Advances in Binder-Treatment Technology Sydney H. Luk Hoeganaes Corporation, Cinnaminson, New Jersey USA Abstract – The use of binder-treated premixes has grown dramatically since the introduction of the technology in the late 1980’s. Decreased levels of respirable dust coupled with reduced amounts of alloy addition segregation and significantly improved powder flow have helped to stimulate this growth. More recently, binder-treated premixes have been developed that significantly enhance the green strength of P/M parts. The higher green strength results in more robust green parts for handling prior to the sintering operation and reduced levels of green scrap. In addition, the significantly higher green strength provides the opportunity for “green” machining of the P/M parts prior to sintering. This paper will discuss recent advances in binder-treatment technology and will review production experience with binder-treated premixes. KEYWORDS: BINDER, PREMIX, BONDING, GREEN STRENGTH, SEGREGATION, DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCE, POWDER FLOW, BONDING MECHANISM, WEIGHT CONTROL, DUST RESISTANCE I. INTRODUCTION The benefits of binder-treated mixes are well recognized in the P/M industry in terms of substantial improvements in flowability, segregation resistance, green strength and compressibility1, 2.3. More recently, developments in the technology have led to an even stronger capacity to bond elemental powders such as copper and high contents of alloying additives such as graphite and nickel in excess of 4 w/o. Using a systems approach to optimize the binder chemistry and premixing process, the green strength of bonded mixes has been improved over 50%4,5. II. BACKGROUND The original binder-treated premix, ANCORBOND®, was developed in the late 1980’s and the binder acted solely as a binder. The binder did improve die fill or flowability and reduced segregation of the fines. It did not exhibit lubricity enhancements measured in terms of the pressure required to strip and slide parts out from a die. Being an elemental “glue”, the binder actually reduced the internal lubricity required for particle packing and particle deformation during the compaction process. The second generation of binder-treated premixes utilized a binder that also acted as an internal lubricant. This binder lubricant treatment reaped the benefits of the original treatment while adding to it increased compressibility, and equivalent or better lubricity. The third generation of binder-treated premixes incorporated a systems approach to develop ANCORDENSE® or warm compaction technology5 based on a high temperature lubricant. The main impact on parts manufacturing is higher compressibility and higher green strength. With a green strength approaching 4000 psi (27.6 MPa), parts can be machined in the green state. The latest generation, ANCORBOND® Plus engineered materials, is designed for conventional compaction to provide higher green strength and the possibility for green machining. This advanced bonding mechanism also provides better dimensional control in the green state through better distribution of the alloying additives. Binder treated premix can improve the ability to maintain very narrow dimensional tolerance on complex shape parts such as gears, cams, and multilevel parts. III. Bonding Mechanisms The segregation of fine powder and efforts to simulate the segregation pattern are well known7. Bonding of fines to coarse particles will reduce segregation. The bonding of powders having different chemistry, particle size and shape is a very delicate and sensitive science. The resultant properties of binder treated mixes are heavily dependent on the processing and bonding agents used. Not all binders are created equal. Some have extremely good bonding capability but no lubricating quality. This results in loss of compressibility and increased ejection force. Some have good lubricating quality but poor bonding capability. The ideal binder will have good bonding capability during powder processing and good lubrication quality during compaction and ejection of the green compact. As the alloy additions are mixed with the iron powder, many different bonding mechanisms can be achieved with the ANCORBOND process. As shown in Figure 1, there are different bonding mechanisms and outcomes during the various stages of bonding; some are desirable and others not. Starting with a large iron particle, the ANCORBOND process uses a binder system to bond the fines to the particle surface. The fines can be fine irons, fine lubricant particles, or alloying additives such as nickel, copper, graphite and other ferroalloys. The different mechanisms are: a) The binder wets the fines preferentially and forms sizable agglomerates. This could be copper agglomerates or graphite balls. During sintering, these will form large pores resulting in lower sintered densities. The agglomerates can also induce localized growth, surface pitting, and dimensional tolerance problems. b) The binder wets the iron powder and bonds the fines evenly around the iron particle. This is the preferred state, which evenly distributes the alloying additives and improves dimensional tolerances. c) The binder bonds the fines in such a way that spherical shape iron agglomerate is formed. The rounded agglomerates results in better packing within the die cavity. They also improve compressibility and dimensional tolerancing. Some mechanisms will result in deteriorated green and sintered properties. These problems can stem from an inadequate binder in terms of process capability, capacity to bond, preferential attraction towards certain particles, viscosity, or the binder’s ability to distribute and wet surfaces. The second (b) and third (a) mechanisms illustrated in the diagram would obviously be the most effective in achieving properties such as segregation resistance, flowability, and homogeneity. The coupling of this processing knowledge with the engineered binder systems used in this study contributes to the enhancement in properties relative to conventionally processed premixes. B in d e r (F e , C u , N i, C r, L u b e ) F e (a ) (b ) (c) F e FF e e F e Figure 1 (a-c): Bonding Mechanisms involving alloying additives, lubricants and iron powders in the ANCORBOND process. IV. Experimental Procedure All the premixes were made from the same lot of iron powder (Ancorsteel 1000B). The 123 nickel was from INCO, 8081 copper was from ACuPowder International, Acrawax C was from Lonza Inc., and the 3203HS graphite was from Asbury Graphite Mills. To evaluate the green and sintered properties, transverse rupture strength (TRS) bars were prepared according to ASTM B 312. The reported values are the average of three bars. The TRS bars in the Ancorsteel 45P studies were pressed at a nominal 63°C (145°F) die temperature to a pressure of 415, 550 and 690 MPa, (30, 40 and 50 tsi). The bars were sintered at 2050°F (1120°C) for 30 minutes in an atmosphere of 75v/o/25v/o N2. The tabulated data in the Part Fabrication section was produced and compiled using a 220-ton Cincinnati press at the Technical Center of Cincinnati Incorporated. Additional data were generated at the Hoeganaes R&D Laboratory. V. Ancorsteel 45P The higher green strength and higher green density achievable in green compacts is becoming more critical in making robust green compacts. Ancorsteel 45P was the premix compositions chosen for this study. The total content of binder plus lubricant, in each mix was kept constant at 0.75 w/o. In each case, an unbonded regular premix with 0.75 w/o Kenolube was used as the reference. The first generation ANCORBOND, improved ANCORBOND, and ANCORBOND Plus products, referenced in this paper as Mix A, Mix B and Mix Plus, respectively. ANCORBOND Plus is a new-engineered binder-treated material system with no zinc content. It is aimed at increasing the green and sintered density for the conventional compaction process with the additional benefit of a 100% increase in green strength. The advantage of such high green strength is the possibility of green machining without resorting to warm compaction8. Experience has shown that a green strength of 27.6 MPa (4000 psi) is needed for green machining. High green strength is also required to eliminate green cracks due to handling and excessive ejection stresses. Ancorsteel 45P (atomized iron powder + 0.45 w/o phosphorus) green properties are shown in Table I. It exemplify the capability of enhancing green strength and green density with the improved ANCORBOND (Mix B) and ANCORBOND PLUS (Mix Plus). The two reference mixes are the original ANCORBOND (mix A) and unbonded premix with 0.75% Kenolube. The higher compressibility of the new system extends the capabilities of existing compaction press. The green strength of mixes B and Plus are 50-55% and 85-122% higher than the reference premix and mix A. Mixes B and Plus exhibit the better compressibility than the other mixes, up to 0.09 g/cm³ at higher compaction pressures. At low compaction pressures, the ejection characteristics of mixes B and Plus are better than the reference premix having the high performing Kenolube. At higher compaction pressures, the data suggests a division in ejection among the mixes. In regard to the higher compaction pressure ejection characteristics, the reference premix is similar to the Plus mix. The Plus mix and reference premix displays better lubricity than mixes A and B. Table I: Green Properties of Ancorsteel 45P Mixes Mix Mix A Mix B Mix Plus Ref. Premix Grn Slide Comp. Grn Strip Den Pres Press. Strn Press (g/cm³ s (tsi) (psi) (psi) (psi) ) 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 6.75 7.05 7.22 6.75 7.06 7.26 6.81 7.09 7.28 6.79 7.07 7.19 1800 2500 3200 2700 3800 4800 4000 5100 5900 2200 2900 3000 3600 4200 4500 2700 3600 4000 2300 3200 3900 3100 3400 3800 1800 1900 2100 1500 1900 2200 1200 1500 1700 1500 1600 1700 The sintered properties of Ancorsteel 45P tabulated in Table II are an indication of what can be achieved with better compressibility and sinterability of the lubricantbinder systems used in mixes B and Plus. At higher compaction pressures, the density (up to 0.13 g/cm³ increase in sintered density) and correspondingly, the strength of the B and Plus mixes are 7 to 27% higher than the other mixes. The apparent hardness of the Mix B and Plus are similar or slightly higher. By optimizing the bonding mechanism on particle morphology and distribution, it is possible to improve the distribution of the bonded ferrophosphorus. This is shown by the increased shrinkage during sintering. It can also lead to consistent dimensional control. Table II: Sintered Properties of Ancorsteel 45P Mixes Mix Mix A Mix B Mix Plus Ref. Premix Comp. Press. (tsi) Grn Den. (g/cm³) Grn Exp (%) Sin. Den. (g/cm³) Dim. Chg. (%) 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 6.79 7.07 7.23 6.80 7.09 7.27 6.84 7.12 7.32 6.82 7.07 7.19 0.08 0.10 0.14 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.14 6.78 7.06 7.25 6.84 7.14 7.31 6.86 7.16 7.35 6.84 7.11 7.22 -0.11 -0.09 -0.07 -0.29 -0.25 -0.22 -0.20 -0.19 -0.14 -0.12 -0.11 -0.11 App. TRS Hard. (10³psi) (HRB) 97 119 142 112 140 154 109 147 165 102 120 130 39 53 61 48 59 68 45 57 66 44 56 64 VI. ANCORBOND Trial of a Large Sprocket This trial involved the comparison of 10,000 lb lots of binder treated FN0205 premix to regular premix at a customer request. The part chosen for the test was a 24 teeth large sprocket. During the heat treat process of this sprocket, there exits the common problems of density variation and size stability. By converting to the binder treated premix, the parts producer anticipated less dusting, improved cleanliness, reduced segregation of nickel and carbon in the base powder, and improved dimensional stability. The improvements in cleanliness and reduced dusting were documented in a previous report2. The parameters used to compare the performance between the mixes are weight control, dimensional stability (-inside diameter between pins, taper), nickel and carbon variability, and Q&T Hardness. The trial was carried out in a hydraulic press set at a stroke rate of 6 pieces/min. A total of 500 parts were made for each mix for data analysis. Table III shows the improvements in weight control and dimensional control. The range of weight variation for the run is reduced by 50% from 18.1 gm to 9.2 gm. More importantly, the number of press adjustment during the production shift is reduced from ten adjustments to two. The overall green scrap during the shift is reduced by 80%. Analysis for both nickel and carbon were determined on the as-sintered sprocket samples and are shown in Table IV. A total of 50 samples were collected by selecting every tenth sprocket out of the total 500 pieces run. Chemical analysis was done by drilling to a depth of 0.18 inch from the surface of each sprocket with a 0.25inch drill bit and analyzing the chips. This depth is important since it represents both the percentage of admixed graphite and effects of sintering atmosphere on the parts surface carbon. The ANCORBOND mix shows significant improved uniformity in both nickel and carbon content. Table III: Weight Control / Dimensional Responses Weight Control Mean Std. Dev. Range Minimum Maximum Press Adjustment Dim. Control (in.) I.D. between Pins Mean Std. Dev. I.D. Taper Mean Std. Dev. PREMIX ANCORBOND 995.15 2.251 18.1 986.1 1004.2 10 999.192 1.144 9.2 994.6 1003.8 2 0.96637 0.00037 0.96762 0.00017 0.00050 0.00028 0.00053 0.00028 Table IV: Nickel-Carbon Distribution Sintered Carbon (%) Mean Std. Dev. Range Minimum Maximum Sintered Ni (%) Mean Std. Dev. Range Minimum Maximum PREMIX ANCORBOND 0.523 0.043 0.11 0.47 0.58 0.529 0.010 0.02 0.52 0.54 1.76 0.233 0.62 1.50 2.12 1.84 0.020 0.05 1.81 1.86 The sprockets were heat treated in a batch type gas carburizing furnace through a carbonitride cycle followed by a direct quench in agitated 115 – 127°C (240 – 260°F) hot oil for distortion control while maintaining quenching capabilities. It then went through a 350°F tempering procedure for one hour. The dimensional response and apparent hardness were compared and shown in Table V. Again, the binder treated premix showed a significant improvement in dimensional control. The standard deviation for the ID between pins is reduced by 30% when a binder-treated premix is used. Table V: Heat Treated Dimensional Responses Dimensional Control I.D. between Pins Mean (inch) Std. Dev. I.D. Taper Mean (inch) Std. Dev. Hardness (HRB) Top Bottom PREMIX ANCORBOND 0.9682 0.000167 0.9688 0.000117 0.00043 0.00034 0.00027 0.00019 118 119 119 119 VII. Crown Tonnage Variation of a FN0208 mix Average: 39.61 tsi Variation: 7.72% Minimum: 38.0 tsi 43 St.Dev. 0.509 6 Sigma 3.05 Maximum: 40.9 tsi 42 Crown Tonnage (tsi) The more consistent ANCORBOND powder fill and flow leads to more consistent parts production of a bushing with dimensions of 2.5 cm I.D. X 3.8 cm O.D X 3.3 cm H. The relationship between the fluidity and the particle characteristics of metallic powder has been investigated9. Both apparent density and powder flow rate are strongly influenced by the product of two parameters i.e. the particle size and particle shape. Binder treated premix allowed the manipulation of both the shape and size of agglomerates. The significance of lower tonnage variation is that it implies a movement towards more consistent apparent density and Hall Flow rate within a lot of powder. Due to the increase in compressibility of the improved ANCORBOND and ANCORBOND Plus mixes, a lower compaction tonnage would be needed to reach the desired density. Figure 2 and 3 displays graphically the improvements in lowering tonnage variation. The lines above and below the plot represent the plus and minus 3 sigma values. 44 3 Sigma UCL 41 40 39 38 3 Sigma LCL 37 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 Part Number 211 241 271 Figure 3. Crown Tonnage Variation of an ANCORBOND Plus FN-0208 Composition VII. Summary 45 3 Sigma UCL 1) Various generations of binder-treated products can be engineered to satisfy specific market niches. 2) ANCORBOND Plus, provides higher green strength for green machining possibilities and higher compressibility to extend press capabilities. 3) Significant improvements in dimensional tolerancing were achieved with a binder-treated premix in production runs of a large sprocket. 44 Crown Tonnage (tsi) 43 42 41 40 3 Sigma LCL 39 Reference: Average: 41.67 tsi Variation: 10.87% Minimum: 39.6 tsi 38 37 St. Dev: 0.755 6 Sigma: 4.53 Maximum: 43.3 tsi 1. 36 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 2. Part Number Figure 2. Crown Tonnage Variation of an ANCORBOND®FN-0208 mix. 3. The weight variation of ANCORBOND relative to unbonded premix for FN-0208 is 1.02 % vs. 2.02 %. The data is based on the measurement of every tenth part during a 500 parts run. The dimensional variation of the ANCORBOND Plus mixes are 24 to 48% lower than that of first generation ANCORBOND mixes. Relative to unbonded premixes4, ANCORBOND processed premixes used in industry usually exhibit a reduction in dimensional variability by 25-60%; weight and density variability by 30-50%, press speed improvements of 1050%, reduced green scrap by 97% as well as reduction in dusting and press adjustments. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Semel, F.J., Luk, S.H., Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1996, Vol. 4, pp 353, MPIF, Princeton, NJ. Luk, S.H., Hamill, J.A., Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1993, Vol. 1, pp 153, MPIF, Princeton, NJ. McDermott, M. J., Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials - 1990, Vol. 1, pp 209, MPIF, Princeton, NJ. Luk, S.H., Chan, F.Y., Davala, A.B., Murphy, T.F., Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials – ‘97, Vol. 3, part 16, pp 33. Luk, S.H., Rutz, H.G., Lutz, M.A Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials 1994, Vol. 5, pp 135MPIF, Princeton, NJ. 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