Casting Light on Dark Matter? John ELLIS, King’s College London & CERN The Current Context • Three major new experimental results • The discovery of a Higgs boson @ LHC – Constraints on models of dark matter – But no evidence of dark matter particles • Planck satellite data – Consistent with ΛCDM model – Constraints on inflationary models • First data from the AMS-02 experiment – Rising positron fraction – Astrophysics or dark matter annihilations? Unofficial Combination of Higgs Search Data from March 6th Is this the Higgs Boson? No Higgs here! No Higgs here! It Walks and Quacks like a Higgs • Do couplings scale ~ mass? With scale = v? Global fit JE & Tevong You, arXiv:1303.3879 • Red line = SM, dashed line = best fit What else is there? Supersymmetry • Successful prediction for Higgs mass – Should be < 130 GeV in simple models • Successful predictions for Higgs couplings – Should be within few % of SM values • Naturalness, GUTs, string, … • Could explain the dark matter Lightest Sparticle as Dark Matter • Stable in many models because of conservation of Fayet R parity: R = (-1) 2S –L + 3B where S = spin, L = lepton #, B = baryon # • Particles have R = +1, sparticles R = -1: Sparticles produced in pairs Heavier sparticles lighter sparticles • Lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) stable • Present in Universe today as relic from Big Bang Relic Density Calculation • Freeze-out from thermal equilibrium • Typical annihilation cross section ~ 3 ✕ 10-26 cm2 • Lower if coannihilation with related particles Supersymmetric Signature @ LHC Look for missing transverse energy carried away by dark matter particles Supersymmetry Searches LHC Searches ~ 5/fb @ 8@ TeV “Classic” missing-energy search Multiple searches including b, leptons Global Fit to Supersymmetric Model 2 5 Scan of CMSSM Impacts of searches with full 2012 data Update of Buchmueller et al: arXiv:1207.3715 p-value of simple models < 10% Global Fit to Supersymmetric Model 1 Gluino mass 5 CMSSM Update of Buchmueller, JE et al: arXiv:1207.3715 Favoured values of gluino mass significantly above pre-LHC, > 1.5 TeV Cosmological Inflation in Light of Planck • A scalar in the sky? A Wess-Zumino model? Inflationary Models in Light of Planck • Planck CMB observations consistent with inflation • Tilted scalar perturbation spectrum: ns = 0.9585 ± 0.070 • BUT strengthen upper limit on tensor perturbations: r < 0.10 • Challenge for simple inflationary models • Starobinsky R2 to rescue? • Supersymmetry to rescue? Croon, JE & Mavromatos: arXiv:1303.6253 Higgs Inflation: a Single Scalar? Bezrukov & Shaposhnikov, arXiv:0710.3755 • Standard Model with non-minimal coupling to gravity: • Potential similar to Starobinsky, but not identical BUT: needs MH > 127 GeV ≠ LHC? Supersymmetric Inflation in Light of Planck • Supersymmetric Wess-Zumino (WZ) model consistent with Planck data ϕ4 ϕ2 WZ ϕ ϕ2/3 Croon, JE, Mavromatos: arXiv:1303.6253 No-Scale Supergravity Inflation • • • • The only good symmetry is a local symmetry Early Universe cosmology needs gravity Supersymmetry + gravity = Supergravity BUT: potentials in generic supergravity models have potential ‘holes’ with depths ~ – MP4 • Exception: no-scale supergravity • Appears in compactifications of string • Flat directions, scalar potential ~ global model + controlled corrections JE, Nanopoulos & Olive, arXiv:1305.1247, 1307.3537 No-Scale Supergravity Inflation • Good inflation for Looks like R2 model JE, Nanopoulos & Olive, arXiv:1305.1247, 1307.3537 Strategies for Detecting Supersymmetric Dark Matter • Scattering on nucleus in laboratory χ +Aχ+A • Annihilation in core of Sun or Earth χ–χν+…μ+… • Annihilation in galactic centre, dwarf galaxies χ – χ γ + …? • Annihilation in galactic halo χ – χ positrons, antiprotons, …? Direct Searches for Dark Matter New CDMS result Aprile et al. Best limit: XENON100 with 225 days of data Confusion at low WIMP masses? Global Fit to Supersymmetric Model 2 -40 10 -41 10 -42 10 -43 10 -44 10 -45 10 -46 10 -47 10 -48 Spin-independent Dark matter scattering Excluded by XENON100 5 .9 9 0 1 10 2 m χ˜ 01 [GeV] 5 .9 9 0 5 .9 9 0 10 Excluded by LHC 2. 30 2.3 00 5 .9 9 0 σpSI [cm 2 ] --- 1/fb ___ 5/fb 10 5 0 10 3 Buchmueller, JE et al: arXiv:1207.3715 Favoured values of dark matter scattering cross section significantly below XENON100 Strategies for Detecting Supersymmetric Dark Matter • Scattering on nucleus in laboratory χ +Aχ+A • Annihilation in core of Sun or Earth χ–χν+…μ+… • Annihilation in galactic centre, dwarf galaxies χ – χ γ + …? • Annihilation in galactic halo χ – χ positrons, antiprotons, …? Neutralino Annihilation Rates In some supersymmetric models may be much smaller than order-of-magnitude estimate JE, Olive & Spanos, arXiv:1106.0768 Annihilation Branching Fractions Vary in different regions of parameter space JE, Olive & Spanos, arXiv:1106.0768 Must be modelled correctly Fermi γ line @ 130 GeV? Weniger analysis claimed “4 σ” (3 σ with look-elsewhere effect) • BUT: Fermi Collaboration also sees bump in control sample of γ’s from Earth’s limb • Presumably a systematic effect AMS-02 on International Space Station (ISS) Positron Fraction Rising with E Dark Matter? Galactic cosmic rays? Local sources? Dark Matter Fit to AMS Positron Data 0 + - 2 t t min c point; E>20 GeV CR + t t Fermi ’11 AMS-02 Pamela ’10 20 18 2 c /bin 2 c 16 14 12 -1 2 10 c Je+/(Je-+Je+) 10 10 8 6 4 2 10 -2 10 0 10 1 10 E [GeV] 2 10 3 0 1 10 10 2 E [GeV] • Can find good fit: χ2 ~ 18 with annihilation to τ+τ- by modifying cosmic ray parameters JE, Olive & Spanos, in preparation Dark Matter Fit to AMS Positron Data 3 <s v> [cm /s] D c2 (AMS-02) : t+ t- channel 10 -19 10 -20 10 -21 10-22 10 -23 10 -24 102 J=0 J=1 CL=68% CL=95% 103 104 105 mDM [GeV] • BUT: very large annihilation cross section ~ 3 ✕ 10-23 cm2 >> required for relic density • OR: very large boost from halo density JE, Olive & Spanos, in preparation fluctuation(s) Galactic Cosmic Rays Alone? Blum, Katz& Waxman, arXiv:1305.1324 • Rising positron fraction compatible with model-independent bound on secondary e+ 10 10 Je-, Je+ (cm-2 s-1 sr-1 GeV-1) Galactic Cosmic Rays Alone? 0 CR t t Fermi ’11 AMS-02 Pamela ’10 10 -2 10 -4 10 -6 10 -8 - e + e + e +e Fermi ’10 10-10 10 -12 10 -14 10 10 0 10 1 2 10 2 10 10 3 E [GeV] 10-1 10 -2 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 E [GeV] • Can fit positron data with modified cosmic-ray model _ • BUT: problems with e , p 3 antiprot/prot Je+/(Je-+Je+) + - 0 -3 CR Pamela ’10 10-4 10 -5 10 -6 10 0 10 1 10 3 E [GeV] JE, Olive & Spanos, in preparation Assume Local Source: Constrain any extra Dark Matter Contribution • Dark Matter annihilation could give feature above otherwise smooth distribution Bergstrom et al, arXiv::1306.3983 The LHC may cast light on dark matter… … dark matter experiments may cast light on fundamental questions in particle physics