Seminar on Preventing and Managing Debt Crises to Promote Long Term Sustainability Debt Structure and Vulnerabilities Discussion by Tatiana Didier (World Bank) November 9, 2011 Santiago, Chile Debt Structure and Vulnerabilities Debt structure (e.g. currency and maturity composition) has important implications for: Not only the disruptions caused by crises But also for the frequency of crises through at least two “channels”: • Increased vulnerability to shocks to ST rates and RER (rollover risks) • Through investor’s confidence Debt structure can potentially be key to confidence crises (and possibly consequent debt crises): Short-term debt and rollover risks: worsening perceptions of a country’s (firm’s) creditworthiness can quickly feed into higher interest costs (leading to vicious selffulfilling circles), or even into an abrupt stop to new funding Foreign-currency debt: if a decline in confidence is followed by outflows and a consequent XR depreciation, it can suddenly render a country (firm) illiquid or even insolvent 2 Debt Structure and Probabilities of Crises: Investors’ confidence Sudden Stops (rater than debt crises per se) might be a good proxy for investors’ confidence or attitude towards a particular country Does debt structure affect the probability of a sudden stop? Even after controlling for fundamentals such as GDP growth, inflation, current account and fiscal deficits, TOT shocks, and world interest rates? Do public and private sector debt have similar effects on the probability of sudden stops? 3 Debt Structure and the Probability of Sudden Stops Probability of a Sudden Stop based on Issuance Data Sudden Stop Type: Types of Bonds: Percentage of FCU Bonds at Issuance lagged Average Maturity at Issuance lagged Amount Raised through Bonds lagged Constant Observations Number of cnum Any Domestic Private Sector Domestic Private Sector Foreign Private Sector Foreign Private Sector Foreign Public Sector Foreign Public Sector 0.242 [0.251] -0.0123 [0.0175] 0.295 [0.257] -0.00880 [0.0179] -1.108 [1.438] 0.395 [0.305] -0.0145 [0.0295] 0.580 [0.464] -0.0528 [0.0449] 1.459 [2.396] 2.271** [0.937] 0.0178 [0.0353] 1.991** [0.954] 0.00432 [0.0369] 6.262** [3.151] -1.518*** -1.534*** -1.716*** -1.809*** -3.668*** -3.462*** [0.183] [0.187] [0.343] [0.525] [0.975] [0.981] 618 611 607 391 314 299 48 45 49 31 32 32 Source: Author's calculations based on Calderon and Kubota (2010). Standard errors are shown in brackets.*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 4 Debt Structure and the Probability of Sudden Stops Probability of a Sudden Stop based on Outstanding Amounts Sudden Stop Type: Bond Types: Percentage of FCU Bonds lagged Percentage of ST Bonds lagged Total Outstanding Bonds lagged Constant Observations Number of countries Any Private Sector Private Sector Public Sector Public Sector Private Sector 2.090* [1.208] -0.889 [1.194] 2.133* [1.205] -0.950 [1.188] -0.155 [0.565] 1.187** [0.572] 0.248 [0.720] 1.027* [0.571] 0.107 [0.722] -0.995* [0.511] 0.00484 [0.839] 0.516 [0.815] Inflow-Driven Private Public Sector Sector 0.170 [0.869] 0.267 [0.837] -0.621 [0.531] 1.756*** [0.642] 1.337* [0.772] Public Sector 1.609** [0.647] 1.194 [0.774] -0.775 [0.559] -3.295*** -3.191*** -1.962*** -1.461*** -2.155*** -1.834*** -2.624*** -2.220*** [1.108] [1.149] [0.310] [0.363] [0.451] [0.517] [0.405] [0.451] 298 298 512 512 350 350 512 512 28 28 46 46 29 29 46 46 Source: Author's calculations based on Calderon and Kubota (2010). Standard errors are shown in brackets.*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 5 Public sector debt structure as perhaps a symptom rather than a cause… Sovereign debt structure appears to be the relevant one for the frequency of crises. Debt crises, although perhaps inefficient ex-post, are the only way to discourage defaults given its high costs (Dooley 2000, Dooley and Verma 2001) In this view, ST and FCU debt can be optimal: • [creditors’ perspective] It reduces moral hazard on the part of policy makers (Diamond and Rajan 2001; Chamon 2002; Jeanne 2000, 2004; Tirole, 2002) • [lenders’ perspective] This debt is typically cheaper than the alternative (Broner, Lorenzoni, and Schmukler 2010) Crisis-prone debt structures can be viewed as symptoms rather than causes of countries' inability to commit to good policies (i.e. lack of credibility in policies), which in turn can be the result of weak domestic institutions. 6 Public sector debt structure as perhaps a symptom rather than a cause… Among EMs, there has been well-known-improvements in macrofinancial frameworks since the 1990s crises. Has this been accompanied by an improved debt structure? There has been pro-active debt management practices of fiscal authorities in most notably LAC This process was facilitated by a extremely benign external environment (abundance of savings) for most of the 2000s 7 EMs vs. HICs over the past 20 years: Sovereign Bonds in Foreign Markets Average Maturity of Public Bonds in Foreign Markets at Issuance 1991-1999 2000-2008 12 11.2 9.8 10 9.5 9.4 9.4 8 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.0 7.8 7.5 8.1 7.7 7.6 7.1 Years 6.4 6 4.6 3.6 4 2 0 Africa (6) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). Central Asia (1) China East Asia Eastern (6) Europe (13) G7 (7) Latin Other South Asia America & Advanced (2) Caribbean Countries (12) (17) 8 EMs vs. HICs over the past 20 years: Sovereign Bonds in Foreign Markets Ratio of Foreign Currency Bonds to Total Bonds at Issuance for the Public Sector 1991-1999 100% 2000-2008 100%100% 100%100% 100%100% 100%100% 98% 100% 100%100% 100%100% 70.0 % of Total Foreign Bond by The Public Sector 93% 90% 89% 90% 60.0 80% 75% 74% 50.0 70% 58% 60% 40.0 50% 30.0 40% 30% 20.0 20% 10.0 10% 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.0 2.7 2.0 4.3 7.3 3.0 2.2 43.6 65.3 4.4 3.7 2.0 1.0 16.2 13.5 1.0 1.2 0% Africa (6) Central Asia (1) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). China East Asia Eastern (6) Europe (13) G7 (7) Middle Other Latin South America East (1) Advanced Asia (2) & Countries Caribbean (16) (12) 9 Sovereign Bonds in Local Markets across LAC Average Maturity of Bonds by the Public Sector in Domestic Markets 2000-03 2004-07 2008-09 25 20.0 20.0 20 16.8 16.0 15.0 15 Years 12.8 11.6 10 5.6 5.4 5.5 5.5 4.8 5 4.1 3.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.7 1.2 9 37 0 Argentina Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). 697 2,407 1,147 Brazil 2 6 Chile 11 1,145 1,168 645 916 1,146 578 Colombia Mexico 42 120 Peru 19 163 36 Uruguay 10 Sovereign FCU Bonds in Local Markets across LAC Composition of Public Sector Bonds in Local Markets Inflation-Linked Local Currency 100% 13% 5% 10% Foreign Currency 4% 11% 11% 90% 14% 12% 23% 70% 70% 75% 60% 87% 90% 89% 89% 40% 86% 88% 2000-03 100% 93% 97% 99% 2008-09 50% 2004-07 85% 2008-09 % of Total Outstanding Bonds 80% 100% 100% 72% 30% 20% 30% 25% 10% 15% Argentina Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). Brazil Chile Colombia Mexico 2008-09 2004-07 2000-03 2004-07 2000-03 2008-09 2004-07 2000-03 2008-09 2004-07 2000-03 2008-09 2004-07 2000-03 0% Uruguay 11 Interest Rate Risks faced by Sovereigns in LAC Source: Deutsche Bank (2011). 12 EMs vs. HICs over the past 20 years: Private Sector Bonds in Foreign Markets Average Maturity of Private Bonds at Issuance in Foreign Markets 1991-1999 2000-2008 12 10 9.8 9.1 8.5 8 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.7 Years 8.1 7.9 6.3 6.0 6.1 7.2 6.5 6.4 6 5.6 5.2 5.8 6.1 5.1 4.45 4 3.0 2 0 Africa (9) Central Asia (1) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). China East Asia Eastern (7) Europe (9) G7 (7) India LAC (20) Middle Oth. Adv. South East (5) Countries Asia (2) (22) 13 EMs vs. HICs over the past 20 years: Private Sector Bonds in Foreign Markets Ratio of Foreign Currency Bonds to Total Bonds at Issuance for the Private Sector 1991-1999 % of Total Foreign Bond by The Private Sector 100% 98% 100%100% 100% 100%99% 96% 2000-2008 100%100% 100% 97% 96% 96% 100%100% 450 93% 89% 90% 87% 400 84% 80% 350 67% 70% 300 58% 60% 250 50% 45% 200 40% 150 30% 100 20% 50 10% 3 3 1 11 12 18 23 28 3 5 236 382 9 26 18 51 1 6 41 81 2 1 0% Africa (9) Central Asia (1) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). China East Asia Eastern G7 (7) (7) Europe (9) India LAC (20) Middle Other South East (5) Advanced Asia (2) Countries (21) 14 Bond Markets Remain Small and Highly Concentrated Concentration in Foreign Private Bond Markets Amount Raised by Top-5 Issues as % of Total Amount Raised in Foreign Markets 1991-1999 2000-2008 500 100% 93% 88% % of Total Amount Raised Abroad 90% 88% 450 80% 400 76% 73% 72% 69% 70% 69% 350 64% 57% 60% 57% 300 49% 50% 48% 48% 40% 250 200 31% 30% 150 24% 20% 100 10% 50 6 13 21 22 35 35 8 18 250 453 13 47 45 16 50 113 0% 0 Africa (1) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). China East Asia (6) Eastern Europe (4) G7 (7) India Latin Other America & Advanced Caribbean Countries (4) (18) 15 EMs vs. HICs over the past 10 years: Private Sector Bonds in Domestic Markets Average Maturity of Bonds at Issuance in Domestic Markets Private Sector 2002-2004 2005-2007 14 13.1 12 10.8 10.6 9.8 10 9.1 9.1 8.3 Years 8 7.9 6.9 6.2 6 5.4 4.8 4.9 280 349 4.7 5.0 4.6 4 2 14 40 54 321 4,687 3,294 1,194 1,566 G7 (7) India 183 130 146 211 1 12 0 Africa (1) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). China East Asia (5) LAC (5) Oth. Adv, Countries (14) South Asia (1) 16 EMs vs. HICs over the past 10 years: Private Sector Bonds in Domestic Markets Currency Composition of Bonds at Issuance in Domestic Markets Foreign Currency Bonds as % of Total Issued Bonds by the Private Sector 1991-1999 2000-2008 45% 40% 40% % of Total Issued Bonds 35% 31% 30% 28% 25% 25% 25% 20% 17% 15% 15% 13% 10% 5% 0% East Asia (5) Source: Didier and Schmukler (2011). G7 (6) LAC (12) Oth. Adv. Countries (12) 17 Debt Structure during the Global Financial Crises: The Importance of Public Sector Debt Despite improvements over the past decade, the global financial crisis was a reminder of the dangers of ST and FCU debt. As I started this discussion, debt structure has important implications for the disruptions caused by crises. GDP Collapse during the Global Crisis Log of GDP per Capita Private Sector Bonds Public Sector Bonds (1) (2) (3) (4) 2.275*** (0.588) 1.420 (1.238) 0.838 (0.599) 3.271*** (1.048) -2.121 (1.946) 8.450** (3.517) Financial Openness Log(Foreign Assets and Liabilities/GDP) Loan Dollarization % of Total Loans 7.733** (3.420) Ratio of Short-Term Bonds -0.497 6.284 (2.694) (3.831) Ratio of Foreign Currency Bonds -0.150 10.07*** % of Total Bonds (2.139) (1.857) Outstanding Amount of Bonds -2.267 -6.979*** (1.882) (1.351) Observations 62 24 37 R-squared 0.183 0.141 0.536 Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. % of Total Bonds Source: Author’s calculations based on Didier, Hevia, and Schmukler (2011). 61 0.205 Private Sector Bonds (5) Public Sector Bonds (6) 1.003 (1.238) 1.104 (1.816) 0.217 (0.771) 0.765 (0.769) 0.0276 (3.104) -2.682 (4.428) -2.402 (1.963) 24 0.164 7.008 (4.156) 9.841*** (1.879) -7.170*** (1.428) 37 0.555 18 Fiscal Policies in the Aftermath of Crises Emerging Economies Didier, Hevia, and Schmukler (2011) argues that improved debt structure was one of the factors behind EMs resilience to the global financial crisis Debt structure did not amplifying the external shock this time around It even allowed some space for counter-cyclical fiscal policies Source: Didier, Hevia, and Schmukler (2011). 19 Sovereign Debt Structure and Pro-cyclicality of Fiscal Policies While a debt structure tilted towards LT and LCU debt may allow for counter-cyclical fiscal policies, the opposite also holds. The insipient development of LCU debt markets in LAC has been a welcome feature in this aspect, nonetheless LAC/EM countries should further develop counter-cyclical financial instruments. Sizeable fiscal interventions (thus increased debt levels), tight financing conditions in global capital markets for an extended period of time, and the uncertainty surrounding the exit from discretionary fiscal stimulus may pose a threat to debt sustainability Not only debt structure, but size also matters 20 Structural Change in Foreign Liabilities At the same time, the structure of foreign assets ad liabilities has changed: LAC (along with other EMs) are not creditors in debt-type instruments Latin America & Caribbean Percent of GDP 20% 0% Wealth Effect from Debt Holdings (percentage points of GDP) 4 K-S p-value=0.000 -20% 3.5 3 2.5 -40% 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.2 0 0.2 2008-2009 Crisis (39) Source: Didier, Hevia, and Schmukler (2011). 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Asian-Russian Crisis (18) 21 In sum… Continuing to improve debt structure remains key in the road ahead Reduce the likelihood of crises Reduce the damages once a crisis hit This is particularly important for the public sector as their debt structure constrains countries’ policy options in dealing with shocks Limits to the ability do conduct counter-cyclical fiscal policies Affects the scope for decreases in the debt burden through inflation As Reinhart and Rogoff put it on their book (This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly): Although private debt certainly plays a role in many crises, government debt is far more often the unifying problem across the wide range of financial crises. This seems to be the case for not only debt size but also debt structure 22 In sum… Perhaps, now that (at least some) EM countries have (relative to their own past) more credible macro policies is the right time to think of alternative debt contracts that deal with moral hazard issues and are less costly for countries (perhaps with a less strong link to the pro-cyclicality of fiscal policies): Bonds linked to Real-GDP Growth: can have a stabilizing force on debt/GDP ratios and come with additional benefits such as a reduced likelihood of debt crises and the reduced need for pro-cyclical fiscal policies Inflation-linked bonds: costly to deviate from sound monetary and fiscal policies 23 Thank you 24