LHC Program Status: Accelerator, ATLAS, CMS Mike Tuts Columbia University September 8, 2005 Outline z Some physics benchmarks z z Status of LHC accelerator z z US contributions (LARP) Status of ATLAS and CMS experiments z z z z Higgs, SUSY Focus on US activities Maintenance and Operations Computing Future upgrades z z Luminosity increases Upgrade R&D September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 2 Physics at the LHC z You are all familiar with the compelling physics case for the LHC z Electroweak symmetry breaking – Higgs? z Supersymmetry - dark matter candidates? z Nature of spacetime - large extra dimensions? z… z Two large High pT experiments, ATLAS & CMS, are reaching completion at CERN September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 3 LHC Accelerator z LHC: pp, √s = 14 TeV, L = 1034 cm-2s-1 (nominal design) z z Start at 10fb-1/yr → 100fb-1/yr at nominal design May be able to be pushed to 2.3 × 1034 without major upgrades Time to halve statistical errors Integrated luminosity z Reach 1034 in 2011 then flat Reach 2×1034 in 2016 then flat Peak luminosity for the year Jim Strait: http://www.cerncourier.com/main/article/45/3/29/1 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 4 Higgs z A standard benchmark is the discovery potential for the Standard Model Higgs z z z z For MH greater than ~200GeV discovery comes soon (H→4l) For MH < 200 may take a few years at low luminosity (many ch) Plenty of experimental issues: calibration, Etmiss, uniformity,… The challenge is to be ready on day one! September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 5 Higgs Sensitivity z ATLAS + CMS combined cover the full region of interest with ~10fb-1 A. De Roeck, http://susy- 2005.dur.ac.uk/PLENARY/SAT/deroeck_durham.ppt September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 6 Supersymmetry CMS simulation z z If the SUSY mass scales is less than a few TeV the LHC should discover it Using mSUGRA as a model, we start to cover an interesting regions in a month, and 1.5-2TeV within the first year I. Hinchliffe http://susy-2005.dur.ac.uk/PLENARY/MON/hinchliffe.pdf September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 7 LHC Accelerator Status CMS LHCb ALICE ATLAS From http://lhc-machine-outreach.web.cern.ch/lhc-machine-outreach/ September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 8 LHC Machine - Dipoles z z Dipole fabrication is past the ½ way point (1232 total) – see LHC “dashboard” ~100 dipoles are installed in sector 8-1 Dipole magnets installed in tunnel http://lhc-new-homepage.web.cern.ch/ lhc-new-homepage/DashBoard/index.asp Dipole being lowered down shaft September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 9 LHC Machine - QRL z You may recall that the last machine crisis was the cryogenics services line (QRL) that had to be repaired z z QRL installed in tunnel, supports For dipoles visible Appears under control Dipoles cannot be installed until after QRL is in September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 10 LHC Machine - Schedule This schedule somewhat old, but “readable” -- detailed schedule at http://sylvainw.home.cern.ch/ sylvainw/planning-follow-up/Schedule.pdf September 8, 2005 From http://lhc-machine-outreach.web.cern.ch/lhc-machine-outreach/upcoming.htm M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 11 LHC Machine Status z Objectives z z z Status z z z z Finish installation by February 2007 First collisions in summer 2007 Industrial component production is consistent with this goal Ramping up of QRL activities and magnet installation critical to maintain schedule Installation and interconnection of cryomagnets has started Actions z z z Partial test of sector 7-8 in Fall 2005 Commissioning of sectors 7-8 & 8-1 in Summer 2006 Looking for external collaborators to help with commissioning From Lyn Evans at HCP2005 http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?resId=0&amp;materialId=slides&amp;contribId=4&amp;sessionId=3&amp;subContId=0&amp;confId=0512 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 12 z z z z z z LARP US LHC Accelerator R&D Program Delivered IR quads (photo below) Fundamental accelerator physics Commissioning of the accelerator Beam instrumentation, tune feedback, and collimation Superconducting Nb3Sn magnet R&D for upgrade and demonstration of viability of large-aperture, high-field, long IR quadrupoles T. Ferbel HEPAP 7/11/2005 http://www.science.doe.gov/hep/HEPAP/July2005/Ferbel_HEPAP_05.pdf September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 13 Experiments: CMS & ATLAS z z Two high pT detectors: CMS, ATLAS Major participation by US groups z z z Construction project nearly complete z z z Total $250M (DOE) + $81M (NSF) –capped >97% complete this month (CD4A) Research Program ramping up z z z ~30% of overall CMS (~310 physicists and climbing) ~20% of overall ATLAS (~240 physicists and climbing) M&O, Computing, Upgrade R&D FY05 $36.6M → FY08 $66M (ATLAS + CMS) Core program supports physicists z Critical to the success of the physics goals September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 14 US Research Program Funding z Guidance provided by DOE & NSF From T. Ferbel HEPAP July 11, 2005 presentation September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 15 CMS z CMS = Compact Muon Solenoid September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 16 CMS Status z z z z CMS being assembled in above ground SX5 bldg Solenoid recently rotated for insertion Cool down end of year Start lowering April 2006 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 17 US CMS z 43 US Institutions z Endcap Muon (EMU) z z Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) z z Boston, UC Davis, UCLA, US San Diego, Caltech, FNAL, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, MIT, Ohio State, Princeton, Rice, Wisconsin EM Calorimeter (ECAL) z z Boston, Fairfield, FNAL, Florida International, Florida State, Florida Tech, Illinois Chicago, Iowa, Iowa State, Maryland, Minnesotta, Mississippi, Nebraska, Notre Dame, Princeton, Purdue, Rochester, Texas Tech Trigger & Data Acquisition (TriDAS) z z UC Davis, UCLA, UC Riverside, Carnegie Mellon, FNAL, Florida, Florida Tech, Northeastern, Ohio State, Purdue, Rice, Wisconsin Caltech, FNAL, Minnesota, Northeastern, Princeton, Yale Tracking - Forward Pixels (FPIX) & Silicon Tracker (SCT) z September 8, 2005 Brown, Colorado, Cornell, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, FNAL, Illinois Chicago, Iowa, Johns Hopkins, Kansas, Kansas State, Louisiana Tech, Mississippi, Nebraska, Northwestern, Purdue, Rochester, Rutgers, Texas Tech, Vanderbilt, Virginia M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 18 US CMS M&O Manpower M&O Manpower 160 z The research program supports technical manpower Core program generally supports physicists z 140 120 100 Manpower z Phys-M&O Engr-M&O Tech-M&O 80 60 40 20 0 03 04 05 06 07 FY Fermilab hosts US CMS physics center (LPC) to mitigate travel costs From D. Green http://uscms.fnal.gov/uscms/review/review2005c/presentations/Green-LEH_RP_08_05.ppt September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 19 CMS – HCAL & CSC z z CSC w/ electronics on YE HF (Forward) assembled in Bldg 186 September 8, 2005 HCAL Commisioning underway Endcap CSC done, being installed & commissioned (~2/3) HO (outer) Panels installed M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status HB (barrel) absorber complete HE (end) absorber complete 20 CMS Commissioning z Single muon track in CSC z First muons seen by CMS September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 21 CMS - Tracking z z z Strong Silicon tracker group TOB module production ramped up (40% complete); excellent yield Strong FPIX team; start production end 2005 September 8, 2005 Tracker outer Barrel (TOB) M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 22 Overall CMS Detector Status z z z z z z z US CMS deliverables >97% complete Magnet – some delay, complex cabling HCAL – progressing well Muon – DTs install & commission; RPCs going well; CSCs 2/3 installed ECAL – crystal production critical Tracker – new organization in place, aim for commissioned TK by Nov 2006 TriDAS – on schedule September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 23 ATLAS z ATLAS = A Toroidal Lhc ApparatuS MAGNETS Central Solenoid 8 Barrel Toroids End Cap Toroids INNER DETECTOR Pixels Silicon Strip Transition Radiation Tracker CALORIMETERS MUON SYSTEM Monitored Drift Tubes Cathode Strip Chambers Resistive Plate Chambers Thin Gap8,Chambers September 2005 Diameter 25m Length 46m Weight 7,000 tons M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status EM - Liquid Argon – Lead HAD - Scintillator Tile 24 ATLAS Status z z Major milestone with 8th Barrel Toroid (BT) installed in pit Barrel calorimeter being commissioned in pit September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 25 ATLAS – BT & ECT z z All 8 BT installed, functional test by end 2005 End Cap Toroids (ECT) being assembled, install in pit 4/06, 2nd one 6/06 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 26 US ATLAS z 34 Institutions z Inner Detector z z z Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) z z Arizona, BNL, Columbia, Pitt, SMU, Stony Brook Muon System (EMU) z z ANL, Chicago, UIUC, MSU, UT Arlington Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) z z Silicon: LBNL, Iowa State, New Mexico, UCSC, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Albany, Wisconsin TRT: Duke, Hampton, Indiana, Penn, Yale Arizona, BNL, Boston, Brandeis, Harvard, UC Irvine, UMass, Michigan, MIT, Stony Brook, Tufts, Washington, Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) z September 8, 2005 ANL, UC Irvine, MSU, Wisconsin M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 27 US ATLAS M&O Manpower Sr. Scientist Administrator Designer Comp.Prof. Tech EE ME Gen Lab M&O FTEs 60.0 z Technical manpower is generally supported by the Research program Physicists by the core program z Recent preliminary survey (use % of research time) 50.0 40.0 FTEs z 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Fiscal Year US ATLAS M&O Manpower Sumof Val ue 600 500 66 400 80 97 76 85 300 200 100 75 30 100 0 63 46 37 66 62 40 37 101 111 142 146 86 89 FY08 FY09 52 Pr ogr am Type 82 Non-ATLAS- Seni or Sci enti st Non-ATLAS- Postdoc ATLAS- Student 58 111 Non-ATLAS- Student 128 ATLAS- Seni or Sci enti st ATLAS- Postdoc 87 38 58 76 FY05 FY06 FY07 Year US ATLAS physicists + redirection September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 28 ATLAS – Calorimeters z z z Comissioning of Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) and Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) First underground cosmic events in TileCal! End Calorimeters (EC): 1 ready (10/05 to pit), other cooling down (12/05 to pit) Barrel Calorimeters End Calorimeter September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 29 ATLAS - Muons z z z z Huge system, high precision RPCs and TGCs are well in production (for trigger) MDTs and CSCs being commissioned Big Wheel C installed 5/06; Small wheels lowered into pit 11-12/06; Big wheel A installed 4/07 September 8, 2005 Muon big wheel sector M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status Chamber installation 30 ATLAS – Inner Detector z z z z Progress in 3 layers of pixels but float lost in problems Silicon tracker (SCT) module mounting on 4 cylinders Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) barrel modules mounted Lower barrel ID into pit 3/06; ID installed & tested 10/06 September 8, 2005 Silicon Tracker Pixel disk M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status TRT Barrel 31 Overall ATLAS Detector Status z z z z z z z z US ATLAS deliverables >97% complete Magnets – solenoid tested in LAr cryostat, barrel toroids installed, endcap toroids being assembled Calorimeter – barrel installed, one endcap ready, other under test, electronics delays Tile Calorimeter – barrel being commissioned, extended barrels assembly this year Muon System – chamber production on track, installation started Inner Detector – significant progress but pixel schedule tight, TRT being commissioned TDAQ – generally on schedule Ready for beam 4/11/07! September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 32 Computing The Research Program contains the computing z Similar overall structure for CMS & ATLAS z z Tier 0 (at CERN) z Raw z Tier data, reconstruction 1 (National Centers) z Each host part of raw data, re-reconstruction, derived data sets, analysis z FNAL (US CMS one of ~6): total CMS need in 2008 is 15 MSI2k; 7PB (note different running assumptions than ATLAS) z BNL (US ATLAS one of ~10): total ATLAS need in 2008 is 24 MSI2k; 14 PB September 8, 2005 z Tier M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 2 (“Regional” Centers) 33 US ATLAS Computing z Large effort going into preparing facilities and user support for data taking z z Ramp up of T1 and T2 underway Projected US needs exceed target funding z Will require application of Management Reserve FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 CPU T1 (MSI2k) 1.1 2.7 8.0 14.3 CPU T2 (MSI2k) 2.2 5.2 6.5 8.3 Disk T1 (PB) 0.5 1.7 4.6 6.9 Disk T2 (PB) 0.6 1.7 2.5 3.5 FTE 52 64 64 66 11.3 15.8 18.6 18.6 Funding AY M$ ATLAS Comp TDR http://doc.cern.ch//archive/electronic/cern/preprints/lhcc/public/lhcc-2005-022.pdf September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 34 US CMS Computing z z z z Significant US leadership in overall CMS computing Ramp up 0f 7 Tier 2s, including DISUN T2Cs and Tier 1 center Projected US needs exceed target funding – no reserve Network being put in place CPU T1 (MSI2k) FY06 FY07 FY08 0.7 1.8 4.3 CPU LPC-CAF (MSI2k) 3.0 CPU T2 (MSI2k) 7.0 Disk T1 (PB) 0.1 0.7 2.0 Disk LPC-CAF (MSI2k) 0.5 Disk T2 (PB) 1.4 FTE Funding AY M$ FY09 62 64 66 66 14.9 16.4 17.5 17.5 CMS computing TDR http://doc.cern.ch//archive/electronic/cern/preprints/lhcc/public/lhcc-2005-023.pdf September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 35 Grid Computing z Grid3 was a success z z z Produced 1/3 events for ATLAS data challenge … but need less manpower intensive production system Grid3 evolving to Open Science Grid (OSG) z national production-quality grid computing infrastructure for large scale science, built and operated by a consortium of U.S. universities and national laboratories z z z http://www.opensciencegrid.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&elMenu=Home ~14,000 CPUs comparable to LHC Computing Grid LHC experiments may be initial drivers but more sciences coming on board Funding mechanisms being developed http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/ September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 36 US Research Program Issues z ATLAS & CMS z z Management Reserve below committee recommendation of 20% (<10%) Rapid growth in additional collaborators; pressure on RP funding from “common costs” share (by PhD) z z Incremental travel/COLA costs place large burden on core program funding (US ATLAS ~2 M$/yr, US CMS ~2.6 M$/yr) – next slide has more details z z z Slow progress, but directorate aware Housing and office space at CERN z z Analysis and support centers attempt to mitigate US CMS also planning remote operations center Getting good collaborative tools at CERN z z particularly acute for CMS (estimate >$1M/yr additional) New hostel in a few years Raised at Orbach CERN visit – establish a “US LHC User’s Group”? September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 37 US Travel/Cola z z z z We have been asked by the agencies to understand the incremental costs of travel and cost of living support at CERN – preliminary results ATLAS $1.9M(FY05$) shortfall in FY09 CMS $1M COLA + $1.6M Travel Some attempt to mitigate these travel costs through z z US CMS: LPC and Remote Operations Center at Fermilab US ATLAS: 3 Analysis Support Centers at LBNL, ANL, BNL Sumof Val ue 6000 5000 986 1060 1254 4000 Pr ogr am 1412 From preliminary ATLAS survey Type 3000 Non-ATLAS- Tr avel FY05k$ 1606 2000 3565 4264 4071 ATLAS- Tr avel FY05k$ 2928 1000 1763 0 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Year September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 38 Upgrade – Physics Motivation z Consider only luminosity upgrade z z Extend LHC mass reach by ~30% z z z z SM parameters, Higgs couplings Parameter measurements for new physics (e.g. SUSY) More demanding on detector upgrade because of pileup environment Increased sensitivity to rare processes and rare decay modes z z Less demanding on detector upgrade because of robust signals Improve on precision measurements z z 1034 → 1035 cm-2s-1 More demanding on detector upgrade because of pileup environment Both ATLAS and CMS have held a number of recent upgrade workshops September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 39 LHC vs SLHC z Studies have started under the following assumptions (ATLAS) z Note that bunch spacing is not settled and has significant impact on electronics and pile-up See for example ATLAS Upgrade Workshops (Genoa July 18, 2005) http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a053875 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 40 Upgrade - Timescales z Luminosity increase demands new tracker upgrades for both experiments z z Working backwards (approximately)… z z z z z And other potential system upgrades ~2015 Machine upgrade (IR quads replaced), tracker installation ~2010 Tracker construction start ~2009 Final design TDR 2005 R&D start These are complex detectors with issues that demand long lead times to solve – R&D must get underway now z Issues: stave development, 3D pixels, stripixels, new materials,… September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 41 CMS Upgrade z z z Replace Tracker Rebuild L1 Trigger processors Only VERY rough cost estimates available z z z Tracker ~ 100-200 MCHF Other systems ? US fraction? ~1/3? ⇒ $50M From G. Hall at July 2005 ATLAS Upgrade Workshop http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a053875&id=a053875s4t1/transparencies FY05 US R&D 215 September 8, 2005 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 530 623 683 761 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 42 ATLAS Upgrade z z z Principal upgrade – replace inner detectors (silicon + TRT → Si pixel + short strips/ stripixel + outer microstrips) Other systems sensitive to increased radiation levels and pile-up, e.g. calorimeter electronics Only VERY rough cost estimates available z z z Tracker ~ 180 MCHF Other systems ? US fraction? ~20%? Partly from G. Darbo report on ATLAS Upgrade Workshop 8/3/05 http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a054316&id=a054316s1t1/transparencies US R&D September 8, 2005 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 500 2,500 2,107 3,237 3,237 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 43 Conclusions z z Construction Projects are winding down, Research Programs are ramping up Accelerator seems on schedule for 2007 start z z CERN management seems committed to that date Challenges of Research Program z z z Funding remains tight Commissioning – now! Preparation for physics z z z z Analysis models & collaborative tools Core program support (travel/COLA, students) Upgrade R&D required now 2007 is not far away! September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 44 Backup Slides September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 45 The “Real” Accelerator Schedule September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 46 ATLAS Schedule ID Name Duration Start 14 1 30 PHASE 1: Infrastructure Experimental Cavern UX15 542 days 542 days Fri 4/4/03 Fri 4/4/03 154 PHASE 2: Barrel Toroid & Barrel Calorimeter 672 days Wed 9/3/03 155 Phase 2a: ATLAS Bedplates and Feet 174 days Wed 9/3/03 166 Phase 2b: Barrel Toroid 430 days Mon 3/15/04 450 Phase 2c: Barrel Calorimeter 592 days Wed 1/7/04 298 days 285 days Mon 8/16/04 Mon 8/22/05 717 780 781 Phase 2d: Racks, Pipes & Cables PHASE 3: End-cap Calorimeters & Muon Barrel 833 Phase 3a: Pipes & Cables Phase 3b: Endcap Calorimeter C 230 days 246 days Mon 8/22/05 Tue 9/6/05 971 Phase 3c: Muon Barrel 148 days Tue 8/30/05 231 days 246 days Thu 11/3/05 Mon 12/5/05 101 days Mon 12/5/05 189 days 181 days Wed 3/1/06 Mon 3/20/06 1221 1372 1373 1477 1509 Phase 3d: Endcap Calorimeter A PHASE 4: Big Wheels C, Inner Detector Phase 4a: Big Wheels, side C Phase 4b: Inner Detector PHASE 5: End-cap Toroid 1510 Phase 5a: Flexible chains 65 days Thu 4/13/06 1519 Phase 5b: End-Cap Toroid A Phase 5c: End-Cap Toroid C 121 days 122 days Mon 3/20/06 Fri 6/9/06 54 days Tue 10/24/06 33 days 42 days 5 days Tue 10/24/06 Fri 11/10/06 Tue 11/28/06 1558 1601 1602 1632 1670 1671 PHASE 6: Beam Vacuum, Small Wheels, Start closing Phase 6a: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side A Phase 6b: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side C Full Magnet Test 1672 PHASE 7: Big Wheels A, Forward Shielding & End wall chambers Phase 7a: Big Wheels, side A 175 days 148 days Wed 8/30/06 Wed 8/30/06 1775 Phase 7b: Forward Shielding & End wall Chambers (EO) 82 days Wed 1/17/07 1821 Phase 7c: Beam Pipe closing and bake-out Beam Pipe closed 11 days 0 days Wed 4/4/07 Wed 4/11/07 1836 1841 1842 Global Commissioning ATLAS Ready For Beam 60 days 0 days Tue 12/5/06 Wed 4/11/07 1843 Cosmic tests 40 days Wed 3/7/07 September 8, 2005 M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status April 2003 15 16 17 M 18 19 47 ATLAS Computing Timeline 2003 • POOL/SEAL release (done) • ATLAS release 7 (with POOL persistency) (done) • LCG-1 deployment (done) 2004 • ATLAS complete Geant4 validation (done) • ATLAS release 8 (done) • DC2 Phase 1: simulation production (done) 2005 • DC2 Phase 2: intensive reconstruction (only partially done…) • Combined test beams (barrel wedge) (done) • Computing Model paper (done) 2006 • Computing Memoranda of Understanding (ready for signatures) • ATLAS Computing TDR and LCG TDR (done) • Computing System Commissioning 2007 September 8, 2005 • Physics Readiness Report • Start cosmic ray run • GO! M. Tuts, P5 Meeting - LHC Status 48