April 6 to April 17, 2012 1

April 6th to April 17, 2012
In order to protect the identity of all individuals who have submitted correspondence with regard to the
Lee Street Boundary Review and in keeping with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act, all personal information and/or identifiers have been severed from all recorded
communication (i.e. e-mails and letters) prior to distribution. The intent or message has not been
April 16, 2012
We live in an area that is waiting to see which scenario is decided on as to which school we will be
attending. I attended the meeting and despite the fact that we would love our children to stay at Ken
Danby, I truly feel that scenario B makes much more sense. This would mean we would go to the Lee
St school, and that's ok. It just doens't make sense to me to make people walk over to Lee St school
when they can see Ken Danby from their back yard. We are up by Eastview and it's quite a long walk
for us now, so it doesn't make much of a difference for us either way. I would really like you to
consider going with scneario B. thanks