Bulletinofthe SeismologicalSocietyofAmerica,Vol.72,No. 1,pp. 181-196,February1982 SEISMICITY IN THE EPICENTRAL REGION OF T H E 1887 N O R T H E A S T E R N SONORAN EARTHQUAKE, MEXICO BY STEVEN G. NATALI* AND MARC L. SBAR ABSTRACT The 1887 Sonoran earthquake, in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, has an 80-km rupture length, with an average 3-m displacement, and an assumed 16-km depth of rupture. This corresponds to a seismic moment of 1,27 x 1027 dyne-cm and an Ms of 7.4. Seven to ten portable seismographs with an average spacing of 10 km were operated in a 2800-km 2 region surrounding the 1887 fault scarp. Thirtythree earthquakes were detected during 30 days of usable recording. For all events, - 1 . 3 ~ M < 2. The most accurate locations (horizontal error ~ 5 km) define a west-dipping, normal, range-bounding fault. All events occurred within 15 km of the surface. The name Pitaycachi fault (after the most prominent peak of the horst block) is proposed for this zone of active faulting. Seismicity along the zone terminates abruptly 13 km north of the fault scarp and extends to the south for at least 32 km beyond the southern. A composite focal mechanism from events at the southern end of the 1887 scarp indicates a normal fault striking N35°E and dipping 72 ° to the northwest. INTRODUCTION On 3 May 1887, a rupture took place in northeastern Sonora, Mexico (Figure 1), that is one of the largest historic normal faulting earthquakes in North America. The calculated seismic moment (1.27 × 1027 dyne-cm) corresponds to M s = 7.4 (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979). An average 3-m displacement, 80-km rupture length, and 16-km rupture depth were used in the moment calculation. Tabulations by Slemmons (1977) also indicate M s = 7.5 based on maximum ground displacement (4.5 m) and rupture length. The 700-km average radius of felt reports (DuBois and Sbar, 1979) is consistent with the magnitude assigned this earthquake. Fifty-one persons were killed in communities near the epicenter. All deaths were from collapse of adobe structures. For a detailed account of the earthquake's effects, see Aguilera (1920) and Dubois and Smith (1980). Events of up to MMI VI are still reported in the remote town of Colonia Morelos, Sonora, located near the southern end of the 1887 fault scarp (Figure 1). As recently as December 1977, persons were awakened to the sounds of "train-like rumblings from the mountains to the south." Furniture moved about, adobe walls and foundations cracked, and unreinforced brick chimneys sheared at rooflines. Landslides in Cajon de Alamo 10 km to the south blocked an irrigation ditch. Because the 1700~m Pitaycachi Peak dominates the landscape of San Bernardino Valley, the name Pitaycachi fault is proposed for the 1887 zone of faulting. The faulting extends along the eastern edge of the San Bernardino Valley from N31 ° 16' to N30°33 ' latitude (Herd, personal communication, 1981). Most of this zone is shown in Figure 1. A detailed study of Pitaycachi fault and the effects of the 1887 Sonoran earthquake is essential to earthquake hazard evaluations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora. While calling attention to the potential for large ruptures in the southern Basin and * Present address: AmocoProductionCompany,AmocoBuilding,Denver Colorado80202. 181 182 STEVEN G. NATALI AND MARC L. SBAR EXPLANATION [] /~ .... ,==="= ........ ~, "', North Net,July 5 - 1 4 , 1 9 7 9 Improved Dirt Roods 1887 Fault Scarp 0 Intermittent Streams CP L \[~I ] b ;' "'-... ', I,, l ,' ~F~ "'-. L / i L,.'~ - AR,ZO,A"'.~.NEW ME.X,CO /I ' ~'~. ', r---'~. ] Recon Net, June 6 - 1 6 , 1978 South Net,dune 2 0 - 2 9 , 1 9 7 9 i '1 I OF "~ SONORA , "-", AREA I FIG. 1. Geology of the San Bernardino Valley, northeastern Sonora, Mexico, showing the 1887 fault scarp (solid line) and (?) older scarps (dashed line). A 20-km southern extension of the 1887 scarp proposed by Herd (personal communication, 1981} is not shown. U n s h a d e d areas labeled TQs are alluvial basins of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. TQb, Tertiary and Quaternary basalts; MTv, undifferentiated Mesozoic or Tertiary volcanics; MTr, Mesozoic or Tertiary rhyolites; Ms, Mesozoic sediments; Ti, undifferentiated intrusives. Microearthquake station locations are shown for the Recon, South, and North nets. In the inset, CP, BR, RGR, SMO, and SAF are the Colorado Plateau, southern Basin and Range, Rio Graade rift and Sierra Madre Occidental structural provinces, and the San Andreas fault system, respectively. R a n g e p r o v i n c e , t h e S o n o r a n e a r t h q u a k e also m a y p r o v i d e a l o w e r b o u n d for t h e m a x i m u m m a g n i t u d e for t h i s r e g i o n . I n o r d e r to q u a n t i f y t h e l e n g t h , s t r i k e , dip, s e i s m i c i t y level, e a r t h q u a k e focal d e p t h s a n d slip d i r e c t i o n for t h e P i t a y c a c h i fault, t h e U n i v e r s i t y of A r i z o n a , in SEISMICITY IN THE REGION OF THE SONORAN EARTHQUAKE 183 cooperation with the University of Sonora, University of Texas at E1 Paso, and New Mexico State University, conducted a 10-station reconnaissance survey of microearthquake activity along the 1887 fault scarp during the summer of 1978 (Recon Net: 6 to 16 June 1978). The seven-station south net and eight-station north net were maintained 20 to 29 June 1979, and 5 to 14 July 1979, respectively. Coverage by all nets overlapped at approximately Pitaycachi Peak (Figure 1). Average station spacing was 10 km and the entire area of the three networks is approximately 70 km north-south by 40 km east-west. R E G I O N A L SETTING The 1887 fault scarp is located along the east side of the San Bernardino Valley of northeastern Sonora, Mexico (Figure 1). This valley is part of a continuous faultcontrolled valley that extends through 4 ° of latitude, from N27 ° to N31 °, along the west side of the Sierra Madre Occidental structural province (de Cserna et al., 1961; King, 1969). The main features associated with the 1887 scarp are a north-south-trending alluvial basin filled with Tertiary and Quaternary sediments that is flanked on either side by horsts of mid-Tertiary undifferentiated volcanics, Mesozoic sediments (chiefly carbonates), and Quaternary basalts (0.2 to 4 m.y.; Lynch, 1972). The Tertiary volcanics probably correspond to what was first termed the "mid-Tertiary orogeny" by Damon (1964). During late Oligocene and mid-Miocene times (30 to 13 m.y.; Shafiqullah et al., 1980) massive amounts of calc-alkalic volcanic rocks were erupted in southern Arizona and northern Sonora in voluminous ignimbrite sheets and andesite flows. Subsequently termed the "ignembrite flare-up" by Coney (1976), this volcanic episode is viewed by some geologists as the surface expression of shallow subduction under southwestern North America during a greatly accelerated surge of North American-Pacific plate convergence. Subsequent onset of Basin and Range high-angle faulting (13 to 10 m.y.; Eberly and Stanley, 1978) left the San Bernardino Valley with internal drainage. Sediments filling this low-elevation basin produced gypsum-rich late Miocene (?) lake deposits following evaporation of mineral-laden waters (Scarborough, 1979). In several places the Pitaycachi fault is parallel to the mountain front, but displaced valleyward by several kilometers. Dissected bedrock sediments that locally reach 1 km in width attest to the amount of mountain front retreat since onset of Basin and Range faulting. The 1887 scarp (Figure 1) was mapped by the authors from aerial photographs at a scale of 1:50,000 and ground-checked along most of its length. In more extensive mapping, Darrel Herd (personal communication, 1981) has extended 1887 ground breakage an additional 20 km to the south (Figure 5) for a total ground rupture length of 80 km. Offset along the scarp is in a normal sense with the westward basin having dropped an average of 3 m during the 1887 earthquake. Subsequent lateral stream erosion along the scarp has enhanced its apparent height in several places. (W. B. Bull, Geosciences Department, University of Arizona, written communication, 1980). Field measurements do not confirm the 8-m maximum displacement reported by Aguilera (1920). Measurement of the offsets between pre-1887 surfaces yields a maximum displacement of 4.5 m. Slickensides near the JAV station site (Figure 1) indicate pure dip-slip displacement on a normal fault with 70 ° dip to the west and approximately north-south strike. Caliche cementation, high-soil carbonate content, and arid climate have left the scarp free-face well preserved along the central 35 km of its length. At its southern end, the scarp enters the Sierra E1 Tigre. While fresh rhyolites provide excellent 184 STEVEN G. N A T A L I A N D M A R C L . S B A R o u t c r o p , difficult access h a s p r e v e n t e d t h e f a u l t b e i n g m a p p e d t h r o u g h t h e s e m o u n t a i n s . M i c r o e a r t h q u a k e s i n v a l l e y s s o u t h e a s t a n d s o u t h w e s t of t h e 1887 s c a r p ' s s o u t h e r n t e r m i n a t i o n s u g g e s t a b r a n c h i n g of t h e P i t a y c a c h i f a u l t n e a r t h e t o w n of C o l o n i a M o r e l o s a n d a s o u t h w a r d c o n t i n u a t i o n i n t o o n e or b o t h of t h e s e valleys. METHODS Instrumentation. T h e field s e i s m o g r a p h s u s e d were T e l e d y n e G e o t e c h P o r t a c o r ders w i t h v e r t i c a l c o m p o n e n t K i n e m e t r i c s SS-1 R a n g e r g e o p h o n e s ( n a t u r a l freq u e n c y 1 Hz) set a t 70 p e r c e n t of critical d a m p i n g a n d S p r e n g n e t h e r M E Q 800 TABLE 1 STATIONDATA Station Code N. Lat. (Deg, Min) W. Long. (Deg, Min) Elevation (m) Gain 10 Hz@ (× 10~) VMOD Thickhess Dates Installed 5.44 5.44 2.72 5.44 5.44 5.44 0.68 5.44 5.44 5.44 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6-16 June 6-16 June 15-16June 6-16 June 8-16 June 6-16 June 6-16 June 6-16 June 6-16 June 14-16June 1.59 0.79 1.59 0.79 1.59 1.59 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20-29 June 20-29 June 20-29 June 20-29 June 21-29 June 20-29 June 0.79 0.79 1.59 0.40 1.59 1.59 0.79 0.79 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 6-14 July 5-13 July 5-14 July 6-13 July' 4-14 July 5-14 July 4-14 July 5-14 July Recon Net (6-16 June 1978) Buena Vista Dam Oscar Pitaycachi Prickly Pear Rancho Capadero Rancho Cherriones Rancho Javalina Rancho Juracal Tip BVS DAM OSC PIT PKP CAP CHE JAV JUR TIP 30 30 31 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 53.50 48.83 01.00 03.66 52.50 05.87 05.76 59.00 11.44 57.20 109 09.70 109 10.52 109 18.47 109 08,16 109 16.50 109 05.79 109 14.00 109 09.00 109 06.45 109 02.11 1100 1000 900 1300 900 1275 1050 1300 1250 1900 South Net (20-29 June 1979) Buena Vista Colonia Oaxaca Dam E1 Tigre Prickly Pear Rancho Javalina BVS COA DAM ELT PKP JAV 30 30 30 30 30 30 53.50 45.00 48.83 45.25 52.50 59.00 109 109 109 109 109 109 09.70 02.81 10.52 15.62 16.50 09.00 1100 1000 1000 900 900 1300 North Net (4-14 June 1979) Pitaycachi Rancho Bolsa Rancho Capadero Rancho Cherriones Rancho Juracal Rancho San Fernando Rancho Virgen Ruins PIT BOL CAP CHE JUR RSF VIR RUI 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 03.66 13.79 05.87 05.76 11.44 01.27 13.21 15.92 109 109 109 109 109 109 108 109 08.16 09.69 05.79 14.00 06.45 05.65 59.82 14.31 1300 1100 1275 1050 1250 1400 1500 1100 r e c o r d e r s c o n n e c t e d to e i t h e r v e r t i c a l c o m p o n e n t S p r e n g n e t h e r 500 ( n a t u r a l freq u e n c y = 1 Hz) or K i n e m e t r i c s SS-1 R a n g e r g e o p h o n e s . W h e r e possible, g e o p h o n e s were p l a c e d o n b e d r o c k . A t a l l u v i a l sites, t h e y were b u r i e d a m i n i m u m of 30 cm. M o s t s y s t e m s t y p i c a l l y m a g n i f i e d g r o u n d d i s p l a c e m e n t b y 1 to 6 m i l l i o n a t 10 Hz (see T a b l e 1). C o m p a r i s o n of e a c h u n i t ' s i n t e r n a l c r y s t a l clock w i t h a W W V t i m e s t a n d a r d a t t h e b e g i n n i n g a n d e n d of e a c h r e c o r d a l l o w e d d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a b s o l u t e t i m e to w i t h i n +_0.01 sec. A m i c r o s c o p e was u s e d to r e a d i m p u l s i v e P a r r i v a l s to +_0.05 sec, SEISMICITY IN THE REGION OF THE SONORAN EARTHQUAKE 185 while the poorest P arrivals were read to ___0.2sec or better. S arrivals could usually be read to _+0.3 sec, but were sometimes emergent or lost in the P-wave coda, resulting in errors of 1 sec or more. Location procedure and errors. All events were located using the U.S. Geological Survey Hypoellipse program (Lahr, 1979). T he program uses the standard deviation of the travel-time residuals to calculate a standard error ellipsoid in which the horizontal projection of the major and minor axes (ERH) and vertical axis (ERZ) are listed, thus providing a quantitative estimate of horizontal and depth control for each solution. Qualitatively, one finds a broad region of good horizontal control in the centers of the arrays, with lesser control toward the peripheries. At distances of more than one station spacing outside the edge of the nets, radial distances to the event remain well constrained, but azimuthal control is poor. Depths are characteristically well controlled only in the vicinity of a station. Depths calculated for events within the periphery of the nets were determined to be stable by varying the crustal models for a number of events. T he different velocity models described below caused depth changes of no more than 3 km. Structure determination. The accuracy of event locations is a function of the accuracy of the velocity model specified. T h e velocity model was derived from a synthesis of refraction studies in the southern Basin and Range province (Warren, 1969; Gish et al., 1981; Sinno et al., 1981). These workers consistently identified three velocities: 6.1 km/sec in the upper crust (1- to 13-km depth) 6.4 to 6.7 km/sec for the lower crust (13 to 25 km), and an upper mantle velocity of 7.7 to 7.8 km/sec below 24 to 27-km depth. Starting with this simple model, gravity information was used to further manipulate the crustal structure in such a way as to minimize travel-time residuals. J. R. Sumner (1977), in performing an east-west gravity transect across the center of the San Bernardino Valley, found a very close fit to observed data with the interpretation shown in Figure 2a. Three layers of increasingly compacted sediments fill an alluvial basin whose eastern margin is downdropped more than 3 km. The steepest gravitational gradients coincide with the 1887 fault scarp. Depth to bed~gck gradually decreases to the west. ~ In modeling seismic velocities, a dramatic decrease in travel-time residuals was found when using a variable thickness layer that closely mimicked the basement structure deduced by Sumner (Figure 2b). Stations to the east of the 1887 scarp rest on bedrock, while those just west of the scarp rest on a wedge of slower velocity sediments that thins as one approaches the western valley margin. Other velocity structures yielded significantly larger travel-time residuals. Station delay. Station delays were determined independently of hypocenter calculations to avoid biasing true residual anomalies caused by velocity model errors. Crosson (1972) argues that such independence is crucial because these same residual anomalies are then used to make corrections in velocity structure. Four quarry blasts from widely varying azimuths at distances of approximately 120 km were recorded with impulsive P arrivals. Using a plane wave fit over the entire array, it was found that an elevation delay of 4 km/sec in conjunction with the velocity model shown in Figure 2b was sufficient for all stations. RESULTS Forty events were detected over a period of 30 days during two summer field seasons. Seven of these were suspected of being quarry blasts and were eliminated. A summary of the events believed to be microearthquakes is provided in Table 2. A 186 STEVEN G. NATALI AND MARC L. SBAR histogram displaying the number of earthquakes/day shows the events to be approximately evenly distributed in time (Figure 3a). There appears to be an approximately uniform level of activity, both from summer to summer and at the northern and southern ends of the 1887 scarp. Events greater than the minimum detection capability (ML = --1.3) occur at an average rate of 1.1 events/day. E a r t h q u a k e magnitudes. Local Richter magnitudes were calculated using the formula (Lahr, 1979) FA M W A (f) ML = log L 2~1o ~ I -B~ + b21og D 2 + G (1) (a) RESIDUAL GRAWT¥ MODEL ~ Elev.(km) .p:-~.5~/¢m3 fi 0 2 -1: . .'-".] ' : : :: fto ------ east west (b) P-WAVE VELOCITY MODEL sc~ z i 0 Elevotion delay = 4.0 km/sec, -I Vp = 4.0 km/sec. -2 -2 --1 -3 -4 0 -I -3 Vp = 4 , 8 km/sec. -4 -5 -5 -5 -5 l -io Vp= 6.1 km/sec. -15 -15f -I0 -20 -2:5 -30 -20 Vp= 6.8 km/sec. -25 -30 Vp=7.9 km/sec. I J 5 km Fro. 2. (a) Gravity model from an E-W transect across the San Bernardino Valley at N31°05 ' latitude. density contrast. No vertical exaggeration (after J. R. Sumner, 1977). (b) P-wave crustal velocity model, showing 4.0 km/sec variable thickness layer. See Table 1 for layer thicknesses for each station (VMOD thickness). hp = where A = maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of largest phase (ram) C10 = scaling factor that varies with instrument gain setting M W A (f) = magnification of ground displacement by Wood-Anderson seismometer as function of frequency M(f) = Portacorder-Ranger system magnification of ground displacement for the frequency of the observed phase 187 S E I S M I C I T Y I N T H E R E G I O N OF T H E S O N O R A N E A R T H Q U A K E TABLE 2 A SUMMARY OF THE EVENTS BELIEVED TO BE MICROEARTHQUAKES Event OriginTime (GMT) (Yr Mo Day Hr Min Sec) N. Lat. (Deg, Min) W. Long. (Deg, Min) Depth (kin) ML ML(s.d.) Res.rms No. of (sec) Stations R e c o n N e t {6-16 J u n e 1978) R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 Ell R13 El4 R15 El6 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 0609 0610 0610 0610 0610 0614 0615 0615 0615 0615 1313 0843 1114 1158 1753 1143 0607 0833 1305 1333 22.86 03.02 55.22 25.43 38.85 45.16 26.64 19.85 15.30 53.12 30 30 30 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 40.23 38.88 53.78 08.02 21.32 51.89 51.85 50.12 48.66 50.08 109 109 109 109 108 109 109 109 109 109 02.91 03.81 09.38 03.52 54.83 13.60 08.85 11.38 09.21 11.33 9 13 11 8 25* 5 11 2 3 10 -0.3 -1.3 -0.7 -1.2 -0.4 -1.0 -0.3 -1.2 -1.3 -0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 --0.8 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.09 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.18 1.42 1.17 0.69 0.99 1.58 3 3 7 5 3 5 10 8 8 8 -1.1 -1.2 >1.2 -0.8 -0.5 -0.7 -1.3 0.5 -0.8 -0.1 -1.1 0.4 --0.3 0.4 -0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.84 -0.30 1.15 3.04 -0.37 2.16 0.65 0.27 0.51 5 1 6 3 6 1 6 5 7 5 4 0.5 >1.3 >1.5 0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -0.3 -0.9 -0.3 0.41 0.8 -0.9 ---0.1 0.1 0.2 --0.2 -0.2 -- -0.58 1.12 0.90 0.42 0.57 -0.18 0.51 -1.75 -- 1 6 5 6 6 6 1 3 7 1 6 1 S o u t h N e t {20-29 J u n e 1979} $1 S2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 S10 $11 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 0622 0622 0622 0623 0623 0623 0625 9625 0627 0628 0628 1624 1657 1923 0832 1041 1602 1400 2208 0740 1628 1632 56.81 39.7 55.93 24.93 54.89 39.7 11.39 41.11 25.58 11.80 12.61 31 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N7 N8 N10 N12 N13 N14 N15 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 0707 0707 0707 0708 0709 0709 0709 0710 0711 0712 0713 0713 1157 2002 2214 0021 1722 1816 1817 1118 1217 0000 0232 1758 02.6 55.85 38.16 10.27 21.59 39.13 21.3 33.03 25.20 34.9 28.28 05.5 31 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 03.63 52.50 19.06 06.57 39.62 52.50 48.16 34.58 53.98 09.44 54.89 109 109 109 109 108 109 109 109 109 108 109 24.42 16.50~ 19.82 05.41 47.79 16.50~ 13.77 11.44 14.16 58.83 15.33 3 -29* 1 15" -4 1 7 3 2 N o r t h N e t (4-14 J u l y 1979) 05.76 38.38 35.80 39.53 13.19 14.21 15.92 04.50 10.84 15.92 05.57 11.44 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 108 109 14.00~ 12.14 29.21 23.24 08.93 10.98 14.31~ 09.54 12.91 14.31~ 22.68 06.45~ -2 29* 1 4 3 -3 7 -18" -- * T h e s e d e p t h s a re poorly constrained. t L o c a t i o n s sh own are t h e c o o r d i n a t e s of t h e single s t a t i o n on w h i c h t h e s e e ve nt s were recorded. All e v e n t s h a d S - P i n t e r v a l s of less t h a n 1 sec. D B1 B2 G = hypocentral distance = 0.15 for 1km_-_D_-<200km = 0.80 = magnitude correction applied to each station (not used in this study). The attenuation constants B1 and B2 are approximately equal to Richter's - l o g A0 correction, and are those employed by the U.S. Geological Survey central California network. In the absence of published attenuation data for this paper's study area, it is assumed that these same attenuation constants apply to northeastern Sonora. 188 STEVEN G. NATALI AND MARC L. SBAR A s s e e n i n F i g u r e 3b, m o s t of t h e e v e n t s are small. ML v a l u e s v a r y b e t w e e n - 1 . 3 a n d a p p r o x i m a t e l y +2, w i t h m o s t e v e n t s falling b e t w e e n t h e v a l u e s of - 1 a n d +1. All ML v a l u e s h a v e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s of h a l f a m a g n i t u d e u n i t or less. V a r i a t i o n s w i t h i n t h e n e t are p r o b a b l y d u e to d i f f e r e n c e s i n r e s p o n s e b e t w e e n b e d r o c k a n d a l l u v i a l sites. EVENTS N6E 6 8 I0 12 14 n 16 20 PER DAY 22 +5 24 26 28 6 8 I0 12 14 M L VALUES +2 ML +l I' 0 t+ ,,, o, ÷ • + +;+÷" . -I -2 I 6 p I 8 I I I0 1121 I I I 14 I t 16 20 I I I 22 I I 24 I 26 I I I I r I 28 I 6 I I 8 I I I 21 I I0 I 14 SOUTH NET NORTH NET RECON NET JUNE 2 0 - 2 9 , 1979 JULY 5-14, 1979 JUNE 6-16, 1978 FIG. 3. (a) Events per day as a function of time. (b) Local Richter magnitude (ML) of events as a function of time. Error bars show standard deviation. Events recorded by only one station show no error bars. Events clipping the entire net are shown with arrows. 8 7 , V p / V S = 1.68 ; Z,/= 0.25 / 6 5 S-P (sec.) / , _ • 4 _ / / • • • •.• •~ - 3 / J SLOPE = 0.68 M - • • • 0 / • • ~o 2 • HIGH QUALITY ARRIVALS I •~i I I , I 2 i I 5 , I 4 , I 5 I I 6 J I 7 i I 8 i I 9 , I I0 , P - T o (sec.) Fro. 4. Plot of S-P versus P arrival times projected to a common origin for events with three or more reliable S-P readings. Vp/Vs a n d Poisson ratio. A p l o t of S-P i n t e r v a l s v e r s u s a r r i v a l t i m e y i e l d e d a c o n s i s t e n t Vp/Vs r a t i o of 1.68 ( F i g u r e 4) a n d a c o r r e s p o n d i n g P o i s s o n r a t i o of 0.23. A Vp/Vs r a t i o of 1.68 was t h e r e f o r e u s e d i n t h e l o c a t i o n p r o g r a m . Epicenter locations. M i c r o e a r t h q u a k e l o c a t i o n s f r o m all t h r e e n e t w o r k s are 189 SEISMICITY IN THE REGION OF THE SONORAN EARTHQUAKE plotted together in Figure 5. The 1887 fault scarp is shown schematically for reference, as is the U.S.-Mexico border. Locations with less than 5 km of horizontal error are plotted as solid circles, while those exceeding this limit are shown as open circles. The northernmost event was located with a fourth 12-station net operating in the northern San Bernardino Valley (22 May to 4 June 1978; Sbar, 1980) and is included here for completeness. This was the only event recorded by that network, although its coverage extended to N31°50 '. ~OOUGLAS .... -~u~;;,~,-~ • AR'ZONA .............. -~C;N~;. 0 ...................... I @ I © 3,-,5' -F- + Composite |>. (~ S°luti°n~zo~(~(~B © o + + Composi Solutio~.... nte ~=#0 j .. , , : % o , , , -1- ,.t .o .,os ~ -+- n© + ~BAVISPE 0I b o 30"15' + + IO 20 A I KILOMETERS © o + +- + EXPLANATION 0 ML<O O<ML<I 0 I-<ML<2 FIc. 5. Composite map of microearthquake locations for all nets. The Pitaycachi fault (solid line) and the U.S.-Mexico border are drawn schematically for reference. Shown south of Colonia Morelos is an interpreted extension of the Pitaycachi fault into the E1 Tigre Valley based on microearthquake locations and ground fault scarps mapped by Darrel Herd (personal communication, 1981). Locations with epicentral errors less than 5 km are plotted as solid circles, while those having larger errors are shown as open circles. Shown also are the events used in composite focal mechanism solutions A and B (Figure 6). 190 STEVEN G. NATALI AND MARC L. SBAR All well-constrained locations fall to the west of the 1887 scarp, and are consistent with a steeply dipping, west-side-down normal fault. The single easternmost event approximately midway along the scarp is probably associated with another fault. All other open-circle locations north of N30°50 ' latitude could be explained by a single fault within the location errors. This is not to imply that the Pitaycachi fault is a single, simple, normal fault along the eastern boundary of the San Bernardino Valley. Possible splays of the fault with lengths of several kilometers have been observed to the west of the main range-bounding fault (see Figure 1). Activity continues south of observed 1887 ground breakage into the Bavispe and E1 Tigre valleys southeast and southwest of Colonia Morelos, respectively. With the present station configuration, azimuthal control of these distant events is poor, and the accurate mapping of seismicity to the south cannot be performed with these locations. Depths. Depth control exists only for those events within the periphery of the networks. All well-located events occur above 15-km depth. Composite fault plane solutions. It is assumed that focal mechanisms for a number of events closely associated in space and time are similar. Several highquality locations were chosen to create two composite fault plane solutions. First motions were plotted on equal-area, lower hemisphere projections. All trace polarities were checked by noting that nearby quarry blasts yielded compressional first motions. Hamilton (1971) noted that layered ray-path models cause large discontinuities in take-off angle at the focal sphere when the focus lies near a layer boundary. These discontinuities in turn cause erroneous interpretations produced solely by inadequacies in the velocity model. To avoid this problem, a second crustal model was constructed whose velocity increased linearly with depth. This continuous velocity gradient causes all rays to be projected back to the focal sphere as arcs instead of discrete, discontinuous line segments. Focal mechanism solutions computed using the layered and linear-gradient velocity models were essentially identical. The composite solution A (Figure 6a) is composed of three well-constrained events located at the southern end of the 1887 scarp, where the fault strikes N25°E to N5°E and dips 70 ° to 80 ° to the northwest. The focal mechanism best fitting all points is a normal fault striking N35°E. The fault plane is assumed, based on geological information, to correspond to the nodal plane dipping 72 ° to the northwest with the west side down. Although it is difficult to escape the interpretation of a steeply dipping, west-side-down normal-faulting mechanism, the strike of the nodal planes is thought to be constrained to no better than +_ 20 °. Nodal planes striking anywhere from N-S to NE-SE would violate no more than two points in Figure 6a. Composite solution A implies a component of crustal extension in the WNW-ESE direction (_+20°), and is consistent with the stress field proposed for the southern Basin and Range province by Zoback and Zoback (1980) in which Svert ~ SNNE >> SWNW. A WNW-ESE orientation of least-principal stress direction is also indicted by dike and cinder cone alignments (<3 m.y. old) in the northern San Bernardino Valley. Luedke and Smith (1978) report a direction of N62°W for the least-principal stress in that locality. To the northeast, in southwestern New Mexico, Quaternary dikes and cinder cones in the Tres Hermanas Mountains (Balk, 1962) and 100,000-yearold cinder cones in the Potrillo volcanic field (Hoffer, 1976; Luedka and Smith, 1978) SEISMICITY IN THE REGION OF T H E SONORAN E A R T H Q U A K E 191 indicate least-principal stress directions of E-W and NS0°W, respectively. Zoback and Zoback (1980) caution that dike and cinder cone alignments probably have errors of at least _+20°. The pure dip-slip slickensides of the Pitaycachi fault where it strikes N5°E indicate approximately E-W extension. All of these geological indicators of least-principal stress direction lend credence to the WNW-ESE (+20 °) extension inferred from composite solution A. Composite solution B (Figure 6b) contains events from the northern end of the 1887 scarp where it bends through almost 50 ° of strike. The assumption that a single focal mechanism controls events clustered in space and time appears to be inadequate at this locality. The kinematics associated with the tight bend in the Pitaycachi fault require oblique slip. Thus, some events may exhibit components of right-slip while nearby events either have little or no strike-slip component. Shown in Figure N N ,/.'/ (o) • COMPRESSIONAL O DILATATrONAL x NODAL (b) Fro. 6. Composite focal mechanism solutions. In these equal-area lower hemisphere projections, compressional arrivals are solid dots and dilatations are open. E m e r g e n t P arrivals with impulsive S phases are infested nodal arrivals and are plotted as X's. Compressional quadrants are accented with slashes. (a) Southern end of 1887 scarp. Events $7, $9, and S l l . P axis: 63 ° plunge, 125 ° trend; T axis: 27 ° plunge, 305 ° trend; inferred fault plane: N35°E strike, 72°NW dip. (b) N o r t h e r n end of 1887 scarp. Events N5, N7, N10, and N12. Two interpretations are shown, with the solid line interpretation being preferred as more consistent with local geology. For preferred solution, P axis: 30 ° plunge, 10 ° trend; T axis: 0 ° plunge, 100 ° trend; inferred fault plane: N32°W strike, 70°SW dip. 6b are two possible interpretations for the focal mechanism: oblique thrusting (dashed lines) and oblique normal faulting (solid lines). The latter interpretation is thought to be more consistent with local geology. The northwest-striking nodal plane is assumed to cmTespond to the fault and exhibits a right-slip. The preferred interpretation for composite solution B (oblique normal faulting) is consistent with the E-W to WNW-ESE extension inferred from solution A and slickensides along the Pitaycachi fault. Thompson and Burke (1973) demonstrated that relative components strike versus dip-slip on a single fault system are dictated by the orientation of that fault relative to regional extension. At its northern termination, the Pitaycachi fault bends sharply to become subparallel to inferred regional extension. One would therefore expect events in this locality to have oblique right-slip focal mechanisms. 192 STEVEN G. NATALI AND MARC L. SBAR DISCUSSION Distribution of seismicity. Projecting surface displacement and event locations onto a north-south profile indicates that the zone of seismicity is at least 115 km long, significantly greater than the 80-km length of ground rupture associated with the Sonoran earthquake (Figure 7). Also, as one proceeds from north to south along the profile, the northernmost onset of microearthquake activity and ground rupture is approximately coincident with an abrupt 500 m lowering in elevation of the San Bernardino Valley floor. A 12-station, 12-day microearthquake network located in the northern San Bernardino Valley detected no events north of this point. Coverage extended as far north as N31°50 ' (Sbar, 1980). SAN 1400 A ~8~'-,o 12oo z 0 COLONIA ""~4"4/p 0 MORELOS 1000 (o) >~ 800 600 IE 6 4 (b) #V 2 0 kHHHH, VJ ¢ 6 ,/ 7777 4 2 • w 0 32o00 , 50' 40 ~ 30' 20' 10' 31°00 ' 50' 40' 30' 20' I0' 30°00 ' N e LATITUDE Fro. 7. Projections onto a north-south profile. (a) Elevation of the floors of the San Bernardino, Bavispe, and E1 Tigre Valleys. (b) Ground displacement due to the 1887 earthquake (from Aguilera, 1920). Checks indicate measurements confirmed on the ground by the authors. Also indicated as h a t c h u r e d a r e a in (b) is recently mapped extension (Darrel Herd, personal communication, 1981). (c) Number of epicenters in each 5' latitude segment. Microearthquakes are from nets with detection capabilities extending from N30 ° 15' to N32°00 ' {this paper and Sbar, 1980). To the south, seismic activity continues to the limit of this study's detection capability (N30°19'). One well-located event is in the Bavispe Valley, while the mapped 1887 rupture follows the E1 Tigre Valley. Thus, most of the activity appears to be associated with the Pitaycachi fault and its extensions to the north and south. A few events cannot be on this fault and indicate the existence of other active faults to the east and southeast of the Pitaycachi fault. In general, this activity has the appearance of an aftershock sequence, which may explain the realtively high activity of this region as compared with southeastern Arizona. Relation to regional tectonics. The relationship between the Sonoran earthquake and regional seismicity to the north is poorly understood. The Intermountain seismic belt (Smith and Sbar, 1974) extends southward into northwestern Arizona along SEISMICITY IN T H E R E G I O N OF T H E S O N O R A N E A R T H Q U A K E 193 north-south-trending faults in the Grand Canyon area. Fault plane solutions along this transition zone between the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau indicate vertical motion with a component of east-westerly regional extension. The seismicity and Quarternary faults in northern Arizona are concentrated along the southern Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau boundary from the northwest corner of the state to about Phoenix (Mokhtar, 1979). The southern Basin and Range Province to the southwest and the Colorado Plateau to the Northeast are virtually inactive. South of Phoenix historic earthquakes (Sumner, 1976; DuBois et al., 1981) as well as Quaternary faults are scattered over the southeastern quarter of Arizonain a diffuse region that may extend into New Mexico. Based on geomorphic recurrence rates and the short seismic history (Sbar et al., 1980), the rate of activity in this area appears lower than to the northwest. Because of the scattered Quaternary fault scarps and diffuse historical seismicity %¢~/ I .÷/ " ~ "~. r~ ~ LAKE G~EAT. C,TY \, ~PLATEAU .. ,?." . ~ \ , , \ .,\,. ~'" ~%_ ~. / \ E, PAso - Fro. 8. 1887 fault scarp and related features plotted on a transverse-mercator projection about the pole of rotation (N53 ° latitude, W53 ° longitude) between the North American and Pacific plates (after Atwatar, 1970 and Smith, 1978). Shown also is the WNW-ESE direction of extension inferred from composite focal mechanism solution A (Figure 6a). in southeastern Arizona, Sumner (1976) and Sbar et al. (1980) propose a belt of seismicity connecting the northwest corner of Arizona with the Sonoran earthquake epicentral area as one possibility. The existence of such a seismic belt remains unresolved. The relationship between the Sonoran earthquake and seismicity in the Rio Grande Rift area (Sanford et al., 1979) or to the south or west is also unknown. Thus, the connection of the large, seemingly isolated, Sonoran earthquake to other tectonic features remains problematic. Two hypotheses to explain the faulting in the San Bernardino Valley will be considered below. Atwater {1970) suggests that extensional deformation of continental lithosphere due to transform motion between the North American and Pacific plates may extend as much as 1000 km inland from the plate boundaries. Coney {1976) refines this hypothesis in arguing that Basin and Range extension is best 194 S T E V E N G. N A T A L I A N D M A R C L. S B A R developed in regions previously affected by widespread thermal disturbances, possible thinning and melting of continental lithosphere, and the vast "ignimbrite flareups" of Oligocene-Miocene age. Thus, as relative motion between the North American and Pacific plates changed from convergence to transform, the thermally weakened ignimbrite belts may have failed as a wide transform and spreading boundary. Distributed right-lateral shear related to the San Andreas transform superimposed upon fundamental extension within the southern Basin and Range province (probably initiated as a form of back-arc extension) is a slight variant of the above (Scholz et al., 1971). Following an exercise by Atwater (1970) and Smith (1978), the Pitaycachi fault was plotted on a transverse-mercator projection about the pole of rotation of (N53 ° latitude, W53 ° longitude) between the North American and Pacific plates (Figure 8). Shown also is the direction of extension inferred from composite fault plane solution A. The inferred extension direction of the Pitaycachi fault is consistent with the passive extension first hypothesized by Atwater. So also are the Quaternary north-striking normal and northwest-striking strike-slip faults found to the west of the Pitaycachi fault in Caborca (Merrian and Eells, 1978) and Pitiquito-La Primavera quadrangles (Longaria and Perez, 1978) of northwestern Sonora. As a second hypothesis, there are reasons to believe that the San Bernardino Valley may be different from surrounding Basin and Range crust. Seager and Morgan (1979) suggest that there may be several discrete, currently active rift systems similar to (but separate from) the Rio Grande rift within the Basin and Range province. They believe that the San Bernardino Valley and parts of the adjacent Animas Valley to the northeast exhibit many of the traits of the Rio Grande rift. Anomalously low elevations for the southern San Bernardino Valley, young volcanism (0.2 to 4 m.y.) and presumably high-heat flow suggest an active intra-Basin and Range rift system with its own anomalous strip of mantle and crust. Zoback and Zoback (1980) have documented abrupt transitions in orientation in lithospheric stress in areas of extensional deformation that closely correspond to anomalous heat flow features (e.g., Rio Grande rift and Snake River Plain). They conclude that the streses responsible for rifting in areas of anomalously high-heat flow are intimately linked to thermal processes. It is therefore reasonable to postulate that the localized high-heat flow in the San Bernardino Valley could result in localized extensional stresses and rifting. CONCLUSIONS A magnitude 7.4 for the 1887 Sonoran earthquake determined from seismic moment is consistent with calculations based on maximum fault displacement, average fault displacement, length of rupture, and felt area.* Length of the microearthquake activity is about 1.5 times the north-south extent of surface rupture, indicating that the Pitaycachi fault is currently active over a much longer length than previously known. Most microearthquakes between N31 ° 15' and N30°50 ' latitude appear to define a single westward-dipping normal fault for which the name Pitaycachi fault is proposed. Focal depths are confined to within 15 km of the surface. The Pitaycachi fault extends into the El Tigre Valley and may continue southward along the western flafik to the Sierra Madre Occidental through as much as 4 ° of latitude. The southern extent of active faulting is unknown. But probably extends beyond this study area. The WNW-ESE (_+20°) extension inferred from composite solution A is consistent S E I S M I C I T Y IN T H E R E G I O N OF T H E S O N O R A N E A R T H Q U A K E 195 with regional extension predicted by transcurrent motion between the Pacific and North American plates, and is also consistent with an hypothesis in which Seager and Morgan (1979) suggest an active intra-Basin and Range rift zone centered on the San Bernardino Valley. In the latter, crustal blocks, instead of responding passively to regional extension, are controlled by a localized stress field associated with anomalous thermal processes in this locality. The data contained within this study do not permit differentiation between these two hypotheses. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Fred Homuth of LASL and Professors Salas, Keller, and Morgan of the University of Sonora, University of Texas at E1 Paso, and New Mexico State University, respectively, and their students for their field support during this project. Professors J. S. Sumner and R. F. Butler gave valuable comments and guidance during the writing of the manuscript. Professor W. B. Bull kindly allowed us to accompany him on two geomorphology field trips to the 1887 fault scarp and to use unpublished data in this manuscript. Darrel Herd of the U.S. Geological Survey provided aerial photographs of the entire study area. J. R. Sumner, through personal comments, provided valuable insight into the area's geology. • Most importantly, we are sincerely grateful to Dan Gish for accompanying us as a field assistant in Mexico during the entire project. Without his untiring aid, this project could never have been undertaken. 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