
W . R U SSELL GAN ER .. . . ......... . . ............... Norri stown, Pa.
Member of D. C. E.
Russell graduated from Iorri town High School and entered Drexel the same year. He is
blessed with noble traits of mind and character. He is very popular amonO' the fellows. We are
confident that he will be a successful engineer becau e he has the sterling qualities of honesty and
fairne s, which every good engineer should have. He has always applied himself ardently to hi
school work and has earned the admiration and re pect of the Faculty.
During the summer vacations he worked for the Montgomery County Gas and E lectric Company on electrolysis survey , and also in the pecial Inventory Department of the same firm.
·R ussell Ganser is another of those timetable fiend s. H e has a timetaLle just like Miller's and he
lives in the same place; that is to say, Norristown, but the fell ows don 't hold that against him. Russel's favorite amusement is working in the physics lab. Not content with the regular work given by
th e Faculty, he decided to work th ere during his Senior year also. How he could ever break this
habit is more than I know, and th ough I am a friend of Russel 's and would be the last to say anything against him, yet the truth must be told. In th e future , in recognition of his services in the lab.,
the Faculty have decided to make him a professor of physics.
Speaking of professors reminds one of Wilkins because he is more like one than a professor
himself. He knows and can do so much that it is difficult to foretell his future alone. But there are
two other men of about the same size and of the same studious disposition as he is. Th ey are Luther
D elp and Adolph Ruff. These three know more than the r est of the class put together. So I predict that the fate of these men will be to form a union for the purpose of collecting all the engineering knowledge, facts and data that there is, and I know that the undergraduates will be pleased if
they collect it so thoroughly that there will be none left to teach.
In mechanical lab. we have what is kn own as the International gang. Let me introduce its
members. Th ey are M r. Lee, of China; Mr. Castaner, of Spain, and M r. Wolf, of Chestm,1t Hill, all
foreign countries, as you will notice.
"Chop" Lee knows more about engineering than the man who invented it. I know this to be a
fact, for Lee told me so himself. W hen he gets his diploma Chop is going back to China, and I can
easily see that when h e hits home with all his knowledge he will be elected president of the new
republic, to say the least.
"Joe" Castaner is the best gentleman that we have in the class. Always pleasant and smiling
even when things do go wrong, he has the manners and looks of ~ true-born count, and I predict
that when he reaches home the King will make him one in name as he is now in manners.