CSTM CSTM 30 30 302

Western Illinois University
Department of Engineering Technology
Spring 2009
TTH 03:00PM ~ 04:50PM
Credit: 3 hrs
Location: 106 Knoblauch Hall
Instructor: Seongchan Kim, Ph.D.
E-mail: S-Kim7@wiu.edu
Office: 102 Knoblauch Hall
Phone: 309-298-1337
Course Description
This course explores the different types of structural systems including masonry,
concrete, and steel building types, plans, details, section, landscaping focusing on the
commercial construction industry. It also covers the development of 2-D computer
drawing and 3-D modeling.
Course Objectives
As a result of successfully completing this course, the student will be able to do the
1. Get the knowledge of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and how to utilize it.
2. Achieve technical skills to communicate architectural ideas in an understandable,
efficient, and accurate manner.
3. Design, analyze and explain the various materials and their synthesis in foundation,
floor, wall, roof, and finish system of a commercial building.
4. Understand architectural programming and develop schematic design and
construction documents for commercial building.
5. Develop and give a presentation of the commercial building designs with 2-D and 3D computer modeling.
Office Hours
MW 03:00PM ~ 04:00 PM, TTH 10:00AM ~ 11:00 AM or by appointment.
In order to schedule an appointment other than office hours, e-mail me (SKim7@wiu.edu) or call me. I will respond to your e-mail within 48 hours.
CSTM 301: Residential Architectural Design
Required: Stine, D. J. Commercial Design using Revit Architecture 2008. Mission, KS:
SDC Publications
Recommended: Ching, D.K., and Adams, C. Building Construction Illustrated, 3rd Ed.
Autodesk Revit Building
Instructional Format
This course consists of lectures, lab assignments, personal project, and exams. It is
highly recommended that you attend all scheduled class and lab sessions. Every student
is expected to come to class prepared and to actively participate in our learning
Lab assignments are designed to practice computer drawing and other activities covered
from the lecture. Each assignment will carry a due date and time. Late assignment will
receive no credit.
Midterm / Final Exam
Consists of computer drawing exam. Drawing criteria will be set by the instructor. You
will need to demonstrate your understanding using the software (Autodesk Revit
Personal project / Final presentation
The objective of the final project is to develop the design that satisfies the multiple
design requirements discussed during the classes. You will develop a set of drawings
that incorporates programmatic and site elements, but also integrates aesthetic, spatial
and formal requirements into your design.
The final presentation is designed to be a means to demonstrate your understanding of
the information. At the end of the semester, you will prepare and give a presentation on
your final project.
Grading and Course Logistics
The final grade will be based on a combination of the lab assignment, midterm, project
and the final exam grade, as follows:
Assigned Points
Lab assignments
Final Exam
Grading Scale
100 %
A - 90 and above
B - 80- 89
C - 70 - 79
D - 60 - 69
F - 59 and below
Class Attendance
Regular class attendance is mandatory. Attendance is important because students will
have problems in following on the next class if they missed a class. It will cause the
delay of the entire class. Therefore, no unexcused absence is allowed. The students with
unexcused absences will have their grade lowered by ONE point for each missed class.
If you anticipate having problems making it to class, I suggest you modify your
schedule or whatever it takes to make it work. If you miss class, it is your responsibility
to contact me or a classmate and get the material/information from that day.
Classroom Policies
Disorderly conduct is prohibited under the Code of Student Conduct
(http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students). Disorderly conduct is defined as any behavior
that can negatively affect the environment of a class including:
1) Eating, drinking, smoking or use of tobacco products during a class
2) Usage of a cell phone during a class
3) Sleeping during a class
4) Inappropriate computer usage during a class
5) Disturbing a classmate in any way during a class
6) An equivalent activity with above
Each violation will result in negative points of 1.0 in your final grading and the
instructor can ask the students to leave the classroom.
Class materials and grades
All class materials, lab assignments and grades will be posted at
http://westernonline.wiu.edu. You need to access to check your grades or print out the
class materials before the beginning of the class.
Students with disabilities
“In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of
the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring
such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire
about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in
emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the
most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability
Support Services at 298-2512 for additional services.”
Materials Cost Reimbursement
$25.00 Lab fee is required for material cost of this class, and is due by the end of third
week of the semester (payable to Engr.Tech. Dept. / WIU).
Course Schedule
*Due to nature of this class, the schedule is subject to change.
Week 1
Course overview
Revit Tutorial
* Dr. Martin Luther King Day
Week 2
Revit Tutorial
Week 3
Revit Tutorial
Week 4
Revit Tutorial
Week 5
Revit Tutorial
Week 6
Revit Tutorial
Week 7
Revit Tutorial
Week 8
Midterm review
Midterm exam (03/12/2009)
Week 9
Spring Break
Week 10
Final project: Develop master plan
Week 11
Final project: Develop program requirements
Week 12
Final project: Develop floor plan
Week 13
Final project: Finish floor plan, Section / elevation
Week 14
Final project: Section / elevation, Wall section Detail
Week 15
Final project: Rendering / Finalizing model
Week 16
Final presentation
Week 17
Final Exam Week
* Lincoln's Birthday