edges of the image results. Similarly, misplacement of the objective with respect to the tube lens moves the telecentric pupil plane with respect to the images of the scanners and can result in beam clipping as well. Figure 3.18 demonstrates the effect of imperfect imaging of the scanners to the pupil plane. The data was recorded in confocal mode at the output of the transimpedance amplifier with the reference arm blocked. Figure A shows the measured backcoupled detector signal for a single line scan of the image and figure B shows the resulting loss of signal at the image fringes. Despite the beam 91 clipping, note the clarity of tiny details on the mirror surface provided by the high-resolution configuration. To minimize vignetting of the beam at the exit pupil of the objective lens, the scanners should be set as close to each other as possible. Correct choice of focal lengths f2 and f3 can minimize the pivot error as well, but this generally comes with a loss of relay magnification. In confocal microscopy applications where small axial section thickness is critical, this tradeoff is significant. In order to preserve confocal axial section thickness, the relay magnification must be high enough to overfill the objective. The degree of clipping of the beam must also be minimized to provide crisp images over a large scan field. Careful design of the objective lens and choice of relay lens parameters can be used to combat the problem, but often the less complex solution for confocal microscopists involves using a design with the scanners separated. X Scan Modulation r - Bakcoupled Power B can Mirror Position 0.5-50 -4 . .0 -1 0 10 20 30 field of view in the image is greater than 100 ur x 100 um. 3.6.4 Performance Under Broadband Illumination To evaluate the effect of broadband illumination, the confocal point spread function was measured and compared with the Ti:A12 0 3 operating in continuous wave (CW) and in modelocked (ML) state. Measurements were made with the reflective microscope with over 140 nm of bandwidth in the modelocked case. As shown in figure 3.19, the point spread function is only slightly broader under broadband illumination compared to monochromatic illumination. The CW trace shows oscillations characteristic of uncompensated spherical aberration in the objective lens. The absence of oscillations in the point spread taken under broadband illumination is likely due to the presence of chromatic aberration. The chromatic aberration results in broadening of the point spread as well as averaging out of sharp features that would appear in any single frequency point spread. 92 Confocal Gate 1. 9 .------- ML -- CW 1- - Z 0. 8 0 0. 6 a, Z 1% 0. 4 0. 2 0i -40 . -20 0 20 40 Axial Displacement (um) Figure 3.19. Confocal axial point spread function for monochromatic (CW) illumination and broadband (ML) illumination with 140 nm bandwidth. 3.6.5 Combined Gating Effects Various operating regimes for short coherence gate imaging were qualitatively investigated by comparing OCM and confocal images. Figure 3.20 provides OCM images for comparison with confocal images provided in figure 3.17. Figure 3.20. OCM images demonstrating effect of combined confocal and coherence gating. A) Coherence gate - 3 um / Confocal gate - 3 um , FOV = 130 x 130 um B) Coherence gate ~ 3 um / Confocal gate ~ 30 um, FOV = 190 x 190 um. 93 Figure 3.20a demonstrates the short coherence gate, short confocal gate operating regime. Due to small tilt in the mirror, zero path difference between reference and sample arms can only be matched over a small portion of the image. When using short coherence and short confocal gate, the heterodyne signal is extremely sensitive to precise overlap of the two gates. The signal is completely lost for small delay mismatches. By contrast, figure 3.20b demonstrates the interaction of a short coherence gate with a relatively long confocal gate. In this case, the gates are less sensitive to small path mismatch and the heterodyne signal can be maintained across the entire field of view. These results highlight the fact that the extreme limit of short coherence and short confocal gate is impractical for in vivo imaging unless a mechanism for accurate, real time control of path mismatch is devised. The long confocal gate combined with a short coherence gate, however, provides a suitable working regime for investigating OCM for in vivo imaging. 3.6.6 Compact Handheld Imaging Probe A compact, handheld microscope was developed to facilitate the transition of OCM technology to clinical applications. The probe is shown schematically in figure 3.21. MIT graduate student Pei-Lin Hsiung originally designed the probe for low numerical aperture imaging and it was subsequently modified here for microscopy. The probe uses the closecoupled scan design discussed in section 3.6.3. A fiber input is collimated by a lens of focal length 11 mm. The beam strikes a pair of closely spaced, compact galvanometers that impart angles in orthogonal planes. A pair of lenses with f 2 = 25 mm and f, = 40 mm relays the angle scan to a 30 X, 0.9 NA objective lens. The entire probe measures about 15 cm in length. fiber f2f f2 + f3 f3 Objective y-galvo 2 3 30x 0.9 NA x-galvo Figure 3.21. Handheld microscope for in vivo OCM applications. The handheld probe was characterized using the superluminescent diode laser source at 1300 nm with 65 nm bandwidth. A confocal gate of 15.5 um and transverse resolution of better than 3 94 urn were achieved with a field of view of better than 100 x 100 um. Figure 3.22 presents the results of characterization. Confocal Gate 1.2r, I *1; e 0.8 ~1 0 (J e 0.6 0 0 0 .2 0.4 e 0.2} -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Axial Dis placement (urm) 60 80 Figure 3.22. Characterization of handheld microscope. A) OCM image of USAF resolution target. Field of view = 145 um x 175 um. B) Measurement of confocal axial point spread function. 3.7 Receiver Specifications Detection of the optical heterodyne interference signal was performed with high-speed, lownoise receivers initially designed for use in OCT systems. The basic block diagram and description of a receiver for low coherence interferometry is provided in section 2.4.4. A pair of dual balanced photodiodes converts the incident optical interference signals into electrical currents. The currents are added at the input node to a transimpedance amplifier and the sum current is converted to a voltage via the feedback transimpedance resistance. Filtering of the electrical signal removes wideband noise outside of the frequency spectrum of the image signal. The filter center frequency and bandwidth are set to match the center frequency and bandwidth of the heterodyne signal. Log demodulation is then performed to detect the envelope of the signal and to compress the large dynamic range OCT signal into a dynamic range that can be sampled accurately by the data acquisition card and subsequently displayed in an image. The specifications for the receivers used for this thesis are supplied in table 3.3. The 1300 nm receiver was designed by Eric Swanson and the 800 nm system was designed by Ingmar Hartl. Transimpedance Filter Center Filter Filter Wavelength Type Responsivity Resistance Frequency Bandwidth Order Demodulation 1300 nm 800 nm InGaAs 0.75 A/W 0.51 AW 100 kOhm 744 kOhm 900 kHz 1.0 MHz 550 kHz 170 kHz 2nd 3rd Log Log Diode Si Table 3.3. Specifications for OCM receivers used at 800 nm and 1300 nm. 95 Choice of diode type is dictated by the quantum efficiencies of the material at the wavelength of interest. Silicon works well in the wavelength range around 800 nm but drops off dramatically above 1000 nm and cannot therefore be used for applications at 1300 nm. At 1300 nm, however, InGaAs diodes provide high quantum efficiency. Note that the higher responsivity of InGaAs at 1300 nm provides a sensitivity advantage for the 1300 nm receiver compared to the lower responsivity of Si at 800 nm. The filters are low order passive Butterworth filters. The required filter bandwidth is determined by the size of the resolution element and the velocity of the image line scan. An approximate expression for the bandwidth can be written as 1 Ax 1 FOV *AX (3.9) TSCAN where Ax is the size of the resolution element, v, is the scan velocity, FOV is the length of the field of view, and TSCAN is the acquisition time for a line of the image. For a triangle wave with acquisition on both slopes, the acquisition time is the inverse of twice the waveform frequency. Note that the bandwidths of the filters used in the specified receivers are quite large to correspond to the relatively high group delay scan velocities used in OCT systems. High resolution, high speed OCT typically seeks to maintain an axial resolution of several micrometers over a group delay scan of 1-3 mm. In OCM, however, the field of view is significantly smaller. Hence for similar resolution element size, the required filter bandwidth is lower. Use of a log demodulator may not be optimal for OCM imaging. OCT systems use a log demodulator in order to compress the large dynamic range of the heterodyne signal into a representable image. Large reflections from the surface must be shown together with very small reflections from deeper layers. In OCM, however, the en face image should have significantly less dynamic range than cross-sectional images. Use of a log demodulator for a small dynamic range image likely reduces contrast. The optimal processing scheme for OCM may be a linear demodulation technique with variable gain adjustment. Future work will investigate this option. 3.8 Image Acquisition and Processing The image acquisition scheme is a modification of a flexible high-speed OCT acquisition system designed by Tony Ko [18]. The hardware setup is shown schematically in figure 3.23. A personal computer (PC) is configured with two 12-bit data acquisition cards. The first card is a multi-function device with both analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog (D/A) capability. A second D/A card is added to provide additional output capacity. The analog to digital (A/D) converter operates with 5 MHz maximum sampling rate while the digital to analog (D/A) converter can use up to 2 MHz update rate. Analog outputs provide drive signals to the galvanometer controller cards, which then supply feedback position control to the scanners. A function generator is used to generate the fast axis drive waveform. The function generator is controlled by the software interface via GPIB and triggered with a timing signal from the multifunction A/D card. Fiber optic inputs from the interferometer feed photodiodes in the electronic 96 receiver. The demodulated output from the receiver is then sampled by the A/D card. An image is created in real time using a windows based software interface. A/D Receiver SgaInElectronic Demod Out D1 D/A Modulator Drive Fn Gen PCX Galvo D2 CFiber Inputs from Photodetectors Modulator Controller Slow X Scan To Modulator Galvo To Microscope Controller GPIB Function Generator Y Galvo Drive Fast Y Scan Controller X Galvo _ _ To Microscope Y Galvo Figure 3.23. Schematic of acquisition and control hardware. 3.8.1 Timing and Synchronization The recorded timing signals for the OCM system are provided in figure 3.24. The triangle modulator drive results in a linear phase ramp and continuous interference fringes over the duration of the up and down ramps. The position of the galvanometer mirror generating the fast axis (Y) of the microscope raster scan is synchronized to the modulator scanner position output. Two timing pulses are generated on an analog output channel for each period of the triangle drive waveform, one each for the up and down slopes of the triangle. Each timing pulse triggers the generation of a Gate signal which allows digitization of the input heterodyne signal to commence. The duration of the Gate signal is chosen to be an integer number of cycles of the underlying pixel clock to ensure that the same number of points are acquired for each line of the image. The Gate signals are positioned symmetrically on the most linear portion of the modulator scanner position waveform to provide the most constant heterodyne signal. The Gate signal also serves as the trigger signal for the function generator to output another period of the fast Y axis drive waveform. At high speed, images are acquired on both the up and down slopes of the triangle. To allow the software to distinguish between up and down slopes so that an upright image is always displayed, a 'Start' signal is generated and used to trigger the acquisition. The Start signal is triggered by the first of the two timing pulses. When high, the Start signal allows acquisition to occur, thereby eliminating the 50% chance that acquisition starts on the wrong slope of the triangle and produces an inverted image. The slow axis drive waveform (not shown) is updated on the falling edge of each Gate signal. The number of update points chosen for the slow axis waveform thereby sets the imaging frame rate. For example, a 500 Hz triangle drive for the modulator results in 1000 line scans per second, or 1 ms per line. 97 Choosing 500 pixels across the image in the slow axis then sets the frame rate at 2 images per second. Choosing 250 pixels provides 4 frames per second. Acquisition Timing Signals 41-- Heterodyne Signal 0 -2 -1.5 -1 .2 -1.5 -1-0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 10 2 -101 -2 1011 -1- 1 -1.5 -1 1 1 -0.5 0 Gate 0.5 I 1 --- Start 0-10 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 10 10 -2 -- -1.5 -1 -0.5 time (ms) 0 1 0.5 0.5 T1min Pulse 1 Figure 3.24. Acquisition timing signals for high-speed OCM system. 3.8.2 Software Interface The Windows-based software interface used for the OCM system was created by Tony Ko for high speed OCT [18]. Modifications were made in C++ to incorporate the control signals and timing synchronization for the microscope scanning mirrors and the modulator scanning mirror. The software used a double-buffered acquisition scheme to allow for real time acquisition. With double buffering, the system memory holding incoming digitized data is configured as a circular buffer consisting of two half buffers. When the first buffer is filled with data, it can be processed for display while the A/D card continues to fill up the second buffer. The effectiveness of the double-buffered scheme relies on the ability of the computer to process the data in the first buffer before the second buffer is full and writing begins again in the first buffer. To avoid from having to turn off and restart the digitization repeatedly for each line scan, a method called scan clock gating is used. With scan clock gating, the internal digitization clock of the acquisition card is gated by a TTL signal. This Gate signal is shown in figure 3.24. In this way, the acquisition is configured to pause when the Gate is low and the need for continually restarting acquisition is eliminated. The real-time display of images to the screen is performed using DirectX technology. 98 3.8.3 Zipper effects Acquisition of images on both the up and down slopes of the triangle wave often leads to image distortions typically known as 'zipper'. Zipper results from inexact pixel correspondence between line scans on the up and down slopes and can result from a number of sources. First, zipper can result from improper placement of the Gate signals with respect to the modulator position waveform. The gates should be symmetrically located on the up and down slopes so that the scanner positions represented by pixels in the up and down Gates correspond. Nonlinearity in the velocity on the up or down slope can also cause a lack of correspondence between pixels. This is particularly noticeable around the turnaround points of the galvanometer triangle drive waveform. This zipper effect can be minimized by reducing the overall size of the acquisition gate and driving the galvanometer harder to achieve the same effective scan field. A second form of zipper results in the OCM images due to inexact positioning of the beam offset at the zero group delay position. If the beam is slightly displaced from the zero group delay position, then the envelope of the coherence gate can show up as a modulation of the image intensity across the line scan. This is particularly relevant when the coherence gate is very small. Differences between the group delay scans of the up and down slopes can result in slight displacement of the coherence envelope modulation, resulting in what appears to be line to line image intensity modulation. High precision, linear galvanometers and careful positioning of the beam to zero group delay position can help eliminate this problem. If necessary, the effect can be eliminated completely by using only one side of the triangle wave for acquisition. This, however, sacrifices speed. Use of faster, resonant galvanometers with acquisition on only one side may provide a solution to the problem. Another form of zipper results from inexact correspondance between the fast Y scanner position and the modulator position. If the two position waveforms are displaced or if the linearity of the two waveforms differs, then the Gate signals may not be symmetrically located on both the modulator and the Y-axis waveforms. Care must be taken to synchronize the modulator and Y-axis waveforms as closely as possible to minimize this effect. 3.8.4 Sampling Criterion The pixel density in the images must be chosen to obey the Nyquist criterion. The Nyquist criterion states that no loss of information occurs if sampling is greater than two times the frequency bandwidth of the signal. In reality, perfect reconstruction of the original signal from the sampled data requires an ideal low-pass filter. As these are unavailable, Webb suggests that 2.3 times the signal bandwidth should be taken as a minimum practical sampling frequency [19]. For the OCM images presented in this thesis, pixel density at 4 frames per second is 1375 x 250. The images are significantly oversampled in the fast raster scan direction. Sampling is limited, however, in the slow scan direction because lower pixel density is needed to achieve higher image frame rates. Typical field of view in the slow axis dimension is 100 - 150 um, which results in better than 1 pixel per micrometer. Since cells are typically larger than 5 - 8 um, this sampling rate is sufficient for resolving cellular features. However, for imaging micron and 99 submicron sized structures, including subcellular structures, this is likely near the Nyquist limit and should be improved in future system upgrades. 3.9 System Sensitivity Measurement System sensitivity is measured looking at a mirror in the focus of the microscope. The modulator is set to operate in OCT mode with the beam offset on the galvanometer mirror at the 1 MHz group delay scanning point located symmetric to the zero group delay point with respect to the mirror axis. The microscope galvanometers are not scanned. The resulting line scan traces the axial point spread function corresponding to the coherence gate. Sensitivity is determined by progressively attenuating the sample arm light using calibrated neutral density filters until the signal is no longer detectable. Insertion of a 3.0 OD (optical density) filter in the sample beam transmission path, for example, results in an attenuation of 60 dB in optical power since the attenuation occurs in both forward and reflected light paths. In order to obtain maximum sensitivity and axial resolution, dispersion in the reference and sample paths must be matched accurately. An analysis of the effects of dispersion on the OCT point spread function is provided in section 2.4.3. Recall that unbalanced dispersion results in a broadening of the point spread, chirping of the heterodyne frequency, and reduction of the heterodyne amplitude. To achieve dispersion matching in the OCM system, the presence of large amounts of glass in the microscope optics must be balanced by adding glass to reference arm path. The glass in microscope objective in particular presents a problem because the types of glass and thicknesses of the lenses are typically proprietary information. Hence, one must use an approximate matching technique. In the work for this thesis, two adjustable prism pairs of glass types SFL6 and LakN22 were positioned after the collimator in the modulator as shown in figure 3.8. These glass types were chosen to correspond exactly to the glass in the achromat lenses used for the intermediate relay optics. Because the collimating lenses in the reference and sample arms are the same, only the dispersion produced by the microscope objective remained. Despite lack of exact knowledge of the objective glass types, the dispersion could be reasonably well compensated by adding further SFL6 and LakN22 to the reference path. SFL6 is much more dispersive than LakN22, and together the two glass types provided a reasonable coarse and fine adjustment. The degree of dispersion matching was quantified by measuring the heterodyne amplitude and the width of the point spread function. A relative measure of the heterodyne amplitude is given by the fringe contrast of the detector signal, defined as the ratio of the measured amplitude of the oscillating heterodyne signal to the predicted amplitude. Measured Amplitude _VPk /2 Fringe Contrast = Prediced Amplitude - VRV/ Predicted Amplitude (3.10) 2 -V ,Vs represents the measured peak-to-peak amplitude of the oscillating signal and VR and Vs are the DC levels of the reference and sample arm detector powers, all measured after the transimpedance amplifier. The width of the point-spread function can be compared roughly to the predicted width from equation (2.67). The effects of dispersion are shown qualitatively in the measured axial scans displayed in figure 3.25. Figure 3.25a results from excess dispersion in the sample while figure 3.25c is Here, VPPk 100 generated by excess dispersion in the reference arm. In both cases, the point spread is broadened and the heterodyne amplitude reduced compared to the matched dispersion trace in figure 3.25b. Note also that chirp is present in both 3.25a and 3.25c, although the frequency chirp is in the opposite direction for the two traces. - 0.78 mm SFL6 Dispersion Matched 1.4 1.4 1.2 -- 1.2 ,, + 0.78 mm SFL6 ,1.4 , 1.2- -- 0.4 -< 0.2 -- <0.4 -< 0.2 , -- -3 -2 A .1 0 1 time (ms) 2 3 -3 0.4-0.2 --2 -1 0 time (ms) B 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 time (ms) 1 2 3 C Figure 3.25. Effects of dispersion on axial point spread function. A) Excess dispersion in the sample arm. B) Matched dispersion. C) Excess dispersion in the reference arm. With careful dispersion balancing, fringe contrast between 85% and 100% was achievable, depending on the bandwidth and the center wavelength of the source. Dispersion mismatch is most deleterious for lower NIR wavelengths and for large bandwidths. At 800 nm with over 100 urn bandwidth, the system sensitivity will suffer dramatically if dispersion is not matched accurately. At 1300 nm with 65 nm bandwidth, however, dispersion mismatch is less critical. The origin of the wavelength dependence in dispersion characteristics is the wavelength dependence of the index of refraction of the glasses used. The index variation is steeper around the lower NIR wavelengths than the higher wavelengths. In the shot noise limit, it was demonstrated in section 2.4.6 that the system sensitivity does not depend on the reference arm power. In the presence of excess noise sources, however, the reference arm power level does have an effect on the signal to noise ratio [20]. From section 2.4.5 it is seen that the electronic receiver noise does not depend on the optical power incident on the photodiodes. The signal to receiver noise ratio therefore increases with increasing reference power. For a single detector, however, the excess intensity noise from the laser source also increases with increased reference power, and the resulting signal to excess noise ratio decreases. The crossing point between the rise in signal to receiver noise ratio and the fall in signal to excess noise ratio defines an optimal reference arm power for the single detector configuration. Using dual balanced detection, the excess noise can be largely cancelled, leaving receiver noise and shot noise. Hence, in the dual balanced configuration, the signal to noise ratio should increase with increasing reference arm power. In practice, the reference arm power for a dual balanced receiver should be as high as possible without saturating the heterodyne signal at one of the receiver stages. Sensitivity measurements were made with the reference and sample power levels used for imaging. Typical incident power on the sample is 4 - 6 mW, and power returning from the reference arm was generally held at between 10 and 100 uW. The signal to noise ratio was determined in two ways. First, the sample arm attenuation was increased until the log demodulated signal was no longer visible on the image. This method has the advantage of 101 providing the truest measure of sensitivity as is seen in the OCM images. Using this method, the SNR for the reflective microscope design was measured to be over 85 dB at 800 nm. The higher throughput of the Zeiss objective along with careful alignment led to a sensitivity of better than 90 dB for the close-coupled scan design microscope at 800 nm. For the handheld probe at 1300 nm, the SNR was recorded at around 70 dB. The lower number is likely due to lower throughput in the probe at 1300 nm and also to difficulty in the measurement. The encased probe does not easily allow for insertion of attenuating ND filters and some misalignment likely results in the measurement process. The technique of measuring sensitivity from the image on the screen has the disadvantage of being difficult to quantify a precise number for the SNR. The filters come in discrete values and fine tuning of the attenuation is difficult. For systematically determining a precise value, calculation of the SNR is made from the interferometric fringe signal taken after the filter and before the log demodulator. The fringe signal is acquired for a set attenuation value A. The power in the heterodyne signal is taken as the square of the voltage amplitude of the oscillating heterodyne signal and the power in the noise is determined by numerically computing the variance from the recorded trace. The formula for signal-to-noise ratio is given as K SNR = A+10log V2 (3.11) pk var[n(t)]) Typically, three or more distinct measurements are averaged together to give a more accurate value for the sensitivity. SNR values for the close-coupled microscope design at 800 nm using this calculation method are reported in table 3.4. Attenuation in the sample arm was 60 dB. For comparison, sensitivity measurements for several different reference arm power levels are included as well as for a single detector configuration. Note that the SNR improves with increased reference arm power and with dual balanced versus single detector configuration. The improvement in performance in the presence of noise sources other than shot noise is responsible for the larger sensitivity values. Configuration Power Incident on Sample Backcoupled Reference Power Sensitivity Dual Balanced Dual Balanced Dual Balanced 6.0 mW 6.0 mW 6.0 mW 16 uW 30 uW 106 uW 93.12 dB 94.87 dB 95.68 dB Single Detector 6.0 mW 30 uW 91.30 dB Table 3.4. Calculated sensitivity values for various system parameters. The close coupled microscope was used at 800 nm with dispersion carefully matched. The relay lens combination was 100 x 100 mm. Attenuation in the sample arm was 60 dB. 3.10 Axial Resolution Measurements The axial sectioning capability or axial resolution of the OCM system is determined by the combination of the coherence and confocal gates. The confocal gate measurements were 102 presented in section 3.6. The coherence gate was measured by acquiring an OCT axial scan of a mirror in the sample. To most accurately measure the coherence gate, the numerical aperture of the sample arm optics should be dramatically reduced so that the confocal gate has very little effect. Since this involves aperturing the beam or changing the final lens, a simpler more, more approximate method was used here. The mirror was moved out of the focus of the microscope to a region where the light level from the sample remained approximately constant over the range of the axial scan. The modulator was then set to the 1 MHz group delay scanning point and the OCT trace recorded. The time axis of the axial scan was converted to position by measuring the length of the group delay scan using the reference arm path adjustment micrometer. Figure 3.26 presents the typical measured coherence gate used for in vivo imaging. The light source bandwidth was better than 120 nm and the FWHM of the coherence gate measures less than three micrometers, which should be sufficient for cellular imaging in scattering tissue. Coherence Gate 3 2.5- FWHM<3um. 2- .5 E 1 0.5- 0 -15 -10 -5 0 delay (um) 5 10 15 Figure 3.26. Typical measured coherence gate for 800 nm system. The source bandwidth was better than 120 nm to provide a coherence gate of less than 3 micrometers. The combined coherence and confocal gate was also measured for the 100 x 100 mm relay configuration. The confocal gate in this case was ~ 30 um and the coherence gate was better than 3 um. The measurement was taken by recording the heterodyne fringe signal as a mirror was translated through the focus of the microscope. The recorded fringes were demodulated and the amplitude was then plotted as a function of mirror translation. The trace was measured with 30 dB attenuation in the sample arm and scaled according to the measured sensitivity value. Figure 3.27 displays the results. The combined gate has FWHM width less than 3 um. The smaller peaks located outside of the main peak are likely spurious reflections somewhere in the sample or reference arm optics. They could result from elements in the microscope objective or from multiple reflections at the fiber connections. They should be carefully tracked down and eliminated for optimal system performance. 103 Confocal + Coherence Gating 0 -20- -40- -60- -80- -100 -200 100 0 -100 axial displacement (um) 200 Measurement of combined confocal and coherence gate. Figure 3.27. separately, the confocal gate was 30 um and the coherence gate was 3 um. 104 Measured References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Rajadhyaksha, M., R.R. Anderson, and R.H. Webb, Video rate confocal scanning laser microscopefor imaging human tissues in vivo. Applied Optics, 1999. 38(10): p. 2105-15. Raj adhyaksha, M., et al., In Vivo Confocal ScanningLaser Microscopy of Human Skin II: Advances in Instrumentation and Comparison With Histology. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1999. 113(3): p. 293-303. Bouma, B. and G. Tearney, Optical Sources, in Handbook of Optical Coherence Tomography. 2002, Marcel Dekker: New York. 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In particular, the potential of using enhanced axial sectioning provided by a short coherence gate to relax the requirement for high numerical aperture optics is demonstrated. Finally, section 4.4 discusses initial results using a handheld imaging probe at 1300 nm. 4.2 Imaging of an Animal Model: Xenopus laevis Tadpole Studies in developmental biology seek to understand the genetic and molecular processes that create an entire organism from a single cell. Small, easily handled model organisms with rapid reproductive cycles are generally chosen for study with the hope that fundamental mechanisms of development are conserved across species. These models include amphibians such as Xenopus laevis and Rana pipiens, fish such as Brachydanio rerio, and insects such as Drosophila melanogaster. To monitor development of such organisms at the cellular level, a particular need exists for in vivo imaging techniques capable of visualizing tissue microstructure at consecutive time points. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has shown exciting promise for this application [1-4]. OCM, as a high-resolution extension of OCT, offers further capability of investigating embryonic morphology. As a demonstration of the potential for OCM in developmental biology, Xenopus laevis tadpole was imaged. Figure 4.1 provides in vivo images of Xenopus cellular and tissue morphology. The images were acquired at 800 nm with the close-coupled scanner microscope design. The confocal gate was 30 um and the coherence gate measured approximately 3 um. Incident sample power was 5.5 mW resulting in a sensitivity of better than 94 dB. Images were acquired at 4 frames per second with a field of view of 210 um x 144 um. Image processing consisted of adjustment of the aspect ratio and the gray scale. The tadpoles were imaged under anesthesia and subsequently sacrificed in accordance with approved protocol on file with the MIT Committee on Animal Care (CAC). Large mesenchymal cells in the dorsal spinal cord region of the tadpole are clearly visible. The cells measure 20 - 30 urn in diameter. Cell nuclei and cell membranes are also distinguishable. The nuclei measure less than 10 urn in diameter. In addition, cells bordering the outside world are visible in figures 4.1g and 4.1h. These are likely epithelial cells. 107 Figure 4.1. In vivo cellular images of Xenopus laevis tadpole. Large mesenchymal cells are visible in the dorsal spinal cord region of the tadpole. Nuclei (N), cell membranes (CM), and epithelial cells (EC) are clearly distinguishable. Image field of view is 210 um x 144 um. 108 Figure 4.2. In vivo images of blood flow in Xenopus laevis tadpole. Vessels of varying sizes are distinguishable along with individual blood cells (BC) suspended in the vessel lumens. Image field of view is 210 um x 144 um. 109 Real time imaging capability was demonstrated in the Xenopus tadpole by imaging blood flow in vessels of varying sizes. Figure 4.2 provides still frame images of blood cells in such vessels. Video sequences of flow can easily be reconstructed from saved frames or can be recorded directly with an S-VHS recorder. Note in some of the blood flow images that the blood cells are not clearly resolved. These cells may be passing through the plane of image at high flow velocity. Imaging at greater than 4 frames per second is desirable to clearly resolve the faster moving cells. In figure 4.2a and 4.2b, for instance, the slower moving cells along the vessel wall are resolved while the faster moving cells in the center are not clearly resolved. Future improvements will include increases in imaging speed. 4.3 In Vivo Imaging of Human Skin Imaging of Xenopus tissue does not accurately assess the potential of OCM for imaging of many human tissues of interest. Human tissue is generally much more highly scattering than that of Xenopus and the cells are typically not as large. To assess capability of OCM for applications in clinical medicine, the technique must be demonstrated in a representative human tissue. Skin is chosen here for a number of reasons. First, skin is the most easily accessible tissue, allowing imaging with relatively large prototype benchtop microscopes. Second, skin has a distinct layered structure that can be recognized in images. Third, skin is among the most difficult of tissues in which to image due to its heterogeneity and therefore provides a rigorous test of the imaging modality. Finally, skin imaging has many relevant applications in clinical medicine and has been approached with other modalities, including OCT and confocal microscopy [5-10]. The growing body of work looking at both normal and pathologic skin with laser scanning confocal microscopy in particular provides a suitable benchmark with which to judge the performance of the OCM system [11-20]. Figure 4.3 demonstrates the layered structure of skin in a histologic section stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). The epidermis layer of skin is organized as a keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium. The epithelial cells, known as keratinocytes, are organized into basal, spinous, granular, and cornified layers that correspond to progressive stages of differentiation. The basal cell layer consists largely of mitotically active keratinocytes with pigmented melanocytes intermixed. Newly generated keratinocytes from the basal layer will follow a life cycle in which they progressive from immature basal cells to non-viable, terminally differentiated corneocytes in the stratum comeum. The spinous and granular cell layers then represent intermediate stages of differentiation. The entire life cycle from basal cell to comeocyte typically occurs in around 14 days [21]. The underlying support layer to the epidermis is called the dermis. It consists of a mixture of connective tissue, blood vessels, and duct structures important for the physiologic function of the organ. From an optical imaging perspective, the skin presents a number of index discontinuities and irregular surfaces that induce aberration and can dramatically degrade the confocal axial point spread function. In vivo confocal microscopy in human skin requires careful attention to choice of objective lens and immersion fluid to obtain high contrast images [10]. The enhanced axial sectioning provided by OCM may help to relax the need for such high-quality optics in the probe, thereby enabling cellular imaging with probe designs not possible for use with confocal microscopy. 110 Figure 4.3. Stained histologic section of human epidermis. The stratified epidermis consists of basal (B), spinous (S), granular (G), and stratum comeum (SC) cell layers. The underlying papillary dermis contains blood vessels and duct structures important for physiologic function of the skin. Image excerpted from Freinkel & Woodley [21]. Scale bar is approximate. 4.3.1 Exposure Limits for Microscopy To image with maximum sensitivity, it is desirable to operate with incident sample power near the maximum safe exposure level. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) produces guidelines for determining the maximum exposure assuming illumination over a large effective aperture. In scanning optical microscopy, however, a tiny focal spot is scanned rapidly over the tissue, creating significantly different exposure conditions. Furthermore, use of modelocked laser sources with short pulse illumination is not properly accounted for in the ANSI standard. Use of ANSI guidelines leads to maximum permissible exposure (MPE) values for scanning microscopy that are unnecessarily low. The major damage mechanism for illumination in the NIR wavelength region is known to be thermal. More accurate attempts to compute the irradiance damage threshold for tissue thus consider the amount of energy deposited and the temperature rise generated by a small focal volume. These models typically consider the absorptive heating of specific chromophores in the tissue. To properly assess thermal damage, however, the rapid cooling effects due to steep thermal gradients must also be considered. Unfortunately, no comprehensive analysis yet exists for scanning microscopy. Determination of exposure limits has instead been based to date on histologic analysis of irradiated tissues. In vivo confocal microscopy systems imaging at 15 - 30 frames per second use up to 20 mW of incident power at 1060 nm focused to a spot size of less than 1 micrometer [10]. At this power level, human skin cells can be imaged over several minutes without damage. Assessment of exposure limits for OCM imaging in this thesis were based on the published confocal work. Because the 111 OCM system currently operates at slower imaging speed than the in vivo confocal microscope, the irradiance level is limited to below 10 mW as an added safety measure. A protocol for in vivo imaging at this irradiance was approved by the MIT Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects (COUHES), and informed consent was obtained from volunteers before commencing studies. 4.3.2 Tissue Stabilization When imaging structure on the micron scale, motion artifact is a significant problem. High imaging frame rate is used to combat some of the motion artifact on a single image basis, but tracking of cellular features over the course of many images requires tissue stabilization schemes. Stabilization for this thesis work consisted of immobilization of the specimen with a simple clamping technique. Stabilization could be maintained reasonably well for single images, but frame-to-frame tracking of features was inadequate. A more effective stabilization scheme was demonstrated by Rajadhyaksha for in vivo confocal microscopy [10]. This stabilization technique fixes the tissue in direct mechanical contact with the microscope housing. In addition, it uses a coverslip to provide additional contact stabilization of the specimen. Future work will include implementation of a contact stabilization scheme similar to that used for confocal microscopy and reduction of single frame motion artifact through improvement of imaging speed. 4.3.3 Imaging with Short Coherence Gate Short coherence gate OCM imaging was investigated at 800 nm for various confocal gates to determine if cellular resolution imaging can be obtained with a relaxed confocal gate. Use of a small coherence gate to dominantly set the axial section thickness could alleviate the need for very high numerical aperture optics in the sample arm, which would in turn enable several probe designs that cannot be implemented at high NA. Figure 4.4 provides images acquired with a 12 um confocal gate in combination with 3 urn coherence gate. The images are of the nailfold region of a person of skin type IV. The setup used the reflective microscope design at 800 nm together with the 30 X, 0.9 NA objective lens. Incident sample power was 3 mW with measured sensitivity greater than 85 dB. Images were acquired at 2 - 4 frames per second with a field of view of 145 um x 100 um. Image processing consisted solely of adjustment of the aspect ratio and the gray scale. Cellular features are clearly visible at varying layers of the epidermis. Figure 4.4a is near the surface layer as evidenced by the large, puffy looking keratinocytes located either in the cornified layer or in the upper granular layer. Cells captured in figures 4.4b - 4.4d are most likely located in the lower granular layer or in the spinous layers, as evidenced by the slightly smaller cell size. Figures 4.4e and 4.4f appear to be the papillary ridges between the dermis and epidermis. The small cells on the ridges would then be the basal cells. These ridges are typically located between 100 and 150 um below the surface. Slightly deeper, figures 4.4g and 4.4h show capillary or duct structure in the superficial dermis. These observations correspond well to those made with in vivo confocal microscopy. 112 Figure 4.4. In vivo cellular images of human skin. Wavelength = 800 nm. Confocal gate = 12 um. Coherence gate = 3 um. Sample power = 3 mW. Image field of view is 145 um x 100 um. A - D acquired at 4 fps. E - H acquired at 2 fps. 113 Note that the confocal section thickness of 12 um is not alone sufficient with regard to the 5 um requirement for imaging cellular structure deep in scattering tissue. The combination with a 3 um coherence gate, however, provides the additional required axial sectioning capability. Furthermore, the transverse resolution is still sufficient to image cellular structure despite the relaxed confocal parameter. To investigate further the ability to image cellular structure with short coherence gate, the OCM system was reconfigured with 30 um confocal gate and 3 urn coherence gate using the close-coupled scanner microscope design. Figure 4.5 presents images obtained using this configuration. The images are taken in the epidermis of the nailfold region of skin type III and type IV volunteers. Incident sample power was around 5 mW leading to a sensitivity of approximately 94 dB. Images were acquired at 4 frames per second with a field of view of 210 um x 144 um. Image processing consisted only of adjustment of the aspect ratio and optimization of the gray scale. Again cellular features are visible throughout the epidermis. Figures 4.5a through 4.5d illustrate the granular and spinous cell layers while 4.5e and 4.5f show the ridges at the epidermis-dermis junction. Figures 4.5g and 4.5h then show the presence of capillary or duct structure again in the superficial dermis. The 30 um confocal gate is prohibitively large for high contrast confocal imaging in highly scattering media. This result clearly illustrates the enhanced sectioning provided by the short coherence gate. The 3 um coherence gate sets the axial section thickness while the sample arm optics merely are required to provide small spot size. Achievement of high transverse resolution is a much less stringent optical design requirement than achievement of a small confocal gate. 4.3.4 Imaging Depth Measurement The maximum imaging depth for the 800 nm OCM system was measured in vivo by stabilizing the tissue and taking images at calibrated depths using a motorized stage. As was mentioned in section 4.2, the method of tissue stabilization is not yet sufficient for reliable tracking of features between frames. As such, a single continuous depth scan cannot be counted as a reliable measure of the imaging depth. To combat against motion, the depth measurement was made as a series of scans. An imaging depth was chosen, the stage translated to the desired depth, and an image acquired. For the next desired depth, the focus was returned to the surface for calibration and then translated to the correct depth again. The procedure was repeated until the maximum imaging depth was determined. Figure 4.6 displays images taken deep in the dermis of a person with type IV skin. Heterodyne signal is maintained until over 350 um below the surface. This value is the actual stage translation. There is also a shift in the focus to greater depths when imaging deep in tissue. This shift is caused by refraction of the converging beam at the interface between the tissue and the immersion medium. Radjadhyaksha calculated this shift for determination of imaging depth in human skin with in vivo confocal microscopy [10]. From his calculation, a shift of the objective by 350 um corresponds to an actual imaging depth of 378 um. Note that the maximum depth of imaging at 800 nm using confocal microscopy is between 150 and 200 um [9]. OCM clearly provides capability for imaging deeper than standard confocal microscopy. 114 Figure 4.5. In vivo cellular images of human skin. Wavelength = 800 nm. Confocal gate = 30 um. Coherence gate = 3 um. Sample power = 5 mW. Image field of view is 210 um x 144 um. Images acquired at 4 frames per second. 115 Figure 4.6. Imaging deep in the human dermis. Wavelength = 800 nm. Confocal gate = 30 um. Coherence gate = 3 um. Sample power = 5 mW. Image field of view is 210 um x 144 um. Images acquired at 4 frames per second. It should be noted that the value of 378 um for imaging depth is likely conservative estimate of the capability of the technology. During the measurement, no effort was made to ensure coordination of the coherence and confocal gates as the objective was translated deeper into shift. From the analysis of chapter 2, it is clear that the presence of refractive index mismatch can cause the two gates to slip relative to each other and thereby degrade the heterodyne signal. Furthermore, the motion artifact needs to be reduced via adequate tissue stabilization and higher imaging speeds in order to more accurately measure imaging depth in vivo. Future work will include design of control mechanisms for coordinating the overlap of the confocal and coherence gates as well as implementation of improved stabilization schemes and higher imaging speed. These advances will enable more precise measurements of imaging depth both in vitro and in vivo. 4.4 Preliminary Imaging Results with a Handheld Probe at 1300 nm The handheld imaging probe was integrated into the 1300 nm OCM system and demonstrated for imaging of Xenopus laevis tadpole. The AFC superluminescent diode laser source was used with 65 nm of bandwidth and a resulting coherence gate of approximately 12 um. The measured confocal gate for the probe was 15.5 um. Images were acquired at 4 frames 116 per second with nearly 4 mW of power onto the sample. The preliminary results are shown in figure 4.7. Figure 4.7. In vivo imaging of Xenopus laevis using handheld probe at 1300 nm. Confocal gate = 15.5 um. Coherence gate = 12 um. Images acquired at 4 frames per second with 4 mW power on sample. Field of view ~ 140 um x 140 um. The high transverse resolution of the probe is evident in the images. Individual cell nuclei and cell membranes are clearly distinguishable. The longer coherence and confocal gate parameters, however, do not provide sufficient axial sectioning capability for imaging in highly scattering tissues such as skin. Future work will involve incorporation of the broadband Cr:Forsterite laser into the 1300 nm system together with the handheld probe. The Cr:Forsterite laser can provide a coherence gate of around 5 um, which should be adequate for imaging in skin and other human tissues. The longer wavelength will provide improved penetration and could enable cellular imaging to depths approaching 1 mm, far greater than imaging depths achieved with confocal microscopy alone. 117 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 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The system uses a reflective grating phase modulator in combination with femtosecond laser sources to achieve coherence gates of a few micrometers. In this operating regime, the coherence gate provides sufficient axial sectioning for imaging in highly scattering tissue even in the presence of relatively weak confocal sectioning. The ability to relax the confocal gate translates to a lower numerical aperture requirement for deep imaging of tissue microstructure. This result promises to enable cellular imaging with miniaturized probe designs that are unsuitable for confocal microscopy yet essential for important clinical applications such as endoscopy and catheterization. The OCM system was demonstrated for imaging Xenopus laevis tadpole. High contrast images of cellular detail were obtained. In addition, real-time acquisition was demonstrated by imaging flow of blood cells in vessels of various sizes. These preliminary results emphasize the high resolution capability of optical coherence microscopy and suggest a role in developmental biology studies. As a more rigorous test, real time OCM images were taken of human skin in vivo. Using a 3 um coherence gate, cellular structure was discernible throughout the epidermis with a confocal gate of 30 um, much larger than the 5 um limit typically considered acceptable for in vivo confocal microscopy. Sufficient transverse resolution for cellular imaging remained despite weak confocal sectioning. Furthermore, imaging was demonstrated in the dermis to depths beyond quoted values for confocal microscopy. Future work will focus on continued optimization and characterization of system parameters and transition of OCM technology to clinically relevant applications. For in vivo imaging, a more effective tissue stabilization scheme based on those used for confocal microscopy will be implemented. In addition, a mechanism for controlled coordination of reference and sample arm path lengths will be developed. This is necessary step to combat the slip between confocal and coherence gates occurring when focusing deep into inhomogeneous scattering tissue. These two improvements will enable calibrated measurements of imaging depth in vivo, which will help in quantifying advantages of OCM over confocal microscopy for imaging tissue microstructure. Optimization of the electronic receiver will also improve system performance. Contrast and resolution likely suffer in the current system with the use of a log demodulator. Since the dynamic range of the OCM images should be smaller than that of OCT images, linear demodulation with adjustable gain may be the better choice. Various approaches to linear demodulation will be tested including analog quadrature demodulation and direct digitization of the heterodyne interference signal followed by software demodulation. Investigation of operating parameters for OCM will continue. In particular, further work will seek to determine optimal coherence gate and confocal gate parameters for imaging in vivo. Using a shorter confocal gate improves transverse resolution but also increases the sensitivity to pathlength mismatch and the numerical aperture requirement on the probe. A longer confocal gate, on the other hand, relaxes the optical design constraints on the microscope and reduces the 121 path mismatch problem. This compromise will be further studied with respect to designated applications of the technology. In addition, the dependence of OCM image quality on the coherence gate will be studied by varying the light source bandwidth. This thesis demonstrated in particular the advantages of the short coherence gate, long confocal gate operating regime for OCM. Future work will also look at the long coherence gate, short confocal gate regime, typically known as coherence-gated confocal microscopy. Imaging depth and contrast will be measured and compared between the two working limits to more fully characterize the advantages of the technology and its potential applications. The broadband OCM system will be adapted for use with femtosecond lasers at longer wavelengths, namely 1064 nm and 1300 nm. Longer wavelengths will provide increased penetration and may enable imaging to depths approaching 1 mm or more. Confocal microscopy systems do not typically use wavelengths beyond 1064 nm because the axial section thickness Increasing wavelength only exacerbates the already stringent scales with wavelength. requirement for high numerical aperture. OCM should offer an advantage in this respect, since section thicknesses approaching 5 um can be obtained with femtosecond sources independently of the sample arm optics. In vitro and in vivo imaging studies will continue on a variety of animal and human tissues. In vitro OCM imaging of normal and pathologic tissue samples will help to define the diagnostic potential of the technology. Based on these results, select in vivo clinical applications may be chosen for further development. Animal studies will continue on developmental biology specimens such as Xenopus laevis and Rana pipiens and will be extended to model systems for disease development such as the hamster cheek pouch model for carcinogenesis. Transition to in vivo clinical applications will require design of compact, robust probe technology. Future work will include the development of a second generation handheld probe and catheter based devices for endoscopic applications. Probe design will consider various microscanning technologies, including piezoelectric elements and MEMS devices. 122