2409.19_10 Page 1 of 4 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK CHEQUAMEGON-NICOLET NF (REGION 9) RHINELANDER, WI PARK FALLS, WI FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – K-V PROJECT PLANNING Supplement No.: R9 Cheni 2409.19_10-2008-3 Effective Date: September 23, 2008 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JEANNE M. HIGGINS Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 09/23/2008 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. New Document R9 Cheni 2409.19_10-2008-3 4 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) R9 Cheni 2409.19-2003-4 4 Pages Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement. 11.3 – Updates the process to build and maintain a sound K-V program. R9 CHENI SUPPLEMENT 2409.19_10-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/23/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_10 Page 2 of 4 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – K-V PROJECT PLANNING 11 – DEVELOPMENT OF SALE AREA IMPROVEMENT (SAI) PLANS. 11.3 – Integrated Resource Management. The following is an outline of the ChequamegonNicolet process to insure proper interdisciplinary involvement, adequate documentation, proper target/budget requests, accomplishment reporting and maintenance of an accurate database to maintain a sound K-V program. Each district shall designate a K-V program coordinator. The district coordinator will insure the process is being followed and SAI plans are up to date with district needs. Program managers at the SO and districts will coordinate appropriate target levels. The district program managers will funnel their needs to the district K-V program coordinator. The district coordinator will be the contact for the SO K-V coordinator, reducing overlapping responsibilities and the number of contacts required. Chequamegon-Nicolet K-V Process 1) All potential K-V projects should be identified in the NEPA process. Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments or Categorical Exclusions, and the appropriate decision documents shall be used to analyze alternatives, display the effects, and document decisions. NEPA is required for all projects and insures an interdisciplinary decision process. Projects should be consistent with the Forest Plan. 2) When developing a timber sale package, identify project area boundaries and the set of projects appropriate to the sale area. An interdisciplinary team should develop these project area boundaries and the set of projects to be listed in each SAI plan. 3) Document the K-V project with a narrative. A narrative should include a description of the project to be completed and an outline of the direct project costs, including the on-site costs and program management. Narratives are required for all projects. 4) Develop the SAI plan in FACTS using costs developed in the narrative. Check completeness of plan with appropriate staff (a suggestion is to have appropriate staff initial off on original plan and plans which add or delete activities). The FACTS developed K-V plan must be entered in TSA for every revision. Include all feasible activities on the SAI plan even if there is insufficient dollars available to do all the projects. Projects shall be prioritized by the order they appear on the plan. Reforestation activities are always first priority. 5) The SAI plan developed at the time of sale advertisement and award shall be considered the original plan. Any subsequent changes, including sale overbids, shall be considered a revision. R9 CHENI SUPPLEMENT 2409.19_10-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/23/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_10 Page 3 of 4 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – K-V PROJECT PLANNING 6) Request targets and funds from SO program manager as documented in the SAI plan. If projects, project acres, unit costs, or overhead costs are not consistent with needs, revise your SAI plan to reflect current needs (revision must include the narrative as well). 7) Get confirmation of targets and funds from the SO program manager at mid-year review. 8) Implementation of projects should be consistent with narratives. Ensure all projects on the SAI plan for which dollars were collected are completed within 5 years of sale closure (exceptions are included in a Regional supplement). When objectives change or alternative methods are used, be sure to revise SAI plans and make necessary accounting adjustments in TSA before sale is closed. 9) Report all K-V accomplishments for the year. Ensure MAR targets and reported FACTS accomplishments are consistent. Be sure reported accomplishments are reflected with a reduction in the K-V inventory. 10) At a minimum, districts shall annually review current SAI plans for proper unit costs, overhead costs, and the need for project additions or deletions as indicated in FSH 2409.19, Chapter 10, Section 16 of the WO amendment 6 dated 3/14/2008. A logical time for an annual update is just prior to the end of the fiscal year. All SAI plans shall be reviewed prior to sale closure to ensure accuracy of the list of activities, unit costs, and overhead percentage. This data shall be consistent with TSA records. The annual Forest K-V inventory/budget needs and Part A reports are due November 1 (or earlier) and shall reflect the KV inventory as of September 30. The Forest K-V program coordinator, along with the Forest Biologist, will periodically review individual district K-V programs. The schedule will be to review one (1) district annually. The intent of the review will be: 1) Evaluate compliance with Forest policy and direction related to management and implementation of the K-V program. 2) Determine if K-V needs are properly identified and documented in Sale Area Improvement (SAI) plans. 3) Evaluate the level of interdisciplinary team participation in the development of K-V projects. Evaluate the use of K-V financing for resource projects and programs other than timber. 4) Review the priority of direct and indirect cost calculations. R9 CHENI SUPPLEMENT 2409.19_10-2008-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/23/2008 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2409.19_10 Page 4 of 4 FSH 2409.19 – RENEWABLE RESOURCE USES FOR KNUTSON-VANDENBERG (K-V) FUND HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – K-V PROJECT PLANNING 5) Determine if uses of K-V funds are proper and represent legitimate expenditures. 6) Ensure K-V projects listed in SAI plans have proper NEPA documentation and are in accordance with Forest Plan objectives. 7) Field review to evaluate the on-the-ground accomplishments of the K-V projects for which funds were collected. 8) The reviews will be documented and recommendations made by the Forest K-V coordinator on an annual basis.