SECTION 4: MEASUREMENT FUNDAMENTALS MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 2 K. Webb Electronic Measurements MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Non-Disruptive Measurements 3 The act of taking a measurement may change the quantity being measured True for both measurements of mechanical properties and electrical properties The key to making accurate measurements is minimizing the disruption Measurement system should be invisible to the device-under-test (DUT) K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Non-Disruptive Measurements 4 Consider measuring pressure inside a vessel A pressure sensor is placed in the wall of a the vessel If the sensor causes a leak, it will change the pressure being measured Say you want to measure flow rate in a pipe A flow meter (e.g. a turbine flow meter, flow nozzle, or pitot tube) is placed in series with the flow If the meter presents excessive resistance to the flow it will change the flow rate you are trying to measure K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Measuring Electrical Parameters 5 When working with electronic circuits the three parameters we are most often concerned with are: Voltage Current Resistance These parameters (and many more) can be measured with common test equipment available in the lab K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Measuring Voltage 6 Voltage is measured with a voltmeter Inserted into the circuit between the nodes to be measured Very high input resistance Ideally, Rin = ∞ Ω Measure , V2, the voltage across R2 in the following circuit Connect voltmeter probes across R2, between nodes to be measured Very low input current Ideally, Iin K. Webb =0A MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Measuring Current 7 Current is measured with an ammeter Inserted into the circuit in series with the branch whose current is being measured Very low input resistance Ideally, Rin = 0 Ω (short circuit) Measure , I2, the current through R2 in the following circuit Break the circuit and reconnect with ammeter probes, inserting meter in series with R2 All (unaltered) branch current flows through the meter K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Measuring Resistance 8 Resistance is measured with an ohmmeter Connected across the terminals of the device being measured Component disconnected from circuit Supplies a small current and measures the voltage K. Webb Measure the resistance of R2 Disconnect R2, and connect ohmmeter across the resistor = MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 9 K. Webb Electronic Measurement Instruments MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Digital Multimeter - DMM 10 Multi-purpose measurement instrument Voltage Current Resistance Capacitance Frequency Diode forward voltage Transistor parameters Temperature ... Benchtop (more accurate) or handheld (portable) form factors Connects to circuit under test with probes Scalar measurements of DC or AC signals/parameters K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I DMM – inputs 11 Inputs for 4-wire resistance measurements Positive input for voltage & resistance measurements Positive input for milliamp current measurements Positive input for voltage & resistance measurements Positive input for amp current measurements Negative input K. Webb Positive input for current measurements Negative input MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Oscilloscope 12 Displays voltage vs. time waveforms Indispensible piece of equipment when working with electronic circuits – scopes let you see otherwise invisible electronic signals Typically 2 or 4 channels connect to circuits with probes Today’s scopes are digital as opposed to older analog scopes K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Inputs 13 Ch1, Ch2 input BNC connectors Coaxial BNC connectors are the input connections to scope channels Can connect to electrical signals with coaxial BNC cables or with scope probes K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Controls 14 Horizontal Control sec/DIV Vertical Control V/DIV Scope waveforms plotted on a grid 10 or 12 divisions along the horizontal (time) axis 8 divisions along the vertical (voltage) axis Controls enable scaling of time and voltage axes K. Webb Vertical control (sensitivity or V/DIV) scales voltage axis Horizontal control (sweep speed or time/DIV) scales time axis MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Controls – sensitivity (V/DIV) 15 Sensitivity or volts per division (V/DIV) control adjusts the voltage step between adjacent grid lines on the vertical (voltage) axis Can adjust V/DIV setting for each channel independently Offset control moves 0 V reference up and down on screen K. Webb Ch1, Ch2 V/DIV Controls Ch1, Ch2 offset Controls Ch1, Ch2 input BNC Connectors MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Controls – sweep speed (time/DIV) 16 Sweep speed or time per division (time/DIV) control adjusts the voltage step between adjacent grid lines on the horizontal (time) axis Can adjust V/DIV setting for each channel independently Delay control moves the t=0 sec reference left and right on screen K. Webb sec/DIV Control Delay Control MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Controls – trigger level 17 Sets the voltage level at which the scope triggers Trigger point of signal is placed at the horizontal center of the screen (or left or right) Can select rising or falling edge trigger Trigger coupling modes can provide stable triggers for noisy signals AC coupling – rejects DC High-frequency reject Low-frequency reject Noise reject Trigger mode/coupling select Trigger Level Control Properly configuring the trigger enables capturing infrequent events K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Scope Controls – trigger level 18 Trigger point is placed at trigger reference point – usually the center of the horizontal (time) axis Signal crosses trigger level voltage at center screen Note how trigger level affects waveform position on screen Trigger reference point at center screen Trigger level = 50 mV Trigger level = -50 mV K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Data Acquisition System 19 Like a scope, captures a time record of measurements May have hundreds of channels Useful for acquiring large amounts of data during automated testing Valuable for testing mechanical systems Interface and display through external PC Inputs provide signal conditioning for strain gauges, thermocouples, and many other types of sensors Convenient post-processing of measured data in tools such as MATLAB K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 20 K. Webb Analog vs. Digital MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Analog vs. Digital 21 Analog signals are continuous in time and amplitude All physical phenomena – pressure, temperature, velocity, strain, position, etc. – are analog in nature They can take on any value at any time Digital signals are discrete in time and amplitude They can only assume a finite number of discrete values at discrete instants in time Digital signals are representations of analog signals that are easily stored and processed electronically K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Analog vs. Digital – an example 22 Temperature is an analog quantity – at any instant in time it can assume any value A mercury thermometer is an analog measure of temperature – the mercury can be at any height at any time K. Webb A digital thermometer samples the actual temperature at discrete instants in time and represents it with a finite number of possible values MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Digital Measurement System 23 Analog Analog Input Signal Signal Conditioning/ Amplification Digital Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) Digital Data/Display Processing Digital Data Output/ Display The analog input signal is converted to a digital signal in an analog-to-digital converter (ADC or A/D) K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Analog-to-Digital Conversion 24 Continuous-time and -amplitude analog signals are converted to digital signals in A/D converters Analog signal is sampled in time, generating a series of discrete-time samples Discrete-time samples are quantized – amplitudes are mapped to a finite number of discrete amplitude values A continuous range of input values maps to a single quantization level Resulting digital signal is discrete in both time and amplitude Digital signal is easily processed, stored, and displayed K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I A/D Conversion – sampling 25 The first step in converting from an analog signal to a digital signal is sampling Sampled signal is a discrete-time signal, but is still continuous in amplitude K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I A/D Conversion – quantization 26 Next step is quantization Sampled signal becomes a digital signal The digital signal is discrete in both time and amplitude Amplitude values of the digital signal are expressed as codes # of A/D codes = 2N K. Webb N = # of bits 10 bit A/D has 1024 distinct quantization levels Digital signal stored as binary values MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 27 K. Webb Measurement System Requirements MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Instrument Requirements 28 The two most important specifications for oscilloscopes and data acquisition systems are Bandwidth Sample Rate These specifications determine what types of electrical signals can be accurately measured K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Bandwidth 29 Bandwidth Defined as the frequency at which and analog input signal will be attenuated by 3 dB by the measurement process Places an upper limit on the frequency of signals which can be accurately measured Signals near and above instrument bandwidth will be significantly attenuated Ratio of the measured amplitude to the input amplitude (in dB) K. Webb BW = f3dB = -3 dB frequency MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Sample Rate 30 Sample Rate The rate at which the measurement instrument samples and digitizes the analog input signal Measured in Hz or in samples per second (Sa/sec) Inverse of the sampling period fs = 1/Ts Places an upper limit on the frequency (bandwidth) of the input signal Can only accurately measure input signals whose frequency is no more than half the sample rate Otherwise K. Webb aliasing will occur f in fs 2 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Sample Rate – aliasing 31 Aliasing is a phenomena that results in a higher frequency signal appearing as a lower frequency signal Aliasing occurs due to failure to adhere to the Nyquist Criterion Nyquist says that the sampling frequency must be at least twice the maximum signal frequency f s 2 f in The Nyquist rate or Nyquist frequency is the minimum sampling rate for which no aliasing will occur f nyquist 2 f in K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Aliasing – f = 10 Hz, fs = 8 Hz 32 10 Hz signal sampled at 8 Hz Nyquist criterion violated Aliased signal appears at 2 Hz K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Aliasing – f = 10 Hz, fs = 9 Hz 33 10 Hz signal sampled at 9 Hz Nyquist criterion violated Aliased signal appears at 1 Hz K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Aliasing – f = 10 Hz, fs = 10 Hz 34 10 Hz signal sampled at 10 Hz Nyquist criterion violated Aliased signal appears at DC (0 Hz) K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Aliasing – f = 10 Hz, fs = 20 Hz 35 10 Hz signal sampled at 20 Hz Nyquist criterion satisfied Measured signal could appear, in theory, at DC – in practice, this would rarely happen K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Aliasing – f = 10 Hz, fs = 50 Hz 36 10 Hz signal sampled at 50 Hz Nyquist criterion satisfied Frequency of sampled signal is the same as the analog signal K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I