Phenomenology of iQCD Tzu-Chiang Yuan (阮自強) Academia Sinica, Taipei Collaborators: Kingman Cheung and Wai-Yee Keung Seminar@NTHU Jan 8 (2009) 1 Outline to infracolor QCD -• Introduction Kang and Luty, arXiv:0805.4642 Simple Model -• ACheung, Keung and Yuan, Nucl.Phys. B in press, arXiv:0810.1524 (a) iQuark Production at LHC (b) Prompt Annihilation of iQuarkonium • Summary 2 Quirky papers • • • • • • • Kang and Luty, arXiv:0805.4642 Jacoby and Nussinov, arXiv:0712.2681 Kang, Luty and Nasri, JHEP 0809, 086 (2008) hep-ph/0611322 Burdman, Chacko, Goh, Harnik and Krenke, PRD78:075028 (2008) [arXiv:0805.4667] Cheung, Keung and Yuan, Nucl.Phys. B in press [arXiv:0810.1524] Harnik and Wizansky, arXiv:0810.3948 Cai, Cheng and Terning, arXiv:0812.0843 Older papers • • • Bjorken, SLAC-PUB-2372 (1979) Okun, JETP Lett. 31, 144 (1980); Nucl. Phys. B173, 1 (1980) Gupta and Quinn, PRD 25, 838 (1982) 3 Introduction to infracolor QCD 4 Un-motivation Hidden Strongly Interacting Sector ? Or New Physics NOT (directly) related to EW symmetry breaking ? • A Familiar Example: Extra Z boson models • Hidden Valley Models (Strassler) • Unparticle (Georgi) • Quirks and infracolor QCD (Luty) 5 Nuclear Phystcs B173 (1980) 1-12 © North-Holland P u b h s h m g C o m p a n y THETA PARTICLES L.B. O K U N Institute of Theorettcal and Experimental Physics, Moscow, 117259 USSR Received 4 March 1980 The hypothesis is considered, according to whtch there exist elementary particles of a new type, theta parttcles, thetr gauge interaction being characterized by a macroscopic radius of confinement. The quanta of the corresponding gauge held, thetons, are massless vector parttcles, analogous to gluons. The bound systems of two or three thetons have macroscopic dimensions. The existence of such objects is not excluded by experiment, as the Interaction of thetons wtth ordinary particles must be very weak. However, the production of heavy theta leptons and theta quarks at accelerators would open the way to intensive creataon of thetons and theta strings. 1. Introduction: what we call O-particles . In a recent letter [1] a hypothesis was put forward on the existence of a new type of particle, the interaction of which has a macroscopic confinement radius. This interaction is caused by non-abelian gauge fields, whose quanta (we denote them 0 and call thetons) are massless neutral vector particles, analogous to gluons. At distances of the order of 1 G e V - 1 (we use units, in which h = ¢ = 1), the interaction between thetons is characterized by a coupling constant of the order of a ( a = - 137 - I )" The strength of this interaction, however, does not drop as two thetons go apart, and the interaction energy grows. This leads to a number of very unusual physical p h e n o m e n a which are displayed at macroscopic distances. The aim of this paper is 6 0-particles are imposed by the big bang cosmology. We shall consider them at the end of this paper. As we shall see, these limits are so stringent that they practically leave no place for such particles as theta-neutrinos and not very heavy theta quarks. 2. Why a new local group S U ( N ) 0 is not implausible As is well-known, the existing theory of electroweak [2] and strong [3, 4] interactions is based on gauge groups U ( 1 ) x SU(2)w! SU(3)¢, their quanta being 7, W, Z, g. Alongside these groups, a number of other groups is considered in literature: for instance, the so-called "technicolor" [5] S U ( N ) t ¢ with its technigluons, and the so-called horizontal [6] group SU(N)h. A vast literature exasts on the so-called models of grand unification [7] SU(5),SO(10),SO(14) . . . . In the highest of these groups there are dozens and even hundreds of gauge particles. In this atmosphere the hypothesis on existence of another three (SU(2)s) or eight (SU(3)0) gauge particles does not look very courageous. So we postulate that the entire local group has the form: U(1) ! SU(2)w ! SU(3)c ! . . . ! S U ( N ) a . It may turn out that the 0-group may help to solve some problems on the way to grand unification, but we will not pursue this possibility here. 3. Why the existence of a large radius of confinement is not implausible The main difference between the group S U ( N ) and other gauge groups, considered in the literature, is that the 0-group has a very large and maybe even macroscopic radius of confinement. Let us show by tracing the analogy with QCD, that this assumption also does not look fantastic. As is well-known, confinement for QCD is not yet proved; nevertheless, the excellent quantitative agreement of QCD with experiment, and the absence [8] of free quarks around us (see, however, ref. [9]) make us believe that SU(3)c confines. Furthermore, QCD phenomenology suggests that A c is not far from 0.1 GeV, where 1 / A c is the confinement radius. It is this quantity which determines the scale of masses of light mesons and baryons (light means consisting of u- and d-quarks). It is essential, that the so-called 7 Infracolor QCD of Kang and Luty [arXiv:0805.4642] New confining strong interaction with Λ ! TeV In particular Λ ! MQ ! ! In infracolor QCD, quarks becomes quirks, gluons becomes infracolor gluons. Quirks carries both infracolor and SM quantum numbers In infracolor QCD, there are no light quirks. In QCD ΛQCD > mπ , light quark-antiquark pairs can be easily created from the vacuum by string breaking Heavy quirk-antiquirk pairs created from the vacuum by string breaking are exponentially suppressed. 8 Unbreakable Strings Unbreakable Strings Unconfined Couloumb potential dominates for small r Confined breakable string => Independent fragmentation Λ ! 2mq light quark pair creation Unbreakable Strings Confined unbreakable string (Λ ! 2mQ ) ! confinement radius ! Tension ≈ Λ!2 9 Suppression of soft hadronization in iQCD [Bjorken (1979); Gupta and Quinn (1982)] QCD iQCD unbreakable string NP stringy effect is important, not suppressed at high Q squared x 10 Trendy names suggested quirk infracolor gluon infracolor glueball ↔ ↔ ↔ etc iquark igluon iglueball infracolor Object ↔ iObject (e.g. iMesons, iBaryons, etc. However, stringent cosmological bounds existed!) 11 Size of the string Kinetic Energy of iQuark ~ String Potential Energy K.E. = √ ŝ − 2MQ ∼ MQ String potential energy ≈ Λ!2 L MQ L ≈ !2 ≈ 10 m Λ ! MQ TeV "! Λ 100 eV ! "−2 Phenomenology depends sensitively on size of string! 12 Quirks in the detector (Luty, Kang and Nasri) Macroscopic String For values of ! of order 100 eV or less there is a significant probability for quirks to enter the detector. The string ! tension causes their tracks to bend differently than those of muons and other charged particles. In such a scenario a single event might suffice for discovery! 100 eV ≤ Λ ≤ 10 keV <==> mm ≤ L ≤ 10 m quirky tracks (Luty’s Talk) String tension causes the quirky tracks bent differently from those SM charged particles Reconstruction algorithms fail to identify quirky tracks → Missing Energy Energy loss mechanism: bremsstrahlung, ionization, light hadron emission, etc. Large lever arm =>Angular momentum de-coherence => iQuarks pair NOT easily meet to form bound states. But one single quirky track event is sufficient for its discovery. 13 Mesoscopic String o 10 keV ≤ Λ! ≤ MeV ↔ A ≤ L ≤ mm • Too small to be resolved in detector but larger than atomic scale • iQuark-anti-iQuark pair appears as single particle in the detector (along beam-pipe at leading order) • Matter interaction might be efficient to randomize angular momentum and prevent annihilation • Otherwise, might lead to displaced vertex before annihilation iQuarkonium as single entity Hard jet, photon 14 Microscopic String o MeV ≤ Λ ≤ GeV ↔ 100 fm ≤ L ≤ 100 A ! iQuarks are confined into bound states Salient features: K.E. ≈ MQ ↔ highly excited L!Λ !−1 ↔ classical string −1 J ≈ rp ≈ MQ MQ ≈ 1 => nearly spherical No large lever arm to randomize angular mom Prompt annihilation of these highly excited states? 15 Energy Loss when 2 iQuarks cross (Prevent Annihilation) Soft Energy Lossmuck/imuck’’ NP interactions QCD/iQCD ``brown ==> Energy Loss energy loss own muck” interactions Bjorken’s picture hard SM stuff R ∼ Λ−1 or Λ"−1 Soft stuff Geometric cross section Fig. 9. Schematic depiction of hadronic fireball and hard annihilation into muons. Note that the the asymmetry of the muons and the fireball are in the same direction. Wave function overlapp 3 Total number of crossings M ∼ 10 particle invariant mass distribution ∼ of the produced This gives an additio Q /Λquirks. handle on these events. NP interaction effective up to lmax ∼ MQ /Λ ∼ 103 Angular Decoheren ∆E ∼ GeV or Λ per crossing 5.7 Non-perturbative Infracolor Interactions (i)glueballs hadronic fireball photons each crossing ∆E ∼ GeV We now consider non-perturbative infracolor interactions of the quirks. There ! many analogies with the non-perturbative QCD interactions of colored quirks d cussed in the previous subsection, so our discussion will be brief and highlight t important differences. each crossing The infracolor “brown muck” has a geometrical cross section for interaction, so also expect ∼ 1 interaction per classical crossing 1 time. As argued in Subsection 3 radiationProb(J of infracolor glueballs takes place only while the quirkcrossings separation is l √ = 0) ∼ after N (Kang Luty) Ninfracolor interactions will therefore g than or of order Λ . and The non-perturbative rise to the emission of only ∼ 1 infracolor gluons with total energy ∼ Λ. Energy loss (visible or invisible) −1 One important difference with the QCD case is that the infracolor hadrons Losing all kinetic energy to soft hadrons: 16g indirect constraints from precision electroweak constraints and cosmology. ussion is fairly standard, and our conclusion is that there are no strong dependent constraints on quirks from these considerations. Can iGlueballs produce easily and detectable? iGluons do not carry SM charge ==> Loop Effects 2.1 Coupling to the Infracolor Sector we assume that the scale of infracolor strong interactions is below the weak hadrons of the infracolor sector are kinematically accessible to existing exs. However, the standard model is uncharged under infracolor, and therefore oop is required to couple the sectors. Since the quirks are heavy, this leads suppressed couplings to the infracolor sector. eading coupling between the standard model and the infracolor sector at ies arises from the contributing diagram of to Fig. Thisofof gives rise to model the dimension-8 Fig. 1. graphs coupling the Fig. 1. Loop Loop graphs contributing tothe the1a. coupling thestandard standard model operator and and infracolor infracolor sector. sector. Needs 2 loop to couple to SM fermions 2 !2 g graphs Fig. 1.g Loop 2 !2contributing to the coupling of the standard model F F (2.1) L ∼ eff infracolor µν ρσ .decay, for example 4 2 e operator Eq. (2.1) mediates glueball to photons iGluons are hard to produce and infracolor sector. he operator Eq. (2.1) mediates infracolor 16π mQ glueball decay, for example to photons at LHC too. ons. ons. The The rate rate isis ofof order order !! the infracolor "2 op diagram of Fig 1b can couple gauge fields to dimension-3 22 !2!2 " 2 1 g g 1 gEq. g (2.1)Λmediates operator infracolor glueball decay, for example to photons 99 ΓThe . (2.2) Γ∼ ∼ 8π Λ . (2.2) ilinears, but these have an additional helicity suppression in addition to the 22m44 16π or gluons.8πThe rate is of order 16π mQQ l loop suppression, and are therefore suppressed. For ! mQ > " 100 GeV this 2 !2 ∼ 2 hat this is very sensitive to both Λ and m . We have g g that this is very sensitive to both Λ and mQQ . We have1 9 Γ ∼ Λ . (2.2) is far weaker than the weak interactions, so production of infracolor gauge 2 m4 ## $$−9 # $ 8π 16π −8 # $ −9 mQ Q −8 ΛΛ m Q colliders with energy below the quirk mass is completely negligible. Probing cτ 10 m .. (2.3) cτ ∼ ∼ 10 m (2.3) Note that this is very sensitive to both Λ and mQ . We have 50 GeV TeV 50 GeV TeV r at colliders requires sufficient energy to produce#quirks directly. $−9 # $ Better bet: iQuarks −8> ee that for > Λdetector that the the infracolor infracolor glueballs glueballs can can decay decay inside inside aa particle particle detectorm for Q ΛΛ ∼ cτ ∼ 10 m .∼ (2.3) < V, while the lifetime becomes longer than the age of the universe for Λ 50 GeV TeV < V, while the becomes longerdecays than the agedetector of the universe for Λ ∼∼ Λ! lifetime ≥ 50 GeV, iglueball inside V. We see that the infracolor glueballs can decay inside a particle detector for Λ > V. ∼ 50 GeV, while the lifetime becomes longer than the age of the universe for Λ < ∼ 3 17 Electromagnetic Shower Soft photons of this energy can be picked up by the tracking system, as seen in this picture from the ATLAS event display. (Cheu and Parnell-Lampen) Taken from Chacko’s talk 18 Harnik and Wizansky [arXiv:0810.3948] a) 100 % energy loss to photons b) 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 -800 0 -800 -400 0 400 c) 800 10 % energy loss to photons 90 % to invisible -400 0 400 800 800 CMB-like analysis SM background 6 5 ! 4 3 2 1 0 -800 -400 0 z 400 Figure 5: Calorimeter energy deposition in the toy detector simulation. The distribution is shown for (a) bound state radiation with 100% of the energy released in photons, (b) bound state radiation with 10% of the energy in photons and (c) a minimum bias event. Brighter squares indicate a higher energy deposition in the cell, however, the scale itself is arbitrary for each figure separately. 19 Cartoon from Harnik and Wizansky [arXiv:0810.3948] `Antenna Pattern’ Figure 1: A schematic cartoon of the initial and final states of an LHC event with squirk production via an s-channel W ± . The two protons are incoming along the horizontal axis. The squirks are produced and oscillate along the dashed axis. The final state includes an antenna pattern of soft photons (two cone like shapes aligned with the squirk production axis) and a pair of hard annihilation products, W γ in this case. The search strategy will first involve discovering a resonance in W γ and then searching for signals of patterns of soft photons in the candidate signal events. 20 A Simple Model 21 DQ denotes a heavy quirk doublet. The quantum number ass L,R y Qquirk doublet. thebyquirk doublet under SUC ! (NThe SUC (3) ×number SUL (2)assignment × UY (1) is for given IC ) ×quantum ! (NIC ) × SUC (3) × SUL (2) × UY (1) is given by tions are given by Q under SUC C ) × SUC (3) × SUL (2) × UY (1) is given by ( ' U 1 TCY, NPB ) in press, 0810.1524] * [Cheung, Keung and µ . (1) Q = ∼ N , 1, 2, " "a µ a µ µ IC L,R − gs Gµ Qγ T Q − eA e Uγ U + e Dγ D ( ' ' D 3 U U D 1 U ! * ) * ) L,R . (1) ∼ N , 1, 2, g QL,R = µ g Assume MeV ≤ Λ " M IC µ + µ − µ= Q ∼ NQIC , 1, 2, L,R − (2) Zµ vU Uγ UD+ vD Dγ D − √ W3µ Uγ D + Wµ Dγ U cos θgauge W D string scenario) The interactionsL,R are given by 2 (Microscopic Vectorial L,R Gauge Group: ppressed mixings among ctions are generation given by indices and ignored possible ) * quirks. " "a µ a µ µ µ Lgauge = −The gs Gµ gauge Qγ T Qinteractions − eA eU Uγ Uare + eDgiven Dγ D by − 1) are the generators)of the )SUC ! (NIC ) in*the defining representation * ) * g " "a µ a µ g µ µ µ µ + µ − µ − gs Gµ Qγ" T Q −−eA eU Uγ U + e Dγ D Wµ Uγ D + Wµ Dγ U (2) Z µ vU UγD U + vD Dγ D − √ lives and gs is) its coupling. For vector quirk Q = U or D, we have ) cos θW 2 * ) * g g µ− a µ µ µ µ µ + " µ "a √ − D − W Uγ D + W Dγ U (2) Zµ vU Uγ µ U + vD DγL = − g G Qγ T Q − eA e Uγ U + e Dγ D µ s µ U gauge D µ cos θWwe have 1 suppressed generation 2indices where ignored possible mixings among quirks. vQ = (T3 (QL ) + T3 (QR )) − eQ sin2 θW . and (3) * ) ) g g 2 µ µ a 2 ! T (a = 1, · · · , NIC −indices 1) are the (N ) in the defining representation −of the SU Uγ U + v Dγ D −√ W Z v uppressed generation and generators ignored possible mixings among quirks. C µ IC U D cos θ 2 W " he− third-component of the weak isospin for the left(right-) handed quirk Okun where each livescharged and g isSU itsθ-leptons coupling. vector quirk Q = U or D, we have ! (N 1) Fractional are thequirk generators of the ) in For theof defining representation C s C IC me T Twe ), they have the same value for each " 3 (Q L ) = For 3 (Q R where have suppressed generation indices and ignored p livesvector and gquirks, is its coupling. vector quirk Q = U or D, we have 1 s 2 Vectorial => Escape constraints from LEP EW precision data v = (T (Q ) + T (Q )) − e sin θ . (3) Q 3 L 3 R Q W For each vectorial quirk doublet, we can also have a Dirac bare mass 2 a 2 1 T (a = 1, · · · , N 2 − 1) are the generators of the SUC ! (NIC ) IC vQ = (T3 (QL ) + T3 (QR )) − eQ sin θW . (3) coupling withof SM Higgs 2) is the third-component Here No T3 (QYukawa the weak isospin for the left- (right-) handed quirk L,R 3 " where each quirk lives and gs is its coupling. For vector quir Q.third-component Since we assumeofvector quirks, T3 (Q =T have the same value for each L )the 3 (Q(right-) R ), they the the weak isospin for lefthanded quirk But a Dirac bare mass term is possible component of Q. T3For quirk doublet, we can 1 alsoforhave me vector quirks, (QLeach ) = Tvectorial eacha Dirac bare mass 3 (QR ), they have the same value vbeta (T3 (Q − eQ sin Q = decay. L ) + T3 (Qfor R )) DM. Lightest iQuark is stable. No weak Candidate 2 bare mass For each vectorial quirk doublet, we can also have a Dirac 3 22 iQuark Production at LHC 23 Embedded into GUT Vector iQuarks can arise in complete SU(5) 5 ⊕ 5̄ → (3, 1) 13 ⊕ (3̄, 1)− 13 ⊕ (1, 2) 12 ⊕ (1, 2)− 12 colored uncolored For example, vector-like Higgs in SUSY GUT In SUSY, any dynamics that generates the supersymmetric µ term will give mass to the vector iQuarks as well Scalar quirks (siquarks) appear in models in folded supersymmetry [Burdman et al, JHEP 0702, 009 (2007)] 24 Quarkonium Production in Hadron Collider Plus fragmentation, color octet mechanism as well. 25 Colored/Uncolored iQuarks are produced via QCD/Electroweak hard processes q iQ’ QCD: gluon EW: photon,Z,W unbreakable string Λ! ! M q’ iQ 26 in order to form a quarkonium. Therefore, the quirkonium production rates are not inferior to the quarkonium, although quirks are only produced via electroweak interactions. We Open production cross section for iQuarks at LHC will discuss more about these interesting phenomena in the next section. [Cheung, Keung and TCY, NPB in press, 0810.1524] Cross Sections (pb) 101 100 LHC - UU 10-1 - UD - 10-2 10-3 100 DD 200 300 400 500 MU or MD (GeV) - DU 600 700 800 FIG. 1: Production cross sections for pp → U U, DD, UD and DU at the LHC. The label MU on the x-axis is for UU, U D and DU production while MD is for DD production. We assume MU − MD = 10 GeV and set NIC = 3. 27 Open squirk (siquark) production in folded SUSY (Burdman, Chacko, Goh, Harnik and Krenke, PRD78:075028 (2008) arXiv:0805.4667) 1 0.1 0.01 ! (pb) nomenology associated quark partners in this s and strong dynamics are very different from hidden valley models. where there is a large the matter fields and e rise to very unusual reason the quarks (or ve been dubbed quirks is, let us first recall the ider two heavy quarks in a hard process. As rt and their distance mics sets in and some ic flux tube extending energy density in the ergetically favorable to uark pair, ripping the adronization allows the parately. er hand, such a soft nt because there are no omparable to Λ! . The be, or more simply, the exceed Λ!2 which is far wavelength needed to 0.001 0.0001 1e-05 200 400 600 squirk mass (GeV) 800 FIG. 1: The total cross-section for production of first generation squirk anti-squirk pairs via an s-channel W + (top curve) and W − (bottom curve) at the LHC as a function of the squirk mass. The up and down squirks have been taken to be degenerate. iQuark hasthelarger production rate than scalar iQuark! corresponding quarks, but are charged under QCD , ! not under QCD. Specifically, under SU(3)C! × SU(3)C × ! ! 28 Open production of top quirk in Quirky Little Higgs Model (Cai, Cheng and Terning 0812.0843) Figure 1: Total cross-sections vs. mass of top quirk top quirk mass MXT = 800 GeV, about one hundred events with quirk pairs can be produced. 29 Prompt Annihilation of iQuarkonium 30 iQuark Annihilations/iQuarkonium Decays iQuark-antiiQuark annihilation is a hard process -calculable using perturbation theory + factorization wave function at origin Hard kernel Projection op W / Annihilation Amplitudes Generic diagrams for 2-body decays 31 We present the decay branching ratios of the S-wave 1 S0 and 3 S1 quirkonium of UU , DD, 1 S neutral iquarkonium 0 2 – 4. In these plots, we have set NIC = 3 and give a small and the charged UD in Figs. mass difference of MU − MD = 10 GeV for the cases of charged quirkonium. - - U U 1S0 quirkonium D D 1S0 quirkonium 1 1 g’ g’ (!’=10 MeV) Branching Ratios Branching Ratios g’ g’ (!’=10 MeV) W+ W0.1 Z" W+ W- 0.1 ZZ Z" 0.01 ZZ 0.01 100 "" 150 200 250 300 350 M (GeV) 0.001 400 450 500 100 "" 150 200 250 300 M (GeV) 350 400 450 500 FIG. 2: Branching fractions of the quirkonium of (a) 1 S0 (UU) and (b) 1 S0 (DD) versus the quirkonium mass M . We have chosen nQ = 1 and Λ! = 10 MeV in the running α!s . U U 3S1 quirkonium atios u -u + c -c # $ -$ 0.1 D D 3S1 quirkonium 1 d -d + s -s + b b d -d + s -s + b b u -u + c -c # l+ latios 1 Dominant Decay Mode: Invisible g ! g- ! mode 0.1 # $ -$ # l+ l- 32 FIG. 2: Branching fractions of the quirkonium of (a) 1 S0 (UU) and (b) 1 S0 (DD) versus the quirko- 3 S neutral iquarkonium ! = 10 MeV in the running α! . nium mass M . We have chosen n = 1 and Λ Q s 1 - 1 # $ -$ Branching Ratios # l+ l- t t- W+ W- 0.1 # $ -$ # l+ lt tW+ W- 0.01 g’ g’ g’ Z g’ g’ g’ g’ g’ Z g’ g’ " g’ g’ 100 d -d + s -s + b b u -u + c -c 0.1 0.01 D D 3S1 quirkonium 1 d -d + s -s + b b u -u + c -c Branching Ratios - U U 3S1 quirkonium 150 200 250 300 M (GeV) 350 400 450 " g’ g’ 0.001 500 100 150 200 250 300 M (GeV) 350 400 450 500 FIG. 3: Branching fractions of the quirkonium of (a) 3 S1 (UU) and (b) 3 S1 (DD) versus the quirkonium mass M . We have chosen nQ = 1 and Λ! = 10 MeV in the running α!s . Dominant decay mode: 2-jet 13 No ZZ, Zγ and γγ modes WW mode has large cancellation among amplitudes for vector iQuarks 33 Comparison with superheavy Quarkonium (Barger et al PRD 35, 3366 (1987)) 2-jet WW (no large cancellation) 34 S wave charged iquarkonium - - U D 1S0 quirkonium 1 U D 3S1 quirkonium 1 u -d + c -s " l+ # W+ ! Branching Ratios Branching Ratios 0.8 0.6 + W Z 0.4 tb 0.1 W+ Z 0.01 W+ g’ g’ 0.2 0 100 150 200 250 300 M (GeV) 350 400 450 500 100 150 200 250 300 350 M (GeV) 400 450 500 FIG. 4: Branching fractions of the charged quirkonium of (a) 1 S0 (UD) and (b) 3 S1 (UD) versus the quirkonium mass M . We have chosen nQ = 1 and Λ! = 10 MeV in the running α!s . The pseudoscalar state, 1 S0 , only decays into a pair of gauge bosons for both UU and Similar to charged quarkonium DD, as shown in Fig. 2. When the mass M of the quirkonium is below 2mW , the γγ and Zγ mode dominate; especially for UU the γγ mode is important because of the larger electric charge of U quirk. When the mass M of the quirkonium is above 2mW , the W + W − 35 Summary Phenomenology of iQuarkonium is quite different from quarkonium. iQuarkonium collider signals involve 3 steps: (1) iQuark pair production (2) Soft energy loss (visible and invisible) (3) Hard annihilation in SM particles iQuarks linked by macroscopic string may lead to hidden tracks. Detailed analysis is missing but interesting string dynamics. iQuarks linked by microscopic string annihilates promptly into SM final states; distinguishable from superheavy quarkonium. Energy loss via (i)glueballs and soft photon emission are important signals since the iQuarkonium was formed in highly excited state. NP QCD effects for colored iQuarks can give rise to even more spectacular signals of hadronic fireball from energy loss along with dijet and dilepton resonances. 36 iQuarks are not un-interesting stuff! 37 Backup Slides 38 Comparison with folded supersymmetry (Burdman, Chacko, Goh, Harnik and Krenke, PRD78:075028 (2008) arXiv:0805.4667) FIG. 2: Branching ratios for a charged squirk-antisquirk pair into various final states, as a function of the relative velovity of the pair. Qualitative the same ? threshold the most important channel is to W + photon, with annihilation to two fermions becoming significant the W+photon ann Before moving briefly comment o W+glueball. Th naively vanishes b portional to the Annihilating to W least two gluons, an However, there ma hilation to occur. I QCD [17]. These e states consisting of gluon. Lattice stud a variety of spin an some states that m and some that do n not mix with meso pions. However in semi-stable. In par mass splitting bet corresponding (sam smaller than the e this is indeed the be stable to glueb 39 will thus annihilat