ICSSR, New Delhi sponsored Two Days’ National Seminar on “Women Entrepreneurship in North East India: Issues and Challenges” (26-27 February 2015) Organised by THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT MIZORAM UNIVERSITY (A Central University graded ‘A’ by NAAC in 2014) Introduction Entrepreneurship may mean different things to different people. Entrepreneurship is found in both private and public sector. The small scale industries and business are mostly in the hands of private sector. Entrepreneurs are directly involved in the dynamic but complex inter-relationship between financial management and business strategy. However, in order to achieve success in the development of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial potentials need to be tapped properly in order to improve the industrial base in any economy. Women entrepreneurship is the process where women take the lead and organize a business or industry and provide employment opportunities to others. Though earlier, women determined much on household and other traditional activities, due to the spread of education, favorable Government policies towards development of women entrepreneurship, women have changed their attitudes and diverted towards non-traditional activities too. In developing countries, two decades ago, women entrepreneurship was not even heard of. After the declaration of 1976-1985 as the ‘Decade of Women Empowerment’ by the United Nations, there has been a paradigm shift in the policies and the perspective of treating women as a mere beneficiaries to agents of development. After the declaration, treating women as beneficiaries under welfare schemes has been changed and accordingly, women are started to be encouraged for becoming owners of business enterprises. The women entrepreneurs are normally found in micro enterprises in informal sector, whose contribution has been hardly accounted in National Income. The participation of women in small and micro enterprises sector has been identified in three different roles. Some women were owners of enterprises, some were managers of enterprises and some were employees. With regard to ownership, an SSI or SBE (small business enterprises) managed by one or more women entrepreneurs in proprietary concerns, or in which she/ they individually or jointly have a share capital of not less than 51 % as partners/ share holders/ Directors of Private Limited Company/ Members of Co-operative Society is called a 'Woman enterprise'. In India, women entrepreneurs constituted a rather small proportion of female population. Only 20 percent of women are in labour force and the overwhelming majority of 80 percent are not participating in any economically -productive activity. In 1991 census, women constituted 48.32 percent of total population. About 77 percent of rural women are not employed at all. In rural areas of 7.1 percent, women are employed for less than 183 days and 16 percent are employed in productive activity for a minimum of 183 days during a year. In urban areas, 92 percent of women are employed and 1 percent of women are employed in productive activity for at least 183 days during a year. This indicates that women form the largest unemployed group of population in the country and women entrepreneurship development is quite negligible. At the same time, the policies of the Government announced from time to time have laid considerable emphasis on promotion of women entrepreneurship particularly among first generation women through various training and support services. Special attention is given by organizing exclusive Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) for women. North East India is situated in easternmost part of India surrounded by the mighty Himalayas, the plains of Bangladesh and hills of Myanmar. The region consists of eight states each representing a multitude of diverse culture and heritage. The region has a large number of tribes rich in their unique culture and heritage, as well as a large number of dialects. The entire region is full of green and scenic beauty. The region boasts for the Two National Parks as well as regarded as one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. The regions is marked by the lush green semitropical forests, the famous one-horned rhino, wild buffalo, elephants, brow antlered deer etc. Many endangered species of flora and fauna are found in the forests of the region. Since we are at the stage where “women empowerment” is vastly encouraged, the women folks of North East India are in a position to uplift them besides fulfilling the household needs. Women entrepreneurship should be encouraged by exploiting and employing the resources naturally and artificially as well to develop the region. With these notion, the Department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl is organising the 2 (two) Days’ National Seminar on “Women Entrepreneurship in North East India-Issues and Challenges” (26-27 February 2015). The National Seminar is expected to discuss on the issues mentioned above and its discourse can definitely be benefited by the research scholars, policy makers and planners of the country. Objectives of the National Seminar The main objective of the National Seminar is to discuss and interact on the issues of women entrepreneurship in North Eastern Region. The seminar will act as the platform for the academicians, scholars and different stakeholders of the country to meet and interact for finding out the various issues, challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs for the economic development of the region. Call for Papers We invite original papers from Women Entrepreneurs, Academicians, Industry Professionals, Research Scholars, Consultants, NGOs, and Management Students for publication in the proceedings of the conference and / presentation. A list of the sub themes is given below: i. Origin of Women Entrepreneurs in Northeast India ii. Women Entrepreneurs and SHGs iii. Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship iv. Society and Women Entrepreneurship v. Religion and Women Entrepreneurship Guidelines for Full Paper The seminar paper (s) should begin with a title page including title, author(s) names, institutional address along with email. The manuscript should begin from next page with title, an extended abstract, and a list of key words. The authors name and affiliation should not reflect anywhere on the manuscript for the blind review process. The total length of the paper must not exceed 10-12 A4 size pages excluding bibliography and appendices, single-line spacing, 12 font, Times New Roman, and 1” margin on all sides of the page in MS Word compatible format text. Papers MUST ONLY be submitted through E-mail at: singhnixon@yahoo.co.in. The author needs to send along with the paper his/her brief bio-data and the certificate of originality and consent for publication in proceeding without which it will not be accepted. All the papers will be blind reviewed by an expert committee with respect to their quality, originality, and relevance. Authors are advised to check their papers for plagiarism. Selected papers will be published in the proceedings provided at least one of the authors will register and present the paper. In case of joint authors, each author has to individually register to attend/participate and avail the conference kit otherwise Seminar Kit will be provided to the registered author only. All rights of publication of papers presented in the seminar shall rest with the Seminar Organisers. Seminar Proceedings Proceedings of the National Seminar will be published in the form of an edited book through a leading publisher for wider dissemination of the deliberations. Few best papers with the relevant changes will be published in the special issue of ‘Management Convergence’ an International Journal of Management, published by the Department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl (ISSN No. 0976-5492) Important Dates/Deadlines Submission of Full Papers 31st January 2015 Full Paper (s) should be mailed to: singhnixon@yahoo.co.in Registration & Participation Fee All participants are required to register themselves for the seminar at the spot before the start of the seminar. Type of Delegate and Registration Fee with Paper Presentation Participants requiring accommodation: Rs. 1500/Participants without accommodation: Rs. 500/There is no provision for TA/DA for attending the National Seminar. Who Should Attend The seminar shall be beneficial to Entrepreneurs, decision makers from the Industry /Business, Academicians and Researchers, Management students and other related professionals in Management and allied areas. ORGANISING COMMITTEE CHIEF PATRON PROF. R.LALTHANTLUANGA Vice Chancellor, Mizoram University PATRON SHRI C. ZOTHANKHUMA, IDAS Registrar, Mizoram University SEMINAR CONVENER Prof. Elangbam Nixon Singh Head, Department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl 9612160185 (M) SEMINAR CO-CONVENER Ms. Lalropui 9862326502 (M) SEMINAR ADVISOR Prof. A. K. Mishra SEMINAR DIRECTOR Prof. L.S. Sharma EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Dr. Amit Kumar Singh Dr. Bidhu Kanti Das Dr. R.K. Giridhari Singh ~~~