MUNICIPAL NOTICES INVITATION TO TENDER Each tender must be submitted in a separate, clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating the contents and tender No. Tenders must be deposited in the relevant tender box as specified by no later than the closing date and time indicated in the individual tender advertisements. The tender boxes are located at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd floor Concourse level, Civic Centre, Cape Town. The closing time of tenders will be regulated with the Telkom electronic time signal available at tel 1026. Fax tenders will not be considered. The City of Cape Town is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part. Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to the registration requirements stated in the tender documents in respect of the City of Cape Town’s Vendor Database and the Construction Industry Development Board’s Register of Contractors, as applicable. No bid will be accepted from persons in the service of the state. 1. Cancellation of tender Tender No. 33G/2015/16 – Supply And Delivery Of Security Modules For Electricity Dispensing System Original Advert Date: Original Closing Date: 7 August 2015 7 September 2015 The Supply Chain Management Bid Adjudication Committee on 23 November 2015 resolved that this tender be cancelled. The tender will be re-advertised in due course. 2. Tender No: 171C/2015/16: Provision of Professional Services to Conduct Customer Satisfaction and Service Related Research Surveys for the City of Cape Town for a Three Year Period. Closing Date: 1 February 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 129.ape Town. Tender fee: R50.00 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A non-compulsory, but highly recommended briefing session will be held on Thursday 14 January 2016 from 11:00 to 13:00 in Finance Main Boardroom 7th floor, Tower Block (two bay side/mountain side), Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. For technical enquiries contact Janet Gie, tel 021 400 2526 or via email to 3. Tender No. 184G/2015/16. Supply and Delivery of Portable Three Phase Measurement Test System. Closing Date: 22 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 132. Tender fee: R50.00 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town. For technical enquiries contact Eugene Coetzee, tel 021 506 4844, email: 4. Tender No: 186Q/2015/16: Design, Supply, Install and Commission the Fire Suppression Systems of the Gas Turbine at Athlone Power Station. Closing Date: 21 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 145 Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 3ME/SF or higher. A Compulsory briefing session will take place on the 18 December 2015 from 10:30-11:30 at the Athlone Power Station. For technical enquiries contact Mr A Mankomo, tel 021 694 1864, email (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website). 5. Tender No: 187C/2015/16: Provision of Professional Services within the Following Disciplines: Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Project Management, Health & Safety, Etc. to Provide Design Proposals Develop Technical Specifications, Tender Documentation and Project Management within Facilities Management. Closing Date: 21 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 169. Tender fee: R100.00 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). A non-compulsory briefing session will be held on THURSDAY 14 January 2016 FROM 11:00 TO 13:00 in Bellville Civic Centre, Conference Hall, no.2 Voortrekker Road, Bellville. For technical enquiries contact Satisfy Vena, tel 021 487 2728 or via email to za. (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website) 6. Tender No: 188C/2015/16: Provision of Professional Services: For Assessment Design, Implentation and Project Management of Urban Cctv Surveillance in and around the Cape Town Metropolitan Area. Closing Date: 21 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 171. Tender fee: R100.00 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town. For technical enquiries contact Chris Moller, tel 021 812 4500 or via email to (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website) 7. Tender No: 189C/2015/16: Provision of Professional Services from a University: Managing the Restoration Centre for Street People and Delivering Services to Reintegrate Street People back in Communities. Closing Date: 22 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box 173. Tender fee: R50.00 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town. A non-compulsory, but highly recommended briefing session will be held on Monday 18 January 2016 from 11:00 to 13:00 in Table Mountain Boardroom, Telkom towers, South Side 7th floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. For technical enquiries contact Cornelia Finch, tel 021 444 0711 or via email to 8. Tender No: 197Q/2015/16: Term Tender for Upgrade and Maintenance of Soft Landscaping at Community Services Facilities within the City of Cape Town. Closing Date: 29 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box: 168. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 3SH or higher. A Non – Compulsory, but strongly recommended briefing session will take place on the 18 January 2016 at 11:00 at Marico Park, Manenberg Avenue, Manenberg. For technical enquiries contact: Ms J Mosotwana, tel 0737508089, email (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website). 9. Tender No: 198Q/2015/16: Seawinds Smart Park Upgrade. Closing Date: 29 January 2016 at 10:00. Tender Box: 173. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 6CE or higher. A Non – Compulsory, but strongly recommended briefing session will take place on the 15 January 2016 at 11:00 at the Seawinds Sport Complex in St Patrick Avenue, Military Road, Seawinds. For technical enquiries please contact: Ms J Mosotwana, Tel No. 0737508089, email za (This tender document is not available on the City of Cape Town website). Tender documents are available on or may be collected from 2nd Floor Concourse, Civic Centre, Cape Town during office hours 07:30-15:00. For further information regarding collection of tender documents please contact the Tender Distribution Office on tel 021 400 2481, 021 400 5123 or 021 400 2405. Please note that the old website has been disabled and the new URL as stated above must be used in order to register to either download, view or collect tender documents. In order to collect hard copies of tender documents from the City of Cape Town, you will need to be registered on the new tenders portal prior to collecting documents, if not, the desk clerk will need the necessary information, as requested on the registration page on the tenders portal, in order to complete the registration on your company’s behalf. The City urges all its employees, clients, suppliers and members of the community to report any kind of corrupt or fraudulent transactions relating to the procurement process of the City of Cape Town. Contact the City’s anti-corruption toll-free hotline at 0800 32 31 30 or send an e-mail to LAND USE APPLICATIONS • REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS • ROAD CLOSURES • PROPERTY SALES/LEASES Rezoning and regulation departure Erf 23142, Milnerton Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17(2)(a) and 15(2)(a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager, Planning and Development Management, at 87 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, PO Box 35, Milnerton, 7435. Enquiries may be directed to Mr S Mgquba, PO Box 35, Milnerton, 7435, 87 Pienaar Road, Milnerton,, tel 021 444 0561 on weekdays from 08:00 to 14:30. Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 11 February 2016 quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: Application number: 70273880 Applicant / Owner’s details: BCD Town And Regional Planners Erf number or erven numbers: 7739 & 8057 Description and physical address: Steve Biko Drive, Gugulethu (Adjacent to the Fezeka Municipal offices) Purpose of the application: The application is for the upgrade of the Phola Park informal settlement. The upgrade will not involve the construction of any dwelling houses but merely the creation of serviced sites. The following applications are required: 1. Application for the subdivision of Erf 8057 Gugulethu into 2 portions (Remainder Erf 8057: ± 4.19ha and Portion A: ±3200m²). 2. Application for the consolidation of Erf 7739 Gugulethu and Portion A, mentioned above. 3. Application for the rezoning of the consolidated property (Erf 7739 and Portion A) from Community Zone 1 and 2 to Subdivisional Area Overlay Zone. 70250027 Andrew Pratt Town Planning / Lethabile Trading No 4 (Pty) Ltd 7 Sandown Road, Table View Nature of the application: To rezone the property from Single Residential Zone 1: Conventional Housing (SR1) to Local Business Zone 2 (LB2) in order to permit and regularise the existing medi-spa/ holistic treatment rooms, restaurant, leather shop, hair salon and an office and to permit a regulation departure to allow for 6 parking bays in lieu of 16 parking bays. Rezoning • • • 4. Application for the subdivision of the consolidated Erf 7739 into: 225 Single Residential 2: Incremental Housing (SR2) erven, 2 Open Space 2 (OS2) zoned erven, 1 Transport Zoning 2 (TR2) zoned erf. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Justin Dido, Ledger House, cnr Aden Avenue and George Street, Athlone, 7764 , Justin Dido, 021 684 4349 and 021 684 4430 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 10 February 2016. Erf 47, Rivergate Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at 87 Pienaar Road, Milnerton. Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: Purpose of the application: Enquiries: Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Ledger House, cnr Aden Avenue and George Street, Athlone, 7764 70270066 MLH Architects & Planners Malibongwe Boulevard, Rivergate Rezoning of subject property from Utility Zone to Mixed Use Zone 2 Enquiries may be directed to Alicia Visagie, Municipal Building, 87 Pienaar Road, Milnerton, 7441, e-mail address, tel 021 444 0564 week days during 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the District Manager at Municipal Offices, 87 Pienaar Street, Milnerton, PO Box 35, Milnerton, 7435 or by using the following email address: to be received before or on 11 February 2016 Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. HELDERBERG DISTRICT Rezoning & consent Erf 1845, 40 Neethling Street, Strand Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130. Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70262649 Huis Van Niekerk - Benadehof ACVV Dienstak 40 Neethling Street, Strand Purpose of the application: (a) The rezoning of the property from Single Residential Zone I to General Residential Zone 2; (b) The consent use to permit an Institution (Place of Care). Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to, Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130, tel 021 850 4478 and fax 021 850 4478 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 11 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Rezoning, subdivision & approval of the site development plan Erf 14794, 5 Derrick Drive, Heritage Park, Somerset West Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130. Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: 70263472 AHG Town Planning (Leon Jubilius) / Pentabod Prop Pty Ltd Purpose of the application: (a) The rezoning of Erf 14794, Somerset West from Agricultural to General Business Zone 1; (b) The subdivision of the property into Portion 1 (approximately 2 736 m²) and a Remainder (approximately 7 264 m²); (c) The approval of the Site Development Plan for an office development. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to, Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130, Tel 021 850 4478 and Fax 021 850 4487 on weekdays from 08:00 to 14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 11 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Subdivision, consent use & departure Erf 2047, 30 Watt Street, Gordon’s Bay Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81(1) of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130 Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to, Somerset West Administrative Building, Cnr Andries Pretorius and Victoria Streets, Somerset West, 7130, 021 850 4478 and 021 850 4478 week days during 08:00-14:30. Closing date for comments or objections: Any comment or objection, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District manager or by using the following email address: on or before 11 February 2016 Further details to accompany any comment or objection • Effect the application will have on a person or the area; • any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy; • the application number and the objector’s full name, interest in the application, address and method and contact details for notification purposes. General: Any comment / objection received after abovementioned closing date or which does not contain the required details may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come during office hours to the abovementioned district office, where the office will assist in transcribing any comment or objection and reasons. Application number: Applicant / Owner details: 70269627 Sydney Holden Town Planners & Property Consultants / Bredbury Investments CC Purpose of the application (a) The subdivision of Erf 2047, Gordon’s Bay into Portion 1 and a Remainder; (b) The consent use for a second dwelling unit on the proposed Portion 1 and on the Remainder Erf 2047, Gordon’s Bay; (c) The departure to permit the relaxation of the 3,5 m street building line to 1,385 m to accommodate the existing retaining wall structure; (d) The departure to exceed the 4 m height restriction for structures permitted within the 3 m common building line to 6,23 m to accommodate the existing main dwelling and second dwelling unit. KHAYELITSHA / MITCHELLS PLAIN DISTRICT Rezoning, subdivision & permanent departures Portion 86 of Cape Farm 787, 38 Tambotie Road, Weltevreden Valley Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Stocks and Stocks Complex, Ntlazane Road Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha Application number: 70271710 Applicant / Owner’s details: Riyard Abrahams Description and physical address: 38 Tambotie Road, Weltevreden Valley Purpose of the application: Application for Rezoning of Cape Farm 787 Portion 86 Weltevreden Valley in terms of Section 42 (a) of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 from Agriculture to Sub-divisional Area to permit Residential and Transport uses. - Application for Subdivision of Cape Farm 787 Portion 86 Weltevreden Valley in terms of Section 42 (d) of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 to permit 18 Single Residential erven and remainder Transport use (public road), as per Drawing No: 2042-00-01. - Application for Permanent Departures in terms of Section 42 (b) of the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015: • To permit 1.0m in lieu of 3.5m from the street boundary for all single residential erven; and • To permit 1.0m in lieu of 1.5m for windows and doors from all common boundaries. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Nabeel Bassadien, Stocks and Stocks Complex, Ntlazane Road Ilitha Park, Khayelitsha, , 021 360 1101 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or by using the following e-mail address:, to be received before or on 11 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to om/03/16634416 BLAAUWBERG DISTRICT LAND USE APPLICATIONS • REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS • ROAD CLOSURES • PROPERTY SALES/LEASES the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefore. Erf 22306, Khayelitsha to New Rose INV 2 (Pty) Ltd Public Comments, Objections and alternative Proposals required Notice is hereby given that the City of Cape Town is considering, in terms of Sections 4 and 6 of the By-Law relating to the Management and Administration of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property (Council By-Law LA 12783; promulgated 28/12/2003), the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R878/2008 and Section 12.5 of the City’s Policy on the Management of Certain of the City’s Immovable Property (approved on 26 August 2010), the sale of the abovementioned vacant municipal land bound by Govan Mbeki Road (south) and Eveline De Bruin Crescent (north), Khayelitsha, approximately 844m² in extent, zoned Transport 2, to New Rose INV 2 (Pty) Ltd for the total purchase price of R450 000-00 (exclusive of VAT), escalating at 6% per annum commencing 6 months from the date of valuation, to consolidate with their two adjoining properties for the development and operation of a shopping centre. For further details in respect of the transaction contact Thulani Madikane, tel 021 400 3251, in the Property Management Department, 13th Floor, Tower Block, Civic Centre, Cape Town, between 09:00-15:00 during weekdays. Any comments/objections (including reasons for objections) or alternative proposals to the proposed sale must be submitted in writing, to the City Manager, City of Cape Town, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town (marked for attention of Mr Thulani Madikane), on or before 15 January 2016. Any alternative proposals must include the following: Intended use of the municipal property mentioned above; Development concept for the site; Price offer; Expertise and track record in business activities; Supply Chain Management compliance documentation [including but not limited to Tax Clearance Certificate, Company registration/ID documents, Power of Attorney and Joint Venture agreements (if applicable)]. The City reserves the right to request additional information in this regard. Please note that the property is zoned Transport 2. NORTHERN DISTRICT Disposal Portion Erf 13600 Lwandle Strand Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of the Policy on the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2010, considering an application for the sale of a portion of Erf 13600 Strand to the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, or it’s successors-in-title, in extent approximately 613 m², at a purchase price of R16 500, excluding VAT and costs subject to: (a) The purchase price is to be adjusted by 5% per annum compounded annually on a pro-rata basis, commencing 6 months after date of valuation (i.e. 5% ÷ 12 months x number of months after the 6 month period). Accordingly the recommended purchase price is to be adjusted as from 1 February 2016. (b) This valuation is to be reviewed if not implemented within 18 months from date of valuation (i.e. 1 February 2017). For further details of the transaction please contact Janine Cornelius, tel 021 900 1841, Property Holding, 94 Van Riebeeck Road, and Kuils River 7580 between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Eastern Region, Private Bag X16, Kuils River 7579, fax 021 900 1692 or email on or before 12 January 2016. TABLE BAY DISTRICT Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 15 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least » - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; » - b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefore. Amendment of title deed restrictions and parking departure Erf 2765, Buitenkant Street Vredehoekg Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 48(3) and 79 of the Municipal Planning ByLaw that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town. Enquiries may be directed to Ms J. Leslie, Planning & Building Development Management, PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town,tel 021 400 6450 or fax 021 419 4694, week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager: Table Bay District at 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, and may be directed to Ms J. Leslie, Planning & Building Development Management, PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, or email your comments/objections to, tel 021 400 6450 or fax 021 419 4694 on or before10 February 2016, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Applicant: Case Id: Address: Tommy Brummer Town Planner 70268847 Buitenkant Street, Vredehoek Nature of application: 1. Amendment of restrictive title deed conditions to permit Shops and Restaurants. 2. Departure from Item 137 of the Development Management Scheme to permit 2 parking bays/100m² GLA for the proposed Restaurants (fast food take-away outlets). If your objection is not submitted at the above address or fax on or before the closing date it may be disregarded. If you are not in position to provide a written objection or presentation you may by appointment, during office hours request a staff member to assist you with the transcription of your objection or presentation. Any enquiries in the above regard should be directed to Ms J. Leslie, tel 021 400 6450. Sale Portions of Vacant Erf 8429, Fabriek Road, Leiden, Delft, Cape Town to Mr Lewis Kleinbooi and Call for Alternative Proposals. Removal of restrictions Erf 115, 284 Kloof Road, Clifton (second placement) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act No 84 of 1967, Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985, and Section 2.2.1 of the City of cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager: Planning & Building Development Management, 2nd Floor, Media City Building, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town week days from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30. Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be directed to Mr U.M Tiras, tel 021 483 4589 and also fax said Directorates fax number is 021 483 3098. Enquiries may also directed to Tinus Neyelele Planning & Building Development Management, PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City Building, corner Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town, 021 400 6455 or fax 021 419 4694, week days during 08:00-14:30. Applicant: City’s Approval from Item 42 read with Item 53(g) to permit the erection of a second dwelling on the property. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Mr E Kajabo, tel 021 400-6457, fax 021 419-4694, (P O Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000) on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Proposed sale 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Notice is hereby given that the City of Cape Town is considering, in terms of the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R878/2008 and Section 12.5 of the City’s Policy on the Management of Certain of the City’s Immovable Property (approved on 26August 2010), the sale of the belowmentioned vacant industrial municipal land in Fabriek Road, Leiden, Delft, in total extent approximately 1120 m², to Lewis Kleinbooi, for market related purchase price, escalating at 6% per annum from date of Council approval of the sale. For further details of the transaction contact Tania Lewis, Property Management Department, 13th Floor, Tower Block, Civic Centre, Cape Town, between of 08:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 16:30 on weekdays. Any comments or objections to (including reasons for objections) or alternative proposals to the proposed disposal must be submitted in writing, to the City Manager, City of Cape Town, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town (marked for attention of Mrs Tania Lewis), on or before 29 January 2016. TYGERBERG DISTRICT Amendment, suspension or deletion of a restrictive condition Messrs Andrew Pratt Nature of application: Amendment of restrictive title conditions pertaining to Remainder Erf 115, 284 Kloof Road, Clifton, to enable the owners of Unit No. 2 in the Sectional Title Scheme known as 284 Kloof Road to erect a garage and elevated planter on the property. The street building line and built upon restriction will be encroached. Departure and Council’s Consent applied for: Departure • Section 5.1.2(f)(iii): To permit the proposed garage to be setback 0.0m in lieu of 5.0m from Kloof Road (Street boundary). Consent • Section 6.1(b): To permit the proposed garage on the lower side of the Victoria Road to project above the abutting footway of a scenic drive. Amendment, suspension or deletion of a restrictive condition Erf 357, Goodwood, 48 Tulbagh Street, Monte Vista Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70269918 Jerome Samuels / Renee Joyce Samuels 48 Tulbagh Street, Monte Vista Purpose of the application: Removal of restrictive title conditions in respect of coverage and building lines (clause B (c) & (d) of the title deed No T 27156/2004), Applicable to Erf 357, Goodwood, to enable the owner to construct a covered stoep. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Bisrat Kiros Abay, Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 , 021 444 7512 and 021 938 8509 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. and the reasons therefor. Permanent departures and amendment, suspension or deletion of a restrictive condition Erf 148, Goodwood, 17 Mostert Street, Monte Vista Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70274238 Barry and Tamara Baker 17 Mostert Street, Monte Vista Purpose of the application: • Proposed removal of restrictive title conditions (clause B (c) & (d) of the title deed No T84041/2004) in respect of coverage and building lines, to enable the owner to construct a garage and braai canopy. • Proposed regulation departures to permit the relaxation of 5,0m street and 3,0m common boundary building lines to 2,0m and 1,57m to permit a garage and braai canopy respectively. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Bisrat Kiros Abay, Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 , 021 444 7512 and 021 938 8509 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 10 February 2016 Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Permanent departure and amendment, suspension or deletion of a restrictive condition Erf 9419, Bellville, 31 - 10th Avenue Boston, Bellville Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70271979 Elsa Pretorius / Elsa & Gert Pretorius 31 – 10th Avenue, Boston, Bellville Purpose of the application: • Proposed removal of a restrictive title condition (clause B 2 of the title deed No T 11193/1953) to enable the owner to construct a carport with garage door 0m from the street boundary, in lieu of 1,57m. • Proposed regulation departures to permit a second carriage way crossing and relaxation of the 1,5m street building line to 0,0m to permit a carport with garage door. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Bisrat Kiros Abay, Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 , 021 444 7512 and 021 938 8509 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 10 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Proposed subdivision, consolidation, rezoning, regulation departures and amendment of conditions of approval Erven 204, 205, 206, 207 and 208, 9 Cinnebar Street, Burgundy Estate Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70271820 Rabie Property Group Ltd 9 Cinnebar Street, Burgundy Estate Erf 1169 Camps Bay, 96 Camps Bay Drive Application number: Applicant: 70255587 Andrew Pratt Town Planning Purpose of the application: Removal of title deed conditions (Conditions 1 (b), 1 (c), 1 (d), 1(d) and 1(f) applicable to Erf 1169 Camps Bay to enable to allow block of flats on the property. The restrictions refer to a “built upon” area, setback departures and one dwelling on-site that is allowed on the property concerned on Erf 1169 Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Asanda Noluthando Solombela, Media City Building, 2nd Floor, cnr Adderley Street and Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town, 8001,, 021 400 6609 and 021 419 4694 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 15 February 2015. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 10 February 2016 Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Removal of title deed conditions Erf 10581, Bellville, 3 Sea View Close Vredelust, Bellville Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Application number: Applicant / Owner’s details: Description and physical address: 70262778 S Hyman Myburgh Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 Purpose of the application: The application entails the removal of the following restrictive title deed conditions to permit a carport and dwelling extensions: • D(2): relaxation of the street building line • D(3): to allow coverage of more than 50% • E(iii): to allow a carport • G(A)(c): relaxation of the street, lateral and rear building lines • H(1): to allow a carport. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Suna Van Gend, Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 , tel 021 444 7509 and fax 021 938 8509 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 11 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. ement Scheme: General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection Purpose of the application: • The subdivision of Erf 204, Burgundy Estate into 2 portions (Portion 1 and Remainder). • The consolidation of Portion 1 of Erf 204, Burgundy Estate with Erven 205, 206, 207 and 208, Burgundy Estate. • The rezoning of the properties to be consolidated from General Residential 1 (group housing) Zone to General Residential 2 Zone to allow for the development of 192 flat units. • Regulation departures to permit a relaxation of the street building line from 4,5m to 2m and side building lines from 4,5m to 4,0m and 3,899m respectively as well as relaxation of on-site parking provision from a ratio of 2 bays per unit to a ratio of 1,95 bays per unit. • Amendment of conditions of the approval for the subdivision of phase C of Burgundy Estate to allow for the development of 192 flat units on the consolidated property. Enquiries: Enquiries may be directed to Tess Kotze, Parow Administrative Building, cnr Voortrekker Road and Tallent Street, Parow, 7500 ,, tel 021 444 7506 and fax 021 938 8509 on weekdays from 08:00-14:30. Closing date for an objection, comment or representation: Any objection, comment or representation, with reasons therefor, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager (or by using the following e-mail address: to be received before or on 10 February 2016. Further details to accompany any objection, comment or representation: 1) The application number and the following details of the person who is submitting the objection, comment or representation: full name, interest in the application, address, contact details and the method by which they may be notified. 2) The reason for the objection, comment or representation, including at least - a) the effect that the application will have on a person or the area; b) any aspect of the application that is considered to be inconsistent with policy, and how. General: No late comment or objection will be considered unless the City Manager has agreed in writing. An objection, comment or representation which does not meet the requirements above may be disregarded. Any person who cannot write may come to the district office mentioned above during office hours where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or objection and the reasons therefor. Invitation to tender - property to purchase Tender No: 181P/2015/16: Tender for the Purchase of a Portion of Erf 999 (Royal Alfred Hall), Zoned Limited Use Zone (Lu), Situated at Alfred Lane, Simon’s Town. In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy, and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of a portion of Erf 999 (Royal Alfred Hall) in extent approximately ±522m², Zoned Limited Use Zone (LU), Situated at Alfred Lane, Simons Town. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. A Non-Refundable Fee of R50,00 (Vat Inclusive) shall be payable for each document. Crossed Cheques must be payable to the City of Cape Town. It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: http:// A Non-Compulsory, but strongly recommended Site meeting will be held on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 11:00 at the Royal Alfred Hall, Alfred Lane, Simon’s Town. Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document before or on 1 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description, which must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 232. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from Jason Toay, tel 021 400 4981 or, Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours (09:00-16:00). Tender No: 189P/2015/16 Tender for the Purchase of Erven 12614, 12970, 19334 and 31716, Zoned Community Zone 1: Local (CO1), situated at Rossini, Mozart, Jan Dissels and Owen Madikane om/03/16634418 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 81 of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 that the application mentioned below has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District manager at Media City Building, 2nd Floor, cnr Adderley Street and Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town, 8001. LAND USE APPLICATIONS • REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS • ROAD CLOSURES • PROPERTY SALES/LEASES In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy, and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of Erven 12614 (in extent approximately 554m²), 12970 (in extent approximately 1 090m²), 19334 (in extent approximately 1007m²) and 31716 (in extent approximately 877m²), Zoned Community Zone 1: Local (CO1), situated at Rossini, Mozart, Jan Dissels and Owen Madikane Streets, Delft. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: TenderPortal/. Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document before or on 4 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description, which must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 121. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from, Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours (09:00-16:00). Tender No: 190P/2015/16 Tender for the Purchase of Erf 86 (Unregistered Portion of Erf 2497), Zoned Community Zone (CO 1), situated on Artemis Road, Woodlands, Mitchells Plain In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy, and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of Erf 86, (in extent approximately 2 030m²) (Unregistered Portion of Erf 2497), Zoned Community Zone (CO 1), situated on Artemis Road, Woodlands, Mitchells Plain. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document before or on 4 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description, which must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 138. No late tender submissions TenderPortal/. Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document on or before 9 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description and must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 143. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from Marsha Heldsinger on 021 400 3903 or, at Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard on weekdays between 08:30-16:30. Tender No: 193P/2015/16: Tender for the Purchase of Vacant Erf 61678, Zoned General Industry Subzone 2, situated in Castor Road, Nerissa Industrial Township, Lansdowne In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of Vacant Erf 61678, in extent 3703m², Zoned General Industry Subzone 2, situated in Castor Road, Nerissa Industrial Township, Lansdowne. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document on or before 9 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description and must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 146. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from Marsha Heldsinger on 021 400 3903 or marsha.heldsinger@capetown., at Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard on weekdays between 08:30-16:30. 13th Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard on weekdays between 08:30-16:30. Tender No: 196P/2015/16: Tender for the Purchase of Vacant Erf 148968 and a Portion of Erf 148969 (Unregistered Portions of Remainder Erf 100671), situated at Heideveld and Ascension Roads, Heideveld, Zoned General Business 1 (Gb1) In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of Vacant Erf 148968 in extent approximately ±1136m² and a Portion of Erf 148969 in extent approximately ±315m² (Unregistered Portions of remainder Erf 100671), situated at Heideveld and Ascension Roads, Heideveld, Zoned General Business 1 (GB1). The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document on or before 5 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description and must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 166. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from Jason Toay on 021 400 4981 or, at Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard on weekdays between 08:30-16:30. Tender No: 194P/2015/16 Tender for the Purchase of Vacant Erven 2486 to 2492 (Unregistered Erven of Erf 2399, Scottsdene), Zoned General Residential Subzone 1: Group Housing (GR1), situated at Alicia Crescent and Juanita Road, Scottsdene In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy, and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of Vacant Erven 2486 to 2492 (in extent approximately 2 561m²) (Unregistered Erven of Erf 2399, Scottsdene), Zoned General Residential Subzone 1: Group Housing (GR1), situated at Alicia Crescent and Juanita Road, Scottsdene. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document before or on 5 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description, which must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 159. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from, Property Management, 13th Floor, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town during office hours (09:00-16:00). Tender No: 195P/2015/16: Tender for the Purchase of Vacant Erven 11119, 11124 and 11174, Zoned Single Residential Zone 1 (Sr1), situated at Green and Gourmand Streets, Scottsville, Kraaifontein In terms of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, the Municipal Asset Transfer Regulations R.878/2008, the City of Cape Town’s Supply Chain Management Policy and the Management of Certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property Policy, tenders are hereby invited for the Purchase of vacant Erven 11119 (in extent approximately ±146m²), 11124 (in extent approximately ±146m²) and 11174 (in extent approximately ±269m²) , Zoned Single Residential Zone 1 (SR1), situated at Green and Gourmand Streets, Scottsville, Kraaifontein. The official tender document with full details can be obtained during office hours (07:30-15:00) from the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard Cape Town. Tender fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape Town). It can also be downloaded from the City’s website: Only tenders that are submitted on the prescribed tender document on or before 5 February 2016 by 10:00 will be considered. No tenders via post, facsimile or telegram will be accepted. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the tender number and description and must be placed in the prescribed tender box number 163. No late tender submissions will be accepted. Further information pertaining to the tender is obtainable from Jason Toay on 021 400 4981 or, at Property Management, ACHMAT EBRAHIM CITY MANAGER 11 December 2015 om/03/16634423 Streets, Delft