Position Title: Assistant Stage Manager Organization: Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) is a not for profit society that entertains families through popular musical theatre shows while providing a vibrant outlet and training ground to develop amateur performers and technicians both young and old. TUTS values an atmosphere of inclusion and mentorship in order to build strong character and to promote positive values. Description: Theatre Under the Stars is looking for enthusiastic and committed volunteers interested in being a Rising Star. The Rising Star Program is an excellent opportunity to generate professional contacts in Vancouver’s theatre industry, expand one’s technical knowledge and experience, and enjoy a wonderful summer of fun under the stars in beautiful Stanley Park. Ideal candidates will have experience related to their position and will show a keen interest in theatre and the arts. These internships require big time-commitments, especially in July and August. Job description – assists the Stage Manager during rehearsals by aiding, learning and being responsible for the smooth running of rehearsals, attendance, production documentation including blocking, rehearsal reports, mic tracking, prop tracking, quick change tracking, set movement tracking, cast and designer communication, publicity events, and during show run; assist and oversee the stage crew’s work with sets, props. Help create a smooth backstage working environment for moving set pieces, pulling curtains, etc. to work harmoniously with the cast. Be responsible for the running of the backstage area, willing to learn the track of other ASMs and possibly learn the calling of the show. This is a very responsible role/position and is crucial to the success of the show. Commitment – May through late-August; for July and August, the ASM works every other night from 6pm- 11pm *Each ASM will be appointed to one show (either Disney’s Beauty and the Beast or West Side Story) and must commit to every show through its full run (July 6-August 27) Other positions include Costume Builders, Props Builders, Follow Spot Operators, and Sound Operations. Please apply via the same link below on the TUTS website. Dates: May - Aug Organization contact: Nelli Hanbury To apply: Please fill out our Application Form, which can be found on our website at www.tuts.ca/volunteers For enquiries to the Volunteer Coordinator via email (volunteers@tuts.ca), fax (604-734-1585) or by mail (TUTS, Attn: Volunteer Coordinator, 2099 Beach Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z4)