Document 10589691

7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Geneva, 9 – 11 November 2009
PROGRAMME 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference,
9 – 11 November 2009
DATE: 9 to 11 November 2009 VENUE: United Nations, Palais des Nations, E‐Building, Geneva, Switzerland. TARGET AUDIENCE: OBJECTIVE: INVITATIONS: Senior decision makers in the area of debt management and public finance. The Conference will explore current and topical issues in debt management and public finance. Themes include the impact of the current financial crisis on debt levels and debt management, such as the global burgeoning debt and the implications for developing countries, the use and limitations of risk indicators in debt management, debt defaults, debt crises, illegitimate debt, roles and responsibilities of debt managers and the scope of and limitations to these roles, transparency in debt management, the auditor and debt management, the challenges of implementing debt strategies and impact measurement in debt management. Presenters will include a balance between countriesʹ experts, academia, civil society and representatives from international and regional organisations. Debate and discussions will be promoted. Sent to all UNCTAD member‐countries, a large number of international and regional organizations, and selected NGO and academia representatives CONFERENCE ROOM: XVIII, E‐building, Palais des Nations, Geneva INTERPRETATION: The Conference will be interpreted simultaneously into Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. DOCUMENTATION: Presentations will be delivered in English, French or Spanish. All papers will be made available in electronic format only, following the Conference on, the DMFAS website,
7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 3 MONDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2009 REGISTRATION AND OPENING REGISTRATION TIME Security control to enter UN grounds At the Pregny Gate of the United Nations’ compound. Entry badges will be prepared in advance for all registered participants. All participants are requested to bring their passports along with their original registration form (a copy of which should also have been sent by fax or by e‐mail before arrival for notification purposes) 08.00 – 09.00 Participation list and agenda Participants are requested to announce their presence to the Conference Secretariat on arrival, at which time their presence is recorded in the participation list of the Conference. This will take place in front of the Conference Room XVIII, E‐building, Palais des Nations, Geneva Participants will also receive the final agenda as well as other relevant documentation at this stage. 09.00 – 10.00 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 4 Monday, 9 November 2009 (continued) OPENING STATEMENT TIME Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary‐General, UNCTAD 10.00 – 10.30 THE DEVELOPMENT ROLE OF DEBT MANAGEMENT: LESSONS FROM FINANCIAL CRISES INTRODUCTORY NOTE: TIME Implications of the Current Financial Crisis for Developing Countries 10.30 – 11.00 Mr. M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Secretary, Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh TOPIC Panel: Burgeoning Global Debt: Impact on Developing Countries Moderated by: Mr. Heiner Flassbeck Director Division on Globalization and Development Strategies UNCTAD SPEAKER TIME Panelists: 11.00 – 13.00 • Mr. Thomas Olofsson, Director & Head of Debt Management Department, Swedish National Debt Office •
Mr. Assane Abdalla‐Kadre, Deputy Minister of Finance, Central African Republic •
Ms. Yuefen Li, Head, Debt and Development Finance Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. LUNCH BREAK Panel: Economic Recession and Risk of Debt Distress Moderated by: Mr. Jean‐Luc Bernasconi Head Macro‐economic Assistance State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Switzerland
13.00 – 15.00 Panelists: • Mr. Steve Vajs, Deputy Director, Office of Debt Management, US Treasury, USA • Mr. Gianni Vaggi, Full Professor of Development Economics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy • Ms. Alice Konga, Senior Economist, Bank of Zambia Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. 15.00 – 16.30 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 5 Monday, 9 November 2009 (continued) THE DEVELOPMENT ROLE OF DEBT MANAGEMENT: LESSONS FROM FINANCIAL CRISES TOPIC Panel: Debt Defaults and Debt Crises Moderated by: Mr. Javier Santiso
OECD Development Centre
SPEAKER TIME Panelists: • Mr. Carlos Braga, Director, Economic Policy and Debt, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM), The World Bank 16.30 ‐18.00 •
Mr. Norberto Lopez Isnardi, General Director, National Debt Office, Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, Argentina •
Mr. Ugo Panizza, Chief, Debt and Finance Analysis Unit, Debt and Development Finance Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. COCKTAIL 18.15 – 19.45 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 6 Tuesday, 10 November 2009 DEBT STRATEGIES, TRANSPARENCY and IMPACT on DEBT MANAGEMENT: NECESSITY AND CHALLENGES PRESENTATION : TIME Debt Strategies, Transparency and Impact in Debt Management: Necessity and Challenges 10.00 – 10.30 Mr. Matthew Martin, Director, Debt Relief International/ Development Finance International TOPIC SPEAKER TIME Panel: Debt Strategies: From Formulation to Implementation: Role and limitations of the Debt Manager Moderated by: Panelists: • Mr. Udaibir S. Das, Assistant Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund 10.30 – 11.45 Panel: (Ab)Use and Limitation of Risk Models and Risk Indicators in Debt Management: Moderated by: Ms. Maria Cannata Director General of Public Debt Treasury Department Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy •
Mr. Rémy Malgoubri, Director of Public Debt, Ministry of Finance and Budget, Burkina Faso •
Mr. Mohand Ouali Brahiti, Director‐General, Directorate General of Foreign Exchange, Bank of Algeria Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. Panelists: • Mr. Phillip Anderson, Head, Public Debt Management Department, The World Bank •
Mr. Wassawa Kajubi, Director of Statistics, Bank of Uganda •
Mr.Luíz Alvez, Head, Risk Management Unit, Public Debt Strategic Planning Department, National Treasury of Brazil Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. LUNCH BREAK Panel: New Developments and Guidelines in Debt Reporting and Statistics Moderated by: Mr. Henri Laurencin Chief Central Statistics and Research Division of Globalisation and Development Strategies UNCTAD
11.45 ‐13.00 13.00 – 15.00 Panelists: • Mr. Eduardo Valdivia‐Velarde, Deputy Division Chief, Statistics Department, International Monetary Fund •
Mr. Yohannes Tesfa, Senior Expert, Credit Administration Department, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of Ethiopia •
Mr. Esteban R. Molfino, Senior Advisor to the Treasurer, Inter‐American Development Bank Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. 15.00 – 16.30 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 7 TUESDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 2009 (continued) DEBT STRATEGIES, TRANSPARENCY and IMPACT on DEBT MANAGEMENT: NECESSITY AND CHALLENGES TOPIC SPEAKER TIME Panel: Debt Management and the Auditor: The Relevance and Effectiveness of Debt Audit for Debt Management Moderated by: Mr. Enrique Cosio‐Pascal Senior Consultant, Public Debt and Public Finance,
Panelists: • Ms. Archana Shirsat, Programme & e‐Learning Manager, INTOSAI Development Initiative, Oslo, Norway 16.30 – 18.00 •
Mr. Widjarnako, Director, Directorate of Evaluation, Accounting, and Settlement, Directorate General of Debt Management, Indonesia •
Mr. Francis Mbewe, Deputy Director, Auditor General Office, Zambia •
Mr. Dante Delgado Rannauro, President, Special Committee to Determine the Causes of Low Financing, for Development and High Level of Public Debt, Mexico Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 8 WEDNESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2009 RESPONSIBLE LENDING AND BORROWING INTRODUCTORY NOTE: TIME Mr. Petko Draganov, Deputy Secretary‐General of UNCTAD 10.00‐10:10 TOPIC SPEAKER TIME Panel: The concept of illegitimate debt and the ex post approach for assessing illegitimate debt Moderated by: Ms. Yuefen Li Head, Debt and Development Finance Branch Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD
Panelists: • H.E. Mr. Mansur Muhtar, Minister of Finance, Nigeria 10.10 ‐11.30 •
Mr. Mikhail Kasyanov, Chairman, People’s Democratic Union, former Prime Minister and former Minister of Finance, Russia •
Mr. Obert Gutu, Senator , Movement for Democratic Change, Zimbabwe •
Mr. Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the Swiss Parliament, Switzerland •
Mr. Henrik Harboe, Deputy Director General, Multilateral Bank and Finance Section, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. Panel: 11.30 – 13.00 The possibility of an ex‐ante Panelists: approach: formulation of a set of criteria and guidelines • Mr. John Williamson, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, USA Moderated by: • Mr. Lee Buchheit, Partner, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen Mr. Martin Khor & Hamilton, USA Executive Director • Ms. Claire Cheremetinski, Secretary General, The South Centre Paris Club, France Switzerland • Mr. Neil Watkins, Director, Jubilee USA Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. LUNCH BREAK 13.00 – 15.00 7th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference Page 9 WEDNESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2009 (continued) NEW DEVELOPMENTS: CAPACITY BUILDING IN DEBT MANAGEMENT TOPIC SPEAKER TIME Panel: Capacity Building Needs: Countriesʹ Perspectives Moderated by: Mr. Georges Diffo Nigtiopop Vice‐Director Directorate of Information Pôle‐Dette Panelists: • Mr. Roberto B. Tan, Treasurer, Bureau of the Treasury, Philippines 15.00 – 16.15 Panel: Capacity Building Needs: Response from International Organisations Moderated by: Mr. Elias Ngalande Executive Director MEFMI •
Mr. Gift Gumbira, Acting Deputy Accountant General, Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe •
Mr. David Ivan Espinoza Torrico, Director, International Operations, Central Bank of Bolivia •
Mr. Prosper Girukwishaka, Director of the Treasury, Ministry of Finances, Burundi •
Ms. Amal Shebaro, Head of the Public Debt Unit, Ministry of Finance, Lebanon Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor. Panelists: • Mr. Carlos Braga, Director, Economic Policy and Debt, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM), The World Bank. •
Mr. Udaibir S. Das, Assistant Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund •
Mr. Gerry Teeling, Chief, DMFAS Programme, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD 16.15 – 17.45 Discussion. Comments and questions from the floor WRAP‐UP AND CLOSING Ms. Yuefen Li, Head, Debt and Development Finance Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD
17.45 – 18.00 