REPORT To EXECUTIVE MAYOR JUNE 2011 .... 1878 C1TY OF C.lPE TOWN IISIXEKO SASEKAPA I STAn I(AAPSTAO I Me 61106111 1 ITEM NUMBER: 2 TRANSPORT, ROADS AND MAJOR PROJECTS : FINAL 2011/2012 DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLANS AND SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIPs) [LSUB1507] ICANDELO LOLAWULO LWEZOTHUTHO, IINDLELA NEEPROJEKTHI EZINKULU : IZICWANGCISO ZOKUGQIBELA ZESEBE ZOKUQHUTYWA KOMSEBENZI NOKUNIKEZELWA KWENKONZO NEZOKUZALISEKISWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPS) ZOWAMA-201112012 VERVOER, PAAIE EN GROOT PROJEKTE : FINALE -DEPARTEMENTELE SAKEPLANNE EN DIENSLEWERING-EN-BEGROTINGS IMPLEMENTERINGS-PLANNE (SDBIPs) VIR 2011/2012 3 RECOMMENDATION FROM THE TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER & MAJOR PROJECTS PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 05 MAY 2011 (TRS&MP 18/05/11 ) RECOMMENDED that: 3 (a) the contents of the 201112012 Departmental Business Plans and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans, be noted (b) the 2011/2012 Departmental Business Plans and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans, be approved. ISINDULULO SEKOMITI YEMICIMBI YEZOTHUTHUTHO, IINDLELA NAMANZI ESITSHI KUNYE NEEPROJEKTHI EZINKULU : 05 MEYI 2011 (TRS&MP 18/05/11 ) KUNDULULWE ukuba : a) Makuqwalaselwe okuqulathwe kwiziCwangciso zokuSebenza zeSebe zonyaka-mali ka-2011/2012 neziCwangciso zokuNikezelwa kweeNkonzo nokeZalekiswa koHlahlo-lwabiwo-mali (b) Makuqwalaselwe iziCwangciso zokuSebenza zeCandelo zonyaka-mali ka2011/2012 neziCwangciso zokuNikezelwa kweeNkonzo nokuZalekiswa koHlahlo-lwabiwo-mali. REF TO MAyea: JUNE 2011 1879 3 AANBEVELING VAN DIE PORTEFEULJEKOMITEE OOR VERVOER, PAAIE EN STORMWATER EN GROOT PROJEKTE: 05 MEl 2011 (TRS&MP 18/05/11) AANBEVEEL dat (a) daar kennis geneem word van die inhoud van die departementele sakeplanne en dienslewering-en-begrotingsimplementeringsplanne (SDBIP's) vir 2011/2012 (b) die departementele sakeplanne en dienslewering-enbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne (SDBIP's) vir 2011/2012 goedgekeur word. REF TO MAyeO JUNE 2011 .., .1880 REPORT To TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE MAYCO 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT TRS & MP 1J:...3Glo em IIF CAPE TOWN i ISIXEKII SASEKAPA ISTAll KUPSTAII 18/05/11 (LSU B1507) TRANSPORT, ROADS AND MAJOR PROJECTS: FINAL 201112012 DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLANS AND SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) ISIHLOKO ICANDELO LOLAWULO LWEZOTHUTHO , IINDLELA NEEPROJEKTHI EZINKULU: IZICWANGCISO ZOKUGQIBELA ZESEBE ZOKUQHUTYWA KOMSEBENZI NOKUNIKEZELWA KWENKONZO NEZOKUZALISEKISWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPS) ZOWAMA-2011/2012 ONDERWERP VERVOER, PAAIE EN GROOT PROJEKTE: FINALE- DEPARTEMENTELE SAKEPLANNE EN DIENSLEWERING-ENBEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIP's) VIR 201112012 3. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to submit to the Portfolio Committee for their consideration and recommendation, to the Executive Mayor the 2011/2012 Departmental Business Plans and Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIPs). These documents underpin the 2011/2012 Corporate SDBIP that will be submitted to the Executive Mayor for approval in terms of section 53 (1 )(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). 4. FOR DECISION BY The Executive Mayor in consultation with the Mayoral Committee. Departmental business plan cover letlerMaypc [September 20091 Page 1 of 4 ... 1881 .... 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to submit the 2011/2012 Departmental Business plans and SDBIPs to the Portfolio Committee for their consideration and recommendation to the Executive Mayor. In terms of the MFMA: Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations, all Directorates are required to compile a "Directorate Executive Summary" of their SDBIPs which will be sent to National and Provincial Treasury. The summary is under a separate report. The Departmental Business Plans and SDBIPs are attached as Annexure A. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 6. 6. 6.1 That the Portfolio Committee makes recommendation to the Executive Mayor on the contents of the 2011/2012 Departmental Business Plans and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans 6.2 That the Executive Mayor in consultation with the Mayoral Committee approves the 2011/2012 Departmental Business Plans and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans IZINDULULO 6.1 Ukuba iKomiti yeMicimbi yeSebe mayenze isindululo kuSodolophu weSigqeba ngokuqulathwe kwiziCwangciso zeSebe zokwenza umsebenzi zonyaka-mali ka-2011/2012 noNikezelo IweeNkonzo neziCwangciso zokuZalekiswa koHlahlo-lwabiwo-mali 6.2 Ukuba uSodolophu weSigqeba ecebisana neKomiti yoLawulo/kaSodolophu makaphumeze iziCwangciso zeSebe zokwenza umsebenzi zonyaka-mali ka-2011/2012 noNikezelo IweeNkonzo neziCwangciso zokuZalekiswa koHlahlo-lwabiwo-mali AANBEVELING 6.1 Dat die portefeuljekomitee by die Uitvoerende Burgemeester die inhoud van die inhoud van die departementele sakeplanne en dienslewering-enbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne vir 2011/2012 aanbeveel 6.2 Dat die uitvoerende burgemeester in oorleg met die burgemeesterskomitee die departementele sakeplanne en diensleweringen-begrotingsim plementeringsplanne vir 2011/2012 goedkeur Departmental business plan caver letlerMaYPc.dacx ISeptember 20091 ..... 1882 7. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS a. Constitutional and Policy Implications This process is driven by legislation. b. Environmental implications I c. Does your report have any environmental implications: No [gJ Yes 0 I Legal Implications The process of preparing a Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan must inter alia comply with: Section 53(1)(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act as well as the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations (Schedule A, Part 2, Sections 22,23 & 24). d. Staff Implications Does your report impact on staff resources, budget, grading, remuneration, allowances, designation, job description, location or your organisational structure? e. No [gJ Yes 0 Risk Implications Does this report and/or its recommendations expose the City to any risk? No. f. Other Services Consulted All relevant departments consulted. Departmental business plan cover letterMaypc.docx [September 2009[ ~. P'g,3.4 ·.. ,',' ........ 1883 ANNEXURES Final 2011/2012 Departmental Business Plans and Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans Annexure A: FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: NAME CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS DIRECTORA TE FILE REF No SIGNATURE: DIRECTOR Cyril Benjamin 0843337608 CYJ' 'r~ort, Road and Maior Projects ~RT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAWS AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MADER UNDER CONSIDERATION. D NON-COMPLIANT Comment: TEL DATE CO2-I) 4ro - Z,7S3 2.1.\ b q-IZ Q l( Certified as legally compliant: Based on the contents of the report. ~ \ Comment: DATE :47/- 0 q. - M Departmenlal business plan cover letterMaypc.docx INovember 20091 ~ Page 4 of4 FINAL DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2011/12 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR : IRT IMPLEMENTATION .. : D HUGO ' -. 00 00 ,;;;. Contact Person : Dave Hugo » z z m X c: m ;;0 » Page 1 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The IRT Implementation Department supports the City's lOP Strategic Focus Area - SFA 4A.1: To provide Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems. The primary business of the IRT Implementation Department is that of the IRT System Planning and Infrastructure Design and Implementation as well as the overall co-ordination and Project Management of the of the IRT project including the development and commissioning of the IRT Business System Operational Plan. The Department's current primary tasks are focused on the delivery of Phase 1A of the City's IRT System, at an overall investment value of R4,3 billion. The IRT Implementation Department is a newly established Department (still being staffed) specifically established to deliver the IRT component of SFA 4A.1 which is in line with national governments objectives of improving public transport and transforming the current public transport industry. 2 PURPOSE AND SERVICE MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT Vision: To improve the quality of life for the citizens of Cape Town through the provision of an integrated public transport networl( that is rapid, safe and secure, convenient, clean, affordable and socially equitable, : -.' Objectives: ~ To provide elements of an effective and efficient road based public transport system consisting of a network of bus rapir transit (BRT) services and supporting feeder bus services and infrastructure that integrates with other transit modes into" high quality city-wide transit network. c.n To assure actual implementation of the system within necessary time frames To deliver a system of sufficiently high quality that will both serve existing car users and greatly enhance the travel experience of captive public transport customers. Core functions The Department: IRT Implementation is responsible for the IRT System Planning, Infrastructure design and implementation as well as the overall co-ordination and Project Management functions of the overall project. The Department's core functional areas include: • IRT System Planning and Development Page 2 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan • IRT Infrastructure planning, design and Implementation • IRT Project Management and Co-ordination These are supported by financial and administrative functions The IRT Implementation Department (together with the IRT Operations Department) is focused on implementing Phase 1A of the City's Integrated Rapid Transit System before the end of 2013 at an estimated cost of R 4,3 billion and initiating the system design and planning for Phase 2 of the City's IRTS during the 201 11/12 financial year. This will include the provision of road based public transport facilities (dedicated bus ways, bus stations, stops, depots and other ancillary facilities) and non-motorized transport facilities (cycle and pedestrian facilities) Mandate The mandate for the establishment of the IRT Implementation Department and for the development, implementation and commissioning of the Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) System is derived from the following Council resolutions: • C 71/10109: Implementation of the Integrated Rapid Transit system for the City of Cape Town: Phase 1A: Project Status and a Financia/ and Strategic Assessment (Report) (26-08-2009) • C27/1 0/1 0 (Item 79): Business Plan for Phase 1A of Cape Town's MyCiTi IRT System (27/10/2010) Customers " .' Internal Departments: • - 00 IRT Operations Department 00 Q':l External Bodies • National Department of Transport (DOT) and Treasury • Provincial Government: Western Cape • Existing bus and taxi operators • General public including pedestrians, cyclists and bus commuters. Customer demands/expectations The delivery of Phase 1A of the City's IRT System before the end of 2013. The commencement of the system planning for Phase 2. Page 3 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan 3. LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES: The Constitution assigns to the City of Cape Town the responsibility for 'municipal public transport' to plan and implement public transport within its area of jurisdiction. This is further supported by the provisions of the NLTA, which provides for cities to take greater control over 'planning, regulating, implementing, and monitoring' public transport services, and requires the implementation of 'publicly controlled integrated transport systems'. The IRT Project is mainly funded by the Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems Grant (PTISG), allocated each year in terms of the Division of Revenue Act (DORA). Thus the annual DORA provisions on the PTISG governs how such funds must be utilised. 4. Partners and Stakeholders Partnersl Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities National Department of Project approvals and funding allocations Transport National Treasury Funding source Public Transport Industry 5. Future MyCiti service operators - QC 00 -..l RESOURCES Capital Budget The total capital budget funded ex Public Transport Infrastructure Grant (PTIG) for the next 3 financial years is as follows: • 2011/12 = R 778,066,995 • 2012/13 = R 347,971,702 • 2013/14 = R 466,119,639 Page 4 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan Operating budget The total operating budget for IRT Implementation and Operations Departments combined for the 2011/12 financial year is R 118,538,285 which includes the Grant funded operating projects amount to R 48,200,612. The source of funding for the 3 year capital programme and the Grant funded operating projects, is via a grant from the National Department of Transport (NDoT). Although these budgetary provisions are in-line with the legislated Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) allocations gazetted on the 1sl of April 2010, all indications are that additional funding will be made available to accelerate the implementation of infrastructure associated with the IRT system Senior management organogram Director: Development & Implementation I I Manager System, Planning & Modeling 1 I I Manager Manager Infrastructure & Development Project Integration and Management Manager Finance and Support Services .' ' -. 00 QO 00 The Director post has been filled. Approved Manager posts and supporting posts are to be filled in 2010/11 and 2011/12 financial years. 6. BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS • Backlogs No backlogs. A newly established Department responsible for implementation of a new programme . • Constraints Implementation constrained by the amount and timing of funding allocations Page 5 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan . Staff complement not fully resourced 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions Ongoing Public Transport Infrastructure Grant funding secured through future Division of Revenue allocations 7.2 Risk Assessment Refer to attached Risk Assessment Schedule. 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE IDP The IRT Implementation Department supports the following IDP Strategic Focus Area - SFA 4A.1: To provide Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems. The key outcomes for the Department support the following in the IDP objectives: o Increase in cumulative kilometres of critical routes within dedicated public transport lanes on selected transport corridors o Maintain and enhance transport infrastructure to align to the asset management strategy and plan of the City a well as sustain investor interest and investor confidence in the City . o Increase percentage of commuters using public transport in order to respond to the Travel Demand Managemen' - . . Strategy of the Integrated Transport Plan through changing travel behaviour and promoting public transport ove, 00 private vehicle 00 ~ o The reduction in commuter travel time The key measurable for the Department is the % Capital Budget spent on the implementation of Phase 1A of the Integrated Rapid Transport project. 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) The objectives and indicators of the Department are detailed in the attached Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) Page 6 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) The objectives and indicators of the Department are detailed in the attached Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Director \J .'\::,. \-\ \lG-o Executive Director /11. n1~SLltSrV Mayco Member 11. Date Signature/\ ~ 1//' ~( / <U11-.t-t< • (~ ..------. b, - m/-o~-, <;1 ·•• APPENDICES: Appendix 1: IRT Implementation Department SDBIP Appendix 2: IRT Risk Assessment Schedule Page 7 of 7. IRT Implementation Departmental Final Business Plan.docx • o c E I F G ~T H .,." .' A~IG~MENT TO fOP 2 ,.. j: i I i ,j fl3Sfdi¥: 1 iii).!."..;.;, De_~lmrr?_~<i(.ljt;',!ti~~ ,. , l:'~ I; I '''!\,'''''~!P' 1 , 3 J I, L .. ! I I N ; : i .~ .... . . '.' ,'. ., DEP~~TI\IIENT SDI;lIP(FINAl) , j- . I .' ~ I I 1\ .'. '. I i '. '-:~;'1:r,,:->,~ ~i;'~ !a!_:c~~~,' :iii,Dec 2011:- -31 March .aG12 ";':.~.kT . ,_~~f .. Target I \ I· I 'prune ;0' i,I"_: ·1 Gen!;"1 co~n 2012 . Target :I i I .' i i 'I:E~t a I 0 4Al TR&MP To provide public transport Infrastructure and systems Percentage 01 capital spent on Phase 1a of the IRT Projact New 95% Quarterly 15,66% 3404% 58.35% 95% 4A2 TR&MP To provide public transport Infrastructure and systems % spend of tha operating budgat on road and infrastructura mainlenance New 95% Quarterly 11% 31% 57% 95% 4A 1 TR&MP To provida public transport Infrastructura and systems Length of dedicated public transport lanes built AS at 30 June 2011 40km Annual NfA NfA NfA 40km Retention of scarce skills as measured by staff turnover :s 12% TR&MP BA. Ensuring enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements :512% BA 2 Annual (within skilled categories) (within skilled categories) :s 12% (within skilled categories) (within skilled categories) 4 5 Measured Ito lana kms completed (nominal width 3,5m) and at time of Issue of "practical completion Certificete," 6 B Dept achievement at 30 June 2011 :s 12% {within skilled categories) :s 12% Data Sovrce:SAP & SAP BI Data extrachon will be facilitated by Q:>rporate Services ..... 00 B BA2 TR&MP BA Ensuring enhancad service delivery With efficient institutional arrangaments B BA4 TR&MP BA Ensuring enhanced service delivery with effiCient institutional arrangements TR&MP BA Ensuring enhancad servica dalivary with efficient lnstitutlonal arrangements 8A2 Percentage Improvement of ' responsiveness in service delivery TR&MP 8A. EnSUring enhanced: service delivery with , efficient institutional arrangemants % Compliance with the EE approved plaf1per Department in t~rms of new appointments for the current financial year Staff availability as a measure 01 absenteeism ~ ,,- ,,% ,,% ,,% :S4% (average for tha (average for the (avaraga for the (average for the period Data Source sAP Report period 1 Oct 2010 to period 1 Jan2011 to period 1 April 2011 to 1 July2011 to 30 June PT64 (absenteeism rate) 2012) 30 Sept 2011) 31Dec2011) 31 Mardl2012) Dept achievement at 30 June 2011 ,,% (average for the period 1 Oct 2010 to 30 Sept 2011) Annual Dept achievement at 3D June 2011 90% Quarterly Oir/Dept projected cash flow DirlDept, projected cash now [)ir/Dept projected caSh flow 90% Now 100% Quarterly ""% 100% 100% 100% Dept achievement at 30 June 2011 % compliance as'daterTmned by Dept EE plan Annually. B % budget spant on implementation of WSP Data Source. SAP & SAP BI Data axtractlon will be faCIlitated by Corporate Services 9 Data source SAP BI Building a user friendly BUSiness ObJacts report that will provide the same ~gures as SAP BI 10 B 6.A ~ . % COmpliance es % compliance as determined by ?etermined by Dept Dept EE plan EE plan % compliance as determined by Dept EE plan % c~mpliance as determined by Dept SAP Report EE plan I, 11 Page 1 . IRT Dapartment Implementation Final SDBIP 2011-12 A 8 SFA& CorpOl'llte Olrectol'llte SC::OIllCllrd ObJol:tlvo Indicator No. No. C •~ • ~ 0 E F G H 10111 Annual Target (nrget In (by Jun. 2012) ••~ J L N 0 ~ 30 Sept 2011 To.... 31 Dec 2011 31 Merch 2012 30 June 2012 Target nrget Target BaRline Oapartmem.IObJectlve IndJc::ator brac::kets) ~ Q Ollnel'lll Comments ~ ~ c ~ , 8 88' TR&MP 8 8 Management of k.ey financial and govemanca eraes such S5 Income control, cash flo ...... indigent aB 3 Percentage 01 Capital Budget support, alternative spent income opportunities, asset and n5k. menegllment Dept achievement 11130 June 2011 95% Annuel 11% 31% 59% 95% TR&MP 8 8 Management of key finencial and governance erees such ss income control, cash flow, indigent percentage of support, alternative income opportunities, asset and risk management Dept achillvemenl at 30 June 2011 95% Quertar1y 23% ... % 68% 100% TR&MP 6 8 Menagement 01 koy finencial and governance araas such as Income control, caSh flow, indigent Percentage annuol asset Yerificabon support, s~emstive process completed income opportunities, asset and riSk msnegement Dept achievoment et 30 June 2011 100% Annual 0.0% 0.0% 00% 100% ennual esset verificabon process completad s B Menagement ef kay ftnancial and gellernence or088 such a8 InCeme contral, Percentage eudit findings resolved as cesh ftew,lndlgent 5Uppof1, per follow up audrts eiternatillo incoma epporlumli88, and r1sk menagement Dept achievement et 30 Juno 2011 Illet:iofsle Flnence Mllnagers extrllct dille Q" .. rler1y 12 8 66.4 Dpera~ng Budget spent Illectclele Finsnce Menager.; eldract data querlerly 13 8 8810 This data Is sent Ie Finance Managers en en onnual b&Sis . " 8 88' TR&MP 70% Quarler1y 70% 70% 70% 70% Internal AudH will prDYide 15 -" -'-' ~ -" -'" .g ~ 23 ~ Approved by Director: IRT IMPLEMENTATION ~t Date: ,1)"\ Appreved by ED:Transport, Roads & Major Proj.cts M,Marsden Date: \ 'l; :/C. ftv/, L--- / ~'-1/-&f P2-t? Page 2 IRT Depertmentlmplementstion Final SD81P 2011·12 )(15)( SUMMARY SHEET 1 City of Cape Town -Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGERS JV PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT # 2 - 11 April 2011 PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC VIA MEOlA & SIGNAGE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE OVERALL RISK PROFI LE ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK VEHICLES & DRIVERS 5 FARE COLLECTION SERVICES 4 VEHICLE OPERATOR CONTRACTS 3 IRT OPERATIONS 2 4 1 COMMUNI VEHICLE SERVICE FARE VEHICLES & INFRASTRU LEVEL CATION TO OPERATOR OPERATION CTURE AGREEMEN HE PUBLIC CONTRACT COLLECT10 DRIVERS N SERVICES 5 1S VIA MEOlA IRT o 5 o 4 CONSEQUENCE MDA Risk Assessmeot /2D2Z5/S.18 Copyright MOA 2010 5 CEQUENCE LlHOOO -- ~- f-S 5 5 4 4 4 J f---- - - -- & SIGNA 5 __4_ _ _ _ ,_ _ 4 _ "--"---- L_ -'--- __ --' _ L ____ 3 _ Pri nted:l1/04/2011 File:IRT Risk Assessment REv 2 (11 April 2011) City of Cape Town - Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A SUMMARY SHEET 2 CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGERS JV AFTER MITIGATING RISK RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT # 2 - 11 April 2011 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AFTER MITIGATING RISK COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC VIA MEDIA & SIGNAGE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE OVERALL RISK PROFILE ASSESSMENT AFTER MITIGATING RISK VEHICLES & DRIVERS 5 FARE COLLECTION SERVICES -- 4 VEHiClE OPERATOR CONTRACTS IRT OPERA nONS 3 COMMUNI EHICLE SERVICE FARE CATION TO ERATDR VEHICLES & INFRASTRU LEVEL COLLECTIO HE PUBLIC NTRACT CTURE AGREEMEN DRIVERS N SERVICES VIA MEDIA S & 51GNAGE o o 1 3 CONSEQUENCE M DA Risk Asses5ment /202 25/5 18 CopynglJt MDA 2010 4 5 , , -- , --,-S 3 -,, ,-- " 1--,- , ----- -.- 2 1 Printed: 11/04/20 11 Flle:IRT Risk A55essment REV 2 (11 April2011i City of Cape Town - Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A R1S~ ASSESSMENT REPORT" 2 - 11 April 2011 "-.,,,-, -,-'" ~"'.""~""'"""'''''''~ ,"",,",,,,,,,,,,,,. IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE ."'," ........,,,.. CAPETOWN IRT l'ROI£CT MANAGERS JV '. CONSEQUENCE /IMPACT Thl~ a~~e~~ment was ba~ed on the del;\lery of the test ~ervlce from 2 May and the full Interim Starter Service on 9 May 2011. NOTE: The risk profile will Improve after consIdering the mitigating factors listed In the Risk Control document, CAlCUlATION 10.'""""",,._ .~,.;,';:'","t,;ct - '''"''"''''OP'''''ooo,'"' 00""'"' '"'''' 4pp,,,,,,,"''''00'''''"'''''''' ., , '" ,,,,","' .,,,,.,,',,""m'."'01>W>,' c,,,,,,,.""""'·' City of Cape lown . Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT ~ 2 • 11 April lOll '::O~'::::O":;"'O""'O"""O'''''"'''''' IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE : : : : : : : : : ,: ': ~: ',: : ": :. " . , W II Th.<o"",","".,,,, .. ...,.,,,, - - ....._,,." ..-...- _ . ,,,.«",~ 'o".~,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,,.,.,,,,",,,,,,,".,~. ! I"'" "",...,,;.,"" d,." ,od. , ''''''"'"'''.,""o,,,"o",,,"....d';'''''"d,,,,ood. 0'/04/10ll 06/0'11011 0610'1101) M""""""~'"'"'''''''' ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ..... ;,';: •.. ..."'. " ,:":~~ :~::::: ~,.,',~ CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGEFIS JV This assessment was based on the d..!lvery of the test service from 2 May and the f"n Inlerim starter Servl~e on 9 May 2011. • ""''''''"'',,,I,,... <.Qo,,,d " ooo",hd",.",""",OW,"OU,""""O""" ,,' "" I:;,:::::;:::.',::";.:":""';~",';':m' '0 ".. ,." ,..; d.", 1-,-- City of Cape Town -Integrated Rapid Transit System. Phase 1A IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT. 2 - 11 April 2011 •....."",.."...."". "" ..." •• h.<>',~~"" ... "" • ,.,,,,,~,h,,,,. CAPETOWN lilT PROJECT MANAGERS JV This assessment was based on the del;very of the test service from 2 May and the fUll Interim Starter Servkeon 9 May 2011. NOTE: The risk profile will Improve after considering the mitigating factors listed in ,.".mo",""tw,," P""" I.,. 1.',,,.o,•• ,,"U'''" " 1:::::'::;,::,:::" pub>" "" >t"" DOWM'''T '",""",".Y )0",0 ,,,"",, 0' ",. "",." ',u",'.od th, I~'~UG~,~::~.HKX'C BY· S,GNED COCUM .PPROYECoV, Ab"u' ","'" (r,o",. DAn. I S,GNEO: ~ ... I ~~':":":'~~~~~~~~~~~-=-=~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00 c.c -..l M¢"" ••U"~'O"~·""" ,.,,.-.,M,,,,,',".,,, ClTT 01 eax TO'll ISUUO saS(lm SUO lU"SIU FINAL DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2011/12 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR . Contact Person : IRT OPERATIONS : A BASSlER .., -. : Abdul Bassier Page 1 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The IRT Operations Department supports the City's lOP Strategic Focus Area - SFA 4: To provide Public Transport Service, which is in line with national governments objectives of improving public transport and transforming the current public transport industry. The primary business of the IRT Operations Department is that of contracting all required operations services for IRT operations, and managing IRT operations, in line with the IRT System Plan and using the IRT Infrastructure as implemented by the IRT Implementations Department. The Department's current primary tasks are focused on the operations of Phase 1A of the City's IRT System. The IRT Operations Department is a newly established Department and is still being staffed. The mandate for the development of the IRT Project and for the establishment of the IRT Implementation Department and Operations Department was given by Council in 26 November 2009. On 27 January 2010 the Council resolved to amalgamate the directorates of Transport, Roads and Stormwater and SOl to form the new directorate Transport, Roads and Major Projects (TR&MP), with departments including IRT Implementation and IRT Operations. The approved framework was further amended on 24 February 2010 by the City Manager in terms of the authority granted to him by section 66 of the Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000). He exercised this authority within the policy framework for organisational structure and design as amended by the Executive Mayor in consultation with the members of the Mayoral . Committee. The Council on 25 May 2010 approved an organisational structure for the IRT Project. Regarding the .' Department IRT Operations, this is considered an interim structure, pending a final decision in terms of section 84 of the Municipal Finance Management Act whether to proceed with the establishment of a Municipal Entity that will, among other things, be responsible for IRT operations. 2 PURPOSE AND SERVICE MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT Vision To improve the quality of life for the citizens of Cape Town through the provision of an integrated public transport network that is rapid, safe and secure, convenient, clean, affordable and socially equitable. Objectives In a phased manner, to operate elements of an effective and efficient road based public transport system consisting of a network of bus rapid transit (BRT) services and supporting feeder bus services and infrastructure that integrates with other transit modes into a high quality city-wide transit network. Page 2 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 To assure actual implementation of the service within necessary time frames and resources. To deliver a public transport service of sufficiently high quality that will serve both to greatly enhance the service to and travel experience of current public transport customers and attract existing car users, thereby to improve the efficiency of residents and thus to contribute to their social well-being and to economic development of the City. Core functions The IRT Operations Department (together with the IRT Implementation Department) is focused on initiating and maintaining IRT operations of the whole of Phase 1A of the City's Integrated Rapid Transit System before the end of 2013/14. The core functions of the Department: IRT Operations are: • Business development, including service contracts, institutional arrangements • Input into planning of future phases of IRT, including system planning and infrastructure planning • IRT 1 MyCiti operations • IRT 1 MyCiTi operational customer relations, marketing and communications • Public transport industry transition • Supported by financial, legal and administrative functions Mandate The mandate for the development, implementation, commissioning and operations of the Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) System is derived from the following Council resolutions (among others): • C 71/10109: Implementation of the Integrated Rapid Transit system for the City of Cape Town: Phase 1A: Project Status and a Financial and Strategic Assessment (Report) (26-08-2009) • C27/10/10: Business Plan for Phase 1A of Cape Town's MyCiTi IRT System (27/10/2010). Customers Internal Departments: • IRT Implementation Department • Transport Department Page 3 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 External customers • General public including pedestrians, cyclists and current bus and taxi commuters in the relevant phase of planning and implementation. • Public transport industry stakeholders such as minibus taxi and scheduled bus operators. Customer demands/expectations The delivery of Phase 1A of the City's IRT System before the end of 2013. The commencement of the system planning for Phase 2/14. 3. LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES The Constitution assigns to the City of Cape Town the responsibility for 'municipal public transport' to plan and implement public transport within its area of jurisdiction. This is further supported by the provisions of the National Land Transport Act (NL TA), which provides for cities to take greater control over 'planning, regulating, implementing, and monitoring' public transport services, and requires the implementation of 'publicly controlled integrated transport systems'. The overall responsibility for planning public transport in the City lies with the City's Transport Department. The most recent Integrated Transport Plan, approved by the City of Cape Town, provides for putting in place the Integrated .' Rapid Transit (IRT) system. :: As indicated above, the Departments of IRT Implementation and Operations are responsible for implementing and for operating Phase 1A and for planning Phase 2 of the IRT. The IRT Project is mainly funded by the Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems Grant (PTISG), allocated each year in terms of the Division of Revenue Act (DORA). Thus the annual DORA provisions on the PTISG governs how such funds must be utilised. The NLTA contains detailed terms as to how and with whom operating contracts for running vehicle operations of the IRT must be concluded (see especially sections 39, 41, 42, 46). In August 2010 Council approved the following in terms of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000 (MSA), subject to the prescribed s 84 process of the MFMA):(a) the City should provide MyCiTi-related municipal public transport services (namely Integrated Rapid Transit services, or IRT) through an external mechanism in the form stipulated in s76(b)(v) of MSA i.e. "any other institution, entity or person legally competent to operate a business activity," during the period prior to the possible establishment of the ME; and Page 4 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 ...... - ~ <= (b) where an external mechanism cannot be utilised within the required timeline, the City may as an interim measure provide MyCiTi-related services through an internal mechanism as provided for in s76 (a) of the MSA, until it is able to provide them through an external mechanism. 4. Partners and Stakeholders Partners/ Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities National Department of Transport Sets national legal and policy framework which guides implementation and operation of IRT; and responsible for project approvals and funding allocations National Treasury Funding source, and setting national legal and policy framework for funding through the Division of Revenue Act Provincial Government: Western Cape Departments of Transport and Public Works Alignment of transport services between the City and the broader province; managing public transport subsidies; issuing operating licences Public Transport Industry Directly affected operators in a given phase are the proposed MyCiti vehicle operators (subject to reaching an acceptable agreement within a reasonable time), while others may be indirectly affected and must be consulted Business community and relevant semi state bodies such as ACSA Provide input into how operations should function; take up economic opportunities made available through MyCiTi operations; forming partnerships with IRT as appropriate Internal departments IRT Implementation Department to ensure IRT system planning and infrastructure meets the needs of IRT operations, maintenance of infrastructure • Transport Department: Alignment re planning (eg through ITP); alignment re regulation Safety and Security: Requirement enforcement and alignment of IRT safety Page 5 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 service Other internal stakeholder departments 1 branches include: facility management 5. RESOURCES Financials The total capital budget for the next 3 financial years is as follows: • 2011/12 = R 266,098,386 • 2012/13 = R 198,862,252 • 2013/14 = R 281,804,263 The total operating budget for the 2011/12 financial year is R 442,234,804 which includes the Grant funded operating projects amount to R 238,624,834 and the cost of the four operating contracts required for the provision of a MyCiti service amounting to R 186,100,000. The source of funding for the three year capital programme and the Grant funded operating projects, is via a grant from the National Department of Transport. Although these budgetary provisions are in line with the legislated DORA gazetted on the 1st of April 2010, indications are that additional funding will be made available to accelerate the implementation Rf infrastructure and operations associated with the IRT system. The funding source for the operating deficit (the cost of the:4 operating contracts less the projected estimated fare income) is Rates. ..... Senior management organogram c.= <= t..:I Page 6 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 Director post has been filled. Approved Manager posts and supporting posts are to be filled in 2010/11 and 2011/12 financial years. 6. BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS • Backlogs No backlogs. A newly established Department responsible for operations of a new programme . • Constraints The reasonable pace of industry transition and finalisation of negotiations 1 tendering operational contracts The amount and timing of funding allocations to cover potential operational deficit Pace of implementation of institutional changes regarding reallocation of functions from Province to City; and of establishment of a municipal entity to which the operational function can be assigned Staff complement not fully resourced 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions Page 7 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 Ongoing Public Transport Infrastructure and Systems Grant funding secured through future Division of Revenue allocations Reallocation of national public transport subsidies from existing contracted and scheduled bus services to IRT, as IRT replaces previously subsidised services; and exclusion of routes covered by IRT operations from the contracted routes through provincial contracts. Granting of the required operational licences for IRT operations, in alignment with the planned IRT roll-out. 7.2 Risk Assessment Refer to attached Risk Assessment Schedule which covers risks for both the Departments of IRT Implementation and Operations, since some risks are shared between the departments. The relevant provisions of this Schedule apply to the Department of IRT Operations. 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP The IRT Implementation Department supports the following lOP Strategic Focus Area - SFA 4: Public Transport Systems. The key outcomes for the Department support the following in the lOP objectives: o Increase in cumulative kilometres of critical routes within dedicated public transport lanes on selected transport: corridors - the Department is responsible for operating services within such lanes linked to IRT . ....,.; o Maintain and enhance transport infrastructure to align to the asset management strategy and plan of the City as ~ <:: well as sustain investor interest and investor confidence in the City - the Department is responsible for operating U services utilising such infrastructure o Increase percentage of commuters using public transport in order to respond to the Travel Demand Management Strategy of the Integrated Transport Plan through changing travel behaviour and promoting public transport over private vehicle o The reduction in commuter travel time. 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) The objectives and indicators of the Department are detailed in the attached Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) Page 8 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name A 01\'7'71 ~ Director Executive Director /11. Mayco Member 11. APPENDICES: Appendix 1: IRT Operations Department SDBIP Appendix 2: IRT Risk Assessment Schedule A /' ..... 4'1fS IJtfrV lSignat~re II\A I ~~1~ / Date /-:/ /2. (01f I Zoll tWl/-&~ -pLo --............ . , Page 9 of 9. IRT Operations Departmental Final Business Plan 201112 c 0 , J F E G 201112012 IRT OPERATIONS . AUQNMENT TO lOP 2 SFA& COrpofllte Olractortlte ScOrllClrd Objectlv. Indlc.tor No. No. 3 L N a 30 2011 T..... 31 Dec 2011 T..... 31 March 2012 30 June 2012 Target J H a DEPARTMENT SDBIP (FINAL) ! i• o..,.rtrnr.,mll 0bjeI::tIv. ~ ,........ •• ~ Biro..lln. 10111 (Target In br.ckeb) AnnUIII Target (by Junil 2012) • • •• o.n.,.1 Comments ~ ~ T..... c " , N'A TR&MP , N'A TR&MP , Operata public transport services in Phase lA of the IRT Formetion of compenies to run tRT Vehicle Operations (VO) for Phase 1A Operate public transport services in Phese lA of Conclusion of contracts with IRT Vehicle the IRT Operators for a period of at least 10 years Operate public transport services in Phase lA of the IRT Kilometers of trunk and leeder bus routes operated (ie the sum of the length of all routes, in both directions) As at June 2011 To be finalised Annual Anr)ual Annual Annual All companies The ,",umber of companies required to run IRT va is still subject to negotiation and required for all of Phese lA va formed thus not finalised As at June 2011 To be finalised Annual Annual Annuel Annual All contracts required The number of centracts required to run for all of Phase lA IRT VO is still subject to negotiation and thus not finalised VO conciuded 5 , N'A TR&MP As at June 2011 To be finalised Annual Annual Annual Annual Subject to f,nalisabon of the required infrastructura for this service being completed by the IRT Implemantellon Department. Where two different routes partlal~ overlap, the relevant kms will be To be finelisad duplicated 6 6 N'A TR&MP 8A Ensunng enhanced service delivery with efficiant institutional arrangements Ratention of scarce Skills as measured by staff tumover Dept achievement at s 12% (_in skll"'d ""'teg",.;"s) 30 June 2011 "'" Annuel I~-'"""" ""'tegotles) 7 I ~a:~a!l" fOf IN! s t2% (_in skilled calegot ....) ... S t2% . ".. I~_n categanes) s t2% (wiI/1inakilfed clllegotie.) I~a::;age S 4% (average lor the for the (average lor the p<!riad 1 period 1 Jsn 2011 to penod 1 ~li12011 to J'*t 2011 te 30 June Data So<xce SAP Report 2012) PT64 (absenteeISm rate) 3tDec201t) 31 Mar"" 2012) 6 N'A TR&MP 8A Ensunng enhanced service delivery with efficiant institutional arrangements Staff availability as a measure 01 absenteeism S 4% Dept achievement at (a ..... age far the period 1 Oct 2010 to 30 Sept 30 Juna 2011 2(11) 6 N;A TR&MP 8A Ensunng enhanced service delivery with efficiant institutional arrangements % budget spent on implementatoon of WSP Dept achievement at 30 Juna 2011 90~ Quarterly DrIOept prajected cash flaw DirlOept p'ejeoted cash flaw 6 6A' TR&MP 8A Ensuring enhanced service delivery with efficient in$litutional arrangements SA 2 P",centage imp'ovement of respon!lilieness in SerVl<;e delivery N~ 100% Quartarty 100% 100% 100% 100% N'A TR&MP 8A, En$unng enhanced service dalivary with efficient in$\ltutionai arrangements % Compliance with the EE approved plan per Depertmant in terms of new appointmants for the current financial year Dept achiavement at 3OJune2011 %compliance es determinad by Dept EE plans Annually %compliance as determined by Dept EE plans %compliance as determined by Dept EE plens %compliance as 6 %compliance as determined by Dept EE plans 8 B Management of key financial and govemance areas $uCh as incoma control. cash fiow, indigent support, alternative Income opportunities, esset and nsk managament 88,3 Percentage of Cepitel 8udget spent Dept echievement at 30 June 2011 95% Annual Oir/Dept projected cash flow [)irlDept projected cash fiow DrrlOept projected cash fiow 95% Percentege of Opereting Budget spent Dept achiavement at 30 June 2011 95% Quarterty DirlDept projacted cash fiow Dir/Dept projected cash fiow DirlDept projected cash fiow 95% Percentega annual asset verification process completed Dept echievement at JOJune2011 100% Annuel 0% 0% 0% 100% annuel esset verification process complated Annuel p",iad 1 Oct 291O to 30 Sept 2011) . Data SOlI"oe:SAP & SAP ~ DSIa eJ<lraction wi~ be faclll$ated by COlJ'Ora1e Se<Vice. 6 D~lOept. prOjected cash flow ..... e.c = --J Data SOlI"ce:SAP & SAP 81 Data extractian will be facilita1ed by Corporate Services 90t 6 . Data soulCe' SAP BI Bulding a usef friendly BusOnoj.... Dbjec15 rcport that WIll erawle the same fi~es as SAP 131 10 determined by Dept EE plans SAP Repart -- " 6 6" TR&MP 6 N'A TR&MP Directorate FInance Managers eJ<lract data quarterly 12 8 B Management of key financial and govemence areas such as income control, cash fiow, indigent support, altemative income opportunities, aS$et O~ecto,ale Finence Ma~age", extract data quarte~y and risk management " 6 N;A TR&MP 8 B Menagement of key finanCIal and govemence areas such as incoma controj, cash flow, indigent support, altemative 'ncome opportunitias, esset and risk menagamant This dala is oem to Finaoce Managers on an annual ba'is " Page 1 IRT Operalrons S081P 2011,12 C D E Departmentalobtacti". Indle.tGr ~ a...nne O SFA& ,I Directorate Objel:ti". No, COrpofat. Scorecard IndlClltef No. F ~ • 10111 (Target In bl'llckets) G H AnnUliI Tlrvet •• (by JUM 2012) J L N 0 30 Sapt2011 31 Dec 2011 TefllM; 31 March 2012 30 June 2012 To.... T..... 700/0 70% Q g- • General COmments ~ ~ ~ To.... < ~ . 3 a 881 TR&MP II B Manllgement or key financial and gavernan"., areas such a9 income control, cash flow. indigent support, a~ema!ive income opportunities. asset and risk management 15 // t-1.!- Approved by Director: IRT OPERATIONS t..!L ~ ..!.!. 2!! ~ ~ 23 Date: :. ,/\ --., . 1\ 1\ Percentage audit findings resolyed as per fOllOW up audits Dept achIevement at 30 June 2011 70% Querterty 70% '0% Inlemal Audit will pr<>Vkle \ ("----'~ \.J~ I!/'t 1z.~<1 /1 Approved by ED:Transport, Roads & Major Projects M.Marsden Date: ~l-tJ" -~ / .?oIl Page 2 IRT Operalions SDBIP 2011-12 SUMMARY SHEET 1 City of Cape Town - Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGERS JV PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT # 2 - 11 April 2011 CRITERIA PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC VIA MEDIA & SIGNAGE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE OVERALL RISK PROFILE ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO MITIGATING RISK VEHICLES& DRIVERS 5 FARE COLLECTION SERVICES 4 VEHICLE OPERATOR CONTRACTS IRTOPERATIONS 2 COMMUNI SERVICE IRT VFHICLE FARE CATION TO VEHiClES & IINFRASTRU LEVEl OPERATION OPERATOR CO LLECTIO HE PUBLIC DRIVERS (TURE AGREEMEN S CONTRACT VIA MEDIA S NS ERVICES o TS o 4 CONSEQUENCE MDA Risk Assessment /2022S/S, 18 CopYright MDA 2010 5 1 - ~,·c6NCEQUENCE S S 4 3 4 -~~-- iii liKELIHOOD .. _- ._-_ 4 4 -."-'- .- - & SIGNAGE --'3 I -;--1 ~ Printed:ll/D4/2011 File'IRT Risk Assessment REV 2 (11 April 2011) City of Cape Town - Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A SUMMARY SHEET 2 CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGERS JV AFTER MITIGATING RISK RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT # 2 - 11 April 2011 CRITERIA AFTER MITIGATiNG RISK COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC VIA MEDIA & SIGNAGE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE OVERALL RISK PROFILE ASSESSMENT AFTER MJTlGA TiNG RISK VEHICLES & DRIVERS 5 FARE COLLECTION SERVICES ., 4 VEHICLE OPERATOR CONTRACTS 3 IRT OPERATIONS z o ~ , '" COM MUNI VEHICLE SERVICE FARE CATI ONTO OPERATOR COllECTIO VEHICLES & INFRASTRU LEVEL UBLIC OPERA nON CTURE AGREEMEN HE P DRIVERS CONTRACT N SERVICES S TS VIA MEDIA 5 NAGE o o Z 3 , 4 ---~ CONSEQUENCE - - _.. 2 S 3 2~-~ 2 2 2 MDA Risk Assessment /20225/5. 18 Copyrig/it MOA 2010 ~--~ 2 ~- .t----f---,~- ~ File:IRT Risk 2 i- Printed:ll/04/2011 Assessment REV 2 (11 April 2011) City of Cape Town -Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT ~ 2 _ ~~-"-"--'.' ~ ':.:~;:~''''I'M'W. : ~: : : : : : : : :.:::':'::::'::;~ '"""""'.""""~'O"'~".'.'.'" ,~,," ••• , " •• ~ "" <h, " . , , " " " ""'w.' 'O~ ,~. .. .... ," _. Mod.,... l iii IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE 11 April 2011 .."".. Mm~ .. ~, , ".fI,". 1"",""",,',<0,,' ,,,'" ,., ....."'.01 .0;"",,",.,;,,,.,.....,,",' . "'''''''"' '001"",.""., 00.'''''' "to." , " I O'''''',""m.'o,,,,,o.• , M'~'"'''',,''m."''''''''''' (0"·,,,,,..,,,,,,,, 0610412011 0610'('011 '."""'0""'0"1"""""','0, ,b<""'b",a,,,,,w,,h,o, .~" ........ ",~" .... ,~"". """~"''''.'''''' ''''''~,-",.,,~ This as~es$ment wa~ ba~ed 0.. the de!Jvery Ollhe test serv,ce f,om 2 May and the lull Interim starter Service on 9 May 2011. 4 l CAPETOWN IRT PROJECT MANAGERS IV NOTE: The risk profile willimproue after City of Cape Towll· Integrated Rapid Transit System - Phase 1A CAPE TOWill lilT IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT N 2 • 11 Apr;! 2011 PIIOJ£(:'f MAIIIAG[1I5 JV ,, ":::::~:":''''.''''''';B::'''''''''''''''''''''''''' i §'.:':~.::""I'M ..a ~ -~~---. "'"~''''''.''"'"''' 4 """".. "",~ .. 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Phase 1A RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT # 1 . 11 April lOU IRT PHASE lA: MILESTONE '0' - INTERIM STARTER SERVICE CIIrETOWN tRY I'nnJECT MANAGERS JV " <, DOCUM'NT P"'PA"' 0., 0\>CIJM.'NTrn,e"fP ay DOCUM£ Joo'o,,,,b., '*"dGrlmb..k C".o!.AMo'''''''' I S,ON,., "GH!O 1 "'GN~O· I APPAOV . . a', ~ mY Of C.uo£ IOWI iISlm.• mIlAPI! SUD OU'SUJ DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2011/2012 DEPARTMENT : Transport DIRECTOR : Ms Maddie Mazaza Contact Person : Austin Joemat Page 1 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Department act as the Transport Planning Authority by optimally integrating all the transport functions. namely air, water, rail, road and non motorized transport needs within the City of Cape Town and the co-ordination and creation of intergovernmental synergies to integrate processes and projects with other spheres of government, civil society, business and the transport industry. To enable the integrated management of transport for the City of Cape Town, the planning authority within the metropole to address the current fragmentation of roles and responsibilities in transport by engaging all relevant role players, driving the process and providing the legislative framework. 2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES To lead and direct • the implementation of an appropriate institutional framework for transport that will result in coherent, integrated and comprehensive planning, funding, extension and operation of transport functions in Cape Town • the design and implementation of the Integrated Transport Plan; Integrated PublicTransport Network, Infrastructure and Operations to meet access and mobility needs of all the citizens, visitors, goods and services and maximize use of transport infrastructure to support job creation, social and economic development and minimize environmental impacts • the transformation and restructuring of the Public Transport system and services in order to promote Public Transport and support economic development • the management and administration of the Cape Metropolitan Transport Fund (CMTF) In terms of a Strategic Investment Plan, the aim is to redirect capital and operating investments as follows: ~ lead and direct improvements in services and operations to enable an efficient and safe public transport system i.e. promotes public transport passenger information and provides management and security at public transport interchanges. Plan, design and maintain public transport infrastructure and facilities. To ensure improved access and mobility for all citizens, visitors, goods and services through planning, coordination and implementation of a sustainable and equitable transport system, - network and infrastructure. Establish future transport demand forecasts and projections and driving the universal access and Non Motorized Transport agenda for the City. Responsible for the co-ordination and Approvals of Transport Impact Assessment linked to private and public sector developments. To lead and coordinate a Transport Capital Investment Management System to enable the development of a sustainable, efficient and equitable transport system, network and infrastructure and support for economic development and social inclusion. To co-ordinate all the assets within Transport under a singular and sustained Asset and Risk Management Strategy and ensure that the transport system, network, and infrastructure is well maintained, enhanced and expanded to accommodate increase in demand for access and mobility. Page 2 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan To enable a safe environment for communities in the provision and implementation of traffic calming measures. Ensure the optimum use of transport technology and the creation of new and maintenance of existing transport systems. 3. Legal Requirements for the Plan (if applicable) The National Land Transport Act No 5 of 2009 (NLTAl, prescribes that the City prepare statutory transport plans, as the transport planning authority. Implement the approved comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan, administer the CMTF and ensure public participation in terms of the Urban Transport Act 78 of 1977 (as amended). Be responsible for the planning, design and management of parking areas, permits and road traffic signs in terms of National Road Traffic Act No 93 of 1996 and the Roads Ordinance, Act No 19 of 1976 Annually review the statutory and transport sector plan of the lOP - namely - Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan, Public Transport Plan & Current Public Transport Record (CPTRI Prepare an Integrated Public Transport Network Plan and framework as per the Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP) for the Integrated Rapid Transit Systems (BRT) Implementation Strategy for further Integrated Rapid Transit (IRTS) projects A Summary of Authorities & Mandates for Municipalities in terms of the NLTA Planning Authority Functions • Regulatory Authority Functions • Contracting Authority Functions • Monitoring Functions • Asset Management Page 3 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan 4. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan (key stakeholders of the plan) Delivery on the vision for transport. involves ongoing cooperation, communication, collaboration and partnerships, including: Partnersl Stakeholders National Department of Transport, National Treasury Provincial governmenl of Ihe Western Cape Set legislative framework and approve rail component of ITP Compliance of grant funding in terms of Division of Revenue Act (DORA) Approval of Comprehensive Integraled Transport Plan in terms of specific sections of the NL TA State Owned Enterprises Transport agencies (ACSA. SANRAL, NPA, elc) Private sector Alignment and integralion wilh slralegies, policies and programs Alignment and inlegralion with strategies, policies and programs Alignment and regulatory leverage private seclor to respond to City transport, spatial and economic development goals and objectives Public Iransport operalors and communities Respond to public participation policies and 10 ensure comuncalion of City stralegies, policies and programs Business Community Support & respond 10 Ihe economic needs of the City Surrounding Municipalities 5. Roles and Responsibilities Inlernal City Departments Establishing the Internal Planning Commillee and Ihe Municipal Land Transport Advisory Committee which will be key inslilulional arrangemenls 10 assisl wilh Ihe co-ordinalion of Iransport in the City. RESOURCES (Financial and Siaff) CAPEX (2010/2011) R 118 629 285 (January 2011 - Adjustment Budget) aPEX (Conlrollable Expenses» R 174 057 949 (Excluding Inlegrated Rapid Transit Syslems IBRT) Page 4 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan Staff Complement (Permanent & non-permanent staff) 6. 241 BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS (if applicable) Transport within the City is in a major need of reform and restructuring with particular challenges posed in public transport, non motorised transport, urban degeneration, public safety on all transportation modes and the impact on the environment. The National Land Transport Act sets the framework to reassess the functional, operational and statutory responsibilities of the City and requires a structural, organisational and operational business model for the City as the planning authority. The process will be phased and incrementally implemented noting the City protocol and due diligence administrative and political processes. In 2011/2012 Financial year the Department will have the following focus areas. The programme and projects below will maintain, enhance and where approved expand the infrastructure & services: • Transport Safety • Public Transport Infrastructure and Facilities Improvement Programme • Reduction of Travel Time Projects • Improvement of public transport facilities • Transport Data and Information Management ,.... • Rail based Park & Ride Facilities 00 • Implementation of the requirements of the National Land Transport Act NO.5 of 2009 and associated impacts and processes. This includes: o Review of the Integrated Public Transport Network (lPTN) including Park & Ride Services o Assignment of the Operating Licensing Function o Assignment of the Subsidy Function, Commuter Bus Contracts and other contracting authority functions Page 5 of 10. 11112 Departmental Business Plan • Strategic Road Network: Public Transport and Development Priorities • Non Motorised Transport (NMT) • Public Transport Operations • Infrastructure Planning and Design • Road Traffic Signs and Traffic Signals, • Conceptual design and planning Challenges remain in the availability of suitably qualified and trained staff in the transportation, traffic engineering and intelligent transport system. 7 7.1 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS Assumptions Resources will be available for additional skills and competencies within the Department to support the key focus areas. 7.2 RISK ASSESMENT • Inability to respond effectively to the additional responsibilities and requirements of the National Land Transport Act of 2009 towards a balanced Integrated Transport System • Inability to support sustainable communities and respond to community requests and complaints for improved services i.e Dial A Ride, Local Economic Area Development Plans, safety on residential streets, calming residential streets, calming residential streets, signage, traffic signals • Inadequate Transport information and Data Management • Inability to consider the roles and impacts of transport on the environment (Refer to the Risk Register 2011: attached) Page 6 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan • Institutional fragmentation of public transport services and programs • Low level of evidence to maintain, enhance infrastructure and the capacity and insufficient sustainable funding streams to expand and extend where necessary • Constraints to respond to community requests and complaints for improved safety on residential streets, calming residential streets, signage, traffic signals and the minimum impact to reduce travel time for public transport commuters 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP 8.1 Identify and describe the linkages to the strategic Focus Areas and Objectives in the lOP. lOP OBJECTIVE STRATEGY 4. Public Transport Systems • Progressive evolution towards the objectives of the National Land Transport Act, 5 of 2009 PROJECT KPI 11/12 Target Establish the Institutional structures, polices and strategies as required by the Act and in particular Sections 11(c); 14-19; 27-33;36-43 and 86-87. Progress against milestone Section 15 - Establish the Intermodal Planning: Committee Section 16 - Establish the Land Transport Advisory Board PROGRAMME To lead and direct the implementation of an appropriate institutional framework for transport that will result in coherent, integrated and comprehensive • Public Consultation • Sub Council Consultation planning, funding, extension and operation of transport functions in the City of Cape Town • Increase percentage of commuters using public transport along selected To lead and direct the development of a balanced sustainable • Integrated Public Transport Network transport system Page 7 of 10. 11112 Departmental Business Plan . This target is subject to ; progress made as at 30 June 2011 and subject to gazetting of regs by National Department of Transport • Complete study • Review of the public transport system Revision of the integrated public transport nodes and corridors (Blue book) lOP OBJECTIVE 4. Public Transport Systems STRATEGY PROGRAMME PROJECT KPI 11/12 Target corridors • Develop a Bus Plan/strategy • Implement Travel Demand Management • Legislative compliance Progress against set milestones One additional Travel Demand Management project implemented Progress against set milestones • To lead and direct the transformation and restructuring of the Public Transport system and services in order to support economic development • Review the dedicated Public Transport Enforcement Strategy Bus Plan I strategy developed. Review of Comprehensive Integrated Transport Plan (CITP) Progress against set milestones • Review Land Transport enforcement Revision of the CITP by June 2012 .. Dedicated Land Transport Enforcement: Strategy reviewed • ...... ~ ~ Page 8 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan lOP OBJECTIVE STRATEGY • Ensuring enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements PROGRAMME To lead and direct the design and implementation of the tntegrated Transport ptan; Transport Network, Infrastructure and Operations to meet access and mobility PROJECT • • Undertake Conceptuat Planning and design for all transport capital projects Implement PTl's, ITS Non Motorized Transport policy, needs of all the citizens, projects and visitors, goods and services and maximize maintenance plan use of transport infrastructure to support job creation, social and economic development Ensuring enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements • KPI • Percentage of Capital Budget committed (%) • Percentage of Operating Budget spent (%) 11/12 Target 95% Expenditu re Provision of infrastructure and maintenance projects (CMTF) Develop the Transport asset management strategy and implementation plan . Progress against milestones • Capturing of fixed assets: completed in SAP environment Capture of Transport fixed Assets in SAP environment :I Page 9 of 10. 11/12 Departmental Business Plan 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE STRATEGY / OPERATIONAL PLAN The object and indicators of the strategy/operational plan as per the attached SDBIP 2011/12 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Signature Date Executive Director Director 11. 18 APPENDICES: IF ANY Appendix 1: • Risk Register • SDBIP 2011/12 Page 10 of 10. 11112 Departmental Business Plan d.-OLI > Risk 10 Risk Name 1 Inability to respond effectively to the additional responsibilities and requirements of the National Land Transport Act of 2009 towards a balanced Integrated Transport System Root Causes 1 Additional functions and reponsibilities promulgated by NLTA (2009) - previously performed by other spheres of government Controls .. A 5 year High level Business Plan finalized "An Intergovernmental Project Management Task Teams on Assignment of Control Effectiveness Consequence 20 1. Unfunded Mandates 2.Contlnued fragmentation of roles & responsibilities across the 3 spheres of government Actions Impact Likelyhood Risk Rating 9 6 Functions in place .. Institutional Arrangements being 54 1. Establish Intermodal Planning Commiitee and the land Transport Advisory Committee 2. Feasibility Studies and Due Deligence Reports to be undertaken on Assignment of Functions 3.Establishment of a Municipal land Transport Fund. finalized "Workshops held with TRAMP PC &Councillors * Report & Presentation sumitted to EMT/Mayco 70 Provide better understanding of implications of additional functions on the City 1. Progress Reports to be submitted to Council for approval 2. Workshops to be held where required 3. '" Consolidation of transport functions In the statutory plan and integrated transport plan as the planning authority 70 ·Continued fragmented services to publiC * Operational and relationship fallout with transport industry operators * Increased/prolonged travel times * Unsafe travel environments .. Unregulated transport providers 1. Review and development of an Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) 2. Preparation of an evolutionary implementation plan for achieving sustainable communities and support for local and regional economic growth and 3. Provide a development legislative process in the Withdrawal of road schemes 4 Slow transformation and formalization of the public transport industry '" Feasibility studies and Due deligence reports on Assignment of Contracting Function from National 40 1. Feasibility Study & Investigation in the assigment of the Contractin! Authority Function 5 Inadequate land Transport Safety and Enforcement ·Workshops held with TRAMP & Safety & Security & Presentation sumitted to EMT/Mayco 40 Investigation on the establishment of a Dedicated land Transport law Enforcement Unit 1 Current data is outdated - travel patterns, communitiy needs & preferences, accidents/black spots and data is collected in different format and systems "'Need to standardized data platform with SAP collecting informationneed to transform data intelligent knowledge *TMC "'FMS (freeway management system) 60 .. Unable to run an effective and efficient public transport data system * Inablity to mould future plans (ITP and lOP) with certainty 2 Implications of the requirements of the NlTA: planning. regulation, contracting, monitoring and transport assets functions 3 Fragmentation of the current system, network & services - contracted and uncontractracted (rail, bus, taxi, BRT), formal and infornal 2 Inadequate Transport Data and Information management 5 7 35 A 3 year tender on Transport Data Collection and provide a data integration strategy. Risk ID Risk Name 3 Inability to support sustainable communities and respond to community requests and complaints for improved services i,e Dial A Ride, local Economic Area Development Plans; safety on residential streets, calming residential streets, signage, traffic signals etc 4 Inability to consider the roles and impacts of transport on the environment Root Causes Controls Control Effectiveness 1 Transport services do not meet community needs -Dial A Ride Service Inability to (routes, speed, modes) access services, in particular municipal, health and education services Consequen..c Impact Likelvhood Risk Actions Rating 30 * Failure to improve quality of life 8 5 * Failure to improve levels of accessibility and mobility and convenience 40 Preparation of an evolutionary implementation plan for achieving a revised Dial A RideService Contract with adequate resources to manage the service. 2 lack of integration of transport Initiatives with local strategies for economic growth and sodal development *Management of public Transport Interchanges, transfer stations, stops etc *Access *Signage 50 Inability to access employment opportunities and partake in the different levels of the economy Optimize and integrate the different transport modal services that will enable and stimulate the creation of sustainable communities and mobility 3 Transport services are not safe and secure for all (Modes and PTls) * Traffic Calm"lng Programme * Transport Safety Projects 5D Inability to provide a safe and secure transport service Provide a revision of the current traffic calming policy and a safety and security strategy for Public Transport Interchanges * NMT Programme 1 Increased use of private vehicles as a transport mode; inadequate implementation of sustainable Air Quality Committee transport initiatives and Inadequate investment In Travel Demand Management Programme * efficient energy saving initiatives Energy & Climate Committee 6D * Increased pollution * Increased need for road reserves / expanding road network * Increased use offuel/ dependency on fuels 5 6 Council is ultimately responsible and the City Manager is accountable for Risk Management. Risk Management is delegated to Executive Management and Management. IRM's responsibilities are limited to the facilitation of the risk identification, assessment and treatment processes. Risks assessed with a rating below the approved risk appetite remain the responsibility of the risk owner and shOUld not be regarded as "inferior risks". These require management actions but will not be monitored during IRM processes. nt7l4£; i...' ".".1.S"tf-:-:: ., Di,ectorate:TR&MP - Transport- Maddie Mazaza,Jv... :..... Datel~L~I?QI\ 2 3 o 4 10 5 6 20 30 3 4 40 5 7 8 30 L Promote NMT initiatives. 2. Implementation and Upgrade of Park & Ride facilities at rail stations 3. Greening of the City's Fleet 4. Programme on Replacement of lEDs on Traffic Signals 5. Promote. energy efficient design and programmes in Public Transport Interchanges 1926 } § f I . ,! ;i , • , I • ; ~ ; , § z 'lu;ow~6ueJJe leuolVll~'UlluaIO!ll~ '>11M mA!f"P ~O!I\J~. paoue4ua 6uunsu3 '0'9 "'''''·s;moJOdJo:;o Oat. 01 B..... ness Pions <empleted '" '" TranspM '" Tronsport '" TrOtJSport '" Transpert Promol. non motons.d Irensport 4" Impr"". pooioc Ir.....,ort .oMc<S ond secur.""w nweslmen' "' Ira_ort F...",!ion.,d CcnII'aotIne AuIhoIlly De_oMomeni Im~1ICI and Bu"me •• PI.,.. Cemp13lod Annuel Busw>ewPiano Cem~eted Number ef NMT projects oom~eled Incro .... Ihe I>!roentapo 01 oemm\llers USIng pL.tlioc Iranspert oempar8d kl tot&! number of commute", in the ImpIlClAs~d.,d Quarterly Duarterly An,..,. T.rget Anoo&! rergel 25% 50% Duarterly octoevemenl '" June 2011 Three NMT PfOjecls Lmlerconstrucb., ~",,,,, /lmU;OIIN", ... /lmual TOIget 0 ""e and $Ocure """"enmant % exp.."drture on se<:tJ1lIy at POOk: Transport InlOfd1.,\J8S Maonlen""".o1lnftas1JllCtu", .. essantral . .''C:.............. '::::----'\ Exeeuli_e Director TR"M'P' .. / : .. ::.~V:?:: ,, 100% Quartorly T5% ... n"~'''''ur._''''mont!II\'PCER CW S"........ I". CwnI .,,, •• nll1.o,,,,nl ~_,'I!>o """"''''T_ ce, m~~ Fosler Juno 201' .,. ,,. Delt: • on DF Cm: lern lSI UK" SmUPA: sT.U IlUM". DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2011/2012 DEPARTMENT : Roads & Stormwater (ROADS AUTHORITY) DIRECTOR . . "- , ~ ~ : Mr Henry Du Plessis Page 1 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Roads and Stormwater Department is one of the Departments within the newly created Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate. The City Council on the 2th April 2007, item number C39/06/07 approved and resolved that the Director: Roads & Stormwater be delegated the responsibility of a Roads Authority in terms of Section 2 (Ixxvi) of the Municipal Ordinance (No. 20 of 1974) and Section 3 (1 c) of the Road Ordinance (No. 19 of 1976). As the Roads Authority, the Director: Roads & Stormwater shall assume such powers, duties and functions required for the management, regulation and administration of all activities within the immediate vicinity of such roads (public street and proclaimed public roads) Thus the Roads Authority is primarily responsible for Roads and Stormwater systems planning, implementation of all Roads and Stormwater Capital and related infrastructure programmes, management of the Roads and Stormwater environment and maintenance of the associated infrastructure. The outcomes, the Roads Authority is responsible for, are key drivers of the infrastructure led economic growth strategy in the City, particularly supporting the strategic focus areas of economic growth, sustainable urban infrastructure and public transport systems. 2. 2.1 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ROADS AUTHORITY . '. Purpose Roads Division The vision of Roads Division of the Roads Authority is to provide a safe and comfortable road network for the benefit of the people of Cape Town. The core functions of Roads Division are:- 2.1.1 To plan, design, construct, manage and maintain a sustainable road based transport network that promotes shared economic growth, improves the quality of life, reduces road user costs and provides for improved access and mobility for the people of Cape Town; 2.1.2 To provide formal comment in the approval process of development proposals within Cape Town. Page 2 of 15. RS OA 11_12_DepartmentaIBusiness Plan. Final 2.1.3 To improve the energy efficiency of road construction and road maintenance activities. The Customers of this service are the road users - both non-motorised and motorised - as well as the service utilities such as water, waste water, electricity and telecommunications. To this customer group must be added the stakeholders; namely national and provincial road authorities, the port authority, the Airports Company of South Africa, Table Mountain National Park, local councillors and other municipal departments such as law enforcement, disaster management, City Parks and Sport & Recreation. Their expectations are the provision and availability at all times of an efficient delivery service and a safe and comfortable road network. The aim of the Roads Authority is to ensure that the road network is efficiently managed at an optimum condition. This will be achieved by applying best practice principles in assessing the road network and carrying out the required road maintenance interventions timeously and within budget. In addition, there will be focussed interventions to eradicate infrastructure backlogs, optimising access to grants and promoting appropriate labour intensive activities to assist in job creation. Purpose Stormwater Division The vision of the Stormwater Division, encompassing catchment, river and stormwater management, is: Effective stormwater drainage with safe and healthy rivers, wetlands, vleis and coastal bathing areas. The customers of the service are the citizens of Cape Town, whose expectations are: • Protection from flood nuisance from the minor, frequently occurring storms; • Minimum risk of threats to life and safety, as well as of inundation of property, during flooding resulting from the more severe but less frequently occurring storms; • Low risk to health of coastal and inland recreational waters; • Reduced impact of urban development on aquatic ecosystems. Page 3 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan.Final To meet these customer expectations, the mission of the Stormwater Division in the Roads Authority, is to: Minimise flooding of property and improve the water quality and health of our rivers, wetlands, vleis and coastal waters through integrated catchment management for the benefit of the people of Cape Town. 3. Legal Requirements for the Plan The Roads Authority must at all times ensure that its actions comply with:The Constitution; The Municipal Systems Act; The Municipal Finance Management Act The Occupational Health & Safety Act The Roads Ordinance The National Land Transport Act The Municipal Ordinance The National Water Act The National Environmental Management Act These Acts and Ordinances are the primary control mechanisms but there are many other Acts, Ordinances & By-laws which guide and influence the decision-making process of the Department. Page 4 of 15. RS OA 11_12_DepartmentaJ Business Plan. Final 4. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan Partners/ Stakeholders 4.1 National Dept. of Transport Roles and Responsibilities • Liaison regarding input to changing legislation. • Membership of various reference groups to ensure consistency & alignment with strategy, policy, standards & specifications. • Roads Committee (RCB)- attendance by S.A National Roads Agency & officials. • Membership of Workgroups to draft and amend Provincial Transport Legislation. • Membership of Provincial Committees of Transport officials - Provtech • Roads Committee - attendance by Road officials from PG:WC-D.T&P.W. 4.3 Table Mountain National Park • Membership of Bilateral & Workgroup Committees to ensure mutual understanding & co-operation between the City & TMNP operations. 4.4 Transport N.G.O & Industry Bodies • Membership of various Road & Transport focus groups & Industry Bodies such as S.A Road Federation, Road Pavement Forum, etc 4.5 National Department of Water affairs and Forestry • Liaison regarding impact of development on receiving waters such as rivers, vleis and coastal waters 4.2 Provincial Government: Dept.of Transport & Public Works (PG:WC DT&PW) Page 5 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final 4.6 Provincial Department of Environment Affairs and Development Planning. • Liaison regarding impact of development on receiving waters such as rivers, vleis and coastal waters • Liaison regarding input into provincial environmental legislation affecting rivers and river catchments. • Liaison regarding impact on strategic land parcels such as Culumborg and Cape Town Port • Membership of strategic and technical Workgroup Committees to ensure mutual understanding & co-operation between the City & CTIA operations 4.7Transnet 4.BACSA- CTIA 5. RESOURCES (Financial and Staff) , The Roads Authority via its Capital Implementation Programme is responsible for the implementation of all the Integrate Rapid Transport infrastructure projects, which amounts to >R700m for the current financial year. CAPEX 2011/12 R 315 million OPEX 2011/12 R1,135 million inclusive of R&M and HR capacity) Roads and Stormwater - Staff complement: Current 1424 (R309m) Page 6 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final Required additional posts, currently unfunded vacancies (1300): 6. 1300 posts required by the Roads Authority at a cost of R 155m over the next MTREF period to complement current staff in order to provide a basic equitable service to the residents of Cape Town. At this time, these are unfunded posts. BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS The latest City's Road Condition Report indicates that the structural condition of 20 of 23 Sub-council areas is deemed to be in need of urgent attention and is considered unacceptable. Hence the need for financial growth of >R2b annually is required to arrest the rate of deterioration of the road infrastructure. Coupled to this is the need to organic grow the human resource capacity of the Department of about 1300 personnel over the MTREF period (2011/12 - 2013114) to meet the service delivery objectives and outcomes of the Department and the needs of the citizens and business of the City. There are two aspects relating to backlogs:- • the first refers to where the level of service as presently provided is inadequate or inappropriate • the second refers to existing infrastructure, where repair & maintenance requirements are inadequate and the result being that an inadequate service will prevail There are a number of major resource restraints at present. The most critical one is the reduced staff compliment and the Page 7 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmenlal Business Plan. Final associated skills shortage. Reference must be made to the TR&S staffing strategy for comment for detail. The staff complement of the Roads Authority is required to (a) stabilise (provide the required skill sets & competencies by filling current unfunded 1300 posts) and (b) growth in both the technical and operational sectors (by providing for the additional critical posts). To do this will require time, skills training and skills transfer. As the staff compliment is brought up to its agreed levels and competencies so the Capital and Operational Budgets can be more effectively managed and hence the magnitude of both increased to the benefit of service delivery to communities. The physical backlogs that have been identified can then be addressed in an effective co-ordinated manner with the relevant information being provided by updated outputs from the management information systems. Page B of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan.Final 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions Roads Authority staff complement:This is contained in the Staffing Strategy document by filling the funded vacancies by approximately June 2010 and an additional 1300 unfunded vacancies over the following 36 months (2011/12 - 2013114). Succession planning has reached critical proportions due to significant critical mass of knowledge and expertise falling within the geriatric environment of the Roads Authority, i.e. >third of the current staff compliment of 1424 will qualify for earlier retirement within the next four years. Non implementation of the Roads Authority's staffing strategy. Lack of required skill sets coupled with a shortage of staff. Lack of significant organic growth will impact on desired level of service required by the Roads Authority to meef the : delivery needs of the citizens and visitors of Cape Town. Page 9 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final Risk Assessment: 8. No Risks Action 1 Failure to provide the required skill sets and competencies to deliver the desired levels of services within Regions/Districts and Head Offices (technical and professional capacity i.e. District Roads Inspectorate). Approve R&S staffing strategy with associated budget provision to implement staffing plan 2 Failure to provide the required skill sets and competencies to deliver the desired levels of services within the Depot Management environment (maintenance capacity constraints) Approve R&S staffing strategy with associated budget provision to implement staffing plan 3 Condition of road network deteriorating continuously due to a lack of adequate basic funding Significant increase in operating budget and associated staff complement 4 Stormwater infrastructure maintenance inadequately resourced leading to increased risk of flooding Significant increase in operating budget and associated staff complement 5 Capital funding for stormwater infrastructure renewal and upgrading insufficient leading to increased risk of flooding Significant increase in capital funding for stormwater infrastructure projects STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP Page 10 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan.Final 8.1 Roads & Stormwater Department (Roads Authority) links to all eight of the lOP's strategic focus areas in one form or another. These linkeages are described in the programmes listed in 8.2 below. 8.2 LINK TO PROGRAMMES (Programme Layout and description linked to Directorate objective) 8.2.1 Road Rehabilitation Programme SFA2 & SFA4 Identifying road sections from PMS Assessment output that will provide best long term return on investment. Increase number of km of road rehabilitated Key Projects • Main Road, Muizenberg • Lotus Canal Widening: Gugulethu R6 million • Pelican Park: Strandfontein Road Upgrade R24 million • Khayelitsha Rail Extension R25 million • Rehabilitation of major and minor roads Capital Budget 8.2.2 Approximately R 64 million Road Resurfacing and Resealing Programme [PMS Report (Road Conditioning Report) of 2008 requires the Department to spend R208M per year (Metro Roads) and R287M per year (Local Roads) for the next 10 years] SFA2 & SFA4 Strategy is to maximise length of roads resurfaced or resealed using the most appropriate and effective surface treatment. Page 11 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final Increase number of km of road resurfaced or resealed annually. Annual Operating Budget: 8.2.3 Metro Roads: R55 million Local Roads: R32 million Flood risk management programme [PMS Report (Road Conditioning Report) of 2008 requires the Department to spend R162M per year (Metro Roads) and R258M per year (Local Roads) for the next 10 years] SFA2 & SFA4 The City's storm-water infrastructure network requires large capital inputs to deal with existing inadequacies. Formal risk reduction and mitigation programs focussing on vulnerable communities have been prioritised given the adverse socioeconomic impacts of flooding. These programmes include the following supporting sub-programmes: Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance: - A winter readiness programme to reduce the risk of flooding for affected communities by ensuring effective maintenance of storm-water infrastructure. Flood Risk Programme: - A flood risk management plan for informal settlements will be developed. .. .. Metro-wide Stormwater Master Plan: - A metro-wide stormwater master-plan (as part of the asset management plan formulation) to identify and prioritise capital funding requirements will be developed. Developing Area Stormwater Masterplans: - Catchment-wide stormwater planning as required to guide and control stormwater management in developing areas. Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrading: - Various stormwater infrastructure projects. Annual Operating Budget: R50 million Current Capital Budget: 8.2.4 [The Department requires R214M per year for next 10 years] R30 million Structural Maintenance Programme SFA2 & SFA4 Page 12 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan.Final To undertake essential bridges and related structures maintenance. The strategy is to prioritize the maintenance activities based on the outcomes of the bridge inspection process using the "degree, extent and relevance - DER" aspect of each defect. Annual Operating Budget: R3 million 8.2.5 Foreshore Freeway Elevated Structure SFA2 & SFA4 • This is a critical road network that provides access to the economic hub of the City. Maintenance of this structure is thus a priority for the Roads Authority. • Important to continue with the bearing replacement and refurbishing Programme. • Replace I refurbish number of bearings per annum. Annual Capital Budget: 8.2.6 [The Department requires annually R38M + CPI] R5 million Annual road lane marking programme [The Department requires annually R12M + CPI] SFA2 & SFA4 • Strategy is to improve the visibility of the lane marking and the safety of the road environment. • Increase number of roads and intersections remarked. • Projects identified via Pavement Management Systems & District Offices. Annual Operating Budget: R10 million ., [The Department requires annually R32M + CPI] Page 13 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan.Final 8.2.7 Water quality management programme SFA2 & SFA4 An integrated programme to manage urban waters is required in order to combat the deleterious impacts of urban development on receiving waters such as rivers, vleis and coastal waters. This includes: 8.2.8 • Development of a regulatory framework, policies and guidelines to facilitate control of the impacts of new and existing urban development on receiving waters. • Developing partnerships with other stakeholders and line functions to further the objectives of the service. • Treatment of polluted runoff from the city's stormwater system. • Development of business plans for the remediation of specific vie is. Development of Integrated Infrastructure Management Strategy & Implementation Plan SFA2 &SFA4 Output - long term Infrastructure Management Strategy Key Project: Linking existing and future Pavement Management System, Bridge Management System and Stormwater Asset infrastructure Systems to the Roads Authority's Strategic Development, Implementation and Management Short/Medium Long term Plans and Programmes. 9. ~ 8.-.' c.= ...... OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE STRATEGY I OPERATIONAL PLAN Page 14 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan. Final 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE STRATEGY 1 OPERATIONAL PLAN (See attached: 2011/12 Roads and Stormwater Department's (Roads Authority) SDBIP) 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Signature Director: Roads and Stormwater Department Henry du Plessis (Roads Authority) Mike Marsden 11. ~~ ~/ffjr. VI /) Executive Director: Transport, Roads and Major Projects Date /tt APPENDICES: .. ..... ~/- of -"<.,, I'- "' Appendix 1: 2011/2012 Roads and Stormwater Department's (Roads Authority) SDBIP Page 15 of 15. RS OA 11_12_Departmental Business Plan - ,-- A • C , 0 , 2011/2012 G H ROADS & STORMWATER , " , , DEPARTMENT SDBIP FINAL 1 N " , ALIGNMENT TO lOP 2 SFA& Corporate Directorate Scorecard Ob_~ IndlcatOl" N•• N•• , DEPARTMENTAL TARGETS i• "• "I ,• • Buellne Departmental Obj&ctlve Indi.:.tor j 10111 (Target in blac:keb) AnnUli Tlrget (by JUM 2DU ~ ! ! 308ept 2011 ,,. Quarten~ 7% ,,% Querien~ 7% "m Annual ,,% resurfaced through Reseal Programme 31 Dec 2011 ,..... ~ne ... ' 31 MIIn:h 2012 ao June 2012 '" '" '" ,,% .,. Annual Target Annual Target Annual Terget QUerieriy 10% '" 90% '" "'m Annual Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target 80km , 1 Annual Annual Target Annual Targel Annual Terget One Roads POlicies reviewed and developed lor COnsideretion by TR&MP PC 1 1 Annual Annual Target Annual Terget Annual Target One Calchmerrt Management Plan & SW master plan completed ." Quarierty " ,,. ,,% ,,. ." QUarierty 10% '" 90% ,,. T..... Comment. ~ PruvisJan of new and upgrading of existing raad , , , % age of Roads Cap~al budget sperrt as approved by Council capital %age of Reads Capital rehabiirtation budget spent as appraved by CQuncJl capital expenditure 68.2 TR&MP '" TR&MP , N" TR&MP I;airrtananca of Roads arid starmwater Infrastructure %age of Roads &. Stormwater Primary Operating Budget spent as approved by Council , N" TR&MP Maintenance of Roads and Starmwater Infrastructure Length of raads resurfaced through Reseal Programme • , based transport '" TR&MP 2 2 , l~nfrastJ\lcture to cuSlamer needs cater for Ireh8b4litet;on al fHad based transport Infrastructure Rehabilitallon of road based transpor1 Length of roads rehabilitated Infrastructure , N" TR&MP Develap, enhance and review regulatory Iramewarll and policies gaveming the management 01 the road reserve end road based transport infrastructure , N" TR&MP Holistic management 01 Number al Cetchment Management both the constructed and Plans I stormwater Masterolans naturel components al the completed starmwater system TR&MP The development. upgrading arid maintenance 01 stormwater and river systems to cater for customer needs Percent stormwater caphal budget spent as epproued b~ Council TR&MP The davelopmenl, upgrading and maintenanca al stormwater and river systems to cater for customer needS Percentage of stormwater repair and maintenence budget spent , Numbe r of Raads policies reviewed and develaped for considaration by TR&MP PC 10111 Percentage expend~ule 10111 Percentage 101tl'engthofraads rehabililated ". .. m This target is budget dapendent 10111 Percentage of primary operating budget expenditure 10111 Length of roads 10 , 88.3 11 , N" " , 10111 Percentage 01 N" TR&MP Number al formal and/or Informal Reduce Impact of flaoding dwellings flooded during storms an communrt~ livellhaods having an annual probabilit~ of and regional economies occurrence e~ceedlng 50% N" TR&MP Saleguard human health. % Compliance with the OWAF prolect natural aQuatic environments, and guidelines for recreational water imprave and maintain Qualit~ reqeallonal water quality stormwater capital budget spent as approved b~ CaunclI tOlll Percentage 01 stormwater repair and maintenance budget ''''" Number of larmal andlor informel dwellings ~ooded during storms having an annual probabHity af accurrence exceeding 50% in 10111 15000 Annually Annual Terget Annual Target Annual Target 15000 % Campliance with Ihe OWAF guidelines for recreational water quailly for 10111 '9% Annuall~ Annual Terget Annual Target Annual Target ,,% " , " RSW SDBIP 2011-2012 (3) • 0_ A SFA& Dlrectol'lte 8o:orecutl Indicator No. N•• C 3 , D ~. o.partmerrtJIi , lkHii... ~~ IndlCatOf' (T-"""'1t iri IIn..:"-:,,, I ! G , " ~: Annual tilrv-t (bj Jim. 2012 "'. ~ ! • N GeIMnll ComllllHltl f t_ 30 Sapt 2011 _ ",,,.~ 3t DIe 2011 T..... 31 Mlrch 2011 3OJu.... 2012 .. j The Wa .... place Skltl. Plan ,s the .pproved Educat,on Tra,n,"Il end O...... 'spment 1'1.01 01 en org.niz.I'on th.t .uppM, Iha ach,,,,,,,,,,ents al the o'g.niUltren's straleg'c goal •• r>d sperat,onal ,O<!u""ments bV ",,,,,t,ly,ng pr1a'~iZed "a'n,ng needs and benef>Cianes TR&MP SA Ensuring enhanced serv;ce delivery wilh em<;ient ;nSl~ut;onal arrangements ,ts pu'pooa 1$ ta formally plan.r>d alloclfte budget I"r app"'p""te I,a,n'ng ;ntelVf!<1l,sns wh;ch WIll add'an th" needs .""ng oul olthe C~y'o strlfteg,e ,equi.eme"'" U cont.,ned;n the lOP. the ,ndiv,dual depanmantal staffing stratag'''' and ind"',due, emplaYffS' Po<osnai O""alspme!1t Plans and Local Gevo<nmant'> Sk,lls Secto, Plan % budgel spent an implementah"n of WSP 10111 aChi"vement as al 30 Juna 201 1 90% Quarlerlv '" '0% '0% The WSP shall arso take joto .ccoont the Emp'svment Equity Plan. "".urrng ,ncsrporat,,,n Sf 'al ..... nt d..... al"pmenl.1 oqu,ty ;nIO'fVentlOn. into tha plen The WPSP;' a eollobo'.""e plan, ,nvolv,ng emp,oy ...... r>d the un'"ns ,n ~s lormorat,on farmula: % sp",,1 ago,nst planned tfa;n,ng budge! Oat. Sa"fCe SAP & SAP 81 Oota e"'ract,on Will be fac'l~oted by COfPorata Sa"",,ces N" TR&MP SA. Ensuri!g enhanCed servIce delivery WIth efficient inSliMional arrangements Retention of scafce slalls as measored by 513ft turnover 10111 Retention at skills as achieued as at 30 June 2011 '" Annual s12%within skilled cahgones ~l2%with;n skilled categolies sl2%w~hin skilled categories sl2% w~hin skilled categories People are the C~y'$ most a•• '" Wh,ls! ~ IS .c~nowledge thet oll.taft perf.rm,"Il at .c","preble 1"".. ls In the "'gan... ti"n are v.luabl., 'JTespeclwe of Ihe;, p'eless;en, speafic intt1"o'ent,eM oruJ e!raleg'''' "<HOd te be .p~ied Ie rei.," h;gh petenIJel ind'''duals ," SClfce s'",s profaSS",M This i. measured by s % atlnhan af staff ,n It>"a C!ltegenes avet a !2 monlh PO<'ad ego,n>l.n accaptabla benchm.rK % turna_ al ,,. " Fs.mula Tetal t..-m,neruons ss % "Islaff complemant .... Ch month, as measured <we' a proced,ng 12 manIt> pariad (, e 12 manth ."II,"Il a"o<sga) Th,> Will be I,m,ted ta lhe f"llowIng occupabanal caleg<><i<!'S \.eg<slstars & sen,ar manag..,.., prol<!'Ss,,,nals, Teetm,c,ens and otho< pr"le>s,"n.l. N" TR&MP TR&MP SA Ensunng anhenced serv;"" d"l;v,,~ with effiCIent inSl;tulk!nal a""ngements SA_ Ensurlng enhanced service del;very with .me;ent ,nstitul;anal arrangements Slaff avaHabiHty as measured hy % absenteeism 10111 achievement as at 30 June 2011 S 4% .ve.age for lhe perIOd 1 JulV 2011 ta 30 June 2012 % Compl;ance with Ihe EE approved plan per Department ,n terms of new appointmenls for the current finanoal 10111 eompl;ance w;th the Oept"s EE Plan '0% ,~ Annual Annuallv l_ogoJo<",.po<lo<I' , .. {'-ogo"""'"""'" , .. {'_ogor",,,,,, ....... , , .. J., 2011 .. 3, 0002011) ",""20" .. 3, ",",,;, 2011) ( - " " .... po<lod' ...... 0e02010IOJOs.ot2011) .,. '0% '0% '0% 201T .. JOJ ..... 2012) .' ': -. c.c ..... ~ Targlft- the .Iaff Mna_ % must be ~12% thr"ughout the financ,ol I""'r Data Saur"" SAP Repon pT64 (absentee .. m rale) A lram,ng manual .. """,Iable ta am'S! wrth the ,,",'act,.,.., af the ,apon year Page 2 RSW SOBIP 2011_2012 (3) A 0 C ~. I 8FA& COl'JIiorate DI..etOdle Seontellrd indicator ""No. N~ • ~II,,* Depi.rimtntal 0bjectJve 3 Indicator • G indigent support TR&MP TR&MP capnai budget Annual Target jby June 20U .. . I i Genefll' CoRments . 3Os.pt2011 . T8rgat 81 l)ec2011 To.... 31 Mllreh 2012 30 June 2011 Fannuia: Percerllege refil!C\ing Actual spend I 95% aUer1arly expendilure Percentage af Operating Budget spent " 25% '" '" budget axpend~ure Planned Spend Oirectarate Finance Managers ,,"'rad data quarterly Fannule: Tatai eCluall" data as e percentage af 10111 Parcentage af pnmary aperaling , M 10111 Percelliaga af Percentage spend al Capital Budget alternative inCeme apparlunnies, asset and nsk management 8 B Management af key financiel and gavamance araes such liS income cantral, cash flow, indigent suppor1, aHemalive income apportun~ies, asset and nsk management , H ~ ~: " 8804 "'" (Target In brKldits) e B Menagement of key financial and governance areas such as income contra;, cash now. 88.3 , '" Quarterly '" '" '" lhe total budgellncluding secondary expenditure Directorata Finance Managers extract date Quarterly Annual Target 100% annual asset verificatlan process completed by 30 June The ind,cater r"n&CI' the percentaae ef .s.ets verified annuelly lor audit essur.rlCe It,. an internal data source being the Qui. system scanning all usets and "plo.d,na them 09",not the SAP data file. D.ta are downlaaded at specifIC I,m.... and are the base. lor the .sses.ment el progress This dst. IS sant te Finance Menegar. en an .nnuol " 88.1a TR&MP 8 B Management of key finanCial and gavemance areas such as incame contral, cash now, indigent support, eltemative income apport unities, asset and fisk manegemenl TR&MP a 8 Manaaement el key end ge_nance Percentage audit areas such .s Income Percentage audit findings resalved as findings ",salved a. el centrol, ca.h now, IIld'9"'" per follow up audits .uppert .• hemall~ Income 30 Juna 2011 eppo""n,t,es, ..set and rIsk m.n.gom""t Percentage annual asse! verificati(}l1 process compteted Percentage annual asse! verificaHon process campteted for 10111 '"'' Annual '" Quanerty Annual Target Annual Target " ~nanClo' 8B.7 " Approved by Director: Roads and Stormwater Henry du Plassls '" '" '" '" It is the repartmg and menllenng ef the ,educt,on (In parc""tagel al Ihe ~ndlngs el aud~ lellow-up. perlermed In tile quarter Inlarne' Audn Will prO\lide ~~~; Dato; 7'1!04-!;?of/: Approved by ED:Transport, Roads & Major Projects M.Marsdon Dato; page 3 RSW SD81P 2011"2012 (3)