Model independent analysis of top FB asymmetry at the Tevatron Pyungwon Ko Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) in collaboration with Dr. J.-S. Lee, Dr. D.W. Jung (and Dr. S.H. Nam) based on arXiv:0912.1105, PLB 2010.06.040 and arXiv:1011.5976 and work in preparation < Seminar at NTCS, NTHU, Dec. 07 (2010) > Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 1 / 38 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Effective Lagrangian Approach Forward-Backward Asymmetry Helicity Amplitude Spin-Spin Correlation 3 Models including new resonances explicitly Spin-1 Resonances Spin-0 Resonances Wilson Coefficients from Resonances Examples of Resonances 4 Longitudinal Pol of (anti)top quark P violation and Longitudinal Pol’s 5 Summary Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 2 / 38 Introduction Top pair production via strong interaction Tevatron: LHC: ∼ 90% Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production ∼ 10% 3 / 38 Introduction Motivation Top physics has began to enter a new era after its first discovery, due to the high luminosity achieved at the Tevatron, and precision study will be possible at the LHC in the coming years. Forward-backward asymmetry AFB in t t̄ production has been off the SM prediction (∼ 0.078(9)) by 2σ in the t t̄ rest frame (CDF2008): AtFB ≡ Nt (cos θ ≥ 0) − Nt̄ (cos θ ≥ 0) = 0.24 ± 0.13 ± 0.04 Nt (cos θ ≥ 0) + Nt̄ (cos θ ≥ 0) This ∼ 2σ deviation stimulated some speculations on new physics scenarios We adopt a model independent approach using effective Lagrangian in order to accommodate the current measurement of AtFB , since there is no clear evidence for any new particles coupling to top at the Tevatron Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 4 / 38 Introduction New CDF data with 5.6 fb−1 presented this summer 0.158 ± 0.072 ± 0.017 Less deviation than before → Any new physics scale is probably too high to be explored directly at the Tevatron Still interesting to speculate what type of new physics can modify top physics at what level In fact, our approach based on the effective lagrangian could be more useful in this case, than other approaches Also could be used to set substructure scale of top quark, as in the light quark system Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 5 / 38 Introduction SM contribution to AFB Series of papers by Kühn and Rodrigo LO: top quark production angle is symmetric with respect to beam direction. NLO: asymmetry due to interference effects. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) Born Box ISR FSR AFB of top quark production 6 / 38 Introduction Related works SM predictions: Kühn and Rodrigo I I I Interference between tree (one gluon exchange) and one-loop (two gluon exchange) (anti)quark-gluon scattering into t t̄g initial (final) gluon emission q q̄ → t t̄g Axigluon: Godbole et al.; Rodrigo et al.; Frampton, Shu, Wang; Chivukular, Simmons, CP Yuan 0 Extra Z : Jung, Murayama, Pierce, Wells 0 Extra W : Cheung, Keung, TC Yuan RS KK gluon: Djouadi et al. Color sextet or antitriplet: Tait et al.; CH Chen et al.; Berger et al.; RPV and LR model: Cao, Heng, Wu, Yang Comprehensive study: Cao, McKeen, Rosner, Shaughnessy, Wagner Effective Lagrangian Approach : this talk Apologies to those who are not listed Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 7 / 38 Introduction Wisdom from EW sector The first evidence of asymmetry was found in angular√distribution of muons from e+ e− collisions at PETRA in the 80’s ( s ∼ 30 GeV , well below the Z 0 pole) Source of AFB is a term linear in cos θ from interference between γ or Z vector coupling and the axial vector Z coupling. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 8 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Dim-6 Contact Interaction t t̄ production at the Tevatron dominated by q q̄ channel Enough to consider dimension-6 four-quark operators assuming new physics scale is high enough: i g 2 X h AB AB L6 = s2 C1q (q̄A γµ qA )(t̄B γ µ tB ) + C8q (q̄A T a γµ qA )(t̄B T a γ µ tB ) Λ A,B where T a = λa /2, {A, B} = {L, R}, L, R ≡ (1 ∓ γ5 )/2 (q = u, d, s, c, b) Other d=6 operators are all reducible to the above operators after Fierzing (Hill and Parke 1994) We ignore flavor changing dim-6 operators such as dR γ µ sR tR γµ tR , since those contributions to the t t̄ production cross section will be of a order 1/Λ4 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 9 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Digress on Top Substructure Our appraoch is useful even if the AFB approaches the SM prediction This contact term used to explore light quark substructures Similar analysis has been done for light quark and lepton systems using q̄q q̄q, q̄q l̄l, and l̄l l̄l, with various Dirac and color structures One can do exactly the same analysis for top compositeness scale The scale Λ in our effective lagrangian could be interpreted as Compositemess scale of a top quark seen by a light quark Bound on Λ can be derived from Mt t̄ or pTt distributions at the Tevatron Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 10 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Helicity Amplitude Squared The squared helicity amplitude is given by ŝ 4 gs4 2 2 m 2 + 2 (C1 + C2 ) sθ̂2 |M(tL t̄L + tR t̄R )| = 9 ŝ t Λ 4 2 g ŝ s |MtL t̄R + tR t̄L )|2 = 1 + 2 (C1 + C2 ) (1 + cθ̂2 ) 9 2Λ ŝ + β̂t (C1 − C2 ) cθ̂ 2 Λ where LL RR C1 ≡ C8q + C8q , β̂t2 = 1 − 4mt2 /ŝ, LR RL C2 ≡ C8q + C8q sθ̂ ≡ sin θ̂, cθ̂ ≡ cos θ̂ The term linear in cos θ̂ could generate the foreward-backward asymmetry which is propotional to ∆C ≡ C1 − C2 . Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 11 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Allowed region in the (C1 , C2 ) plane " 4 0. 10 6 = A FB 98 7. " pb = 02 7. II pb 0 0. 38 I = -2 A FB C2 (1 TeV/!)2 = 2 IV -4 III -6 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) -6 -4 -2 0 2 C1 (1 TeV/!)2 AFB of top quark production 4 6 12 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Validity of our approach Our Validity Criteria: I I I σint < r σSM (straight line) σNP < r σint (ellipses passing through the origin) σNP < r 2 σSM (ellipses centered at the origin) Take r = 0.3, r = 0.5, and r = 1.0 Our predictions pass these validity criteria even for r = 0.3, and could be considered reliable Another Issue: Violation of Unitarity by dim-6 op’s Any nonrenormalizable interactions violate √ “unitarity” , which is very subtle issue at hadron colliders, since ŝ is not fixed Our criteria is hopefully stronger than unitarity constraint Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 13 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Validity of our approach σNP is obtained using |MNP |2 = × 4gs4 ŝ2 9ŝ2 4Λ4 n 2 LL 2 RR 2 LL 2 RR 2 9 (C1q ) + (C1q ) + 2 (C8q ) + (C8q ) û − mt2 2 RL 2 LR 2 RL 2 LR 2 + 9 (C1q ) + (C1q ) + 2 (C8q ) + (C8q ) t̂ − mt2 LL LR RR RL LL LR RR RL + 9 C1q C1q + C1q C1q + 2 C8q C8q + C8q C8q 2ŝmt2 , where û − mt2 = −ŝ (1 + β̂t cθ̂ )/2, Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) t̂ − mt2 = −ŝ (1 − β̂t cθ̂ )/2 AFB of top quark production 14 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Validity region 0. 10 10 = 5 FB A = 0. 38 98 7. = pb 0 7. II 2 = C2 (1 TeV/!)2 " " 0 A FB pb I IV -5 -10 -10 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) III -5 0 C1 (1 TeV/!)2 AFB of top quark production 5 10 15 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Validity region with the updated data σ = = A 0. pb FB 02 7. = = A II pb C2 (1 TeV/Λ)2 98 FB 7. σ 2 21 4 0. 09 6 0 I IV -2 III -4 -6 -6 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) -4 -2 0 2 C1 (1 TeV/Λ)2 AFB of top quark production 4 6 16 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Mt t̄ distribution d! / dMtt [pb " GeV-1] 10-1 10-2 10-3 SM 10-4 Pt.I Pt.II Pt.III Pt.IV 10-5 10-6 CDF II Data, # L $ 2.7 fb-1 0 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) 200 400 600 Mtt [GeV] AFB of top quark production 800 1000 1200 17 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Spin-Spin Correlation chiral structure of new physics affecting q q̄ → t t̄ is also sensitive to the top quark spin-spin correlation (in the helicity basis): −K = C = σ(tL t̄L + tR t̄R ) − σ(tL t̄R + tR t̄L ) σ(tL t̄L + tR t̄R ) + σ(tL t̄R + tR t̄L ) SM prediction for helicity basis: K = 0.47 (LO) and 0.352 (NLO) [Bernreuther et al., NPB (2004)] New CDF data: K = 0.48 ± 0.48 ± 0.22 New physics should have chiral couplings both to light quarks and top quark −→ P must be broken Any new observable ? Longitudinal top quark polarization Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 18 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach New Spin-Spin Correlation CFB 6 = FB FB SM II -0 .3 0 0 = C C = I FB -2 C C2 (1 TeV/!)2 C= 27 .5 0 -0 .47 30 -0 .4 -0 C= 2 0. 00 -0 .0 2 C= 4 IV -4 III -6 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) -6 -4 -2 0 2 C1 (1 TeV/!)2 AFB of top quark production 4 6 19 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Proposing a “NEW” Spin-Spin Correlation The usual C is correlated with σt t̄ , and not to AFB We propose a new spin-spin correlation CFB : Separate the events in forward and backward directions, and form CFB CFB ≡ C(cos θ ≥ 0) − C(cos θ ≤ 0) C(cos θ ≥ 0(≤ 0)) implies the cross sections in the numerator of C are obtained for the forward (backward) region: cos θ ≥ 0(≤ 0) Advantages of the new CFB : I I Larger spin-spin correlation Stronger correlation with AFB This new CFB could be also useful for testing the QCD in the top sector Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 20 / 38 Effective Lagrangian Approach Spin-Spin Correlation 6 = FB FB SM II -0 .3 0 0 = C C = I FB -2 C C2 (1 TeV/!)2 C= 27 .5 0 -0 .47 30 -0 .4 -0 C= 2 0. 00 -0 .0 2 C= 4 IV -4 III -6 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) -6 -4 -2 0 2 C1 (1 TeV/!)2 AFB of top quark production 4 6 21 / 38 Spin-1 Resonances One can consider the following interactions of quarks with spin-1 flavor-conserving (changing) color-singlet V1 (Ṽ1 ) and color-octet V8a (Ṽ8a ) vectors (A = L, R) relevant to AtFB : i Xh A A LV = gs V1µ g1q (q̄A γµ qA ) + g1t (t̄A γµ tA ) i X hA aµ A A +gs V8 g8q (q̄A γµ T a qA ) + g8t (t̄A γµ T a tA ) +gs Ṽ1µ A X A g̃1q (t̄A γµ qA ) + Ṽ8aµ X A Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) A g̃8q (t̄A γµ T a qA ) + h.c. A AFB of top quark production 22 / 38 Spin-0 Resonances Following interactions of quarks with spin-0 flavor-changing color-singlet S˜1 and color-octet S̃8a scalars could also contribute to AtFB : X X A A LS̃ = gs S̃1 η̃1q (t̄Aq) + S̃8a η̃8q (t̄AT a q) + h.c. A A One can also consider color-triplet Skγ and color-sextet scalars Sijαβ with minimal flavor violating interactions with the SM quarks (Arnold, Pospelov, Trott, Wise): hη i 3 α β γ α β αβ LS = gs αβγ ijk uiR ujR Sk + η6 uiR ujR Sij + h.c. 2 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 23 / 38 Wilson Coefficients from Resonances After integrating out the heavy vectors and scalars, we obtain the Wilson coefficients as follows: LL C8q 1 L L 1 L 2 1 L 2 = − 2 g8q g8t − 2 2|g̃1q | − |g̃ | Nc 8q Λ2 mV m Ṽ RR C8q 1 R R 1 R 2 1 |η3 |2 2|η6 |2 R 2 = − 2| g̃ + g | − | g̃ g | − − 1q Nc 8q Λ2 mV2 8q 8t m2 mS2 3 mS2 6 Ṽ LR C8q 1 L R 1 1 L 2 L 2 |η̃ | = − 2 g8q g8t − 2 |η̃1q | − 2Nc 8q Λ2 mV m S̃ RL C8q 1 R L 1 1 R 2 R 2 = − 2 g8q g8t − 2 |η̃1q | − |η̃ | 2Nc 8q Λ2 mV m S̃ Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 24 / 38 Examples of Resonances Axigluon model corresponding to flavor universal chiral couplings L = g L = −g R = −g R = 1 (Pati and Salam 1975): g8q 8t 8q 8t 0 New gauge boson Z with dominant coupling to u − t (Jung, Murayama, Pierce, and Wells 2009): 0 R =g , R =g V1 = Ṽ1 = Z , gs g̃1q gs g1q (|U | . 1) X X U 0 New charged gauge boson W ± contributions (Cheung, Keung, and 0 A = g0 g Yuan 2009): Ṽ = W , gs g̃1q A Some RS scenarios with large flavor mixing in the right-handed quark sector (Aquino et al 2007; Agashe et al 2008): L = g R = g R ' −0.2, L = g L ' (1 ∼ 2.8) g8q g8t 8q 8b 8b R ' (1.5 ∼ 5), L 'V , R '1 g8t g̃8q g̃8q tq Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 25 / 38 Scores for each model New particle couplings C1 C2 g L,R 8q,8t indefinite indefinite Ṽ1 (spin-1 FV singlet) L,R g̃1q − 0 Ṽ8 (spin-1 FV octet) L,R g̃8q + 0 S̃1 (spin-0 FV singlet) L,R η̃1q 0 − S̃8 (spin-0 FV octet) L,R η̃8q 0 + × S3α (spin-0 FV triplet) η3 − 0 S6αβ (spin-0 FV sextet) η6 + 0 × √ V8 (spin-1 FC octet) Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 1 σ favor √ × √ √ 26 / 38 1-σ favored region for V8 rq= 2 4 rq= 0.5 gR8t / gL8q ( 1 TeV / MV ) rq= -0.5 rq= -1 2 rq= -2 0 -2 -4 -4 -2 0 2 gL8t / gL8q ( 1 TeV / MV ) 4 R L L rq = g8q /g8q and g8q =1 Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 27 / 38 Constraints on masses and couplings 1-σ favored values of the couplings Updated data: Ṽ8 S̃1 αβ S13 1 TeV 2 L 2 1 R 2 |g̃8q | + |g̃8q : | ' 0.76(0.64) , Nc mṼ 1 TeV 2 L 2 R 2 |η̃1q | + |η̃1q | ' 0.62(0.49) , : mS̃ 1 TeV 2 |η6 |2 ' 0.76(0.64) : 2 mS6 These could be discovered and tested at the LHC, by measuring the mass and the couplings Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 28 / 38 AFB implies P violation LL = C RL , and If P were conserved in the light quark sector, C8q 8q LR = C RR C8q 8q LL = C LR and C RR = C RL If P were conserved in the top sector, C8q 8q 8q 8q In either case, we would have C1 − C2 = 0 , and no effects on AFB Most important message of nonzero AFB from new physics is Parity should be vilolated in the quark sector What would be the observable consequences of this new PV interaction ? In the top sector, the top longitudinal polarization can be nonzero in general, unlike QCD ~t · n̂i = hS 6 0 If n̂ ∝ ~p, it becomes helicity Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 29 / 38 P violation and Longitudinal Pol’s Keeping only the longitudinal pol’s of (anti)top, we have ( ) 4 g s |M|2 = 2 D0 + D1 (PL + P̄L ) + D2 (PL − P̄L ) + D3 PL P̄L . ŝ D1 and D2 are P-violating. D1 term needs strong phase (CP T̃ violating), from the propagator of the exchanged new particle, which is not seen in our approach (Future work) D2 ' i ŝ h 0 0 2 0 0 2 (C + C ) β̂ (1 + c ) + (C − C )(5 − 3 β̂ )c t t 1 2 1 2 θ̂ θ̂ 9 Λ2 with RR LL C10 ≡ C8q − C8q , LR RL C20 ≡ C8q − C8q . Different informations on the chiral structures of NP from AFB Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 30 / 38 When we integrate over the polar angle θ̂, only the first term involving RR LL LR RL (C10 + C20 ) = C8q − C8q + C8q − C8q survives. On the other hand, if we separate the forward and the backward top samples and take the difference, the orthogonal combination in the second term survives: RR LL LR RL − C8q − C8q + C8q . (C10 − C20 ) = C8q Consider the two new observables: D ≡ σ(tR t̄L ) − σ(tL t̄R ) , σ(tR t̄R ) + σ(tL t̄L ) + σ(tL t̄R ) + σ(tR t̄L ) DFB ≡ D(cos θ̂ ≥ 0) − D(cos θ̂ ≤ 0) which involve the sum and difference of the coefficients C10 and C20 , respectively. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 31 / 38 -0 FB = D .3 -0 D 3 FB = . =0 1 2 D .1 FB 0 =- =0 . 1 (+,–) D SM (+,+) =0 .3 (–,–) 0 -2 D 3 FB 0. =- D C ′2 (1 TeV/Λ)2 D . =0 D 4 .1 6 (–,+) -4 -6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 C ′1 (1 TeV/Λ)2 4 6 Figure: The P-violating spin correlations D and DFB in the (C10 , C20 ) plane. The signs of (D , DFB ) are denoted. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 32 / 38 The polarization coefficients could be measured by studying the angular distributions of the top-quark decay products. For dilepton decay channels of t t̄ (in the helicity basis), one has ( 4 g s ∗ ∗ |M|2 = D0 + D1 (cos θ+ + cos θ− ) ŝ2 ) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ +D2 (cos θ+ − cos θ− ) + D3 cos θ+ cos θ− . ∗ (θ ∗ ) is the angle between the charged lepton l + (l − ) in where θ+ − the top (anti-top) rest frame and the direction of the top (anti-top) in the t t̄ rest frame. MT 2 could be helpful for this study (Work in progress) Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 33 / 38 [t] New particle exchanges and the signs of induced couplings C AB (A, B = R, L), C1 − C2 , C10 + C20 , and C10 − C20 . 0 0 0 0 Res. C RR C LL C LR C RL C1 − C2 C1 + C2 C1 − C2 Ṽ1R − 0 0 0 − − − Ṽ1L 0 − 0 0 − + + Ṽ8R + 0 0 0 + + + Ṽ8L 0 + 0 0 + − − S̃1R 0 0 0 − + + − S̃1L 0 0 − 0 + − + S̃8R 0 0 0 + − − + S̃8L 0 0 + 0 − + − S2α αβ S13 − 0 0 0 − − − + 0 0 0 + + + V8R ± 0 0 0 ± ± ± Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production √ ( √ 34 / 38 0.1 0.075 0.05 ~ V8R, V8R, Sαβ 13 ~ S 1R DFB 0.025 0 -0.025 ~ S -0.05 -0.075 1L ~ V8L, V8L -0.1 -0.1 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 D 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 Figure: The predictions for D and DFB of the models under consideration, being consistent with the σt t̄ and AFB measurements at the 1-σ level. We assume only one resonance exists or dominates. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 35 / 38 Summary We performed a model independent study of t t̄ productions at the Tevatron using dimension-6 q q̄t t̄ contact interactions with all the possible Dirac and color structures. Our results encode the necessary conditions for the underlying new physics in a compact and an effective way when those new particles are too heavy to be produced at the Tevatron. Proposed a new FB spin-spin correlation CFB ∝ AFB Suggested to measure PL and PL to probe the chiral structure of new physics in q q̄ → t t̄ We considered the s−, t− and u−channel exchanges of spin-0 and spin-1 particles whose color quantum number is either singlet, octet, triplet or sextet. Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 36 / 38 Future Study AFB vs Mt t̄ or ∆η Detailed study of resonance productions at the LHC ( Resonances in the t t̄ or t q̄ channel ) Top polarization in general (transverse, longitudinal) at the Tevatron and at the LHC In the presence of resonance, there could be nonzero PL + PL → Need more study the D1 term Those new particles might leave imprints on the low energy flavor physics such as K or B physics (mixing and CP violation), if u(d) − t transitions are employed Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 37 / 38 Thank you very much Pyungwon Ko (KIAS) AFB of top quark production 38 / 38