SECTION 1: ELECTRONIC FUNDAMENTALS MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 2 K. Webb Introduction MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electricity – what is it? 3 Fundamental form of energy Results from differences in charge from one location to another Electrons are the carriers of electrical charge Electron is negatively charged Hole – absence of an electron – is positively charged May occur naturally Lightning, static electricity May be produced Generator, K. Webb battery MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electricity – why do we care? 4 Electricity can do work for us Mechanical, Efficient means of energy transmission Large heat, light, etc. regions supplied by a single power plant Used to process and transmit information Computers, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc. Instrumentation and measurement K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Energy 5 Energy is conserved, but may be transferred from one form to another Electrical energy – charge differentials – produced from other forms of energy Generator – mechanical energy Battery – chemical energy Electrical Generator Mechanical Energy In Electrical Energy Out K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Energy 6 Electrical energy can be transformed into other useful forms of energy Motor – mechanical energy Heater – thermal energy Charged battery – chemical energy Electric Motor Electrical Energy In Mechanical Energy Out K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Energy Transmission 7 Electricity is an efficient means of energy transmission Energy is transmitted broadly from a single power plant No longer need to grind our wheat at the windmill Imagine other modes of energy transmission Hydraulic, pneumatic, rotating shafts! Pneumatic was proposed for transmission of energy from Niagara to Buffalo in late 19th century K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Relevance for Mechanical Engineers 8 Very few purely mechanical systems Aircraft, automobiles, etc. rely heavily on electronics Need to understand impact of mechanical design on electronics and vice versa Instrumentation and measurement Mechanical products and systems must be tested, measured, and evaluated Electronic measurements are fast, accurate, repeatable, and can be automated K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 9 K. Webb Where We Are Going MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electronic Photo Flash Circuit 10 Electronic photo flash circuit An interesting example of the type of circuit whose function you’ll be able to analyze and explain by the end of the course 4V rechargeable battery Flash tube requires 100s of volts, ~1000W How can a single 4V battery trigger the flash? How do we determine an appropriate model for the battery? How long will the battery last? How many flashes can it provide? K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 11 K. Webb Fundamentals of Electronics MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Potential 12 ++ +++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++ ++ + V – --------------------------------- Electrical potential is a measure of electrical energy. The unit of electrical charge is the coulomb (C) The unit of electrical potential is the volt (V) Positive charge wants to move from high potential to low potential V = J/C – required energy per unit charge moved across that potential Think of voltage as the force that drives this movement Voltage is analogous to K. Webb Pressure that drives fluid flow Temperature that drives heat flow Gravity MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electric Field 13 Positively-charged metal plate + + + + + + + + V E - Negatively-charged metal plate Electric field vectors The electric field is a field of force experienced by a positively-charged particle. Positive charge wants to move in the direction of the E-field, toward negative charge The electric field has units of newtons per coulomb (N/C) or volts per meter (V/m) Electrical energy is stored in the electric field The E-field is the negative gradient of the electrical potential K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Current 14 Conductor (e.g. wire) Current I V1> V2 V1 V2 - - - - - - - - - - - Electrons Electrical current, denoted as I, is defined as the flow of positive charge Voltage is the force that drives charge to flow – current is the result The unit of current is the ampere or amp (A), or coulombs per second Electrical current is analogous to a fluid flow or heat flow Current flows from high to low voltage K. Webb Just as fluids flow from high to low pressure or as heat flows from high to low temperature MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Current – what’s really flowing? 15 Conductor (e.g. wire) Current I V1> V2 V1 V2 - - - - - - - - - - - Electrons Electrical current is defined as the flow of positive charge Really, current is due to the flow of negatively-charged electrons Electrons flow in the opposite direction of what we call current K. Webb Electrons flow from low to high voltage Negative charge flowing in one direction is equivalent to positive charge flowing in the opposite direction MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Conductors and Insulators 16 Electrical current flows more easily in some materials (conductors) than in others (insulators) Good conductors Copper Aluminum Gold Silver All have a single valence electron Easy for electrons to move from one atom to the next Insulators have full valence bands K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electricity – mechanical analogies 17 Electrical systems are analogous to fluid systems Electrical current flows through circuits just as fluids flow through pipes Current (positive charge) flows from high to low voltage just as fluids flow from high to low pressure Current always flows toward lower voltage just as a mountain stream always flows down hill Analogous to thermal systems Voltage is the driving potential that creates electrical current Temperature is the driving potential that creates heat flow K. Webb Like electrical current flowing from high to low voltage, heat flows from high to low temperature MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 18 K. Webb Electrical Circuits MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Networks – schematics 19 Schematics are diagrams of electrical circuits or networks Schematic symbols represent circuit elements Schematics detail connections between circuit elements Schematics describe paths for the flow of electrical current K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Networks – branches & nodes 20 Nodes are connection points between circuit elements Node voltages given with respect to a reference (0 V, ground) node Current flows into and out of nodes Branches are paths for current to flow – connections between nodes Current flows through branches Current may not flow in the direction of the arrow shown on the schematic V3 = 0 V in the circuit shown Current is positive if it flows in the direction shown Current flow opposing the arrow on the schematic is negative Voltage across a branch is the difference in node voltages at either end K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Power 21 Energy can be supplied or absorbed (dissipated) by components in an electrical network Power is the rate at which energy is supplied or dissipated The unit of energy is the joule (J) The unit of power is the watt (W) or joule per second (J/sec) Power supplied (or dissipated) by a branch element is given by the product of current through the branch and voltage across the branch Sign convention is critical P=I∙V P= P > 0 Power dissipated P < 0 Power supplied K. Webb Positive current flows into the positive voltage terminal Power absorbed or dissipated by an element is positive Power supplied by an element is negative MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 22 Voltage Source Schematic symbol: Description: a circuit element that generates a voltage or electrical potential. May be DC (constant voltage) or AC (time varying). Examples are batteries, generators, and power supplies. The units of potential are volts. Current Source Schematic symbol: Description: a circuit element that generates a flow of electrical current. May be DC or AC. The units of current are amps (A). K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 23 Resistor Schematic symbol: Description: a circuit element that resists the flow of electrical current. May be an intentional or a parasitic resistance (even wires are resistive). Units of resistance are ohms (Ω). Resistors are denoted as R. Ground Schematic symbol: Description: a voltage reference for a circuit. A ground node is assumed to be at a potential of 0 V. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 24 Capacitor Schematic symbol: Description: a circuit element that stores electrical energy. Capacitors consist of two electrodes separated by a dielectric. An open circuit to DC voltage. Voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously. Units of capacitance are farads (F). Capacitance is denoted as C. Inductor Schematic symbol: Description: a circuit element that stores magnetic energy. A short circuit to DC voltage. Current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously. Units of inductance are henries (H). Inductance is denoted as L. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 25 Switch Schematic symbol: Description: switches control connections between two or more nodes in a circuit. The symbol on the left is a single-pole single-throw (SPST) switch. The symbol on the right is a single-pole dual-throw (SPDT) switch. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 26 Diode Schematic symbol: anode cathode Description: a two-terminal semiconductor device that allows current flow in one direction only. Current flows from the anode to the cathode. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Schematic symbol: Description: a diode that emits photons when electrical current flows through it. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Circuit Components 27 Transistor Schematic symbol: Description: a three-terminal device. A small voltage on or current into one terminal controls current flow between the other two terminals. Transistors may be used as switches or to provide amplification of electrical signals. Transistors can be thought of as valves. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Short Circuits & Open Circuits 28 A short circuit is a direct electrical connection between two nodes in a circuit A direct path for current to flow Often refers to an unintentional connection An open circuit is the lack of any electrical connection between two nodes K. Webb No path for current to flow MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Complete Circuits 29 Electrical current always flows in a complete circuit Current flows out of the wall, through a cord, into a lamp, through the bulb, and back through the cord to the wall Grab a power line while on a ladder: current flows through you, through the ladder, into the earth, and back to the power plant The earth completes the circuit Birds can sit safely sit on a power line because there is no path for current to flow through them in a complete circuit K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 30 K. Webb Electrical Signals & Waveforms MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Electrical Signals 31 Voltage and current are the two properties of electrical circuits that we are most often concerned with Node voltages and branch currents may be constant as a function of time Direct Or current or DC they may be time-varying Alternating current or AC Voltages and currents can be plotted as functions of time – waveforms K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I DC vs. AC 32 DC (direct current) electrical signals (voltages, currents) do not vary over time AC (alternating current) electrical signals vary periodically in time K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Some typical waveforms 33 Sinusoid Square wave Triangle wave Noise K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Frequency 34 The period (T) of an AC waveform is the duration of one cycle Frequency is the number of periods per unit time f = 1/T May be measured in hertz, Hz = cycles/sec K. Webb T = 0.333 msec Denoted as f May be measured in radians/sec 𝑣 𝑡 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜙 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 𝜙 Denoted as ω ω = 2πf f = 1/T = 3 KHz MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Amplitude 35 Amplitude of a sinusoid is its peak voltage, Vp Peak-to-peak voltage, Vpp, is twice the amplitude 𝑣 𝑡 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝜙 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 𝜙 Vp = 1V Vpp = 2∙Vp Vpp = Vmax - Vmin Vpp = 2V K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Phase 36 Phase is the ф term in the waveform expressions Phase shift between two waveforms is the difference in their phase angles K. Webb We’re typically more concerned with relative phase than absolute phase 𝑣1 𝑡 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 𝜙1 𝑣2 𝑡 = 𝑉𝑝 ∙ sin 2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 𝜙2 t (2 1 ) ( ) T 2 1 2 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I RMS Voltage 37 RMS (root mean square) voltage is the square root of the time-average of the voltage squared. Time-varying voltage waveform dissipates equal power in a resistor as DC voltage, where VDC = Vrms For a sinusoid: Useful for characterizing noise signals K. Webb Vp = 1 V Vrms = 0.707 V MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I