FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION (R5) VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA R5 FSH 2409.18 - TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - SALE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION (GATE 3) AND APPRAISAL Supplement No.: R5 2409.18-2015-1 Effective Date: 8/31/2015 Duration: This supplement expires 5 years from the effective date unless superseded or removed earlier. Approved: RANDY MOORE, Regional Forester Date Approved: 8/31/2015 Posting Instructions: Handbook supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. Last Change: 2409.18-2014-1 to chapter 30 New Document: 2409.18_40 Superseded Document(s): 2409.18-2010-1 Digest: 44.2: Establishes naming convention for projects and sales. R5 FSH 2409.18 - TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 - SALE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION (GATE 3) AND APPRAISAL Supplement No.:R5 2409.18-2015-1 - Effective Date: 8/31/2015 44.2 - Sales Tracking and Reporting 1. Sale Number and Name - Project and sale names will utilize a geographic location or feature as the basis for its name. Definitely a person’s name; living, dead, fictional, or real, is not to be used. If the project or sale has any of the attributes listed below, that attribute is to be identified as part of the name by either using the actual word(s) or an abbreviation. a. Small Business Set-Aside (SBA) b. Special Salvage Timber Sale (SSTS) c. Stewardship (Stwd) d. Salvage (Salv) e. Fire Salvage f. Hazard Tree (HT) g. Thinning (Thin) h. Multi-Product (MP) i. Cut to Length (CTL) j. Helicopter (Heli, HC) k. Cable, Skyline, or Highlead l. Reoffer m. Resale n. Settlement Page 2