Book Reviews

Book Reviews
After finishing a book--fiction, nonfiction, poetry--you need to post a book review.
This assignment is required for each book completed in your Reading Journal and will be recorded as a
grade. However, you are welcome to add reviews for books read for other courses or over
Winter/Summer break.
1. Click on the Conferencing link.
2. Select Add New Topic if your book has never been reviewed before. In the Topic Name, type the title
of the book. Then click on Post.
3. If your book has been reviewed before, click on the title in the Conference Topic list. The click on Post
New Message.
4. For both postings, type the book title in the Subject line.
5. Write a book review following these guidelines:
A. Title and Author
B. Genre
C. Where someone could find the book to check out
D. Write a brief summary without giving away the details or the ending.
E. Describe/explain your favorite part (again without giving away the specifics).
F. Make a connection
G. Give a recommendation
H. Your own rating scale
You will need to complete all parts of the book review to receive full credit.
Sample Review:
The Boys in the Trees by Mary Swan
Historical fiction
Mrs. Runyon's classroom library
The story focuses on a family that suffers two tragedies--one in England and then one after they move to
Canada. Each chapter tells one part of the story but from the point of view of a different character in each
chapter. Some chapters are in the past and some in the future compared to the book's present.
My favorite parts are the chapters that describe everyday life for the different characters and families in
England and Canada.
I think this book is like The Lovely Bones because that book is also told from different points of view and
because the tragedy in The Boys in Trees is similar but not identical to The Lovely Bones.
I recommend this book to anyone who liked The Lovely Bones or Shutter Island. You will have to be able
to follow the changes in point of view, so you will want to read this when you have the time to focus on
Two thumbs up!