Upper Grand District School Board Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Minutes

Upper Grand District School Board
Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 in the Board Room at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph,
starting at 7:00 p.m. All Trustees were present with the exception of Trustees Borden
and Busuttil. Student Trustee Brown was also in attendance.
Opening Prayer
In recognition of the positive attitudes, strong determination, and ambitions displayed by
the Olympians in the recent Winter Olympics Trustee Moziar quoted “Attitude” by
Charles Swindoll.
Trustee Bailey, Chair, reported that condolences were sent on behalf of the Board to the
following: Mary Mackenzie-Mason, Administrative Officer- Pay Equity/Collective
Bargaining, on the loss of her Daughter; Alison Brown, Kindergarten teacher at Island
Lake PS, on the loss of her Father; Nancy Anselmini-Lofton, teacher at Edward
Johnson PS, on the loss of her Father; the family of Muriel Armstrong, retired
Receptionist at Centre Dufferin DHS; the family of Sheyanne O’Donnell, Grade 7
Student at Arthur PS; Tracey Marshall-Germanese, President of the OSSTF
EA/SPA/ECE Bargaining Unit, on the loss of her Father; and Susan Boon, EA at ODSS,
on the loss of her Mother.
Good News
Dr. Rogers highlighted the Good News as follows:
Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award
(Guelph Tribune, Tuesday January 28, 2014)
Sarah, a College Heights student who has devoted herself to a youth initiative of the
Canadian Mental Health Association was one of 12 winners of this year’s Ontario Junior
Citizen of the Year Award. Sarah is one of the founding youth involved in the local
CMHA branch’s GLOWW program – short for Giving Light Offers Worth and Wellness.
“As a result, she has brought an increase to mental health awareness for young
people,” says her citation for the award. “Sarah has struggled with her own mental
health, but has overcome this obstacle to speak in front of large audiences about her
experience,” the citation says. She helped design and promote a bracelet campaign in
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
high schools across the district to spread awareness of mental health.
Neil Orford, Centre Dufferin DHS.
This Thursday February 26, Neil Orford will be the Special Guest Speaker at Juno
Beach Centre Association for an exclusive screening of their new file “They Walk With
You”. The screening will be held at the MacDonald Stewart Art Centre in Guelph. Neil
received the Governor General History Award for the CDDHS/DCMA Battlefields
Partnership Project.
Upper Grand DSB Students receive full French Immersion Experience
(Christina Schilling)
Twenty-one students from the Board participated in a four-day trip to St. Donat,
Quebec, February 9-12, 2014. This is the fourth annual trip to St. Donat. Students from
Centre Wellington DHS, Erin DHS, Orangeville DSS and Wellington Heights SS
participated. All the students came together in St. Donat to immerse themselves in the
language, culture and outdoor winter activities. Students took part in activities such as a
music and drumming workshop, learning traditional Quebecois legends, ecology,
snowshoeing at night, cross country skiing, and a talent show. Students gained
confidence in using their French in a real-life experience, interacting with the locals, the
staff and their peers. The teachers are very proud of the students who made such
efforts to learn so many new skills.
Centre Dufferin DHS
(Orangeville Banner)
For the first time in the school’s history, a robotics club has formed and entered the First
Robotics Canada Waterloo Region Competition. The event is a series of short sportlike games played by remote control robots. A robot is designed and built within six
weeks from a set of basic parts provided to each team. The club has partnered with
KTH in Shelburne to act as part providers and engineering mentors. Waterloo University
will host 23 teams who will be competing for a berth at the world championship in St.
Louis, Missouri. “The whole idea is to combine math, science, technology and
engineering in an application students have never done before.” Mike DeLaat teacher
said. The competition starts on March 20. Good Luck Centre Dufferin DHS!
Confirmation of the Agenda
Trustee Cooper moved, seconded by Trustee Fairbairn, that the agenda be
confirmed with the removal of item # 9, delegation.
The motion carried.
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest.
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held January 28, 2014
Trustee Topping moved, seconded by Trustee Waterston, that the minutes of the
meeting held January 28, 2014, and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole
meeting held immediately prior to the Board meeting, be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
Ratification of Business Transacted by the Committee of the Whole In Camera
Trustee Moziar moved, seconded by Trustee Gohn, that the business transacted
by the Committee of the Whole In Camera be now ratified by the Board.
The motion carried.
Motion to Rise and Sit in Committee of the Whole
Trustee Schieck moved, seconded by Trustee Topping, that the Board rise and
sit in Committee of the Whole with the Chairperson presiding.
The motion carried.
Program Committee
Trustee Topping moved that the minutes of the Program Committee held
February 4, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Trustee Moziar requested that item # 3 as listed on the agenda “that the Board receive
an annual report on student achievement on the DELF exam in the annual plan”, be
considered separately.
Trustee Topping moved that:
The verbal report from Student Trustees be received.
The French as a Second Language (FSL) Three – Year Plan, dated
December 13, 2013 be received.
The verbal progress report of the International Baccalaureate Program be
The report “Information Technology 2014-17 Strategic Plan” be received.
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
The verbal OPSBA report be received
The motion carried.
Staff responded to Trustee Moziar’s questions regarding what students were entitled to
write the DELF exam and the communication plan for the program.
Trustee Topping moved that the Board receive an annual report on student
achievement on the DELF exam in the annual plan
The motion carried.
Business Operations Committee
Trustee Cooper moved that the minutes of the Business Operations Committee
held February 11, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Trustee Cooper moved that:
The staged environmental sustainability action plan 2014-2019 be
An aligned priority regarding environmental stewardship and
sustainability be established within the UGDSB's overall strategic
The creation of an Environmental Sustainability Coordinator
position for a three-year renewable term, be approved in principle,
subject to budget prioritization.
The UGDSB use the approved environmental sustainability vision,
where possible, as one of the lenses for Board decisions and ongoing review of Board policies.
The Environmental Education and Management Committee
continue in the role to monitor, guide and amend the Board action
plan as required.
The Environmental Education and Management Committee submit
an annual report of progress to the UGDSB.
The environmental sustainability action plan 2014-2019 be updated
and revised as necessary.
The report entitled "Interim Report of the Board Strategic Planning
Committee” dated February 6, 2014 be received.
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
The materials presented as the draft strategic directions be
approved for consultation in the school and the broader community.
The verbal report on Health and Safety be received, with thanks.
The report “Resignations and Retirements” dated January 14, 2014 be
The Board direct the Learning Choices Committee to develop and
communicate the process for the establishment of alternative regional
learning choices programs.
The motion carried.
Special Education Advisory Committee
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the minutes of the Special Education Advisory
Committee held February 12, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Policy Management Committee
Trustee Gohn moved that the minutes of the Policy Management Committee held
February 4, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Trustee Gohn moved that:
The Section 23 Education Programs (Care and/or Treatment, Custodial
and Correctional Facilities) Protocol be received.
Policy 203 Video Surveillance be approved as amended.
Policy 318 Acceptable Use of Digital Technology be approved as
Policy 406 Health and Safety be approved.
The Policy Schedule be received.
The motion carried.
Long Term Financing
Superintendent Wright advised that the Long Term Financing Report is a standard
update on the Ministry of Education and the Ontario Financing Authority joint effort to
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
provide long term financing for Good Places to Learn, Prohibitive to Repair and Primary
Class Size capital projects, as well as completion of the former New Pupil Places
Funding Model.
Trustee Waterston moved that:
The report Long Term Financing, (Finance # 2014-02), dated February 25,
2014 be received.
By-law number 2014-1, attached as Appendix A, authorizing the Board to
enter into the Loan Agreement be approved.
The motion carried.
Staff Report on Victory PS Enrolment
Manager of Planning Passy provided an update of Scenario 1 King George PS JK-8 FI
boundary review, and provisional accommodation at Victory PS for grade 4 FI.
Trustee Fairbairn moved that memo PLN: 14-03 “King George PS JK-8 FI
Boundary Review – Victory PS Grade 4 FI Provisional Accommodation”
confirming that Grade 4 FI students can be accommodated at Victory PS during
the 2014/15 school year be received for information.
The motion carried.
Resignations and Retirements
Executive Officer of Human Resources presented the Resignations and Retirements
report dated February 25, 2014. She noted that the report includes a retirement of a
Principal. Trustee Moziar expressed her thanks to our long serving staff.
Trustee Moziar moved that the report Resignations and Retirements, Appendix A
and Appendix B dated February 25, 2014 be received.
The motion carried.
Board Correspondence
Trustee Bailey advised that correspondence was received from Minister Sandals
thanking the Board for sharing concerns and recommendations regarding special
education funding.
Trustee Cooper moved that the Board Correspondence dated February 25, 2014,
be received.
The motion carried.
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
Trustee Questions and Reports
Trustee Fairbairn advised of the upcoming 2014 Summit on Mental Health, scheduled
for April 3rd and 4th, 2014, and requested permission to attend. In response, Trustee
Bailey invited all interested Trustees to attend, and advised that there are funds to
support Trustee attendance at this summit.
Trustee Gohn moved that funds be allocated so that Trustees Fairbairn, Topping
and Moziar, and any other Trustees who would like to attend the 2014 Summit on
Mental Health be able to do so.
The motion carried.
Dates of Future Meetings
Trustee Fairbairn moved that the March 2014 schedule for Board and Standing
Committee Meetings be approved as follows:
Program Committee
Business Operations
Board Meeting
March 4, 2014
March 18, 2014
March 25, 2014
The motion carried.
Director Rogers added the following to the Dates of Future Meetings:
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014
Lee St. Naming committee, 4:00 p.m. room 3
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
PMC cancelled
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Property committee meeting, 5:00 p.m., room 8
Monday, March 17, 2014
Elementary Vice-Principal Eligibility List
11:00 am in room 3
Monday March 17, 2014
Dufferin Parent Council 7:00 pm at Parkinson ES
Tuesday March 18, 2014
Elementary Principal short listing, eligibility list
9:00 a.m. room 3
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Accessibility committee 1:30 p.m., room 9
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Digital Open House
9:00 am – noon at King George PS
Monday March 24, 2014
Learning Foundation 5:30 pm room 3
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Finance Update Workshop, 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Board Meeting, February 25, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Workshop on Energy Plan Requirements
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 pm.
Trustee Fairbairn that the Dates of Future Meetings dated February 25, 2014 be
received, with the above noted additions.
The motion carried.
Motion to Rise and Report to the Board
Trustee Cooper moved that the Committee of the Whole rise and report to the
The motion carried.
Ratification of Business
Trustee Moziar moved, seconded by Trustee Topping that the business
transacted by the Committee of the Whole be now ratified by the Board.
The motion carried.
Trustee Waterston moved, seconded by Trustee Schieck that the Board adjourn
and this meeting now close at 8:45 p.m.
The motion carried.