Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Extract from Hansard
[ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 3 December 2013]
Ms Margaret Quirk; Dr Kim Hames
Ms M.M. Quirk to the Minister representing the Attorney General:
I refer to the review of the Equal Opportunity Commission, and ask:
what is the nature of your review of the Equal Opportunity Commission;
who is undertaking that review;
what are its terms of reference;
when is it due to conclude; and
do you intend to publish the findings of that review?
Dr K.D. Hames replied:
(a)–(e) The Attorney General has asked the Public Sector Commissioner to conduct a review of the Equal
Opportunity Commission. Terms of reference for the review are currently under consideration. They are
expected to broadly involve an examination of the role and structure of organisations established under
the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 in ensuring the effective and efficient achievement of the objectives of
the Act. The review will involve stakeholder consultation and be expected to conclude within 6 months
of commencement. A decision on whether the findings of the review are to be published will be made
by the Attorney General at the appropriate time.