Applicant: Michael
Application no: LM9142
Address: 1 Chepstow Road
Nature of application:
Removal of restrictive title conditions pertaining to Erf 274, 1 Chepstow Road, Green Point, to enable the owners to construct a garage and swimming pool on the property. Street building line and built upon restrictions will be encroached.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act 67 of 1984, Section 24 and 15 of the Land Use
Planning Ordinance 15 that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the offi ce of the
District Manager: Table Bay District at 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town. The application is also open to inspection at the offi ce of the Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs
& Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape at the Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town week days from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30. Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at Hylton Nowitz 021 483 3677 and fax
021 483 3098. Enquiries may also be directed to Joy San Giorgio, Planning & Building Development Management, PO Box
4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, tel 021 400 6453 or fax
021 419 4694, week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons, may be lodged in writing at the offi ce of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000 with a copy thereof submitted to the District Manager: Table Bay District at 2nd Floor,
Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht Cape Town, and may be directed to Joy San Giorgio, Planning & Building
Development Management, PO Box 4529 Cape Town 8000 or 2nd Floor, Media City cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht
Cape Town, or email your comments/objections to, tel 021 400 6453 or fax
021 419 4694 on or before 8 September 2014, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Willem
Application number: 70073772
Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3) (a) of Council By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on
28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by
Council on 26 August 2010, considering the lease of portion of City Land, Cape Town, corner of Long and Shortmarket Streets,
Cape Town to Shap Properties (Pty) Ltd, and their successors-in-title.
Details are as follows:-
Applicant’s Erf No:
Extent of lease area:
Lease term:
Shap Properties (Pty) Ltd.
Erf 2267 Cape Town.
Market rental of R 550, 00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a.
5 years plus an option to renew for 5 years
Balcony at 1st fl oor level.
For further details of the transaction contact Lee Dickinson, tel 021 400 6553, Property Holding, 3rd fl oor, Media City Building,
Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Cape Town Region, PO Box 4557, Cape Town
8000, fax 021 425 3605 or email on or before 8 September 2014
Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3) (a) of Council By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on
28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by
Council on 26 August 2010, considering the lease renewal of portion of Public Street, at the intersection of Beach Road and Church
Street, Woodstock to BID Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd T/A Waltons (Pty) Ltd, and their successors-in-title.
Details are as follows:-
Applicant’s Erf No:
Extent of lease area:
BID Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd T/A Waltons (Pty) Ltd.
Erf 10250 Cape Town.
Lease term:
Market rental of R 6 750, 00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a.
5 years plus an option to renew for 5 years
Purpose: Parking.
For further details of the transaction contact Lee Dickinson, tel 021 400 6553, Property Holding, 3rd fl oor, Media City Building,
Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Cape Town Region, PO Box 4557, Cape Town
8000, fax 021 425 3605 or email on or before 8 September 2014.
For further details of the transaction contact Lee Dickinson, tel 021 400 6553, Property Holding, 3rd fl oor, Media City Building,
Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8001 between 08:00-16:30 on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together with reasons therefore, to the Regional Head: Property Holding, Cape Town Region, PO Box 4557, Cape Town
8000, fax 021 425 3605 or email on or before 8 September 2014.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 15 and 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance (No 15 of 1985) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the offi ce of the District Manager at 3rd fl oor,
Municipal Offi ce, Voortrekker Road, Parow. Enquiries may be directed to Tess Kotze, Private Bag X4, Parow, 7499 or 3rd Floor,
Municipal Offi ce, Voortrekker Road, Parow, email, tel 021 444 7506 and fax 021 938 8509 week days during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the offi ce of the abovementioned
District Manager or by using the following email on or before 8 September
2014, quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: Mowzer
Application number:
38 Market Street, Parowvallei, Parow
Nature of application:
• Application for rezoning of the subject property from Single Residential 1 to Local Business 1 purposes to permit the use of the property for offi ce purposes.
• Application for regulation departures to permit a relaxation of the street building line from 3,5m to 0,23m and 1,697m for a gate house and use of existing residence for offi ces as well as relaxation of the common boundary building line from 3,0m to
0,0m, 1,13m and 0,9m for a toilet and the conversion of the existing buildings to offi ce and related purposes.
The City of Cape Town (the City) intends to raise an unsecured external loan up to a maximum of R1,5 billion towards the end of this year to fi nance its approved capital programme for 2014/15.
At this stage the City wishes to approach fi nancial markets in issuing a ‘request for information’ to ascertain what is on offer at the best interest rate and tenure.
Interested parties are invited to submit long-term borrowing proposals based on the following requirements:
Amount of debt
Term of debt
Payment of interest and redemption
Loan method
Interest rate
Debt security
Up to R1,5 billion
15 to 20 years
Quarterly, semi-annually or annually
Straight-line method
The debt is unsecured
Notice is hereby given that the Council is, in terms of Section 4(3) (a) of Council By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on
28 February 2003 and the Policy on the Management of certain of the City of Cape Town’s Immovable Property, approved by Council on 26 August 2010, considering the lease renewal and extension of leased area of portions of City land, between
Bloemhof and Kent Streets and Drury Lane, Cape Town to Fruit and Veg City Holdings (Pty) Ltd, and their successors-in-title.
Details are as follows:-
Applicant’s Erf No:
Extent of lease area:
Lease term:
Fruit and Veg City Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Not applicable
2 051 m² and 1 525 m²
Market rental of R 66 500, 00 p/m excl. VAT escalating at 8% p/a.
5 years plus an option to renew for 5 years
Operating a fruit and veg and allied line store and parking.
Please provide an indicative interest rate as at 18 August 2014 together with the formula on which this rate has been determined.
All costs relating to the loan proposal is to be set out clearly in any submission made.
Direct any enquiries relating to this matter to Stewart Bester on 021 400 5982 or Lynn Fortune on 021 400 5987. E-mail your submission to and
The closing date for submissions is Friday, 5 September 2014.
8 August 2014