UNCTAD Secretary-General's Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Coffee 8 April 2009, Geneva Coffee market outlook by Mr. Néstor Osorio Executive Director, International Coffee Organization "The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNCTAD" COFFEE MARKET OUTLOOK UNCTAD MULTI-STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION 08 April 2009 Geneva, Switzerland Néstor Osorio Executive Director International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Summary Ð Long-term trends 1990-2008 Ð Short-term trends and current economic crisis Ð Conclusions International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World production Crop years 1990/91 to 2008/09 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World production by region Crop year 1990/91 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World production by region Crop year 2008/09 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Total exports to all destinations Calendar years 1990 to 2008 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World consumption Calendar years 1970 to 2008 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World consumption by region Calendar year 1990 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World consumption by region Calendar year 2008 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World: shift in consumption by area: 2000-2007 6.0 5.4 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 m illio n b a g s 4.0 3.1 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 Latin America North America Western Europe Asia & Oceania Eastern Europe Africa * Estimated International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org World: shift in exports by type of coffee International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org USA: shift in imports of green coffee by group: 2000-2007 3000 2 261 2000 1000 500 0 0 0 ba g s 240 0 Washed Arabicas Natural Arabicas Robustas -1000 -2000 -3000 -2 724 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Unspecified USA: shift in imports of green coffee by origin: 2000-2007 2 500 2 119 2 000 1 500 875 1 000 726 143 113 C o st a R ic a -563 M e x ic o E l S a lv a d o r -358 G u a t e m a la -265 In d ia -186 T h a ila n d H o ndura s G erm a ny In d o n e sia -110 C ô t e d 'Iv o ir e -1 000 V ie t n a m -500 C o lo m b ia 0 B r a z il 0 0 0 ba g s 264 E t h io p ia 428 500 -646 -1 500 -2 000 -2 500 -2 348 -3 000 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Germany: shift in imports of green coffee by group: 2000-2007 2 700 2 401 2 400 2 031 2 100 1 800 1 500 0 0 0 ba g s 1 200 900 600 300 0 Washed Arabicas Natural Arabicas -300 -600 -625 -900 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Robustas Germany: shift in imports of green coffee by origin: 2000-2007 2 750 2 500 2 250 2 000 1 750 1 500 1 000 750 500 250 -750 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org G u a t e m a la E l S a lv a d o r In d ia C o st a R ic a K eny a P a pua N ew G u in e a N ic a r a g u a M e x ic o H o ndura s -500 P eru -250 B r a z il 0 V ie t n a m 0 0 0 ba g s 1 250 Italy: shift in imports of green coffee by group: 2000-2007 1 200 1 056 1 050 900 0 0 0 ba g s 750 600 450 358 300 150 103 95 Robustas Unspecified 0 Washed Arabicas Natural Arabicas International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Italy: shift in imports of green coffee by origin: 2000-2007 1 200 1 004 1 000 800 553 0 0 0 ba g s 600 369 400 204 200 129 104 52 0 Brazil Vietnam India Colombia Germany Indonesia Ethiopia France -56 Costa Rica -98 Côte d'Ivoire Congo, Dem. Rep. of Cameroon -200 -192 -201 -312 -400 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org ICO composite indicator price Annual averages 1990 to 2008 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org ICO group indicator prices Annual averages 1990 to 2008 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Value of exports of coffee Coffee years 1990/91 to 2007/08 * Estimated International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact of the financial crisis Ð Coffee prices Ð Supply Ð Demand International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org ICO composite indicator price Monthly averages: Jan-05 to Mar-09 International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on supply 1 Ð Production costs – Steadily rising in recent years – Prices of key inputs (fertilizers + oil) now declining – Price of labour not affected International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on supply 2 Ð Influence of exchange rates: – In countries with exchange rate linked to the US$, coffee prices have fallen in local currency and production has become less attractive – In countries with flexible exchange rates, coffee prices almost unchanged in local currency International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on supply 3 Ð Some production costs may fall in line with cheaper inputs. Ð Sacrcity of credit to farmers may reduce care of plantations Ð Exchange rate movements will play an important role in determining attractiveness of investments in new plantings. Ð Response will not be uniform, but vary from country to country. International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on supply 4 Ð Overall volume of supply tight in short-term – Short-term fall in production in Colombia and Central America – Off-year of biennial cycle in Brazil Ð In long-term, current price levels do not stimulate new plantings, especially of Arabica coffee International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on demand 1 Ð In recent years, consumption has increased steadily at a rate of 2.5% p.a., from 104.6 million bags in 2000 to 128 million bags in 2008. Ð This growth rate is not evenly distributed. Growth rates are more vigorous in emerging markets and in producing countries. Ð Current crisis may decrease growth rate, but no significant adverse effect on overall level of demand is expected. International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on demand 2 Developed country markets Ð 58% of world consumption Ð Shift in types of coffee consumed (“downtrading”): – Out-of-home to in-home – Higher price to lower price, with possible impact on market for specialty coffee Ð Overall volume of consumption not expected to be adversely affected International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on demand 3 Producing country markets Ð 26% of world consumption Ð Influence of exchange rates: – In countries with exchange rate linked to the US$, coffee prices have fallen in local currency and internal consumption may be stimulated – In countries with flexible exchange rates, prices almost unchanged in local currency Ð Overall volume of consumption unlikely to be adversely affected International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on demand 4 Emerging markets Ð 18% of world consumption Ð Vulnerabilities: – Coffee still a “luxury” good – Possible devaluations of local currencies vs. US$ may increase coffee prices to consumers – Macroeconomic dislocations (unemployment, lack of credit) may reduce demand Ð Effect on consumption still uncertain International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org Impact on prices Ð Coffee prices have recovered from the low levels recorded during the coffee crisis (2000-2004). Ð After beginning of crisis in September/08, prices fell in line with other commodities and appreciation of US$. Ð Since January/09, prices have recovered in line with firm coffee fundamentals. International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org International Coffee Organization - www.ico.org