FOREST SERVICE MANUAL Taos, New Mexico TITLE 2700 SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT Carson Supplement No. 15 Effective September 24, 1990 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal received for this title to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, order intervening supplements at once on form FS 1100.6 post this supplement until the missing ones are received and posted. After posting, retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this title is received. Place it at the front of the title. Page Code 2726.3ld Superseded New (Number of Sheets) 1 1 Digest: Identifies management codes to be used for deposit of monies collected for annual land use fees and reimbursement of administrative expenses. LEONARD A. LINDQUIST Forest Supervisor TITLE 2700 SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT 2710.44 -District Rangers. Authority is delegated to District Rangers to issue special use permits for uses of a temporary nature, uses having negligibie environmental impacts, and standardized permits on approved sites. Permits of a temporary nature are those which by their terms will terminate in one year or less. The installation of minor weather instrumentation, outfitter guide, apiary, survey, and experimental and demonstration permits are examples of uses having a negligible environmental impact. Standardized permits are typically issued for approved recreation residence lots and radio-electronic uses at approved sites. Except for term permits (FSM 2711.3) for approved recreation residence sites, only annual (FSM, 2711.1) permits will be issued by District Rangers. This delegation does not authorize issuance of road permits. District Rangers are also delegated the authority to authorize construction of facilities applied for by Mountain States as amendments to the Master Permit in accordance with the Master Working Agreement between the Mountain States Telephone and Teiegraph Company and the Forest Service dated June 15, 1973. This authority does not apply to main toll lines nor electronic sites. In conjunction with this authtority, the District Ranger is also authorized to approve any NEPA documentation in accordance with FSH 1909.15. TITLE 2700 SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT 2715.25 2715.25 Periodic Review of Fees. All special use permits will be reviewed according to the following schedule to determine if fee adjustment is necessary to meet the criteria in the parent text. This review will include free perm its to determine if they still qualify. Recreation Residences 1991 Organization Camps 1991 Winter Sports 1987 Other Recreation Uses 1991 Agriculture Uses 1991 Community Uses 1988 Industrial Uses 1988 Public Information 1987 Research Study and Experimental1987 Transportation 1989 Utilities and Communication 1989 Water 1987 1996 1996 1992 1996 1996 1993 1993 1992 1992 1994 1994 1992` 2001 2001 1997 2001 2001 1998 1998 1997 1997 1999 1999 1997 2700-SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT 2726.31d-Cost Reimbursement and Rental Fee. In accordance with section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended November 16, 1973 (P.L. 93-153). Pipeline companies operating on the Jicarilla Ranger District under the scope of this Act will be billed by the District as indicated below for reimbursement of administrative expenses which are in addition to right-of-way rental fees. This applies only to new pipeline permits or addendums to existing permits when said pipelines are under Forest Service jurisdiction. 1. Processing permit applications (each application): $165 for first pipeline mile + $50 per additional mile or fraction thereof. The steps involved in processing a pipeline permit application include: a. Reviewing proposed pipeline route in office to determine effects and resource conflicts. b. Meeting with company surveyor in field and flagging pipeline route. c. Setting up date with archaeologist and company representative and inspecting pipeline route. d. Performing paper work such as computing and preparing billings, writing letter to company authorizing construction. Setting up pipeline file, and reviewingarchaeological report. 2. Monitoring pipeline construction (each site): $125 for first pipeline mile + $50 per additional mile or fraction thereof. Monitoring construction involves coordinating between company official and contracted pipeline construction company to achieve desired finished product. This entails the following: a. overseeing right-of-way clearing, ditching operations and backfilling and rehabilitation measures prior to reseeding. Ocasionally, this can be a complex step if, for example, ground conditions become wet and significant road and resource damage occurs. b. Assuring archaeological sites are undisturbed and successful reseeding has been accomplished. c. Computing and preparing billing. 2700 - SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT 3. Annual administration (each pipeline permit): $50 for first pipeline mile with no charge for each additional mile or fraction thereof. I Annual administration includes the following: a. Conducting pipeline inspections to determine whether or not further reseeding is necessary, if erosion is occurring, whether or not exposed pipel ines are presenting hazards to public and/or other permittees, whether or not line drips are adequate, whether signing is adequate and if painting is acceptable. b. Billing of master permit fees which includes checking over the company's "'Exhibit All and map. 4. Extraordinary expense: basis. To be billed on actual cost Occasionally. a situation may arise whereby extraordinary costs to the Government may be incurred. Such might be the case if a proposed pipeline route traverses a Travel Influence Zone, significant archaeological ruins are discovered during construction or a contingency occurs at any time. In these instances, the District Ranger, in conjunction with the Forest Supervisor's Office, will maintain cost data pertinent to the specific exigency. The pipeline company will then be billed accordingly in lieu of the standard rates. The above rates for items one through three represent actual weighted average costs and are applicable for routine pipeline administration. These rates are subject to annual review. The amendment to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 reads in part" ... and the holder of a right-of-way permit shall reimburse the United States for costs incurred..." (emphasis added). Since it is the intent to reimburse the United States, the above fees will be billed after the fact as opposed to land rental fees which are collected in advance. 1. Bills for collection for processing permit applications will be forwarded by the District to the permittee at the same time the initial land use fee billing is made. 2. Bills for collection for monitoring construction activities will be forwarded by the District to the permittee at the same time as final construction approval is furnished. TITLE 2700 SPECIAL USES MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2700-SPECIAL USES ADMINISTRATION 3. Bills for collection for annual administration of pipelines included in the Master Permit will be forwarded by the District to the permittee anniially in conjunction with the November 15th billing for the following year's land use fee. 4. Bills for collection for extraordinary costs will be forwarded by the District to the permittee at the conclusion of the project which caused those costs to be incurred. *-The Jicarilla Ranger District will only issue bills for collection for pipelines on lands under Forest Service jurisdiction. All bills for collection will be payable within 30 days of billing. Monies collected for reimbursement of administrative expenses as described in items 1 through 4 above will be deposited into Miscellaneous Receipts account, management code 899015 & Monies collected in advance for land use fees are to be deposited into National Forest Fund account, management code 898302. If administrative expenses are incurred on pipelines under Bureau of Land Management (BLM) jurisdiction, such costs are to be reported to the BLM for billing and deposit into BLM accounts, even though said pipelines may lay in National Forest System land. I