LICENSE RENEWAL PROCEDURES FOR CHARTER AND NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS To maintain a North Carolina license, an individual must complete a minimum of 150 hours of meaningful professional development within a five-year renewal period, documented within an individual growth plan. Individuals shall participate in professional development activities based on level(s) of expertise, from beginning to accomplished, in the areas of content knowledge, content pedagogy, assessment, diverse learners, leadership, technology, and others. Each LEA or approved governing boards of schools may require a minimum number of hours in integrating technology to improve student learning In order to administer license renewal, a License Renewal Plan must be submitted and approved by the Licensure Section. The License Renewal Plan must demonstrate that the school has the capacity to administer renewal activities in accordance with the policies of the State Board of Education. An approved plan must be in place in order to apply for approval to administer an Initial Licensure Program for beginning teachers and be able to convert a license holder from a SP1 to a SP2 license. Please provide us with a copy of your Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) or Initial Licensure Plan (ILP) The License Renewal Plan must include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The individual designated as being in charge of coordinating a license renewal program, along with his/her qualifications for this position (license status, leadership role). The process which will be implemented to ensure that renewal activities are part of a coherent plan and are compatible with the goals and priorities of the State Board of Education. A process for determining the appropriateness of credit in advance of the renewal activity. In determining appropriateness, the agency must consider a direct relationship to critical job responsibilities, suitability of the content level and properly established credit for the activity. A system for developing and monitoring each teacher’s five-year growth plan, coinciding with the license renewal cycle. A system for evaluation of renewal activities. A system to ensure input and review of individual growth plans. Alignment with State education goals for improved student achievement. Reading Renewal Credit Requirement – Individuals teaching kindergarten through eighth grade must complete three renewal credits in reading methods courses during each fiveyear renewal cycle. This reading methods requirement applies to individuals renewing their licenses on or after July 1, 2004. Three CEU credits for the academic subject area for all K 12 teachers is required for renewal after July 1, 2009. Administrator Renewal Credit Requirement – School administrators are required to complete 5 renewal credits each renewal cycle focused on the principal’s role in teacher effectiveness, teacher evaluations, teacher support programs, teacher leadership, teacher empowerment, and teacher retention. This renewal requirement applies to active principals and assistant principals renewing their (over) licenses on or after July 1, 2007. . 11: Renewal credit can be granted for the following activities: information in your renewal plan) (please include this College or University credit activities Teaching experience (one unit for one year, up to a maximum of five) Local in-service courses or workshops which meet the following: • • • Content and instructional activities designed in a sequential manner to develop specified competencies of a specific population. Led by qualified instructional personnel and directly supervised by the sponsoring school unit. Credit granted on the basis of program completion and achievement of specified individual performance, which is determined by individual evaluation for specified competencies. 12: The Individual Growth Plan should meet the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Focuses on one’s licensure area or job responsibility. Aligned to the State Board of Education’s strategic priorities. Addressing the school or district’s strategic priorities and improvement plan. Addressing the appropriate job-specific performance standards. Developing technology competence that is aligned to technology standards adopted by the State Board of Education. Encourage peer and supervisor review on an annual basis. Licensure Renewal Plans should be submitted to: NC Department of Public Instruction Licensure Section 6365 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6365 Attn: Portia W. Reese November, 2007