7410 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 7400 – PUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7410 – ADMINISTRATION Supplement No.: 7400-2004-1 Effective Date: December 23, 2004 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: KATHLEEN A. MCALLISTER FOR ABIGAIL R. KIMIBELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 12/02/2004 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 7400-2000-1 to FSM 7420. New Document Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 7410 7410 (R1 Supp. 7400-90-1, 1/8/91) 5 Pages 3 Pages Digest: 7413.2 – Revises format and nomenclature. Changes examples of minor and major projects. Replaces reference to Ten States Standards with appropriate State requirements. 7413.4 – Adds new requirements for project review by Zone Environmental Engineer and Regional Office, where indicated. 7413.5 – Adds responsibility for Forest Facility Engineer to record data and produce as-built drawings. Changes syntax. 7413.9 – Changes frequency and responsibility for sanitary surveys and wastewater condition surveys (ex. 01 and 02). Changes report completion timeframes. Expands distribution of survey reports to include District Ranger and Forest Engineer. Changes classifications for potable water systems. Changes syntax throughout. R1 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7410 Page 2 of 5 FSM 7400 – LAPUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7410 - ADMINISTRATION 7413 - PROJECT PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION 7413.2 - Engineering Report Engineering reports are required for all potable water and wastewater projects that involve source work, treatment, disposal, or major distribution or collection system construction or reconstruction. Minor system modification such as relocation of a campground water hydrant or extending service to an additional building does not require an engineering report, but must be recorded on as-built drawings. For minor water system projects such as replacement of valve boxes or water services, a sanitary survey, which discusses alternatives, costs, and so forth, will serve the purposes of an engineering report. For small septic systems, a site evaluation report and permit from the State or local reviewing authority will serve as the engineering report. Prior to construction, reports for these small systems should be accomplished at the Forest level and then sent to the appropriate Zone Environmental Engineer for review. More complex construction or reconstruction such as total rehabilitation of a distribution system or installation of treatment systems or pumping systems will normally require a complete engineering report conforming to requirements of the applicable State reviewing authority. The Zone Environmental Engineer will normally develop these reports, but competent Forest level Engineers may develop reports with prior agreement between the Forest and Region. In any event, the appropriate Zone Environmental Engineer will work with the Forest and will review and approve the report prior to submission to the State agency for approval. Duplicate copies of all engineering reports and related correspondence shall be maintained in permanent project files at the Forest and Zone levels for future reference. Copies of engineering reports and correspondence for very complex projects—as determined by the Region—will be maintained in Regional Office project files. 7413.4 - Construction Specifications and Drawings As outlined in FSM 7413.2 for Engineering reports, requirements for development, review, approval, submission to State agencies, and maintenance of project files shall also apply to design and preparation of contract documents for projects of similar complexity. Forests should submit minor water and wastewater projects to Zone Environmental Engineers for review. Contract documents for water or wastewater projects, which are part of a site development or redevelopment project, shall be submitted to Regional Office Engineer for review and approval. R1 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7410 Page 3 of 5 FSM 7400 – LAPUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7410 - ADMINISTRATION 7413.5 - Construction Supervision As defined in FSM 7413.2, Zone Environmental Engineers shall be notified, and to the extent possible, will participate in all intermediate and final inspections of complex water and wastewater system construction projects. In addition, all projects constructed by contract or force account will be inspected and certified as required by State laws and in accordance with established Regional procedures. Zone Environmental Engineers will coordinate construction certification. Either the Zone Environmental Engineer or the Forest Facility Engineer will accomplish construction certification. Recording data and production of as-built drawings will be the responsibility of the Forest Facility Engineer. 7413.9 - Operation and Maintenance Plan One objective of this supplement is to establish a formal program for the operation and maintenance of wastewater and potable water systems throughout the Region. The program consists of Regional Operation and Maintenance (O&M) classification systems, a priority approach to development of O&M Manuals, on-site system reviews, hands-on operator training, and report feedback and followup as necessary. Complete wastewater systems O&M Manuals in accordance with classification priorities outlined under Wastewater Systems beginning with Class 1 systems and working down. Priority for completing O&M Manuals for potable water systems will begin with community systems and work down. Make exceptions to these priorities where a single manual will serve several systems. Zone Environmental Engineers, with assistance from Forest Facility Engineers, will normally be responsible for completion of O&M Manuals. Wastewater Systems. Classify 1ll wastewater systems in accordance with the Region's Sewer System O&M Classification system as follows: Class 1 - Point discharge systems requiring NPDES permits. Class 2 - Mechanical plants, including aerated lagoons and/or spray irrigation systems. Class 3 - Oxidation ponds and any system with lift stations, chlorination equipment, or any other mechanical equipment. Class 4 - Large centralized subsurface disposal systems. Class 5 - Small individual subsurface disposal systems. Class 6 - Collection systems tied into municipal systems. R1 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7410 Page 4 of 5 FSM 7400 – LAPUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7410 - ADMINISTRATION Wastewater systems surveys will include an inspection of the system’s physical aspects, a review of operation, maintenance, safety, monitoring, and recordkeeping; and hands-on training of the operation as necessary (ex. 01). For Class 1, 2 and 3 systems, a survey report—prepared in accordance with Regional- or State-required format—shall be distributed to the District Ranger, Forest Engineer, Facility Engineer, district contact, Zone Environmental Engineer and Regional Office within 30 days of the field survey, and by the end of the calendar year for Class 4, 5 and 6 systems. For season systems, field surveys should be accomplished within 2 to 3 weeks after the system is put into service if there is a new operator or if operational problems are encountered. Forests shall establish a program to ensure that all septic systems are reviewed a minimum of once every 5 years. One important objective is to determine whether septic tanks need to be pumped. 7413.9 – Exhibit 01 Wastewater System Classification Condition Survey Frequency Responsibilities Field Survey Survey Report Database Reporting Class 1, 2, 3 3 years Zone Environmental Engineer with participation of Forest Facility Engineer Zone Environmental Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Class 4, 5, 6 5 years Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Potable Water systems. All potable water systems shall be classified in accordance with the Forest Service classification system as follows: C – Public Community System. NTNC – Public Nontransient, Noncommunity. TNC – Public Transient Noncommunity. NPNT – Nonpublic, Nontransient. NPT – Nonpublic Transient. O – Other (such as municipal source). The sanitary survey (see FSH 7409.11, ch. 70) will serve as the vehicle for on-site water system surveys, and shall be performed in accordance with the following schedule by the individuals noted (ex. 02).. Surveys will normally be documented on standard Regional or State forms; and shall consist of a review of operation, maintenance, system performance, monitoring recordkeeping, training needs, and identification of system problems or deficiencies. A sanitary survey report prepared in accordance with Regional- or State-required format shall be distributed to the District Ranger, Forest Engineer, Facility Engineer, district contact, Zone Environmental R1 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7410 Page 5 of 5 FSM 7400 – LAPUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7410 - ADMINISTRATION Engineer and Regional Office within 30 days of the visit for public systems and by the end of the calendar year for nonpublic systems. 7413.9 – Exhibit 02 Responsibilities Water System Classification Sanitary Survey Frequency C 3 years Zone Environmental Engineer with participation of Forest Facility Engineer Zone Environmental Engineer Forest Facility Engineer NTNC 3 years Zone Environmental Engineer with participation of Forest Facility Engineer Zone Environmental Engineer Forest Facility Engineer TNC 5 years Zone Environmental Engineer with participation of Forest Facility Engineer Zone Environmental Engineer Forest Facility Engineer NPNT 5 years Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer NPT 5 years Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer O 5 years Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Forest Facility Engineer Field Survey Survey Report Database Reporting