WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL CAPE TOWN 2014 Co-design workshops Ward

Co-design workshops
21, 101 and 102
Transport interchanges in Bellville, Durbanville and Bloekombos.
13 June 2013, in the Bellville Civic Centre.
Transport interchanges are important economic hubs that play a big role in the lives of many
commuters throughout Cape Town. One interchange in each of the three wards – Bellville,
Durbanville, and Bloekombos – was workshopped to ensure a better experience for all users, as well
as optimising the economic potential of the interchange.
More than 50 people were present. Almost half of these were community members (23), with a strong
showing from City officials and politicians (14), and designers (13). Seven people from other
organisations were also present.
What emerged?
Design principles
There are a few principles that should guide the design of transport interchanges. The primary
purpose of a transport interchange is efficient flow of people and traffic. The design should therefore,
optimise traffic and pedestrian flows to ensure that no conflict occurs between users, that pedestrians
are safe, and that vehicles are not congested. The flow of traffic and passenger embarking and
disembarking needs to be smooth and uninterrupted. The design should also lower the carbon
footprint of the interchange.
There are further important aspects that a successful transport interchange should provide for users,
including economic opportunities, through formal or informal trading spaces, (specifically those which
offer local and fresh food options to commuters). These more formal opportunities may involve
private-public partnerships to give extra momentum to the development.
Management of the interchange is an important consideration, as well as adequate planning in line
with the longer-term development plans for each area should be put in place to ensure that the
interchange is successful.
People should come first in the redesign so there are specific infrastructural requirements including
universal access for those with disabilities, electronic information boards, shopping facilities, skills
training opportunities, and a clean, safe environment which discourages clutter and illegal activities.
It is important to note that each interchange is different and requires a unique approach.
There was one final proposal for each site.
The vision included:
 a high-density block concentrating commercial activities
 pedestrian thoroughfare with a canopy incorporating informal trading and linking across
 an iconic office building
 crèche facilities located near the interchange, but separated from the busy site
 parking for different types of vehicles and creation of a flexible outdoor spac,
 private vehicle drop-off that reduces congestion
 large over-sailing roofs that shelter passengers, allow natural light and establish a strong
precinct identity
Some of the existing green space is retained.
Key elements of the vision include:
 creating a positive density, with a mixed use edge along the road reserve (pedestrian/cycling)
and revised zoning (to allow for live/work units)
 a commercial edge to the taxi rank through introducing an undercover informal traders market
 protecting space for pedestrians
This vision includes:
 a covered formalised taxi rank
 a covered station platform with a pedestrian bridge to link to the suburb on the other side
 an informal trade and training centre as well as formal retail trade areas
 a combined ticket office, ablutions, coffee shop
 paved pedestrian courtyards with seating and raised pedestrian crossings
 possible future office park development with waterfront
 picnic and play area on adjacent vacant private land
What next?
The visions have been presented to subcouncil. They will be incorporated into the upgrading plans
that Transport for Cape Town has for the sites. The local councillor has approached an adjacent
landowner to propose the 'Brackenfell Waterfront' development.