Shattering the Myths Of Online and Blended Learning By: James Bell Professional Learning Coordinator Are there really Myths surrounding online and blended Learning? Group Discussion What are some myths that you believe? What are some myths that you have heard? Common Myths Online Courses are not rigorous All online courses are created equal Online courses are about the technology Students with disabilities cannot learn online Online teachers work in isolation Online teaching is easy Students are more likely to cheat online Relationships cannot be formed online Online learning is one party's political agenda Myth 1 and 2 Online Courses are Created Equal and are Not Rigorous. Why Are These Myths? Past Experiences Who here has taken an online or virtual class? Maybe when you were in college? The Reality Plenty of research on the why and how people learn is available, and good online courses and programs incorporate that research in the design of the courses as well as the active teaching of the courses. The following are just a few suggested key components of the makings for good instructional design in an online or blended environment that will be explored here. • Universal Design for Learning • DuFour's Critical Questions • Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Myth 3 Online Learning is All About the Technology Why Is This A Myth? In your group discuss the following? There is a belief that if we just have access to the right technology then students will be engaged, and students will learn. The Reality Technology is the means to the end, NOT the end itself. Technology is the conduit to the learning. Technology is the delivery of the learning. Technology enables the learning. How does SAMR and TPACK fit here? Myth 4 Students With Significant Learning Disabilities Cannot Learn On Line. Why is it a Myth? What is the Myth Really about? What is the reality? What can be done on line, with students who have significant disabilities? What strategies have you used? What are some ideas we can brain dump right now? Accessibility Laws and Policies Crucial Conversations What are they when dealing with disabilities? What are the needed outcomes? Why is it important that it is done for Online students? Lets talk tools • How can we use online tools to help this population of students? • What are some tools that can be used synchronously? • Are there possible barriers in play when using these tools with students who have severe or significant disabilities? Myth 5 Teachers Work in Isolation Why is it a Myth? Do teachers work in Isolation? What is the Myth Really about? Why would people assume that online teachers work in isolation? What is the reality? How do online and blended teachers really work? What tools do they use to collaborate? TEACHER COLLABORATION What is it? Why is it important? Is it effective when done online? Lets talk tools The impact of Teacher Collaboration. • Shared Lessons • Cohesive Standards and Expectations • Coaching • Greater Creativity • Consistent feedback • Common Assessments Myths 6 and 7 Online Teachers have easy jobs, and speaking of easy, So is cheating. Why Are These Myths You tell me… Why do many believe that online teachers have an easier job than face to face teachers? What would make it easier to cheat in an online course? The Reality And Easy For Teachers? 3-4 per course per day in instruction. Rarely a primary job. Still have department meetings Additional duties with NCVPS Myth 8 Meaningful Student-Teacher Relationships Can Not Be Formed Online. Why is it a Myth? What is the Myth Really about? What is the reality? Crucial Conversations What are they? Why are they important? Can they be done online? Lets talk tools • How can we stay connected and form strong relationships online? • What are some tools that can be used synchronously? • Do current virtual students struggle with these online tools? The impact of relationships. • Plagiarism • Cheating • Coaching • Effort • Due dates Online Learning is one Party’s Agenda Politicians on both sides (Democratic and Republican) as well as Independents are largely supporters of digital learning; though, their reasons for supporting digital learning may be different. Many politicians, and just citizens in general, fall prey to some of the previous myths we have discussed in this course, which colors their views on online and blended learning. For example, we have shattered the myth that "All Online Courses are created Equal." We know that some online courses do not have a teacher; others have widely different student-teacher ratios. One politician party may support digital learning based on the belief that it is less expensive. He or she may think this because text books do not need to be purchased, more students can "sit" in a class requiring fewer teachers needing to be paid, a building is not necessary to heat and cool, and so on. While some of these things may contain some truth, quality online education requires strong funding just like brick-and-mortar schools. The technology infrastructure required is not inexpensive. Many teachers need to be hired and trained to keep student: teacher ratios low to see the many benefits of individualized learning. Questions Contact Me James Bell