TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER - IRT OPERATIONS (IN SUPPORT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT) Updated February 2012 Notes: 1. All new wording (compared to the wording the tariff approved in March 2012) is shown in italics. Deleted text is shown in square brackets "[…]". UNIT REMARKS Item No SERVICES RENDERED 2012/13 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT Supplementary tariff to Parking Tariff Parking will be charged at the applicable tariff rate for the first 15 minutes or part thereof. Parking for a period in excess of 15 minutes, to a maximum of 30 minutes, will be charged at the applicable 30 minute parking tariff. Thereafter, parking will be charged in increments of 30 minutes or part thereof. Tariffs to be charged in the following circumstances: 1. Applies to areas within walking distance to MyCiTi stations and stops, to be identified through feasibility studies and public participation exercises (e.g. obtaining comment from affected Sub-Council) 2. It is expected that parking in these areas are to be managed by IRT Operations / MyCiTi, subject to agreement of the Transport Department. This could be done via a MyCiTi Station Management Contractor. BLAAUWBERG / ATLANTIS CORRIDOR - FROM CHRISTIAN BARNARD STREET IN THE CBD TO ATLANTIS BORDERED BY THE N1 AND THE N7 IN THE EAST AND THE SEA IN THE WEST, and other areas assigned to IRT Operations for parking management (unless indicated differently in a notice published in the press) These rates apply during the hours as displayed in the vicinity of the relevant parking bays or area (which may include periods before and after normal office hours) 1 Category 1: When MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transport services are not yet provided or are only partially provided in the vicinity of the parking bays / area. 1A Short term off-street municipally-owned or leased parking (under 4 continuous hours) - variable tariff as determined by usage percentage (payment by card may be required). 1A.1 For a period of up to 15 minutes: 1A.1 (a) Where parking area is less than 25% occupied 1A.1 (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 1A.1 (c) Where parking areas is more than 75% occupied Per 15 minutes or part thereof Per 15 minutes or part thereof Per 15 minutes or part thereof 0.53 0.60 Yes 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.80 Yes 0.88 1.00 0.96 1.10 Yes 1.14 1.30 0.96 1.10 Yes 1.14 1.30 1.40 1.60 Yes 1.75 2.00 1A.2 For a period of more than 15 minutes, charged in place of the fee in 1A.1: Per 30 min or part 1A.2 (a) Where parking area is less than 25% occupied thereof 1A.2 (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 2013/03/1509:36 AM Per 30 min or part thereof Transport Roads and Stormwater - IRT Operations 47.1 TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER - IRT OPERATIONS (IN SUPPORT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT) Updated February 2012 Notes: 1. All new wording (compared to the wording the tariff approved in March 2012) is shown in italics. Deleted text is shown in square brackets "[…]". UNIT REMARKS Item No SERVICES RENDERED Supplementary tariffistomore Parking parking areas thanTariff 75% occupied 1A.2 (c) Where Per 30 min or part thereof 2012/13 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT 1.93 2.20 Yes 2.28 2.60 7.46 8.50 Yes 9.04 10.30 11.14 12.70 Yes 13.51 15.40 14.82 16.90 Yes 17.98 20.50 0.96 1.10 Yes 1.14 1.30 1.40 1.60 Yes 1.75 2.00 1.93 2.20 Yes 2.28 2.60 1.93 2.20 Yes 2.28 2.60 2.89 3.30 Yes 3.60 4.10 3.86 4.40 Yes 4.74 5.40 1B Long term off-street municipally-owned or leased parking (4 continuous hours or more) - variable tariff as determined by usage percentage (payment by card may be required). For the first Financial Year within which the relevant parking area is managed. 1B (a) Where parking area is less than 25% occupied 1B (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 1B ( c) Where parking areas is more than 75% occupied Per 24 hours or part thereof Per 24 hours or part thereof Per 24 hours or part thereof 2 Category 2: When MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transport services are fully provided in the vicinity of the parking bays / area. 2A Short term off-street municipally-owned or leased parking (under 4 continuous hours) - variable tariff as determined by usage percentage (payment by card may be required). 2A.1 For a period of up to 15 minutes 2A.1 (a) Where parking area is less than 25% occupied 2A.1 (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 2A.1 (c) Where parking areas is more than 75% occupied Per 15 minutes or part thereof Per 15 minutes or part thereof Per 15 minutes or part thereof 2A.2 For a period of more than 15 minutes, charged in place of the fee in 2A.1: Per 30 min or part 2A.2 (a) Where parking area is less than 25% occupied thereof 2A.2 (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 2A.2 (c) Where parking areas is more than 75% occupied Per 30 min or part thereof Per 30 min or part thereof 2B Long term on-street parking (4 continuous hours or more) - variable tariff as determined by usage percentage (payment by card may be required) 2013/03/1509:36 AM Transport Roads and Stormwater - IRT Operations 47.2 TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER - IRT OPERATIONS (IN SUPPORT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT) Updated February 2012 Notes: 1. All new wording (compared to the wording the tariff approved in March 2012) is shown in italics. Deleted text is shown in square brackets "[…]". UNIT REMARKS Item No SERVICES RENDERED Supplementary tariff Parking Tariff parking area is to less than 25% occupied 2B (a) Where 2B (b) Where parking area is between 25% and 75% occupied 2B ( c) Where parking areas is more than 75% occupied Per 24 hours or part thereof Per 24 hours or part thereof Per 24 hours or part thereof 2012/13 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT 10.18 11.60 Yes 12.37 14.10 13.95 15.90 Yes 16.84 19.20 17.63 20.10 Yes 21.40 24.40 175.44 200.00 Yes 213.16 243.00 Per vehicle per parking 3 Category 3: A Parking Fee Evasion Penalty may be charged where there is prima facie proof that a passenger fee evasion incident has intentionally evaded or attempted to evade paying the relevant fee, such as by parking in the vicinity of managed parking areas in a manner not in compliance with the relevant laws applicable to parking. CONDITIONS REGARDING PARKING MANAGEMENT IN BLAAUWBERG / ATLANTIS CORRIDOR Parking tariffs will start at the lower level (assuming occupancy below 25%), as set out in fee (a) in each of the options above. The parking tariff will be adjusted based on the average level of occupancy of a particular parking facility. For this purpose three levels of occupancy are identified as indicated above. The occupancy of a particular parking facility (being on-street parking bays and / or parking area) will be measured every three months on two consecutive week days over a four hour period from 10h00 to 14h00. The average occupancy over this period will be used for selecting the appropriate tariff rate. The applicable rate to be displayed at the closest MyCiTi station / stop and at the relevant parking facility; and the public will be notified of any assessment of parking occupancy resulting in a change to the parking tariff on the MyCiTi website. CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO AREAS WHERE SMART CARDS ARE USED 1. These conditions apply to all managed parking bays or areas in this table where signage requires or allows smart cards for payment. 2. Smart cards may be required for payment wherever a tariff makes provision for payment by card. 3. "Validating in" means offering a smart card for recordal of the start of a period of use of a parking bay or area, by tapping onto a validator, or by handing it to a parking attendant for such tapping on. 4. "Validating out" means offering a smart card for recordal of the end of a period of use of a parking bay or area, by tapping onto a validator, or by handing it to a parking attendant for such tapping on. 5. Parking where a person has validated in using a smart card on a given day but, by the end of the period during which official parking management services are offered or at the end of the chargeable hours (whichever is the earlier), has not yet validated out, whether or not the vehicle has been removed from the parking area. 2013/03/1509:36 AM Per vehicle The fare system shall record this amount as being due, and shall flag the amount described here at the end of the period during which official parking management services are offered or the end of the chargeable hours (whichever is the earlier) in the relevant area on a given day, to be charged to the smart card when next that smart card is used in the system. The applicable tariff in this table shall be charged regarding the period between the time that the person has validated in, and the end of the period during which official parking management services are offered or the end of the chargeable hours (whichever is the earlier) on a given day. Transport Roads and Stormwater - IRT Operations 47.3 TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER - IRT OPERATIONS (IN SUPPORT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT) Updated February 2012 Notes: 1. All new wording (compared to the wording the tariff approved in March 2012) is shown in italics. Deleted text is shown in square brackets "[…]". UNIT REMARKS Item No SERVICES RENDERED Supplementary to parked ParkinginTariff a vehicle istariff found a managed parking Per vehicle 6. When bay or area at any time, without the person in charge of the vehicle validating in using a smart card, and a person seeks to remove the vehicle from the area, the person shall be charged as follows: 2012/13 2012/13 Recalculated excl. VAT R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2013/14 Recalculated excl. VAT 2013/14 R incl. VAT The parking management service shall record the vehicle as being located in a managed parking bay or area at the time the vehicle is found in such bay or area at any time during a period that the official parking management service is operated. The applicable tariff in this tariff applies between the time that the vehicle is recorded as being in a managed parking bay or area and the time that the person validates out with the aim of removing the vehicle. The relevant parking fee is to be charged when the vehicle is removed from a managed parking bay or area. If the vehicle is removed after the period during which parking management services are offered, the fare system shall flag and charge the amount due as described in Condition 5. 7. An alternative method of charging could be used, if technology does not permit the method explained in conditions 5 and 6. For any period that the smartcard technology is not available, fees may be collected manually in cash, at the rate set out [in 8(d), below] above . 8. (a) The fees above apply where a user has sufficient value [in MyCiTi Travel Package 1 on their card] available on the e-purse / EMV portion of the smartcard to cover the relevant parking fee. It is envisaged that during the 2013/2014 financial year the tariffs will only be deductible from the e-purse/ EMV portion of the card and not from a Travel Package. (b) Notwithstanding (a), where the user has sufficient value in Travel Package [2] on their card to cover the applicable parking fee, a discount of 30% [15%] compared to the fees above will applicable. [(c) If so available, the relevant fee will be deducted from the relevant MyCiTi Travel Package. (d) If a user has insufficient value in both MyCiTi Travel Packages 1 and 2 on their card to cover the relevant parking fee, they will be charged a surcharge of 15% over and above the parking fees above, from the amount available on the epurse / EMV portion of the smartcard. (e) Except if condition 7 applies, if the user does not have a smartcard or if the user does not have sufficient value in the e-purse / EMV portion of the card, parking will be refused. (f) Travel Packages referred to here are as set out in the MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit tariff. (g) The Category 3 Penalty will apply as listed, with no discount or additional charge as provided for in (a) to (d) above.] 9. Definitions in the MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit tariff apply to this tariff, read with the changes required from the context. 10. Category 1 or 2 will apply as certified by the Executive Director: Transport, Roads and Stormwater. 11. These tariffs may not be provided within the applicable financial year should the ED: Transport Roads and Stormwater deem these to non-applicable. Non-applicability may include limitations regarding the available technology to charge the particular tariff. 2013/03/1509:36 AM Transport Roads and Stormwater - IRT Operations 47.4