Developing the support necessary to create educational opportunities at ENMU-Ruidoso


Developing the support necessary to create educational opportunities at ENMU-Ruidoso

Case Statement

The ENMU-Ruidoso Foundation seeks to acquire private philanthropic support to assist in creating educational opportunities at ENMU-Ruidoso Community College. Our vision is to generate support from individuals, corporations, and foundations to assist the college in optimizing the growth and development of its student community.

Current Support

The Foundation has consistently worked with the ENMU-Ruidoso campus, local volunteers and board members to raise unrestricted funds . Our current donors are committed to continuing their support through in-kind donations and restricted donations to support scholarship programs and expanding the growth and development of our campus.

By donating you will have a lasting impact on the ENMU-Ruidoso Community College campus. You support will help expand our facilities which will allow our campus to serve more students while safeguarding the stability of economic growth. Your donation will also demonstrate the community’s support for the vital programs ENMU-Ruidoso provides.

ENMU-Ruidoso Foundation Assists and Provides:

 Scholarships

 Graduation Regalia

 Alumni Relations

 Recruitment Efforts
