Cycle 13 Results Summary from the Science Policies Division of the HST Cycle 13 Panel/TAC Deliberations April 15, 2004 Cycle 13 Overview 949 proposals requesting: 17,257 orbits Plus: 1714 [Cyc14] & 212 [Cyc15] 5364 SNAP targets $10.1 M AR funding (including Theory) 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 2 Executive Summary GO Acceptance Rate: ~1/5 for proposals and orbits SNAP Acceptance rate: ~1/4 for proposals and orbits AR Acceptance rate: ~1/3 for proposals and dollars Acceptance rate is approximately independent of size. 34% of program awarded to Large/Treasury Programs. Instrument breakdown for GO Programs: ACS (42%), STIS (30%), NICMOS (19%), WFPC2 (9%), FGS (<1%) ESA acceptance fraction 18.8% for proposals and 15.7% for orbits 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 3 Executive Summary Continued NOAO: 1 out of 15 proposals, or 4 nights out of 54 submitted Chandra: 2 out of 20 proposals, or 85 ksecs out of 1181 submitted Calibration: Both proposals approved for 2 Prime and 20 Pure Parallel orbits ToO’s: 1 ultra-fast (< 2 days) + 19 fast (< 2 week) + 15 other activations Very little future cycle orbits allocated 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 4 Notable Features Improvements to APT well liked by community Reviewers appreciated page limit changes CD went over extremely well: 1 out of 101 demanded paper! Saved effort, time and $$ for STScI Notifications sent on schedule Comments to follow: approved this week, rejected in about 2 more weeks Cycle 14 planning already underway! 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 5 Summary Results 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 6 Over-subscription by Cycle Approved Orbits and Proposals by Cycle Acceptance Fraction by Size Triage Results 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 10 ESA Acceptance Fraction 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 11 Institutional Acceptance Fraction 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 12 Large/Treasury Programs PI Phase II ID Title Prime Orbits Parallel Orbits Brown 10265 The Formation History of Andromeda 107 107 Davis 10134 The Evolution and Assembly of Galactic Disks: Integrated studies of mass, stars and gas in the Extended Groth Strip 126 126 Filippenko 10182 Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Type Ia Supernovae: The Necessity of UV Observations 152 0 Howk 10151 Testing the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Paradigm 130 0 Kulkarni 10135 Unveiling the Progenitors and Physics of Cosmic Explosions 55 0 Malkan 10226 The NICMOS Grism Parallel Survey 0 280 Riess 10189 PANS-Probing Acceleration Now with Supernovae 270 0 Robberto 10246 The HST survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster (Treasury proposal) 104 104 Song 10176 Coronagraphic Survey for Giant Planets Around Nearby Young Stars 116 0 Silva 10222 The next generation spectral library 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results SNAP [450] 13 GO Instrument Summary 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 14 Pure Parallel Instrument Summary 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 15 Snap Instrument Summary 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 16 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 17 Calibration Proposals 2 Proposals Submitted: 1 for 2 prime orbits and 1 for 20 pure parallel orbits Both approved as requested GO: 0059.ayres 0803.anderson 5/28/2016 The Deep Lamp Project Improving the Astrometric Calibration of ACS/WFC for the Most Useful Filters HST Cycle 13 Results 18 Chandra Coordinated Proposals 20 GO Proposals were submitted for 377 HST Orbits and 1181 ksecs of Chandra time. 2 were approved for 17 HST Orbits and 85 ksecs of Chandra time 0214.barth 0842.biretta 5/28/2016 A Multiwavelength Study of POX 52, a Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy with an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole HST / Chandra Monitoring of a Dramatic Flare in the M87 Jet HST Cycle 13 Results 19 NOAO Coordinated Proposals 15 GO Proposals were submitted for 485 HST Orbits and 54 NOAO nights 1 was approved for 104 HST Orbits and 4 NOAO nights 0473.robberto 5/28/2016 The HST survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster HST Cycle 13 Results 20 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 21 Targets of Opportunity 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 22 Orbit Size by Cycle Future Cycle Allocations 26 Orbits allocated to Cycle 14 from 3 proposals 12 Orbits allocated to Cycle 15 from 1 proposal 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 24 Countries of PIs 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 25 States of PIs 5/28/2016 HST Cycle 13 Results 26