PrePre-Harvest Factors that Affect Quality of Melons: Calcium SUMMARY Overview General Information UV Reflective Mulch Fall 2003 Experience: Yuma Jorge M. Fonseca December 3, 2003 Calcium UV Reflective Mulch Western Vegetable Quality MUSKMELON QUALITY QUALITY AT HARVEST Firms, well netted, well formed USDA grade 1: 8% Sugar (10 Brix best) ~15 days shelf life at 36 - 41 oF. 4.4- 2.6 lbs Strong orange for most muskmelon cv. High levels of Vit. C and B carotene QUALITY AT HARVEST CALCIUM: BACKGROUND Last two weeks are critical Work of Gene Lester Good leaf condition (no disease) Four applications AA - Cachelate or Mannitol- Cacomplex Good supply of Mg No excessive irrigation or rainfall Harvested at one- half to full slip Honeydew: Fruit firmness increased, same Brix Cantaloupes: Same firmness and Brix. Firmness was higher during storage 1 CALCIUM FACTOR 1st Study: Yuma-Fall 03 Essential in cell division and elongation Fruit Growth! Four applications after flowering Primary building block for cell wall Quality: At harvest, fresh cuts Exchange balance of other nutrients Gold Express Impac Decrease permeability to Sodium Effect of Calcium on Quality Effect of Calcium Application on Soluble Solids- - - Gold Express Treatments CaCl2: 0, 30, 60 mM NaCl: 0, 50, 100 mM (solution) Brix 13 o (CaNo3)2: 0, 30,60 mM 14 12 11 10 9 1 Nutri-Cal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CAN-17 Effect of Calcium Application on Diameter and Resistance to Penetration- -- cv. Gold Express Effect of Calcium Application on Yield--Gold Express Yield---Gold No differences* 140 Yield ( lbs) 130 120 110 100 90 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 Effect of Calcium Application on Juice Leakage of Fresh Cuts, 5 d after processing--Gold Express processing---Gold FUTURE WORK Environment Effect Ju i c e l e a k a g e ( m l / k g ) 30 0% NaCl 25 Other Interactions: 20 Titanium 15 CAN 17 10 Humic Acid 5 0 1 2 Nutrical 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CaCl 30 10 11 CaCl 60 12 13 14 15 CaNO3 30 UV REFLECTIVE MULCH Effect of UV Reflective Mulch on Number of Fruits in Muskmelon Plants No. Fruits / 10 plants 24 LSD = 0.998 22 16 17 CaNO3 60 18 More on Fresh Cuts and other melons UV REFLECTIVE MULCH: Effect on No. of Fruits OTHER WORKS Hymenopteran insects were found more in reflective mulch (Pereira et al., 2000). 20 Higher CO2 fixation (Ito et al., 1996) 18 16 Reflective Control 100% increase in cantaloupe yield (Stapleton and Summer, 2000). 3 UV REFLECTIVE MULCH UV REFLECTIVE MULCH The effect of Reflective Mulching on yield The effect of Reflective Mulching on fruit weight LSD= 3.32 60 LSD= 0.15 50 Weight (Lbs/10 plants) 2.8 2.7 40 2.6 30 Weight 2.5 (Lbs/fruit) 2.4 20 2.3 10 2.2 2.1 0 Mulch Control UV REFLECTIVE MULCH Mulch Control FUTURE WORK The effect of Jasmonic acid applied before transplanting on early flowering 2.5 No. Flowers after 9 d transpl. (in 10 plants) 2 Confirm 1st year results Jasmonic No-Jasmonic 1.5 Evaluate effect on shelf life 1 0.5 Evaluate water usage 0 Mulch No-Mulch Western Vegetable Quality WestVeg News: Electronic Newsletter jfonseca@ jfonseca@ 4