HOPE COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TEAM Opening: This meeting of the Technology Team was called to order... on November 5, 2013 in Van

Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2013
This meeting of the Technology Team was called to order at 9:00 p.m. on November 5, 2013 in Van
Zoeren 247 by co­directors Ashley Blauwkamp and Kate Bauer.
Members Present: Abby Devries Christian, Alex Klomparens, Ashley Blauwkamp, Hannah
Bauersfeld, Holly Brinker, Jencen Smith, Kate Bauer, Rachel Lundstrom, Sarah Krzak, Sarah
Sheridan, Susan Cherup, and Zoe Edwards
Member Absent: Aaron Goodyke, Brady Van Malsen, Sam Pederson
Approval of Agenda
A formal agenda had been prepared for this meeting by Ashley and Kate.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes from October 22, 2013 have been uploaded to the Tech Team website.
Meeting Business
● Welcome New Members, Ashley Vlasak and Sarah Sheridan!
● Committee and Partnership Updates
○ Hamilton Partnership­ The Superintendent emailed the committee to help connect them
with the person who made the app website. The committee will be getting in touch with
him soon to ask questions and share ideas!
○ Be willing to help secondary students who will soon be uploading their videos to Chalk
and Wire! There are step­by­step directions in the Tech Team Google Doc folder.
● Reminder: Last Call for Team Recruitment
Recruitment is coming to a close! If you have any final recommendations for potential members,
please contact Susan.
● Web Development
Hope is completely revamping its website. Members of the web development committee have
recently sat in on several meetings about it. The committee will reconvene for further planning
and will keep us updated!
● NETS Team
Tony Donk will review the document that team members created about technology use in ed.
classes. After the document gets approved it will be sent to the rest of the Education
● Recap: Student Teaching Portfolio Review Session
○ It was helpful for team members to get ideas for their own portfolios
○ Weebly was most commonly used among the presenters
○ We will possibly be looking into revising the rubric so that the criteria are more
straightforward and objective for both presenters and reviewers.
○ The yes/no questions on the backside of the rubric were very helpful.
● Update: Team Technology Training
○ The training session will now be held next semester.
○ Brush up on any technology you have “expertise” with so that you can effectively teach
it to the other members.
● Looking Ahead: End­of­the­Semester Part at Susan’s House!
○ There will be no regular full­group meeting on Tuesday, November 19th
○ Aiming for the week of November 17­23rd
○ Ashley will be sending out a Doodle poll­ Please fill out your availability!
Meeting was adjourned at 9:40. The Tech Team’s next general meeting will take place at Susan’s house.
Time and date TBD.
This concludes our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Krzak, clerk