Aboriqinal in Peoples .

Aboriqinal Peoples in Canada
Status of Canadian Aboriqinal people (CAH before Trudeau
Suffered discrimination and hardship
Most lived in small scattered reservations
others lived in big cities (unskilled work was easier to find)
High Rates of Suicide, Low life expectancy, unemproyment, lawlessness
and poverty
Trudeau's Just Societv and the WHITE pApER
. Trudeau (1968) promised to make canada a justsociety
. One aspect was relief to CAp
. Trudeau's solution was the wHlrE pApER: reduce the speciat legal
rights of CAP in order to integrate them into society
CAP, from all over the country, united for the first time to fight Trudeau
' and
the White Paper
' This was the beginning of new organization and activism on ihe part of
Land Claims
1973 - Canadian Supreme Court decided that CAP do have legal rights
The major issue in CAP politics has been compensation for land that
has been taken by Canada
CAP groups have claims on land all over the country
since the 1970's cAP groups have received millions of dollars in
Compensation from the government
The OKA crisis
1990, a dispute over a golf course that was to be built over a burial
Heavily Armed Mohawks created a barricade stopping all traffic from
entering the land
Police were called in and a gun fight broke out - a potice officer died as
a result
The army was called in
The Crisis ended when Mohawks surrendered to negotiators after
eleven weeks
The Creation of Nunavut
April 1, 1999 - NWT were split and Nunavut was created
Bigger than PEl, QUE, NB, NS, NWFLD combined
First example of CAP self-government (Slowly taking control
full self government)
- 2009