Fitrix ERP for Small & Medium Size Electronics Manufacturers Fitrix Product Catalog

Product Catalog
Fitrix ERP for Small & Medium Size
Electronics Manufacturers
Fitrix Product Catalog | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix ERP for Small & Medium Size
Electronics Manufacturers
Letter from the President
To our valued customers and prospective customers:
We are pleased to present the latest edition of Fitrix ERP to you!
We have focused our 27 years of experience to create a product and organization that is designed to meet
the unique needs of the small and medium sized electronics manufacturing company. We know that you have
complex issues regarding inventory and supplier management. We know that serial number and lot control is
critical and that you need traceability throughout all levels of your bill of material from the supplier through production to the customer. We know that visibility into your business and operations is critical.
We understand that you need a complete ERP software solution that can handle the complexities of a mid
sized business but must also be affordable and easy to use. We have designed Fitrix ERP specifically for you.
Our focus is on your success. We use a team approach to provide you with the exact compliment of products
and services to meet the unique needs of your business. We also focus on results and have designed our
success factors survey to ensure that you are ready and our 90 day rapid implementation program to show
you how to move through the implementation steps at a steady pace. We are committed to maintaining our
extremely high ERP implementation success rate so that you succeed.
Our products, services and polices are all customer driven. We are committed to continual improvement and
welcome your questions as well as your comments and suggestions. We employ only ‘Technical Sales Reps’
who are ERP experts focused on helping you determine a fit and addressing your requirements.
You can find more information about Fitrix ERP on our website: Whether you are at the beginning stages of gathering information on a new ERP system or ready to dive in and find the right one, we look
forward to answering your questions and showing you Fitrix ERP.
James White
President and Founder
Fourth Generation Software Solutions
Makers of Fitrix™ ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturers
Fitrix ERP is a 21 module end to end Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software suite focused
on the needs of the small to medium size manufacturer of electronics products. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix ERP for Small & Medium Size
Electronics Manufacturers
Table of Contents
F i t r i x At a Gla n c e
M an u fa c tu rin g Mo d u le s :
B i l l o f M ate ri a l
P r o d u c t i on Orde r P roce ssi ng
i n c l u d i ng Jo b S h o p fu n cti onality
S t a n d a r d R ou ti ng
L a b o r Pr oce ssi ng
P r o d u c t i on S ch e d u l i n g
M a s t e r S che d u l i n g
M a t e r i a l R eq u i re men ts P l an ning
C a p a c i t y R eq u i re men ts P l an ning
P r o d u c t Co n fi gu rato r
S t a n d a r d C osti ng
A c t u a l C osti ng
D i s t r i bu tio n & S u p p ly
C h a i n M o d u le s :
I n v e n t o r y C on trol
I n v e n t o r y R ep l en i shmen t
O r d e r En try
P u r c h a s ing
C u s t o m er R el ati on sh i p
M a n a g e men t (C R M)
A c c o u n tin g Mo d u le s :
General Ledger
A c c o u n t s P a ya b l e
A c c o u n t s R ece i vab l e
F i x e d Asse ts
M u l t i - C u rre n cy
C a n a d i a n F ea tu res
49 | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix ERP for Small & Medium Size
Electronics Manufacturers
Fitrix At a Glance
Fitrix ERP Modules
Fitrix User Interface
Bill of Material
Standard Routing
Production Order Processing
Labor Processing
Production Scheduling
Master Scheduling
Material Requirements Planning
Capacity Requirements Planning
Product Configurator
Standard Costing
Actual Costing
Distribution/Supply Chain
Inventory Control
Inventory Replenishment
Order Entry
Customer Relationship Management
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Fixed Assets
Canadian Features
Key Features
Unlimited Multi-level Bill of Materials
Serial/Lot Number Tracking at all component levels
Traceability & Recall Management
Warranty Tracking
Make-To-Order and Make-To-Stock Support
Robust and easy-to-use Product Configurator
Available to Promise and Advanced Planning
Full Compliance Support for Regulatory & Industry Standards
Quality Management
Support Manufacturing Modes
Make to Order | Make to Stock | Engineer to Order | Job Shop | Mixed Mode
Easy to learn and use
Supports high volume and high speed data entry
Quick and easy access to your company information
Comprehensive Inventory Management
“Fitrix allowed us to cut down on our inventory...
it probably cut it in half.”
John Maydonovitch, CEO,
MCE, Inc.
Additional Features
Approved Vendor Lists
Contract/Outsourced Manufacturing
Customer Credit Management
Document Management
Kitting Support
Mixed Mode Manufacturing including
MTO, MTS, Engineer To Order, Job Shop
Blanket Sales Orders and Purchase Orders
Bar Code support
RMA processing
Contract Manufacturing Supplier
Contract Manufacturing Consumer | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Technology Stack
Windows PC | Fitrix Windows Thin Client | Browser
Fitrix Rapid 90 Day
Implementation Program
* devices must be browser-equipped and connected to the Internet
Any mobile device
Any bar-code scanner or scanning-enabled mobile device
* assumes out-of-box features; add 30 days for limited customizations
Go LIVE on Fitrix in 90 days!
Greatly reduces the risk of stalled implementations and scope creep.
Detailed readiness plans ensure a smooth cutover.
Users can stay current with software after being trained once.
Fitrix is typically delivered as a fully installed and configurable
virtual environment for any of these servers:
Windows Server
Linux Server
VMWare ESXI Server
A Competitive Advantage
Native O/S: Linux
Database: IBM Informix IDS (SQL, ODBC compliant)
Application Software: Fitrix RAD Tool | Four J’s Genero
“The ability to make more accurate pricing decisions gave us a
significant competitive advantage. It all ties back to the quality
of our data and the flexibility Fitrix provides in how to store and
retrieve it in a way that’s useable and fits our needs.”
Fitrix ERP Pricing
Robert Taylor, CEO,
Wireless USA
Software Pricing Base License: $16,000
5 concurrent users
Fitrix Windows Thin Client software (unlimited clients)
All 10 base modules
Any 5 manufacturing modules
Extending Fitrix
Fitrix is designed as a ready-to-go, out-of-the-box solution.
But if you have unique requirements, Fitrix can be extended to meet them.
Additional Software Licenses
Additional concurrent full user:
$1,500 each
Additional concurrent limited user: $750 each
15 User Pricing Example With Services
For a 15 concurrent user premised based system with average
implementation services, all base modules, and up to 5
manufacturing modules, the total up-front cost for a one time
license fee and all implementation services would be around $75,000
+ $645/month for software support. The same system on a 60
month lease (including services) would be $3,000 down +
$2,148/month (lease + support). After 60 months this would reduce to
All services are optional, billed hourly, and fitted to your exact requirements. Costs
vary depending on premise, hosted or cloud, one time or monthly licenses, leasing,
amount of services required, number of manufacturing modules needed, number
of concurrent users and more. Please contact us for a complete price quotation for
your desired configuration.
Planned Fitrix Feature Releases and Updates:
We continually add new features to Fitrix.
Fitrix Feature Program
This program allows us to add unplanned product features.
Customizing Fitrix
Fitrix’ source code can be fully customized to address your unique
requirements, and your software will remain fully supportable.
High Quality Support
“Fitrix is a great product at a great price. The
level and quality of service and support they
provide are second to none.”
Rick Shutter, VP of Finance,
Fitrix Support & Services
In addition to our Help Desk and Product Update
support package, we offer these a-la-carte services:
Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
100 Galleria Parkway
Suite 1020
Atlanta, GA 30339
Toll Free: 800.374.6157
Local: 770.432.7623
Detailed needs analysis
Implementation project management
Implementation assistance
Data conversion assistance
Software installation & configuration
On-Site Go Live assistance
Custom software feature design, development, implementation | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Bill of Material
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
The Bill of Material module identifies a standard list of items, or
“Everybody in the
components, required to produce a different, or parent, item.
company touches it
It defines the relationships between items being produced and
(Fitrix), which is the
the items needed to produce them. A produced item can be
whole purpose of an
composed of one or more items which might be purchased,
ERP system. It’s clear
we wouldn’t have been
able to do the kind of
assembled, fabricated or changed in some way to create a
new item. This new item may be sold directly, or used itself to
make another item in a product’s structure.
business we’re doing
These bills of material are used by other modules within Fitrix
right now without the
to streamline business processes, provide effective planning
tools, and to manufacture products in a consistent and timely
John Maydonovitch
President and CEO
MCE, Inc.
Production Order Processing – uses standard bills of material when creating production orders to manufacture products. The standard bill is copied to the production order bill as a starting point
Material Planning – uses standard bills of material to plan strategic production and purchases, in support of a longer
term production plan
Bill of Material
Generate multiple, single-level or indented bills of materials to plan and produce
standard items, or customize for individual, make-to-order products. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Bill of Material
Item Maintenance
Global entry option
Departmental entry option
80 character description
User-Defined units of measure
Purchase unit of measure with
Multiple user-defined reference
table entries
Multiple user-defined fields
Single-Level and cumulative lead-times
Phantom items
Inventory and non-inventory items
Unit cost breakdown includes Material, Labor, Setup,
Overhead, Outside Process
Direct access to additional maintenance for Bill of Material,
Standard Routing, Warehouse balances
Unlimited notes for additional description
Bill of Material Maintenance
User-defined component sequencing
Multiple uses of same component with same parent
Component links to standard routing
Bill of material copy
Component mass replace
Component mass delete
Bill of material delete
Component effectivity dates
Alternate components
Parent component notes
User Defined Tables
Product code
Group code
Commodity code
Accounting code
EOQ Calculator
Analyzes movement history to determine optimum order quantity
CMLT Calculator
Analyzes indented bill of material, standard routings to determine
overall time to buy/make
• Item - departmental format
• Bill of material:
Single level format
Indented format
Access to notes
• Component where-used:
Single level
End item
Reports available include:
• Item list - departmental formats
• Sales catalog - quick reference for
pricing, description
• Bill of material:
Single level format
Indented format
• Component where-used:
Single level
End item | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Production Order Processing
(including Job Shop)
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
“In our business, we
The Production Order Processing module controls the movement
of materials during the production process. Production is managed
need information
through the use of production orders. These orders indicate the quan-
technology to direct our
tities and due dates of items being manufactured. They also contain
lean manufacturing, so
lists of materials required, extracted from the standard bill of mate-
we can quickly deliver a
custom product. That’s
rial, and expected operations, from the standard routing. Production
receipts and component movement are reported here.
exactly what Fourth
Fitrix ERP Production Order Processing also supports both make to
Generation’s Fitrix ERP
order and make to stock transactions. When sales orders are entered
empowers us to do.”
for items designated as make to order, production orders are automati-
T. Brant O’Hair,
O’Hair Shutters, Ltd.
cally created when the sales order is saved.The production order is
linked to the sales order, to facilitate component material picking and
shipping when the end item is produced and received into stock.
Production orders are the foundation supporting the ability to manage manufacturing operations. Orders are ‘Released’ in response to
demand for an item being sold, or being used in a higher level item.
Once released, the orders are used to manage material, labor, overhead, and outside processes, with the expectation that an expected
quantity will be completed within a specific timeframe. Reports and
inquiries are available to analyze current production status, and act
on exceptions requiring attention.
Production Order Processing
Production orders are flexible enough to manage the execution of strategic
material plans, as well as customized builds for make-to-order demand. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Production
Order Processing
(including job shop))
Modular Integration – direct integration
with Item Management, Bills of Material,
Standard Routing, Labor Processing,
Materials Resource Planning, Sales
Order Entry, Purchasing, and General
Orders can be processed for both make
to order and make to stock. Orders can
be set up for items which are a variant
of a standard item. A fixed bill of material
can be used, but changes are allowed to
define a slightly customized product.
Orders can be established for prototype items, with no bill of material initially.
Reports available
The components can be added as needed to configure the new item.
Hold codes prevent activities for an order downstream of order entry
• Order Shortage
Notified of short components when the work order is saved and prompted to create
vendor purchase for these components to vendors on the Approved Vendors List
• Order Detail
• Order Detail by Job
Serial number tracking of the components that make up the end item produced
• Order History Detail
Order splits allow production for an existing order to be moved ahead of the base
• Order Component Components can be issued via Component Issue or Production Receipt (back flushed)
Production scrap – with assignment of a reason code
• Production Order Status
Job Shop Capabilities – using Sales Order Entry in conjunction with Production work
orders, Routing, and Labor Processing you can create “jobs” for MTN items (Make To
Non stock) and roll up costs that will then calculate a rolled up price if the sales order
• Job Cost/Price Detail
is not designated as fixed priced
Unlimited freeform notes may be included on a production order. The notes may be
• Work in Process Cost entered at the order summary level, or for each component, or each routing step
Order History – completed production orders are flagged to indicate they are
ready for close. The closed orders can be removed from the system, or moved
• Print Production
to production order history. Inquiries can be used to review orders in history, to
Order Log
determine past production methods and effectiveness.
Inquiries include Production Order Status, Production Order History, and
Components Requirements | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Standard Routing
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
“Since transitioning to Fitrix,
our error rate
has dropped by
between 30 and
40 percent.”
Brian Grellinger
Director of IT
Doosan Infracore
The Standard Routing defines the non-material resources needed
to support the production of items. An effective resource definition
application should allow you to comprehensively identify all the
enterprise resources needed to produce an item. It should also
allow you to easily define the process steps required for production,
and it should allow you to provide sufficient detail relative to
process steps to clearly describe all the operations required.
These definitions should be available to all other areas within the
enterprise to efficiently conduct business in engineering and design,
quoting and proposal writing, production planning and operations,
and cost accounting.
Work centers are also used to define standard costing rates for
direct labor and overhead. These rates can be used to estimate the
cost to produce an item.
Production Scheduling – analyzes load vs. capacity for open
production orders.
Capacity Requirements Planning - analyzes load vs. capacity for
open production orders, and longer term planned production orders.
Standard Product Costing – uses setup and labor hours, with
costing rates for labor and overhead, to determine an item’s labor,
overhead, setup, and outside process costs.
Standard Routing
Easily define the process steps required for production, including those performed
outside of your organization. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Features/Function Highlights
Routing Maintenance Includes
User-Defined routing sequence
Links to standard operations
30-character base description
Unlimited routing step notes
Inside or outside process
Resource definitions for Work Center, Machine,
Team, Department
Primary and alternate steps
Scheduling based on labor hours or machine hours
Work Center Maintenance Includes
Direct, indirect, or outside process types
Optional grouping by department
Shift-based capacity in hours per day
Standard and average queue times
Standard labor and overhead rates
Maintenance Includes
Optional grouping by work center or department
Shift-based capacity in hours per day
Standard and average queue times
Major and minor service intervals
Department Maintenance Includes
Shift-based capacity in hours per day
Accounting information for interface to General
Tracks production costs for period and year-to-date
Operation Maintenance
Standard template for easier routing
Operation notes
Standards for: Setup hours, Run hours,
Machine hours, Machine, Department,
Team, Work Center
Alternate Resources
Work Centers
Inquiries for where work centers,
machines, and operations are used
Reports available include:
• Routing steps – summary
and detail
• Where-used by Machine
• Where-used by Work Center
• Where-used by Department
• Where-used by Team
• Where-used by Operation | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Labor Processing
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Labor is a significant expense for most companies and accurate
“One of my concerns
labor reporting is essential for the correct costing of manufac-
in acquiring ERP soft-
tured items that include labor in their routing steps, An effective
ware was the level of
labor tracking and reporting system needs to provide you with
attention we would
the information you need to appropriately plan your workload,
receive – we’re not a
big enterprise. I’m glad
we selected Fitrix. Just
like us they emphasize
customer service – and
provide it.”
Kay Salveson
Co-Owner GP
Automotive Parts
eliminate inefficiencies and maximize margins.
Fitrix Labor Processing collects labor transactions for production
orders. Labor is entered for both setup and run hours, and for
direct and indirect hours. Order completion statistics are updated
real-time. The hours and completion are analyzed for efficiency
at multiple levels within the organization. Efficiency inquiries and
reports show this performance in summary and detailed formats.
Labor Processing is an application in the Production
Management family. It provides a complete picture of the activities that occur and the costs that were incurred in completing
production work orders and supports the flow of this information into the general ledger, payroll, and costing modules.
Labor Processing
Use Labor Processing to post hours reported to production orders, to see up-to-date
status on work in process. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Employee Maintenance
Employees can belong to a Department, Work Center,
Team, Group, Job class
Reports available include:
Labor Efficiency Inquiries
Labor rates applied to orders by Regular time, Overtime,
• Efficiency by Team, Employee, Premium time
Work center, Department, Item, Shift Maintenance
Multiple shifts per physical shift
Early/late start time window
Early/late stop time window
Lunch extraction
• Transactions analyzed by ranges of Resources, Transaction dates, Shifts
Break extraction
Job Class Maintenance
Labor Transaction Reports
Standard rates used as alternate for labor costing
• Print by ranges of Department, Labor Type Maintenance
User-defined labor transaction types
Setup or run hours based
Direct or indirect hours based
Work center, Machine, Group, Team, Foreman, Employee, Order
Labor Transaction Entry
Setup labor
Run labor
Indirect labor
Start/stop time or elapsed time
Completed and scrapped quantities
User-defined percent complete
Labor Efficiency Reports:
• Efficiency by Department, Employee, Order, Work center
• History by Department, Employee, Order, Work center
On-line order update for hours and quantities | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Production Scheduling
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Imagine how much more efficient your organiza“As an integrated sys-
tion would be if you could see at a glance all open
tem Fitrix provided
work orders and the effect they have on your
us with the data and
capacity to produce by work center, by depart-
controls to measure
ment, by team, even down to the machine level.
our existing processes.
There would be no more guess work on when a
Fitrix helped us contin-
job can start or when you can tell your customers
ue our focus on LEAN
their order will ship.
waste reduction and
continuous improve-
Fitrix Production Scheduling gives you the tools
to maximize efficiency while reducing costs. You
Bill Marshall
can view at a glance which resources are being
Operations Manager
under or over utilized and can adjust your pro-
STOBER Drives, Inc.
duction accordingly to balance the load. As new
orders are placed or existing order due dates
change, you can see real time the effect on your
production capacity. The application also provides
recommendations to changes in order due dates
based on the work remaining to be done.
Production Scheduling
Create a more consistent load on production resources by utilizing the scheduling and
prioritization offered in Production Scheduling. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Period Intervals
Define how the future is to be
divided into time periods
Multiple period intervals may be
Used to display and print future
production activity by time period
Capacity Maintenance
Allows for non-standard override
of daily capacity, by shift, for Work
Department, Teams, or Machines
Reports available include:
Capacity Inquiries
• Displays capacity and load for a given resource, with Reschedule Operations
Recalculates operation due dates
when order due dates are changed
overload or under-load percentage
Work List Inquiries and Reports
Display the status of operations for
open orders by resource. Types of
operations include Active, Waiting,
Resource types are Work Center,
Department, Teams, Machines
• Resources analyzed are Work Center, Department, Teams, Machines
• User-defined period intervals to view loads in a variety of • Drill-down from period load to details of orders and operations
• Review alternates for an overloaded resource
Work List Inquiries and Reports
• Display the status of operations for open orders by resource. Types of operations include Active, Waiting, Arriving
• Resource types are Work Center, Department, Teams, Machines | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Master Scheduling
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Master Scheduling is the primary driver to plan and schedule
“Since transitioning
production to support external demand for products. It facili-
to Fitrix, our error
tates detailed entry of production forecasts and uses these
rate has dropped by
forecasts, along with sales order demand, to generate a
between 30 and 40
Master Production schedule. Rough-cut capacity planning is
also available, to analyze commitments placed on critical pro-
Brian Grellinger
duction resources.
Director of IT
Doosan Infracore
The Fitrix MPS application lets you identify which items in
your inventory are ‘master-scheduled’. You can then set up
sales or usage forecasts for these items, and define a highlevel bill of resources. A Master Schedule Generation creates
a Production Plan, by netting the forecast and open demand
from sales orders against existing inventory levels. In addition to a Production Plan for material, the generation gives top
management a high-level analysis of the critical production
resources needed to execute the plan, exposing possible bottlenecks well in advance of actual production. Results are can
be displayed or printed in a summarized, graphical format.
Master Scheduling
Determine your organizations ability to execute a Production Plan, without being overwhelmed
by the details of a Material Requirements or Capacity Requirements planning report. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Master Scheduling
Features/Function Highlights
Planning Parameters - Sets defaults for MPS
generation runs
Period Intervals - Define how the future is to
be divided into time periods
Multiple period intervals may be defined
Used to display time-phased materials activity
Resource Master - Defines critical resources
used in production
Identifies bottleneck areas which should be controlled
Bill of Resources - List of resources and units needed for
master-scheduled items
Displays time phased availability
May be manually entered
Indicates first period in which a required
May be automatically generated by analyzing Indented bill of
quantity is available
material, Indented routing
Supports Zoom to display details of
Maintain Master Schedule - Supports manual entry of firm
periodic requirements
planned orders
Generated planned orders can be firmed or confirmed
Rough-Cut Capacity Inquiry
Allows changes in dates and/or quantities for generated
Compares capacity and load in user-
planned orders
defined period intervals
Master Schedule Generation - Nets forecast and sales orders
Over or under-load displayed graphically
to on-hand and on-order
for easy exception analysis
Generates planned orders via order policy codes
Details of load displayed with Zoom
Forecast Maintenance - Allows entry of item forecasts by
Items can be assigned to groups to inherit forecast
Reports available include:
Master schedule
Forecasts entered by quantity or amount
Rough-cut capacity
Forecast by week, bi-week, month, quarter, year
Bill of resource
Forecast may be propagated over a given time frame
Resource where-used
Allows forecasts to be ‘layered’ for multiple forecasts in the
same period | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Material Requirements
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
“In our business, we
need information technology to direct our
lean manufacturing, so
we can quickly deliver
a custom product.
That’s exactly what
Fourth Generation’s
Fitrix ERP empowers
us to do.”
T. Brant O’Hair
O’Hair Shutters, Ltd.
An effective MRP application should ensure materials are
available for production and products are available for
delivery to customers while maintaining the lowest possible
inventory levels. By properly managing the types and quantities of products purchased and produced to meet current
and future demands you’ll attain high levels of customer satisfaction while reducing cash tied up in potentially obsolete
The Fitrix MRP application generates planned orders by
analyzing demand for master-scheduled and non-masterscheduled items. Bills of material for the planned orders are
expanded to analyze requirements for all lower level items,
whether produced or purchased. Requirements at each
level are netted against on hand inventory and scheduled
receipts for active orders, to determine the need to generate
additional planned orders.
Generated planned orders may then be reviewed, optionally
consolidated, and released for manufacture or purchase.
Multiple reports and inquiries are also available to provide a
comprehensive view of current and planned production and
purchase activities.
Material Requirements Planning
Use Material Requirements Planning to produce and purchase only those items needed
to support actual demand and sales forecast. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Material
Planning Parameters
Set defaults for each MRP
Forecast Group Maintenance
Allows grouping of items with
similar demand patterns
Supports default forecast
characteristics, such as monthly,
bi-weekly, weekly forecasts, total
forecast, or by time period, Forecast
by amount, or quantity
Item Forecast Maintenance
Allows entry of forecasts for an item
Assignment to a group to inherit group forecast characteristics
Forecast entry by amount or quantity
Total forecast for a range of dates, or forecast by Month, Week,
Supports generation of an entered forecast amount or quantity over
a given period of time
Allows forecasts to be ‘layered’ for multiple forecasts in the same
time period
Item Requirement Entry
Manual entry of a requirement for an item and due date
Period Intervals
Define how the future is to be divided into time periods
Multiple period intervals may be defined
Used to display and print future materials activity by time period
Firm Planned Orders
User can ‘firm-up’ a planned order
MRP generation will not re-plan a firm order
MRP Generation
Full generation
Net change generation
Separate generation for each planning warehouse
Planning warehouse can use inventory from multiple stocking
Detail multi-level pegging
Include/exclude safety stock
Include/exclude shrinkage factors
Exclude specific inventory locations
Review/release production orders
Review/release purchase orders
Create new purchase orders
Add to existing purchase orders
Combine planned orders to a single order
Review/Accept Recommendations
Analyze recommended changes to
scheduled receipts, such as Defer, Expedite,
Accept recommendations on-line, by item
Material requirements
Planned Orders by Warehouse
Planned Orders by Item/Warehouse
Reports available include:
Planning report
Review/release report
Order recommendation | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Capacity Requirements
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Capacity Requirements Planning analyzes loads placed
“As an integrated sys-
on production resources. It reviews standard routing
tem Fitrix provided
information for planned and released production orders,
us with the data and
to determine the resources needed to satisfy production
controls to measure
requirements. Loads are measured against available
our existing processes.
capacity, in user-defined time intervals, to support
Fitrix helped us contin-
exception analysis.
ue our focus on LEAN
The Fitrix CRP application uses routings from both
waste reduction and
active and planned production orders, and compares
continuous improve-
hours required to produce to available capacity to
produce, at multiple levels within the enterprise.
Bill Marshall,
Resources can be defined at any combination of
Operations Manager
company, department, work center, machine or team
STOBER Drives, Inc.
of employees. Comparisons of load to capacity are
displayed graphically, and can be analyzed on a daily,
weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly or quarterly
basis. The summarized data supports drill-down ability,
to see individual orders, both active and planned.
Capacity Requirements Planning
Highlight the load on production resources and act quickly to adjust resources to satisfy
production demands. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Period Intervals
Define how the future is to be divided into
time periods
Multiple period intervals may be defined
Used to display and print future production
activity by time period
Capacity Maintenance
Allows for non-standard override of
daily capacity, by shift, for Work Center,
Department, Teams, Machines
CRP Generation
Generates planned order routings
Typically run in conjunction with MRP
Capacity Inquiries
Displays capacity and load for a given
resource, with overload or under-load
Resources analyzed are Work Center,
Department, Teams, Machines
User-defined period intervals to view loads
in a variety of formats
Drill-down from period load to details of
orders and operations
Review alternates for an overloaded
Reports available include:
Capacity Reports
Prints capacity and load for a given
resource, with overload or under-load
Loads prints in graphical format for
easy exception analysis
Resources analyzed are Work
Centers, Departments, Teams,
User-defined period intervals
Change Routing
Allows changes to routing for each
planned order
Does not affect the standard routing
Handy when shifting load to optimize
capacity | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Product Configurator
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Product Configurator defines optional features
“Our users didn’t have
to be selected and included in the production
any problems learning
of an item. Features are defined in the form of
how to use Fitrix quick-
questions to be answered at the time an order
ly and productively.
is placed for a ‘configurable’ item. Questions
The trainer that we
worked with took into
consideration how
we ran our business,
which helped our
people absorb and use
the things they were
IT Manager
West Coast
Made to Order
have one or more answers that in turn:
• Include specific additional component items to be included on the production order
• Include specific additional routing steps to be included on the production order
• Activate/deactivate other related questions
• Activate/deactivate other related answers
• Automatically set answers to other related questions
Product Configurator
Configure your made to order product on the fly if needed to comply with your
customer’s requirements. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Configuration Definition
Define one or more questions
(feature), with expanded text, for
clear readability
For each question, define one or
more answers, with expanded text
For each answer, define one or
more responses, as
explained above
Configuration Generation
Automatically accessed when a configurable
item is placed on a sales order
Automatically accessed when a production order is entered
for a configurable item
Prompts the user to answer questions
Allows user to select a previous configuration to auto-fill
default answers to questions
Configuration Inventory Inquiry
Displays the configuration for an item produced to stock
Configuration Simulator
Displays material availability
and resource load for a
proposed configuration
Useful in a ‘what-if’ scenario,
before an order is placed for a
configurable item
Resources analyzed are Work
Centers, Departments, Teams,
User-defined period intervals
Configuration Inquiry
Displays the configuration details for any previously
configured item
Configuration Detail Report
Prints the configuration definition in expanded format,
including questions, answers within questions, and
responses within answers | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Standard Costing
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
“The ability to make
more accurate pricing
decisions gave us a
significant competitive
advantage. It all ties
back to the quality of
our data and the flexibility Fitrix provides
in how to store and
retrieve it in a way
that’s useable and fits
our needs.”
Robert Taylor
Wireless USA
Standard Costing defines the expected or standard costs to be
incurred to produce or purchase items. An effective standard
costing application should allow you to quickly calculate costs
associated with purchase and production activities. It should
also present these costs in a variety of formats, with sufficient
detail to effectively analyze the cost elements. Costs should
be available for immediate comparison to actual costs, with
variances to standard presented at summary and detail levels.
Fitrix Standard Costing is an application in the Item
Management family. It defines the expected or standard costs
to be incurred to produce or purchase items. It uses cost elements defined in the Bill of Material and Standard Routing
applications to compute standard costs per unit of an item.
These costs can be tracked against actual costs to produce or
purchase and the variances can then be analyzed.
In addition to the current standard cost, Fitrix supports the definition of an unlimited number of other standard costs for items.
This means you can store multiple historical standards, multiple future standards, and unlimited simulation costs. Any standard may be compared to any other standard via inquiries and
reports and variances are analyzed at multiple levels of detail.
Standard Costing
Use Standard Costing to accurately track the cost of producing goods, and to simulate
the effect of external factors on potential cost changes. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Modular Integration – direct integration with
Bill of Material, Standard Routing, Actual Costing,
Production Order Processing, and Purchasing
Current standard cost stored at the item level.
When used with Bill of Material and Standard
Routing costs can be “rolled up” to compute a
current standard cost
An unlimited number of other costs ( historical, future, simulated) can
be established for each item for variance analysis
Flexible cost roll up and user defined control over automatic rollup
Allow manual entry of cost elements with no roll up
Costs can be used as templates that can then be transferred to
create other standard costs (i.e. – current costs can be used to
create a new year frozen standard, simulated costs can be used to
create a new current standard)
Routing steps are costed based on setup hours, run hours per unit or
machine hours per unit
Labor and overhead costs can be optionally be calculated based on
standard work center labor and overhead rates
Current cost details
Comparison of multiple cost
types: Summary, Component
Detail, Routing Detail
Reports available include:
Current cost details
Comparison of multiple cost
types by: Summary, Component
Detail, Routing Detail
Inventory valuation at standard
cost type
Actual costs can be compared to either current or other standard
Standard unit cost will be the default used on purchase orders
entered manually, released from MRP, and released from production
order entry unless the vendor is found in the approved vendor catalog | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Manufacturing - Actual Costing
Fitrix ERP Manufacturing Module
Actual Costing analyzes actual production costs
“Our secret sauce
for an item and compares them to one or more
is Fitrix software.
standard costs. Cost variances are presented in
Because we had it, and
summary format, by order, item, or product via
were able to custom-
inquiry and reporting programs. Detail variances
ize it to obtain detailed
are presented by component and routing step.
pricing information –
and our competitors
Actual Costing is dependent on the Production
didn’ t and couldn’t
Order Processing module. The actual production
– we’ve been able to
costs are derived from the material issued and the
prosper in a lackluster
labor reported to production orders.
Robert Taylor
Actual Costing is integrated with the Labor
Processing and Standard Costing modules. The
Wireless USA
labor time reported on production orders updates
actual costs for hours reported with actual employee labor rates and, when a production order is
created, its standard or expected costs are captured with the order for later comparison to actual.
Actual Costing
Use Actual Costing to quickly analyze differences in cost from standard orders for
the same item. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Item Variance History
Compares actual cost to beginning of
year standard by accounting period
and year. Variances displayed in
summary by:
Material, Labor, Setup, Overhead,
Outside process
Variances displayed in detail by Material usage, Material
cost, Setup usage, Setup rate, Setup quantity, Labor usage,
Labor rate, Overhead usage, Overhead rate, Outside
process usage, Outside process rate, Production scrap.
Product Variance History
Same summary/detail as item variance history.
Display cost comparisons and variances by item product
Order Comparison
Order-to-Order Comparison – summary and detail
Order-to-Historical Standard Comparison
Order-to-Future Standard Comparison
Order Cost Detail Inquiry
Reports available include:
Order Variance Detail Report
• Compares actual versus standard costs by production order
• Compare actual costs to multiple
standard costs
• Costs can be analyzed by Order
summary, Component details, Routing details
• Variances by component include
Material usage & Material cost
• Variances by routing step include Setup usage, Setup rate, Setup quantity, Labor usage, Labor rate, Overhead usage, Overhead rate, Outside process usage, Outside process rate, Production scrap
Summary comparison by Cost Element
Detail comparisons by Component
Detail comparison by Routing Step
General Ledger Interface
Posts summarized order variances to
General Ledger
Order Variance Summary Report
• Print by item
• Print by product
• Comparison to multiple cost types
reducing data entry and data entry errors | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Inventory Control
Fitrix ERP Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Fitrix allowed us
to cut down on
our inventory, it
probably cut it in
John Maydonovitch
CEO of
One of the biggest factors in cash flow management is
the effective management of inventory levels because
inventory is one of the largest investments a company
makes. A good software solution needs to provide you
with up to date information on what’s in stock, where it’s
located, how much of it you sell, and when you will run
out. Without this information you run the risk of stock
outs and overstocks which in turn can produce inferior
customer service and reduced profitability due to lost
sales and high carrying costs.
MCE, Inc.
The Fitrix Inventory module provides you with the tools to
effectively manage your inventory. Your on hand quantities are updated when the purchase order is received or
the production work order completed. During order entry
you can see what is on hand, what is allocated to customer orders and the order detail, what is on backorder
and the order detail, and what is due to be received and
the estimated receipt date. Also included is extensive
reporting capabilities, maintenance programs for physical counts and adjustments, and the ability to maintain
inventory in multiple distribution centers.
Inventory Control
Transaction History – Ability to see per item the sales and purchasing history online for
each month with drilldown to document detail. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Inventory Control
Modular Integration – Direct integration
with Fitrix Replenishment, Purchasing,
Production Work Orders, and General
Item Code Unit Of Measure – can have
multiple units of measure per item
Item Classification – assign an item class
code to each item for reporting purposes
or to group for special pricing discounts
Ability to Clone, Rename, and Merge Inventory Items
Incremental Units – for items that you must sell or purchase in increments
of 2 or more, set the incremental quantity so that purchases orders and
customer orders must have quantities in these increments
Serial and Lot Number Tracking
Serial Number Master Screen with Warranty Information
Traceability and Recall Management
Warranty Tracking
Quality Management
RoHS Compliance Tracking
Cost Method – cost method can be set to standard,average, FIFO, or
Transaction History – ability to see per item the sales and purchasing
history online for each month with drilldown to document detail
Item Status – ability to drill down from the quantity on hand to see:
Quantity allocated to customer orders with order detail
Quantity on back order with order detail
Outstanding purchase orders and the estimated receipt date with PO
Multiple warehouses – a separate inventory for each item can be
maintained at any number of geographical locations
Warehouse Transfers – a picking ticket is created for transfers between
distribution centers, freight can be added to the transaction prior to
posting so that the receiving center receives the items at a landed cost,
and the option to fulfill customer backorders in the receiving center
Physical Count – inventory can be easily counted and adjusted. Count
sheets are printed, variances, are entered, a variance report lists quantity
and valuation differences, and the post program updates the quantity on
hand and General Ledger
Reporting and
Stock List Report
Stock Status Report
Physical Inventory Reports (count
sheets and variance report)
Price/Cost List
Reorder Advice
I/C Journal By GL Account Number
Purchase/Sales History
Cost Valuation
Inventory Turns Report
Inventory Status
Lot Expiration Report
Vendor Lead Time Report
Item Movement Audit Report
Item Lead Time Analysis
Serial/Lot Composition Inquiry
Sales Projection Analysis by Item
Non-Compliant Item List by Vendor | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Inventory Replenishment
Fitrix ERP Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Effective Replenishment strategies are central
“Our Fitrix system has
to economical inventory control. Inventory costs
been a competitive
account for a substantial portion of a company’s
differentiator for us,
cash outlay. Inventory costs include not only the
helping us be more
initial purchase of inventory, but storage and
competitive in the mar-
management costs as well. Successful inventory
ket by leveraging our
management requires that a minimum level of
IT systems to make us
inventory be maintained that guarantees excellent
more effective and effi-
customer service and satisfaction.
IT Manager
Fitrix Inventory Replenishment module, with its
Large Southern CA
powerful tracking, calculating, and analyzing capa-
Transportation &
bilities, increases your ability to manage inventory
Storage Company
with an optimum service/investment balance. It
not only provides standard replenishment system
functionality, but also adds considerable flexibility
to those standards. The innovative programming
responds to the demands of inventory control
Inventory Replenishment
Base item replenishment on tracked usage and apply this usage to any one of the many
industry standard replenishment formulas delivered with Fitrix. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Features/Functions Highlights
Modular Integration – Direct integration with Fitrix
Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchasing
Tailored Usage Tracking – usage is tracked whenever
an item is sold or transferred to another distribution
center. Sales outside the norm like a monthly special
to reduce inventory can be excluded from the
usage number so as not to inflate them. You define
how often this usage should be captured and inserted
into the usage tables and how many periods of usage
you want to use to calculate your average usage
Replenishment Calculations – once you have run the
Create Usage program to insert the most recent
period’s activity into the usage tables, you are now
ready to run the Create Replenishment Calculations
program. This calculation process takes the updated usage numbers and
applies formulas to it you have previously defined that determine what
your Suggested Order Quantity is. These formulas use predefined and
user defined variables such as quantity already on hand, quantity on order,
average lead time, next replenishment cycle date, safety factor , and carrying
and replacement costs
Reports available
Generate Buy Recommendations and Purchase Orders – this process takes
the calculated Suggested Order Quantity and creates a buy recommendation
to each of your vendors. You can then take these recommended quantities
and automatically roll them up to meet any minimum purchase target level
you may have with your vendor to receive monetary rewards such as
discounts or prepaid shipping. The final step in the replenishment process is
to then run the program that automatically creates a purchase order to each
• Usage Summary
Exception Processing – The Expedite Report can be set up to run
automatically on a nightly or weekly basis. This report helps identify items in
between replenishment review dates that need to be ordered because the
quantity on hand has fallen below the reorder point. The reorder point is the
quantity you never want to fall below or you may experience stock outages
• Warehouse Buy • Replenishment Calculations
• Buy Recommendations
• Create PO From Recommendations
• Expedite Report
Comparison Report
• Warehouse Reallocation
What If Screen – allows you to see the affect a large customer order or a
new customer will have on your inventory in future periods based on average
monthly usage and purchase orders coming in so that you can plan your
purchases accordingly | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Order Entry
Fitrix ERP Distribution & Supply Chain Module
“The ability to make
more accurate pricing
decisions gave us a
significant competitive
advantage. It all ties
back to the quality of
our data and the flexibility Fitrix provides
in how to store and
retrieve it in a way
that’s useable and fits
our needs.”
Robert Taylor
Wireless USA
Accurate and timely processing of customer orders is one of the most
critical functions of any business. When a customer calls to place an
order, you need to have a lot of information that is easily accessible. You
need to see bill to and ship to addresses, the availability of the items
being ordered or substitute items if they are not, the unit pricing the customer is entitled to, and their shipping terms. Once the order is entered
you need to ship and invoice the merchandise in a timely manner.
Effective order processing leads to happy customers and happy customers lead to a successful and profitable business.
The Fitrix Order Entry module when integrated with the Inventory
Management, Production Order Processing, Accounts Receivable, and
Purchasing, gives you all of the functionality you need to process customer orders quickly and accurately. It provides a comprehensive system
for tracking and managing customer orders and is designed with real
time transaction updating and complete information access. You can
enter orders of many types: quotations that can then be converted to regular orders by merely changing the order type, drop ship orders shipped
directly from your vendor, blanket sales orders that can be released and
shipped in increments, credit and debit memos, and returned materials
orders (RMAs). Item availability and pricing is checked real time. Once
the order is entered, your shipping department can print picking tickets
and packing lists and ship the order. The final step is to invoice your customer and when it is posted the quantity on hand is reduced, the open
AR record for the customer is created, and the transaction is recorded in
your General Ledger.
Order Entry
Pricing - specify order types and items, a class of items, customers, or groups of customers. Pricing
can be offered for a specific date range with quantity breaks for a specific amount, or percent off list. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Order Entry
Features/Functions Highlights
Modular Integration – Direct integration with Fitrix
Inventory Control, Production Order Processing,
Purchasing, Accounts Receivable and General
Ledger modules
Order Types – Fitrix supports many different types
of orders such as:
QUO – used for quotations by your sales force
and these can be turned into a regular order by
simply changing the order type
REG – used for shipments out of you distribution
center. You can also use this order type and
based on the line type, ship some merchandise
from your warehouse and the rest directly from
your vendor
DPS – used for drop shipments from your vendor
directly your customer. Using this order type
automatically creates the purchase order to your vendor
BLO – used to create a master blanket order that is then released and shipped in increments when requested by your customer.
STO - standing or recurring orders that can be generated at date intervals you define
RMA – used for merchandise that is be returned by your customer
Supports make to order sales orders and automatically creates the production work order
Pricing – pricing can be set up for specific order types, specific items, a class of items, specific
customers, or a group of like customers. The price can be offered for a specific date range
with quantity breaks and can be a specific amount, a percent off list, or a markup from cost
Sales Kit Processing – You can define sales kits and use them during order entry. Component
items for a sales kit can be automatically exploded during data entry on any of the sales/
shipping documents if the detail needs to be seen
Alias Item Numbers – you can set up alias code for your inventory items that are customer
specific. This is helpful during data entry when a customer calls in an order using their item
codes. After entering their code, the program converts the code to your item code. The alias
codes prints on all sales order documents
Notes – when entering an order any customer notes, shipping notes, and credit notes
automatically display for the user to review. You also have the ability to enter order specific
notes that will print on the sales order documents you specify
Credit Checking – real time checking of your customer’s credit limit versus total posted
invoices and open sales orders. Option to place the order on varying levels oh “hold” and
send an automatically generated email to your Credit Manager and the Sales Representative
requesting it be released from hold.
Profitability Check – you can set either globally or by item the required profit margin needed. If
the price entered is below this you will receive a warning message. A price variance report is
also available that lists any items sold below the required profit margin along with the customer
code and the user that entered the price
Availability Check – you have access to the quantity available for sale in all of your distribution
centers on one screen and a list of available substitute items should the item not be available.
Cross Sell Items – automatically recommends items that can be sold together
Multiple Warehouse Shipments – you have the ability to ship a single order from multiple
warehouse locations
Backorder Fulfillment – receipt of vendor purchase orders automatically fill customer
Lot/Serial Number Tracking – during the invoice process you will be prompted to enter the
serial or lot number for any items flagged as lot or serial number controlled. This data is stored
in an audit table which can then be viewed so that you know which customers purchased
which serial or lot #s and when
Interface with UPS WorldShip and Federal Express Ship Manager – Fitrix Order Entry
provides the shipping address for the UPS and Federal Express shipping software, emails
the tracking number to your customer,acquires the freight charge, updates the order status
and tracks the progress of the shipment. This will allow the customer to know their costs and
provide them with real-time tracking information
Credit Card Processing – Fitrix Order Entry has a
built in interface for credit card processing. Those
customers that pay by credit card have the order
authorized as soon as it is stored and the transaction
settled with their financial institution upon invoicing
Other Features, including:
Ability to enter deposits for sales orders
Lot number selection based on oldest expiration date
Automatically create vendor purchase orders for any
backordered items while in the sales order program
Automatically create a production work order for any
make to order items
Ability to clone a sales order from another order
Shipment routing capabilities
Commission reporting
Shipment tracking screen
Full suite of Export forms including proforma invoice,
packing list, bill of lading, commercial and final
Reports available include:
Quotes, Order Acknowledgements, Picking
Tickets, Packing Lists, and Invoices
For exports – Proforma Invoice, Bill of Lading,
Commercial Invoice
Open order reports by order number,
salesperson, customer, and item
Daily Sales Register
Sales History reports by product, customer,
and salesperson
Price Variance Report
RMA History Report
Warranty Report by Item
Commission by Salesperson
Credit Card Reports include:
Orders awaiting authorization
Invoices awaiting settlement
Credit card information on file by customer
Credit cards on file due to expire | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Fitrix ERP Distribution & Supply Chain Module
An efficient and robust Purchasing module is key for all
“Fitrix is a great
distributors. If you don’t track who you buy from, what
product at a great
you buy from them, the cost items are purchased for, and
price. The level and
how long it will take get to you, it will be impossible to
quality of service
keep your shelves stocked and service your customers.
and support they
provide are second
to none.”
Rick Shutter
VP of Finance
Not having this information leads to procedural inefficiencies, inferior customer service, and reduced profitability.
When Fitrix Purchasing is integrated with Fitrix Inventory
Control, Replenishment, Production Order Processing,
Order Entry, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger you
have a comprehensive purchasing system that will track
your purchases from the moment they are ordered to the
moment your vendor invoices you. The open order report
lets you know what is coming in and when; the receipt of
merchandise updates your quantity on hand, fills customer back orders and production work orders, and accrues
the liability to your vendor in the GL; the receipt flows
through to Accounts Payable when the vendor invoice is
received so you are assured you will always only pay for
what you received.
Automatic Reordering - if the Replenishment module is also in use, purchase orders will
be created automatically for items that fall below user specified reorder levels. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Purchasing
with all Fitrix
Business modules.
Modular Integration – Direct
integration with Fitrix Inventory,
Replenishment, Production Order
Processing, Entry, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger
Item Catalogs – the ability to store multiple vendors, vendor item code, and
vendor cost per item. This makes data entry more efficient and ensures that
the costs used on your purchase orders are accurate
Approved Vendor Lists- restrict which vendors items can be purchased from
Compliant Vendor Tracking- track which vendors have not yet sent Full
Material Disclosure information on items purchased from them
Non Stock Items – purchase orders can be processed for items not stocked
in inventory such as supplies, capital expenditures, and services
Requisitions – automatic creation of requisitions for customer back orders
that in turn create purchase orders to your vendors
Blanket Purchase Orders - create a master blanket purchase order that is
then released and shipped in increments when requested from vendor
Drop Shipments – by specifying in order entry via order type, a drop ship
customer order automatically creates a vendor purchase order to your
preferred vendor at your contract cost
Automatic Reordering – if the Replenishment module is also in use, purchase
orders will be created automatically for items that fall below user specified
reorder levels
Automatic Release of Customer Back Order – when purchase orders are
received, in addition to updating your quantity on hand and General Ledger,
any items on back order will be released in oldest order date order
Interface with Accounts Payable – when you receive the vendor invoice there
is no need to enter the purchase information again to record the liability.
Simply bring up the PO, enter the invoice number and date, and post to
Accounts Payable thereby creating an open payable item to the vendor. If
there are any variances in cost between the purchase order cost and invoice
Other Features, including:
Add additional costs such as inland
freight and duty to items received to
achieve a true landed cost
Vendor Rebate Processing
Reports available include:
Open Purchase Order Summary By PO
Number, Buyer, or Vendor
Open Purchase Order Detail By PO
Number, Buyer, or Vendor
Goods Received By GL Code
Purchasing log
Price Change Report (PO vs. Vendor
Expected Receipts Report
Direct/Drop Ship Status Report
Purchase Replenishment Advice
Requisitions Created From Order
Rebates Due Report and Rebates
Expiration Report
GL Activity by Account Number for
Purchase Transactions Only
cost, these will be listed on the Price Change report for your review | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Distribution & Supply Chain Module
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Fitrix ERP Distribution & Supply Chain Module
“Everybody in the
company touches it
(Fitrix), which is the
whole purpose of an
ERP system. It’s clear
we wouldn’t have been
able to do the kind of
business we’re doing
right now without the
John Maydonovitch
President and CEO
MCE, Inc.
Functions within a business organization are often referred to as ‘front-office’ or ‘back-office’
depending upon whether they are ‘customer-facing’ like an inside sales group or a customer
support call center, or are more internally- or supplier-oriented like accounting/finance, purchasing or manufacturing. Fitrix ERP’s Customer Relationship Management or CRM system
addresses the former, and includes capabilities that are intended to help ‘customer facing’
departments in the company like sales, marketing and customer service/support do their dayto-day jobs.
The main focus of a CRM system is to help ensure that customer needs are met in a timely
and efficient manner, so that customer satisfaction is maintained a high levels throughout the
organization and with every customer interaction, and so that the company’s revenue and
profitability goals are able to be met or exceeded. By having CRM integrated with an ERP
system, it is possible to gain and maintain a ‘360 degree view’ of your company’s customers
and to support analysis which helps identify your most important and profitable customers,
as well as your less profitable and more costly ones.
The Fitrix Customer Relationship Management module is designed to meet the most critical
needs of the three main ‘front office’ constituents:
• Sales,
• Marketing, and
• Service/support personnel.
Since companies often vary greatly as to how these operations are organized, all of Fitrix
CRM’s functions within each of these areas may or may not be utilized by your company, or
might be implemented in a ‘hybrid’ manner to best meet your business objectives. Certain
functions like Activity Management might be used by all users in all of these departments, or
just those in one or two.
There are sophisticated applications that are designed to be ‘best in class’ individual or
suite-based CRM solutions that include more specialized capabilities than Fitrix CRM has at
this time. Fitrix CRM is designed to meet the core CRM needs of the typical discrete manufacturer or wholesale distributor, and to provide close integration between these core CRM
capabilities and the other ERP functionality provided within the Fitrix software suite. With this
CRM/ERP integration, a ‘360 degree view’ of your customers and their individual impact on
your operations and profitability can be accurately measured and optimized over time.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Be able to see at a glance the whole picture for your leads and customers, be it open
proposals or quotes, active campaigns, open orders, or support cases. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Customer
Relations Management
(CRM) seamlessly
integrates with all Fitrix
Business modules.
Features/Function Highlights
Modular Integration – Direct integration
with other Fitrix ERP modules
Account Management – Fitrix CRM allows
users to enter and maintain various
demographic and other information about
suspects, prospects and customers, and
even other organizations like business
partners, associations and competitors.
Companies can be organized into hierarchies
to track the ‘parent-child’ relationships of parent
companies and subsidiaries at multiple levels.
Contact Management – An unlimited number of contacts can
be maintained for each company/account, with one being
designated as ‘primary’ for each Account. Multiple phone
numbers, email addresses and physical addresses can be
managed for each contact.
Lead & Opportunity Management – Fitrix CRM’s Lead and
Opportunity management capabilities allow sales and marketing
personnel to track interactions and interest with Accounts from
the very first (e.g. a trade show ‘lead’) to multiple individual sales
opportunities for different products or services the Account may
be interested in, with forecasting and tracking.
Quotes & Proposal Management – With Fitrix CRM you can
quickly and easily see quotes and proposals that you have sent
your prospects and customers and turn these into sales orders
when they are sold.
Team Selling Support – Fitrix is designed with team selling
capabilities built in that will continue to be enhanced over time to
support a robust ‘role-based’ multi-member Account team model
that is typical in more sophisticated sales organizations, but can
also be used in more simplified settings with single-member or
small sales teams.
Activity & Project Management – Fitrix CRM lets users manages
all kinds of Activities within Fitrix like calls, appointments, ‘to-do’s
as well as build their own specialized types of Activities and
track them. Projects are templates of reusable sets of Activities
that can be scheduled and assigned to all or just Primary
Contacts using Fitrix CRM’s Campaigns features.
Features/Function Highlights
Campaign Management – Fitrix CRM’s Campaigns
capabilities allow sales, marketing and service/support
teams to build robust ‘multi-media/multi-modal’ campaigns
that can be scheduled, assigned and managed to various
lists of Accounts based on user-defined criteria.
List & Query Management – The CRM module of Fitrix
ERP allows users with proper access the ability to build,
use and reuse powerful SQL queries via a standard Query
By Example query capability. These lists can then drive
Campaigns or feed other applications targeting prospects
and/or customers with your company’s communications or
other interactions.
Case/Incident Management – Fitrix CRM includes a powerful
Case Management capability that allows customer service/
support personnel to track and manage cases/calls/
incidents/issues/etc. Help desk or call center users can
assign cases to the most competent/available personnel
using a rules-based facility.
Problem Management – Tracking problems and identifying
trends so that major customer service issues can be
addressed proactively is an important feature that Fitrix
CRM’s Problem management feature helps automate.
Sales Lead & Support Call Dispatch – Rules can be set up
within Fitrix CRM that determine how new sales leads and
new support cases are assigned or dispatched, based on
factors such as geography or skill set of agents. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - General Ledger
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
Fitrix allowed us
to cut down on
our inventory, it
probably cut it in
John Maydonovitch,
CEO of electronics
MCE, Inc.
It’s imperative to know at any given time what your
financial standing is so that sound decisions can be
made in a timely manner to improve your company’s
profitability. The General Ledger provides companies
with complete financial reporting from all aspects of the
business to manage corporate performance and monitor
the return on investment.
The Fitrix General Ledger module combines power and
flexibility with ease of use, to give you the critical information you need to make timely and informed business
decisions and manage your business more effectively.
Up to date financial statements can be run on a daily
basis if needed. Fitrix analytical tools include audit
trail reports, drill-down capabilities that enable you to
view everything from detailed journal entries to original
source documents, financial analysis reporting such as
actual versus budgeted , this year versus last year, plus
an interface with the F9 report writer tool that enables
you to perform “what if” analysis and write customized
financial statements.
General Ledger
Drill down from an account balance to see all entries that make up the balance and the
source document for each entry. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix General Ledger
combines power
and flexibility with
ease of use
Modular Integration - direct integration
with all Fitrix Accounting and
Distribution modules.
Flexibility - ability to have multiple
periods and even multiple fiscal years
open at one time. There is no need to
postpone entering transactions in the current
month/year until the prior month/year is closed out.
Drill Down - ability to drill down from an account
balance to see all entries that make up the balance
and the source document for each entry.
Budgeting - online data entry that can be entered by
company and division/department within the company.
Reversing Journal Entries - ability to mark journal
entries for accruals as reversing so they will be
reversed automatically in the next accounting period.
Recurring Journal Entries - ability to set up recurring
journal entries that will recur every month or only when
selected to recur.
Date Control - ability to password-protect the number
periods backwards and forwards your employees can
post transactions to.
Account Number Control - ability to block using certain
account numbers in transactions since they are system
maintained. An example is the Accounts Receivable
asset account number.
Reports available include:
GL Activity Audit Trails
Trial Balance
Income Statement:
Department detail
Summary By Account Category
This Year/Month versus Last Year/Month
Balance Sheet:
Department detail
This Year/Month versus Last Year/Month
Actual versus Budget
With this tool you can take up-to-the-minute data
from Fitrix General Ledger and import it into Excel.
From there you can:
Perform “what if” analysis
Create customized financial reports in various
formats that span any time frame, even one day or
one week reports
Ability to “slice and dice” your GL account number
into segments representative of your business
(region, division, department)
Consolidated financial reporting for multiple
databases if you are running more than one
company with Fitrix
Allows you to pass budget information from your
spreadsheet back to the Fitrix GL thereby reducing
data entry and data entry errors. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Accounts Payable
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
Your Accounts Payable personnel do more than just
“Our secret sauce
pay the bills. They are involved in building a relation-
is Fitrix software.
ship with your vendor by making sure all payments
Because we had it, and
and contractual conditions are fulfilled. They also add
were able to custom-
to the bottom line when taking advantage of vendor
ize it to obtain detailed
discounts offered by paying invoices in a timely man-
pricing information –
ner. Managing your suppliers needs while manag-
and our competitors
ing your cash flow requires a flexible and adaptable
didn’ t and couldn’t
Accounts Payable system.
– we’ve been able to
prosper in a lackluster
Robert Taylor
Wireless USA
Fitrix Accounts Payable provides a comprehensive
solution for managing your cash expenditures. It
records transactions and obligations to vendors, offers
flexible cash disbursement capabilities, and takes
advantage of discounts offered for invoices paid by
the discount due date. The financial reports available
include a payables aging report and a future cash
requirements report which provide valuable business
insight for cash management decisions.
Accounts Payable
The vendor activity program lists invoices entered in the database for the vendor with
flexible sort and query logic plus drilldown to payment history capabilities. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Accounts
Payable provides
a comprehensive
solution for managing
cash expenditures
Modular Integration– direct
integration with all Fitrix
Accounting and Distribution
Online Access To Vendor Activity –
the vendor activity program lists
invoices entered in the database for the vendor with flexible sort and
query logic plus drilldown to payment history capabilities.
Automatic Payment Selection– select invoices for automatic payment
based upon due date, discount due date or vendor. Select individual
invoices for full or partial payment.
Vendor Hold– ability to flag a vendor as “On Hold” so that automatic
payment selection will not pay the vendor
Remittance Address– supports multiple Pay-To addresses
1099 Form– automatic creation of year-end 1099 forms
Recurring Invoice Capabilities– creates recurring invoices without
repetitive data entry
Remittance Advice Report– prompted after check run to print a
remittance advices for all checks where the number of invoices paid
do not fit on the standard check stub
Check Reconciliation Program– multiple checking account capabilities
with a program to reconcile General Ledger balances to you various
bank statements
Use Tax– multilevel taxing capabilities for multiple localities such as
state, county, and city.
Account Groups– set up a group of GL accounts by a group code
that is stored with the vendor code. This code is used in when
entering vendor invoices so that you don’t have to remember the GL
distribution for the invoice
Reports available include:
• Vendor Aging
• Vendor Ledger
• Vendor Open Item Report
• Cash Requirements Report
• Check Register
• Outstanding Checks Report
• Check Reconciliation Report
• GL Activity By Account Number (for
AP Transactions Only)
• Vendor Labels
• Vendor 1099s | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Accounts Receivable
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
Managing cash flow is strategic to the success of
“Fitrix is a great
every business. A streamlined process to create
product at a great
customer invoices and capture payments in a timely
price. The level and
manner is integral to this. Also of great importance
quality of service
is knowing the credit worthiness of your customers
and support they
provide are second
to none.”
Rick Shutter
VP of Finance
real time. A good software solution must be able to
give your staff the information they need to make
decisions regarding extension of credit while keeping
overdue and overextended credit to a minimum.
The Fitrix Accounts Receivable module provides an
effective and organized system for maintaining customer information that in turn leads to effective cash
flow management, improved customer service, and
profitability. You can access customer credit and
sales history information on line, create invoices and
statements on demand, and apply payments easily.
Accounts Receivable
Dunning Letters - type of letter and date sent to a customer is stored with the customer record so your
credit department will have this information. Standard letters that come with Fitrix include:
- Notifications that customer has been placed on credit hold
- Customer has invoices 30/60/90 days past due
- Final Demand For Payment (invoices over 120 days past due) | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP fromforFourth
Fitrix Accounts
is an effective and
organized system for
maintaining customer
­Features/Function Highlights
Modular Integration - direct integration with OE
and GL modules
Multiple Ship-To’s - allows multiple ship-to
addresses per customer
Online Access To Customer Activity & History lists all invoices entered in the database for
customers with flexible sort and query logic
plus payment history or source document
Customer Hold - ability to flag a customer as
“On Credit Hold” so that orders can not be processed
Credit Department Notes - can be attached to the customer record and stored with
the user name that entered the note and date it was entered
Finance Charges - creates finance charges on past due invoices
Dunning Letters - type of letter and date sent to a customer is stored with the
customer record so your credit department will have this information. Standard
letters that come with Fitrix include:
• Notification that customer has been placed on credit hold
• Customer has invoices 30/60/90 days past due
• Final Demand For Payment (invoices over 120 days past due)
Payment Processing - pay invoices in oldest date order, specify invoices to pay,
partially pay invoices, or place On Account if a pre-payment
Chargebacks & Write-Offs - create customer chargebacks and write-offs while in
cash receipts if partial payment on an invoice is made
Invoicing - easy freeform data entry complete with zoom lookups to customer
and ship-to information, tax codes, and payment terms. (Note: freeform because
invoicing tied to inventory items you stock is handled by the Fitrix Order Entry
Recurring Invoice Capabilities - automatically creates recurring invoices such as a
monthly professional services fee without repetitive data entry.
Sales Tax– multilevel taxing capabilities for multiple localities such as state, county,
and city
Account Groups - set up a group of general ledger accounts by an account group
code that is stored with the customer code. This code is then used when entering
customer invoices so you don’t have to remember the GL distribution for the
invoice, thereby streamlining data entry
Transfer Of Data - ability to transfer all open items, ship-to codes, sales history,
and payment history from one customer code to another in the event of a business
name change or consolidation
Reports available
• Aging Reports can be run by
customer code or business name,
invoice date or due date, date in
summary or detail, with an “as of”
date you specify. You can pre
define the number of aging periods you want to print (up to 7) and number of days in each
• Customer Ledger
• Customer Open Item Report
• Customer Activity Detail
• Customer Statements
• GL Activity By Account Number for AR Transactions Only
• Customer Labels | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Payroll
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
In house payroll preparation can be a tedious and time
“Our users didn’t have
consuming task. In addition to maintaining employee
any problems learning
information, you need to maintain detailed audit trails,
how to use Fitrix quick-
track accruals such as vacation and sick time, and
ly and productively.
meet government reporting requirements. All this
The trainer that we
worked with took into
consideration how
we ran our business,
which helped our
can be easily handled at a lower cost than using an
outside payroll service bureau when you use the
Fitrix Payroll module. This module was designed to
accommodate almost any payroll requirement while
remaining simple to use.
people absorb and use
Most of the details such income, deduction, and
the things they were
obligation amounts are managed during set up rather
than in your day to day operations. With the flexibility
IT Manager, West
of this module, you can have daily, weekly, biweekly,
semimonthly, or monthly pay periods for both salaried
Made to Order
and hourly employees. At the end of each quarter and
year, payroll reports and W-2s required by the various
taxing authorities can be printed from the date stored
within the database.
Create payroll from time cards, manually or automatically, based on the
last pay date. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Payroll is
designed to be
easily changed.
Integrated with Fitrix General Ledger
Create payroll from time cards,
manually or automatically, based on
last pay date
Ability to create bonus checks at
any time
Multiple user-defined benefits and
deductions per employee
Ability to categorize employees by
employee type for easier maintenance
and for reporting purposes
Online historical notes on employee information for
each employee
Reports available
Supports overtime, holiday pay, advances, base pay,
•W-2 forms
and miscellaneous charges
•Employer Quarterly 941
Tracks vacation time and sick time accruals and
•Quarterly and Annual
payment of these hours
Benefits and deductions can be fixed amounts,
percentage of gross, or variable amounts
Customizable pay periods and pay methods
FUTA Report
•Payroll Check Register
•Employee Earnings Report
Supports all standard deductions as well as user-defined
•Employee History Report
•Employee Master Report
Ability to pay employees via Direct Deposit
Provides detailed reporting on history, wages, benefits,
deductions and obligations
Flexibility to run reports by department, employee type,
•Wage History Report
•Payroll Recap Report
by Code
job code, or individual employee | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Fixed Assets
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
“One of my concerns
in acquiring ERP software was the level of
attention we would
receive – we’re not a
big enterprise. I’m glad
we selected Fitrix. Just
like us they emphasize
customer service – and
provide it.”
Kay Salveson
GP Automotive Parts
There are two general classifications of assets, short-term assets and
fixed assets. Short-term assets are those that remain on the books for
less than one year. Short-term assets include things such as cash and
office supplies which are commonly used up in a short amount of time.
Fixed assets are those assets that remain on the books for more than
one year. The IRS defines fixed assets as property or equipment with
an estimated life in excess of one year.
Fitrix Fixed Assets provides a comprehensive system for tracking your
assets and for calculating and posting depreciation at the end of each
accounting period. Fixed Assets allows you to take depreciation on
an unlimited number of assets with an unlimited number of books for
each asset. Examples of the types of books are the Main book used to
post depreciation to your General Ledger, the Federal Tax book used
to report depreciation to the IRS, the Alternative Minimum Tax book
(AMT), and the Adjusted Current Earnings book (ACE).
You can use any or all of the depreciation methods that are part of the
package or you can create your own. Many of the Internal Revenue
Service class codes and depreciation schedules are built into the module for your convenience. These includes methods such as straight
line, declining balance, accelerated and sum of the years digits.
Fixed Assets
Calculate book and tax depreciation using a number of different depreciation methods
including but not limited to:
• Straight Line
• Sum Of The Year’s Digits
• Declining Balance Methods
• Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Fixed Assets
puts asset information
at your fingertips
Automatically posts monthly provisions
to the General Ledger so that no manual
journal entry is needed to record
Calculates book and tax depreciation
using a number of different depreciation
methods including but not limited to:
• Straight Line
• Sum Of The Year’s Digits
Reports available include:
• Declining Balance Methods
• Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
•Print Asset Life Summaries
Several depreciation books including but not limited to:
•Print Form 4562 Data
• Federal Tax Book
•Print Tax Preference • Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
• Adjusted Current Earnings (ACE)
Groups assets for reporting purposes
Tracks warranty information and maintenance costs on
each asset
Revalues assets based on additional capitalized expenditures
Ability to enter and post year end adjustments due to
short years and any required conversion to mid-quarter
•Print Gain/Loss Report
•Print Acquisitions Report
•Print Asset Information in Summary or Detail
•Print Depreciation Report
•Print Warranty/Maintenance
Calculates profit or loss on the sale of any asset
Ability to automatically “clone” assets during initial set up
Online historical notes for each asset | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Multi-currency
and Multi-level Sales Tax
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
In today’s international business market, dealing with
“The Fitrix solution was
many different currencies has become a daily fact of
very feature-rich out of
life. The Fitrix Multicurrency Module makes handling
the box and its built-in
different currencies within your accounting software
flexibility and extensi-
easy. It automatically calculates exchange rates using
bility allowed us to do
things with it that no
software package we
saw for any amount of
money would have let
us do.”
Senior Executive
Mid-Sized Commercial
either the vendor’s/customer’s currency or your home
country currency and posts your realized gain or loss
due to currency fluctuations to the General Ledger.
It also gives you the ability to input and track documents with foreign currencies in Fitrix Accounts
Payable, Accounts Receivable, Order Processing and
Purchasing modules, giving you the same flexibility
of managing your international customer accounts as
you have with your local ones. Whether you deal with
one foreign customer, or hundreds of customers all
over the world, Fitrix Multicurrency solves all of your
currency conversion issues with ease.
Multi-currency and Multi-level Sales Tax
Easily convert foreign currencies into your home currency and book the gain/loss
to General Ledger. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Multi-currency and Multi-level Sales Tax
Unlimited number of currencies
Generates reports in either
home currency or the vendor’s/
customer’s foreign currency
Choice of Daily or Period-based
exchange rate types for each
currency and each module
Ability to assign a different
Difference on Exchange GL
account number for each currency
Posting routine records the
gain or loss for each transaction
to the General Ledger | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Accounting - Canadian Features
Fitrix ERP Accounting Module
The following are special Canadian feature enhancements
“The Fitrix implementation personnel knew
that have been developed to tailor Fitrix ERP for the Canadian
the software pack-
age extremely well,
Fitrix has a very elaborate tax module which allows for the
but more impressively
creation of any number of tax groups each of which can be
were able to learn
composed of individual tax definitions. Individual tax definitions
how we ran our business very rapidly, and
help us mold the two
together tightly and
with minimal effort…”
Manager, Midwest
define tax codes such as GST, HST, QST, HSTON (HST for
Ontario), HSTBC (HST For BC) and so on.
For locations such as Quebec that have two levels of taxation,
QST and HST, the individual tax items are set as separate tax
codes and then a group is defined combining these into one
tax definition. Further, as is the case in Quebec where QST
is charged on top of the accumulated amount of GST and the
Industrial Coatings
sales total, the tax codes within a group can be defined with
a priority as to which order they are applied and then can be
defined as cumulative.
Each individual tax code has its own distribution thus allowing the G/L to accumulate values for each code individually or
combined. Separate tables maintain the details of all tax applications from all modules thus allowing for easy reporting of tax
transactions for government remittance purposes.
Canadian Features
Fitrix offers complete support of Canadian tax collection and reporting and handles
all payroll requirements. | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
ERP Software for Electronics Manufacturing
Fitrix Canadian
Features/Function Highlights
Advantages of the Fitrix approach
to taxes:
Canadian Features:
All tax codes are maintained with their own
Fitrix has available a complete Canadian
definition for G/L distribution (for both A/R and
payroll module. The module includes all
A/P), tax rate, country, state or province and as to
basic payroll functions evident in Canada
whether the tax amount should be included in the
asset or expense value
Individual tax definitions can be grouped to allow for
for the application of such things as
taxable benefits, QPP/CPP, EI, WCB,
and Federal and Provincial Income
Taxation for all Provinces and Territories.
multi-level taxation including the accumulation of tax
Advantages of the Fitrix Canadian
on tax
Payroll modules include but are not
All tax transactions are maintained in separate
tables for reporting purposes such as Government
limited to:
• Full adherence to Federal and Provincial taxation and remittance regulations and remittances. These transactions contain links to the
originating documents to allow for drill downs back
• T4/T4A/RL1 generation and printing to their source.
Tax definitions are used across all modules thus not
requiring separate definitions for each
including generation of XML files for online submissions
• ROE Generation and printing
• Full Direct Deposit support with online transfers to banking institutions
• WSIB/WCB calculation which can be Tax defaults can be applied at the customer/vendor,
ship to address (for both customer and vendors),
by modules (Order Entry, Payables) and can be
overridden at the document level.
based on projects and/or individual
employees including the proration of common earnings when multiple rates apply to internal office staff connectivity | | © Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
100 Galleria Parkway
Suite 1020
Atlanta, GA 30339
For more information, contact:
Fitrix is a trademark of Fourth Generation
Software Solutions Corporation. All other
product names are registered trademarks
of their respective manufacturers. All
products and services are subject to change
without notice. Product summaries are for
information purposes only. Fitrix makes
no warranties, express or implied, in these
summaries. No part of this publication may
be reproduced by any means without the
written permission of Fourth Generation
Software Solutions Corp.
Copyright © 2014
Fourth Generation Software Solutions Corp.
All rights reserved
Printed in the USA