SECTION 3: RESISTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS II MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 2 K. Webb I-V Characteristics MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I I-V Characteristics 3 I-V characteristics relate the terminal voltages and currents for electronic circuit components Plot terminal current as a function of terminal voltage Useful for two-terminal devices, and especially useful for three-terminal devices, e.g. transistors Commonly see parameterized plots of I-V characteristics – e.g. I-V characteristic between two terminals of a three-terminal device parameterized by the voltage on the third terminal K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I I-V Characteristics 4 The I-V terminal characteristic of a network is a graphical representation of the voltage across and the current into the terminals of that network A graphical answer to one of the following two questions: Apply a known voltage. - How much current flows into the terminals? K. Webb Apply a known current. - How much voltage appears across the terminals? MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I I-V Characteristics – ideal sources 5 An ideal voltage source supplies constant voltage regardless of its terminal current K. Webb An ideal current source supplies constant current regardless of its terminal voltages MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I I-V Characteristics – resistors 6 Ohm’s Law gives the I-V relationship for a resistor V I R A line whose slope is the inverse of the resistance K. Webb slope = 1/R MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I I-V Characteristics – Example 7 This is in the slope-intercept form: y mx b The slope is 1/10 A/V, and the current-axis intercept is -0.5A. Apply KVL around the loop: V I 10 5V 0 Solving for I gives an equation of a line – the I-V characteristic: I K. Webb V 0.5A 10 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Open-Circuit Voltage/Short-Circuit Current 8 Open Circuit Voltage • I-V characteristic intercepts the voltage axis where terminal current is zero Open-circuit voltage • This is the voltage that would appear with nothing connected to the terminals Short-Circuit Current • I-V characteristic intercepts the current axis where terminal voltage is zero Short-circuit current • This is the current that would flow with the terminals shortcircuited K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 9 K. Webb Linearity & Superposition MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Linearity 10 In a linear system outputs are linear functions of the inputs yi a1 x1 a2 x2 ... an xn Can think of a system as a function that operates on inputs to produce outputs: f (x1 ) y1 , f (x 2 ) y 2 A linear system will obey the following: f (x1 x 2 ) f (x1 ) f (x 2 ) y1 y 2 K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Linearity 11 In a linear circuit, outputs may be any circuit operating condition – node voltages and branch currents Inputs may be independent current and voltage sources Linear circuits are composed of linear circuit elements Components are linear if their I-V characteristics are linear K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition 12 Consider a circuit with two independent sources This is a linear circuit, so Vout is a linear function of the inputs Vout a1Vs a2 I s where a1 and a2 are constants The output, Vout , due to both sources is the sum of the outputs due to each source taken one at a time – this is superposition Simplifies determining the output of multiple-input linear circuits and systems K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition 13 The output of a multiple-input system is the sum of the outputs due to each source acting individually Determine the response of a circuit to each independent source, one at a time, with all other independent sources set to zero Sum the individual responses to get the response due to all sources Setting sources to zero: Voltage sources become short circuits (V = 0) Current sources become open circuits (I = 0) K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition – an example 14 Determine the value of Vout in the following circuit Linear circuit – all components have linear I-V characteristics Two independents sources – use superposition K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition Example – step 1 15 Set the current source to zero – open circuit Determine Vout due to Vs With Is set to zero, the circuit becomes a simple voltage divider 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 K. Webb 𝑉𝑠 𝑅3 = 𝑉𝑠 ∙ 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 𝑉𝑠 2𝑘Ω = 5𝑉 ∙ = 1.67𝑉 6𝑘Ω MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition Example – step 2 16 Set the voltage source to zero – short circuit Determine Vout due to Is With Vs set to zero, the circuit becomes a simple current divider 𝑅1 𝐼3 = 𝐼𝑠 ∙ = 1.67𝑚𝐴 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 K. Webb 𝐼𝑠 𝐼𝑠 = 𝐼3 𝑅3 = 1.67𝑚𝐴 ∙ 2𝑘Ω = 3.33V MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Superposition Example – step 3 17 The total response is the sum of the individual responses Vout is the sum of Vout due to the voltage source and Vout due to the current source Sum the individual values for Vout to get the total value for Vout 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑉𝑠 + 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐼𝑠 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 1.67𝑉 + 3.33𝑉 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 5𝑉 K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 18 K. Webb Thévenin & Norton Equivalents MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Equivalent Circuits 19 Any two-terminal linear network of resistors and sources can be represented as single resistor in series with a single independent voltage source The resistor is the Thévenin equivalent resistance The voltage source is the open-circuit voltage K. Webb Léon Charles Thévenin, 1857 – 1926 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Equivalent Circuits 20 Useful for determining current, voltage, and power delivered by any complex network to an arbitrary load Simplifies the analysis of complex networks Complex network K. Webb Thévenin equivalent network MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Open-Circuit Voltage - Voc 21 Voc, the open-circuit voltage, is the terminal voltage with no load attached Determine Voc by using most convenient method – Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, mesh or nodal analysis, etc. K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Resistance - Rth 22 Rth, the Thévenin equivalent resistance, is the resistance seen between the two terminals with all sources set to zero sources short circuits Current sources open circuits Voltage K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Equivalent – an example 23 Determine the load current and voltage for a 100 Ω resistor connected to the following network Transform to a Thévenin equivalent circuit, then connect a 100 Ω load IL and VL are then easily determined using Ohm’s Law K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Example – find Voc 24 Two independent sources, so use superposition 𝑉𝑜𝑐 K. Webb First, find Voc due to Vs R1 is in parallel with a voltage source, so it can be neglected No current flows through R5 so it can be neglected Circuit reduces to a simple voltage divider 𝑉𝑠 500𝛺 = 10𝑉 ∙ = 5𝑉 1000𝛺 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Example – find Voc, cont’d 25 800Ω 𝐼2 = 10𝑚𝐴 ∙ = 8𝑚𝐴 1000Ω 200Ω 𝐼3 = 10𝑚𝐴 ∙ = 2𝑚𝐴 1000Ω K. Webb 𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝐼𝑠 Next, find Voc due to Is R1 gets shorted, so it can be neglected No current flows through R5 so it can be neglected Circuit reduces to a simple current divider = −𝐼3 𝑅4 = −2𝑚𝐴 ∙ 500Ω = −1𝑉 𝑉𝑜𝑐 = 𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝑉𝑠 + 𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝐼𝑠 = 5𝑉 − 1𝑉 = 4𝑉 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Example – find Rth 26 Set independent sources to zero, then determine resistance between the two terminals Voltages sources become short circuits (V = 0) Current sources become open circuits (I = 0) R1 gets shorted R2 and R3 are in series R4 in parallel with R2 plus R3 Rth R5 R4 || R2 R3 Rth 50 500 || 200 300 Rth 300 K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Example – find IL and VL 27 Find the voltage across the load by using the voltage divider equation Thévenin equivalent circuit with the 100 Ω load resistor connected VL Voc `` RL 100 4V RL Rth 400 VL 1V Ohm’s Law gives the load current IL VL 1V RL 100 I L 10mA K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Norton Equivalent Circuits 28 Any two-terminal linear network of resistors and independent sources can be represented as single resistor in parallel with a single independent current source The resistor is the Thévenin equivalent resistance The current source is the short-circuit current K. Webb Edward Lawry Norton, 1898 – 1983 MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Norton Equivalent Circuits 29 An extension of Thévenin’s Theorem Came about due to the development of vacuum tubes, which are more appropriately modeled with current sources Complex network K. Webb Norton equivalent network MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Short-Circuit Current- Isc 30 I , the short-circuit current, is the current that flows between the short-circuited terminals Determine Isc by shorting the output terminals, then using most convenient method – Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, mesh or nodal analysis, etc. sc K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin Resistance - Rth 31 Rth, is the same for a Norton equivalent circuit as for a Thévenin equivalent circuit The resistance seen between the two terminals with all sources set to zero K. Webb MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Thévenin and Norton Equivalents 32 A Thévenin circuit can easily be converted to a Norton Circuit and vice versa Voc I sc Rth K. Webb Voc I sc Rth MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I 33 K. Webb Dependent Sources MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Dependent Sources 34 Ideal current and voltage sources Outputs depend on some circuit parameter – branch current or node voltage VCVS – voltage-controlled voltage source Output voltage is a function of node voltages elsewhere in the circuit VCCS – voltage-controlled current source Output current is a function of node voltages elsewhere in the circuit K. Webb CCVS – current-controlled voltage source Output voltage is a function of a branch current elsewhere in the circuit CCCS – voltage-controlled current source Output current is a function of a branch current elsewhere in the circuit MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I Dependent Sources 35 Schematic symbols may vary greatly May look like an independent source, whose value is written as a function of a circuit voltages or currents Dependent source are useful for modeling complex active devices, such as transistors K. Webb Current source is a dependent source – CCCS Its output current is the value of the current into terminal b, ib, times some factor, β. This is a simple model of a bipolar transistor MAE 2055 – Mechetronics I