Strategic Themes from Peer Institutions’ Strategic Plans Academic Excellence Distinctive and quality academic programs Student Success Quality learning experiences Exceptional student services Recruitment and enrollment Increased student access Retention and graduation Increased student diversity Research Excellence Improve the university’s stature as a nationally ranked research university Strengthen research and outcomes of research Research productivity Human Resources Attract, develop, and sustain highly effective faculty and staff Professional development initiatives Provide competitive wages Increase diversity of faculty and staff Creating a collaborative organizational culture Financial Base Increase funding from the state Fundraising Increase revenues Comprehensive marketing and public relations Favorable image of the institution Alumni engagement Campus Environment Attractive work and learning environment Improved facilities Community Engagement Increase student engagement with the community Enhance campus-community engagement Forge key internal and external relationships and partnerships Enhance civic engagement for economic and social benefit of the region Meet needs of area and state Global Presence Develop more fully as a global university Expand global engagement initiatives Incorporate international understanding Technology Enhancing technology Expand the use of technology across the campus