Integrating The Four Shipping Markets: A New Approach By George N. Dikos M.Eng. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, N.T.U.A., 1999 M.S. Shipping, Trade and Finance, City University Business School, 2001 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY 2003 @ 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author............ ............ Department of Ocean Engineering December 19, 2003 'U /J / - / Certified by............ ................ Henry Marcus Professor of Marine Systems Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.............................. .i ...... ............... Arthur Baggeroer Professor of Ocean Engineering and Electrical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Studies MASAoUil S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BARKER JUL 1 5 2003 LIBRARIES I ........ The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach by George Dikos Submitted to the Depratment of Ocean Engineering on December 20, 2002 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Master in Science in Ocean Systems Management Abstract Using the approach of modern financial economics, several questions regarding the four shipping markets are addressed. These markets are the market for new vessels, the second hand market, the scrapping market and the freight rate market. Using "no arbitrage" arguments, the four markets are integrated and equilibrium valuation of vessels is derived. Finally, questions of market efficiency and rational expectations are tested empirically, using modern econometric theory. Thesis Supervisor: Henry S. Marcus Title: Professor of Ocean Systems Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all I would like to thank the Eugenides Foundation, the A. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation and the Fulbright Foundation for funding my studies at M.I.T. My thanks go out especially to the President of the Eugenides Foundation, Mr. L. Eugenides-Demetriades, for his encouragement and belief in my work and in the old friendship between our families. I would also like to thank Professor Henry Marcus for supervising both this thesis and my PhD research. I am also grateful to Professor Nick Patrikalakis and Professor Jerry Hausman. Thanks also go to my co-authors Professor Henry Marcus and Nick Papapostolou for allowing me to use parts of our joint work from the following working papers: 'Market Efficiency in the Shipping Sector', 'Second Hand Prices, New Buildings and Time Charter Rates' and 'Integrating the Four Shipping Markets: The End of the Puzzle'. Thanks also go to Vassilis Papakonstantinou and Mr. N. Teleionis. I dedicate this thesis to my parents, with all my love. 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. The Four Shipping Markets: Towards an Integrated Approach................ 4 1.1 Introduction and Motivation......................................................................4 7 2. Empirical Analysis of Second Hand Prices ............................................... 2.1 EBITDA/CAPEX as a leading indicator for depreciation ........................ 7 2.1.1 Testing the Hypotheses...................................................................................................... 2.1.2 H ypothesis Testing ................................................................................................................ 2.1.3 R esults ................................................................................................................................... 9 10 11 16 2.2 Specification of the Depreciation Curves ............................................. Testing....................................22 Benchmark and Testing of Sample 2.3 Out 23 2.3.1 R esidual D iagram .................................................................................................................. 25 2.3.2 Structural Analysis of our Empirical Findings .................................................................. 2.4 Econometric Analysis of the Second Hand Price and New Vessel Price Dyanmics ................ 31 THE COST OF RUNNING VESSELS......................................................................................... H andysize ....................................................................................................................................... Table 2: Summary Statistics Of Price & Profit Series.............................................................. ESTIMATION RESULTS ................................................................................................................. Table 3: Summary Statistics of the Excess Returns in the Four Tanker Carriers...................... Table 4: Predictability of Excess Returns on Shipping Investments .......................................... COINTEGRATION TESTS...............................................................................................................44 Table 5:Cointegration Test For Prices and Operational Profits................................................. Table 6: Estimated VECM of Handysize Prices & Profits.............................................................48 Table 7: Estimated VECM of Suezmax Prices & Profits ............................................................... Table 8: Estimated VECM of VLCC Prices & Profits ................................................................... C ON C LU SION .................................................................................................................................. 33 34 38 40 42 43 45 49 50 59 3. A Stochastic Model for the Depreciation Curves..................64 3.1Introduction and Motivation....................................................................64 3.2 The Relation between Renewal Value and Market Value of Ships..........66 3.3 Modelling the Evolution of New Building Prices, Second Hand Prices and Time Charter Rates.................................................................................... 69 The Model...............................................................................................................................69 Economic Interpretationof the DepreciationCurves........................................................ The Form ofDepreciation Curves.................................................................................... 72 74 3.4 Empirical Analysis.................................................................................75 DataA nalysis.......................................................................................................................... EmpiricalReuslts....................................................................................................................76 75 . . 77 Ta b le 2 ..................................................................................................... 78 3.5 Summary and Topics for Further Research ......................................... 4. Integrating the Four Shipping Markets using the Contingent Claims . 80 A p pro ach .................................................................................................... 4.1 A Structural Model for the Second Hand Prices.......................................................................80 4.2.1 Risk Factors and Replicating Strategies ................................................................................ 81 4.3 A two-factor market model ....................................................................... 87 4.3.1 Valuation in an incomplete market....................................................................................... 87 4.4 Generalized formulation of the 'Good Deal' Problem ........................... 90 5. Towards a General Equilibrium...............................................................94 5.1 Partial Equilibrium Pricing...................................................................................................... 5.2 Market Microstructure and Open Problems..............................................................................96 3 94 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 1. The Four Shipping Markets: Approach Towards an Integrated Historically, the market for new vessels, the market for second hand vessels, the freight rate dynamics and finally the market for scrap have been considered as different markets that obey their own laws of supply and demand. The main aim of this dissertation is to identify the dynamics of second hand prices from a financial or Real Options approach. 1.1 Introduction and Motivation After the pioneering work of Zannetos (1966) and others, who set the foundations of Maritime Economics from a microeconomic or Industrial Organisation point of view, very little has been done in using financial tools to identify 'pricing links' between the different markets that constitute the shipping industry. The dynamics of the freight rates are determined by the supply and demand for transportation and the same applies for the orderings of new building vessels and scrapping decisions. However, since the second hand vessels do not affect the supply and demand patterns, their value should be determined by their payoffs and their opportunity or replacement cost. This observation will be the motivation for this paper and the link that will allow us to integrate our approach towards the different shipping markets, by using intuition from finance. Since the market for second hand vessels doesn't depend on capacity replacement and speculation and given that ships exist in order to provide demand capacity, ideally it should not exist. However not only it exists, but also it is one of the driving forces of shipping economics and shipping investment. This implies that it functions, on the one hand as a market for assets and on the other hand (and this is the key idea in this paper) as a proxy for the market value of a vessel compared to the replacement cost, given by the prices of new vessels. The first part of this observation is not new in maritime economics. Beenstock and Vergottis (1989) came up with a model in order to explain the prices of second hand values. This model, which was a CAPM type model, relied on quadratic utility functions for shipping investors and the assumption 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach that markets are complete. Since then, few significant research efforts have been made to understand the financial aspects of the market for second hand vessels and their role in the shipping industry. Without the strict assumptions required in a CAPM type approach, we know that the value of the asset is determined by the value of its expected payoff, for which time charter rates are a sufficient statistic. Furthermore, decisions in the second hand market depend on the comparison between market values (second hand prices) and new building prices (replacement costs). If these two factors are sufficient statistics for investment/replacement decisions in the second hand market, then they should also be sufficient statistics for the pricing of second hand ships. This was the main intuition of the seminal paper (1992) by Marcus Furthermore, the intuition behind the relationship of second hand prices and new vessels has close connections to Tobin's q-theory. This approached will provide the theoretical background for our empirical analysis in Chapter 2. From an empirical point of view, 10 years later after the 'Buy Low - Sell High' approach, Haralambides (2002) conducted an excellent econometric analysis for the determination of the factors that affect second hand prices. Once these factors are identified empirically, one has good estimates about the sources of risk involved in pricing the uncertain payoffs. Then by assuming that we are able to trade continuously in a portfolio that spans the payoffs of the second hand ship (which is the case under complete markets) we may use 'arbitrage' arguments to derive the value of the second hand ship, contingent on the factors of risk. In Chapter 2 we derive empirically these risk factors by running an econometric analysis on the prices of the second hand values. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 we use the assumption of continuous trading and elements of the Real Options literature to derive closed form formulas for the prices of second hand vessels as a function of the underlying risk factors. In Chapter 5 we abandon the assumption of continuous trading and describe a dynamic model for the shipping industry, using elements from Dynamic Optimization and extensions of the Devanney (1971) model. The introduction of continuous time methods and contingent claim valuation methods in shipping is not new: Goncalves (1992) used future 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach contracts as an underlying instrument and Dixit and Pindyck (1994) derived threshold ratios that trigger investment in the tanker industry. As we shall observe from our empirical analysis in Chapter 2, the functional relationship between second hand values is highly non-linear. This non-linearity provides significant evidence for a hidden 'real option' value in the second hand market asset play. The introduction of contingent claim methods and the justification for these methods is the main idea in Chapters 3 and 4; the integrated dynamic model is finally presented in Chapter 5. By pricing second hand vessels in terms of their replacement cost (the price of a new vessel) and their market value (in terms of the expected revenue generated by the time charter rates) and using the scrap value as a terminal condition we manage to establish a link between the 'four shipping markets', or what economists would identify as the market for services and the market for capital replacement. From this point of view we hope this will provide an integrated approach for comparative valuation of equilibrium prices in the second hand market. 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 2. Empirical Analysis of Second Hand Prices 2.1 EBITDA/CAPEX as a leading indicator for depreciation Our empirical analysis relies heavily on the previous work by Marcus et. al. (1992) In this paper it was identified that efficient buy-low sell strategies can be conducted using Time Charter Rates and prices of New Vessels as sufficient statistics for prices of Second Hand Vessels. We shall conduct our empirical analysis by identifying the relationship between second hand prices of 5, 10 and 15 year old ships, the prevailing time charter rates and prices of new vessels. Before proceeding with our analysis let us define two important variables that will appear in our empirical analysis: EBITDA/CAPEX will denote the ratio of the revenue earned by the one year time charter rate minus operating expenses divided by the expenses incurred by investing in a new vessel: Formally we define: EBITDACAPEX= (TC/ Day-OPEXI Da)* DaysEmplagdand CAPEX CAPEX stands for the capital expenses associated with investing in a new vessel. Furthermore, depreciation or Depr will stand for: Depr(t) = CAPEX(t) - PriceSH(t) , CAPEX where PriceSH(t) is the price of a second hand vessel at time t. In the heart of our analysis lies the observation that the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio is a leading indicator of (real incurred) depreciation. Behind this empirical observation underlies the following economic intuition: EBITDA/CAPEX is a proxy to the Return on Equity or to the economic returns that the cash-flow generating asset-ship yields; it is a 'measure' of its true value, whereas depreciation is a measure (EBITDA/CAPEX)/Depreciation of its replacement cost. is a proxy for the long-term return on the investment compared to its replacement cost and it can be considered as a Qratio equivalent. According to Tobin's Q-Theory when the true value of an 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach asset exceeds its replacement cost, one should invest and the reverse. According to the intuition in our model, an increase of the economic rent (or EBITDA/CAPEX ratio) which corresponds to an increase in the true value and the Q-ratio should result in an increased demand and investment activity; thus, depreciation should decrease. Therefore, EBITDA/CAPEX should be negatively correlated with depreciation, which would imply that an increase in the expected cash flow would result in the appreciation of the ship price (or lower levels of depreciation). For a more rigorous analysis of the relationship between Q-Theory and Industrial Organisation see Ross (1981) and Tobin (1969). However, a negative correlation between EBITDA/CAPEX and Depreciation, which is in line with Economic Theory, would also imply some other important relations: It implies that EBITDA adjusts more slowly than replacement costs and depreciation. This is supportive to the evidence of sticky prices in investment theory and provides us with partial explanations to the fact that time charter rates adjust far more quickly than ship market prices (replacement costs). The shipping industry possesses a unique characteristic: The replacement cost of the underlying asset is tradable in a relatively liquid market and the true value of the asset can be estimated fairly accurately given the long-term time charters. Therefore, the Depreciation ratio provides us with consistent estimates of the Q-ratio. In our economy prices serve to equilibrate supply and demand and in an equilibrium they reflect all information available. The Q-ratio is a measure of how far the economy is from equilibrium and can be considered as a measure of economic efficiency. However, economic efficiency does not necessarily imply asset market efficiency, as pointed out in Waldman and Dow (1997). This is the case in the Banking System and this will be the case in the Shipping Industry. Although asset players can exploit profitable strategies (old versus new, small versus large) similar to strategies of investors in capital markets, and is therefore not market efficient it is economically efficient. And this will be verified by proving the EBIDTA/CAPEX /Depreciation relationship or Q-Theory equivalent. 8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Since this market is found to be market-inefficient, strategies that lead to excess profits can be exploited. According to Investment Theory the Q-ratio or EBITDA/CAPEX/Depreciation can be considered as a leading indicator for the demand for the asset. If the second-hand market verifies this relationship, we will be able to infer that it is economically efficient. Having verified this coefficient we will have an industrial example in line with Waldman and Dow, where market efficiency is not a necessity for economic-investment efficiency. Being able to test the relationship between the order book and the Qratio would suggest a test for the economic efficiency of the Newbuilding market, which is questioned by numerous studies. Due to the above economic intuition we shall not follow the trivial procedure in empirical analysis and regress second hand prices on prices of new vessels and time charter rates directly, including age and ship type as dummies in our model. Based on our previous discussion we shall use the equivalent q-type formulation approach and test the empirical relation with dimensionless parameters. Therefore, we shall regress Depreciation rates for the age of 5, 10 and 15 years with EBITDA/CAPEX rates, including dummies for ship type. Imposing this additional structure, we are testing two hypotheses. On the one hand we are testing for the effect of new building prices and time charter rates on second hand prices and on the other hand we are testing for a negative correlation between Depreciation ratios and economic rents (measured with the EBITDA/CAPEX proxy). A negative relation will be a strong indicator of economic efficiency in this market. Furthermore if our intuition is correct, we are gaining in statistical efficiency by using economic information in our statistical tests. 2.1.1 Testing the Hypotheses In order to test these hypotheses we conduct the following statistical tests: 1) We run the incurred depreciation on the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio, including dummies for the age of each ship. We perform this regression separately for each type and then for a generalised data set including dummies for category. In this way we see if there is a significant relationship between 9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach EBITDA/CAPEX and Depreciation for each category separately and how significance changes with category. 2) From Economic Theory a decrease in economic rents (or a decrease in the ratio EBITDA/CAPEX) should result with an increase of depreciation. Since the potential profits are less than expected, investors are willing to sell this asset. In order to check our economic intuition we run the first difference of the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio on depreciation and on the first difference of depreciation. In this way we can check for spurious regression and fixed effects. If the supportive statistics remain high after taking first differences, this makes our case even stronger. Finally, we run EBITDA/CAPEX ratio on passed ratios and depreciation in order to verify our hypothesis of the elastic behaviour of long term rates (EBITDA) to market price fluctuations. 2.1.2 Hypothesis Testing The first hypothesis we test is the causality between the ratio and depreciation. We run a linear regression and EBITDA/CAPEX perform all the tests for heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. We finally check for the statistical significance of the beta's, that would imply a strong causal relation. a + p EBIDA BD CAPEX, +IFt =A CA PEXt- Hypothesis 1 The second hypotheses we check is the one that underlies our economic intuition. Namely: EBIDA PA CAPEX, 9 +EK = a + ACAPEX,,,_, Hypothesis2 and Finally we check the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio for autocorrelation of 10 5th order: Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach P S1= J15 AJ(EBIDA )+, CAPEX =a+ACAPEX Hypothesis3 2.1.3 Results The AFRAMAX Case A) We performed our tests using the LimDep Econometric Analysis Package of William Greene: In order to test the first hypothesis we run OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) for AFRAMAX on the model: P 2 agel0 + f3agel 5 + P EBIDA / CAPEX 4 + Depr = fage5 + and we obtained the following results: Ordinary Least Squares Regression - Weighting Variable = none Dep.var.= DEPR Mean=.4777638889E-01 S.D.=.1373611057E-01 Model size: Observations = 108 Parameters = 4 Deg.Fr.= 104 Residuals Sum of squares= .1602804337E-01 Std.Dev.= .01241 Fit R-squared= .206094 Adjusted R-equared .18319 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = .21900 Rho .89050 Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[ITI>t] Mean of X .7283863620E-01 .54038009E-02 13.479 .0000 .33333333 AGE2 .7463808064E-01 .54038009E-02 13.812 .0000 .33333333 AGE3 .7299502509E-01 .54038009E-02 13.508 .0000 .33333333 -2486298001 48267514E-01 -5.151 .0000 10342361 Variable AGE1 EC The reported statistics are significant and a strong causal relationship between EBITDA/CAPEX versus Depreciation cannot be challenged. Even though R square is found to be low this doesn't imply anything about the relationship we want to examine. The only statistic that leads us to accept our reject causality is the t-statistic, which is highly above the critical value of 1.96. We performed OLS using robust matrices to correct for heteroscedasticity and the statistical significance remained high. An important 11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach observation is that age is a significant factor in determining depreciation. The most sensitive category is the 10-year-old ships and the less sensitive is the five-year-old ships. This observation is counterintuitive indeed and shall be furthered examined. In order to perform an elementary test for autocorrelation and to check our economic intuition we run OLS for the first differences of our data: First Differences Ordinary Least Squares Regression - Weighting Variable = none Dep. Var. = DEPR Mean= -.3403738318E-03 S.D.= .6364871838E-02 Model size: Observations = 107 Parameters = 4 Deg.Fr= 103 Residuals: Sum of squares= .3453686171E-02 Std.Dev.=.00579 Fit: R-squared= .195738, Adjusted R-squared =.17231 Model test: F[3, 103] = 8.36 Prob value Diagnostic: Log-L = 401.4247 Restricted (b=0) Log-L = 389.7708 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -10.266, Akaike Info. Crt.= -7.428 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = 1.21498 Variable Rho = = .00005 .39251 Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[TI>t Mean of X AGE1 -. 1252421124E-02 .97909397E-03 -1.279 .2037 .32710280 AGE2 .3649028066E-03 .96509837E-03 .378 .7061 .33644860 AGE3 -.4593052670E-04 .96509837E-03 -.048 .9621 .33644860 -.1861053410 .38529597E-01 -4.830 .0000 .20429907E-03 EC What we observe is that the strong relation between Depreciation and EBITDA/CAPEX remains statistically significant and the t-statistic remains in the same levels. Therefore, the regression cannot be considered as spurious. What we observe is that although size is a factor when forecasting, it doesn't really explain the percentage variations of the two factors. This implies that incorporating age can yield a better explanation of Depreciation; however, it is not a causal force to its variations. As we can observe, the Durbin-Watson statistic is now inconclusive for autocorrelation; however, in the first panel it indicated that autocorrelation might be present. Since the finite differences indicate no autocorrelation, the presence of a common trend is strong. We then regress the Depreciation change in the period t, t+2 with the change in EBITDA/CAPEX that we observe at time t and we still derive high tstatistics, which implies that EBITDA/CAPEX is indeed a leading indicator and can be used to forecast incurred depreciation. 12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach We now want to check how 'sticky' is the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio and we therefore run OLS on its history: What we documented is a very strong positive relationship between the today's EBITDA/CAPEX ratio and the ratio six observations before. We therefore run the Depreciation ratio with EBITDA/CAPEX and the history of EBITDA/CAPEX to specify if the history can improve our forecast. We still observe that the observation two years ago can improve our forecast for depreciation. Whether this is due to seasonality or due to 'stickyness' is a fact that has to be further examined. Before proceeding to checking these hypotheses for other types, we run OLS with correction for autocorrelation on the Data in the first Panel: From the following results it is evident that the tested relationship survives easily all the tests: Ordinary Least Squares Regression - Weighting Variable = none Dep. Var. = DEPR Model size: Observations = 108 Residuals: Sum of squares=.1602804337E-01 Fit: R-squared=.206094 Model test: F[ 3, 104] = 9.00 Diagnostic: Log-L = 322.7942 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -8.741 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = .21900 Autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix for Variable AGE1 AGE2 AGE3 EC Coefficient .7283863620E-01 .7463808064E-01 .7299502509E-01 -.2486298001 Mean= .4777638889E-01 Parameters = 4 Std.Dev.= 01241 Adjusted R-squared = .18319 Prob value = .00002 Restricted(b=0) Log-L = 310.3315 Akaike Info. Crt.= -5.904 Rho = .89050 lags of6 periods Standard Error .94738787E-02 .91076161E-02 .79729283E-02 .77457980E-01 t-ratio 7.688 8.195 9.155 -3.210 S.D.=1373611057E-01 Deg.Fr.=104 P[ITI>t] .0000 .0000 .0000 .0018 Mean of X .33333333 .33333333 .33333333 .10342361 Challenging Tasks for further Analysis: Provided that the above relations are verified for the other types of ship, we can argue that the second hand market is economicly efficient (the Q-ratio is an indicator of economic activity). In some sense the asset play market is efficient too and therefore the imbalance in supply could be attributed to the newbuilding market. A Dynamic Analysis with time series method could reveal more information about the interaction between the Q-ratio and the industry dynamics. 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach The VLCC Case Following the same steps we now run the Depreciation on the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio for the VLCC, accounting for size: Ordinary least squares regression Dep. var. = DEPR Model size: Observations = 108 Residuals: Sum of squares= .3903941156E- Weighting variable = none Mean= .5963129630E-01 Parameters = 4 Std.Dev.= .01937 S.D.= .1362702442E-01 Deg.Fr.= 104 01 Fit: R-squared= -. 964796 Diagnostic: Log-L = 274.7216 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -7.851 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = .38163 Adjusted R-squared = -1.02147 Restricted (b=0) Log-L = 311.1926 Akaike Info. Crt.= -5.013 Rho = .80918 Results Corrected for heteroskedasticity Breusch - Pagan chi-squared = 162.7924 with Variable AGE1 AGE2 AGE3 EC 3 degrees of freedom Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[ITI>t Mean of X .6997216916E-01 .6727099467E-01 .6678394635E-01 .80811075E-02 .72206230E-02 .46288619E-02 8.659 9.317 14.428 .0000 .0000 .0000 .33333333 .37037037 .33333333 -.1704179991 .57061315E-01 -2.987 .0035 .81344444E-01 The relationship remains statistically significant, however it is less sensitive to EBITDA/CAPEX and more sensitive to age, especially for the 15 year old ship. Possibly this puzzle could be explained if we took into account the fact that old VLCC's were traded for a premium, due to the extra steel that was placed in them before the introduction of more high-tensile steel and thinner scantlings. However we still have to adjust for autocorrelation and we include the passed six lags: Ordinary Least Squares Regression - Weighting Variable = none Dep. var. = DEPR Model size: Observations = 108 Residuals: Sum of squares= .3903941156E-01 Fit: R-squared= -. 964796 Diagnostic: Log-L = 274.7216 Mean= .5963129630E-01 Parameters = 4 Std.Dev.= .01937 Adjusted R-squared = -1.02147 Restricted (b=0) Log-L = 311.1926 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -7.851 Akaike Info. Crt.= -5.013 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = .38163 Rho = .80918 S.D.= .1362702442E-01 Deg.Fr.= 104 Autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix for lags of 6 periods Variable Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[ITI>t Mean of X AGE1 .6997216916E-01 .14813474E-01 4.724 .0000 .33333333 AGE2 AGE3 .6727099467E-01 .6678394635E-01 .10572965E-01 .62887299E-02 6.363 10.620 .0000 .0000 .37037037 .33333333 EC -.1704179991 .76954789E-01 -2.215 .0290 .81344444E-01 14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach The relationship remains statistically strong having corrected for six period's lags. 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 2.2 Specification of the Depreciation Curves 2.2.1 Testing for non-linearity At this point there are two main assumptions on which our analysis relies: We have assumed that there is no trend in our data and have treated them as Panel Data using no time series techniques. It has been verified that beyond the high correlation and the strong causality there is also a significant underlying economic intuition. However, we have not tested for any timeseries effects or common trends. Finding a common trend could on the one hand justify further the strong causality and on the other hand it could improve our forecastability significant. If for example there is a common force that drives this causality, then this could be exploited further and used as an additional factor in our forecasting procedure. However, this is a task that requires additional data and analysis and at the end of the day it can only result in advanced forecasting techniques and by no means reverses the results we have found until now. A second important assumption is the one of linear conditional expectation. When regressing Depreciation on the EBIDTA/CAPEX the standard underlying econometric assumption is namely the following one: The conditional expectation (or the best prediction) of the Depreciation based on the EC observation is namely a linear function of EC. We are now going to test if this is a correct specification. At this point we have to bear in mind that adding terms in a model always results in a higher fit. We shall therefore examine if the incremental fit gained is worth the extra parameters. We now test the relation between the observations of the Depreciation on the stochastic regressors of age and EC. At this point the treat age as an input and not as a dummy. This has the following consequence: We shall determine joint coefficients for age, EC and their functions for both VLCC and AFRAMAX- the only term that will remain variable will be the constant. This will keep the number of variables 16 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach needed for prediction as low as possible and will allow our model to be easily updated. Specifying a complex functional form for a model is a significant drawback: On the one hand the economic intuition and rationale becomes questionable (which leads people to test the hypotheses) and on the other hand updating the model requires an update in the functional form. Therefore, keeping the number of dependent variables as low as possible is a true 'asset'. VLCC and AFRAMAX joint results We run OLS on the joint data for VLCC and AFRAMAX with age and EC and the 'goodness of fit' or R2 turned out to be 42%. All the t-statistics remained statistically significant, indeed. At that point we decided to 'weighting' the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio with respect to age. The intuition is that older ships will be more efficiently priced than younger ships and less volatile to large market movements. Furthermore, based on the Q-renewal theory the replacement cost of an old asset should be much closer to its true value, since much less uncertainty is associated to his future. The result from this cross-product term, turned out to be beyond expectations. The t-statistic of this cross term is close to 15 (indicates cointegration) and the R2 has reached 58%. We now include the square of the age and the EC ratio as independent terms and we present our results. At this point we have to bear in mind that adding the data from the other sectors and including other types of ships can only increase the forecasting power of our model. 17 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Joint AFRAMAX and VLCC Results - Specification Ordinary least squares regression - Weighting variable = none S.D.=.148867641 1E-01 Deg.Fr.= 209 Mean=.5370384259E-01 Parameters = 7 Std.Dev.= .00889 Adjusted R-squared =.64328 Prob value =.00000 Restricted(b=0) Log-L =602.7835 Akaike Info. Crt.= -6.576 Rho =.84712 Dep. var. = DEPR Model size: Observations = 216 Residuals: Sum of squares=.1652254741E-01 Fit: IR-squared= .69323 Model test: F[6, 209] = 65.62 Diagnostic: Log-L = 717.1665 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -9.413, Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic =.30577 Variable Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[ITI>t Mean of X AGE VLCC AFRA EC EA AA EE -.2319671183E-02 .1253398320 .1202226475 -.8855295396 .4478081079E-01 -.1171356135E-03 .8564916386 .11188717E-02 .74237274E-02 .77673709E-02 .10003614 .45390247E-02 .51333956E-04 .42653632 -2.073 16.884 15.478 -8.852 9.866 -2.282 2.008 .0394 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0235 .0459 10.000000 .50000000 .50000000 .92384028E-01 .92384773 116.66667 .96011111E-02 Predicted Values (* => observation was not in estimating sample.) Predicted Y Observation Observed Y .53132E-01 .82130E-01 1 .50228E-01 2 .81280E-01 .47253E-01 3 .80500E-01 .45531E-01 .78410E-01 4 .43548E-01 .68360E-01 5 .43135E-01 .61330E-01 6 .41381E-01 7 .58610E-01 .38479E-01 8 .56290E-01 .60432E-01 9 .59060E-01 .56894E-01 10 .62980E-01 .56732E-01 .63980E-01 11 .55916E-01 .56930E-01 12 .54892E-01 .43510E-01 13 .53923E-01 .35080E-01 14 .53526E-01 .35080E-01 15 .51201E-01 .30980E-01 16 .47843E-01 17 .22780E-01 .47670E-01 .25000E-01 18 .45208E-01 19 .24830E-01 .45830E-01 20 .26970E-01 .42796E-01 .20400E-01 21 .44441E-01 .23900E-01 22 .47615E-01 .45870E-01 23 .52875E-01 24 .64060E-01 .52436E-01 25 .68740E-01 .60538E-01 .66810E-01 26 .66143E-01 27 .66810E-01 .67725E-01 28 .59920E-01 .54457E-01 29 .52940E-01 .41362E-01 .43670E-01 30 .32845E-01 31 .31720E-01 .19435E-01 .16220E-01 32 .15735E-01 33 .13720E-01 .22403E-01 34 .16040E-01 .34628E-01 35 .17610E-01 .42192E-01 36 .33960E-01 .52883E-01 37 .69680E-01 .51268E-01 38 .68620E-01 .49648E-01 39 .66460E-01 .48722E-01 .63310E-01 40 .47669E-01 .59410E-01 41 .47451E-01 .55670E-01 42 .46534E-01 .54800E-01 43 .45041E-01 .52480E-01 44 .57037E-01 .51130E-01 45 .55003E-01 46 .50580E-01 .54911E-01 .50640E-01 47 .54447E-01 48 .49700E-01 18 Residual .0290 .0311 .0332 .0329 .0248 .0182 .0172 .0178 -. 0014 .0061 .0072 .0010 -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. 0114 0188 0184 0202 0251 0227 0204 0189 0224 0205 0017 .0112 .0163 .0063 .0007 -. 0078 -. 0015 .0023 -. 0011 -. -. -. -. -. 0032 0020 0064 0170 0082 .0168 .0174 .0168 .0146 .0117 .0082 .0083 .0074 -. -. -. 0059 0044 0043 -. 0047 95% Forecast Interval .0708 .0354 .0679 .0325 .0296 .0650 .0278 .0632 .0613 .0258 .0609 .0254 .0237 .0591 .0207 .0562 .0782 .0427 .0392 .0746 .0744 .0390 .0736 .0382 .0726 .0372 .0716 .0362 .0712 .0358 .0689 .0335 .0655 .0301 .0654 .0300 .0629 .0275 .0635 .0281 .0605 .0251 .0622 .0267 .0653 .0299 .0706 .0352 .0347 .0428 .0483 .0499 .0368 .0236 .0701 .0150 .0010 -. 0030 .0507 .0042 .0168 .0245 .0352 .0336 .0320 .0310 .0300 .0298 .0288 .0273 .0393 .0373 .0372 .0367 .0783 .0839 .0856 .0722 .0591 .0378 .0345 .0406 .0524 .0599 .0706 .0690 .0673 .0664 .0654 .0651 .0642 .0627 .0748 .0727 .0726 .0722 CA v/ (U S0 H H 0 W0 V LA MM M w. (N ' W'W O en 10 0 L M N M H H Mn (N 0 e N V M r LA L N 0 C V (n H V 0 V LA 0 1 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0'0 N N N N N '0 '0 LA LA LA' (N In N rN -n LA w o N LA o m cN H h M OD 0) OD -iHHHr 00 C0 000C 000000000000 e l l1i (N M) WO W L M L 0 r W a) N (3 L (N r -) O %D r 0N ) W V W v m m Lo wN v Lm Lo '0 m A '0 M M M en ene LA LA 14, e en en v en C (M) M CV Me) M M -W V Ln 0 '0 00 'OCOC GC '0'0'0 ''0 ' '00 0' '0' '0' '0 '0' KO '00'' 00''' 00 000000 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 LA W V i I I LA O i I I LA I 3) I q, aO 0 h N a N H LA N LA a) LO N M MN h li I I W W 0) H 0 a) (N N N) M en W0 LA M 0 H lI - 1 1 11 N w m w a 00 w m r-i o a) a) '0 H H e n en N m LA 0 en ONew en v N- H H- H r- \v0 )a ( V ) a) e H 0 en o ' LA en ( N CD'% NNNN LA 1 000 w M (N N 0 0 0N LA e (N LA 0 LA H OD W 000 H w LA a N- Lr- nw 1 1 o 00000000 H a (N N u H h% LA L v c(N a) c(N LA LA v 0 a) Hi LA n M a) a) ODMN en a) o0)Ni LA (N (N IN LA N- a) (N 00 N- a) a) 00 en a) 0 r,~~HaNLaaN)0)ANna''LN0L~nNH0o)LLL~ee(aoN0a OV OD V VCn en N a) H H v (N LA v'w M'w H en 0 LA 0 LA LA en LA w0 H- aO ) Lnw r-m m H NM -4 m wtl- m 0H N v mw r-w m HNM * m Hr-HwmH0H NH .H40HwH- H H HINHMVHMH rH H HH HNMHVH WHr H0H) H HNHv)HV H) H r H O H0H0 H H H H %d- a) w v en 0 o) m -o I N v00o LA w m cen v H In LA 0 0 N r- -w N 00 0HH HH LA - en0 HW V VM eCOH (NW V LA -4 M' n 0 ( HW - 1 M 0 M V 00 LA m cN a)0w H - M (N M N a) O H M O 0'0 W 0 m hI 0L LA V (N M N H 0 H H H HN LA I 0000000000000000000000 Oa w r N cN w o H 0 N 0) a) C OD N u N H H H H H H H H 0000000000000000000000000000000 (N (N 0n H LA H 0 %D OD H (N - ' a) a) en M oo~~~~~~~~~~~~ mO a c:)H INM -tl m (v e, n LA 00o H 0 (N4 (N H 0 co (N LA 0h H- LA LA v Ch ND C 04 (N r- N - N N 0 00 en en H N- N- H H en) (N 0) CN' W - H 0 oo v''w LA m00 LA Hi v LA v en H 0D ) LA enN (N H 00o LA LA) v en (N4 H- o LA LAn m 00 OD CO OD D CD D a) 0 ) 0 H H M CD 00 aD 0) OD N aD 00 N LA W N N OD V e a N LA H 0 N en 0 N e (N V LA W en H LA v (N (N 0 H 0 0 N L v a) N m LA co v 0OD W) LA 0 N O O O0 0 0 O 0 00 0 LA en en e e e e en M M n (N (N H H H (N (N (N (N (N (N (N (N (N (N M N N N N (N N (N (N N (N N (N N (N (N (N (N en M M N (N N N (N N (N (N W k ' W W VD L LA LA LA M M M M M M e W e M M M en oo - - 0 0 o r- H H a) 0 N 0 0 - N r-1 (N H 0 - a 0' 0000 0 (N LA M) N OD I N 0 o N r 0 LA (w0m)m)ILA H LAS) rHH Hlr H H- H- Hl H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH C0 C0 00 C00 00000 0 0C00CC0 00 000 0 0 0000 00C0 0 000 0000000000 0000000000000000000000000C ~wI24-oM CA + Cn r/ Ln C f r ' LA V0 " q. L N 0 H LA o . (N N, 0 (N N N N- 0 LA LA LA LA LA N I r- H LH LH H 0 ' ' LA W. H H i i HN H LNLNNLNLN r LN (N N4 -o m Le .0 Ho o oo N H o H H0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 H .0 e N N LA M 1w 0 H 0 " LA H N M H en H e L H0LA m In N LA N 0 LA 00 N0 N- ( N 0en II 0 0' 0 N LA 0H 0 M 0) LA 0 N 0) 0 0 M e M N M LA 00 N H o H N - M M M M ' LA en ee M m M (In M M M M 0 H N (N 0 000000000O III IIII II H e H (N0 LA N LA N H en en en en en (N N 0 (N0 H M H 0) D N OH 0 0 0 o 0 00000%\66000@00 0m '0 N LA W W M M LA 0 0)0 H %0\0 M 0 l il 0 0 0 00 0 LA LA 0 I en M N 00000 000 1 0 N H 0' H LA H 0 HH 000 N ) ') eM M M [ li i i i l ti ii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LA H0 0 H H H 00 0 0 LA Nen H (N 00 LA 0\ '0 00 H M H H N v N (N M N M N 000 00 WN (N en ' en e en M II 0 00 N N 0 N H N H ' 0L0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0H 0 0 000 M M M M M M M VN 0MOM '. 0 0 LA 0 0W 0 '. LA e en e n 0 e H H N I H LH H H H H a) m r%D kD Ho LH HH H H H H H HO HO H0 HH H H H H H H H H H H H H H 0 HH V M H 0M H H L N N N N m N N to o wO m ro L L L L Lf) L Ln L L L L 0440 H HH HHHH N r- w H m w r- r- r- w Ln wO wO wO w w m m v m m N N N o ct o m LI Ln wO w Ln Lf l L L Lf) L u)v Ln Lf) Ln u)1 L In u) LD Ln N (N H H Lo L e NN mm L m LA M I) ene M M n M mm m M mn M M M M M M M en M 0 v e HN u Ln q Ln Lir Ln Lf) Ln Ln u L ' m N -LOo4" N04MM"r-UMin oM v N M0N0 -)r,)N q. m r-000000000000000000O 0 0m Ch %v C40-W L0M r)wvM N H rI - Ln Ln 0 M40 w N wO Ln M W0 N M H 0 0 Lr) W M N H H M Ch r- WO -0 w N M MH 0 N Ln r- H 0) 0 41o r Ln r- o N w0 w0 c c4 M M 4V 0) I) r- 0) 0 r- N 0 0) W0 r- LO H M C N Lf) H -I C1 M V V IN "N -; 0 M N M H LH m-rH a% D A L0 L LA LA LALA 0 0 to .NO A'.0L H ( ALA N LH {L' ALALALACLALALALALALALALALALAL\ ( e en r N LA 00 "n ALALALALA 0 (N ONL NL L LN LAmL mL 0 0 L(N H H HO H H H H H HH 00 r- LNLALLALLALALALALALALALAW m ma v N N H H m r- wO oo wO r- \-r -r -r -r w o m 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i i i i i i i H H N LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA ' - Me LA N LA 00 0 N 0 e N W0 M. 0 0 00 0 - L H M LA H LA M v H N N 0 N 0 N N H M M LA M 0 - 0 0 LA (N M MW 0 LA L 03 LA N 0 HH (N 0) N 0 (N 06 m me H H H N (N (N 00 o0 LA m N 0 0 N LA H H N N M M N H H O M 0 N LA L m LA L LA vm N 000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000tD\O H N V H (N ' M t N N 0r m M Mn 00 0N LA LA H00 H en H N LA N C H CC0 0 N N 0 LA C) C 0 0e 0 0 LA 0 H N 0000 H H0 H N e n en O 0000000 H 00 NO 00 H Ln H m N vN mmmH Y M Nj M m Ln v ,- H000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N M0m ,m m H w w Nr w -m mw m M w0 Hm mM mm r- q4 qq M 0 m H N N M MN N m m03 HN wO r- m% r- w -N t) M rr- M N " O H O N -0LO N r- W r M11 0) OD1 H v tnm HH Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach We have included the following variables: - Age - Type - EBIDTA/CAPEX - The product of EC with Age - Age 2 - EC 2 And this 'simple' second order quadratic conditional expectation yields an R2=69%, with all coefficients statistically significant at 95%. We have now a powerful prediction benchmark in our hands, which can easily be extended to all types of ships. This still remains a static model and large improvements can be expected when we account for Time Series Analysis and Dynamic Effects. Finally, since our economic intuition is that EBITDA/CAPEX is a leading indicator for Depreciation and our practical target is to be able to make inference about future Depreciation based on today's EBITDA/CAPEX we run OLS of the observation at time t on the result at time t+1. We obtain statistically supportive results; however, the problem with leading indicators (as addressed by Hendry) is whether the elasticity remains constant over time. This issue could be addressed in a dynamic analysis and we could test the model for structural changes over time. 21 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 2.3 Out of Sample Testing and Benchmark Testing In this section we perform an out of the sample testing of our above specification and compare our depreciation curves to other forms of depreciation curves, such as the Lin Cai Depreciation curves (LC hereafter) and compare the results. The LC model outperforms our model for the first 25% of our observations. This is obvious since it was designed on a fitting-sorting algorithm. However, as time goes by the forecast error becomes huge relative to our simple 5-factor model. The Forecast error is actually ten times higher than our variance, whereas our forecast accuracy is 90% for the last 30% of the observations with minimal error. For the last observations that are relatively explosive (due to the bullish shipping market) the LC error formula explodes. From the diagram that compares the two errors the supremacy of the specification in 2.1.2 is obvious. Note: The Lin -Cai formula we used in our analysis for the depreciation curves is the following: =1F((C$28*($R$95*C$118*25/$G$16*C$118*25/$G$16+$R$97*C$118*25/$G $16)+$R$96*C$118*25/$G$16*C$118*25/$G$16+$R$98*C$118*25/$G$16+$ R$99)*$V$95+ C$118*25/$G$16*$V$96+$V$97>0, C$28*($R$95*C$118*25/$G$16*C$118*25/$G$16+$R$97*C$118*25/$G$16) +$R$96*C$118*25/$G$16*C$118*25/$G$16+$R$98*C$118*25/$G$16+$R$9 9, C$28*($T$95*(C$i I8*25I$G$1 6-25)*(C$11I8*25I$G$1 625)+$T$97*(C$118*25/$G$16 25))+$T$96*(C$118*25/$G$16- 25)*(C$118*25/$G$16 25)+$T$98*(C$118*25/$G$16-25)+$T$99) The first part of the formula is a sorting condition that decides the fit: The second part can be simplified if we assume a Life of 25 years for our ship: Then it simply collapses to the following: C28*(R95+R97*C 18)+R96+R98*C118+R99 or equivalently: 22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach (D(EBITDA/CAPEX (a + 0 * age) + y + *age) + DeprLnKai= Where the Greek Letters correspond to the estimated residual parameters s2,s21,sl,sl 1,sQ and are adapted based on the sorting condition. The sorting condition results in different formulas for each observation set and requires many parameters. It gives a very good fit when passed data occur and is strongly outperformed by our formula. Another reason that leads to its outperformance is the omission of the non-linear terms and the model misspecification. 2.3.1 Residual Diagram The Lin Cai formula outperforms the MITSIM05 model only on the first 25% of the observations. AFRAMAXVLCC Observations o 14 0.12 0.1 0 0.08 0 D8 'I. CL a) 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 Observations 23 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach VLCC 2 y = 0.8565x - 0.12 0.2137x + 0.0642 0.1 0.08+ MIT-5 0 MIT-10 .0 0.06 4 ."..~.4-4MIT-15 ---- -( 0.04- 0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.1 0.14 0.16 EBITDA-CAPEX Fitted Curves for VLCC vessels with age 5, 10 and 15 years 24 0.18 0.2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 2.3.2 Structural Analysis of our Empirical Findings In our previous analysis we concluded that the following factors appear to determine the prices of second hand vessels: 1. A constant that differs for each industry (Random Effect) 2. A beta factor for Age. 3. A beta factor for EBITDA/CAPEX. 4. A beta factor for the AGEA2 and EBITDA/CAPEXA2 5. A beta factor for weighted EBITDA/CAPEX*Age Thus our intuition about the parameters has turned out to be correct. There is however significant evidence that there are important non-linearities in these relationships. In the Paragraphs 3 and 4 we shall construct some dynamic models that will justify these non-linearities. 25 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Appendix Joint Formula for the AFRAMAX-VLCC SUEZMAX Following our previous analysis we derive the formulas for the joint AFRAMAX-VLCC and SUEZMAX and we compare the coefficients derived with the AFRA-VLCC coefficients derived on page 20. We stack our data in Panel Data form and use a total of 323 observations. Running LIMDEP and correcting for multicollinearity we obtain the following results: Ordinary Least Squares Regression - Weighting Variable = none Dep. var. = DEPR Model size: Observations = 323 Residuals: Sum of squares= .2237366571E-01 Fit: R-squared= .721246 Model test: F[ 7, 315] = 116.43 Diagnostic: Log-L = 1088.4528 LogAmemiyaPrCrt.= -9.528 Autocorrel: Durbin-Watson Statistic = .35024 Variable AGE SUEZ VLCC AFRA EC EA AA S.D.= .1578811278E-01 Deg.Fr.= 315 Std.Dev.= .00843 Adjusted R-squared = .71505 Prob value =.00000 Restricted (b=0) Log-L = 882.1485 Akaike Info. Crt.= -6.690 Rho = .82488 coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P[ITI>t] Mean of X -.3431757693E-02 .1366533138 .1405608564 -1.086932388 .4536886420E-01 1.579992417 .85803367E-03 .55342457E-02 .54618293E-02 .57097227E-02 .66560000E-01 .32199621E-02 .25874240 -4.000 24.692 25.735 24.045 -16.330 14.090 6.106 .0001 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 9.9845201 .33126935 .33436533 .33436533 .93676594E-01 .93524467 .10048235E-01 -. 6489909736E-04 .39760161E-04 -1.632 .1036 116.33127 .1372882790 EE Mean= .5284492260E-01 Parameters = 8 We now compare the 2-industry case coefficients with the3- industry case: Coefficients 2by2 -0.0023 3by3 -0.00343 Suez VLCC AFRA E/C 0.1253 0.1202 -0.8855 0.1366 0.1405 0.1372 -1.0869 AGE*E/C 0.04478 0.04536 Age ECA2 AGEA2 0.856 1.5799 -0.0002 -0.00006 The industry constants that display the higher statistics do not change significantly and neither does the EBITDA/CAPEX coefficient that becomes even higher implying that SUEZMAX is the most sensitive industry to E/C variations. Dynamic Effects of age become less important (age is not a non- 26 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach squared becomes even higher linear effect); however, EBITDA/CAPEX implying that SUEZMAX is very sensitive to its changes especially in a good market. (The coefficient of the squared term is the coefficient of the Taylor expansion and the second derivative- a positive second derivative implies that the E/C coefficient rises in a booming market and is less sensitive to a bad market.) This is in line with the empirical observation that in a bad market ships cannot depreciate more than their 'natural' depreciation rate; therefore, depreciation becomes independent of E/C at rock-bottom prices. The positive coefficient of the squared E/C term is in line with Maritime Economic Theory and empirical observations. Tanker Industry Prediction Model Predicted Values (* => observation was not in estimating sample.) Observation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Observed Y .82130E-01 .81280E-01 .80500E-01 .78410E-01 .68360E-01 .61330E-01 .58610E-01 .56290E-01 .59060E-01 .62980E-01 .63980E-01 .56930E-01 .43510E-01 .35080E-01 .35080E-01 .30980E-01 .22780E-01 .25000E-01 .24830E-01 .26970E-01 .20400E-01 .23900E-01 .45870E-01 .64060E-01 .68740E-01 .66810E-01 .66810E-01 .59920E-01 .52940E-01 .43670E-01 .31720E-01 .16220E-01 .13720E-01 .16040E-01 .17610E-01 .33960E-01 .69680E-01 .68620E-01 .66460E-01 .63310E-01 .59410E-01 .55670E-01 .54800E-01 .52480E-01 .51130E-01 .50580E-01 .50640E-01 .49700E-01 Residual .0282 .0306 .0331 .0329 .0251 .0185 .0176 Predicted Y .53951E-01 .50671E-01 .47363E-01 .45470E-01 .43307E-01 .42859E-01 .40970E-01 .37883E-01 .62353E-01 .0184 -. 0033 .0047 .58248E-01 .58061E-01 .0059 -. -. .57127E-01 .55954E-01 .54848E-01 -. .54393E-01 .51762E-01 -. .48017E-01 -. .47825E-01 .45114E-01 .45792E-01 .42492E-01 .44276E-01 .47764E-01 .53655E-01 .53159E-01 -. -. -. -. -. -. -. 0002 0124 0198 0193 0208 0252 0228 0203 0188 0221 0204 0019 .0104 .0156 .0043 0023 -. 0110 -. 0025 .62478E-01 .69082E-01 .70966E-01 .55453E-01 .40951E-01 .32057E-01 .19240E-01 .16039E-01 -. .0027 -. 0003 -. 0030 0023 .21931E-01 -. -. .33876E-01 -. 0163 .41842E-01 -. .52323E-01 .50349E-01 .48414E-01 .47327E-01 0059 0079 .0174 .0183 .0180 .0160 .0133 .0098 .46107E-01 .45856E-01 .44815E-01 .43156E-01 .57539E-01 .54957E-01 .54841E-01 .54264E-01 .0100 -. -. -. -. 27 .0093 0064 0044 0042 0046 95% Forecast .0370 .0337 .0304 .0285 .0264 .0259 .0240 .0209 .0454 .0413 .0411 .0402 .0390 .0379 .0375 .0348 .0311 .0309 .0282 .0288 .0255 .0273 .0308 .0367 .0362 .0455 .0521 .0540 .0385 .0240 .0150 .0020 -.0013 .0048 .0169 .0249 .0356 .0336 .0317 .0306 .0294 .0291 .0281 .0264 .0408 .0382 .0381 .0375 Interval .0709 .0676 .0643 .0624 .0603 .0598 .0579 .0549 .0793 .0752 .0750 .0741 .0729 .0718 .0713 .0687 .0650 .0648.0621 .0627 .0594 .0612 .0647 .0706 .0701 .0794 .0860 .0879 .0724 .0579 .0491 .0364 .0334 .0391 .0509 .0588 .0691 .0671 .0652 .0641 .0628 .0626 .0616 .0599 .0743 .0717 .0716 .0710 (LHLLLLHHHH(LHLmLH 2 CA m 0O Lb 0 H 0 o omr HONN 0 V 0b o~o o e oo d e m d oo w Ho d o w ooo mm W o o oooooor~wowo ~ m o d o 0000 H o H OO m dm m mr oriooon Wv~D ~ 0 . . . 0 . 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In addition, the R2 has achieved a value of 72%, which is an excellent fit for panel data. Finally, we display the prediction errors and their pattern confirms their white noise charaterisation. We shall now proceed with an econometric analysis of the dynamics of the relationship between second hand prices and prices of new vessels. This econometric analysis will allow us to identify the main dynamics of these two markets and any long run (cointegration) relationships between these two processes. 2.4 Econometric Analysis of the Second Hand Price and New Vessel Price Dyanmics Ship prices and their movements over time are of great importance to shipowners taking decisions regarding purchase and sale of vessels. As Stopford (1997) notes: 'Typically, second-hand prices will respond sharply to changes in market conditions, and it is not uncommon for prices paid to double, or halve, within a period of a few months'. Furthermore, investors in the shipping industry rely not only on the profits generated from shipping operations, but also on capital gains from buying and selling merchant vessels. In fact, some investors consider the latter activity more important than the former one since correct timing of sale and purchase can be highly rewarding compared to operating the vessel. Thus, it is important to investigate whether the markets for newbuilding, second-hand, and scrap tanker vessels are efficient and include rational 31 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach agents, i.e. assets are priced rationally, since failure of the EMH, if it not due to the existence of time-varying risk premia, may signal arbitrage opportunities. For instance, if vessel prices are found to be different from their rational values, then trading strategies can be utilized to exploit excess profit opportunities. Consequently, when prices are lower than their fundamental values (fundamental or rational value is the discounted present value of the expected stream of income generated over the vessel's lifetime), then vessels are under-priced compared to their future profitability (i.e. the earnings from freight operations). In that case it would be profitable to buy and operate the vessel or sell it when prices are high. In contrast, when prices are higher than their fundamental values, then vessels are over-priced in comparison to their future profitability. As a result, it would be profitable for the agent to charter the vessel rather than buying it. Hence, from the point of view of both the charterer and shipowner, it is crucial to understand the price mechanism as well as the efficiency of the market for vessels because both of them might affect the economic efficiency of the shipping industry. The remaining part of this section is structured as follows: The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in the price formation for the VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize vessels is tested. The sources of data are given followed by the econometric analysis. DATA ON VESSEL PRICES, TIME-CHARTER EARNINGS AND OPERATING COSTS The data used for the analysis of this study are as follow: monthly newbuliding, second-hand, scrap prices and time-charter earnings for VLCC (250,000 Dwt), Suezmax (140,000 Dwt), and Handysize (30,000 Dwt) vessels. The data was collected from Clarksons ( and covers the period from January 1981 to August 2001. Newbuilding, secondhand and scrap prices are quoted in million dollars for each size and represent the average value of the vessel in any particular month. Timecharter earnings are quoted in dollars per day and once more represent the average value of the vessel in each month. Operating costs were collected from Drewry Shipping Consultants in daily basis for the period 1990 up to 32 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 2001 and they represent international averages excluding American flag vessels. We converted these operating costs to monthly observations by multiplying the daily figures by 30. This yields a monthly operating cost series for the period 1990 to 2001. As operating costs do not fluctuate dramatically over time and increase at an inflationary rate, a non-linear exponential growth model is used to fit the data and backcast them to 1981. A more detailed analysis of the operating costs is given in the next section. THE COST OF RUNNING VESSELS First of all, the vessel sets the broad framework of costs through its fuel consumption, the number of crew required to operate it, and its physical condition, which dictates the requirement for repairs and maintenance. Second, the cost of bought-in items, specifically bunkers, crew wages, and ship repair costs, which rise at the inflation rate and follow different economic trends outside the shipowners's control. Third, costs -like administrative overhead- depend solely on how efficient the company is run by the manager. Unfortunately, there is no internationally accepted standard cost classification, which often leads to confusion, a matter though that is out of the scope of this paper. We should mention again that operating costs do not fluctuate significantly, and in contrast to voyage costs, they grow at a constant rate, normally the inflation rate. Within a fleet of vessels one could notice that the level of operating costs vary. It is usual to find that the old vessels have a completely different cost structure from the new ones. Indeed, this relationship between cost and age is one of the central issues in the shipping industry'. Another factor that can affect the costs is the flag under which the vessel is sailing and The relationship defines the slope of the short 33 run supply curve. Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach the maintenance strategy of the company as well. The model used to fit the operating cost series has the following form: OCt = aet +ut where, OCt= Operating Costs t = Time Trend The above exponential growth model is estimated over the period January 1990 to August 2001 using a non-linear least squares method. Table 2 gives the coefficients for the exponential growth model, which are used to backcast the data to year 1981. Actually, the exponential growth model was found to have a very good goodness-of-fit. As we can see from table 2, the R 2's of the model were high and the growth rate of the sample period was reasonable. -2 More precisely, the R 's are found to be 88%, 95%, and for the Handysize, and Suezmax respectively, indicating a high degree of accuracy, with the -2 exception of the VLCC sector, where an R of 81 % is not so high. Table 2: Estimates of Exponential Growth Model of Operating Costs for the Four Tanker Carriers OC,= ae" +u, A VLCC Suezmax Handysize 80332.6 8 (1446.863) [65.033] [6.3] 86041.6 (1376.958) (4683 8 (1795)[834 0.00239 (0.0000807 [29,684] 0.00375 (0.0000752 6 ) 2 ) 0.88 2 Sample Period 1990:1 to 2001:8. . Figures (.) 90141.6 (2981.797 [31. [49.8761 0.00516 0.000160) [32. 556] 6 and [.1 are standard respectively. 34 371] 0.81 0.95 * in [68.334] errors and t-statistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Apvroach Figure 1 plots the actual and estimated operating costs for the Aframax vessels. It can been seen that, estimated values are closely tracked by actual operating costs, and there is a constant exponential growth in the series. The operating costs series calculated using the exponential growth model will be considered as an aggregate level of costs incurred by the shipowners, and later in the chapter will be used to calculate the operating profits for each size of vessel. At this point we should mention that the results obtained might not be so accurate as shipowners do not report the actual cost that they incur. So the fitted operating costs may represent the aggregate level of costs incurred by the shipowners but bear in mind that some shipowner may be willing to pay more or less than that. Figure 1: Estimated Monthly Operating Costs for the Four Tanker Carriers PANEL A - HANDY SIZE t) (40,00Dw 180000 160000 c 140000 0 120000 oa 100000 80000 60000, 82 84 86 88 90 FITTED - PANEL C - 92 OC - 94 96 ACTUAL 00 98 OC S UEZM AX (140,00ODwt) 250 000 0 1500 00 - . 200 000 4) 100 0 00. 50000 A , CLt 8 2 84 86 - 88 96 90 9 2 94 O - ACT U A L FITT ED 35 C 0 0 98 0 C I Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipoing Markets: An Integrated Approach PANEL D - (250,00ODw VLCC t) 0 4Lf- 82 84 8 6 -- 88 90 O FITT ED C 92 94 -- A C T U A L 96 ' 98 00 OC INTERPRETATION OF DATA RESULTS ON PRICES AND PROFITS In the shipping industry, operating profits (earnings) at time t, !7t, can be defined as the time-charter rates (TCt) less the operating costs (OCt): HI, = TC, - OCt. Time-charter rates do not include voyage costs (paid by the charterer), and thus are appropriate to use in calculating the operating profits because they represent the net earnings from the chartering activities. Descriptive statistics of newbuilding, second-hand and scrap prices, as well as of operating profits for each of the three different tanker size carriers are reported in table 2-Panel A. A quick glance at the results reveals that mean levels of prices and profits are higher for larger vessels than for smaller ones. In addition, mean levels of newbuilding prices are higher than mean levels of second-hand prices and scrap prices for each of the four different size vessels. Furthermore, looking at the unconditional volatilities (variances), we can argue that prices for larger ships fluctuate more than prices for smaller vessels, a result that is consistent with Kavussanos (1997). Moreover, we can say that second-hand prices are the most volatile with the only exception the case of handysize sector where newbuilding prices are the most volatile. 36 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach According to the coefficients of excess kurtosis -which measure the peakedness or flatness of the distribution of the series- price series appear to be platykurtic. As far as the operating costs are concerned, they also appear to be platykurtic with the only exception of the VLCC operating costs which appear appear to be leptokurtic. Jarque-Bera (1980) is a test statistic for testing whether the series is normally distributed. The test statistic measures the difference of the skewness and kurtosis of the series with those from the normal distribution. Jarque-Bera tests indicate significant departures from normality for all series. The Ljung-Box Q-statistic (Lung-Box 1979) at lag k is a test statistic for the null hypothesis that there is no autocorrelation up to order k. As it can be seen from the table, the Q-statistic for the 1 st and 1 2 th order autocorrelation in levels of prices and operating profit series are all significant, indicating the presence of serial correlation in both price and profit series. The ARCH LM test, is the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) in the residuals (Engle 1982). This particular specification of heteroskedasticity was motivated by the observation that in many financial time series, the magnitude of residuals appeared to be related to the magnitude of recent residuals. Engle's ARCH tests for the and 12 th 1 st order ARCH effects indicate the existence of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity in all price and profit series. 37 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Table 2, Panel-B, reports the Phillips-Perron (1988) unit root tests. The test fails to reject the test in levels, i.e. all variables are found to be non-stationary. On the other hand, the test cannot reject the test in first differences, i.e. stationarity is found. Therefore, it can be concluded that newbuilding, secondhand, and scrap prices, as well as operating profits contain one unit root and are in fact integrated of order one 1(1). Kavussanos (1997) concluded that there are no seasonal patterns in the second-hand prices, and that prices are 1(1). Thus, our unit root tests are in fact consistent with the seasonal unit root tests results of Kavussanos (1997). Table 2: Summary Statistics Of Price & Profit Series Panel A - Descriptive Statistics Handysize Newbuilding PNB N Mean Var. 248 25.72 47.61 Skew. -0.62 Kurtosis 1.95 Q0(1) Q(12) ARCH(1) ARCH(12 27.14 249.03 2799.5 241.30 230.79 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 8.29 244.83 2347.4 223.35 215.25 [0.01] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 23.60 230.18 2053.9 183.94 182.80 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 6.45 241.19 2092.3 228.05 221.42 [0.02] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 8.71 248.35 2704.2 237.37 227.30 [0.01] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 27.48 247.98 2627.2 240.82 231.42 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 22.44 240.94 2150.7 230.31 221.26 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 9.88 244.19 2011.8 215.34 212.81 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] J-B Prices Second-Hand pSH 248 16.21 22.47 -0.19 2.19 Prices Scrap Prices Operating Profits PsC n 248 248 1.40 0.140 0.14 0.0049 0.75 -0.25 2.76 2.39 Suezmax Newbuilding PNB 248 46.76 141.37 -0.09 2.10 Prices Second-Hand pSH 248 29.79 178.49 -0.54 1.77 Prices Scrap Prices Operating Profits PSc n 248 248 3.95 0.250 1.12 0.0289 0.72 0.48 2.72 2.93 38 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach NB VLCC Newbuilding Prices Second-Hand Prices Scrap Prices Operating Profits PNB pSH PSC r 248 248 248 248 71.52 43.21 5.60 0.347 327.25 492.40 2.30 -0.41 -0.57 0.76 0.0361 0.63 2.29 1.77 2.81 3.28 12.05 248.12 2741.9 236.31 226.22 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 29.24 247.87 2672.8 242.48 232.62 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] (0.00] [0.00] 24.02 242.93 2198.2 232.42 223.38 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 17.40 236.74 1591.8 205.06 203.64 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] Panel B - Philips-Perron Unit Root Tests for Log Prices &Log Profits Handysize Suezmax VLCC Levels First Diff. Levels First Diff. Levels First Diff. Newbuilding Prices pNB -0.98 -13.70 -1.19 -14.26 -1.11 -14.85 Second-Hand Prices pSH -1.46 -13.44 -0.84 -11.51 -0.95 -12.53 Scrap Prices psc -2.31 -19.74 -2.05 -15.52 -1.97 -14.51 Operating Profits n -1.12 -14.47 -1.81 -12.29 -2.17 -11.59 * The sample for Aframax price and profit series covers the period from January 1981 to August 2001.N is the number of observations, and the figures reported are in million dollars. Figures in ] are p-values. * Skew and Kurt are the estimated centralised third and fourth moments of the data, denoted &3 and ( (X4 -3) respectively; their asymptotic distributions under the null are -5 ~ N(0,6) and /T(i, - 3) ~ N(0,24). " J-B is the Jarque-Bera (1980) test for normality; the statistic is X2 (2) distributed. Q(1) and Q(12) are the Ljung-Box (1978) Qstatistics on the 1 st and 1 2 th order sample autocorrelation of the series. These tests are distributed as X 2 (1) and X2 (12), respectively. . ARCH(1) and ARCH(12) is the Engle (1982) test for ARCH effects. The statistic is X2 distributed with 1 and 12 degrees of freedom, respectively. 39 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach The lag length for the Philips-Perron test is set at 12. All tests include a constant, and the McKinnon critical values for the unit root tests are -3.46, -2.87, -2.57 for 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level respectively. ESTIMATION RESULTS First, we test the implication of the EMH regarding the unpredictability of 3month and 6-month excess holding period returns on shipping investments. Second, we examine the implication of the EMH regarding the RVF by using a present value model and in addition, we test the restrictions implied by the EMH on the VAR model and variance ratio tests on spread series. However, before doing that, the existence of cointegrating relationships between price and operating profit series is studied. The important part of establishing any cointegrating relationship between operating profit and price series, is that it could rule out the existence of rational bubbles in ship prices (Diba and Grossman 1988), and provide the necessary condition to set up the VAR model. UNPREDICTABILITY OF EXCESS HOLDING PERIOD RETURNS Descriptive statistics of 3-month and 6-month excess holding period returns of shipping investments over the market returns (FTSE 100) are reported in table 3. In addition, table 3 provides the Ljung-Box (1978) Q-statistic tests for 1st and 12 th order autocorrelation, the Engle (1982) test for 1 st and 1 2 th order ARCH effects and the Phillips-Perron (1988) unit roots tests. Results indicate that sample means of 3-month excess holding period returns are statistically zero (with the exception of the 3-month excess holding period returns for the VLCC vessels). On the other hand, means of 6-month excess holding period returns for Handysize vessels are statistically zero, whereas 6-month excess holding period returns for Suezmax and VLLC are significantly different from zero. Furthermore, means of 6-month excess holding period returns are higher than 3-month excess holding period returns. In addition, unconditional volatilities (variance) of 6-month excess holding period returns seem to be higher than those of 3-months excess returns for all sizes, which is in 40 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach accordance with the literature regarding asset pricing and risk-return relationships (Markowitz 1959). It is obvious from table 3 that both 3-month and 6-month excess holding period returns for all size vessels are serially correlated which is an implication of predictability in the series. Note that, this is inconsistent with the EMH which requires the excess return series to be independent and unpredictable. Nevertheless, the existence of autocorrelation in the excess returns series can be explained by the following reason. The autocorrelation in excess return series might be due to thin trading as the number of vessels traded in three months is limited. Therefore, prices changes might not be exclusively due to the arrival of news between successive trades (as required by the EMH), but information from one trade might affect the next one. Phillips-Perron unit root test results indicate that excess holding period returns are in fact stationary, 1(0). Given that excess holding period return series are stationary and autocorrelated, ARMA(p,q) models are fitted in each case using Box-Jenkins methods. The AR(2) models, plus the MA(2) terms, appropriate for the 3-month excess returns are shown in table 4 (note that if the insignificant values are not reported). The MA(2) terms are incorporated in the model because the horizon over which excess returns are calculated is greater than the frequency of the observations (monthly). This is in accordance to Hansen and Hodrick (1982) correction for overlapping data. The same model is also used for the 6-month excess holding period returns, where an AR(5) model and MA(5) terms are used. As we can see from table 4, the coefficients of determination, R 's, range between 66% and 70% for the 3-month excess returns, and between 83% and 87% for the 6-month excess returns. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a higher degree of predictability in the 6-month excess return series than in the 3-month excess return series, and this might be due to the higher number of MA terms incorporated in the model used for the 6-month series. 41 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Table 3: Summary Statistics of the Excess Returns in the Four Tanker Carriers N Mean Var. Skew. Kurtosis J-B Autocorrelation Q(1) Q(12) ARCH(1) ARCH(12) 56.16733 125.72 174.11 90.96 114.26 [0.00] [0.001 [0.00] [0.00] [0.01] 20.24302 173.30 380.22 122.63 135.45 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 4.018787 135.11 191.80 86.84 100.72 [0.13] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 14.73698 182.72 421.35 135.84 147.16 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 41.58357 127.11 229.38 50.66 95.94 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] 19.45147 185.55 554.82 147.02 160.63 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] Handysize 3-Month exr3 245 0.00491 0.0187 -0.472489 5.146887 [0.57] 6-Month exr6 242 0.01004 0.0412 -0.324835 4.259166 ARCH [0.44] Suezmax 3-Month exr3 245 0.01252 0.0148 0.202677 3.478921 [0.111 6-Month exr6 242 0.02622 0.0342 0.431222 3.847178 [0.02] VLCC 3-Month exr3 245 0.02544 0.0210 0.201585 4.977612 [0.00] 6-Month exr6 242 0.04967 0.0524 0.532731 3.890990 [0.00] Philips-Perron Unit Root Tests Levels First Diff. Levels First Diff. exr3 -6.51 - -5.37 - -6.19 - First Diff. 3-Month 6-Month exr6 -5.15 - -3.94 - -4.28 - Levels VLCC Suezmax Handysize * The sample for Aframax, price and profit series covers the period from January 1981 to August 2001. * Figures in [ ] are p-values. * Skew and Kurt are the estimated centralised third and fourth moments of the data, denoted &3 and (X 4 -3) and J(i * respectively; their asymptotic distributions under the null I& are -. 3~ N(0,6) 4 - 3)- N(0,24). 2 J-B is the Jarque-Bera (1980) test for normality; the statistic is X (2) distributed. 0(1) and Q Q(12) are the Ljung-Box (1978) Q-statistics on the 2 1 s and 1 2 " order sample autocorrelation 2 of the series. These tests are distributed as X (1) and X (12), respectively. * 2 ARCH(1) and ARCH(12) is the Engle (1982) test for ARCH effects. The statistic is X distributed with 1 and 12 degrees of freedom, respectively. * The lag length for the Philips-Perron test is set at 12. 42 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach All tests include a constant, and the McKinnon critical values for the unit root tests are -3.46, -2.87, - . 2.57 for 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level respectively. Table 4: Predictability of Excess Returns on Shipping Investments q p exr, =a 0 + aexr,+2fs, +c, , ,~ -iid(,a2) i=I :1=1 al 6-month 3-month 6-month 3-month -0.0018 0.0203 0.0020 0.0202 0.0058 0.0457 (0.0157) (0.0339) (0.0141) (0.0348) (0.0142) (0.0380) [0.9070] [0.5498] [0.8875] [0.5622] [0.6811] [0.2301] 0.0468 0.1077 0.0821 0.1220 -0.0116 0.4757 (0.0678) (0.0734) (0.0654) (0.0690) (0.0651) (0.0709) [0.0490] [0.0143] [0.0210] [0.0786] [0.0758] [0.0000] a3 - - (0.0742) 0.2250 0.0145 -0.0690 a2 (0.0650) - - [0.0529] [0.0118] 0.1310 0.1619 0.2164 (0.0754) (0.0691) - - (0.0773) -0.3439 - - - - - - 1 p2 - - 0.9603 0.0861 1.0148 1.0315 1.0048 0.4717 (0.0244) [0.0000] (0.0361) [0.0000] (0.0049) [0.0000] (0.0285) [0.0000] (0.0062) [0.0000] (0.0457) [0.0000] 0.9374 0.9697 0.9799 0.9562 1.0071 0.3569 (0.0230) [0.0000] (0.0294) [0.0000] (0.0001) [0.0000] (0.0277) [0.0000] (0.0086) [0.0000] (0.0586) [0.0000] - (0.0418) [0.0000] (0.0247) - 0.9041 p4 p3s - - (0.0348) R 0.66 0.4858 0.8293 0.8704 (0.0277) 0.84 - 0.70 0.87 43 (0.0474) [0.0000] 0.4638 - (0.0588) [0.0000] [0.0000] [0.0000] -2 [0.0081] [0.0000] - (0.0406) 0.8482 (0.0288) - - [0.0000] [0.0000] (0.0294) -0.1085 0.8634 0.8312 3 (0.0683) [0.0000] [0.0817] a5 (0.0900) [0.0171] [0.0201] -0.0178 - (0.0886) [0.0349] [0.0717] a4 6-month 3-month - ao VLCC Suezmax Handysize 0.68 0.83 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 0.2753 [0.0001 Q(1) 0.1548 [0.000] 0.1144 [0.000] 0.1745 [0.000] 0.0205 [0.000] 1.5362 [0.000] 39.751 [0.000] Q(12) 9.3866 [0.000] 38.586 [0.000] 7.2272 [0.512] 4.6193 [0.099] 12.181 [0.143] ARCH(1) 5.9903 [0.014] 13.373 [0.0001 0.5144 [0.473] 0.0209 [0.884] 0.6403 [0.424] 0.0784 [0.779] ARCH (12) 24.927 [0.015] 62.065 [0.000] 1.7298 [0.062] 1.9117 [0.034] 2.7075 [0.001] 5.8157 [0.000] J-B 56.01 [0.0000] 31.86 [0.0000] 6.36 [0.0414] 6.26 [0.0435] 184.42 [0.00] 229.03 [0.00] AIC -2.19 -1.87 -2.54 -2.51 -2.12 -1.79 * The sample for the price and profit series covers the period February 1980 to December 1998. * The figures in (.) and [.] are standard error and probability values, respectively. * The lag length for each model is chosen in order to minimise the AIC. Q(1) and Q(12) are Ljung-Box tests for 1st and 12th order serial correlation in the residuals. Q * ARCH(1) and ARCH(12) are F tests for 1st and 12h order autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity. * J-B is the Jarque- Bera (1980) test for normality. COINTEGRATION TESTS Given a group of non-stationary series, we may be interested in determining whether the series are cointegrated, and if they are, in identifying the cointegrating (long-run equilibrium) relationships. The existence of a long run cointegrating relationship between prices and operating profits is investigated using the Johansen (1988) cointegration method. The results are reported in table 5. The lag length for the VECM models are determined alongside the deterministic parts (constant and trend) using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). In the case of Handysize, the Atrace rejects the null hypothesis for all price series except in the case of scrap price series. In the case of Suezmax, the Atrace test statistic rejects the null hypothesis of there being no cointegrating vector for all price series. Finally, in the case of VLCC, only second-hand and scrap price series are cointegrated with the profit series, whereas the opposite holds for the case of newbuilding price series. Note that even at the 95% or 99% significance level, the picture does not change dramatically. As a result, we could say that the Atrace test statistic indicates the existence of long run relationships between prices (newbuilding, second-hand, and scrap) and operating profits for each size, although results are not very clear for scrap prices of Handysize vessels, and newbuilding prices of VLCC vessels. As we mentioned earlier, the Atrace test statistic does not reject the null hypothesis of there being no cointegrating vector, against the alternative of there being one 44 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach cointegrating vector at even the 90% significance level. However, we could use the Engle-Granger two-step method to confirm that these price series are in fact cointegrated with operating profits. Table 5:Cointegration Test For Prices and Operational Profits q Ap,= q aj,6p,_, y(p_+0 b-1_ +00)+61-, q f=1 = La Normalised Cointegrating Xtrace Paro Parae Variables gs Vector HA H y 2 (Pt-1 + 0 7y1- Ltrace Likelihoo o 0 0 )+F 2 ,, q An,~=Zc,4O, +ZdjA~c, Xtrace Xtrace 90 90% 95 95% 9% 99% CV's CV's CV's 26.04 1.41 17.88 7.53 19.96 24.60 9.24 12.97 21.66 2.20 17.88 7.53 19.96 24.60 9.24 12.97 13.54 3.35 17.88 19.96 24.60 7.53 9.24 12.97 Handysize 369 4.070] pNB r=1 r 1 r=2 pSH and c q=2 [1 -0.322 3.487] r=0 r=1 r 1 r=2 pSC and n q=4 [1 -0.257 0.889] r=0 r=1 r 1 r=2 Suezmax 45 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach ppNB N and n [1 -0.296 r0O 20.00 17.88 19.96 24.60 4.353] r=1 1.11 7.53 9.24 12.97 r=0 40.15 17.88 19.96 24.60 r=1 1.71 7.53 9.24 12.97 - q=3 r 1 r=2 [1 -0.578 4.283] - q=2 pSH and t r 1 r=2 q=3 iT [1 -0.308 r=0 18.70 17.88 19.96 24.60 1.902] r=1 4.68 7.53 9.24 12.97 - pSC and r 1 r=2 VLCC [1 -1.024 r0O 11.87 17.88 19.96 24.60 5.415] r=1 1.74 7.53 9.24 12.97 - q=3 pNB r 1 r=2 [1 -2.043 r=0 20.57 17.88 19.96 24.60 5.909] r=1 1.71 7.53 9.24 12.97 r=0 22.61 17.88 19.96 24.60 r=1 7.55 7.53 9.24 12.97 - q=3 pSH and n r 1 r=2 [1 -0.791 q=1 pSC and aT 2.600] - r 1 r=2 * The appropriate number of lags in each case is chosen so as to minimise AIC. * trace = log(1 -T - ,) tests the null that there are at most r cointegrating ,=r-4I vectors against the alternative that the number of cointegrating vectors is greater than r, where n is the number of variables in the system (n=2 in this case). * Critical values are from Osterwald-Lenum (1992). 46 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Indeed, we regress the price series (handysize scrap price series and VLCC newbuilding price series) on the operating profits series and we look to see if the residuals of the regression technique are actually stationary. Thus, we perform unit root test on the residuals. Note that, the critical values of the Engle-Granger test for cointegration when the regression contains a constant are, -3.96, -3.37, and -3.07 for the 90%, 95% and 99% confidence interval respectively. The results that we found are: -3.004 for the relationship between Handysize scrap price and profits series, and -1.706 for the VLCC newbuilding price and profits series. Thus, all the residuals series are stationary indicating cointegration relationships. In short, by using the EngleGranger method we find that Handysize scrap price series as well as VLCC newbuilding price series are in fact cointegrated with the operating profits series for each sector respectively. Table 6 reports the estimated VECM models along with diagnostic tests for Handysize vessels. It can been seen that the coefficients of error correction terms in price equations are negative and significant at the 5% level, with the exception of the scrap market in which the coefficient is negative but not significant. Coefficients of the error correction terms in profit equations are all positive and significant. The fact that these coefficients have opposite signs indicates that both variables respond to any disequilibrium in order to bring the system back to equilibrium. Estimated VECM models for Suezmax and VLCC price and profit series are reported in tables 7 and 8 respectively. The situation is not so clear in the case of Suezmax and VLCC VECM models. When newbuilding price series are considered, we can observe similar patterns as the VECM models of Handysize. In the case of second-hand and scrap price series though -for both Suezmax and VLCC vessels- the picture is not so clear. 47 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Table 6: Estimated VECM of Handysize Prices & Profits q q Ap, = aAp,,+ Zbi,_A , +y 1 (p,_ +0 ,_, +00)+s,, qq , A , = cAp,_,+ dAn,_+Y 2(P,_, +0 7t,_ +0 0 )+s 2 11 Newbuilding-price and operating Second-hand price and profit equations operating profit equations Apt ECT 1 AnttI Ant-2 Apt-2 Ant-3 Apt-3 R-bar squared Apt Ant, At Scrap-price and operating profit equations Apt Air, -0.0262 0.2743 -0.0524 0.3029 -0.0301 0.3000 (0.0060) (0.1242) (0.0127) (0.1063) (0.0171) (0.1149) -4.3582 2.2075 -4.1048 2.8481 -1.7569 2.6104 0.0042 -0.2340 -0.0103 -0.2066 -0.0007 -0.2690 (0.0035) (0.0741) (0.0086) (0.0715) (0.0100) (0.0670) 1.1861 -3.1576 -1.1995 -2.8876 -0.0726 -4.0157 0.1580 0.1330 0.1263 1.0885 -0.1549 -0.7633 (0.0634) (1.3091) (0.0653) (0.5434) (0.0657) (0.4402) 2.4908 0.1016 1.9338 2.0031 -2.3567 -1.7340 -0.0027 0.0001 -0.0051 -0.0101 0.0087 -0.0260 (0.0036) (0.0754) (0.0080) (0.0667) (0.0103) (0.0692) -0.7610 0.0016 -0.6478 -0.1523 0.8443 -0.3760 0.0063 -0.5954 0.1312 0.1666 -0.0065 -0.5893 (0.0640) (1.3226) (0.0658) (0.5477) (0.0644) (0.4316) -0.0990 -0.4502 1.9935 0.3043 -0.1020 -1.3653 -0.0045 0.0894 0.0159 0.0657 (0.0035) (0.0741) (0.0102) (0.0689) -1.2604 1.2075 1.5521 0.9547 0.0430 1.0745 0.1326 -0.2234 (0.0644) (1.3303) (0.0645) (0.4320) 0.8077 2.0558 -0.5171 0.6681 APM i=1 -0.0030 0.0468 0.0032 0.0471 (0.0033) (0.0690) (0.0097) (0.0653) -0.9011 0.6785 0.3285 0.7225 0.0587 0.0906 0.0837 0.1312 0.0631 (1.3033) (0.0639) (0.4285) 0.9302 0.0695 1.3082 0.3062 0.206 0.114 0.068 0.127 0.096 48 0.137 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach LB-Q(1) 0.0040 0.0155 0.1705 0.0114 0.0040 0.0202 [0.949] [0.901] [0.680] [0.915] [0.9501 [0.887] LB-Q(12) 4.0354 13.496 12.257 21.761 5.3413 15.328 [0.983] [0.334] [0.425] [0.040] [0.946] [0.224] 1.792 0.014 2.149 0.0038 39.280 0.0150 [0.181] [0.903] [0.143] [0.950] [0.000] [0.902] 1.040 0.119 2.694 0.1387 3.9598 0.1089 [0.413] [0.999] [0.002] [0.999] [0.000] [0.999] 111.1 149653 553.4 136971 4455.4 139745 [0.000] [0.000] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] ARCH(1) ARCH(12) J-B j -1.86 -3.46 AIC [0.00] -1.24 * The figures in (.) and [.] are standard errors and values in bold are the t-observed values, respectively. " The lag length for each model is chosen in order to minimise the AIC. * Q(1) and Q(12) are Ljung-Box tests for 1st and 12th order serial correlation in the residuals, 5% critical values for these statistics are 3.84 and 21.03, respectively. * ARCH (12) is the Ljung-Box test for 12th order serial correlation in the squared residuals, 5% critical value for this statistic is 21.03. J-B is the Jarque- Bera (1980) test for normality. The 5% critical value for this statistic is X (2)=5.99. Table 7: Estimated VECM of Suezmax Prices & Profits q q Ap, = ajhp,~ +ZbjA7E,_, i=I 1=1 q q on~ P,_,+Zd~AEI,_+Y 2( P,- i=1 Apt-, Apt.2 Ant-3 Apt-3 +07c,_,+00 )+F- +07E,_I +00o)+62., i=1 Newbuilding-price and operating Second-hand price and Scrap-price and operating profit equations operating profit equations profit equations Apt ECTtI1 +y ,(p, , * Apt At Antt Apt At -0.0121 0.4162 0.0371 0.4138 0.0029 0.3052 (0.0079) (0.1051) (0.0093) (0.0742) (0.0113) (0.0815) -1.5377 3.9598 3.9965 5.5729 0.2620 3.7438 -0.0053 0.0365 0.0137 0.0712 0.0044 0.0163 (0.0083) (0.0665) (0.0089) (0.0639) 0.2556 (0.0048) (0.0648) -1.0953 0.5625 1.6528 1.0719 0.4978 0.1430 0.5485 0.2269 -0.2536 0.0467 0.0833 (0.0644) (0.8554) (0.0677) (0.5407) (0.0634) (0.4547) 0.1832 2.2203 0.6412 3.3522 -0.4689 0.7361 -0.0014 0.0838 0.0119 0.0909 0.0110 0.0591 (0.0049) (0.0650) (0.0081) (0.0654) (0.0089) (0.0639) -0.2887 1.2885 1.4635 1.3900 1.2407 0.9258 0.0648 0.3602 -0.0093 0.1259 0.0029 -0.5870 (0.0650) (0.8632) (0.0670) (0.5356) (0.0634) (0.4543) -0.1390 0.2351 0.0469 -1.2922 0.9978 0.4173 0.0062 0.1515 0.0065 0.1186 (0.0048) (0.0649) (0.0089) (0.0639) 1.2705 2.3330 0.7352 1.8564 -0.0030 -0.0181 0.6741 0.0947 (0.0644) (0.8564) (0.0636) (0.4556) -0.2816 0.7871 1.4905 -0.0066 49 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 0.049 0.074 0.168 0.138 0.024 0.069 LB-Q(1) 0.0173 0.3001 0.0134 0.0787 0.0006 0.2625 [0.895] [0.584] [0.908] [0.779] [0.980] [0.608] 19.020 19.298 17.636 21.967 4.1286 23.668 [0.088] [0.082] [0.127] [0.038] [0.981] [0.023] 6.2441 [0.0131] LB-Q(12) ' R-bar squared ARCH(1) 0.1359 6.2026 0.4047 37.607 5.1338 [0.712] [0.013] [0.525] [0.000] [0.024] ARCH(12) 0.3042 2.7299 3.2848 8.1329 1.0473 2.8115 [0.988] [0.001] [0.002] [0.000] [0.4066] [0.0013] 1853.1 37089 1157.4 20776 78.953 64.097 [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] J-B AIC -3.30 [0.000] -2.05 -2.49 See note in Table 6. Table 8: Estimated VECM of VLCC Prices & Profits 1=1 i=1 q p,=XcAp, + dAn,_, +y 2 (P,- 1 +OTIt i=1 i=1 +0 0 )+e 2 , q A +0t,_, +Oo)+s , q q Ap, =ZajAp,_, + bAat, +y 1 (p,_ Newbuilding-price and operating Second-hand price and Scrap-price and profit equations operating profit equations operating profit equations ECTt-1 Apt Antt Apt Antt Apt At -0.0074 0.0479 0.0058 0.0577 0.0180 0.0799 (0.0047) (0.0185) (0.0081) (0.0137) (0.0098) (0.0216) 4.2131 1.8309 3.6942 -1.5713 Ant-2 Apt-3 2.5799 0.7176 0.0111 0.1887 0.0587 0.2204 0.0803 0.2005 (0.0164) (0.0646) (0.0378) (0.0636) (0.0285) (0.0627) 0.6809 2.9179 1.5503 3.4625 2.8131 3.1962 0.0834 0.1587 0.0601 0.2086 0.0678 -0.1060 (0.0647) (0.2552) (0.0655) (0.1103) (0.0656) (0.1442) 1.2883 0.6220 0.9166 1.8912 1.0328 -0.7352 -0.0229 0.0070 0.0739 0.0401 (0.0166) (0.0655) (0.0388) (0.0652) -1.3807 0.1072 1.9039 0.6152 0.1929 0.6233 0.1313 0.1153 (0.0638) (0.2515) (0.0648) (0.1090) 3.0237 2.4781 2.0267 1.0580 0.0145 0.0183 0.0800 0.0276 (0.0166) (0.0654) (0.0388) (0.0653) 0.8773 0.2799 2.0602 0.4231 0.0136 0.2083 0.0561 0.0164 (0.0655) (0.2583) (0.0647) (0.1089) 0.2080 0.8066 0.8671 0.1509 50 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach R-bar squared 0.076 0.085 0.096 0.137 0.058 0.085 LB-Q(1) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0066 0.0072 0.0045 0.0004 [0.994] [0.995] [0.935] [0.932] [0.947] [0.985] 18.621 11.126 21.816 12.365 3.8960 12.620 [0.098] [0.518] [0.040] [0.417] [0.985] [0.397] 0.7737 0.8372 2.3466 1.3952 0.0011 1.2303 [0.379] [0.361] [0.126] [0.238] [0.972] [0.268] 0.8342 0.9807 4.6479 1.1234 0.3633 0.9940 [0.615] [0.468] [0.000] [0.342] [0.974] [0.455] 13.179 281.57 1320.8 406.81 209.21 297.79 [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] LB-Q(12) ARCH(1) ARCH(12) J-B [0.000] AIC -4.84 -4.33 -5.92 See note in Table 6. The fact vessel prices and operating profits are 1(1) and cointegrated also rejects the existence of rational bubbles (see Diba and Grossman 1988). Therefore, the existence of rational bubbles in the formation of ship prices can be ruled out as suggested by cointegration tests. Rejecting the existence of rational bubbles in price formation is important, as failure of the EMH and RVF in asset pricing, i.e. permanent deviations of actual prices from the theoretical prices, can be due to the existence of such bubbles. RESTRICTIONS ON THE VAR MODEL AND VARIANCE RATIO TESTS Following Campbell and Shiller (1988), we consider SNB, Sscn) (or S(SH,)) to be generated by a pth ) (or S,H)), 7rrt and order trivariate VAR model. The general VAR model results for the combinations of "newbuilding/secondhand", "newbuilding/scrap" and "second-hand/scrap" prices for three different sizes of dry bulk carriers are in Tables 9, 10 and 11, respectively 2. The GMM estimation method is used, while standard errors of the estimated parameters are corrected for serial correlation and/or heteroscedasticity using the NeweyWest (1987) method. A lag length of one is used in all cases, chosen by AIC. 2 In the case of "newbuilding/second-hand", the present value model implies that the newbuilding price is equal to the DPV of operating profits for the next five years plus the DPV of the second-hand price five years later. In the case of "newbuilding/scrap", the present value model implies that the newbuilding price is equal to the DPV of operating profits for the entire economic life of the vessel (i.e. 20 years) plus the DPV of her scrap price at the end of this period. Similarly, for "second-hand/scrap" model, the present value model implies that the second-hand 51 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach For each VAR model (for each different size of tanker carrier), coefficients of the lagged variables along with their respective standard errors and p-values are reported in the first block of the table. For example, the first, second and third blocks on the top of Table 9, report coefficients of the lagged spread between newbuilding prices and operating profits, S(NB,"), the lagged difference between changes in log profits and log returns, irrt, and the lagged spread between second-hand prices and operating profits, SsH , for each of the three equations in the VAR model (for VLCC, Suezmax, and handysize vessels, respectively). Lagged coefficients of the first spread series are found to be close to one, which is an indication of high persistence degree in every case, except for the Suezmax, and Handysize equation when the combination of second-hand and scrap prices (model 3) are considered (table 11). Coefficients of determination, R2's, for equations explaining the spread series are high, and are in the range of 90%. Table 9: Results of the 3 variable VAR model: Newbuilding and Second-hand prices S - t SI"') + 1,1 , NB,n) B++n 1=1 i=1 5=1 7tr, = p ZTJi" ZPjE,- JPjT 6, i=1 S(S, aB) ) 2, t-i3,S H s i=1 i=I VLCC S NB,n ar Suezmax S(SH,7) NB,7c) r Handysize S(SH ) SNB,i nrt Sr"0 price of the vessel is equal to the DPV of operating profits from operating the vessel for her entire economic life (i.e. 15 years) plus the DPV of her scrap price in 15 years time. 52 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 0.25 0.947 0.20 -0.027 1.184 -0.039 -0.369 5 6 (0.018 9 (0.015 (0.127 (0.101 (0.311 (0.1 (0.0 65) 70) [0.0 [0.0 00] 00] - - [0.000 76) I [0.0 ) ) ) ) (0.0 ) S(NB n 1.26 [0.068 [0.000 [0.693 [0.235 1 1 I I -0.345 (0.164) [0.032] 06] 8 (0.017 (0.0 72) [0.013 0.395 0.28 0.25 (0.015 (0.126 (0.101 (0.309 7 0 (0.1 (0.0 65) 70) [0.0 [0.0 83] 00] 0.32 0.24 5 6 -0.204 [0.008 [0.107 [0.706 [0.202 [0.0 01] ] -0.061 0.15 (0.024 2 ) [0.013 ] 75) [0.0 0.176 -0.016 (0.019 (0.125 (0.101 0.657 (0.0 66) 67) [0.000 [0.159 [0.867 [0.032 [0.0 [0.0 51] 00] ) ) (0.305 (0.1 ) (0.0 0.955 ) StsH,n) 0.368 0.038 0.041 ) 0.044 0.22 ]I ] 1 ] (0.164) [0.025] 0.583 (0.165) [0.000] 44] R-bar squared 0.932 AIC 1.292 0.105 [0.225] 6.932 6.681 [0.000] [0.000] Statistics DF p-value -3782.11 p-value Statistics DF 53 0.094 0.093 [1.000] [1.000] [1.000] -4226.43 Wald tests 0.112 0.093 [0.000] [0.060] 0.795 0.777 7.370 1.741 [0.025] 0.881 0.786 0.933 2.005 ARCH(12) 0.075 -3712.79 Statistics DF p-value Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four ShiDpine Markets: An Integrated Approach [0.157] 5.196 3 3 Var ratio [0.233] 4.269 Var(as)Nar(ts) Var(as)Nar(ts) t- t-Observed Observed tests [0.072] 3 Var(as)Nar(ts) t- Observed 1.432 1.471 0.512 4.11 1.92 -1.72 6.966 * The figures in (.) and [.] are standard errors and probability values, respectively. * sNB.-) and sJsH") are spread series between logs of newbuilding prices and logs of operating profits, and second-hand prices and operating profits, respectively. ar, = An - r,, represents the difference between changes in log profits and log returns. * VAR models are estimated by non-linear GMM. The standard errors are corrected for serial correlation and/or heteroscedasticity using the NeweyWest method. * The lag length for each model is chosen in order to minimise the AIC. * ARCH(12) is the F test for 12th order ARCH. " Wald tests are nonlinear cross equation restrictions of equation (34), el= e2A(I- pA)~'(I- p"A")+ p"e3A, implied by the EHM on the VAR model. They have chi-square distributions with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions. This is 3 in all cases. * Var(as)Nar(ts) represent the variance ratio of the actual and the theoretical spread series, respectively. T-observed is the given by t - observed= Var(as)/Var(ts) --1 S.E. and is used for the null hypothesis of the variance ratio equals 1. Variance ratio tests are also performed in order to provide additional evidence on testing the validity of the EMH on the formation of tanker prices. We perform the one side hypothesis test where: the null hypothesis that the variance ratio equals one, against the alternative hypothesis that that variance ratio exceeds unity. The t-critical value for the test at a 95% confidence interval is 1.645. 54 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Results of the VR tests for the model with combination of "newbuilding/second-hand" prices are illustrated at the bottom of table 9. The t-observed values are -1.72, 1.92, and 4.11 for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize models respectively. Comparing these values with the t-critical value of 1.645 we can see that the null hypothesis that the variance ratio equals one can be rejected in the case of Handysize equation, indicating some support of the EMH. In the case of VLCC and Suezmax the null hypothesis cannot be rejected indicating evidence against the EMH. Results for the model with combination of "newbuilding/scrap" prices are illustrated at the bottom of table 10. The t-observed values are -2.98, -1.52, and 1.42 for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize models respectively. Comparing these values with the t-critical value of 1.645 we can see that the null hypothesis that the variance ratio equals one can not be rejected in all cases indicating evidence against the EMH. Results of the VR tests for the model with combination of "second-hand/scrap" prices are illustrated at the bottom of table 11. The t-observed values are 0.75, -2.04, and 2.09 for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize models respectively. Comparing these values with the t-critical value of 1.645 we can see that the null hypothesis that the variance ratio equals one can be rejected only in the case of Handysize equation, indicating some support of the EMH. In all the other cases the null hypothesis cannot be rejected indicating evidence against the EMH. Results of nonlinear cross equation restrictions implied by the EMH and the present value model on the VAR model for "newbuilding/second-hand", are also presented at the bottom of table 9. Wald test statistic values are 5.196, 4.269, and 6.966 for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize models respectively. The results for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize indicate that the EMH cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level. 55 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Table 10: Results of the 3 variable VAR model: Newbuildingand Scrap prices SI NB,.) NBx)+ l 1=1 i B) 2,I' t-i 1, Ut -n SsH, ) - X 3i- iS (Bx)+X 2 ,i i=I 1=1 0.983 (0.027 +X , 3 , 3 ,t Suezmax S (SHn) 0.18 -0.043 7 t- 1=1 VLCC S(NB,T ) ,, 3, = 1=11 5 + = s(NBit) 0.963 t -0.011 Handysize (SH, ) -0.029 (0.026 (0.082 (0.143 (0.062 ) (0.0 S(NB,I) [0.000 75) [0.0 [0.098 [0.000 [0.933 [0.643 ] ] I 13] -0.005 0.19 0.059 0.005 0.006 0.057 (0.025 (0.083 (0.146 (0.063 70) [0.848 [0.0 [0.019 [0.952 [0.962 [0.366 05] ) ) ) ) 6 (0.026 (0.0 I ] ] ] S(SHnF) s NBiE 3 9 (0.0 48) (0.0 [0.0 00] [0.0 01] 0.048 0.02 0.25 (0.048) 4 (0.0~yJ (. (0.0 [0.319] 4 49) 79) [0.6 [0.0 12] 01] - ) S(sH,) [0.460 ] (0.0 79) [0.2 (0.025 (0.083 (0.150 (0.062 1 (0.0 ) 6 0.02 -0.004 -0.001 ) (0.026 0.945 0.948 ) 0.09 ) 0.019 [0.000 [0.960 [0.989 [0.000 I I I I squared 0.923 [0.6 0.25 0.945 0.25 (0.050) 2 [0.000] (0.0 5)72) [0.0 80] 25] R-bar (0.047) [0.591] 78) - -----------------. t ---------- -0.025 0.94 0.25 0.065 0.019 0.871 0.882 0.926 56 0.791 0.098 0.816 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 0.839 1.577 ARCH(12) [0.100] [0.611] [0.001] [0.001] [1.000] [1.000] [0.002] [1.000] -4386.04 -3651.38 -3583.21 p-value Statistics Statistics p-value p-value Statistics DF [0.014] 11.02 DF DF [0.04] 10.47 Var(as)Nar(ts) t- Var(as)Nar(ts) Observed 1.142 0.912 0.737 -1.52 -2.98 Var(as)Nar(ts) t-Observed Observed [0.011] 3 3 3 tests 0.109 [0.462] 7.841 Var ratio 0.100 0.102 2.739 0.988 AIC Wald tests 2.845 2.857 1.42 * See notes in Table 9. * s(NB,)and S(sc,) are spread between logs of newbuilding prices and logs of operating profits, and scrap prices and operating profits, respectively. * Var(as)Nar(ts) represent the variance ratio of the actual and the theoretical spread series, respectively. T-observed is the given by t -observed= Var(as)/Var(ts) -1 S.E and is used for the null hypothesis of the variance ratio equals 1. Results on the VAR model for "newbuilding/scrap", are presented at the bottom of table 10 Wald test statistic values are 7.841, 10.47, and 11.02 for VLCC, Suezmax, and Handysize models respectively. The Wald test can reject the validity of the EMH at the 5% confidence interval in all cases. Finally, in the case of "second-hand/scrap" price model, table 11, Wald test statistics indicate that the restrictions implied by the present value model and the EMH on the VAR model are rejected at the 5% significance level for all size of vessels except for Suezmax. Table 12, illustrates a summary of both the variance ratio tests and Wald tests results. 57 t- Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Table 11: Results of the 3 variable VAR model: Second-hand and Scrap Prices N S NBn) 1= X1[s ) S sLC CB) i= 1 =1 i=1 l 0.95 1 0.12 (0.01 9 5 (0.0 S(NB,.) [0.00 0 73) I [0.0 1 =1 e2,ia-i d3,iySHs e, Suezmax ,i SSH ) -0.050 SNB,n Handysize O( SH ,rl) ) s -0.031 0.635 0.182 (0.020 (0.323 (0.090 (0.130 [0.014 [0.050 [0.730 [0.163 1 ] ] 0.068 0.399 0.053 -0.195 (0.016 (0.327 (0.091 (0.132 (0.0 ) 69) [0.00 1[0.0 ) 7 ) (0.01 5 0.21 ) 87] 0.04 9 ] - -------------- ------4 ----------- -----------------. ........ ] ] [0.141 ] -0.372 -0.045 1.181 (0.016 (0.018 (0.330 (0.096 (0.134 [0.029 ] 79) [0.1 ) ) ) (0.0 ) 0.953 ,s,) [0.000 [0.260 [0.638 [0.000 I ] ] ] squared 0.932 0.928 0.23 7 7 (0.0 (0.0 91) 70) [0.0 00] [0.0 0.15 2 (0.0 91) [0.0 96] 0.112 (0.087) [0.200] 00] 0.24 0.064 4 (0.0 (0.087) 73) [0.0 [0.456] 01] 0.15 1 0.24 2 (0.0 (0.0 66) 93) [0.1 [0.0 04] 32] R-bar 0.78 (SH ,U) . ......... . ...... - ------ -- -0.035 0.11 ) S [0.000 [0.224 [0.561 01] 9 s s( NB,n ) a +3,S> =1 +2 SB")+Z 2,ln3,AS, + 3 Z- VLCC S(NB,ic) n , 0.112 0.787 0.891 58 0.104 0.775 0.817 1.060 (0.088) [0.000] 00] 0.104 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 1.223 1.532 ARCH(12) 1.382 [0.269] [0.000] [0.000] [0.176] AIC Statistics DF p-value 11.13 [0.011] Statistics 4.041 Statistics DF [0.256] 22.43 3 t- Var(as)Nar(ts) t-Observed Observed tests p-value DF Var(as)Nar(ts) 0.75 -2.04 p-value [0.000] 3 Var(as)Nar(ts) t- Observed 1.260 0.744 1.316 [1.000] -3159.34 -3421.54 3 Var ratio [1.000] [1.000] [0.000] -3979.01 Wald tests 0.093 0.102 6.349 [0.114] 0.096 6.968 7.561 2.09 * See notes in Table 9. * S(sH-) and ssc) represent spreads between logs of second-hand prices and logs of operating profits, and logs of scrap prices and logs of operating profits, respectively. " Var(as)Nar(ts) represent the variance ratio of the actual and the theoretical spread series, respectively. T-observed is the given by t- observed= Var(as)/Var(ts) -I S.E and is used for the null hypothesis of the variance ratio equals 1. CONCLUSION Overall, the results of the Wald and the variance ratio tests reject the validity of the EMH in the formation of newbuilding and second -hand prices. Nevertheless, some inconclusive results are found in the case of "newbuilding/second-hand" and "second-hand/scrap" models whereas Wald tests and variance tests seem to diverge. It should also be mentioned here that a further insight to the failure of the present value model and the EMH in the tanker market can be gained if we take into consideration the heterogeneous behaviour of investors in this 59 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach sector. Investors in the shipping industry can have different investment strategies and horizons. According to this, investors can be divided into two main categories. The first group of investors are those who participate in the sale and purchase market and rely mainly on capital gains rather than operational profits. This group of investors is known as asset players. The second group of investors is more interested on operational profits rather than capital gains and they have long-term investment horizons, i.e. they acquire a vessel and operate it for long period of time. As a result, the fact that investors in the shipping industry have heterogeneous behaviour may contribute to the failure of both the present value model and EMH in the formation of vessel prices. A very important conclusion is that in the case where we use as terminal value the scrap price all the tests for market efficiency fail. This provides us with strong evidence that investors in newbuildings have irrational expectations and are driven by other incentives, when placing orders for a new ship. In the contrary the 'asset players' seem to be more efficient and a significant percentage of the assets fluctuations can be attributed to information flow. These results are supportive to the 'asset playing strategy'. The consistent misspricing of newbuildings is additional evidence that other forces than maximisation of profits drive investors and this persistency is evidence for strong subjective beliefs and lack of adaptive learning. From the creditors' point of view, overpricing of the collateral is a very significant issue, which shall be examined, in a following paper. Before concluding we should make clear the following point. Although the 'fair' prices of vessels have been calculated ex ante (as if the shipowner had a perfect foresight to the prevailing term structure) this is still not the value implied by the rational expectations hypothesis. The expected cash flows under the rational expectations hypothesis are discounted under the equivalent martingale measure (risk neutral measure, see Duffie 1996 or Adland, 2002) and the ex ante prevailing cash flows are by no means the discounted expected cash flows. The divergence of the calculated 'fair' prices form the prevailing market prices is not directly a measure of market efficiency or inefficiency, but a measure of economic efficiency and it is a close proxy for Tobin's q-ratio (marginal value of capital). Thus, the real challenge is 60 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach weather the difference between ex ante discounted cash flows ('fair price') and market prices is a signal for new building investing activity (equivalently if Tobin's q-theory is valid in the shipping industry) and if the market is economically efficient. The first paper on an investment rule application of the q-theory in shipping is the seminal paper by Marcus et. al. (1992), whereas for the interrelation between market efficiency and economic efficiency see Dow and Waldman (1997). Our main task in the Part Ill follow up to this paper will be the testing of the q-theory and the economic efficiency of the market, based on the difference between fair values and market prices. The EMH can only then be directly tested, after the issue of the term structure of charter rates has been addressed. For an excellent discussion on this issue see Adland (2002). Table 12: Summary results of Variance Ratio and Wald Tests VAR Model VR Test Wald Test Against the Support of EMH EMH Against the Support of EMH EMH Overall Newbuilding/Secon d-hand VLCC Suezmax 61 Inconclusive Inconclusive Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Handysize Support of Support of Support of EMH EMH EMH Against the Against the Against the EMH EMH EMH Against the Against the Against the EMH EMH EMH Against the Against the Against the EMH EMH EMH Against the Against the Against the EMH EMH EMH Against the Support of EMH EMH Support of Against the EMH EMH Newbuilding/Scrap VLCC Suezmax Handysize Second-Hand/Scrap VLCC Suezmax Handysize 62 Inconclusive Inconclusive Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 63 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 3. A Stochastic Model for the Depreciation Curves In our previous empirical analysis we derived the two sufficient statistics or decision parameters that affect the formation of prices of vessels in the second hand market. In this section we shall construct a dynamic model for the evolution of the depreciation curves and propose two simple structural models for the empirical results derived in Chapter 2. 3.1 Introduction and Motivation There are numerous studies that have addressed the issue of market efficiency in the shipping industry (Dikos and Papapostolou, 2002) and the existence of profitable trading strategies (Marcus et. al., 1992). Most of the studies conclude that the market is inefficient and there exist profitable trading strategies in this market; namely excess profit and superior strategy opportunities are present for agents endowed with courage and available cash. Dikos and Papapostolou (2002) concluded that the new building market is inefficient; however, the tests for the second hand market were inconclusive. In this study we shall adopt a totally different approach and we shall address the economic efficiency of shipping investment without treating the new buildings and second hand vessels as different assets. We shall try to explain the link between economic depreciation and economic rents. To the knowledge of the authors the first paper that posed the question of the link between market efficiency and economic efficiency is by Waldman and Dow (1997). However, economic efficiency does not necessarily imply asset market efficiency, as pointed out by the same authors and neither is the opposite implied. To gain some insight in this argument let us consider the factors that affect shipping investment. Although investors may allocate their funds efficiently between new vessels and second hand assets, this does not preclude the possibility of strategies that result in excess profits. In this sense economic efficiency is a different concept than market efficiency. 64 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach In this paper we shall identify the explanatory variables for the spread between prices of new vessels (capital expenses added) and vessels traded in the second hand market, which is a proxy for the economic depreciation of asset. In paragraph 3.2 we shall discuss the intuition behind our approach, in paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 we shall present our model and empirical results and in paragraph 3.5 we shall address conclusions and further directions for research. 65 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 3.2 The Relation between Renewal Value and Market Value of Ships James Tobin (1969) introduced the q-theory in investment theory. According to Tobin's q-Theory when the market value of an asset exceeds its replacement cost, one should invest and the reverse. Therefore, the ratio of the market value and the replacement cost was introduced in macroeconomics as the q-ratio and has been tested extensively in numerous studies. The theory has not been verified due to the fact that we should use marginal costs to calculate the ratio, which are unobservable in the markets. For an excellent treatise see Ross (1981). However, the q-theory has never been introduced in shipping to examine the relationship between the new building market (replacement cost) with the second hand market (market value) of the asset. To the knowledge of the authors the first paper that introduced a trading strategy between the two markets was the paper by Marcus et. al. (1992). In this paper we test the intuition behind the 'Buy Low - Sell High' strategies introduced by Marcus et. al. as well as the economic factors that explain the spread between the replacement value of the asset ship, as measured by the prices of the new building vessels and the market value, as measured by the second hand market. The shipping industry is a unique example where organised markets exist and where both replacement cost and market value are traded. Following the dynamics of the market the spread between the two values decreases when the returns on the investment are high and increases when returns are low. We use as a proxy to the economic conditions and the market value of a vessel the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio that prevails in the market and as a proxy to the rate of depreciation, which may be considered as an equivalent q-ratio the following: CAPEX, SEC, = _ ' D = NewBuldingValue, + OtherExpenses SecondHandValue (1) CAPEX - SEC, AgeofVessel 66 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Before proceeding one could argue that the real value of the ship is its market value in the second hand market and its true value is the net present value of the discounted payoffs, which can be calculated ex-ante, given the ship owner had perfect foresight. This analysis is closer to the original qtheory and is similar to the efficiency tests as introduced by Shiller (1981). However, this approach is the one followed when the aim is to test market efficiency. Furthermore, we can argue that having perfect foresight of the freight rates ex ante is not equivalent to the rational expectations approach. Therefore, we argue that even if markets have imperfections, the proxy for the real value of the asset is its market value and for the renewal value is the value of the new-under construction asset-ship. At this point one could argue that in order to compare the value in the second hand market and the value of the new vessel, one should adjust the value of the second hand ship for the cash flows already received. Instead of following this approach which would correspond to a direct test of the qtheory, we follow a different one: We consider the spread between the capital expenses needed for a new vessel today and we annualise this spread by the age of the vessel. This number will correspond to the market depreciation of the asset (Depr, hereafter). Another proxy for the true value of the asset is the prevailing economic rent, which in our case corresponds to the time charter contracts in the markets. Instead of using time charter rates directly we shall use the EBITDA / CAPEX ratio, which can be considered as the dimensionless economic rent prevailing in the market. The intuition now becomes clear: The prevailing economic rent has to be an explanatory variable for the market depreciation of the asset if the market is economically efficient. Furthermore, in a good market the convenience yield of holding the asset increases the value of the existing vessel and the uncertainty about the future decreases the value of the under construction vessel. In a bad market the opposite occurs: Vessels in the second hand market depreciate fast due to technical obsolescence and low productivity, whereas under construction vessels advantage in productivity and cost effectiveness. 67 have a competitive Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach We now believe that we have made our case for modelling the relationship between the depreciation ratio and the economic rents prevailing in the markets using EBITDA/CAPEX as a proxy. Furthermore, if we divide EBITDA/CAPEX with Depr, this is a proxy for the long-term expected return of our investment. If the market is economically efficient with no barriers to entry, a strong functional relation between these two parameters should prevail and provide us with incentives for further research and analysis of investment decisions in the industry. Taking our analysis one step further, not only we do expect EBITDA/CAPEX to be an explanatory variable for Depr, but we also expect an inverse relation. An increase in the economic rents results in a higher convenience yield for possessing the vessel today and passes the uncertainty to the vessel under construction. However, a negative correlation between EBITDA/CAPEX and Depreciation, which is in line with Economic Theory, would also imply some other important relations: It implies that EBITDA adjusts more quickly than replacement costs and depreciation. This is supportive to the evidence of sticky prices in investment theory and provides us with partial explanations to the fact that time charter rates adjust far more quickly than new building prices (replacement costs). We shall now construct our model, discuss the data we used and present our empirical results. In paragraph 4 we shall draw our conclusions and directions to further research. 68 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 3.3 Modelling the Evolution of New Building Prices, Second Hand Prices and Time Charter Rates The Model From our previous discussion we argued that a decrease in economic rents (or a decrease in the ratio EBITDA/CAPEX) should result to an increase of Depr. Since the expected cash flows decrease, investors are willing to sell this asset. Furthermore, investors involved in an asset play are facing the deal between 'trading on depreciation', i.e. taking advantage of the evolution of the prices in the second hand market relative to the new building prices and the 'risk-free' long term charter rate. In this sense the shipping market possesses a unique characteristic: the owner of the ship can get rid of the uncertainty associated to his investment if he accepts a long-term charter contract. (We assume there is no counterpart risk.) We shall construct the model based on the following observation: Any strategy in the shipping industry that is risk-free has to yield the long-term time charter contract, in order to preclude economically inefficient opportunities in this market. If this is not the case, an investor can take adverse opportunities in the market for new buildings and the second hand market that may lead to economic rents superior to the market. Let us consider an investor that constructs a portfolio taking a position on a new building vessel and short or long positions on vessels in the second hand market. The investor constructs this portfolio continuously changing positions between positions among new building vessels and second hand vessels. In this sense the depreciation of the ships can be considered as a traded asset. We now introduce the explanatory variable for economic depreciation; namely EBITDA/CAPEX (r(t) hereafter). We assume that r has the following dynamics: dr(t) = yi(t, r(t))dt + c (t,r(t))dW(2) Furthermore the 'price process' for depreciation is assumed to be of the form: 69 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach D(t, T) =F(t,r(t), T) (3), T - t is the remaining economic life of the - SV (t,T ) CX(t ) vessel and in continuous time D(t, T) = (4). CX(t)t CX(t)Denote the Capital Expenses required investing in a new building at each time tand SV(t,T)denote the value of the vessel in the second hand market with remaining economic life T - t. In the above setting an investor can construct portfolios with positions on 'capital expenses' and positions in the second hand market. Therefore, depreciation can be traded in the market and we shall argue hereafter about the 'price of depreciation.' The explanatory variable for the evolution of the price of depreciation and all the risk is attributed to the EBITDA/CAPEX, based on the prevailing time charter for the remaining life of the vessel. Now consider the formation of a portfolio of depreciation prices. If we are able to form a portfolio that eliminates risk, then this portfolio should yield the EBITDA/CAPEX or economic return on a vessel that is time-chartered through its entire economic life. The intuition behind this argument is simple: if an investor accepts a long-term time charter, all freight rate risk is eliminated. Equivalently any portfolio that eliminates the sources of risk should yield an EBITDA/CAPEX ratio that corresponds to the long-term (free of freight rate risk) time charter. Thus, the value dynamics of portfolio with no freight rate risk is: dV(t) = r(t)V(t) (5) Using Ito's lemma depreciation prices have the following dynamics: dFT = FT aTdt + FT Y TdW, (6)3 We are now able to construct a portfolio with depreciation prices with maturity T and S; namely ships with useful lifetime T - t and S - t respectively. The dynamics of this portfolio are given by: aT FT + AF'F+0.5Y F'T +u dFs Fs}(7) 2 FT _F,7 F ' 70 ' 3 TdF T , dV=V{u Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Combining (6) and (7) we can choose the portfolio weights in such a way that freight rate risk is eliminated and the EBITDA/CAPEX yielded is the one corresponding to the long-term time charter. Following the analysis in Biais (1996) we choose the portfolio weights in the following way: U sUsC= 0(8) TT+ Given the solution to (8) we end-up with the following dynamics for the Vportfolio: dV =V{ aSYT -aT s }dt (9) YT T S In order to avoid excess performance with no freight rate risk, the process within the brackets must equal the time charter rate and after some manipulations: as-r s__ _a T-r - CS =X (10) CYT The above equation is the partial differential equation we are looking for and we shall denote it the Depreciation Term Structure Equation: T F' +(-X)F +0.5 2 F,,' - rF (11). It remains now to determine the boundary condition for the above differential equation and the function X(t). The boundary condition will be derived based on our economic intuition; however the process X(t) is determined by the market. We shall derive the boundary condition: D(T, T)= lim D(t, T) = lim F(tr(t),T) im CX(T) d Therefore: D(T, T) = d (12), d T In this context h-+O t->T t--T d is the incurred scrap value and obviously (1- CXT__-_CRAPT_ CX(T) - - SV(T - h'T) CX(T)(T -h) SCRAP(T) CX(T) depreciation of the ship with terminal value its d) is the percentage of the scrap value as a fraction of the value of the new building at time T. 71 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Combining (12) with (11) we have the full description of the Depreciation Term Structure Equation: FfT +( -a)F +0.5 2F' - rF" (14) d T We would be able to solve the equation for depreciation, which relates the new building market (replacement cost) with the market in the second hand market if we knew the process 2d(t). However the process X(t) is determined by the market and is probably different for each type of ship. It is determined from the laws of supply and demand and the preferences of the investors. Economic Interpretation of the Depreciation Curves At this point we have to note that having used only one explanatory variable for the depreciation it is implied that all depreciation curves for ships with different remaining economic are perfectly explained by the long-term time charter rates. However the above Term Structure Differential Equation has a very fine interpretation. Using the Feynman - Kac Theorem the probabilistic representation of the D.E. is the following one: - Jr(s)d' D(tT)= E"{ef d -} -> T t CX(t) - SV(t, T) = CX(t)Ex{ d (15)} T t -I*r()ds SV(t, T) = CX(t){1- Ex"{e d t-}} T The above formula connects the price in the second hand market and the new building prices. It implies that the value of a ship in the second hand market is equal to the price of the new building discounted continuously by 72 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach the charter time long-term rate. The formula evaluated at t = 0, t = T yields: SV(0,T) = CX(O) SV(T,T)= CX(T){1-Ef{e T d (16) }T-} = CX(T){1- d} T The terminal conditions are consistent with that we expected. The price in the second hand market of a new building is equal to the new building and the price of the asset in the second hand market after the end of its economic life is equal to the scrap value of the asset. Equation (15) connects the prices of the new building, the second hand value, the scrap value and the time charter rate in the shipping industry. To get a better feeling for the derived depreciation curves let us assume that there is no randomness in the EBITDA/CAPEX rate and taking this rate constant the above formula is: SV (tT) = {1- er(t _d CX(t) -} We display this equation for r = 0.07 and T d = 0.80,T =25. Table I Lifetime of Vessel -> 0 5 15 25 20 O.8. SV(tT) 0.6 CX(t) 0.4 0.2 It is now obvious that under this specification the value of the vessel in the second hand market is fully determined by the value of the new building and its expected 'scrap ratio' d. Even if we assume a source of randomness in our specification, given the fact that dr(t) remains positive over time, the r term E X't {e t -Jr,()ds I is an increasing function with respect to t and therefore 73 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach T -Jr(s)ds Ef'{e d }t-is increasing, too and the depreciation curves are a T decreasing function of t. This implies that independently of the evolution of the prices of the new building prices, the 'spread' between them and the second hand prices is a decreasing function of time, given that dr(t) remains positive. If this is not the case then it is possible that the spread might increase. This is consistent with the observation that in deep depressions prices of new buildings deteriorate much faster than ships in the second hand market. The Form of Depreciation Curves We would be able to fully determine the form of the depreciation curves if we knew the process X(t). However this process is determined by the supply and demand conditions that prevail in the market. We can derive this process by observing market data and doing an inverse fitting. However, this is not as straightforward as it sounds: there is only a limited family of functional forms that can be consistent with the Markov setting for the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio. In this sense one can argue that it might be able to fit any data set to a depreciation curve; however, only a limited functional specification doesn't violate the Markov setting for the explanatory variable. The functional form consistent to the above setting is namely the Affine Structure. For an excellent review of the underlying theory of affine structures (in interest rate theory) one could review Duffie et. al. (2000). Without getting into the details and the mathematics of this theory we shall directly use its main results. Being consistent with the above setting in 3.1.1. Employing the theory of affine processes we assume the following form for the depreciation curves: A(t,T)-rB(tT) D(t,r;T)=eA (17) The above equation implies that depreciation is a decreasing exponential function of the explanatory variable EBITDA/CAPEX. The above setting is consistent to our modelling and has a very intuitive mathematical and 74 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach economical interpretation. We are now able to test our model by testing the above specification with true market data. Before proceeding we shall plug equation (17) into the differential equations of the depreciation term structure: 4(t ) -{1 +B (t, 7) r-(p(tr)-%(t)U(t, r))4t, ) +0.562 (t,r)B'(t)=0 B(T,7)=0 (18) A(TT)=lnd We can now go on one step further and model: p*(t, r) = p(t,r) -k(t)G (t,r) Then we can derive the functions depreciation curves and the functions A(tT),B(t,T)from the observed t(t, r),cy (t, r) from the time series data of EBITDA/CAPEX. Having derived the above functions we can easily solve for X(t)from equation 18, or we can solve for p'(t,r)directly and then solve for X(t) from equation (19). 3.4 Empirical Analysis Data Analysis We are now going to fit the empirical model for the depreciation curves with true data. We are going to carry out the following program: For a fixed age t = 5,10,15 and economic life T = 25we are going to fit the depreciation curves with respect to EBITDA/CAPEX r and for different categories of ships from the tanker industry and the dry bulk industry. We have used data from five consulting firms and we have carefully ruled out any inconsistencies among the different sources. As a proxy for the long term time charter ('risk free freight rate'), we have used the one year time charter rate and as operating expenses we have used an estimate from different sources. With these two inputs we calculated the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio and given the prices for new buildings and vessels in the second hand market we calculated 75 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach depreciation. By fixing the age of the ship at t = 5,10,15 years we are able to collect data from 1993-2002 for the tanker sector and from 1976-2002 for the dry bulk sector. For each month we observe the prevailing EBITDA/CAPEX ratio and the depreciation ratio for ships five, ten and fifteen years old for the ships in different categories. Empirical Reusits Fitting the observed data into affine depreciation curves, namely: D(t, r; T) =e , Vt = 5,10,15 is ,'1,T)-rB'1,T) equivalent to fitting the depreciation function for each type of ship and age with respect to the prevailing EBITDA/CAPEX ratio. In the case of the tanker industry and specifically for VLCC's and SUEZMAX this type of exponential fitting has yielded an R2=90% and the characteristics of the observed depreciation curves are consistent to our model. The derived curves and the depreciation curves are plotted in the following graph. 76 Massachusetts Institute of Technology m Structure The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated App 0.1 VLCC-5 a VLCC-10 VLCC-15 Expon. (VLCC-5) - Expon. (VLCC-10) 0.0.+ 0.08 1 0.07 --- Expon. (VLCC-15) 0.06 4)0.05- y+ 0.0812e-3.3337x 0.04 R 2 =0.8948 0.03 y0= 0.1265e002 0.01 2 -R 9 1447x = 0.8959 060e1.5882x -- y=0.0601e R 2 =0.9088 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.08 EC Table 2 77 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Suezmax 0.12 0.1 * Suez-5 w Suez-10 * - 0.08 (D 0.06 . -Suez-15 . -Expon. (Suez-5) Expon. (Suez-10) Expon. (Suez-15) - C. " = 0.1449e R 2 =0.8612 = 0.0885e- 2 1 83 x R 2 =0.8706 0.02 1.9255 = 0.0593e1 0 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.25 EC Following the same procedure for the category of SUEZMAX we achieve a fit of R2=90% and consistency of our model with market data. We replicated the same procedure for ships in the dry bulk industry and we found a very good fit of the proposed exponential family and consistency of the model to market data. Although the estimation of operating expenses for the period 1976-2002 was difficult and the proxy used for EBITDA/CAPEX is not always good for the long term time charter rate, the model has yielded a very good fit with market data. Furthermore, it manages to capture the inverse relation between depreciation and EBITDA/CAPEX even for 'extreme' events. 3.5 Summary and Topics for Further Research We have constructed a model to explain the 'spread' between new building prices, vessels in the second hand market and long term time charter rates. We based our model on spanning risk arguments and the fact that a long term time charter takes away all prevailing freight rate risk and allows the construction of portfolios with new and old vessels that yield the long term 78 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach time charter. What will allow us to check furthermore the model is the consistency between the parameters p (t,r),G (t,r) implied by market depreciation data and statistical data for EBITDA/CAPEX. Finally, any inconsistency that could prevail might be attributed due to the unobservable status of the 'long term time charter rate'. However deriving these parameters by market data allow us project valuation of Ship Finance projects on implied market data and the derivation of confidence levels for 'good deal' shipping investment decisions. 79 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 4. Integrating the Four Shipping Markets using the Contingent Claims Approach 4.1 A Structural Model for the Second Hand Prices In their seminal paper Marcus et. al. (1992) identified the link between prices of vessels in the second hand market, prices of newbuildings and time charter rates, and identified these two risk factors as the main 'sufficient statistics' for shipping investment considerations in the shipping asset play. In their excellent paper, Haralambides et. al. (2002) conducted an econometric analysis of the prices of vessels in the second hand market and concluded to the same results regarding the significance of time charter rates and newbuildings. In a similar econometric analysis Dikos et. al. (2002) concluded that newbuilding prices and EBITDA/CAPEX ratios are the main factors that drive prices of vessels in the secondary market and proposed a stochastic model for the depreciation of vessels with respect to these factors. Maritime economics have based the derivations of the empirical literature on the interrelation of newbuildings, time charters and second hand prices on the basis of supply and demand. (Haralambides, 2002) Other models for the interaction of these markets have been derived on the basis of Capital Asset Pricing Models and Complete markets. At this point we need to stress that any approach taken on this basis is de facto misleading: Shipping Investors do not have quadratic utility functions, since they potentially accept negative Net Present Values for the potential extreme profits they may gain in a bullish market. Furthermore, returns are far away from normal and the market is asymmetric and non-frictionless. Thus, any Capital Asset Pricing Model approach to Shipping (see Beenstock and Vergottis, 1989) is only an application of modern corporate finance theory, (which is anyway rejected in numerous studies for highly integrated and efficient markets) in a very specialised market. On the other hand, we have significant evidence for a highly non-linear relation between second hand prices, newbuildings and time charter rates. This is verified in the excellent study of Haralambides et. al. (2002), as well as the study of Dikos et. al. In this paper we shall 80 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach demonstrate that the non-linear pricing relation may be explained by the real option approach to shipping investment decisions. The paper is as following: In 4.2 we demonstrate the contingent claim valuation approach to investment decisions and previous work done in this area (Goncalves, 1992 and Pindyck, 1994). In 4.3 we outlay our model and our empirical findings, whereas in 4.4 we conclude and propose topics for further research within this direction. 4.2.1 Risk Factors and Replicating Strategies In our previous analysis we constructed 'depreciation' portfolios and introduced EBITDA/CAPEX as a risk factor. Using standard arguments from bond pricing theory we derived depreciation curves that provided a very good fit to empirical data. We didn't consider any payoffs from chartering our ships because our 'depreciation' portfolios cancel out the payoffs from the new vessel and the second hand vessel. Furthermore we assumed that the oneyear time charter is a good proxy for the 'long term' time charter. We shall now introduce risk factors and derive the depreciation curves based on little economics and intuition. Let us consider a one risk factor model and follow the Dixit - Pindyck (1994) model. We introduce uncertainty in our model and begin within the simplest setting following Dixit and Pindyck. Let us assume that the profit flow of a ship depends on the explanatory variable x. We shall assume that x is a random process measurable with respect to the filtration (Q, 3, P)and 3,,t > 0 on namely: dx = a(x)dt +c (x)dW (1) where W is a Wiener process on the filtration 3,. Now we make the assumption that the explanatory variable x can be traded in financial markets 4. This would be the case if x was oil, which is not a really bad assumption for the tanker industry, since the demand for 4 X could also stand for the share of a Shipping Company traded in Financial Markets: see recent successful example Stelmar. 81 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach transportation is a derived demand from the demand for oil. Oil is a commodity and it is traded in financial markets, endowed with an associated derivatives market, which makes it easy for us to estimate the coefficients of the diffusion. The variablex could also be time charter or spot rates, or even something more sophisticated like the share of a shipping company traded on the NYSE. We assume that financial markets span this risk and since we have one risk factor and one asset (ship values) our market is complete. Now let us assume that the profit flow for this ship is xT (x, t) and the value of the ship shall be denoted F(x, t). We shall estimate the value of the firm using arbitrage arguments in the same lines with Dixit and Pindyck. Let us consider an investor who decides to invest one dollar in the riskless asset and also buy n units of the explanatory variable x. Now he holds both assets for a short period of time dt and in this time he receives a payoff rdt from the riskless asset and a dividend n6xdt and has a random capital gain of ndx = na(x)xdt + na (x)xdW. The total return on his investment is: r + n(a(x)+6 )xdt 1+ nx a (x)nxdW, 1+ nx (2) In the same infinitesimal interval the owner of the asset ship receives a random capital gain, which using Ito's Lemma is equal to: 1 dF= [F,(x, t) +a(x)xF(x t) +-Iy2 (x)x-e F.-,t)1dt+c7(x)xF(xt)dT 2 (3) Then the total return per invested dollar for the owner of the asset ship is equal to: 1 [F,(x 0 +aO (xYF x0t+ aq4Fxt]nxt 2 dt a(x)xF(xt) d F(xnt)' FRxt) (4) Since our portfolio replicates the risk of the owner of the asset ship: a (x)xF (x, t) X dW =a (x)nxdW, F(x,t) ' (5) 1+nx Both holdings must yield the same return in the market or else arbitrage opportunities would be induced. Thus: 82 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 1 [F(x,t)+a(x)xF(x,t)+-2(x)x2 F(xt)]+n(xt) 2 F(x,t) r + n(a(x)+ )xdt r(6) 1+ nx Combining (6) and (5) the value of the ship must satisfy the partial differential equation: 1 2 - 2 (x)x 2FL(x,t) + (r -6 )xF(x,t) + F] (x,t) - rF(x,t) + 7u(x,t) = 0(7) The terminal condition for (7) is the following: (8) F(x, T - T) = F(0) = ScrapValue(SV) The terminal condition implies that at the end of its lifetime (T=25) for a ship the value of the ship is equal to its scrap value (SV) hereafter. Now extending the model and following the same arbitrage arguments the scrap value can be determined as following: Let y be the price of steel in the commodity markets and let us assume that y evolves in the following way: dy = s(y)dt + v(y)dZ, (9) Then the SV of a ship is equal to the call option to scrap the ship at the end of its valuable lifetime where the exercise price is the scrapping cost. Thus: 1 -v 2(y)y 2S V (y,t) +rySV(y,t) +SV(y,t) -rSV(y,t) 2 SV(T) = max[y(T) -D WT- Scrapping6sts,0] 83 = 0 (10) 2 x T)___0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Given (7), (8) and (10) we can determine the value of the asset ship for each price of the explanatory variable oil x and at each point in its lifetime t, t C- [0,T]. This approach doesn't hold only for ships but for any company whose value is explained by only one risk factor, that is spanned by financial markets. However the case of the ships is very interesting due to the simple form of the payoff function. The above approach integrates the four different shipping markets (Stopford, 1990) and is therefore intuitively appealing: At time t = 0, F(x, T) is the value of the new vessel, with remaining lifetime T. At time t = T - t, F(x, t) is the value of the vessel with remaining lifetime t and the scrap value at time t = 0 is the terminal condition of (7). Finally if x stands for the spot freight rates or for the one year time charter rates, this continuous time approach integrates the four shipping markets. We can go one step further by modelling the profit flow. Letting x be the one-year time charter rate 71 (x, t) = x 365 C(x, t), where C(x, t) is the running cost function and the unit for time is days. Assuming that cost increases with time in the following way: C(x, t) = x 365 K( F~xt (x, t) Y F(x,T) we have the following differential equation that characterises the value of a vessel with remaining lifetime t and current price of the risk factor x: 1 -&(x)xF(xF)+(r-)xF(x)+(xt)-r(xt)+- -K( -"))"=0 (11) 2 365 F(x) x Having solved the above differential equation we have specified the depreciation curves introduced in the previous paragraph explicitly: D(t,T,x)=F(x, T) -F(xt) >F(x,t) =F(x,T) {1 -(T-t)D(t, T,x)} F(x, I)(T -t) Thus, equation (12) (12) is a sufficient characterisation for the family of depreciation curves. 84 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach At this point we should comment on the optimisation counterpart of equation (9). From the Feynman - Kac theorem we know that F(x, t) is the solution to the following problem: F(x,t) = E [ je-(T1- (x, t)dt + e-r(T'Scrap Value] (13) Here the expectation is taken under the martingale Q-measure: dx =(r -d)dt + (14) (x)dW The existence of this martingale measure is a consequence of the no arbitrage assumptions and its uniqueness is due to the completeness of the market. The optimisation counterpart to the above analysis provides additional insight: The value of the ship is equal to its discounted payoffs plus the discounted scrap value at the end of the economic lifetime. The above formulation is very general and may be applied to all risky payoffs. In most cases it is very difficult to estimate the profit flow of the asset. However, in the case of the asset ship the profit flow is fairly straightforward. For an excellent treatment of the analogies and differences between no arbitrage arguments and dynamic optimisation see Dixit and Pindyck p.122. To the knowledge of the author the first who introduced arbitrage valuation arguments in shipping is Goncalves (1992). He considered as an underlying instrument the future contracts traded on the Baltic Exchange and solved problems of optimal decision making under uncertainty. However, he did not address the issue of valuation. This issue is addressed in the seminal book of Dixit and Pindyck (1994, Chapter 7), where the 'real options' approach is applied to the tanker industry. At this point we might feel a little bit nervous, because we cannot trade second-hand prices continuously, neither can we 'short' second hand vessels. However, since shipping companies are listed on integrated financial markets and since the markets are tending to become locally complete, we can replicate the value of the second hand ship, by instruments traded in the market. If this argument doesn't convince the non-financially oriented reader here is a more intuitive one: If the shipowner could create value from listing his companies on the market then he would do so. Thus, by assuming that we may trade continuously on the second hand vessels, we are always on the 85 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach safe side from a valuation point of view: If value were to be created from listing shipping companies, managers would do so. By valuing ships as if they were traded continuously doesn't take away any value from our analysis. Finally, if we are not convinced by this ad hoc argument we should simply note the equivalence between the dynamic trading arguments and the optimisation approach outlined in formula (13). No dynamic trading is assumed not needed. However the derived differential equation is the same in both cases. We shall now proceed by choosing the two underlying processes that will be a sufficient statistic for the value of the second hand vessel. 86 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 4.3 A two-factor market model 4.3.1 Valuation in an incomplete market In 3.3 we empirically verified the following form for the depreciation curves: D(t, r; T) = eA(t,T)-rB(t,T) Or equivalently the relation between vessels in the second hand market, prices of new vessels and EBITDNCAPEX: F(r,t) = CX{1- teA(,')-'rB(' T ) '}(15) Hereafter r will stand for EBITDA / CAPEX and CX will stand for the price of the new vessels, capital expenses added. We propose the following model for the evolution and the dynamics of the EBITDA / CAPEX and CX: dCX = p (CX ,t)dt +0 (CX ,t)dZc dr =v (r,t)dt +G (rt)dZ' (16) ZC, Z' are two independent Brownian motions defined on the standard filtration. We now assume that the price of the vessels in the second hand market is a function of these two risk factors, namely: F(r,CX, t) = Function(r,CX, t)Our empirical findings in 2.1 and 2.2 suggest that the second hand pricing function should have the following form: F(r,CX, t) = X(CX, t) * Y(t, r) (17) Since the value of the vessel in the second hand market is a function of these two state variables we may use the multi - dimensional form of Ito's Lemma and assuming that one can trade continuously in second hand vessels we can derive the following differential equation: 87 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach F +0.50 2F +0.5a 2 F+( -X0)F+(v-Xc)-rF+rCX=0 (18) We have made the standard assumptions that the risk free portfolio yields the EBITDA / CAPEX ratio and that we are allowed to trade continuously values in the second hand market. Although this assumption may seem unrealistic due to the huge transaction costs in this industry it should hold for shares of shipping companies listed on organised markets. Thus there exist assets that allow us to replicate continuous trading strategies in the second hand market. There is one more significant observation related to equation 18: Having used as state variables the capital expenses to invest in a new vessel and the EBITDA / CAPEX ratio allows us to model the payoffs received from chartering a ship continuously, simply as the product of these two variables. Finally the two Xk, Xrterms those appear in equation 18 are the market price of risk and correspond to the Girsanov transformation of the specification of the two processes with respect to the local martingale measure. In this setting we have two factors of risk and one asset. The market is therefore incomplete (see Bjork, 1996) since there are more risk factors than traded assets and an infinite number of (no-arbitrage) local martingale measures exist. The prices of risk in the above model are simply determined by the market. If we now plug into (18) the empirical form (17) we verified in 3.3 we derive the following two differential equations: Y(X, +0.50 2Xc+(- k CO)X, -rX )=0 X(Y +0.5G 2Y,, + (v - kc)Y +r(CX / X)) =0 If we set X(CX, t) = CX we obtain the following equation: k = - rCX and if the evolution of the prices of new vessels are a 0 simple log - Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process the above specification is reduced to: 88 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach =aitnd is sensitive to technological advances that affect - 0 0 the mean of the prices of new vessels. Technological advances that affect the market price of risk may be the explanation for the formation of two patterns of depreciation curves in the bulk industry for data from 1976 until 2002. BULK 70000 y 12 0 1158e-s.3'x R 14% =0.391 q * W Bulk 70K 5 YRS OLD .0Bulk 70K 10YRS OLD =Eupon. (Bulk 70K 10YRS OLD) E pon. (Bulk 70K 5700S OLD) *0 * 8% -V 4 - 6%04+, 0.0564e- +y R2 = 9579x 0.3258 2% 2% 0% 4% 6% 10% 8% 12% 14% 16% 18% EC Having specified the market price of risk for a new vessel investment that is consistent to the specification X(CX, t) = CX we now plug into (18) and derive the following equation for Y: (Y +0.5c 2Y +(v - Xpcy)Y+r)=0 We have now a complete characterization of the second hand price function and once we specify the terminal conditions of this set of differential equations we have a theoretical model that integrates prices of new vessels, prices of vessels in the second hand market, the demolition market and time charter rates and is consistent to the empirical findings in 3.4. At this point one could argue that the assumption of continuous trading is fairly abstract; however having identified the two explanatory variables (factor risks) in the industry we will be able to extend these results in the non continuous trading case in the form of good deal versus bad deals and relative pricing. Before concluding it is worth mentioning that the EBITDA/CAPEX ratio is the inverse of the expected investment recovery period and is similar to the P/E ratio which is a common risk factor for shares. EBITDA/CAPEX is specified 89 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach exogeneously in this industry, due to the competitive nature of the industry. Although one could argue that the resulting EBITDA/CAPEX is an output of the equilibrium due to the demand and supply for transportation, as well as the investment decisions of the players in this market, since bulk is shipping is an extremely competitive market, this process may be considered as exogeneously specified. In their seminal paper Hansen et. al (2002) consider an exogeneously 'dividend ratio' process for robust control in a Ramsey-type model. Introducing the EBITDA/CAPEX as a sufficient statistic to characterize the uncertainty of investment decisions in this industry has close links to qtheory. EBITDA/CAPEX is not only an inverse P/E ratio and an approximate measure of the required capital recovery period, but an equivalent q-ratio. EBITDA is a statistic for the market value of the asset, whereas CAPEX is a proxy for its replacement or construction cost. Since no agent can acquire sufficient power to control this market, instead of deriving the q-ratio as an output of a dynamic model we specify it exogeneously. Finally, the specification of time charter rates as a risk factor has been a drawback for the understanding of shipping investment dynamics, due to the fact that it is not invariant to size, type and cost parameterizations, whereas EBITDA/CAPEX is cost and size invariant. Furthermore, time charter rates are only a proxy for the market value of the asset and not the renewal value. Equivalently, given the rent for a real estate property you cannot conclude if you should invest or not, unless you are given the construction costs at the specific time period. 4.4 Generalized formulation of the 'Good Deal' Problem There are several assumptions that may seem strong regarding our discussion in 4.3. Most of them, such as the assumption of the same interest rate for borrowing and lending, or of an arbitrage portfolio that yields instantaneously the one process may be relaxed. Making the setting more realistic might result in a system of forward - backward differential equations and in advanced computational complications. 90 However the strongest Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach assumption remains the one of continuous trading that seems unrealistic especially in a thin and illiquid market such as the market for second hand vessels. For our good luck we can cut corners to this problem once we have identified the factors that determine the value of the asset and the payoff it generates, by introducing the optimisation analogous problem. This problem is far more general and applies to identifying good and bad deals for the pricing of risky payoffs. Dixit and Pindyck and Cochrane (2000), in his seminal paper, have first addressed this problem. Intuitively we are interested in determining 'good deals' and 'bad deals' for risky payoffs, given we have identified the factors that determine the payoff and the value of the asset. The specification in 4.3 allows on the one hand to model as a simple product the payoff of the asset ship and simultaneously its value as an asset traded in the second hand market. We shall proceed now with the general setting of the problem. In order to be in line with our setting in 4.3 and our empirical findings in 3.4 let us assume that the value of the vessel is determined by the following two factors: The one factor is the ratio of EBITDA / CAPEX, which may be considered as a proxy to the required investment recovery period and is close to the P/E ratio that is a common factor for stock returns. The reason why freight rates are not a good factor (to the contrary of the beliefs of shipping economists) is because it is not scale or type invariant. The second driving factor is the price of new vessels. This process incorporates new technical advances as well as the economic conditions (or political conditions, such as subsidies). For example a productivity improvement will result to a decrease of the drift term of the process, whereas an increase in political uncertainty will be reflected on a higher volatility term. Having specified the two factors the payoffs of a ship investor is simply the product of ,EBITDA x"= EBJ E SCAPEX these two factors and shall be denoted by CX and the terminal payoff or scrap value shall be denoted X4. Then the problem we are interested in solving is stated in Cochrane (2000) as following: 91 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach mA S = min E' j - A,,T xcds + E'( AT SA A X)(22) T The problem is to specify a discount factor process that minimises (22), namely the discounted value of the payoffs and the scrap value of the vessel. The expectation is taken under the P-dynamics (statistical dynamics) of the process. However from the risk neutral valuation theory we can restate (22) under the equivalent martingale measure (a consequence of the absense of arbitrage) as following: T S = min e-( 1)EQ - xcds + EQ (x) (23) 2"2,S=1 This is the equivalent risk neutral formation of the problem: If continuous trading were possible and the underlying assets were traded then the martingale measure would be uniquely defined and the market price of risk processes would be unique. However, since continuous trading is not possible and the market is incomplete the market prices of risk processes are not uniquely defined. The above risk neural specification of the problem has the advantage that if we extend the underlying processes beyond diffusions, we have analytic specifications for the moment generating function of the wider class of affine processes. Thus, there are advantages when the problem is posed under the Q-dynamics, especially when one includes jumps in the processes. The solution of the above problem for a wider class of processes than the ones considered by Cochrane (2000) will be the main research topic of this chapter and it is essential since it allows the valuation of risky payoffs in incomplete markets, where continuous trading might not be possible. The extension to the differential characterisation (Cochrane, (2000)) of the 'good deal' bounds for wider processes than Ito diffusions is essential to the valuation of risky payoffs in incomplete markets. Before concluding there is an important comment to be made: In our empirical derivations we stacked pairs of (EBITDA/CAPEX, Depreciation) observations in a graph. We observed however that at different times snapshots for the same EBITDA/CAPEX different depreciation values were documented. This implies strong evidence for a time varying market price of risk. Unfortunately, if we do not make some assumptions about the nature of 92 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach the market price of risk we cannot find the closed form solution to the depreciation curves and we cannot extract the time varying risk from market data. We are faced with an open loop problem: If we do not specify some characteristics for the market price of risk, we cannot extract it. This implies that we are not only questioning our assumptions about the model but also about the market price of risk. An alternative approach to this philosophical problem that limits substantially our ability to make any inferences on the time varying prices of risk can be overcome in a robust control setting, as the one introduced in the seminal work of Hansen et. al. (2002). 93 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach 5. Towards a General Equilibrium 5.1 Partial Equilibrium Pricing There are numerous works that value a ship as a function of uncertain freight rates and the existence of real options with the most recent being Tvedt (1997), who applies the no-arbitrage argument and resulting SDE in a similar fashion as well as many working papers and theses from the early 1990s in Norway (Andersen, Martinussen, Stray etc.). However, none of these approaches has considered price formation and vessel valuation in the partial equilibrium economy, as in Chapter 4. Although this approach seems promising indeed, we should not be so categorical as to dismiss price formation as a result of the good old supply and demand relationship. It is only in a complete, standardized, liquid, and transparent market where one can be reasonably certain that traded assets are priced as a function of their risky payoffs - which would then happen to be equal to the 'market' or 'equilibrium' price. Stock options are still priced as a result of supply and demand even after Black and Scholes. It just happens that practitioners now have a better idea of the factors that influence the price, and still the market price is typically not equal to the B&S price. The shipping markets do not adhere very well to such ideal trading conditions, and so we would argue that prices of second-hand vessels are still very much based on the supply and demand from owners. However, we can hope that this partial equilibrium price is strongly related to the 'theoretically correct' price based on risky payoffs. Similarly, the statement that the S&P market ideally 'should not exist' appears too strong. While the 'no trade' argument in financial economics perhaps has some theoretical interest, it results from the assumption of homogeneous expectations (or a 'representative agent'), which evidently does not hold in practice in any market. People still trade in stocks even though that market should be fairly efficiently priced. In a presumably less 'efficient' market such as that for second hand vessels, there is even more reason to trade. 94 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach Although ideally the S&P market should not exist, it accounts for one of the most liquid market in this industry. However, we have still not yet examined issues of 'volume' in this market. Even if the proposed real option approach is under question, it still remains interesting to examine and understand the factors that result in divergence of market observed values from true values. In the following paragraph we shall address some microstructure effects that may account for the 'extremal values' in this industry. In this sense, the term 'real options' in this context is not restricted to asset Real options in shipping include the play (i.e. sale and purchase timing). option to lay-up, scrap, wait to fix, and wait to S&P etc. Another fine point is the difference between replacement cost ( related to newbuilding prices) and second-hand values and the assertion that the former is an important statistic (one out of two) for the determination of the latter. But, if one really believes that the markets are integrated and that all vessel prices are a result of discounting expected risk-adjusted payoffs, then the newbuilding price is a superfluous variable in this context. This is because a newbuilding contract merely is a forward contract on an age-zero vessel with delivery in, say, two years (the construction lag). Accordingly, the only difference between the value of a newly delivered vessel and a newbuilding contract is the value of the postponed earnings (ignoring operating and technical risk). This is related to the criticism of Brennan and Schwartz' (1979) two-factor interest rate model (and Black's consol rate conjecture), where it was argued that using the long-term rate as a second factor is not necessary, as the long-term rate is determined by the short rate. This is actually an important point as, by using the newbuilding price separately (or derivations thereof such as CX), it is implied that the freight market and the newbuilding market are not integrated. That's an interesting and possibly necessary extension of the literature in itself, but it still needs to be tested empirically. In theory, of course, the long end of the term structure of freight rates would be directly related to the newbuilding price, which would again be directly related to the 'new' end of the 'term structure' of secondhand vessel prices. 95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach There is another important issue of whether the payoff from a vessel investment can actually be replicated by existing traded assets crucial for this analysis, and it would be an important contribution if we could show that it is (in all likelihood) possible in practice. This may be a suggestion for further research. We could analyze the stock prices of 'pure' shipping companies such as Frontline and Teekay and investigate to which degree it is possible to find a dynamic 'hedging' portfolio for a physical VLCC and Aframax, respectively, made up of their shipping stocks and (U.S. sovereign) bonds. It would certainly be challenging to replicate the vessel payoffs exactly, and that could pose a sufficient problem for the use of a 'no arbitrage' argument in this context. In particular, it is questionable if we could find two traded assets that could replicate both the freight earnings (dividends) and the residual value (future resale value or scrap value, depending on horizon). 5.2 Market Microstructure and Open Problems Although our previous both empirical as well as theoretical analysis has produced some very promising results regarding the prices of second hand vessels, there are still many issues that remain unresolved from this approach. The main issue is that the process for prices of new vessels as well as the process for the time charter rates has been specified exogeneously. Although this may be a convenient statistical approximation for our analysis, it cannot be the case. Supply and demand for transportation should affect both the prices of new vessels as well as time charter rates. Furthermore, the number of vessels in the market and the existing book of orders should interact with these processes. In this sense the above model is simply a partial equilibrium for second hand prices and doesn't attempt to explain all the dynamics of the prices in the shipping markets. Such a task would be far more complicated and could be either approached based on aggregate data in the framework of an asset pricing model or by using the 'bottom down approach' (Rust, 1987), namely by using investment decisions of a specific manager and try to solve out the inverse Dynamic Programming Algorithm. Even as a partial equilibrium our analysis 96 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach still remains relevant. Once we have identified the dynamics of prices for new vessels and the dynamics of time charter rates, we can immediately apply the pricing of second hand vessels contingent on these two sufficient statistics, as developed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4. Thus, once we have identified an efficient model for the specification of these two processes, the second hand pricing approach may be used as an independent module. Even in the framework of a general equilibrium model there are still many stylised facts in the shipping industry that cannot be easily resolved and are crucial to the understanding of the interaction between the different shipping markets. The main question is the identification of the motivating forces that 'trigger' investment decisions. In a Real Options framework investment decisions should occur only when investors expect not only positive NPV returns, but returns above a critical threshold. In most cases this is not the case in shipping, since there is evidence for 'high beta' - 'low return' effects in this industry. If this is the case, then corporate finance issues like borrowing constraints and liquidity supply should account for a significant part of the cyclicality in this business. Especially when the main source of shipping finance comes from bankers, several 'contract theoretical' issues arise. If there is an asymmetry between the risk perception of the investor and the banker, then this will clearly be reflected in the spread between second hand and new vessels. Under this perspective the time variation in depreciation and its dependence on the market rent (freight rates) suggest that investment decisions are not only related to market and renewal value considerations, but also to financing issues. It is well known that prices of new vessels fluctuate much less than freight rates or second hand prices. Since liquidity supply by bankers is correlated with high freight rates, this might imply that the lower depreciation rates in a good market are due to financing constraints. Another important point that cannot be totally ruled out is that investors in shipping may belong to agents with a very specific utility function. It might be the case, that they possess convex utility functions and belong to the class of risk lovers. Then no equilibrium model can be derived in this setting. Although such type of investors should potentially get driven out of the market, economic theory suggests that some of them may eventually perform 97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach spectacularly. And indeed, this is the case in this industry. A very small fraction accumulates an enormous amount of wealth, whereas the vast majority is eventually driven of the market. If investors are risk lovers then bankers should not finance their plans. However this asymmetry in preferences between investors and finance suppliers may account for the observed anomalies in the prices. Another important issue is asymmetric information. It can be the case that the data we are analysing are just a crude approximation of the true data or true deals in this industry. It might be that the 'true data' are only available of a closed pool, whose one can become a member only after paying an 'entry fee'. All the above anomalies have to be taken into account when one evaluates shipping investment decisions and the interaction of the different shipping markets. 98 Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Four Shipping Markets: An Integrated Approach [1] Biais, B., Bjork, T., Cvitanic, J., El Karoui, N., Jouini, E., Rochet, J.C., Financial Mathematics, Lectures given at the 3 rd Session of the C.I.M.E. held in Bressanone, Italy, July 8-13, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No 1656, Springer Verlag, 1996. [2] Beenstock, Vergottis, 1989. 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