L~{;317/1 i. :.!i~'~I ShUk". 231 0 REPORT To MAyeO i 347 CITY OF CAPE TOWN IISIUKO SASEKAPA I STAB KAAPSTAD 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT Me 76/11/09 2009/2010 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY'S ENTITIES ISIHLOKO INGXELO YEKOTA YOKUQALA YOWAMA - 2009/2010 ENGENKQUBELAPHAMBILI MALUNGA NENDLELA YOKUSEBENZA KWEZIKO NAMAQUMRHU AZIMELEYO ESIXEKO ONDERWERP VORDERINGSVERSLAG OOR KORPORATIEWE PRESTASIE EN PRESTASIE VAN DIE STAD SE ENTITEITE VIR DIE EERSTE KWARTAAL VAN 2009/2010 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to enable Mayco to consider and Council to note: • • 4. the progress on the City's performance during the first quarter of the 09/10 financial year covering the period 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009 (performance year to date). as required by legislation; and the changes emanating from the corporate scorecard realignment process, baseline updates and adjustment budget changes, where relevant. FOR DECISION BY Executive Mayor together with the members of the Mayoral Committee. (System of delegations as amended by Council on 26 August 2009 - Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improve(i) the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 1st Q Performance Report1 [Temp ate updated April 2009] Page 1 of6 348 (ii) (iii) 5. the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and the implementation of the municipality}s by-laws. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations require municipalities to submit regular reports on matters related to their performance. Accordingly, the City's corporate performance and performance of the City's entities for the first quarter of the 09/10 financial year (1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009) are covered in the report attached as Annexure A, B, C & D. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS LSU4148 (reference number Language Services) "Delegated: for Decision by the Executive Mayor: Recommended that the report be considered and approved by Executive Mayor and Mayco, and noted by Council. AANBEVELINGS "Gedelegeer: vir bes/uit deur die uitvoerende burgemeester: Aanbeveel dat die uitvoerende burgemeester en die burgemeesterskomitee die verslag oorweeg en goedkeur en die Raad van die verslag kennis neem. IZINDULULO 'Zigunyazisiwe: iSiggibo sesikaSodolophu weSiggeba: Kundululwe ukuba makuqatshelwe ingxelo nguSodolophu weSigqeba, yiKomiti yoLawulo (i-Mayco) neBhunga. 7. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 7.1. Constitutional and Policy 1m plications The process of reporting on the City's performance and that of the City's entities is driven by legislation and the City's approved performance management policy. Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 1st Q Performance Report1 emplate updated April 2009] rr Page 2 of 6 7.2. Environmental implications 349 Does your report result in any of the following: No 0 Yes (if yes, please complete the section below by clicking on the relevant tick boxes) Loss of or negative impact on natural space and/or natural vegetation, rivers, vleis or wetlands? An increase in waste production or concentration, pollution or water usage? 0 Loss of or negative impact on the city's heritage, cultural and scenic resources? 0 0 Development or any construction within 500m of the coastline? 0 Does your activity comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA)? (mark by clicking on the tick box) Yes 0 No o Does your report complement and support the City's approved IMEP strategies? (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Biodiversity Strategy and Biodiversity Network Environmental Education and Training Strategy Integrated Waste Management Strategy 0 0 0 Coastal Zone Management Strategy Heritage Management Strategy Invasive Species Strategy 0 Energy and Climate Change Strategy Air Quality Management Plan 0 0 0 Do the activities/actions arising from your report: (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Enhance Cape Town's unique environmental assets? 0 Negatively impact on Cape Town's unique environmental assets? Under this section indicate whether the contents of the report comply with the IMEP (Integrated Metropolitan Environmental Policy), as approved by Council in October 2001. This policy contains a number of key goals, targets and commitments for achieving sustainability in Cape Town. Principle among these is commitment to adopting and implementing the principles and underlying approaches to sustainable development and ensuring the integration of environmental issues into local government decision-making at all levels. 7.3. Legallmplications 8.3.1 Local Government: lVIunicipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003). 8.3.2 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) (Chapter 6), as read with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act (Act 44 of 2003). 8.3.3 Local Government: MuniCipal Planning and Pertor ance Management Regulations, 2001. Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 1st Q Performance Report1 [Template updated April 2009] Page 3 of 6 350 In terms of Section 41 (1) (e) of the Systems Act and Regulation 7 (1) and (2) (e) of the Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, the City (through the Integrated Development Planning and Organisational Performance Management Department) is required to submit quarterly corporate progress reports to the Council and its relevant Committees on matters connected with the City's performance. Therefore, this report deals with the monitoring of an existing, ongoing process that ;s prescribed by legislation. 8.3.4 System of delegations as amended by Council on 26 August 2009. (vi) Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & Section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improvethe economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. 7.4. Staff Implications (iv) (v) Does your report impact on staff resources or result in any additional staffing resources being required? 7.5. No !Z1 Yes 0 Risk Implications Does this report and/or its recommendations expose the City to any risk? (Le. does it have any adverse influence on service delivery?) No Yes 7.S. !Z1 0 Other Services Consulted All Directorates. Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 1st Q Performance Report1 [Template updated April2009j Page 4of6 351 ANNEXURES Annexure A: 2009/2010 TOP 20 CORPORATE SCORECARD FOR THE FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Annexure B: 2009/2010 FIRST QUARTER'S CORPORATE PERFORMANCE PROGRESS REPORT ON Annexure C: 2009/2010 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS CONVENCO'S PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) REPORT ON Annexure D: 2009/2010 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON KYAYELITSHA COMMUNITY TRUST PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 151 Q Performance Report1 [Template updated April 2009] Page 5 of6 332 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: NAME Willem C/aassens CONTACT NUMBERS 021-4005446 E-MAIL ADDRESS Willem. claassens@capetown.gov.za Service Delivery Integration DIRECTORA TE ~ ~PORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES. By-LAws AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. D NON-COMPLIANT COMMENT: -=~----~~------ EXEC UTI DIRECTOR --------------- ~~---_Qomment: Mike M rsden DATE ,rlz,2''''I t' ~ -;21 Cover letter Mayco Council 0910 1st Q Performance Report1.doc [Template updated April 2009] Page 6 of 6 353 1 lmpfove Community sat,sfac;1I011 2 Reduce the t1me to resolve coMplaints by ~~rvey 5 poInt scan;< Annual Target 3% redlJction an New 2008/2009 baseline 55'% reduction = AnnJ<l) indicator te OOthereported on at the end of year Nol apPlicable _ Annuat Target Targel exceeded MaintaIn the momentum i; I T af9~t t:!.xceeded Maintain thA momentum ,f;, 5.44 days :?2 days Grow the economy and create jobs 3 Increase the number cf visitors 1.0 Cape Town ¢>/o ;ncrease in foreign visitors I 1 763 630 (200?} 2% Annual Target Foreign visitor arrivals: July + Aug 1e5,076 (15% lower compared I~ to last year) 4 Corrtinue to attract dired investment 5 Increase job opportunlt;es in Cape r 0W1"l: Raqd value 01 investment R1.67bn Bi·Annual 3852 6 ~ Reported Bi-Annually 1 1 (lA4) Ready Cape 1 CHIn fOf 20'0 World Cup and beyond. " Complete Transport Pions 100% 80% 80% ~ Target achieved Maintain tht:! rnormmlurn 1 (lB.l) • Complete Event and Venue Plans -Footprint 100% 80% $0% ~ Target achieved Maintain the rnomentum 1 (lB.l) .. Complele the Green POint Stadium 100% 80% 91% ~ T 1'Irget achie ...ed Maintain the momentum 1 (lB.l) Annual Target Annual Target --+- ----------I---------------------~______+_-------L-- " Appoint a stadium long term operator to manage 1Me Advertise for operator --I ~ Not applicable - Dc-velop and maintain infrastructure 8 (88,3) Create new asse1s for public benefit 05% 29% 14% R 1,0 bn Annual Target Annual T1'Irget Improve ma'intanance of City infrastruc1ure 2 (2e.l) 2 (2C.2) 0.68 18,8% Vlllume:62040 ML 23.5% VQjume 63985 ML 2 (2C.3) zone and bulk meter logging. Improve services to communities 98,7% • $aniiahon .. Water 73,98% 91,9% Bi-Annual Bi-Annual 100% 902278 HHs 1{iO% ~ 01.15 PM200n01C esc- (T201 01 uPQ!lIed w~1I eMT 2(;1009 ANNEl<UREA CITY OF CAPE TOWN 'SEPTEMBER OuteornU Indicator Basellne Reason fpr the variance June 200S .~.~ '10 .~~, ~, Remedial Action ., Currently 10590 taps installed, exceeding larget f.Atio of 100% , ('A.S) 1:25 BI-Annual Bi-Annual Target 89,82% Existing strategy to be maintained • Electriclty 354 Existing strategy to be mamtamed • Solid Waste 99% Target achieved EXIsting strategy to be maintamed <1:0 Target achieved Busting strategy to be mamtained f} Annual Target 10 Improve the cleanliness of the City () Annual indicator 212A.10) '"""2 (2S:"4j·'· Not applicable - Annual Targel lmprove hYIng conditions' 5(56.1) obstacles experienced by the the 1.500 1,821 Maintain the momenlum <1:0 due to National Strike Action of Construction Workers, 1 000 incremental serviced erv::.::n,..:w:~•.:"'::""+_-1r--______""""""""........... . <1:0 Target exceeded 5 (5C.1) 63 <1:0 Target exceeded 5 (5C.1) 380 " " Target ex;ceeded 5 (SC.1) Target exceeded 5ISC.1) 13 Make Cape Town a Safer and law abiding place ~ Maintain the momentum 3 058 Improve survey score on ami-social behaviour • Reduce arodenl rate Target Annua! T erge! Not Applicable - Annual 54 accidents ~ I reco~~::al::'~ :~~~~l~~~:~:,n:h:~~IY 6 at the olher three. '" Increase in drug related arrests 222 arrests percentage I " I Target excoeded 6 (6A.1) Increase the at the high frequency intersections, 6 (6A.2) Mamtaln the momentum 6 (6A.3) exceeded Maintain the momentum exceedec Malnlaln the momentum lmprove public transport 16 Int~r,;ene In Public Transport systems to' affcct improvements (for e.g. the lmplementatu)(l of phase 1A of the intfjgraled rapid transit programme) : Annual Target t} Annua! indicator to be reported on annually Annuat Target 4 (4A.2) 0115 PM'lOO'Wll()CSC - [f2ll} 01 up6a1ed ... _t; EMT 2/';1009 ANNEXURE A CITY OF CAPE TOWN TOP 20 OUTCOMES OF THE IDP SEPTEMBER 2009/2010 (1ST QUARTER REVIEW) Baseline June 2008 Annual Target 40min 355 g' Target for Septimber 2009 Actual for September 2009 ~ Reason for tho varia'nce Annua! Target Annual Target ~ Annual indicator to be reported on annually Annual Targel Annual Target ~ Annual indicator to be reported corridor " Increase number of commuters uSing publiC transport New RSlio-:O.52:1 Annual Target 4 (4A.3) This is a Bi-Annual Target 7 (7A,6) Improve public health 17 Improve health of communities in fo\,l! :;rltical areas' ., Reduction of'the'infant mortality rate --~ Slow the rateof 'Increase Number Infan(deaths per live blrths of the City's ante-natal Th'e 'CitY'san\~e:na-tal HIV -- prevalence incidence ~ Reduce air pollution 20,28 19.50 Bj~Annual Bi~Annual ~ 15,9% 19.3% 19,30% 14,5% ~ 876 1,090 Bi«AnnJal 128 137 23 Currently c.ollecting and capturing data, 7 (7A.S) Maintain the momentum ~ Improve resource rnanag81'11an1 18 Improved management of our water and energy resources to * Reduce water demand 76% 27% 26% q> (2768 Gwh) ~ 33% 10317Gwh • Reduce energy consumption Saving :a: 3,9% IRecession fOrcing growth down. 3 (3A.1) Maintail"l integrity of the City 19 Ensure a high standard of financ~al management in order to achieve: Audit in progress: f} In1erim calculation::. 17,04% f} Informatlon not available t1 Reports due end November/December ~ 8(S6.1)- Annual Target FOl1ow-up audits are in process Follow-up audiLs currently underway -----~~ Not avaIlable - only in 4th Quarter 8 (S8,S) Annual Target Report due in 4th ejuarter Not applicable - Annual Target T argot achieved Maintain the: momentum 8 (SB.7) 8(BB~ Ensure City attracts and retains staff 20 Make the Crly of Cape Town survey 25% 31% 31% Annual target aiready achieved ~ 8 (BA.5) during prevIous survey Cn-1SPM20092010 esc - P;!D) 01 up(lal«' with EMT26!OC9 ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) AliGNMENt!; 356 TARGETS LINKAGE "'''' 5;2 ;!;~ LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE !!!o "~~.... TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 30 Sept 2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION IReported Bi-Annuallyl Not applicable Bi-annual target Not applicable - Bi-annual target IReported Bi-Annuallyl Not applicable - Bi-annual target Not applicable 0" t>i5 ic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. 1A.1 Increase number of direct job opportunities created (NKPI) Economic & Social Development 11 700 ~I~ '1=1 in 1A.2 Maintain the increase Rand !Value of direct investment Economic & Social Development i R 1.6 bn "'Original target: R 1bn 1A.3 Increase thepercentage of visitors to Cape Town Economic & Social Development a: :;> Integration 0 C/) Icreateo through the expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). to contribute to the reduction of poverty and unemployment 1A.S Perc Applications finalised within statutory Timeframes. Project: Land Use Management Strategy and Planning 1A.6 Percentage Applications finalised within statutory Timeframes Project: Building Development Management Strategy and Planning .. -Target changes emanating hurn the ""II .... "' .... ""'"' ..... ~"JI At:!Ur"l! COl I 1"-!71 Bi-annual target iii ~l \)'1 Annual Target I 09: 185.076 (15% Not applicable annual target Not applicable - annual target lower compare to la' same period) » 18000 ~ ::> '" 0 3,000 3,652 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 75% 99% Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 96% 120% Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 56.2% (interim calculation) Annual target - interim calculation Not applicable - annual target >- 80% ~ 1:: "' ::> 0 96% '" ~ t: "'::> ~ 0 of the Rand value of Purchase Orders Finance ::> ro 2% Q.. ''1§"= iii 54% ::> t:: porale SCOfBCiUO realignment process, baseline updates and adjustment budget changes, where relevant Target Page 1 1 QUHrter Corporate SOBIP Performance ScorecardnewFinal281Q09 (3),xls ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIPl ALIGNMENT & 357 TARGETS I--_-'L=IN,,,KAGE 0'" zW 1= .... LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE :.<2 !!I 0 ~t; ZW 00( TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 30 Sept. 2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION (")25 Corporate 1 B. for the 2010 FIFA World CUpTM in Cape Town in accordance with FIF~'$ requirements and the City's ri"'J""I<:»!,I~I~"="I~t~~~~_ _ _,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ;., completed measured in terms of actual construction I 0" I <L 100% Electricity rei nforcement completed Service DeliVeryl Integration ~m 80% ::::- 90,22% ::> Original target 90% ~It! 0 91% 90A1% 1 B.1 Adherence to the work stream objectives and programmes of the City's 201O Business Plan t Detailed 2010 Transport Operational Plan 100% complete 0 Q. "'c ~ Implement and prepare detailed operating plans for 2010 footprint: 100% complete Service Delivery Integration 1B.2 Completion of process to award Naming Rights for Stadium and appointment of long Operator to manage Service Delivery Integration Management contract in place Target exceeded Full capacity electricity connection to the stadium completed in accordance w~h the stadium project requirements. Repair work required at Foreshore switching station has delayed the changeover work at Roggebaai and Foreshore main substation. A full assessment of the risks is currently underway. Maintain the momentum Maintain the momentum >. ~ '::>" 80% 80% Target achieved Maintain the momentum 80% 80% Target achieved Maintain the momentum 0 >. ;:: ~ a'" :J Management agreement In place for period Feb 09 Oct 2010. m " co c « "Target Changes emanating from the corporate scorecard realignment process, baseline updates and adjustment bUdgei changes, where relevant Annual Target Draft long term agreement completed to oommence 1 Nov 2010. Page 2 Long term lease submitted to Not scheduled to be in Nov 09, of stadium naming rights process to commence after the lease agreement have been approved 1 Ouarter Corporate SOBIP Performance $corecardnewFinal281DOS (3),xls ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) OBJECTNEAND INDICATOR DETAIL -- ~~ LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE SOl !£o ..: .... ..... U zUJ 0": [------. UQ 358 -----------c ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE Cl"' I'!?~i:. ..•....... '.-.•}:.+l:."•. : .' ""\30 ;~NNUALTA~GET' I~( !i" "~;7" i' ',:. ' . ~~ Julj~.201()) ;.;,'?~' :'\ .,. TARGETS .'. r ~E I~~: TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION Strategic Focus Area 2; Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services ,---------Utility Services Utility Services ---------- - 2A.1 - e, '"'c, ""<Ie of households with access to basic levels of sanitation (NKPI) 99,10% 894157 HHs - 2A.2 Percentage of informal settlement households with access to basic levels sanitation 80,5% Corporate Objective; 2A. Provide universal access to basic services ----------Based on a uniform servicing ratio of 1:5. 26 Existing strategy to be maintained. ~ <l> 98,95% 232 toilets installed in Informal Settlements. A t: 98,7% 892804 HHs backlog ofl1 623 HH still exists in terms of Review uniform servicing ratio of 1:5 in relation to 0 the 1:5 ratio actual serviCing ralio. '"" ~ "., "t: Q) t: 73,98% '" 91,9% :J 0 ---------. Based on a uniform servicing ratio of 1:5. 26 Existing strategy to be maintained. 232 toilets installed in Informal Settlements. A backlog of 11 623 HH still exists in terms of Review uniform servicing ratio of 1:5 in relation to the 1: 5 ratio actual servicing ratio. ---------- 2A.3 Service rate of toilets Utility Services f----------. Utility Services 2 BI-Annual 100% 902278 HHs 100% 902278 HHs 100% 100% Not applicable - Bi-annual target Not applicable Bi-annual target ---------- - 1------------- Utility Services - - r2A:4 -"''-'''''''''';1''' of households with access to levels of water (NKPI) 2A.5 Percentage informal settlement households with access to basic levels water "., "t: 100% 902278 HHs ~ 0'" :J ~ 100% <1> t: '" ::l Overall the approved servicing ratio in Informal Settlements of 1:25 has been exceeded and is now at 1:13.5 Currently 10 590 taps installed in Informal Settlements, exceeding target ratio of 1:25 Overall the approved servicing ratio of 1 :25 has been exceeded Currently 10 590 taps installed, exceeding target ratio of 1 :25 0 -----. --------- 2A.S Service rate of taps Utility Services 2A.7 Percentage of households wilh access to basic levels of electricity (NKPI) Utility Services {} 2,80 - Bi-Annual 89,72% 765124 HHs 89.82% Subsidised connection targets in informal areas exceeded forthe 1st quarter. Existing strategy to be maintained 61,12% 61,38% Subsidised connection targets in informal areas exceeded for the 1st quarter. Exisllng strategy 10 be maintained Not applicable - Bi-annual target Not applicable - Bi-annual target "., 90,46% 771435 HHs ~ t: 0'" :J ------------- 2A.S Percentage of informal households with access to basic levels of electricity Utility Services 62.43% ---------- Utility Services --------- Utility Services - 2A.9 Percentage of households with access to basic levels of solid waste removal (NKPI) t-=----------- 2A.10 Percentage of informal households receiving an integrated area cleaning and refuse collection service ------------- .2i' 99% 893255 HHs ~ 0'" :J 99% 893255 HHs 99% Target achieved Maintain the momenlum ------------- - >- 99% ~ t: 99% 99% &1 "Target Changes emanatmg from the corporate scorecard realignment process, base!ine updates and adl\.,1Slment budget t'.h8f'1ges, when'! relevant Target achieved Maintain the momentum -- Page 3 1 Quarter Corporate SOBI!' PS:lfurmanGe Scorecaronewfinal281Q09 (3) xis ANNEXURE B 2009/2010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE -,- LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 359 TARGETS c:>'" 2: I=! !5~ !!!o TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING .... 0 30 Sept. 2009 30 Sept. 2009 a: .... ZW REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 8~ Corporate Objective: 2B. Conserve natural resources --------T 2S-:1 Percentage reduction in unconstrained water demand ""' 'j6 27% Utility Services 'to 26,30% <1l 26% ::J o 2B.2 Percentage compliance with 4 critical DWAF effluent standards (e-coli count, Ammonia content, Oxygen Idemanding substances, total susoended solids) Utility Services 2B.3 Percentage of recreational TRS '" .g '!; 'E Iwatars sampling points (Le. bathing beaches, vlels, ~ .~ .;;;: etc.) comply with applic :::> ~ of Water Affairs standards. U) ~ J.l SOl 2B.4 Percentage Cleanliness of the City (Metropolitan Cleanliness I Photographic index) In the last 3 months Pressure management The pressure management projects will be monitored for the next months to determine if projects have been constructed and advance pressure management can be applied commissioned. The savings on the mentioned projects will be seen in the next 6 for further savings. The current season is perfect for upgrading our plants to Increase supply. In months, merely the summer months. Two the coming months we will be signing more end major Treated effluent projects have also been commissioned at the end of June. The users to use Treated Effluent this will have a impact of this project will also be realised higher impact in offsetting the use of portable later in the year. Aclual still within an water during the high demand season (summer acceptable bandWidth for this indicator season). Mechanical failure of equipment contributed to poor effluent quality at times ""' '"o" -;:: Q) 87% 'to Disinfection at Athlone and Bellville in process of being installed. Additional treatment capacity being provided by constructing 24 Mild wwtw at Fisantekraal. 83% 78% ~I Annual Target Annual Target Not applicable· annual target Not applicable - annual target ~":1 Annual Target Annual Target Not applicable annuat target Not applicable - annual target 72% 80% il 70% §1 "Original target· ..: ro ..: 2B,5 Percentage of airspace saved in relation to the volume of waste disposed (generated) I Statistics show the incoming waste stream is steadily decreasing in volume. Reason may be due to the current economic climate_ ""' -;:: Q) 15,5% Utility Services 'to 15,2% <1l 22.66% ::J o New contracts at drop-off sites came into effect during July 09. Contracts are well managed wilh belter controls in place. IEXisting strategy to be maintained Corporate Objective: 2C, Effectively manage the City's Infrastructure and Resources Finance (Changed from utility SelVices) (ij R1 ,0 bn "c:c: Not applicable - annual target Annual Target Not applicable - annual target ..: maintenance improved resulting ~ 2C.2 Reduce number of electricity outages experienced <1,3 ~ ::J o'" ~ "Target changes emanating from the corporate scorecard realignment prOt:ess, baseline updates and adjustment budget Changes, where relevant <1.3 less failures. No load she dding resulting in 1Existing strategy to be maintained st resses on equlpment Page 4 1 Quarter Corporate: SDBIP Performance $corecardnewFlna!281 009 (3),xls ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE l!l'" 360 TARGETS zl!! LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 5;2 !!1o 0::11-0 ZIU TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept, 2009 30 Sept, 2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 00:: oi5 Utility Services 18,8% Volume: 62040 ML 18,8% Volume: 62040 ML 23,5% Volume: 63985 ML has been a shght upward trend over the las! year the reason for which is not e)(actly known as there is no detailed Water Planning for best pressure zones, Development Balance model in place with which to pinpoint of a Water Balance model based on the master areas of losses, plan zones is proceeding as high priority and will also be part of the DIMS system to highlight focus areas for loss reduction, Implementation of zone and bulk meter logging must also proceed as high priority StrategiC Focus Area 3 : Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Corporate Objective: 3A Develop, adopt and implement a comprehensive response to Cape Town's energy and climate change challenges '3A~'1'Recluce ine-ne-rgy-- 1 Strategy and Planning r----T----- m 1 3,3% consumption in the Cape MetropOlitan Area !o below projected unconstrained energy consumption 2888 Gwh (3,3% per year over a three year period to reach the 10% by 201112012) Annual Consumption target: 10S55Gwh 1S (!) >. ~ ~ o'" :;, ·Orig!nal target 10% Note: Annual consumption target is 10855 Gwh. Targets are reflected as number, year-end target will be reflected as percen!age (2768 Gwh) Saving 3,9% = Recession forcing growth down, Con!inue to monitor StrategiC Focus Area 4: Public Transport Systems Corporate Objective: 4A. Improve public transport system and services (for e.g. the implementation of ----l-------I ~~~r~ Transport Roads and Stormwa!er Transport Roads and Stormwater Transport Roads and S!ormwater ~Target 4A,1 Reduction or average Icommuter travel time on selectedl 10% . reduction in travel transport corridors time along Phase 1A of Atlantis corridor I 4A.2 Increase in cumulative of critical routes with public transport lanes selected transport corridors (on base-line of 53 km's) target km's I the percentageoi using public !ranspart 52% Ratio: 0,52: 1 1A of the intea,'''t"d transit programme) {ij ::> c «" {ij "c:: I «" I tb Annual Target Annual Target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Annual Target Annual Target Not applicable - annual target No! applicable - annual target Annual Target Annual Target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target {ij "c:: c « changes emanating from lhe corporate Sf'nrec.ard real1gnme()j process, baseline updates and adjustment budget changes, where relevant Page S 1 Quarter Corporate SDB!P Performance SCOfe<:ardnewFlna!281009 (3) xis ANNEXURE 8 h~~~:'~L 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) 361 TARGETS !.?w <!: ... LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 5~ TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 !9g ::0 <!:w O~ ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sepl2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION Target achieved Maintain the momontum OQ Strategic Focus Area 5 Corporate Objective: 5A. Improve and develop Integrated Human Settlements 1---T5JGPer~:e;:;t,;;;;;;:c:Co;;;m:;;p)i;le~ticio;-;n~o;;f'lsSuiubblm11itilt£oHPGWC fori the Spatial Development provIsional Framework (SDF) and District inspection Spatial Development Plans ·Onginal target' (SDP's) 3rd round of Phases 1-8 completed to prepare City SDF and District Spatial Development Plans (SDP'S) Strategy and Planning advertisement of City SDF and D.strict SDP's for comment completed (sllb)ect to tlmlnQ of feedback from .;::. ~ o'"" ~ 2nd round of public 12nd round of public meetings concluded meetings concluded Corporate Objective: 5B. Deliver housing opportunities in accordance with the five year housing plan (reviewed annually) '58.1 1 Number of housing opportunities provided per year w c:: 0:: including Community Residential Units developed q) Housing ...~.. ~C/) ~~~ $~£ >. 1,500 ro u... 1821 ~,.':::Ul +~ :::l (/) t/) J: '":B Housing w ~ 0:: <1l f-w 58.2 Implementation of Informal programme Settlement (UISP and Emergency Housing Programme '""">OcE Despite various obstacles experienced by the Project Managers, the Directorate still managed to over achieve on the set target. Within the 90 day period, 24 working days were lost 20 days were due to inclement weather conditions and 4 due to National Strike Action of Construction Workers Maintain the momentum 364 i incremental serviced erven were developed 200 (I)., :::l Target exceeded Maintain tho momentum 06 L ____ _ -Target changes emal1Rtm91rom the corpora Ie scorec.'iHd realignment pi'ocess, baseline uPdates and adjustment budget changes, where relevant _ .. Page 6 1 Quarter Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecardnewt:lna!281009 (3}.xis ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE ,I OBJECTIVE AND INDICATOR DETAIL 362 TARGETS (!)Ul ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ~~ !Eo <r:~ ~u TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept 2009 30 Sept 2009 ZW REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION O<r: uc Corporate Objective: 5C Provide equitable community facilities and services across the City, 5C.1 Number of community facilities meeting set standards Community Services ISee breakdown of indicator detail below Number of community parks Imowed and cleaned according to standard Total number = 3 058 Community Services >- 3058 I ~ 2141 2187 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum ~ ro I ::J ~ 63 68 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum I ~ 140 177 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum I ~ 80 98 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum Aoo"" T" , . Annual Target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target There is no variance. 48 Accidents were recorded at two of the intersections, while only 6 at the other three. The traffic service will increase the number of interventions at the high frequency intersections. '"ro ::J a Number of Libraries maintaining Iset open hours standards Total number = 98 Community Services ~ >- 63 '" a I~umber of fenced formal Sport Ifields with complete grass cover Total number = 513 Community Services >- 360 '" a'" ::J Number of open, safe and clean halls (ablution/toilets, hall and kitchen) Total number = 202 Community Services ~ >- 121 ~ t:: a'" ::> Strategic Focus Area S: Safety and Security Corporate Objective: SA. Foster a safe and secure environment Safety and Security UJ '" UJ SA.1 Increase in the positive perception as measured in the Community Survey score regarding the decrease in antisocial behaviour Achieving ~3 on 5 point Likert scale on community survey regarding positive perception on decrease in prevalence of antisocial behaviour iii ::> c c '("pi <{ 5% reduction in accident rate at high frequency locations Safety and Security ~Target SA.2 Percentage reduction in the I (Annual target 216 accident rate at high frequency accidents) locations ~ ~ro ::> a ~ changes emanating from the corporate scorecard realignment process, baseline updates and adjustment budget changes, where relevant 54 accidents Note: Annual target is maximum 216 accidents. Targets I are reflected as number, year-end target will be reflected as percentage I 54 accidents Page 7 1 Quarter Corporate SDBJP Performance ScorecardnewFinal281009 (3) xis ANNEXURE B 363 2009/2010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) -------- ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE TARGETS C)(I) ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 5~ ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept. 2009 010 o::t; !Zw 00:: REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION Target exceeded Maintain the momentum Target achieved Maintain the momentum Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 00 190 arrests Note' Targets are reflected as number, year-end target will be reflected as percentage SA.3 Increase in the arrest of (Possession & drug related crimes (possession Dealing) and dealing) Annual target 760 Safety and Security 222 arrests arrests 'Original target: 85 Safety and Security (I) 0:: I- GA.4 Percentage adherence to the implementation of Disaster Plans according to legislative requirements 1, Disaster Management Plan developed and 1. Disaster Risk Management Plan developed and approved, 2. 25% reviewed with quarterly targets "'- 't: '" t:: ro " 0 1, Plan developed and approved, 2 Plan 25% reviewed with quarterly targets StrategiC Focus Area 7: Health, social and community development Corporate Objective: 7 A, Facilitate th& development of a h&althy and socially inclusive society Economic & Social Development Progress Achieved· 7A.1 Number of Child Care facilities upgraded/provided in partnership with government and NGOs to promote holistic childhOOd development. Happy Valley Formal 3 - iii :;J c c « Structure- Pinnacle construction appointed, Happy Valley Informal ~ 0 Prefab Structure· planning phase, Philippi Imvusi ConstrucUon apPOinted & leonsdale ~ planning phase Economic & Social Development Economic & Social Development - - -> Community Services '" 0 u 0 (I) 7 A.2 Number of targeted socioeconomic development support programmes 7 A.3 Number of street placed in rehabilitation reintegration programmes >, 4 ~ro 0" 1 4 Target exceeded The 4 programmes are implemented across districts, Total amount of interventions are 28 interventions. 0 42 Target exceeded 12 are placed in reintegration programmes, 30 are placed in rehabilitation programmes, >. 1:: 300 'ro" t:: :;J a 7A.4 Number of strategic sporting partnerships and events created maintained and expanded on >. 19 e ~ ro " 0 0 u 7 t:: 'Original targel: 3 5 partnerships 1 event Total=6 WP Boxing partnership is outstanding but agreement is expected to be signed soon. Conclude WP Boxing partnership agreement W ,---Health - 7A.5 Number of days when air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines >. '1:: 137 '" t:: m 34 23 Target exceeded Maintain the momenlum :;J 0 'larget changes emani!lling from the corporale scorecard realignment process, baselme upoates aM adjustment buoget Changes, where relevant P0il" e Quarter Corporate SOBIP Performance $corecardnewFlnal281 009 ANNEXURE B 2009/2010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) 364 ALiGNMENT·B.··········· TARGETS LINKAGE (!)'" ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ~~ ~g 1=,-, ZW TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sopl. 2009 30lS.pl. 2009 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION Bi-Annual Currently collecting and capturing data. This is a Bi-Annual Target. Currently collecting and capturing data. Bi-Annual Bi-Annual Currently collecting and capturing data. This is a Bi-Annual Target Currently collecting and capturing data. 19,3% 145% Target exceeded Data provisional and needs to be verified. (excludes known HIV +ve's) 6.88 weeks Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 00: ui5 19,5 Health II Iv! crCl;:)O VI Health ! 0 VOl ! UU UUU V! 1090 Cape Town Population 1A.a Percentage reduction in the of increase of Cape Town's HIV prevalence Health I c; I \'''17 I >- 19,3% ~ to ro a" Strategic Focus Area a: Good Governance and Regulatory Reform Corporate Objective: SA. Ensure enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements SA.1 Improved average turnaround time of tender procurement processes in accordance with procurement plan Finance 7 weeks "'~" a"'" ~ 7 weeks Breakdown per directorate: SA.2 Retention of skills as measured by staff turnover Communi1y Development:;:: 8.90% Corporate Services:;:: 5.94% Economic & Social Development' 4.43% Finance :::: 5.85% Health ~ 11,79% 5 to 8% overall ~ turnover , 9,89% 5 to 8% overall , 7,38% >- Corporate Services ~m ;:( Breakdown per directorate: a" Community Development = 9.15% Corporate Services, 6.62% Economic & Socia! Development;; 2.35% Finance B to 12% within skilled categories Maintain the momentum turnover ~ "-r arge\ changes emanatmg from the corporate scorecard (Caligrirnent process, baselme updates and adjustrm:lnt budyel changes, wnere relevant 8 to 12% within skilled categories J:'age 9 7.77% Health: 7J3% Housmg = 12.41% 7.44% Inlernal Audil =2,94% Office of the City Manager = 25,88% Safety & Security' 6.37% Service Delivery Integration:;:: 5.70% Strategy & Planning g- m08% Transport, Roads & Stormwater:;; 226 % Utility Services = 6,85% Maintain the momentum Quarter Corporate SCBIP Performance ScorecardnewFinal2S1009 (3).x1s ANNEXURE B 2009/2010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) 365 TARGETS LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 Sept, 2009 30 Sept. 2009 avanaon".y as measured by % absenteeism = 5.35% (staff availability Services Corporate Services REMEDIAL ACTION REASON FOR VARIANCE ,; 4% average for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 « II I ~~ I =5.06% (slaff availability = I' Absenteeism = 5.24% Internal Audit 4.19% (staff avallablhty; 95.81%) Office of the City Manger; 2.29% (slaff availability; (Staff availabilily 91.11%) =94.76%) Safety & Security = 4.74% (staff availability 95.26%) Transport, Roads & Starmwater = 5.89% (staff availability 94.11%) UtililyS Annual Target CO",_ S~,,~d "" OO~"", m'''''""9. ff' d' rt erlng a vice an suppo . 0 Une has been given a Tool to use and therefore, responsible to supply Information on how to improve on their absenteeism rates. Service availability ; Strategy & Planning +- 3.63% (slaff availability- 96.37%) Corporate Services « Corporate Services « SDI « BA.4 Percentage budget spent Ion implementation of WSP (NKPI) 1""'- r - - .... - ~ 1:: 10% a'" n; -""r'" p " ..... " ...- .... 31% r. .. _ ,_,. ::> c: c: « Percentage of capital projects meeting original planned Imilestones !Pn;:lvinllc:. inrli("::ttnr' '" ~ 14.49% ::> per annual Culture Climate BA.7 Percentage improvement the time taken to close notifications in terms of the Works Management SDI 90% (Devolved 31% ~ Annual Target Annual target achieved during previous survey I =16.27%) Annual target achieved reasons for capital projects not original planned milestones, such due to bad weather, not updating on capital projects, etc .f: 65% ,,~'"~ "h<"rl ,,' I(Centralised" 8.10%) '" ::> a'" 1:: Maintain the momentum Maintain the momentum Updating of progress on capital projects on a regular baSIS I 12% reduction in """'M ",." I ""'" notifications measured against the baseline 22 days >- 1:: a'" ::> "Target changes emanating from the corporate scorer.ard realignment process, baseline updates and adjustmenl bUdget changes, wnere relevanl I 3% reduction on 200812009 baseline I Page 10 55% reduction 5.44 days Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 1 QuarterCorporole SDBIP Perfomlance $corecardnewFfnal261Q09 (3) xIs ANNEXURE B 200912010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) ALIGNMENT LINKAGE ~~ LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 366 TARGETS !:irz !!!o TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING ,..<.l 30 Sepl2009 30 Sept. 2009 ~,.. ZW REMEDIAL ACTION REASON FOR VARIANCE O~ <.lC ICorporate Objective; 86. Manage key financial and governance aroas such as income control, cash flow. indigent support. alternative income opportunities. asset and risk management 1t')t!!VI\,;!::':f Finance ut::Ulur~ lU !t!¥f;mUt;; received for services 22.50% own Finance 2.51 ~: ~ I Actual only available after year"end (the calculation is net of securitisation deposits) Not applicable annual target Actual only available after year-end Nat applicable - annual target I Target is based an cash flow projections. It iSI considered that there will be a spike in the next quarter capital expenditure is being monitored on an ongoing basis by EMT and Mayco via the financial monitonng report Annual target" year-I Intenm calculatlon I 17,04 % end calculation ~ I Annual target year-Ilntenm calculation = 1 « end calculation 3,46:1 29% 14% 22% 20% » Finance ;;: 95% ~ 1:' rn :> a Finance ;;: 95% .@ ~I rn ::J ~ 0 I Reasons for variance and remedial aclion hit 'd d thl FMR t were re evan prov. e per man y 0 Mayoral Committee and EMT. I I . . . Operating Expenditure mOnitored on an ongOing basis by EMT and Mayea via FMR ~~~~~~ 8B.S RatiO of cost coverage Finance 3,20:1 rn:> I Annual target - year-I Interim calculation end calculation 1,84:1 c: c: « =1 Actual only available after year-end Not applicable annual target 86.6 Revenue collected as a percentage of billed amount coltection processes are in place. - Other factors hampering revenUe collection are, Inter alia. (1) Services Departments (Water and currently nol canymg out sufficierit re:;lrictions disconnections, as requested by Revenue; (2} Water Services hElve not repl1ifed 1he required number of water leaKS, and have not installed the Finance 95% ~I .gJ a'" ::J ~ I 95% 94% number of Water Managemen1 Devices as requested by Revenue, objections are outstanding, whiCh sW! need resorved; t'~~" __ A "----'-9nls are carrying out a large amour instead of doing actual readings, Services Departments are not Iimeously Ilctioning the notifications. Ip.1) I increase repair water leaks, and drastically increase the installatior, of WMDs; is imperative that a much higher percenlage of actual "Target changes emanating from the r.orporate socorecard realignment process, baseline updates and adjustment budget changes, whell:! relevant Page 11 1 Quartl:lf Corporate SDBIP Perforrnanc\:l ScorecardnewFjnal281009 {3}_xls ANNEXURE B 2009/2010 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) ALIGNMENT & ~~ >-", LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 367 TARGETS LINKAGE :::>0:: TARGET QUARTER ENDING ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING >-(.) ZW 00:: 30 Sept. 2009 30 Sept 2009 !!!o 0::>- REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION Information not available Follow-up audits are in process Follow-up audits currently underway Audit in progress Reports due end NovemberlDecember Not applicable - annual target Not available - only 4th quarter Report due in 4th quarter Not applicable annual target 0% Not available - only in 4th quarter Only available at year-end Not applicable annual target Annual Target Questionnaire design and fieldwork completed On target Maintain the momentum (.)0 60% Internal Audil ~ "Onglnal target: 70% 88.8 Unqualified Audit from Audilor General Finance Finance Finance ~ Unqualified audit received from AG Reports due end Novemberl December annually P-1 (short term) Aa2za (long term) Reports due end March annually 88.10 Percentage annual asset verification process completed 1100% verification of assets completed by 30 June Corporate Objective; BC. Establish effective community engagement channels Strategy and Planning -Ta(get Changes eman31ln~ 8C.1 Communltv satlslactlon score measured In terms Qf the asymmetrical scale (1-5) from the corporate scorecard reali~nment 3 ro::J *Onginal target. 2,0 c process, baseline updates and adjustment budgel c: <>: chan~es, where relevani Page 12 Ou3f'1t1!r Corporate SDB1P Performance SrorecafdnewFmalZB1D09 (3),xls ~-- ~ • Meets or exceeds target; .---.~......-. ---------~ ~ -.-.-.---~ ... -.-.~.~.,...--.-.-~-.----.-.- - -- ".-. - _.. - - --- ---- -_. _.- ._ _. --_ ... _._.. -_ .. ANNEXURE C .. _.- <? .Currently does not meet target; ~ • Informatlon not available or work on hold ----- No Indicator Annual Target 30 June 2010 Target Actual performance Performance 30 30 September 2009 September 2009 Cl c: '+:I {}. Reason for variance Remedial action I Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. r~~- ------- ,---~~ ~~ Revenue 24.49% 1 98% % Spend Operational Budget 2 % Spend of Capital Budget 3 Contribution to Gross Domestic Product 95% 25% Expenditure 23~29 Target achieved % Capex spend for first quarter started slowly 17~00% 24% Maintain the moment um The company will spend I he capex budget according to the requirements of the busir ess ~-~ R2.7 billion per annum Annual Not applicable ~ Not applicable Not applicable ---- 4 International Delegate Days ------- 5 Number of jobs created 6 Number of events 200000 Annual Not applicable 9000 Annual Not applicable 500 125 125 ------- ~~-~- 7 Customer Centricity and Service Excellance 75% of minimum aggragate score for all CTICC internal departments and external suppliers ------- 8 Reduction of water and energy consumption 5% saving on water and energy compared to 08/09 Annual ------- ~ ~ Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Target achieved Maintain the momentlum ~~~-~ iJ 1- ---- Not applicable ~ ------ Annual Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable L Not applicable Supply Chain Procurement from Percentage spend not lower BEE suppliers measured ito of BEE that 50% Act Not lower than 50 % Ali training costs spent on the current permanent and temporary staff Minimum 5% as a percentage of salary cost Annual ~ ~~~-- Not applicable Not applicable ------- 51.90% Not applicable Target achieved ~ w c::r.> 00 ------ ------- 10 ---- ------- ~~~- 9 ---- Maintain the momentlum -~ Not applicable --Not applicable ANNEXURE D 1st Quarter Khayelitsha Community Trust Performance Assessment Report for 09/10 FY -1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; Indicator No ~ - Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold Annual Target Target 30 September 2009 Actual performance 30 September 2009 en c :;:: ca 0::: Reason for variance Remedial action , Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. -------- Trust was without a CEO during the first quarter 1 % Spend Operational Budget 98% 25% 16.0% 2 % Spend of Capital Budget 95% 24% 10% ~ New CEO commenced duty on 01 October 2009. Organisational structural not New CEO commenced duty aligned. Trust was without a on 01 October 2009. Structure I CEO during the first quarter will be addressed as matter of urgency e,..:) OJ <:J:::) 3 To maintain good corporate governance ---- 2009110128 8 Trustee Meetings, 4 Audit Committee Meetings. AFS and Annual Report issued in accordance with legislated deadlines. 2 Trustee Meetings. 1 Audit Committee meeting 2 Trustee meetings; 1 Audit committee meeting ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum ANNEXURE D 1st Quarter Khayelitsha Community Trust Performance Assessment Report for 09110 FY - 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; ~ - Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold --- No Indicator Annual Target Target 30 September 2009 Actual performance 30 September 2009 Cl c ~ I'lS 4 Alternative funding To facilitate affordable sourced for Housing residential development in Project by 30 June KBD 2010 5 To implement a legally compliant set of structures for KCT and its investment companies nfa KCT Human and Conduct Capacitation Plan interviews for reviewed, appoint CEO CEO & Project Manager, replace Directors Management Company as required, manage financial reporting of Investment Companies Reason for variance Remedial action 0::: nfa ttp Chairperson has attended meetings with the Mayor to source alternative funding for bulk services; A task team is being established by RMB to include FNB Affordable Housing, Khayelethu Projects, KCT, City officials and Kmanco in order to expedite finalisation of a funding model ~ CEO has been appointed and commenced duty on 01 October 2009 -J :::> ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum I 2009/10/28 2 ANNEXURE D 1st Quarter Khayelitsha Community Trust Performance Assessment Report for 09/10 FY -1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009 t. - Meets or exceeds target; Indicator No 6 'l -Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold Annual Target To update development and opreational and decision- making framework for KBD (initiate develpoment of retail and office space) Approve updated development plan Secure alternative sources of funding. Secure alternative sources of funds for KCT, corporate compliance requirements and Phase 2 developments by 30 June 2010. Target 30 September 2009 Investigate requirements for the development of office space in Khayelitsha Actual perfonnance 30 September 2009 CD c ;; IV Reason for variance Remedial action c::: The consultants have gathered space requirements information from relevant City and Provincial departments. I ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum ! 7 ~ -..i ....... n/a ~ n/a , - 2009/10/28 3