Geography 12 Tectonic Diagram Assignment

Geography 12 Tectonic Diagram Assignment – due Monday,
The diagrams are to hand drawn, titled, labeled, and placed in a duotang booklet in the order they appear in this assignment. (85 marks)
1. Cross-section of the earth showing the earth’s layers
core, mantle, asthenosphere, lithosphere, sial, sima
(10 marks)
2. Major Tectonic Plates
On a world
a. Indicate the major plates and mark divergent and
convergent plate margins
b. Major mountain ranges (3 highest)
c. Major ocean trenches
d. Mid-Atlantic ridge
e. Ring of Fire
(5 marks each)
4. Volcanoes
Diagram and explain the formation of
a. Shield volcano
b. Composite volcano(indicate dykes, sills, vent)
c. Cinder cone
d. Caldera
(5 marks each)
5. Fold and Fault Formations
Diagram and explain the formation of
a. Folds – anticline, syncline, thrust fault
b. Faults – strike-slip fault (tear fault), normal fault (dipslip fault), reverse fault, horst, graben
(5 marks each)
6. Earthquake
Diagram and explain how an earthquake works
a. Focus
b. Epi-center
(10 marks)