Mrd Fd' m '6 Page I otuddRrle! Math 166 - Week in Revi€w #!0 ChapterF - Finance . Simple Int€rrst - interest that is computedon the original principal only . Simple Interest Fornulas Interest=1:Prl AccumulatedAmount= A P I : P + Prt : P( | + rt) - + NOIIATION: 1 = interest earned,P = principal, r = interest rate (as adecimal), , = term of the investm€ntin fEAfiS, A = accumulat€damount . The TVM-Solver CANNOT be used for simple interest calculations. . Compound Inter€st - eamedinterest thal is periodically addedto the principal and ihereafter itself earnsinteresr !t the samerate. . The TVM-Solvercanbe usedin problemsinvolvingcompoundinreresras follows: = total numberofpaymentsmade,usuallyr, x t. N = interesrrateinlerc?ntlorm. Don't convertto decimalformll IVo = presentvalue(prinicpaltor the amountyou startwith). Enteredas negativeifinvested, PV positiveifborrowed. PMT = payment(amountpaid eachperiod).Enteredasnegativeifpaying otTa loaD,positive if receivingmoney,0ifcomputing compoundintercst. = FV futurevalue(accumulated amount).This will be 0 ifpaying off a loan. = numberof paymentsperyear(usuallythe samea9m). PN = numberofconversionsper year(lrl). C/Y . At thebottomofthe screen,youwill se€PMT:ENIDBEGIN.IfEND is highlighted,thentheTVM Solvercalculates everythingwith paymenhbeingmadeat the endof rheperiod. For virtually all ofthe problemswe will work in class,END shouldbe highlighted. . You cansolvefbr anyquantilyon lhe TVM-Solverby movingthecursorto thatquantityandthenpressingALPHA fbllowedby ENTER. . Effective Rate of Int€rest - The effective rate of interest is a way of comparing interest rates. More precisely, tbe efectiw rate is the simpleinterestratethatwould producethe sameaccumulated amountin I yearasthe nominal p€r y€ar. m times rate compounded . The effectiverateofinterestis typicallydenotedby r.// andis alsoknownas rheeffectiveannualyield. . To calculatethe ettbctiverareofinterest,usethe EftI ) tunctionon the calculatorThis tunctioncanbe found under Finance-juslarrowdownuntil you seeC: Eff(. . The Eff( ) function has two parameters,t}e nominal (or annual) interest rale enteredas a percenr,and the number of conversion,rr, per year: Efi(nominal rate as a perc€nt, ,1) . Annuity - a sequence ofpaymentsmadeat regulartime intervals. . ln this course,we will studyannuitieswith the following properties: 1. The termsaregivenby fixedtjme intervals. 2. The periodic paymenis are equal in size. 3. Thepaymenlsaremadeat the endof the paymentperiods, 4. The paymenl periods coincide with the inlerest conversionperiods. Page2 h16Flrrmotsdahmy l. Jakedeposited $350 into an accountpaying 3.25% simple interest. How much money is in the accormtat the end of4 years?How much inrerestwaseamed? \ / , \ -' t = n( = ' ?ct 35O(,%esxq) J' rv\14 {nlcr e<t J-a Jruwt+ -- ?+T. [utu,r^^"u/a/.1 a{Kr tl \,\ro'rs fi'/ 65D+4E,5b %qe,tu 2. WhenEricagraduatedfrom high school,shercceived$500frcm her parcntsasa gift. Shethanloancdthis money to herbrotherwho iepaidher 3 monthslaterwith a sumof $510.25.Whatwaslhe simpleinterestratethat Erica chargedherbrother? :L 'Y(C r< !t)' ]5 : 5uO* c Ta = a'?ttu ro . a s c: /(*o*z/P-\ 1, a9o Shewill need$4,500for this trip, 3. Anncttewantsto takea trip to Buropewhenshegraduates. (a) How muchmoneyshouldAnnettedepositnow into anaccountpaying8%/yearcompounded quarterlyif she -frfriolvt' graduate yea6? in 4 a\pectsto N--+xt| I 9o - ? ?mr=O (1. ttSott }potr+-ite18,ot lB-Ll1--4 \rill sheeamin the4 years? Howmuchinterest z16l.Utst la.rntd= IAOO-bA 1g.0l $ raat.qq (c) How muchinlerestwill sheeamin thethjrd quarterof the s€condyear? \tt tgur= 4Tuarkrs.i-r^-:r^^:fm,ff,t"daun't't Al*tu t;il,'''W,f."iffi-f ,'iJo"'i,,',i,., WyW$*#f!,t$r"rftir,g-f4r.J$rartll,@($t1'-a \tz t0 ioto?t (177n ' N,, 1 l,v4t'm ' !90--X Qlt'a'tv. 4, li"'-irn.ot' fftf. O 6tw.+o-Mtzt ) r--(tJ-- 1,'tP31vc"^ ^"f-VP,av fr'lh,tz i'1v'.rr}t-4tii' iv"-- Page3 Md16FirmoHt*ilNt 4. Lynn, Annette's twin sistel wants to take that sametrip to Europe,but shedoesnot haveenoughmoney to open th€ sirmetype of account as Annette. Instead, she plans to make monthly paymentsto an account paying 8.25%/year cornDoundedmonthlv. (a) How muchshouldeachpaymentbe so rhatshehas$4.500al rheendof4 N'l*x4 f,\o=$'2-< [V'0 fu. 46Dr f l\'All'11-, O) How muchintercstwill Lynneam? LSnn's {o*aa.J4o6i.t= 14 +5 x l7-/-+-- l V 8 l b . uo , = ,4OO_ltlz,tto = 1 b yb .4o '1' {,wxf tS+tA(AlA 5. Kim openedan accountp ying cornpounded monthlywith $100andplansto add$50 at the endof eachmonthuntil shehasat lea$ $45,000. (a) How longwill it lakeherto first r€achhergoal? N-- bq3. -F Ys b 1 Y (\_ l_ ) { 9o 5.45 /r,q( -5D ( '/ '' 451)00 0V:--\UO l/y c1,,117,, zv1/e- -- 6oL ,fa, s. to 1l.ob lt[L,'1tw,r15 '5 ^o+ c/^a z^ruftL, -" AU,li@S Pt dS tr-ov'+r,r,) (b) How muchwill sheactuallyhavein theaccountwhenshefirst reachesher goal? N- 3Lti lmf---Eo (r/ J9":5.z-( ?V-' 'too ,t t 1 45 p4.b4 "t ?8a\-,ly (c) How muchintrres!will Kira ealnin the third monthof her sixthvearof makinsthis investrnent? 5'N5 -- 5 )klIfa,j f^!^15'- brta,""^4 a'\ 4" 4+ ln^ l ^.rri ,\, f \ ". n'*& '-'l tr3 ,-"" ",,'l ': o\ .": \' ,l^*'ot t;*_ Fv.l-,t._bama{\fls 0/ I,i^i ",, (barwr* pw,t i * mor,fi5; o-.t a,yJ t ot,l{s g0 aoo'u* l(garWrr* F\! /., +a( ; l *wi^rrrarsourt \gtNw :,"",1;,ra-*+t ,--ff*ffi* W!#,0=-* l;Y,:.l"ilJy'(f,,,,r -ib'&', ) t';;l o ut. u,f l*Yjr. rr'Ji'-+ *u*,. ii r-, ii!), i :q,5' -1 -* ^u''!11.a.6.,, eir'lrr--r& Fy',-roo tu--rw l*#$Xrf ,,W# Md16tuM P^ge4 @ddrtu@ 6. Benjamin is 25 yea$ old and plansto retire in,{O years. Whenhe retil€s, he would like !o receivemonthly payments of $3,000 from a rctircment accountfor 15 years. (a) How much money should Bedjamin deposit at the end of eachmonth from now until he rctircs to achievethis goal if he s€curcsan accountthat will pay 6.25%/year compoundedrnonlhly for the life of the account? " rcmnt ;l-,';;- w:ii', ,7+q 88t70 "t<f 2 ; F,vt !"1.6YJJL'1 Qnt=- -- {go.'b.E W'4 ?.'l (/l.t/Y=ta-- ra* n@ (c) How muchintcrestvrill bc earncdovertheentirelife of thaaccount? \^,tutus+-.ta(Nd -r. ^^<.r?r4t@Fi ^d ; wt^;Q at t1:91 fut tahr2611y1 r'n* *t rld Dn k- "1;l^A' u,t\rn ft ti | 4h r s4y441-a t t nt t t. "" @u!'tt:iia4ltfS rrrr,.L.r,..,,,ivlliii' 'tfr,:::,",::,1\'1'7'),bD :T|tr&.TtrwW :ft;)X::# =rtqol+.vo ,,r--,,- \j/ '^ '- -- t rll n 4 . t t-t - a| ?.^4Juliafi op€nedanaccountwith $8,000andaft€i 7 yoars,it hadgrownto $10,000. - (a) Whatwastheannualinter€strateif interestwascompounded weekly? N-,5l*7 @-- -8ooo lY wnf-o f v'- loooo su ?/u--cl'r-- ifrffit.r" r i:-:------1 4lol,3*,tlo X nlu' V . 1 * 19o O) If the annualidtercstrate foundin pan (a) wasinsteada simpleinterestratc, how long would it takc Julian's$8,000to growto $10,000? s+ 3, \ Et1 l' 6 rt^de \^14'r" {---?rt o,oblKl +2 looo'-8ooo+ Page5 Md 1 6 F d r m o H l e b r t 8. Mles and Keiko are shoppingfor a new home. They can afford a down paymentof $25,000and monthly payments of at most $850. Bank A has offered to financr-a loan at 8.75%/yearcompoundedmonthly for 30 yean, whereas Bank B has offered 8.25%/yearcompoundedmonthly for 25 yean. (a) Wllat is the most exp€nsivehousethey can afford to buy? Which bank would they have to usefor this house? inter€stdid theypay? / V - i-a x ) 5 t6io- (.at ?nt' z fv r o +{rfO,l(t "^+A 1P & lv asooo ft-4ly=t, *, ': l?Y '{i :'t ! t'ouq ltat a*tt pil n I oan i/10'ttX h U r r s lf t d d - -9 o t)o {+-t\o o o = $ llb,ur+ xar=faarr,9*t pl athrwe -- $15ooo (" {t)e.(t$+ ae=lItt05tl - lto oar (c) Referingto part O), createanamortizationschedulefo. thefi$t 4 monthsof the loan. mletesl period 0 )-4 2 3 4 payment 9r+,ag l,-lo. tg 4^, ,1q Ih1D.l? ;c6 . lq lo'1o.lg. ia2,41 010,t( amounttoward principal . 5 .a o kla , ?1 1b - 1 q (1 . d /,^- -- qa4 ,41 %nDDf oxrs/tu outstanding principal aso0{) 44qt+,1D q4$ 21 .Sl 84 1LlD.aa ?Ar0515,U3 Page6 Miirfitura@l]dri.@ 9. If Bank A has a savingsaccount paying E%/y€arcompoundedsemiannually and Bank B offels 7.9q'/yeat compoundedmonthly, which is the better offer? (lunLL VK&,r\=8lu % g6nvb"" Cl W gtl a\= ( . 1 4 ?"lIo ?rnALB ;s4- h **n W <iact '? l^4'4'lte roa? o'/gthr FY.{'^ 10. Juanitadecidedto purchasea flat-scre€nHDTV. Shemakesa downpaymentof $250and securcsfinancingfor the balanceof the purchaseprice at a ratc of l2%/year compounded mondlly. Underthe tarmsof the finance agiccment,shcis requiredto makemonthlypaymentsof $125for 30 months. (a) Wlat wasthecashpricc of th€TV? Fi^it [0i., a-tr^t: N'3t: Le'n t''4t [tdr,, pr;rl.= ?orn Prlt++ Prnf.'le-s = dSD+V7?Y'1b ('t'- o \'). ?11-clv= 7I:::e lfr-n*t=$ O) How muchinterestdid Juanitapay? . tt +al o,rt+ym;/ o^ l&4 125 x 6t) = iV1tu = -b179'1b 2' fuMail pa|d. Vlso / o , n wl a ^ n P A '- a sD + Ias ' 43o ; 4D' o ( ,\ r*.rr,t ?L= 4ooo-3411 9t=l4 5r4'D{ I ) 11. Deannaowes$l,0OOon a crealitcardthathasan inre;;fT;i6iFi3%/year minimumpaym.ntof $20cachmonth, (a) how muchofher first paymentgo€stowsrdintcrcst? f,4.lBtttlv'rct-- tolo* o,glt/tl" compounded monthly.If shepaysthe f rc.14 O) howlong wiU it takeher !o pay ofi thecard?(Assumeno additionalchargesarcmade.) (rilf---to X%' aa' s PV-tut (v=o ?lt'4y, fl' k1'toux|twilt-'ro+ N. \qq,/slf aot|lgryra*ts w"ad --\ta's'prs\ ls0pr*slYnoa.lAt) Mri,tuar*@8d,tury nEo [h?4c14/'- l05go)-- rpft.t l,soo =..a hu-i;L^-a F 'ctJ .o I ru,lEAri(2(ttz> 1114fi purchased 12. TheGardners a vacarion home15yearsago. At rhetimeoLhgllurchase, thei wereabletb makea p4?6Eiioi:CDf purchase price the and $en securea a toan o($-l oY.od}f finance rheremainingamounr. {d6in wift mo;lhlypaymenrs \fi-.16#6iiii6ironized o!er 30yearsaran r'\ita/stmreof 6.75%/year compounded rnonthly. . (a) Wlat is rhecurent ouhtandingprincipalon the loan? F n,tt^tifz"6's' n"+' 5luoliF,^l 'r N- -l a * a o 1(p7'. F tatl 6ulskadi^9 W E t -- f it t gl, O a xqo--k.?5 (V. 0 !V- lus,ooo N --lX* t5 Islo'le,1{ 1ly-_slt--t.p = lhl]N 6Jl M ?rn.r-- Iot1,03 ? v' 1 P{"lliooo l l t - c l y . 1 v fu r*f1lr-IA t) I o r b a ( ( ta .*tr ) : (b) How mucheqlity do theGardnershavein iheir vacationhome? Itrit tt^":(d' - w$l^t{4xst;ll0t4x - 1 b a 5 q '5 1 = ftl,e$ 15q!| c D . 4 3 (c) Overthe 3o-yearperiod,how muchinterestwill the Gardnerspay? $ltkl on v llx 30-: +24" l'lt2so il*+ ya att loa* ^'t/' ''70.8u= fuu(rtsr F'd i:::,-*=' losao = B t4o.tlo,rol | | J-----4-r I 3. Find theeffectiverateof 6% per yearcompounded semiannually. ( t , & 9o