Social-Emotional Development, Academic Achievement, and Life Course Outcomes: Promoting Social Development through the Let’s Be Friends Program 社会情绪发展、学业成就与生命历程相关结果: 通过“让我们做朋友”项目促进社会发展 Mark W. Fraser Tate Distinguished Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校社会工作学院杰出教授 Agenda 发言提纲 • Predictors of life course outcomes • 生命历程结果的预测因素 • Social-emotional competence • 社会-情绪能力 • The collaboration • 合作 • Let’s Be Friends program • “让我们做朋友”项目 • Results from Pilot Test (very brief review) • 简要回顾初步试验结果 • Lessons learned • 经验教训 Broad Mission of Social Work 广义的社会工作使命 …to insure that all children become responsible, contributing, caring, and healthy members of society …为了确保所有的孩子将来能 成为负责任的,具有奉献与关 爱精神的,以及健康的社会成 员。 What Predicts Life Course Outcomes? 哪些因素可预测生命历程相关结果? 学业相关预测因素 Academic predictors • Grades • Exam scores • Marketable skill • Emotional regulation • Information processing • Communication skill Non-Academic predictors • Social emotional competence • Social connectedness • 年级 • 考试成绩 • 自我营销技能 • Family and peer support • Concrete assistance • External social control • Family • Peer group • Neighborhood • 情绪控制 • 信息处理 • 沟通技巧 非学业相关预测因素 • 社会情绪能力 • 社会联系 • 家人和同伴的支持 • 具体的帮助 • 外在的社会控制 • 家庭 • 同辈群体 • 邻里 A Basis for Social Harmony… 社会和谐的基础…… Social and emotional learning involves the processes through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Source: Collaborative of Academic and Social and Emotional Learning. Retrieved from: 社会和情绪学习涉及到通过儿童 和成人习得并有效应用诸如有必 要去理解和管理情绪、制定和实 现积极的目标、建立和保持正向 的关系、对他人具有同理心、以 及作出负责任的决定等相关知识、 态度及能力的过程。 资料来源: Collaborative of Academic and Social and Emotional Learning. 摘 引自: What Does This Mean? A Child Should… 这意味着什么呢? 一个孩子应该… • Understand own • Cooperate with peers emotions • Follow classroom • Manage own rules emotions • Act appropriately in • Interpret the the context of intentions of others • School • Set prosocial goals • Home • Stores or restaurants • Work successfully towards goals • Solve social problems • • • • • • • • • 了解自己的情绪 管理自己的情绪 理解别人的意图 制定亲社会目标 成功地向目标努力 解决社会问题 与同辈合作 遵守课堂规则 在以下环境中举止恰当: • 学校 • 家庭 • 商店或餐馆 These predict academic achievement and life course outcomes. 这些都预测了一个人的学业成就以及生命历程相关结果。 Integrating Social Information Processing with Emotional Regulation State the problem Interpret social cues Encode social cues Set goal(s) Arousal, Emotions, Social Knowledge Assess outcomes Select & enact the best solution(s) Generate potential solutions Evaluate potential solutions Social Knowledge: Life experiences producing scripts, schemata, skills, and beliefs 认知性的解决问题的过程: 社会信息处理与情感控制协调 表述问题 解释社会 线索 社会线索的 解码 设定目标 激动, 情绪, 社会知识 评估可能 的解决方案 评估结果 选择并实施 最佳方案 社会知识: 设计可能 的解决方案 由生活经历所形成的范式,技能和信仰 Social-Emotional Skills Training in Social Work Practice 社会工作实务中的社会-情绪技能训练 1. Encode social and environmental cues 1. 对社会与环境线索进行编码 2. Interpret cues 2. 解释这些线索 3. Set social goals 3. 制定社会目标 4. Search for alternative responses 4. 寻找其他可替代的回应 5. Choose a particular response 5. 选择一项特定的回应 6. Enact a chosen response 6. 实施被选的回应 Program Theory: Skills are related to a variety of child developmental outcomes. Strengthening SIP skills will reduce the risk of negative outcomes by increasing social connectedness. 项目理论:技能是跟一系列儿童发展性的结果相关。增强社会信息处理技能通过增 加社会联系将降低负面结果的风险。 Skills as “Deep Structure”作为“深层结构”的技能 • Information processing skills mediate early experience and life course outcomes: 1. Encoding social and environmental cues 2. Interpreting cues 3. Formulating social goals 4. Generating alternative behavioral responses 5. Selecting a response 6. Enacting 7. Plus emotional regulation • 信息处理技能调解早期经验和 生命历程结果 1. 对社会与环境线索进行编码 2. 解释这些线索 3. 形成社会目标 4. 生成其他可替代的回应 5. 选择一项的回应 6. 实施 7. 外加情绪控制 11 Let’s Be Friends – SIP Skills Training for Chinese Children 让我们做朋友– 针对中国儿童的社会信息处理技能培训 From 7 years of collaboration between Nankai University in Tianjin and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 为南开大学和北卡罗莱纳 大学教堂山分校7年的项目 合作成果之一 The Collaboration 合作 It started in 2005…两校合作始于2005年 On August 30, a Chinese Delegation first observed a session of “Making Choices” at the Siler City Elementary School in North Carolina. 在8月30日,一个中国代表团首次观摩了一节在北卡州赛勒市的 一首小学的“做出选择”的活动。 In 2006 在2006年 • A second Chinese Delegation visited Tommy’s Road Elementary School to see Making Choices in action on May 5. • The Raleigh News & Observer and several local newspapers covered the event with first page articles. • In November, NPFPC committed 165,440 Yuan or $20,915 to support a translation and adaptation of Making Choices. • 5月5日,第二个中国代 表团参观了汤姆之路小 学的“做出选择”项目 执行情况 • 罗莉(北卡州府)的 《新闻与观察者》等几 家本地报纸头版报道了 本次参访活动 • 同年11月,国家卫生和 计划生育委员会(以下 简称计生委)同意划拨 16,5440人民币用于支持 将“做出选择”项目介 绍到中国来(包括项目 翻译与本土化工作) Also in 2006 同样在2006年 • To strengthen and support project planning, Chancellor James Moeser, Vice Provost Peter Coclanis, and Dean Jack Richman from UNC met with Dr. Linna Hao from NPFPC in Beijing on December 9. • 为了加强和支持项目计划, 12月9日,北卡大学校长 James Moeser, 副教务长 Peter Coclanis, 以及社工学 院院长 Jack Richman 与计 生委的Linna Hao 博士在北 京会晤。 In 2007 在2007年 • UNC Vice Chancellor Tony Waldrop awarded a grant of $20,628 to support this project in February. • To learn how to conduct the intervention, four Chinese social work faculty and officers visited US to receive an intensive 10-day training in May. • 2月份,北卡大学副校长 Tony Waldrop 同意了一项 金额为20,628美元的项目, 用于支持这个项目 • 5月份,为了学习如何开展 干预,思维中国社会工作 教师和管理人员访问美国, 并接受了为期十天的集训 In May, 2007 • The Chinese trainees observed intervention session at the Bunn Elementary School on May 2. 在2007年5月 • 5月2日,中国 的几位参训人 员观察了在邦 恩小学的干预 环节 In July, 2007 在2007年7月 Drs. Fraser and Guo visited Nankai University to provide training on translation of the treatment manual. 费雷泽博士和郭申阳博士 访问南开大学,并开展了 关于翻译项目干预手册的 培训。 Also in July 2007 Drs. Fraser and Guo observed two behavioral intervention classes in Tianjin and Leting County. 同样在2007年7月 费雷泽博士和郭申 阳博士观察了在天 津和唐山市乐亭县 的2次行为干预课程 On July 2, 2007 Signing a “Letter of Understanding” & celebrating the start of the project 2007年7月2日 签署三方理 解信并庆祝 项目启动 Right after Signing the “Letter of Understanding” 就在签署理解信之后 A team was formed to work on the translation and adaptation. 项目翻译和本土化工 作团队诞生了 Public Hearing and Expert Review in Beijing 北京的公众听证和专家审查 • On December 19, 2008, a public hearing with expert review of Let’s Be Friends was held in Beijing. • Attendees included officers at NCPFP and experts from Nankai University, China National Institute of Educational Sciences, Bejing Normal University, Tianjing Normal University, Tianjing Foreign Language College • Comments were made regarding revision. • Decision was made to publish Let’s Be Friends • 2008年12月19日,“让我们做朋 友”公众听证会在北京举行,并 有专家进行审查。 • 参加者包括计生委官员,以及 来自南开大学、中国教育科学 院、北京师范大学、天津师范 大学和天津外国语学院的专家。 • 与会者就如何改进提出了建议。 • 决定出版《让我们做朋友》。 Sample of Lesson 课程案例 Sample of Lesson 课程案例 Sample of Lesson 课程案例 Reader Feedback:读者反馈 Jingdong 京东网 Dangdang 当当网 Why Was Making Choices Adapted for Chinese Children? 为什么要将《做出选择》应用于中国儿童? • Increasing awareness of the effects of social-emotional skills on life-time outcomes • Making Choices has been developed, tested, revised, and retested over the past more than 20 years. Cumulative evidence suggests that the program is effective in promoting children’s social competence and reduce negative behavior. • Chinese research suggests SIP has wide application (e.g., Wang & Liu, 2007; Yuan & Huang, 2008). • Evidence suggested: With careful translation and cultural adaptation, the social-emotional skills training program has the potential to benefit Chinese children. • 对社会-情绪技能影响人一生结果的 认识不断增强 • 《做出选择》在过去20多年中不断得 到发展、测试、改进、再测试。累计 证据表明,该计划对促进儿童社交能 力、减少儿童负面行为非常有效。 • 中国的研究表明,社会信息处理技能 培训具有广泛的适用性(e.g., Wang & Liu, 2007; Yuan & Huang, 2008)。 • 有证据表明:经过细致的翻译和在地 文化的适应,社会-情绪技能培训项 目具有造福中国儿童的可能。 Controlled Pilot Test 受控的初步试验 From July 22-28, 2011, ten MSW students were trained by UNC and Nankai University faculty. 2011年7月22日至28日,10名 MSW学生接受了UNC和南开大 学教师的培训。 • Project Period: 9/13/2011- 1/12/2012 • These MSW students implemented the LBF intervention in eight randomly selected Community Happy Camps, which were located in five communities (Dayingmen, Jianshan, Meijiang, Tianta,Youyilu) in the Hexi District, Tianjin City. • A control community with an Education Centre was selected in the same District. • 计划实施期限: 2011年9月13日至 2012年1月12日 • 10名MSW学生在天 津市河西区的五个 社区中随机抽取的 八个社区幸福营 中 实施了让我们做朋 友的项目干预。 • 同时还在河西区选 定了一个教育中心 作为参照社区。 每一组的儿童人数 儿童人数 实验前组测 社区 实验组后测 对照组前测 对照组后测 • Also,15 community teachers from the Hexi District assisted the 10 MSW students in providing LBF in Tianjin. • 12 MSW students from Nankai University did data collection. • On December 8, 2011,15 community workers and teachers gathered at Nankai University with MSW students to discuss their experiences and reflect on the LBF Program and trial. • 同时,15名河西区社区教师帮助10名MSW 学生在当地开展“让我们做朋友”。 • 12名来自南开大学的MSW学生进行数据收 集。 • 2011年12月8日,15名社会工作者、教师与 MSW学生一起相聚南开大学,对“让我们 做朋友”项目和实验的展开讨论与反思。 Testing the Program Theory: Does Let’s Be Friends Change SIP Skills? 检验项目理论:“让我们做朋友”能改变社会信息处理技能吗? Of 12 outcome measures, six show statistically significant beneficial treatment effects (1-tailed) and ten show positive (directional) changes favoring the treated students. 对12项结果测量显示,6项具有显著的有利干预效果,10项表明干预学生具有正向改变。 通过倾向值加权法对 效果的估计 Outcome Measures 结果测量 Sign Indicating Beneficial Effect 符号表明有利的影响 Propensity Score Weighted Estimated Effects 最佳匹配后使用HodgesLehmann有序秩检验 Hodges-Lehmann Test following Optimal Full Matching N=212 to 214 N=212 to 214 Effect Size (Cohen's d) 总体平均干预效果 干预组平均干预效果 ATE Vignette: Dodge Ball 故事1:躲避球 + 0.510 ** 编码 Encoding Hostile attribution -0.120 + 敌意归因 目标设定 Goal formulation + 0.130 + 反应决策 Response decision + 0.157 * 故事2:新裤子 Vignette: New Pants + 0.202 编码 Encoding -0.079 敌意归因 Hostile attribution 目标设定 Goal formulation + -0.015 反应决策 Response decision + 0.011 故事3:新杂志 Vignette: New Magazine + 0.287 + 编码 Encoding Hostile attribution -0.137 * 敌意归因 目标设定 Goal formulation + -0.061 反应决策 Response decision + 0.045 Note: 1. **p<.01, *p<.05, +p<.1, two-tailed for non-directional test 2. ATT 效应量 ATE 总体平均干预效果 0.501 ** -0.152 + 0.191 * 0.146 * 0.476 * -0.127 0.130 0.184 * 0.303 0.139 0.186 0.289 0.257 -0.088 -0.067 -0.006 0.096 -0.069 -0.052 0.004 0.175 0.119 0.095 0.045 0.301 * -0.121 + -0.021 0.039 0.154 + -0.194 -0.002 0.092 0.251 0.169 0.044 0.148 Positive changes (i.e., beneficial changes consistent with hypotheses, or statistically significant beneficial changes) are highlighted in yellow. 正向变化(例如:与假设一致的有利变化,或者具有统计学意义的有利变化)均以黄色标注。 3. N differs slightly among different models, due to missing data. 由于部分数据缺失,不同的模型中样本有稍许不同。 Pilot Test Findings初步试验发现 • LBF appears to improve skills in: • • • • Encoding Hostile attribution Goal setting Response decision • Effects are small but consistent with prior research • Some but not all measures appear to work • Program theory is partially supported • Problem: ~33% drop out • “让我们做朋友”可以提高以下几方面技能: • 编码 • 敌意归因 • 目标设定 • 反应决策 • 影响较小但与之前研究结果一致 • 部分而非所有措施都有效 • 项目理论得到部分支持 • 存在的问题:约33%的干预对象退出 Lessons Learned 经验总结 • Teamwork: Program developers and local experts plus administrative support required • Translation involves at least four steps: 1) 2) 3) 4) Literal translation (to Chinese) Back translation (to English) Designation and discussion of problems Result: Semantic translation (to Chinese) • Adaptation requires deep program and cultural knowledge • Must choose right word for program and measures • Must choose right program activities • Must choose right artwork • 团队工作:需要项目研发者、当地专 家以及行政支持 • 翻译涉及至少四个步骤: 1. 字面直译(译为中文) 2. 回译(译回英文) 3. 分派、讨论问题 4. 结果:语义翻译(译为中文) • 调整适应需要深入的项目和文化知识 • 必须为项目和测量选择适当的词汇 • 必须选择适当的项目活动 • 必须选择适当的插图 Lessons Learned 经验总结 • Must better explain to parents the importance of social-emotional skills in promoting both academic and life course outcomes (Note. 33% drop out) • Need randomized controlled trial with behavioral and academic outcome measures • Promising start! • 必须更好地对父母解释社会 -情绪技能对提升学业与生 命历程结果的重要性(注: 33%的干预学生退出) • 需要随机的、对行为和学业 结果进行测量的对照实验 • 充满希望的良好开端! References • Epoch Times (2007, January 10). Twenty percent of Chinese middle school students have considered suicide. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from • Fraser, M. W., Richman, J. M., Galinsky, M. J., & Day, S. H. (2009). Intervention research: Developing social programs. NY: Oxford University Press. • Hazemba,A., Siziya, S., Muula,A. S., & Rudatsikira, E. (2008). Prevalence and correlates of being bullies among in-school adolescents in Beijing: results from the 2003 Beijing Global School-Based Health Survey. Annals of General Psychiatry, 7. • 王新波,刘萍. 社会信息加工中的相关性维度。心理科学,2007,30(5):1130-1132 • World Health Organization. (2005, December). Suicide rates per 100,000 by country, year, and sex. Retrieved march 15, 2007 from • 袁俏芸,黄敏儿. 小学攻击性男童的社会信息加工及表情知觉。心理科学,2008,31(1):133-137 Thank You! 谢谢! Q&A 欢迎各位提问! Acknowledgement Many people contributed significantly to this project. The key investigators were Fan Wu, Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University; Shenyang Guo, School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis; Steven H. Day, School of Social Work at Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Maeda J. Galinsky, School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This study was supported by grants from the National Commission on Family Planning and Population Control in Beijing and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We thank the students, parents, and teachers who participated in this project. We thank also Vivien Li and Shiyou Wu, who provided assistance in conducting literature reviews of research published in Chinese journals and in translating slides.