E1 L.R.O. 1998 International Business Companies (Rate of Tax) Order, 1998 CAP. 77 paras.1-3 International Business Companies Cap. 77. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES (RATE OF TAX) ORDER, 1998 1998/164. Authority: This Order was made on 18th December, 1998 by the Minister under section 10(4) of the International Business Companies Act. Commencement: 24th December, 1998 1. This Order may be sited as the International Business Companies (Rate of Tax) Order 1998. 2. The Companies listed in the Schedule to this order, being companies incorporated under the Companies Act and licensed under the International Business Companies Act, shall each pay on their profits and gains, tax at the rate of one percent for a period of 12 years commencing with income year 1998. 3. For the purposes of this order, "income year" has the meaning assigned to it by section 85 of the Income Tax Act. THE LAWS OF BARBADOS Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados Schedule. Cap. 308. Cap. 77. Cap. 73. CAP. 77 International Business Companies (Rate of Tax) Order, 1988 L.R.O. 1998 E2 SCHEDULE (Paragraph 2) CCG Capital Limited CICL Caribbean International Capital Limited Adams Capital Limited Barrow Capital Limited Cummins Capital Limited Durham Capital Limited Erie Capital Limited Frontenac Capital Limited Grey Capital Limited Haliburton Capital Limited Ironbridge Capital Limited Joly Capital Limited Kanata Capital Limited Worrell Capital Limited